i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2022 19:22:48 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for Aqua Aseembly

[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



Melody's trauma being shared in such a public way is... A lot to take in, really. Katherine is visibly uncomfortable as she has to endure listening to such a sob story. Friends or not, this wasn't her style. She firmly believed that one should always keep such issues - personal problems - to themselves.
This cements that further, too.
The awkward air in the room is hard to ignore, especially considering the silence of many other attendees.
"Erm," she takes a deep breath. "I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we're glad you're here, Melody," god. That felt difficult. "It's good to finally have you back." Literally. Not just from imprisonment but also from the poison that eroded the singer's mind.
She exhales.
"Well... Just so we stay on topic..." To think that Katherine would be the professional one in an Aqua Assembly, what has their region come to?
"I'm sure I don't need to introduce myself. So, I'll keep this short. I've primarily focused on dealing with preparations for 99943 Meteno and trespassers from Sea Hoenn."
Short and simple.
"Although this is already written in my mission reports-- I suppose it wouldn't hurt to mention that Rocket's activity in our region is still on the rise," considering the takeover of Sootopolis, that much was to be expected. "A man who's been previously associated with Lugia's Avatar, , tried to ambush me a couple of months ago. Rocket is still hunting down Avatars and members of the League."
It's left unsaid out of respect to , but it's clear that Katherine is also referencing his incident.


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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he / him
december fourth
slateport city
191 height
191 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
717 posts
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TAG WITH @gabe
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 0:31:04 GMT
clearly the only person to raise a question about this was gabriel— an odd notion, considering the importance of this meeting, and the implications 's own testimony provides.
a member of their prestigious elite four was, up until presumably recently, susceptible to the influence of TEAM ROCKET. did she spill any secrets? share any damning details? questions that needed answering. questions that would be answered, even if not today.
katherine's own introduction makes for another to speak, so, pushing himself to his feet with his one arm, he stands. despite his disability, he doesn't forget to lace the button of his suit jacket.
"gabriel black," he says, a rough baritone that contrasts 's heavily, "i've been working on a number of projects, personal and professional, but nothing of such priority that it cannot wait to report."
he gives one last glance around the table, a gaze that settles on each and every person.
"i look forward to working with you all."
then he sits down.




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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 1:35:36 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]she's quiet for most of 's speech. she does, however, allow her eyes to drift toward the elite four member. and a small, proud smile rises as melody continues.

the girl has been through hell recently. she's grateful to have been able to help her in any way she could.

to 's question, she interjects.

"yes, we do have some supply of the antidote used on ." her smile grows a little wider. "i can recreate more if needed as well."

and once and introduce themselves, she takes the next spot of an introduction as well.

"illeana reyes," she murmurs. "one of your head scientists alongside . i do agree with that rocket's actions are increasing."

her eyes finally, begrudgingly, shift to as she speaks.

"a few of us have been on the unfortunate receiving end of their plans."

a soft sigh follows.

"it's wishful thinking to believe they might stop to focus on the meteor but if not, do we have any solid plan to ensure they don't cause further problems?"

oh. she almost forgot... about her own plans. she shifts in her seat, clears her throat awkwardly, and quiets. maybe she'll add it after... she's certain her recent actions are somewhere within the agenda clutched in her hands, anyway.


tl;dr |
- toxin answers
- rocket questions
- picks the seat next to

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 3:31:53 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"there's always the choice of bringing the offensive to them if we really want to," he tells .

they have the tools and the manpower, but 's priorities ring in his head again.

"if we're still talking about the crisis at hand though, messing around the distortion got me attacked with the same being that appeared on rocket's takeover of sootopolis. i guess opening wormholes to other dimensions outside of primal crystals wouldn't work."

one that distorted space around the city, which makes up half of what people called the aptly named time-space distortion.

kyle shrinks back to his seat after saying his piece. with that, people can't say he's a freeloader and isn't participating in the discussion.

"but that's, uh, common sense at this point, i think."

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 4:52:47 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


Are you ready to be a BIG SHOT?

"... The Champion ain't wrong, ya know. S'per usual, I guess." Doug said, following up on and . A smile crossed his lips as he lightly shifted Primrose in his arms, the youth humming to himself whilst looking at the baby. "Though the top brass wanted to cripple 'em before going for the throat, first. For that reason... the military is currently undergoin' a bit of a restructurin' process; the dome's a pain in the ass for sure, but... it also solved a few problems that had been obstructing a couple few strategical options."

He glanced over at and as he said this, before turning his gaze back to Primrose. He grinned at the baby as she softly gurgled in her sleep, patting her back.

"Our maritime borders are now secure. Dome kinda just took the Navy's and Coastal Guard's job. Nevermind unknown dangers- Rocket Kanto can't do anything to help our local vermin now. This means we can mobilize the majority of the navy and the Coastal guard within our internal water routes without worrying 'bout an external force interfering." He commented with a hum. "The top brass is hoping to reclaim full control of all of Hoenn's water routes before the dome goes away. Sootopolis ain't a great place to be in if an enemy controls every possible sea route 'round it. Once the whole city is practically surrounded... Well, I guess the top brass will try for a rematch. Is the idea, anyway. It all sounds mighty ambitious... provided we don't get blown to bits."

They also wanted him to helm a few of the related operations, last he heard. Given that he wasn't in the navy, he wasn't sure of how they would make that work, but he was sure those old codgers would pull something out of their asses.
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 5:26:34 GMT

bringing the offensive to rocket. he'd once sat in a room with , , and to discuss something of the sort. it hadn't worked out then but it does no harm to put it back on the table.[break][break]

"we could blow up their submarine."[break][break]

no remorse comes from matias but that's to be expected.[break][break]

"we know where it is and we have a way in." knowledge gained from prep work done months ago. "it'd strand them in sootopolis. trap them."[break][break]

- rocket sub go bye bye?

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 10:09:12 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

One by one everyone introduces themselves and one by one he feels a tad more out of place among the ranks of Gym Leaders, the Elite 4, counsel, and even Head Scientist. Though its as tells of her story where Razz really shares some sympathy. He knows first hand what its like to have parents who do nothing but manipulate you to their will, and there was nothing fun about it. Though the use of some sort of toxin to do it was new. [break][break]

Though at the plan both and the Ranger just tilts his head at them. "Wouldn't the citizens inside still be a problem? Not everyone is there by choice and from what I understand," because from his younger days in Rocket they definitely weren't beneath it, "They wouldn't be afraid to use them as hostages."[break][break]

"Sorry.... just a thought," he apologizes for interrupting as his more sheepish nature kicking in as meetings like this were uncomfortable to put it lightly. Salem gives him a thumbs up as a sign that he's doing good, making Razz take a deep breath as he tries to calm some nerves, "Guess I go now? Ummm.... I'm Razz Kingsman, I'm just a Ranger for Silph Co." its not like anyone else was mentioning their patrons so why should he?[break][break]

"I have mostly been keeping busy with Ranger work, some involving interrupting Rocket Black Market deals," he comments as he thinks to his undercover job with , though he wont go into details about having a rocket grunt alter ego in order to gain minimal intel on deals such as those. "Then most recently made a deal with Miss @dalhia to aide in helping snuff out any under cover Rocket should she suspect someone."


[break]+ @ aqua



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 17:58:20 GMT



A SMALL CLAP APPLAUDS melody’s bravery to address such a sensitive subject. but is is not done out of compassion or care. it is a formal address to sweep the topic away from the table as the subject matter is put to rest.

agreed,” his gaze moves from melody toward the spot in front of him. it rests somewhere between the head scientists.

unfortunate that this went undetected for such a long period of time—an unfortunate circumstance we find ourselves in as we stretch thin.

the conversation moves to rocket and fernando bides his time. his own thoughts cannot be presented as an initial opener. he holds too much. instead, he must parrot of someone else’s point to wedge the issue up front and center.

due to the meteor’s potential impact, it should remain our highest priority,” is a reiteration of what he’s told so far.

but opinions, like people, change.

however, team rocket’s recent resurgence of activity poses a direct threat to our plans.

his brows narrow and his headband slips when his skin moves. fernando readjusts it to make sure the open socket of his eye remains covered, putting attention to one of the most glaring changes in the room.

as of recently, we have discovered that team rocket has their own subset of avatars, methods of reversing the avatar process, and have no qualms with killing legendary pokemon that have promised to protect this land.

the only opposition to a systematic purge of rocket has been and for good reason. unfortunately, they are out of time.

while sootopolis undoubtedly holds individuals who do not openly support rocket, an increase of civilian intervention has led to sabotaging several attempts of league members apprehending such rockets.

recent events in the cloud draw to mind.

i, myself, have been on the receiving end of such incidents, much to my dismay. with rocket’s contributions to the necrozma incident, and the ramifications it has on galar, i fear leaving them unchecked will only spiral further out of control.

- make an implication at based on 's situation.
- states meteor is the highest priority.
- however rocket poses a threat to their meteor plan.
- states rocket has avatars, anti-avatar tech, and implies they killed tapu fini.
- states civilians have interfered with catching rockets (CYBERCHASE).

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 19:38:33 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar

a smile and a nod to dahlia, pushing on the document handed to him while not even opening his own, pleasantries exchanged, and a bombshell dropped onto the table, engulfing all in its neurotoxic waste.

kim was stunned for a moment, but that was to be expected from the man whose job it was no longer to keep up with things he shouldn’t know. but just as always, his face would confer no emotion besides placidity. it was a talent, really.

he does not introduce himself, there is no need, the people at the table know him one way or another, he had not been shy on being in the spotlight during his run as councilman; so he adds on to what he had been doing with his time, in a professional sense.

since i’ve left my council position, i’ve been busy shifting my weight between interviews and community service; speaking of which and , since we’re going into the stone ages again, I need to talk to you too about resource allocation and where certain cities are lacking and what they’re lacking in. and , the two of us need to have a heart to heart when we’ve both got the time.

he presses on after the brief intermission.

besides the obvious two major things that we have on our plate, our biggest issues lie within rocket. and with all the interviews i’ve done, all the conferences i’ve had the displeasure of being apart of, they got me thinking. we’re being real pussies about all this.

pausing he holds up his hands in a gesture of cushioning an impact before his words continue.

i know, i know, we’re the league, we do things by the book, we take precautionary measures to soften the blow and not overstep our bounds; we can’t let our thirst for justice impede us doing things properly- yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah- but hear me out.

the longer we take to plan things, the stronger our enemies get. we are scaling at the same rate as they are, if not slower. this is the second time since rocket has been here that they’ve taken a major city from us while the only thing we could do was defend. and honestly, it kinda pisses me off that we even let it happen the first time.

his eyes shift across the room, amber hues locking with everyone as he spoke, his own voice powerful yet calm as he expanded on his point.

i know better than anyone the value of taking things slow and ensuring the move you make is one that you will not have regrets in making, but for fucks sake, we can’t just wait and let them roost while we sit with our thumbs up our asses rehashing the same thing for the… what, seventh time?

honestly, i’m tired of the inaction, people, and our focus on the meteor- the dome too- will only leave our backdoor open for rocket to take another city- if not two, from us.

looking back to he bows his head slightly in remorse.

also, my apologies sensen, i cursed a lot there and i’m like right next to primmy. if she cusses as her first word you can blame me.

ღ councilpeeps, assemble
ღ fuck that meteor, fuck that dome, lets kill some rockets
ღ i'm sorry senon, primrose knows the word "fuck" now

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 19:53:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the Shaymin walked back from to Kazimir the vigilante couldn't help but listen to the gym leader idol suddenly tell her tale. As it went on Kaz's mouth slowly dropped till it was pretty much open in a lax way. Still he didn't say a word as all he could give her was his sympathies in spirit and only hoped that things were turning over like she mentioned with all the help that she was getting.

However it was talk about the meteor and Rocket that managed to grab his full attention and as soon as it shifted more into dealing with Rocket the vigilante raised up his hand like he was in a classroom wanting to interject with an answer to an unasked question. "Kim's right, while we try to keep the peace of everything the best we can there's no denying that we've been kinda a bit too focused on playing defense meanwhile Rocket is slowly getting stronger and stronger, heck I managed to run into some masked freak with strange Pokemon a while back and they seemed to have stolen 's avatar powers."

With that he straighten up in his seat and even leaned forward while using an arm on the table to prop himself up, "We might not have the luxury of trying to build up our same power as they do right now but that doesn't mean we can't strike at them while they do the same to us. I've been fighting them for a while now so I'm thinking we should at least have some kind of task force to send off and deal a few blows to Rocket. I know we got the meteor to deal with so maybe it should be a very small force and at best they can wipe out Rocket's important operations or at the very worst they can sabotage them to slow them down while the rest of us focus on breaking this freaking dome and doing something about the meteor....oh."

He had almost forgot he was mulling over this as well.

"As for the meteor this might be a shot in the dark but...sending it somewhere else sounds like a decent idea but even i'm against sending it over to that other hoenn so...maybe we can send it somewhere else like....ultra space? i know we...we have beef with them but maybe there's something else about ultra space we can use, like some kind of uninhabited space that's full of nothing but dangerous ultra beasts or something. just some food for thought."


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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 20:30:55 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

While she had intended for the introduction round to continue, what transpired had not been anywhere near close to what she expected. Not that it could be seen upon her. Her face was unchanged in its professional friendliness as spoke, followed by , then , until it somehow cascaded into a cacophony of voices all too eager to speak not only about the Subject of Melody but also about Team Rocket.

And while they added their voices, she listened. Her silence was not a disagreement with the words spoken, but rather an agreement. Team Rocket was a threat to Hoenn, a weed that would continue to claw at the foundation of the safety that she wished to create for future generations. For yes, while the Meteor posed an immediate danger, even she knew there was a high chance Team Rocket was merely biding their time, waiting for The League to fix that issue before stealing yet another important city.

Her eyes met with as he requested a heart-to-heart. She sent him an acknowledging nod in response, knowing that she would be a fool to not hear what he had to say for better or worse.

“Agreed, while we do have a Meteor to deal with, Team Rocket is a threat that should not be ignored. Maybe they might not strike within the nearest future, but as long as they are a presence, the probability of an attack is never zero.” She stated looking thoughtfully, as she finally chimed in with her own opinion. Though unlike most here at the table, she had had woefully little hands-on experience with Team Rocket.

“But such operations are outside my field of expertise, so I will trust in the judgment of those better suited.” Her gaze wandered to those who had already made it known that they worked in that field or otherwise had experience with Team Rocket.

And then she returned to silence, letting the discussion continue until she felt her opinion needed one more, not that anyone had asked for it this time.

- Agrees with everyone but lets them know she will refer to those better suited.

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 0:32:39 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for Aqua Aseembly

[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



The only sign of surprise on Katherine's features is the number of times her eyes blink.
This is too simple, she thinks to herself. She knew that she was right, mind, but the thought that everyone would agree with her (sans ) never once crossed her mind. It was much like described: the League preferred to do things by the book. They were the 'good guys', one could say.
But they had to reevaluate now, before it's too late.
Nevertheless, she does not elaborate. She has no need to. Everyone is free to chip in and offer their personal take on the cancer that is Rocket: she is happy to listen and observe.
But 's words draw her attention for the wrong reason.
"By all means then," the stage is his. "Present us with a reliable method to travel into the Ultra Space and transfer things to it, and while you're at it, please do let us know what preventive measures we should take to ensure that a creature similar to that of Sootopolis doesn't crawl into our world again."
She waits for a couple of moments. When no sufficient answer comes, she continues.
"We already know what needs and can be done about the meteor. Even if we could launch the meteor to Ultra Space, even if we could guarantee that nothing would invade our region, there'd still be an army that's trying to invade our region."
A short pause.
"We'd be practically inviting a second Ultra Beast War if we were to consider this, Kazimir. Only this time, we'd be dealing with a war and rocket at the same time."


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 5:40:39 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
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The doctor’s fingers twitch, the tips pulling and playing with the edge of the case that protects her tablet. Eva suppresses anger that the thought of Rocket brings to the surface. She must keep a rational, non-biased mind. It’s easier said than done when they’ve had such an impact on your life.


The time to introduce herself had passes, and the conversation tilts towards what to do about the vermin that poison their region. The thought of blowing up the submarine is tempting, which is very out of character for the healer.


“We’ve seen what happens when Rocket is given time to grow,” she is referring to the violent takeover of Kanto. Some of them at the table know better than others that the threat must be dealt with sooner rather than later, “But I think we can come up with a better solution than blowing up the submarine,” she frowns, glancing towards her better half. He can come up with a better idea than that.


“It’s no secret I don’t agree with sending the meteor to Sea!Hoenn,” Every life is precious, “But I do agree with . Given our . . . history of interdimensional travel and conflict, Ultra Space would be risky. There is one more place . . .” she glances towards then , “But it comes with its own threat – an ice dragon,” she clears her throat and casts a glance towards her tablet, “But it’s a baren wasteland. Minimal causalities.”



+ @aaap3


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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
628 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 6:16:27 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

MELODY'S SITUATION IS EXPOUNDED UPON. the commissioner chimes in that yes, the antidote is in good supply. after all, Nihilego toxin had been the cause of the original shadow pokemon and had inflicted Dahlia herself. production of the antivenom proved to be a worthwhile investment. after all, was now cured. she acknowledges too; another set of papers are set aside for him on her side of the table.[break][break]

"i hear and acknowledge all of the concern in regards to rocket." the commissioner states firmly.[break][break]

and yet, her eyes soften at 's condition. no matter the expletive or ill-informed opinion, she remains as steady as she can. outwardly, at least. like hot plates, the meeting agendas resonate underneath her hands.[break][break]

"but these invocations of action possess little tact. should we arm an offensive against sootopolis and rocket as a whole during the more pressing matter of an impact event, then we sabotage public faith in the league further."[break][break]

she tucks away a fraying strand of blonde behind her ear, but as always, it threatens to curl out and away.[break][break]

"i do say, kim cole, i am quite impressed with you." dahlia says, eyes flickering from to him. "to harangue us about inaction immediately after speaking of leaving your council seat for interviews and community service is a bold, bold move."[break][break]

she is quick to move on. no pause. sharp pivot.[break][break]

"we will plan for both the meteoroid impact and a marked retaliation against team rocket, but the meteoroid impact takes precedence."[break][break]

the commissioner raps her fingernails against the papers. she listens to the exchange between katherine and kazimir.[break][break]

"as the champion just explained, traversal into ultra space is currently impossible, . also raises a great point. one that gym leader failed to understand repeatedly. ultra beasts are not stupid, dull biological robots. they are pokemon. sending the meteoroid to any other dimension without understanding what or who is present could also spell disaster from our hubris."[break][break]

after listening to , the commissioner sighs. not out of frustration, but for lost chances. unfair fate.[break][break]

"if i remember correctly, the primal shard used to warp into the ice dragon's dimension is broken. that option is now off the table."[break][break]

she frowns.[break][break]

"i am glad that rayquaza is recovering."[break][break]

but it won't be fast enough.

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon tapu-koko"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon tapu-bulu"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
part of
TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 9:29:38 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Alright yeah. I could have thought about that a bit more." Reaching back to scratch the imaginary itch on the back of his neck the blonde tried to not really make any eye contact with anyone else around the room. His Shaymin only looks back at him and hops into his lap to dig into it to make a little nest as his hand is drawn to it and starts to stroke its green mantle. For a moment he wants to disappear into the waterfall close to him until @dhalia mentions it.


"Wait. Did something happen to it?" Memories of the large serpent attack a lighthouse flood his mind as he tries to recall any news about what happened to it after it nearly tore up that whole place. After that it had pretty much left Kazimir's mind. Honestly he was a bit surprised at himself for even being a smidge worried about such a creature as he didn't exactly have the best relationship with it. The fact that something could even damage such a beast was...was...was something that sparked an idea in Kaz's head and caused him to raise his hand again.

"Ah sorry just uh, kinda had a sudden thought. I know we're kinda split on sending it somewhere else and all but...what if we did something a little more direct? Is there anyway we could use something to smash up that giant hunk of rock before it even hits us? Like maybe a pokemon that has enough muscle to break it apart so it doesn't turn us into a crater or worse." Looking around he slowly put his hand back down onto his Shaymin to pet it to keep his nerves and focus steeled, "Just as a sort of plan b at least."


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing