i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2021 8:40:42 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
blood of

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
the covenant


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the water of the womb...


...Where have I seen this before...? He can only turn his mind to it for so long before they're beset by what or whom it is that defends the forest.[break][break]

With Rowan and Serena paving the way forward, he would've been free to observe others as they rushed past. The most eye-catching is Lulu and company. Crimson eyes aglow can discern the avatar and her patron Darkrai making use of their preternatural influence amidst the carnage.[break][break]

"Smeargle, can you sketch that?" It is precisely the sort of thing Smeargle would benefit from, though he cannot be sure of the timing and conditions that must be met. He will simply have to try again when the opportunity presents itself should they have failed to capture the essence of the attack.

They don't have time to linger if their pursuers were any indication as to the tree's many layers of protection. Adrian observes the tree ahead, the field between them, and an assortment of shrines depicting various elements. All too quickly those among them decide to offer up their blood as tribute. "What, don't just—" Even as he rejects the idea they carry it out, and as the blood splatters the blades of grass the earth consumes it whole; it was unnatural. But it does not forestall his ridicule:[break][break]

"Next time try exhausting some other options, before you go hurting yourself." Adrian was disappointed in those so eager to shed their blood rather than read into the allegory, which included Rowan, much to his chagrin. It calls to memory...[break][break]

But he would rather not dwell on it. Stepping away from the shrines he then approaches as they inspect some odd remnants littering the fields, though that is not exactly the source of his curiosity. But it may yet be evidence of something related to his queries. "...Are those stones, or teeth?" If it was the remains of something that had been devoured, there would be bones, he should think. The result of a clash...? But their constitution is—stone, like from a statue of a canid.[break][break]

Ironic he should be reminded of Howitzer's toothy maw just seeing them. Should King provide an answer confirming it to be stone, it would arouse his suspicion. As well as making him increasingly concerned for the wellbeing of 's Gabite.[break][break]

...If they are truly stone, then—Adrian pulls out the horn statue from before, holding it in his hand and drawing a comparison. Chipped base, as if torn from something...[break][break]

An Unown slips between the veils of worlds, staring at him indifferently: A question.[break][break]


Were they not the first to seek passage? Is this what befell those who tried? Is this why their pursuers fell short of following them, having now successfully driven them into what could well be a kill zone? What then were the shrines' significance?[break][break]

"...I don't think we should be touching the ground." But research demanded observation. "At least not directly—has anyone taken a soil sample?" This would be something for those with a more scientific inclination... Gabite didn't really count.[break][break]

...Are you the only one with this power...? Adrian kneels just before the field where the fangs were uncovered, placing his hand against the earth and thinking to use his gift to probe the vexing nature of the exsanguinating soil all around them.[break][break]

If that would awaken something in the wood, he would hope for Yveltal's cautioning to keep him from committing to something so obviously reckless...[break][break]

Assuming any of this was true—they required a means to traverse the field safely.[break][break]

"...Where's Serena?" Dread sensations drew his thoughts to her and her safety.

tags [break]
[ Smeargle has SKETCHED "DARK VOID" if permissible ][break]
Adrian finds out about the earth absorbing blood via Rowan's tribute[break]
Adrian observes the FIELD and the "FANGS" littered therein[break]
Adrian draws a comparison between the stone "HORNS" and "FANGS"[break]
Adrian questions whether YVELTAL shares its power with "ANOTHER"[break]
Adrian places a hand to the earth to "SIPHON" the coalescent "LIFE"[break]
Yveltal may forewarn him of the risks and deter him from this decision[break]
Adrian considers how they might pass over the field "SAFELY"[break]




template by punki

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2021 20:49:45 GMT
Deleted Avatar
there is carnage all around her. the spectrier and its riders manage to take off, covered by pakhet's spirit shackle. it keeps some of the bamboo at bay as allrianne follows as quickly as she can, arms pumping at her sides as she watches the ground, afraid something might come up to trip her. 

and then she's shoved from behind. pakhet pushes her into a clearing at the price of her own body. the bamboo slams into her from all sides, knocking her unconscious. allrianne fumbles for a pokeball, thankful when the red light envelops her. she'll be okay. 

there are a few less fortunate than she. some of the others have lost partners in the chaos. her chest tightens. she fingers cassandra's ball, but decides against it, instead dropping the one housing her lycanroc. 

lexis pads beside her as she spots and moves towards the form of the spectrier. when she approaches, she nods towards lex. no hard feelings

she looks towards her lycanroc. the wolf steps towards the shrine uneasily, fur rising along its hackles. no doubt lex's blood puts her on edge, but allrianne would rather have some idea of what to expect before offering up her blood to this thing.
// pakhet (decidueye) faints!
// lexis (lycanroc) emerges!
// lexis (lycanroc) sniffs/inspects the western shrine
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2021 5:19:47 GMT
goodbye, 's dusknoir.

"focus up."

even after they've crossed the threshold out of the bamboo forest and into the field, he remains composed, only turning back to place a reassuring hand on 's shoulder.

"how's your cardio?"

a dip of his head later, and on they go.

with le'dais looming in the far distance, he stops by one of the odd, curved stones. his banette materializes to reach for the fang only to realize that they are massive. it stops, turns, and disappears once again.

theo follows to the western shrine, watching over her.
- with + + +
- at the western shrine observing
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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2021 18:05:07 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar



Cutting their way through by force seemed to be effective, if only for a little while. No mater how many successful blows Serena and her comrades landed with their FURY CUTTERS the bamboo would just return much to their own dismay. Still, time was what they were buying and they were doing an okay job at that. [break][break]

While their solution might not have been permanent those that heeded their words and actions and moved quickly would be able to use the shortcut that the other's were making for them. The sounds around her where beginning to bother her. From the roars, to screaming, the clashing of metal or stone, and even the dying breaths of pokémon, it was all becoming increasingly overwhelming for her. [break][break]

Taking it all in reminded her of what happened on her last big mission and she felt herself falter for a moment before she firmly shook her head. "Focus." she growled as she pushed herself and continued to force her way through the forest until she came into a clearing. Once again the environment around her had changed and was completely different from what she had just encountered. [break][break]

Another massive tree stood before her surrounded altars of some sort. Serena huffed as she attempted to catch her breath, releasing her hold on her DOUBLADE and allowing them to return to their sheaths at her sides. Some rockets had already arrived and were already interacting with the altars by the time she got there. [break][break]

"Next time try exhausting some other options, before you go hurting yourself." she heard her brother say as she approached slowly taking in everything. It seemed people were offering...blood to the unknown altars? "Blood for the blood god, yes. Checks out." she muttered to herself sarcastically. [break][break]

She wasn't too eager to shed blood before knowing what sort of consequence that would hold. Especially since this damn tree seemed hellbent on preventing their movements going forward. Who was to say offering sweet blood wouldn't have the thing craving for more, setting them up for some disaster? Still, she had to commend those who were bold enough to lead the way first, she respected their tenacity. [break][break]

"...Where's Serena?" She heard her name and it snapped her back to reality. "I'm here." she spoke up as she approached her brother and placed her hands on her hip. "I'm fine, you can relax." she said as she flashed him a knowing glance. It was clear by his tone he was concerned. [break][break]

Looking towards Rowan she called out, "I can check that out if you'd like." she said as she gestured to the wound on his hand. She'd come prepared with her supports as well to lend to other's should they need it. At the mention of support her DOUBLADE swapped out for her GARDEVOIR, Serenity.


+ more tags: + [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes/tl;dr: Clears a path to the meadow area. Notices the tree, altars, and other rockets sacrificing blood to the blood gods. Approaches her brother and his group to let them know she's okay. Offers to have her GARDEVOIR heal 's wound. ^.^[break]


Serena + Geomancy Raid

made by gimmick

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2021 19:53:25 GMT
Deleted Avatar

hover for info
is there a bit of guilt about prince's igglybuff fainting? well, yes, but it's better than the alternative. they're not an idiot, though, and they're more than willing to let 's xurkitree snatch them up in its claws. the feeling of being rushed through the woods is terrifying, in its own way, but they're out of danger. shaken, obviously, but safe. for now.

they jolt a little at patting their shoulder, still alarmed from that escape, but they offer him a shaky smile. "plenty of opportunity later." hopefully, at least. since they were still alive, anyways. any other comments were quickly forgotten in favor of the shrines. there are three of them, and, a bit mindlessly, prince makes their way to the northern one. does he have a reason, exactly? not really, other than it was the first one they had seen, and their curiosity is getting the best of them again. even if it hadn't really went well the first time.

as they watched offer his blood, they realized something. the assassins had been after them in particular, right? so maybe if they offered their own blood, it would make things better instead of worse. worth a try, at least.

summoning their skarmory again, they brush a hand across razor-sharp wings, wincing for just a moment at the pain the gash caused. and then, a bit hesitantly, they hold their hand over the bowl, too, and hoping both of them offering blood doesn't mess things up somehow.

- talked to mint a little
- checking out the northern shrine
- taking rowan's example and offering blood to the shrine

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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may 30
anistar city, kalos
bee keeper
i know it's my fault, for breaking, falling apart, that's right
90 posts
mielle DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mielle
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2021 20:34:55 GMT
mielle Avatar

oh the death, the carnage. the horror. [break][break]

precisely why mielle runs and doesn't bother to look back, though not without giving the larger man at her side a small smile as she leans over to catch her breath upon reaching the clearing. her salazzle doesn't run too far behind her, and thankfully, the four of them made it out unscathed. unfortunately, she can't say the same about the other pokemon who've losttheir lives in the cruelty of the bamboo, but she knows that if she dwells on it too much, she'll start to feel the twang, and she'll start to feel. [break][break]

catching her breath, she soon smiles up to to pass him a playful wink, paired with a soft giggle to return the playful gesture "perhaps after a chat over dinner?" she asks, another attempt to make light of the situation (and forget about the bloodshed she just witnessed; forget about how she just saw how the earth consumed what little life could remain from mangled corpses). "now, where are we..?" mielle raises a golden gaze to their new surroundings, and all she sees is a tree out in the distance, along with shrines that seem to be stationed closer to where they've all ended up. the salazzle hisses softly at the fang-shaped stones, however, and suspicious as she always was, avoids them. [break][break]

"you can come back" the trainer smiles and raises the salazzle's pokeball, recalling her from her outward disgust. there were already many people who were going to the northern and western shrines from what she could gather, with.. what looked like a child, approaching the eastern one. a child shouldn't be here, she thinks (then again, mielle of all people shouldn't be here, either). with a smile to her fashionably late partner, she beckons him to follow - though whether or not he took her offer was entirely up to him - as she makes way to the shrine. [break][break]

"hello, there." she bends over to take a better look at the child and her petite pokemon, just in time to see her offering flowers to the bowl. how precious. perhaps the shrine wished for more? though flowers were a wonderful offering.. sometimes food was needed, too. now she thinks to herself, humming and pondering, before snapping her fingers in realization. reaching for her appletun's pokeball, she smiles more brightly, and out comes the large, apple pie dragon. [break][break]

when the large pokemon plops to the ground, the trainer raises a hand to rip off one of the crust-like ridges formed on the dragon's back, the crust oozing in sweet nectar. she's careful to make sure it doesn't drip onto her hand as she slowly places it into the bowl, then claps her hands together in something of a prayer. "please enjoy this meal and these flowers~" the woman chimes, as does the appletun as the wound caused by the trainer is healed by the abundance of healing offered by other trainers and their pokemon.



mielle, definitely returning the flirt to despite the danger. bite her. [break]
there're no dead bodies back there and she isn't cringing at the death shut up[break]
salazzle in, appletun out[break]
makes it to the clearing and sees other people and shrines.[break]
slides over to the EAST shrine and sees giving an offering[break]
offers a piece of appletun's apple pie skin to the shrine[break]
i dunno if the tree wants blood and flesh it may as well be tasty.[break]
appletun doesn't mind and he's healed by the LIFE DEW, HEAL PULSE and FLORAL HEALING anywho he's okay[break]
i think

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2021 21:58:04 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar



Raph refuses to admit old age is getting to him as he knows he has seen this symbol before yet he can't recall where. For now he'll keep the piece of bamboo on him so he could hopefully think about it later. Right now escape was on the mind, obviously not blinking an eye when people lost their pokemon. For now just happy enough that his Magnezone got him out.[break][break]

As they reach the meadows Pryde can't help but kneel down at the dirt as it seemed to suck blood like some sort of ariados for those who had been injured. The place more and more showing just how alive the land around them was. He takes a moment to take in the land noting the tree, pondering if all the life was coming from that at first as he travels forward noting the teeth. And seeing as the whole place was alive he rather not discover those teeth belonged to something. So he recalls his Magnezone and sends off a piece of his Rotom Arm with his Rotom inside to take closer pictures, and a quick recording of them before returning to it's master's arm. [break][break]

Pryde not one to take needless risk as he would examine the recordings from afar.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + mention bug type
[break]+ Notes the way the ground absorb the blood.
[break]+ Travels toward the teeth but noting out everything seemed alive decides not to get too close.
[break]+ Rather Pryde has his Rotom take part of his hand to record and take pictures to examine.



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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,741 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2021 4:10:08 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.



He chuckles at . "Hah, yeah it doesn't really fit me does it?" he says smiling solemnly at Priam. "How are you feeling? Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked, making sure his partner in crime was fine. He wondered if he should have used his light show ability there, he didn't want to risk blinding his allies so it was probably best to not use it there. [break][break]

However bryan's demeanor changes and he follows behind priam. "Do you think it's best to bring gabite out here babe?" he asked him "Remember last time?" he said worried for not only gaby's well being but Priam's. Who knows how those weird pokemon would react to her too...


notes about this post

wah [break] [break]


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TLDR: Bryan jokes with priam and makes sure he isnt hurt[break][break]

Worries when he see's priam using gabite and watches to see how the tree reacts to gaby's presence inside of itself.
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December 29th
Cyllage City, Kalos
Motorcycle Dealer
fearless hearts ablaze, no more time to waste
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Dante Telos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dante
Dante Telos
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2021 4:54:35 GMT
Dante Telos Avatar

Everything that always happened in situations like this always served as a pretty grave reminder of the gravity of stakes.[break][break]

He wore a smile. He joked as usual. However, there had been something about the passing blurs of actions from those around them (at the sight of the carnage and loss of those around them, the tug of his lips faltered vaguely, and a sense of dread seeded itself within his chest for but a moment) , and all he could bring himself to do was to give a sparing glance prior to looking forward, once more. Azure hues narrowed vaguely as they sprinted on, a momentarily pensive glint lingering within his eyes all the while.[break][break]

And then, as the drake trailing behind him flared with more of its continuous energy, his own gaze shifted towards the woman, once more, upon her response, and the expression of his broadened in light of its fade. ”A chat and more, maybe~,” he shot back with cheeks rising, a brief sense of life dwindling within a tonal inclination of his. ”Looking forward to it, as usual~.”[break][break]

Following that? Simple things, really. For as long as was necessary, he pressed on with a careful foot; bounding through trees and terrain, alike, until the clearing before them made a gradual expanse within their lines of sight. Soon enough, the sight of the new environment met his senses, and as the woman with him pressed forth towards the shrines, he found himself straying towards the fangs for a short amount of time before shifting his course to meet his travelling companion.[break][break]

”Who do you think put these out here…?”


the tl;dr--[break]
more flirting with wauw[break]
internalized discomfort at the death and carnage[break]
dracovish used dragon dance // attack/speed up x2[break]
curiosity about the fangs[break]
curiosity about the shrines[break]

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Dr. Kano
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kano Iyona DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kano
Kano Iyona
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2021 5:07:14 GMT
Kano Iyona Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
when i knew the world wasn't meant for me,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
you rescued me, you rescued me


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go


While she was trying to run away, she could feel her body starts to levitate and noticed 's Xurkitree dragging her with them as they fly by. Kano didn't fight back and let her own body be dragged away by the newly made gravity witnessing the final stand that her Dusk made to protect her trainer. The action of her pokemon doesn't make her feel anything other than a shame that she now can't overwork dusk anymore and is in need to find another Pokemon to replace her. [break][break]

They finally managed to get out from the bamboo forest safely and Kano decides to jump down, getting out from 's magnet rise. Kano can't help to notice a giant tree that looms from afar, from a quick calculation from the degree of her neck's elevation and the estimation of the tree's height - There is still a great distance between them. The survivor gathers around, well not actually gather around but they are on their own inspecting everything that they can find. Kano notices attempt to inspect something similar to a fang. Kano looks around to notice that the fangs create some sort of a closed area as if they are in the middle of an open mouth. [break][break]

"Hey dunderhead, you might not want to carelessly touch the fang" Kano shouts at trying to warn the man. As she takes out Gobanme and lets it unleash CHARGE BEAM to the nearest fang wanting to break it and take a closer inspection.[break][break]

tl;dr [break]
- Taken away by 's xurkitree and escape the Bamboo forest [break]
- Leave oscar without any thanks and rejoined , , , and 's group [break]
- Inspecting the fang and decide to take safety precautions from the initial hypothesis [break]
- Warn to stay away. [break]
- 's Gobanme (Voltorb) let out CHARGE BEAM in an attempt to destroy the fang. [break][break]


template by punki

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Feburary 14
Celadon City, Kanto
15 height
15 height
let's game!
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TAG WITH @cossack
Cossack Kurama
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2021 6:38:51 GMT
Cossack Kurama Avatar

they somehow made it out of the killer forest and away from the killer creatures. cossak was ready to praise arceus for letting them get out of there with minimal causalities. almost praise him. they still found themselves somewhere odd, no longer a forest but now a sprawling plains with a large tree off in the distance. "were we not just inside a tree when we started this?" at least that's what he remembered, it was what happened right? he hadn't given it much attention but there was a lot of odd happenings on this little trip of theirs. all for the glory of rocket he supposed.

while many treated their wounds and managed to find strange "fangs" in the ground cossack's eyes were brought towards the shrines that surrounded them. a fair share of people inspected the shrines, some of them even going so far as to offer up some...morbid offerings. "quite the macabre sense of gifts don't you all think?" he simply asked to himself out loud as he walked over to the western shrine and went straight to the structure itself and began to poke at it with a hand.

"i know we just escaped some assassins out for our blood but i find it a little hard to believe that everything around us wants that along with our flesh." however it wasn't like he had any alternative ideas at the moment other than knocking on the shrine to see of disturbing it brought out anything else. a few more agitated residents wasn't anything they could handle right?

    [*] thankful they got out alive.

    [*] inspects the western shrine

    [*] prods at the western shrine's structure itself with his hand



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2021 6:41:22 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Navitas narrowly escaped the crushing doom of the bamboo, emerging onto what seemed to be a vast field. Navitas opened its claws, dropping its loads carelessly as it flew forward. Oscar didn't care to make sure those he saved were alright, there was a lot to do and if they were well enough to remain in action then Oscar should see them later on. 

Those on the ground gravitated toward three mysterious shrines, examining them with great fervor and interest. Oscar observed several of his compatriots offer blood to the shrines, which just made Oscar wince with disturbed scepticism. Was that truly necessary? Oscar rolled his eyes, unwilling to take part in such bizarre behavior. If he wanted to join a blood cult he would have moved to Unova.

Navitas hovered over the North shrine, and Oscar used the height to try and scout ahead. He looked to the giant tree in the distance, which only perplexed the Beast. How many trees were there in this thing? Was it just Trees all the way down? It was far off though, so Oscar turned his attention to the field. The field seemed empty, but that wouldn't stop him from carefully examining the still grass. They've already been ambushed once, there was not a doubt in his mind that it would happen again. The only question was when...


--Navitas drops his loads and floats above the North shrine.
--Oscar thinks the blood thing is weird and tries not to pay too much attention to it.
--Oscar looks over the field, anticipating another ambush to appear soon.
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2021 9:30:26 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Shit goes down and pokemon die or are injured. Either way, they all end up in the clearing, and Chu-e observes for a bit before taking any action. looks like he made it out okay, which is good, and eventually he makes his way over to @rayne and having a party by the West bowl.

"What are we doing?" He glances in the bowl to see the sand (flesh?) and token. Looks way different than the other two bowls, soaked in blood as they were. Chu-e thinks, for a moment, of cutting into his own skin to make a trio- but then he remembers his odd affliction, how his blood grows hard quickly, and decides against it. Something else.

"Did anyone try to pick these up?" Which, given that, Chu-e tries. If he succeeds, he will lift it up over his head t glance at the bottom. See if anything was hiding where it was sitting. If he fails, he will pout. Either way, he is careful not to spill the contents.

"This all feels weird. Like out of a dream. Something my Fairy types would do before making a meal of whatever they caught." Speaking of, he returns his Mr. Mime and then calls out his Mawile. A whistle, and she darts off to find a good place to use an Ancient Power. Chu-e points at the bowl, whatever floating earth gathered placed inside. Hopefully with a Fang, if Chu-e was lucky.

- Reacts, vaguely, to death
- Inspects the West shrine
- Tries to pick up the bowl and look at the underside and where it was sitting. Is careful not to spill what's already inside before putting it back.
- Recalls his Mr. Mime
- Calls out his Mawile
- Mawile uses Ancient Power. She happens to pull ground from where the Fangs are located.
- Ancient Power earth is put into the bowl as an offering (with the hopes a Fang was inside to be offered as well)
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2021 18:28:52 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

She didn’t look back. Not much, really. Her Togekiss had been hit by something shortly before the recall, but she didn’t have the time to check up on it. For now, the flier was in its ball and seemed healthy enough to still be alive. That would have to suffice. When one was in a throng of people running away from hidden assailants, stopping to check up on a pokemon that probably was reasonably fine just seemed, well, unreasonable.
Instead, she ran along, noticing that Lulu was assisting her and that the Aegislash that the higher-up had given her was deflecting the attack of the mysterious new Pokemon, then followed along. The undead steel type hovered about, looking out for further attacks until they made it out of the forest. Panting, Violet looked around, trying to find her bearings again. “Thanks,” she simply noted towards the scientist, who probably appreciated the brevity. Then, she noticed another tree in the distance. “So, there is a tree inside this tree as well. I guess that is where we should head, then? Can’t be coincidence, right?”


+ thanks lulu, inspects tree, keeps aegislash around for protection



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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @remi
Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2021 2:40:58 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
Adrenaline is high and she really, really has to pee. It feels reiminscent of that time she wore a Stantler onesie to a Christmas party and had no way of using the washroom without stripping down butt ass naked. Except this time she doesn't have antlers, and this time there isn't a mile-long line up, just an impending sense of doom. It'd suck to die with your pants around your ankles.

Her Teddiursa squirms in her grasp, sharp bear claws dig into her shoulder. It prompts her to hold the little bear a little tighter for fear she squirm right out of her arms. Fortunately, that is not the case. In fact, the Teddiursa manages to save her life. The BABY-DOLL EYES stun the approaching Kleavor into hesitation and 's Darkrai makes short work of taking it down.

For that, when they all manage to catch their breath and throw up behind bushes and take their quick pee breaks, Remi glances back to shoot the intimidating dark-haired woman a thumbs-up.

One quick glance over their ragtag group and the ones surrounding them depicts blood, gore, and tears. No one has really come out unscathed. Some are bleeding, some are dying, some are so out of breath their eyes look about ready to pop out of their socks. Really, it's disgusting. All she can smell is sweat and fear and piss.

"Well, that was messed up, yeah?"

She shifts the Teddiursa onto her other hip, booping the baby bear's nose gently before following after , and . King and Theo both move to investigate the supposed fangs, and she nudges one with her toe before glancing up to stare at the shrines.

In her other hand, she still grips tight her carved, word-filled bamboo stick. She waves it in the air and glances around for someone to pay attention to her.

"Anybody else have creepy words carved into their sticks? Just me? Cool."

Just as her foot might bump against a fang she stands next to, calls a dunderhead and suggests maybe not touching the fangs are a good idea. She frowns, because he's probably right, and then she side-steps away.

"So.. what's the plan, then? We all just gonna stand here with our hands in our pants and not touch anything? Seems sort of boring."

- throws a thumbs-up to lulu
- follows theo and king to the fangs
- nudges one with her foot
- coddling teddiursa
- asks abt her etched bamboo stick
- curious about the shrines
- suggesting that standing around humming and hawing is probably counterproductive
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing