i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 16:29:38 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

While Elinor felt some manner of appreciation for ’s gesture. Small pangs of worry tried to nestle within her as she saw the ease with which was removing members of this inner circle left and right. Of course, she would not voice this worry.

The meeting was moved from one point on the agenda to another. Avatars. A topic she had been very focused on lately. And so far they seemed as much a boon as a burden for Hoenn.

Elinor listened, while eyes peered at the screen. While she knew none of them personally, all of the news displayed to them was worryingly bad. The AQUA logo appeared and her attention moved to Dahlia as the commissioner spoke.

Kyogre had been present at Sootopolis during the Darkest Days, and so had several other legendary Pokémon, whether Rocket aligned or not mattered little in face of such dangers. It eased her worries a little bit to know that at least the people could come together when threatened with death and destruction. Now if only they could do so with this Meteor.

Elinor quickly consumed the information given, not only on Skyler as a person but the company she lead. While it was important information. What came next pulled her away from that. While Dahlia tried to cover it up, even Elinor understood that the commissioner wanted them to Spy on Kyogre’s Avatar.

Hands clasped together inaudibly as she unknowingly bent slightly forwards in her seat. “I do not know this , but with all due respect. I do not think she would take kindly to us monitoring her.” Elinor paused, taking a moment to gauge Dahlia but decided to continue. “While I would personally prefer to not take actions that might push her further away from The League, I understand why monitoring her might be a good idea…” She paused, pondering how to say her next few words without them sounding as bad as they did in her head.

“I am just worried that we might make an enemy of an ally if we start monitoring her. Do we have any reliable ways of dealing with her, Kyogre, or any other avatars and their legendary companions if they decide to actively work against The League” Who would’ve known talking about dealing with people, perhaps violently, would be so difficult?

Though she dreaded to know the answer, given the presence of a Rocket Avatar, she assumed the answer was no. And that scared her.

- Consumes the information given to them.
- Announces her worries about starting to "spy" on avatars (skyler in this case)
- Asks if they have a reliable way to "deal" with rogue avatars + their Legendary Pokémon.

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he / him
december fourth
slateport city
191 height
191 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gabe
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 17:16:34 GMT
gabriel's attention turns towards , an eyebrow quirked ever so slightly.
"was this creature sighted at sootopolis? perhaps it's a side-effect of those black crystals, or spores?" his attention flicks in the direction of and , before settling onto the new voice. he turns to the councilwoman then, brow heavy and discerning.
"i'd remind you, , that the region is surrounded entirely by water." that wasn't even really going into the finer details that some of their cities were essentially isolated on islands of their own.
including this very one.
"if we left to go uncheckered, we may very well wake up one morning to the tides lapping at our doorsteps." he gives a hard look to the councilwoman, one that has been tempered from decades of fatherhood, and business.

it's a look that brokers no peace, or gives no ground. age aside, they were still both council members — equals in all regards. she would be treated as such.
"if it is the morality of it that you question — so be it. but, this job comes with a measure of morality we can ill afford. we must ensure that an event like sootopolis does not happen again."
he takes a breath, tone lightening if only by a measure, as he sweeps his eyes across the table.
"look around, these are the deterrents — AQUA is the deterrent. every single person here is duty-bound to ensure that rogue avatars, rocket or otherwise, are kept in check. even you will be expected to stand your ground in the face of one."
finally, he looks to , his demeanor unchanged, expression as relaxed as a man accustomed to the heat of a boardroom.
"i've already considered aligning my business, and theirs," he says, drumming his fingers lightly against the table, "this only gives me more cause to do so. i'll need to meet with and to discuss more on the matter, but this 'partnership' would no doubt be promising for both sides."
he cuts a glance at the rest of the table, internally taking measure of who could accomplish dahlia's primary task. he forms a few opinions instantly, but says nothing.
"i recommend you still have someone else closer to them act as a liaison. so long as they do not forget their duty, that is."



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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 17:44:07 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



The pressure is intense, but Eva doesn’t flinch under Illeana’s grip. Her gaze only grows more stern as the members of this initiative chastise each other for their failures and short comings. To make things worse (or better?), a Head Ranger is dismissed, and voluntarily leaves the Elite Four, leaving a large, vulnerable hole in his wake.


This meeting is doing little to raise her own morale or confidence in their current situation. Of course, she just threatened to resign not 10 minutes ago. She, herself, is part of the problem.


challenges her morals once again by implying they ‘monitor’ and . Eva sees the necessity, but also sees the danger. Her brows furrow as recalls a strange, alien pokemon. It’s not one Eva has had experience with before. The other legendaries in question. She has seen some, “Xerneas is aligned with Rocket,” she spits in distaste. The god of life aligned with those that so willingly take it. How absurd.


Eva leans forward to listen to Gabe and Elinor, “I must say, I agree with you both,” Eva looks from Dahlia back to the councilman and councilwoman, “This is a line we have to thread lightly,” keeping an eye on Kyogre is undoubtedly in the best interest of the region but . . . “I know , she is a selfish woman – and proud of it. If she feels threatened in the least she will not hesitate to make us her enemy which only helps Rocket. I suspect the only reason Lugia is not ruling the seas is because of the presence of Kyogre. We have to maintain a good rapport, give her a reason to benefit from our partnership. She may never trust us, but as long as it lines her pockets, she’s happy,” at least, that’s the impression Eva got form working closely with and her shards of the blue orb. There is a mutual trust, to a degree, “Transparent business ventures may the best option,” she motions towards Gabe, “I have been working with to map out the Distortions. He’s a good man, hard worker. I've been pleased with the results,” a partnership with them would undoubtedly benefit the League too, in more than one way.





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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 18:22:39 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

She felt how her teeth dug into her lower lip. Pain shot quickly followed, but she had to quell the words that dared to leave her before she thought them through.

Perhaps Gabriel was taunting her into saying what she really wanted to say rather than skirt about it with kind words. It certainly sounded like it from the way he picked his words, picked the details to latch onto. But the worst of it all was not the words nor the details. It was that look in his eyes. It reminded Elinor of her Father.

Still, she knew very well that they were equals and she was intent on behaving like it.

However, she gave the time to speak first. Perhaps being the voice of reason between the two Council members. Alas, the woman seemed woefully focused on Skyler. And while yes that was the main topic of this conversation she preferred to look at the big picture and the future.

She straightened herself and calmly looked toward “I am sorry if I gave you the impression that I had forgotten that our beloved region is surrounded by the sea. That was not my intention.” She gave Gabriel the chance to absorb that statement before she continued. Though she doubted he would.

“I am not saying to let her go unchecked, that would be foolish even if I personally do not like infringing upon someone’s right to privacy. I just want to make sure that we have carefully considered this before we start to actively push away from The League. Because that is what we will be doing when we start monitoring her or anyone else.” She halted. Eyes moved from one side to the other before they finally fell upon Lars. She then closed them for a second and returned her attention to Gabriel.

“Deterrents are nice to have. And I do not doubt anyone’s willingness to throw themselves at any and all dangers to this Region be the danger avatar or otherwise.” The words were getting stuck in her throat because she knew they could very well be applied to anyone in this room as well. “All I want to know is whether we have a plan for if the deterrents stop working. Or are we just going to Haphazardly throw Council and AQUA members at the problem and pray that it might work?”

She turned to hoping against hope that she might offer her some reassurance, a simple yes or no would suffice.

- Elinor replies to Gabriel's taunts (or perceived taunts)

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 19:00:34 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


Don't care.

For fuck's sake.

"Whatever the result of negotiations with Nautica ends up being-" Doug interjected into whatever was about to go down between the council members before things could go down a tangent, looking directly at the commissioner.

"May I handle the monitoring?" He said, looking in the eye.
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 19:08:43 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

Razz stays quiet as speaks up honestly thinking his way of doing things was the wrong way. To first off just demand Tapu Bulu, then figuratively bite Dahlia's head off when she said no. Least they weren't with old Rocket anymore as Razz knows had the man done things would've gone much worse. Here all that was lost was a job, and his feelings were mixed on it, on the one hand he feels bad that the man who had opened his eyes was being removed. On the other it almost hurt to hear that he didn't believe in his own Rangers enough to think they could do the job. Gives him one of those thoughts that maybe he was better off being in Silph Co? [break][break]

Least the rest of the members here seem to believe in their abilities more than their own Head Rangers. [break][break]

Least they were finally moving on, and his heart sinks at the reminder about and Zac he knows that it can't be dwelled on. Though all of it becomes annoyance as mentions that is dangerous. And while he knows personally her morals could be up in the air at times when it came to the promise of treasure and adventure, he also knows her loyalties run deep. A fist cletches and unclentches as he takes a deep breath to calm his annoyance so he could articulate properly. [break][break]

He shouldn't pull a @crimson. [break][break]

"While admittedly likes to march to the beat of her own drum labeling her as dangerous and wanting to add all these precautions isn't going to work out well, as someone who regularly visits her and her husband on a weekly to biweekly basis trying to get in her face will most likely make her want to push back," he gives in his own two cents about the manner, sharing the info that he sees them often as a possible way of opening himself to help them rather than hurt them. [break][break]

"Besides that, why the focus on her? is the Avatar of Zekrom," he hates that hes throwing the royal under the bus in as if it would get the topic off of but he isn't good with such situations, "Do you have similar set up with him?"


