i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2023 5:21:04 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: THE BORDER




Northern Province - Area 2 (Riding) - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

THE BORDER IS A MOUNTAINOUS PURGATORY OF MUTED SEPIA SMOKE. By floating islands, translucent bridges soar through the realm toward the heavens. Tall stone spires jut out from the spiritual mist. In the sky, the wisps of spirits can be seen heading toward their final destination before the afterlife...[break][break]

Curiously, there are four broken seals embedded in four mountains. Though Adrian Malcolm and YVELTAL may have seen their location upon their unceremonious entry, the spirit realm has shifted since their last visit, rendering each broken seal far apart from each other.



  • 03 examine the broken seal to the south, found in the middle of a cliffside.
  • 18 lose your shadow, or encounter your shadow moving independently of you.
  • 28 encounter one of the vestigial spirits of wo-chien, ting-lu, chi-yu, or chien-pao near a broken seal. it will not use its signature move, ruination, however, it will be incredibly aggressive before being warded off. you will not recognize what these pokemon are.
  • 29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.
  • 🗺️ utilize a sygna suit in an advantageous way.
  • 🗺️ the spell tag must be used/worn/placed on a pokemon to lure or attract an antagonist (e.g. a spirit).
  • 🗺️ SPECIAL HUNT: , , and will now be able to encounter and catch MARSHADOW each. you must be able to defeat or prove to the marshadow that you are worthy of training them, but this will be no easy task. they quickly learn you and your pokemon's movements, able to mimic their movements by analyzing or hiding in their shadows.


AT THE END OF EACH EXPEDITION THREAD, all characters must ROLL for their final post. The HIGHEST FOUR ROLLS will be counted for what TREASURES are retrieved from the location. These treasures will be returned to each faction for future use...


[attr="class","boxName"]YOUR HAUL


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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2023 5:56:32 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Another day, another expedition - this one, initially, started not unlike the prior two. The initial intentions were to better study the seals - especially when Charon made a mention of concerning disturbances happening near them - and yet... Partway into the expedition, was when the group began to realize that something was awry.

Namely, that noone was casting a shadow any longer.

No longer what way the light shone or how, there was no shade - as if the light of the sepia-toned sun above was passing through right them. It was easy to confirm that Angelica wasn't the cause - nor were any of the other ghost pokemon in the group's possession. And yet, what the true cause could've been was beyond them - the Border was already so strange, being that it was the space between life and death itself. Only time would tell what, exactly, was going on.

And as time passed, well... That was when things began only becoming stranger.

Ettie paused in her tracks, when the sound of wings and cawing caught the attention of not only her, but the pack as well. Glancing up, she expected to see Adrea and Astus, sure, but... It was much more concerning when there weren't two shapes up above, but four. Adrea and Astus were circling above, with what looked almost like shadowy clones mirroring their movements. Ettie couldn't help but stop in her tracks at this - blinking once, twice, before there was but a single puzzled word out of her mouth. "... Four??"

Anne couldn't help a brief growl at this - and one of Ettie's newest additions to her pack, Anat the Lucario, couldn't help but concur at the lycanroc's sentiments. This was not normal. Something was wrong.

And this feeling would only be emphasized, by the sounds of distant howls. These howls were almost like that of Ettie's pack - and yet, there was an unnatural tinge to them. Ghastly, fleeting, almost not-all-there - and yet the chorus was there all the same. And in hearing it, Ettie and Anne tensed.

"... Hunting." Ettie spoke, unable to help the slightest curl of her lip, the slightest growl in her tone. "Pack-call, for-gather - for-hunt." Her eyes slid up towards the shadowy clones of Astus and Adrea - her gaze that of a wild beast assessing a threat. "Flock-show, where-prey." Her lips curled further, into a full snarl, as she growled out "Not safe!"

And Anat wasted no time in acting - forming an Aura Sphere, firing it upwards and at the shadow-Astus. Though the two real corvids would let out crows of alarm in response, the shadows were worst-off for it - the shadow-Astus crowing as it was struck. The Lucario barked to Astus and Adrea both - and the two corvids wasted no time in acting, chasing off the shadowy clones with Heat Wave and Swift both.

Ettie, however, was not comforted by this. Taking out her pokeballs, she'd recall Astus and Adrea. "They know. We move?" She spoke - her eyes briefly glancing to the others for their input. Whatever the howls belonged to, they were sure to be closing in - hunting the group, if Ettie's guess was right. So, how would they approach this...?

, ,

18 lose your shadow, or encounter your shadow moving independently of you.
29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2023 18:19:53 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
At long last, Josh had reaped the rewards of his fourteen-year bond with Saber, his Manectric. Saber and his trainer had survived deletion in the Cloud. They had survived the imminent impact of a meteor. And most recently, Josh had survived a supersonic gallop astride the electric-type, thanks to the Z-Power they shared together. It was the final component to the SYGNA SUIT the Gym Leader wore. The suit made Josh look like an extension of his Manectric steed, a visor covering the face area of the suit. It looked a lot like his racing suit, except with spiky yellow and blues instead of the Raikou-like colors the group may have been used to seeing.

"It's been fourteen years coming," Josh announced in front of the trio he had been traveling to The Border with for the past several days. "I feel a lot more at ease here now." It was true; as long he was atop his Manectric and he wore his suit, the environment felt just like anywhere else in Hoenn.

One of the first things that caught Josh's attention was a bright, yellow glow in the cliffside to the south as mist seethed from it. "I'm gonna have Saber wear this SPELL TAG. Something doesn't feel right at all. C'mon, Saber!" The Manectric's JOLLY disposition overflowing, Josh shot toward the leaking seal with all due haste, electricity arcing among all four of his mount's legs during the explosive acceleration the Gym Leader's Sygna Suit made much more bearable.

It did not take him long to make it to the yellow seal, the temperature dropping substantially while he was in the mist in its wake. Starting to feel the cold, Josh send out his Pyroar, Simba, who immediately began coughing in the mist's presence. It only took him seconds to withdraw the lion. Was the very air around the seal harmful? It was clear that Josh's Sygna Suit protected him and his Manectric from its elements.

Beyond the seal, Josh could have sworn he saw a lithe, feline-shaped figure with long, sharp teeth stretching beyond its face. Next to it was a humanoid-shaped, yellow-eyed shadow. The blood in the Gym Leader's veins began to run cold...

{WC: 368}
{PC: 1}

> 03 examine the broken seal to the south, found in the middle of a cliffside.
> 29 encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.
> 🗺️ utilize a sygna suit in an advantageous way.
> 🗺️ the spell tag must be used/worn/placed on a pokemon to lure or attract an antagonist (e.g. a spirit).

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Saber           Manectric         Good
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Janus           Espeon            Good
King Zing       Beedrill          Good
Tiamat          Dragonite         Good
Kairi           Vaporeon          Good
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July 07
Ever Grande City
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2023 20:23:04 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Third time here. You’d think that she would be used to it by now. But no. Especially this time. And for that reason she stayed close to Ettie, hoping to at least offer the young girl protection alongside the girl's pack.

Gengar walked by her side, and it was the one that noticed the sudden lack of a shadow. It poked Johanna to gain her attention and then pointed toward her shadow or rather the area it ought to be.

Johanna quickly looked toward Ettie and saw that the pack was going into motion as well. But when she was about to try and jump in to defend Ettie, she was assaulted by a creature that looked surprisingly a lot like her missing shadow.

Luckily Gengar was equally quick to jump into defending its trainer with a SHADOW PUNCH.

- Gengar makes Johanna aware of her lack of shadow.
- Shadow dopple attacks
- Gengar jumps in to defend.

- 18: lose your shadow, or encounter your shadow moving independently of you.

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
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6’3” height
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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Callan Young
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2023 4:31:42 GMT
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A lot was said and done. But ultimately, they were in danger from their own shadows.

Danger was not something Callan was unadjusted to. When his Messi, his Cinderace's shadow escapes him and attempts to end his life, Dawn, his Aegislash is quick to intercept with a KING'S SHIELD. The POkemon dispatch them with ease, needing little to no command from Callan.

As 's Gengar drops their shadow assault, Callan turns towards the group. "Let's follow Josh to where he's going." He replied, before returning his Pokemon to their balls and riding his Dragonite Alf to follow the high speed movements of the Sygna Suit enhanced gym leader.

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2023 2:38:38 GMT
Ettie Avatar
It happened faster than Ettie could even blink. One moment, they were on the move - but the next, the others were being attacked by shadows! Things were quickly falling apart into an all-out brawl, as shadowy doppelgangers rose up to fight their true selves. The pack reacted quickly - clustering up around Ettie and Johanna both in a protective fashion, since the two were already close together. But when a shadow rose in their midsts, chaos would begin to arise as the Joy Gymleader fell under attack from her own shadow..!

Thankfully, Retnuah was there - the gengar rising up to punch the shadow-Johanna out without a second thought! Still, the pack was agitated - Anne lightly pulling Johanna closer to Ettie, as if to better watch over the both of them at once.

And Ettie, meanwhile, was quick to prepare for combat. Though a good portion of the pack stayed in their balls so that they didn't have to deal with the toxic atmosphere of the Border - the ones who stayed out being overall hardier and thus better able to tolerate it - in times like this, the pack needed every one of their numbers that they had to protect everyone. One by one, the pack's numbers grew - Astus, Adraea, Ruffian, Haru... Even Scarlet, the doublades easily settling into their place in Ettie's hands, though they did not wrap their tassels quite yet.

... But in that same vein, so did the number of opposition. Astus and Adraea both would make warning calls - as over the ridge, a group of shadowy beasts revealed themselves. Teeth were bared, snarls and growls made on either side - the shadow-pack was visibly hostile, and the true-pack in turn were becoming agitated.

The shadow-pack would let loose a battlecry; throwing back their heads in a chorus of Howls to ready themselves for the attack. Ettie, however, would be fast to react - glancing to the corvids above. "Adraea!"

The murkrow in question, already snickering, would beat her wings - a white fog spreading outwards in a Mist. The shadowy beasts seemed bewildered that the strength that they previously called upon was now gone - and that moment of surprise was more than enough for Anne to call for a charge - leading her pack in a Howl of their own - and before the shadow- Adraea could let loose their own Mist, Astus was upon them with Wing Attack!

But Ettie could see, without a doubt, the leader - a pair of doppelgangers of both Anne and herself, a set of shadowy blades in the false wildchild's hands. Climbing up onto Anne's back, Ettie glanced back to Johanna - murmuring "Be safe," before the two charged forwards - the pack prepared to meet their shadows in combat.

After all - violence for violence is the rule of beasts - a rule she was quite familiar with.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2023 6:10:27 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Saber made an uncommanded slow to a stop as they approached the shadowy duo. When Josh spurred the Manectric closer, he refused to listen, instead growling and snarling at them. The feline creature crouched, and the yellow-eyed shadow sat on its back. Once they appeared to be one, the big cat stepped closer to Josh and Saber of their own accord.

With the most menacing, ruinous meow the Gym Leader had ever heard, the feline spirit faded into view: a snow cat with two halves of a broken sword as its fangs. Its back and tail were covered in ice crystals, some of which were obscured by additional snow on its back in the shape of an exotic saddle typically seen on big cat Pokémon. There were even floating reins of incredibly dense snow in the shadow's left hand.

The shadow rider at the reins still had a mostly unidentifiable body, though its shape, and particularly its facial features, were identical to Josh's. Even the identical voice Josh heard, while he wasn't sure, seemed to come from that direction. "Abandon your chase of Raikou, heathen, at the claws of the true god you seek! Akuji, maul him!" With a snowy polearm in hand, the shadow spurred the snow cat into a lunge straight at Josh and Saber.

"Saber, QUICK ATTACK!" Josh commanded, though it was too late. Not even the speedy move got the Gym Leader out of the way of his foe's charge that eerily reminded him of when he rode Raikou. It was speed he would never forget, and speed that neared, if not equaled, that of the Beast. Josh lurched back as the dense spear of snow rammed him with full force, his SYGNA SUIT the only thing keeping him from being struck dead on the spot. It wasn't over, either; with the speed of a whip, the spirit of Chien-Pao turned around to do it all over again!

> 28 encounter one of the vestigial spirits of wo-chien, ting-lu, chi-yu, or chien-pao near a broken seal. it will not use its signature move, ruination, however, it will be incredibly aggressive before being warded off. you will not recognize what these pokemon are.

{WC: 323}
{PC: 2}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Saber           Manectric         Good
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Janus           Espeon            Good
King Zing       Beedrill          Good
Tiamat          Dragonite         Good
Kairi           Vaporeon          Good
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July 07
Ever Grande City
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2023 6:49:42 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

So it seemed Shadows had become their enemies, to be precise their own shadows had taken up arms against them. Though for reasons unknown the same did not seem to have happened with Gengar?

Johanna took a deep breath as she centered herself. Gerngar’s Shadow Punch met with her Shadowy-doppelganger.

But the oddest thing happened, the shadow wasn't blown away by its power, as one would assume. No, it kept its physicality, jumping away for a moment to get some distance between it and the Gengar. It looked upon its fist for a moment, before the very same fist that had met with Gengar began to glow the ghastly purple of SHADOW PUNCH.

Johanna did not like the look of that.

Etties pack offered Johanna further protection, which she thankfully agreed to. Gengar readied itself.

Callan suggested that they follow Josh and his high speed Pokemon. But honestly, Johanna doubted either she or Ettie had Pokémon that could truly do so. And so she said. “Go ahead, we will handle these.” She gestures for the growing group of Shadows.

As more and more Shadowy copies began to form. A battle would begin. And Johanna wasn’t about to leave Ettie be nor did she think these shadow-doppelgangers would let them run so easily.

Shadow-Johanna proved the real Johanna’s point as it charged at its copy, purple-fist aiming for the head. But once more Gengar jumped in between, parrying the punch with one of its own.

- Shadow Johanna is beaten back for a moment.
- Johanna suggest Callan goes ahead while Ettie and her takes care of the growing group of shadows.
- Kung-fu fighting begins.

- 29: encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
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an anxious object
6’3” height
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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Callan Young
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2023 2:43:16 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Despite having reservations about leaving a member of the team behind, nods towards 's decision to stay and handle the shadowy figures. She had already proven her significant skill with battling in the last two expeditions, and at this point he had become keenly aware of how everyone's talents were brought to the table here.

Callan's Dragonite arrives just moments after both. Callan arrived at the scene of the fight just moments after watching the fight between a ghostly vestigial spirit of Chien-Pao strike against . Landing himself down next to Devlin, the ghostly spirit was an entirely foreign Pokemon to him, but something told him that the beast was anything but ordinary. "Are you okay Josh?!" He yells out.

His Dragonite Dragon Dances as it moves towards the Chien-Pao, hoping that it would reach in time. However, something held Callan back, he wanted to see if Josh could break past his limits and defeat this legendary foe on his own. That would truly be a moment of growth and triumph for the gym leader. "Do you need my help?"

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15 (Estimated)
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2023 23:47:01 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Fang against fang, claw against claw, beak against beak - the air was filled with the growls and snarls of beasts below, and the raucous caw of corvids above. Ettie's pack moved in tandem as they formed a defensive line against the shadowy canids that sought to pincer the group as a whole against the other shadows on the opposite side - the shadows of Ettie's compatriots and their pokemon.

However, the pack's bonds were strong - and even as one took a hit, others were there to support. A Heal Pulse from Anat, Safeguard from Pago, Lucky Chant from Haru - there were a multitude of moves exchanged amongst one another, to ensure that the pack did not falter. However, on that same note, the shadowy pack had similar tactics on offer for them - it was looking as though the only thing giving Ettie's pack an edge was their prior howls, and keeping the shadow-Adraea too busy for them to use Mist.

All the whilst though, blades clashed against blades as Ettie engaged her own doppelganger; teeth bared in a wild half-grin half-snarl, as Scarlet's tassels wrapped around her forearms. Much like with the rest of the pack, though Ettie had an edge, it was still a tough fight - a clash of steel and grit, to see who flinched first.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2023 4:45:02 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As Josh turned around to face the snow cat's spirit and its shadowy rider shaped just like himself, he caught a glimpse of the others, who seemed to be fighting their own shadows, as well. He couldn't think about them, though; they had their own big battles to fight. He waved back to and cried, "You focus on your own battle! I'll be fine!" Asking him for help now would not only show a sign of his own weakness, something he could not afford to be held responsible for during his Champion Assessment, but it was clear from the way they were fighting that each of them had to overcome their own shadow clone alone.

He could still feel the biting cold of the ruinous knight's snow lance as his eyes tracked the feline steed. He wanted to use his other Pokémon, badly. It was clear from the moment of the first charge that he was not going to be able to outrun his opponent. Had it not been for the valuable experience he had gathered from battling Elite Four and her Pheromosa, he may have never returned from the bitter battle, the spirit of Chien-Pao slaying him on the spot.

Josh at last CALMed down, Saber letting out a cry. The SYNC STONE in the racer's right glove activated, enabling the Manectric to dodge not only the ice lance, but the follow-up ICICLE CRASH coming from the Manectric's blades. The rider reined his Pokémon around the ruinous cat's spirit in an elegant dance that was nearly impossible for anyone else to follow. Though the whiplash-inducing turns were impressive, the rider's SYGNA SUIT saving his life against the legendary Pokémon yet again, they wore the shadow rider out.

It seemed even the spirit in Chien-Pao's snow saddle had its limits, giving him the opportunity to make a move. "Now, DISCHARGE!" he commanded. The suit let Josh and his Manectric truly fight as one, even letting him be at the center of his mount's electric attacks unharmed. The wide-area electric blast engulfed both the Sword of Ruin's spirit and its rider, Chien-Pao recoiling and rearing impossibly high after the critical hit. For a brief moment, the feline stood nearly straight up, the knight on its back almost parallel to the ground. The sudden bloodrush to the head had to be painful.

The short range of Saber's strongest electric attack proved to be a liability; the moment the snow cat's front paws touched the ground after rearing, it flung itself toward Josh and Saber from behind, raking both of them with a NIGHT SLASH that nearly tore through his suit's left side. One more big blow and he would be in serious trouble. If that suit punctured, that mist would enter his body, and he wouldn't last long in that!

{WC: 473}
{PC: 3}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Saber           Manectric         Fair
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Janus           Espeon            Good
King Zing       Beedrill          Good
Tiamat          Dragonite         Good
Kairi           Vaporeon          Good
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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2023 8:13:21 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Battles raged on.

While Johanna wanted nothing more than to help Ettie and her pack, the shadow taking her form was keeping Gengar busy. Its’ Fists meeting fists, kicks meeting kicks, as if Gengar was fighting a mirror.

She had to summon more Pokémon.

A deep breath gave her clarity. If whatever creature caused this couldn’t steal Gengar’s shadow, then the answer was clear to her. She had to summon Pokémon who were already in control of their shadows. Unfortunately for her, that limited her choices.

Still, she grabbed three Pokéballs and summoned for her fighters. A familiar Sableye jumped forth alongside an eager Doublade which quickly flew into her hands, and a Mimikyu that quickly gazed around.

“Retnauh, Angelica, Cellach, help Etties pack. I will deal with this one.” A confident blade pointed toward her shadowy clone.

The shadow began to form blades of its own.

And so the battle began. Johanna charged with Dorian in the driver's seat. Blade met blade in a loud shrieking chorus of steel.

The other Pokémon each sprang into action to help Ettie and her pack.

Cellach and Angelica joined in conjuring SHADOW SNEAK into piercing tendrils while Retnauh the Gengar sent SHADOW PUNCH at the nearest of the pack’s shadows.

- Johanna summons reinforcement.
- Johanna starts battling with Dorian against the shadow
- The rest of Johanna's Pokémon goes to help Ettie's pack.

- 29: encounter shadowy copies of yourselves or your pokemon that mimic movement, form, and more.

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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Callan Young
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2023 14:52:52 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Callan didn't exactly have a battle to focus on, having travelled to help out with Josh's endeavor of seeking his own battle. But he wasn't going to butt into this one on one unless Josh truly needed the help.

There were certain moments in life that were certainly important to others, and it wasn't his place to enter into it, he felt this was one of them. So instead he stood aside and readied Tsuki, his UMBREON, preparing a WISH for Josh and his Pokemon in case things went awry.

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2023 3:37:55 GMT
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Madame snarled, as the shadowy granbull's fangs dug into her fur, the bipedal beast's fists slamming into her in some twisted mimicry of Play Rough. Though she managed to heave and throw off the malignant beast, when she tried to retaliate with a Ice Fang, the shadow-Princess was suddenly disappearing into the fold, only to be replaced with her own reflection that clashed against her.

But, a Heal Pulse from Anat would ease those wounds - and the lucario frowned, as she surveyed the fight from a supportive position. This was a tough fight, the fighting-type recognized - when you had to fight against yourself, it really was a question of who could make the most of what they had first. And yet, there was something strange about these shadows.

Though they indeed moved in tandem, it didn't feel like a natural flow in the same way their own pack's movements were. Though the shadows acted as one, there didn't feel like there was any individuality - any single action made for themself. It was almost as if even the dynamics between the shadowy-beasts were but a mimickry, one that was paling in comparison to the real thing. Bit by bit though, that cohesion that might've been missing before was filling in -- whatever was behind all of this, it was learning. And learning fast.

With reinforcements though, Anat had no need to worry about what might happen, if the shadows were to improve far enough. Johanna's ghosts moved into the fray, their shadowy moves more than plenty to sow confusion amongst the startled shadow-pack's ranks. And seeing the opportunity, Anat would throw back her head to howl in a rallying cry, the pack answering in kind and charging forwards to overrun the enemy beasts before they could adapt to the ghost-types' attacks.

And as the shadow-pack's strength faltered, it was as if the shadowy wildchild's focus began to falter as well. Letting Scarlet guide her hand, Ettie swung upwards - watching as one of the blades in her doppelganger's hands was sent flying, clattering off to the side. Pressing the advantage and allowing Scarlet's battlefury to overcome her, the young child roared - swinging out in a flurry of blows, forcing back the shadow bit by bit as the tides turned in her favor!
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2023 5:16:28 GMT
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The electric blast jumped among the snow cat's ice crystals and to its rider. Electrical arcing, and the shadow's subsequent outlining, only went a little less than halfway up its body. Was the form it was taking on an illusion? For an illusion, it sure was capable of dishing out punishment. With Chien-Pao's spirit reeling, Josh's best moment to make a move was now, he felt. He had his Manectric start a QUICK ATTACK chain to build up speed and attempt to at least temporarily outrun his foe, planning for a high speed swerve and electric charge right into the flats of the creature's sword-fangs.

As the Manectric charged toward the ice-type, Josh BRAVELY slammed his heels into his mount's sides. His SYNC STONE began glowing with a yellow light, a powerful QUICK ATTACK threatened to ram and trample their shadowy foes. His own twisted shadow called out to him again, whipping the snow-reins from side to side impossibly fast. "So you wish to throw your life away, infidel?! I gave you the chance. Now, be buried in an avalanche of your own ruin! You wanna go fast?! I'll show you fast! Akuji, AERIAL ACE!"

The violent flicking of Chien-Pao's snow reins provoked two sharp turns that would have flicked any human rider, no matter how skilled, off the saddle. Any physical harness strapped to the Pokémon would have snapped in two, forcibly dismounting any would-be rider that somehow remained conscious after enduring swerving that put the whip in whiplash. How in the world could anyone stay on a creature that nimble?!

The two exchanged blows one more time, the AERIAL ACE meeting QUICK ATTACK. Josh was met with the ruinous rider's ice lance again, finding the same chink it had made in his SYGNA SUIT and tearing a hole in it. The effect of Josh's BRAVERY on his Manectric immediately wore off, the SYNC STONE no longer receiving the suit's INFINITY ENERGY. It would need to be repaired before it could be used again.

Rearing again after the enhanced Quick Attack, the Chien-Pao spirit turned on its rider and flailed madly. Its flexing back pulsed the height of its body from knee to head, causing the shadow to drop the reins and bury its hands in the Pokémon's snowy fur. With a primal, feline screech, the enraged cat spirit hurled its back with such force that the pulse peaked above its head, at last bucking the clone off and fleeing at maddening speed.

Unable to maintain its false form anymore, Josh's shadow clone shrunk to about half its size: the Pokémon Marshadow. He would have simply ended the Pokémon's life after it tried to end his, but would surely love to study such a specimen. He took an Ultra Ball out and tossed it at the ghost-type. Shortly after retrieving his catch and getting back on his Manectric, a disgustingly loud hiss coming from the hole in his Sygna Suit scared both of them. It was so loud it would have been impossible for the others to miss.

{WC: 514}
{PC: 4}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Saber           Manectric         Poor
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Janus           Espeon            Good
King Zing       Beedrill          Good
Tiamat          Dragonite         Good
Kairi           Vaporeon          Good
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing