i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,804 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 3:00:39 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

“Best shirt, huh?” why is she not surprised? The doctor laughs, shaking her head slightly, “I love that it goes with the theme,” she truly does appreciate his unique style, “I didn’t pick this out,” she sighs, motioning towards the evening gown. Nothing she would have picked would have been nice enough to wear tonight.

Eva’s wave towards Matias turns into a point as inquires about her beau, “Oh! He’s right over there!” she smiled excitedly, “He escorted tonight,” Surely it gave the star some sort of comfort knowing he was there for her if she needed anything. Virizion and Coballion would be a force to be reckoned with if Rocket got up to any funny business.

Speaking of legendaries . . . “How’s Tapu Bulu?” she asks curiously. Eva hasn’t seen the steer in a while. She shifts to the side, opening up their little circle to include the approaching and . Eva can’t help but smile, Matias looks so handsome all dressed up like this. It’s hard to tear her emerald gaze away.

Lucky her.

Dress: link
Hair: link

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 3:05:48 GMT
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Well, this was about as good as he was going to look when it wasn't a shoot or some event he had to go to involving his model status. Elliott hated ties, and to hell with the top buttons. Who needed those?

He walked into the soiree, joining a cheers at the end of Dr. Holo's speech. He made a face. What was she talking about? Eh, he didn't care. He was here to get drinks and have fun.

Both of his pokemon, Enya and Hestia, followed him, adorning cute bows that he found in a shop in Rustboro. The two girls looked excited, Enya looking at the food expectantly. So, he snatched some of the snacks and fed it to them. A little treat.

As they walked further into the crowd, a familiar face caught his eye.

"The hell?"

Elliott changed his path, making his way over to Lana and whoever this guy he was clinging to was. "Why the hell are you here?" he asked, tilting his head and giving a raised brow as he looked him over. "Didn't you just try to rob me the other day?"

- reacted to Dr. Holo's speech
- gave his pokemon some treats
- uh oh, run Lana

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 3:16:50 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He didn't see Cait entranced often, it was hard not to act on and so he did. "I know that guy from Kanto, come on."

As they approached he was approaching and . On the way over he filled in Cait on the established backstory.

"His name's Matias. I wouldn't say we 'grew up together' but we had some overlapping social circles as kids and our birthdays were consecutive days." The 13th and 14th; November 1994. "-before he got adopted."

He could remember at least one co-op sneaky underage birthday gambling binge at the Game Corner in Celadon City.

"Matias, Ramsay." Always good to the Robust again, "Pallet Town! That is a lovely dress, doc." he extended his hand in shake to both men and the good doctor. "Gentlemen, this is my fiance Cait Alfric. Cai, this is Matias Sliph and Zac Ramsay. You remember Dr. Eva Morales."

was there too, Sénon didn't know him but he greeted the man with a smile and a shake all the same. "How's it going man? Sénon Game."

● tags:
● notes: @starsoiree (Post 4)

♠︎ brb Stormy
♣︎ Steers cait to matias/virizion
♥︎ fills cait in on history with matias
♦︎ Introductions; maiwaife

Sénon's outfit

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,235 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 3:17:25 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar



starry nights[break][break]

complimenting another character![break]

She's not used to receiving compliments but the heat upon her cheeks is most certainly matched with a genuine smile.
"Thank you, Miss Princess... Hope your wishes come true tonight!"
seems to be a person just as pretty on the outside as she is within, her kindness sweet as it washes away the bitterness in her mouth. "I'll be heading out to chart the stars, enjoy your dance Remy!" With a curtsey to @remiel, Eris is led away by her faithful partner, humming softly as he guides her through the corridors and sea of strangers. She isn't quite sure what she hears amongst the many voices that clamour amidst the crowd, but she does note the strange set of hurried voices among them.
Does she really want to think too hard on it? The Litleonids disappearing and reappearing? Not really. But will she do so anyways? Absolutely.
In fact, she's so absorbed in her thoughts that it takes a full-on tug for Reiner to pull her out of someone's path, the sudden jerk forcing her to check her surroundings for once. And it's that very snippet of attention that allows her to spy familiar faces, her heart set aflutter as she totters over to them.
"You look like a fairy, Ms Eva!"
Just a brief greeting and she'll be out of their faces. It's rude to interrupt people in the middle of conversation, after all!









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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 3:31:16 GMT
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Zan.” Said while extending a free hand towards her. “And the pleasure is all mine, my lady.

Whether she had taken the hand in greeting or not, Zan's squinted gaze would shift from the skies to her.

It is. The moon and the sun go hand in hand, no? The both of them here longer than either of us yet they gaze upon us as lovingly as they have thus far. It is a gift to study either of them and a blessing to have one at such a reasonable distance from us- simply lying in wait for us to explore.

Ah, it seems Zan was falling back into old habits; Allowing this profession to occupy conversation this much was very much a no-no.

Have you been enjoying yourself, Giselle? I could not help but notice the look of indignation upon your face. Is there anything I may do to assist you in remedying this?

With her being its current fascination, her pleasure would be Zan's as well, and- if possible- would do anything to please her.

✧ chating with @giselle

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lana, rue
september 1
littleroot town
forever alone
38 height
38 height
'Cause you don't belong where you don't belong Yeah, I don't belong
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ruslan skye DOLLARS
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ruslan skye
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 3:35:47 GMT
ruslan skye Avatar

As if he didn’t already have enough to worry about fucking up his first impression, a huge problem walking right his way, Instantly the hair on his neck stands and his dark red eyes are wider than the silver platters carrying around all the snack food. Panic set in once more as he remembered how awful he’d felt that night. First for the mugging of a perfect stranger, then the conflict that followed it. He’d never been good at handling an argument after all. No one took you seriously when you could start crying at the drop of a hat. “I-I’m pretty sure you’re m-misunderstanding s-something.” Lana deflected, his voice quieter than usual and his grip finally loosening from . His eyes seemed to dart around, possibly looking for an escape route, possibly trying to signal STOP TALKING IN FRONT AT ME AT MY JOB!! [break]

“W-Why are you e-even here?” He countered a little too boldly and aggressively for his liking. He mentally kicked himself in the head for that one. UGHHH So now good, so not kosher. “Maybe y-you’re confusing me for my older b-brother.” he added quickly, ready to throw @skye under the bus at any time. Not like he ever saw the bastard, so no need to feel bad if he dragged the name a little.


+ + @elliott hehehe psot #3

tl'dr [break][break]

- getting confronted by elliot [break]

- oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh SHIT OH FUCK OH SHIT



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 3:47:57 GMT
Deleted Avatar

she took his hand lightly, of course it would be rude not to but she wasn't opposed to anyways. connections were important in every way. "do you dream of visiting the moon zan? i think i'd like to see it closer one day." after all there were things out there that none of them understood or had seen yet. it wasn't far fetched to think that the moon was within their grasp. especially since some pokemon were rumored to come from there.

"oh." giselle had never been good at masking her emotions. everything was on her face and sleeve when she felt it and that was fine to her. being easy to read wasn't the worst thing in the world. she'd done too much masking back home and it had taken so much effort. so she refused to do so here. "i was dancing with someone and they suddenly left, i felt a bit dejected if i must admit."

she didn't deal well with rejection, even if it wasn't actually rejection. but that's how her mind perceived it. it was just a fact of life. "your company is soothing that anguish though. i simply don't like to be left alone i fear." and that was the truth.

 - chats with @zan about the moon

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 4:15:14 GMT
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The moon… I believe one such as myself would prefer to see it from further away than up close. To be planted upon Earth’s ground is all that I could ask for.

A smile settled upon Zan’s lips, gaze returning to the window.

Though the prospect does compel me to continue my research… I feel as one day I will be inclined to do so- whether I want to or not…

Silence takes hold for a second, allowing Giselle to get her own wording in. When she had concluded- Zan’s figure turned to her.

Ah, understood....” Said as a step was taken back, a light bow following. “Then allow me to occupy your time as you do mine.

The smile that had previously settled grew a bit brighter, a light chuckle following suit.

Seeing as we are both without another for the time being. It would be a pleasure to be allowed within your orbit. That is, until another body decides to usurp me of my place.

Though at the moment, continuing to orbit Giselle was quite compelling.

Does your fascination lie within the stars as well? I know most have come under the pretense of seeing the Litlenids- but as it stands- most have not bothered to even look to the skies.

While it was not bothersome in the slightest, conversation was conversation.

✧ chating with @giselle

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,704 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 4:46:45 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","lyric"]born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes

[attr="class","name"]remiel calcifet

[attr="class","crown"]the crown prince




Dainty fingers grace his palm and bar the young girl from taking his hand as intended. Eyes flutter in surprise before setting upon the familiar visage of . Pleased to make her acquaintance again, he smiles, eyes scanning for a partner she was rumored to have before they return to briefly admire her lovely dresswear. "Oh? That's quite bold indeed," And she knew he appreciated boldness. "But it'd be rude of me to deny my promise to sweet Eris here. Especially when the night is so young."[break][break]

Like the adagio being played in the surrounding ballroom, the royal slowly begins to feel himself slip into a role he hasn't played in years: the socialite. In Galar, ballrooms were political battlegrounds as much as they were bouquets of fanciful delights. Power was seized in saying just the right words, stealing just the right dance, shaking the right hands and, even, placing the right ring on the right finger. The ambassador wasn't necessarily here for any of that, of course. But the ambiance was certainly right to awake that character from deep within.[break][break]

In acknowledging 's departure with a brief look of uncertainty and a nod, Remiel turns back to find that is no longer where she once stood. Earl Grey, all dressed up in his little black bow-tie, chases after her in the crowd. Before he disappears from view, too, however, he raises a ghostly hand and signals to his master with a wave. The royal smiles.[break][break]

"It appears I've got a runaway," He sighs, recalling a particular legend of a princess before shifting relaxed blue eyes back onto Stormy. Bending down slightly, he pecks the back of her hand and looks up at her, eyes warmer in this character than the usual demeanor he carries around. "Promise me a dance beneath the stars later, will you? I expect it'll be lovelier then."[break][break]

Their hands part from each other softly before he bows and walks off, turning over his shoulder to regard the observant pair of eyes belonging to . At first, hubris flares like a fire in his chest. But, at the sight of standing beside him, that flame becomes a bitter cold. He turns away to feign indifference. Though the character he's slipped into over the past few minutes admittedly cracks.[break][break]


A flash of electricity streaks across the ballroom too fast for human eyes to see. And, in an instant, Remiel seems to disappear entirely from within the crowd. Strangely enough, he reappears out from the crowd opposite of , sporting a debonair look in his eyes as his Sinistea regroups to hover over his shoulder.[break][break]

"Young miss Halla. Pardon me, but I promised you my first dance," He gently smiles, bending down slightly and extending his hand. "And I was hoping for a lesson, you know. Let's show Earl Grey how it's done."[break][break]


— SUIT REFERENCE HERE: x[break][break]
TL;DR — Remiel politely reschedules a dance with Stormy, loses sight of Eris, excuses himself, and regroups with her using his avatar ability in a very subtle manner. He then extends his hand and offers her his first dance once more.


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,459 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 5:11:08 GMT
matias can't help but smile as well as he approaches. he ignores for a quick moment if only to give a quick kiss, pulling her close to whisper:

"you look beautiful, eva."

lucky him.

and then he turns to to give him the pound hug (also referred to as a pound shake, hip-hop hug, one-armed hug, dude hug, cootie hug, homie hug, shug, bro-grab, bro hug, brah hug, thug hug, man-hug, or a daps).

"zac, eva, this is wolfgang."

but before much else can be said, he turns to greet and , doing the same pound hug briefly with senon.

"shit, it's been a hot minute since i last saw you, senon."

they fought together briefly in the tournament but that was about it. it had been years before that.

turning to , he extends a hand out, gentle in the way he shakes her hand.

"it's nice to meet you, cait, and congratulations on the engagement."

which is the first he's hearing about it, so he gives both and a genuine smile at that.

with , , , ,
compliment another character
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Dr. Kano
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
110 posts
Kano Iyona DOLLARS
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Kano Iyona
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 5:18:49 GMT
Kano Iyona Avatar


 A woman that is wrapped with a pure white make a step right in front of the observatory, knowing pretty well that she is quite more than just late. The prior plan that she had devised to surprise either @leejay or @benjamin goes awry when she was too busy reading a research paper. The initial plan was to go in and cause ruckus everywhere by doing impromptu matchmaking for them but once she arrived late like this - That desire has cooled down for now. With a long sigh, followed by three floating Voltorbs as her entourage - The door to the observatory open and she enters just to see people enjoying themselves with dancing and food. Kano tries to look around, searching for her adopted daughter and her nephew. While she didn't see Benjamin anywhere - But she does notice @leeja within the crowd.

Kano weaves through the crowd, ignoring the beautiful dresses that they adorned - Everything will end up the same after getting an explosion treatment. The music is blurred making Kano hard to focus on what the music is and people are swaying and dancing everywhere - The only salvation for Kano is free food, well who can say no to free food after all. "Hi, @leeja. If you ever need me, I am on the east wing terrace." Kano leaves out a short yet quick message to Lila without giving her any chance to respond, "By the way, nice dress Lila. Don't forget to bring home a suitor or two then I will judge them" Kano says that passingly and quickly goes to the east wing and visiting the laboratories.

"Careful, Nibanme... It would be a shame if this nice party got disturbed with an explosion" Kano warns one of the voltorb with a morbid warning but Kano can be careless as she decides to go out to the terrace for a moment to take a smoke.

NOTES: Coming to the party late, greet @leeja and left quickly, goes to the east wing terrace to smoke. OPEN FOR INTERACTION
PROMPT: Complimenting dress

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 6:07:08 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar



i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.



Killian's dance skills are more than a little rusty, but he smiles and takes the lead either way. Doing his best to guide her along until the music ends and the next song starts. [break][break]

When it does, he releases her from his hold and eyes the various people around the room. It doesn't take them long to find someone that nestles a frown onto his face.[break][break]

. [break][break]

Standing next to a woman () that he doesn't recognize. She's undoubtedly attractive but doesn't compare to Lex. No one ever would. [break][break]

"Hey." his eyes fell back to the redhead, "Do you mind if I step away for a second?" the tight line on his lips lifted into a smile. "There's someone I'd like a word with - it'll only take a second, I promise." despite the urge to move, he waits for an answer.


notes about this post

Killian spots Fern and asks if he can step away.[break]


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 6:28:27 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




Maybe she has had one drink too many- but her mind is clear.[break][break]

Maybe she is doing this to distract herself.[break][break]

Maybe she is selfish.[break][break]

But her hand fits in his and it isn't really his hand she's reaching for. And when he pulls away and plants a kiss and says something to her about a 'dance beneath the stars', all she sees is moving lips and empty thoughts.[break][break]

Eyes pierce the back of her head and Illeana had detached herself from the small group just before Eris had. The only thing that Stormy really does latch onto is the reflection in his eyes, the cold front. He leaves to pursue the little girl she had selfishly intercepted for her own personal gain and she looks over her shoulder to find looking back at her.[break][break]

His lips are moving, too, and even though she doesn't know what he's saying, her stomach churns.[break][break]

Fernando's attention likely doesn't linger long, and Stormy finds herself resettling her attention on Illie for a moment with a feeling that comes suddenly and violently, a feeling she can't quite place but one that makes her skin crawl.[break][break]

".. huh."

[attr="class","ooc"] tagged | outfit[break]
notes rejected for a dance by remiel. catches remy looking at fern, turns to find fern looking at her. uncomfortable or jealous or angry to see illie with fernando. is currently alone.




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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
283 posts
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 6:42:33 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

After snatching a few more of those airy little snacks (and maybe some easily-missed bills and wallets here and there) Arashi made his way out of the ballroom proper and onto the courtyard.

Ahh, it was much crisper out here. Not so many suffocating, stuffy people malingering around the place.

Too much opulence made his head spin, really, and—

Finally, someone he did fucking recognize—gaudy suit aside!

“Hey,” he began, before blinking and doing a take two because holy shit what was that thing hovering near him.

“What’s that?” he continued, gesturing some distance around Doug. “That pink thing. It’s wearing a jacket?”

his attire

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,804 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 6:42:48 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

The kiss is welcome and met with one of her own. A subtle flush rises in her cheeks with the compliment and she returns it with an impish grin and a whisper, “And you look so handsome,” she wonders if @meldoy dressed him for the event.

The embrace is cut short when Matias pulls away to pound shake, hip-hop hug, one-armed hug, dude hug, cootie hug, homie hug, shug, bro-grab, bro hug, brah hug, thug hug, man-hug, or daps . Men are so strange. Or maybe it’s just Matias.

“Nice to meet you, ,” Eva gives him a small nod before and join their small group on the dance floor. Suddenly, it’s a real party, “Senon! Cait! Nice to see you two,” she admires their wardrobe before attempting to shift closer to Matias.

The doctor is caught off guard by the sudden familiar voice of , “Eris?” she mutteres before turning to see the child dressed beautifully for the evening. Before giving the girl a chance to flee, Eva’s already bent down to her height to pull her into a warm embrace, “You look amazing, Eris, I hope you enjoy the festivities,” she looked like she had somewhere to be, so Eva wouldn’t keep her long. She certainly wasn’t getting away without a hug though!

Dress: link
Hair: link

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