[break]+ @ aqua



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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 19:15:33 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for AQUA ASSEMBLY

[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



"The plan is to keep her and her boytoy on the payroll and hope they like the money enough that we're in their good graces?" Utter disappointment settles in her. When they first signed this contract, it was Dahlia herself that told people that the League couldn't afford to pay Avatars while giving them the option to abandon their duties at any given point.
If Katherine wasn't so stubborn, perhaps she would've accepted that had a point back then-- but she chooses to gloss over that.
"She has refused to sign with us multiple times now, hasn't she? That won't change. Not to mention, as you've said, plenty of people in this room are their friends. They will hear about this," it's a fact. One that Katherine fully believed that Dahlia was aware of.
Did she not care for secrecy regarding this issue?
"Remiel is not a part of Hoenn, Razz. I imagine our hands are tied." Quick and to the point, she won't let the ranger change the subject so easily.
"Either way, won't change. She will never sign. She may work with us for the right treasure, but I assure you, she will expect a portion of it-- if not half," pirates were greedy like that.
"... One last thing. As soon as this becomes public, and it will, future avatars will follow in her steps. Why sign with the League if you can get them to pay you without the responsibilities and duty?"


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
628 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 19:38:30 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

's report is noted. It is swiftly added to the list. "Alien-thing." Though vague, there is no reason to distrust the testimony.[break][break]

Councilman is correct. the deterrents are here, seated in melody's chamber— and should order follow, are also stationed in the various gyms dotting the region like flags. She agrees with his arrangement. Business meetings are par the course; nothing out of the ordinary.[break][break]

"the aqua initiative is the designed defense against any renegade avatars, elinor, should anything come to that."[break][break]

After all, they have a myriad of defenses gathered and forged, including one that pulses with the same primal energies as Kyogre's. And one that she does not know about yet.[break][break]

"and skyler's volatile nature and fragile pride is precisely why we need to tread carefully with absolute scrutiny."[break][break]

In the arguments, The Commissioner pulls the pigment of biased, narrow ommission. She shakes her head.[break][break]

"remember, we are not the only active forces of influence in this region. skyler and her husband by proxy, without the protection of the aqua initiative, can swiftly be at the mercy of team rocket, or even the dark triad."[break][break]

After all, unbeknownst to everyone in this room, Team Rocket has its contingency plan already in place.[break][break]

When finishes his piece, The Commissioner returns the stares. Locks eyes and shakes her head softly.[break][break]

"it is not a single person's job, but you may assist." Doug's relative inexperience and youth allows for a leniency bordered with cautioun.[break][break]

After clarifies the complex entanglement of diplomatic immunity and to , The Commissioner listens to intently. No glare. Just patience and a willingness to understand.[break][break]

"thankfully, nautica will not be under our payroll or a part of the aqua initiative." The Commissioner declares. "but they will be bound by the same checks and balances all companies have. seafaring rules. the terms and conditions of any nautica-league relationship will leverage the aforementioned pride of the captain to our benefit."[break][break]

As for secrecy, she looks at .[break][break]

"and should anyone betray government confidentiality, consequences will ensue."


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon tapu-koko"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon tapu-bulu"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2022 20:31:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As news about the avatars that were no longer with them a pit grew inside of Kazimir's stomach as he went over the info. Learning that was gone was the first punch to the gut. The two of them had feelings for one another but they were never really acted upon yet he'd always be happy to see her whenever they ran into each other. She was also the first person to learn of his alter ego and be his supporter.

was a man that he looked up to a lot even if from the outside the two of them seemed to be at odds with one another. In truth they were probably kindred spirits more than anything and the fact that he was no where to be found or that his mission to find Solgaleo was a lost cause was another punch that twisted his insides.

While it was the least sad it was still heart breaking to know that was no longer around the region and yet the pain was soften by the simple fact that at the very least Kazimir would know that he was safe from the hell that Hoenn found itself in right now.

It still didn't stop the tears from pooling in his eyes.

As mention about what to do with and the fact that she had Kyogre on her side was discussed Kaz was a bit preoccupied with wiping his face clean until put forth an idea that Kazimir couldn't help but agree with and seemed to fall in line with what Dahlia proposed if only tangentially. "A liaison ain't the worst idea but it is probably something that Skyler would see coming a mile away. So we'd need someone who could prioritize duty over friendship."

As his arm was brought down from his face revealing slightly red eyes he looked through his memories and information about what else they could do about the fact that a powerful sea beast was running around under the control of a wild woman even he considered a friend. "In the case that things ever go south and we end up having to point our guns at Sky and even Kyogre is there anything we can do to try and restrain them or at least one of them? Back in the Sootopolis I remember reports about a strange black creature being restrained by this red chain brought in by...some Pokemon if I remember right. Sorry I didn't read the fine print all that well."

As his hand is brought up to his head to scratch at it to get the nerves tingling he continued, "It might be a bit of a hassle to round up Pokemon that we can use something like that on avatars and their pokemon so...maybe there's some way we can lock them down at least. Rocket knows how to steal an avatar's power so...maybe and this is just crazy talk at this point...maybe there's a way to steal an avatar's pokemon at least? like lock it away in a pokeball? I know I know it sounds out there and I'm barely the one you'd talk to about Pokeball mechanics but hey, we all gotta brainstorm something right?"


-Kaz suggests...snagging? :monkashellder:

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2022 11:53:36 GMT

at 's question, he responds firmly:[break][break]

"it wasn't. i'll look further into it to see if it's been sighted before."[break][break]

the shift of topics comes and he chimes in after others have gone. much to his surprise, he finds himself agreeing with his fellow elite four.[break][break]

"i've been trying to sway onto our side ever since i arrived in hoenn, so i agree with . if skyler and her husband have yet to sign, they never will."[break][break]

which leaves 's plan with aligning akura and nautica only to monitor them the most logical one moving forward. matias doesn't volunteer to help with the monitoring because that sounds like an awful job.[break][break]

"with groudon and rayquaza, i'm confident we'd be able to handle kyogre or her should they step out of line."[break][break]

- shares his thoughts on captain kyogre[break]

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-virizion"]

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 2:34:26 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]the news of 's passing is, unfortunately, not quite unexpected.

it comes after a period of no contact, of missed conversations and friendship breaking apart. there's still a persistent sadness that clings to the skin, to the bone.

she lets out a soft, shaky breath and keeps what little composure is left over from this meeting. she's going to need it...

speaks of something intriguing. and when 's eyes drift to her and , she meets his eyes with a stare of her own.

it quickly darts back to .

"are you able to describe it, by any chance? there was some creature i've never seen record of sighted at the barrier."

if there's some information he has... perhaps she can supply her own encounter to help his hunt?

the topic shifts to that of and , then, and she simply watches the personalities in the room go back and forth.

personally, she has no opinion of the matter. while kyogre is a formidable force, they have two thirds of the titan's trio in their custody. if absolutely necessary, should the unfortunate occur, she could see a possible victory in the cards.

and so, she offers nothing more than a supportive stare. whatever they decide to do, she'll follow.

after all, she can't afford to step out of line again...


tl;dr |
- new pokemon pog?
- no opinion, will do whatever the group decides

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 4:46:34 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he doesn't agree with most opinions that veer into the self-righteous side of things, but he keeps his mouth shut for the most part. it's clear that pragmatism doesn't go well with a lot of people.

he opens his mouth on the next topic of the agenda, however. the conversation rolls. he finds an opening and takes it.

"if worse comes to worst, i can deal with avatar powers," he speaks up to assure and the ex-elite four. "it's a bandaid solution, but it works for the short term until the meteor ordeal is dealt with."

as for and , who did not even invite neither him, nor to their wedding...

"it's a two way street. they know our hands will be tied if it's a public safety risk. they're smart enough to know the consequences so i personally think it's better for both sides to be reactive over them than preventive."

the surge of petty returns when the earlier thought came to mind.

"but it would still be fun to pester them with visits every once in a while. the bigger the group, the better. we can bring them a copy of the contract every time too."

the last part was a joke, but the lack of pep in his tone might make it difficult to recognize.

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 7:04:20 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

It seemed the answer to her question was no. Even if Dahlia tried to reassure her that AQUA was what she asked for. Perhaps Elinor’s perception had been colored by the interactions she had perceived in this room, or perhaps she just didn’t like the idea of being reliant on Avatars that might as easily turn against them, were it not for a piece of paper.

That’s when chimed in speaking of both Groudon and Rayquaza. Two titans who owed no allegiance to the League save for their safe return to Hoenn. But would that truly be enough to get to fight for the League’s cause? She looked thoughtful. “I hope that you are right, Matias.” And I hope you or someone else have a way to control those two. Though she wanted to speak those words, she figured it would only spark another unnecessary discussion.

Still, the looming threat of a Rampaging Groudon or Rayquaza painted a worried look over her face. But then addressed her. He offered her reassurances worth more than the AQUA contract did. After all, power only understood power, and sure Matias was strong. But surely there was a reason why Kyle was the champion and not Matias.

She sent Kyle an acknowledging nod, accepting his offer. She needn’t continue to speak on the matter. Instead, she would simply let the conversation run its course now as the group moved to debate how to handle Angelo and Skyler specifically.

- Replies to Matias's comment about Rayquaza and Groudon
- Acknowledges Kyle's reassurances.
- Decides not to pursue the discussion further

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 23:35:21 GMT



FERNANDO SHOWS NO REMOSE when stormy’s name shows up. he has long come to terms with the most probable cause of her disappearance. it is a risk they all undertake and are well aware of. now more than ever as the league’s longest appointed avatar is robbed of his title.

the monster you encountered is probably the shapeshifter that attacked me,” fernando slip in while the others debate . “that would account for another rocket avatar.

an apt deduction based on their own accounts. having confided in both and brings his alibi full circle. it’s only natural that has encountered others as well.

when the conversation about , and by proxy , starts to go long , fernando stakes his own input forward.

captain dross’ service during the ULTRA BEAST WAR cannot be understated. for her role, we have rewarded her handsomely and then some.” what that entails depends on the interpretation—some may read it as nautica having no issues in collaborating. others may see it as disrespect considering the league’s past hospitality.

fernando’s teeters somewhere in the middle.

however, we must account for more than just her personality and intentions,” he warns. “schwartz had nothing but good intentions and that results with him losing solgaleo, opening our dimension up to invasion, and allowing his expedition party to die in a foreign world.

he pauses to let that point sink in.

who’s to say dross will not do the same unknowingly? should she find a portal to a world filled with treasures, do you believe she will alert the league adequately instead of jumping head first into what she expects to be adventure? kyogre could very well end up like the missing sea guardian, or rayquaza.

the same could be said about the SWORDS OF JUSTICE but fernando reserves that for the future. patience must be tempered and battles picked. for a war waged on too many fronts is a promise of disaster.

or, should the unfortunate happen, she and kyogre may end up victim to team rocket of the dark triad. ’s neurotoxin went unnoticed for a year and we have relative eyes on her. imagine how long such a travesty could transpire undetected for someone as distant as dross?

he nods alongside his ranger despite going against their friend’s best intentions.

calcifet is a more complicated matter but i believe the same holds true for him as well. we should revisit his stance on team rocket along with his outlook on galar and necrozma.

- assumes is talking about
- states he was attacked by a shapeshifter avatar

- states the league has worked with before and rewarded her
- however, even good people with legendaries have caused huge issues
- kyogre could end up like rayquaza or sea!hoenn's lugia
- or skyler could fall victim as well
- suggest they look into too

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2022 23:49:56 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
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In a way, Eva’s own concerns mirror ’s. Though she does have a bit more faith in Groudon remaining loyal to The League as long as Matias remained loyal. The titan would do his bidding as long as the red shards remained embedded in his skin. The brief glance she spared for Matias moves towards as he speaks. He’s a strong trainer, but he’s still just one person.


“I think it’s important we all ensure we are all prepared, in our own way, for any of these threats,” she motions to the line of known legendaries and avatars. "Let’s remember that they are just people, and a legendary is just a pokemon. When we came together to calm Groudon on Mt. Chimney, we succeeded. With the help of Kazimir and the guidance of Lars, I’m sure they will prepare the Rangers well. We can prepare our Officers well. We have a region of skilled Officers and Rangers ready to protect their home. That is an asset we shouldn't discount. We shouldn’t hide any known weaknesses or vulnerabilities and we should have active protocols to place to expose them,” her gaze shifts to Kyle, “We shouldn’t have to rely on just one person. We all may have different views, but we are all still a team that has to work together. It would be silly to not adequately prepare for threats we know exist. I think that's something we can all agree on.”


Knowledge is power, and in a few days’ time each one of them would find a report from Eva on the Alternate Kyurem and reflects this sentiment. It's ridiculous they don't already have this information documented and protocols in place, and that's partially her fault, “I’m not the strongest fighter, but I can provide knowledge. It’s up to all of you to adequately prepare your people with that knowledge so when one of these becomes a threat it isn’t chaos.”





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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing