i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 7:34:22 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
"Darnit, Proxii! Stay in the jacket!" Vanilla snapped quietly at her RotomPhone while shoving it back down into her clothing.

Elise didn't seem as chipper as Vanilla thought she might have been upon seeing her. In fact, she looked terrified. But it wasn't like Vanilla was expecting this kind of thing. "I'm fine, Elise." the teen said, shooting the royal a stern look as the woman stood in front of her. She went to try and bicker with Elise before both of their eyes shot to Zacian's blade being affected by the strange horned beast's attack. A great light emanated from the broken blade as Vanilla felt herself being surrounded by Elise and...


Vanilla awoke some time later, but Zacian and the other Pokémon weren't around. Elise was nearby, having shielded Vanilla before while the teen pushed herself back up onto two feet and looked at the world around them. It took her a few moments at the area they were before it clicked inside of her head. "W-Wyndon Stadium?!" It was so obvious now.! Yet the scenery showed a decaying, desolate region that had been long past its glory days. The sight of it made the girl's heart ache, with Vanilla frowned as she stood next to Elise. "Wh-Where are we?" she asked, furrowing her brows. "This place looks like Galar, but...everything's gone." A part of her worried about her family's bakery, and if it was still in good health. Her eyes eventually falling at the wooden state in front of them, with another person present in front of it, . She was placing food beside of the trough as a thought entered her mind. Usually Pokémon ate from those, right?

"Elise, trust me for a sec, okay?" She quickly hurried past Elise, coming to a stop before the statue with the other girl as she dug around into her own pockets and pulled out some of her home made Pokemon treats, gently setting them beside the trough with the other girl's. Vanilla flashed a nod towards before waiting and seeing what might happen.


- Talks with
- Wakes up at Wyndon Stadium in Galar by and her ALTARIA
- Notices the strange statue in the middle of the stadium and placing food inside
- Runs up to the trough and places Pokémon treats on the outside near Ettie's pile.
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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 15:29:10 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
The blast of energy from the monstrous ruin Pokemon knocked Tsuki back, hurt, but managing to flip, and maintain its balance on its pads. It wasto no avail. The earth sank between them, Callan feels the ground collapse underneath, his feet interring slowly into the stone. He struggles helplessly for a moment, until a flash of blue and gold caught his eye.

His Wish flared up, wrapping around the wolf-like Pokemon, just enough for it to break free of the hold of the Ruination's grasp.

But the awe-inspiring sight lasted only so long. As Zacian's blade lands, RUINATION strikes, and time seemed to freeze as Zacian's sword shattered.

Callan watches in horror as Zacian's form disintegrates without its sword. Without the gold, without the steel, the knight was withered, old. Scars pockmarked its entire frame of blue and pink. Yet, it still remained in front of the menace, unwavering.

Callan stares at its reverted form: its ruined left ear, the scars that slashed so deep into it's body, the cyan coat no longer grew upon those wounds. "I see." He thought, inwardly.

The ground beneath Callan twisted and warped, bring him from his stupor. "Oh fuck, shit! Tsuki return!" His voice cracked through the cacophony. His Umbreon dissolved into red energy, drawn back into the safety of its Pokéball. His heart hammered in his chest as he looked around frantically, but too late.

Callan's eyes see darkness, for but a moment.

Then, weak light shines through his eyelids, and they shoot open.

A grand, but desolate arena, dead grass, endless ash, broken seats.

He stirs himself up. The place was littered with both League and Rocket trainers, their usual differences seemingly forgotten in the face of this trap.

Callan's hand draws to his belt, feeling the cold metal of the Ultra Balls on his belt, he sighs a moment of relief, before heading towards the Moonlight as signalled by .

Callan releases Tsuki into the newest member of the Elite Four's own Umbreon's healing light. "Thanks Greyson," He speaks, then turns towards the rest of the group that had neared the central area. , , , and .

Turning to the statue, a prickling sensation crawled up his spine. They were still in danger, but he had no context. "Return, Tsuki." He says, before sending out his Ninetales, Yukianesa. A small amount of snow begins to flow, radiating from the white maned fox. "Aurora Veil, I expect that we'll be under attack soon." The floating lights dance against the snow, encircling into wisps around the people and Pokemon nearby the center of the stadium, as Callan approaches the only known Galarian he knew of nearby, , and subsequently, , and .

"One moment we were about to sink to death in the Earth, the next moment, we're in Galar." He comments. "...So we're all dead and Galar is confirmed to be Purgatory. Or..." He pauses, staring at the stadium. "This is some kind of Interdream Zone from the Wolf-Knight Pokemon's sword?"


+ Wow Zacian look crusty.
+ Callan is warped into the UK.
+ He moves to receive healing from 's Umbreon and thanks him.
+ Creates an AURORA VEIL around the central statue, to mitigate damage or protect those nearby in case of an attack.
+ Moves towards the statue near the center near , , and .
+ Checks with them to see if they were in an Interdream Zone.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 15:55:23 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It seemed like hurting much less provoking the damn ruinous creature did nothing at all as Kaz watch it just take hit after hit without a hint of itself even flinching. He couldn't help but feel a bit impressed with it but it didn't stir a lot of confidence in the masked hero either. Whatever this beast was was going to take a lot to even get it on its knees by the looks of it.

As he was about to issue a command to his Lucario a furry blur rushed by him and jumped at his Lucario who saw it coming but was two slow to properly counter. For each fist it managed to block from the prehistoric looking Larvesta two more fists would find their target on the Aura Pokemon's body. Each hit felt like a brick hitting the Lucario as it found itself on one knee as its attacker stopped its assault to back off.

Before a counter attack could even be considered both Pokkenger and his Lucario found themselves pulled to the ground as a ringing blasted through the sky. What felt like gravity made it hard for either of them to even lift a limb to prop themselves up and even if they tried the sense of dread that Kaz felt before would wash over their bodies. It was almost like some sort of warning that doing anything would spell disaster and their instincts wanted to run. Yet they couldn't even if they wanted too.

Instead they found themselves subjected to the earth beneath them rumbling and spires of it broke through the surface to cage not only them but a few other unfortunate souls. As a tomb of earth was built around them both Pokemon and Trainer could feel their bodies be pierced by the earth as it moved, either grazing their bodies in various places or in the poor Lucario's case piercing one of its paws that brought about a howl of pain from the Pokemon. "Dammnit!"

That was the last word Kaz could utter before the world went dark.

Kazimir felt something crunch underneath him as his eyes slowly opened up and he woke up to the sight of grey particles falling from a clouded sky. Sitting up he saw that his surroundings had changed, no longer were they in Hoenn but an all too familiar place. "Wyndon?" The stadium was a place that held some meaning to Kaz as he had grown up in Galar, a place where contests between trainers were held and a place that he promised himself when he was younger that he would grace its battleground with his presence. He sort of wished it didn't happen like this however.

Looking around he noticed that it wasn't just him that was teleported here but that the whole stadium itself was completely ravaged. What caught his attention more was the whimpering of the Lucario only a few inches away from him holding its paw. Immediately ripping off the tattered scarf of his costume he wrapped it around the dog's hand and returned it to its Pokeball, "Just hold tight. We'll get out of this soon."

His heart was already heavy no thanks to whatever that bowl wearing Pokemon did to them now it was even heavier knowing one of his own was out of the fight for a bit. It only felt lighter when a familiar voice rang out to him. "Tom? Hey!" It didn't take long for him to spot from a crowd and race over to him. On his way he took notice of the strange monument people were gathered around and vaguely recognizing the horse that stood upon it. Once he ran up to his fellow vigilante he was nearly out of breath already.

"What...the hell happened? How'd we get all the way to Galar?! And...what happened to this place? Looks like a ghost town even if it was in trouble months ago."


-suffers thx bad roll and ting-lu
-returns an injured lucario
-meets up with thomas benoit

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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 17:23:29 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

The vessel atop Ting-Lu's head just kept ringing. And ringing. And ringing. Attacks against it only made it worse. Part of Ruby wanted to yell at them to stop hitting the damn thing, but how else were they supposed to subdue it? She was reduced to covering her ears to block out the noise, but it didn't do any good. This was a sound that reverberated through her whole body and filled her with utter and complete dread.

[break][break]It finally brought her to her knees. Groaning, she tried to pull herself back to her feet, but the pressure of the infernal creature's fear was too much for even her. Atlas, true to his name, also struggled under its weight, but he still let out a defiant hiss. Was it toward the Lucario or Ting-Lu? Probably both.

[break][break]The earth beneath her began to rumble, and she barely found the strength to get out of the way of the rocks that erupted from it. She was unhurt but trapped, and through her stalagmite prison, she saw Atlas in the same situation. Dammit, dammit, dammit...! She still couldn't get up; it felt like Hell itself was trying to drag her below the earth.

[break][break]She took a deep breath. "Atlas!" At least she still had the strength to shout. "Use—!"

[break][break]The air trembled with the sword's pulse. Ruby's heart throbbed in response. With a dreadful vertigo, she felt herself being pulled toward the shattered sword.[break][break]

[break]Ruby woke up coughing and spitting soot and dead grass out of her mouth. Where the hell was she? It looked like some kind of long-abandoned sports stadium, definitely not anywhere in Hoenn or even Orre. Something lighted down on her skin, and she shot her head up to see ash falling from the sky like black snow.

[break][break]Nearby, Atlas hissed and chittered in agitation, looking around with its fur and wings standing on end. Poor bastard just kept getting transported to weird places, huh? Ruby recalled him to his Ball to hopefully cool down. She didn't need her barely trained Paradox Pokémon freaking out right now. What she did need was to regroup with the rest of the Rockets and figure out where the hell she was.

[break][break]She kept to the edge of the stadium, not wanting to attract the League's attention. Someone jumped down from the bleachers nearby, making Ruby instinctively reach for her Poké Ball belt, but she soon realized it was someone on her side; specifically, it was the person who'd been attacked by Eris. She didn't fully recognize masked up like this, but she knew he was on her side, and that was enough.

[break][break]"Hey!" Ruby called, approaching him. "You know where the hell we a—?"


[break][break]"Shit!" Ruby took an instinctive step back from the spray of dirt kicked up right in front of Ashley. "Athena, Protect us!"

[break][break]The Bastiodon emerged from her thrown Poké Ball in front of Ashley and lowered her head, summoning a barrier of interlocking hexagons in front of her. Ruby's breath hitched as she remembered 's story of how his beloved Aggron had been killed by gunfire, but she forced that fear back down her throat. Athena wasn't going to Mega Evolve or anything like that. She had a faceplate made of solid, ancient steel. She'd be fine.





  • Everything sucks, but especially the sword
  • Recalls Atlas so it can calm tf down
  • Sees and approaches him to ask wtf is going on
  • Bastiodon uses Protect against 's gunfire


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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 20:17:40 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar

The Tomb had been sealed.[break][break]

With her destination suddenly cut off Serena struggled for a moment to attempt to figure out what to do next. But she didn't have to struggle for long as it seemed Ting-Lu was growing impatient with all the bothersome gnats flying around it. Within seconds Serena and Joker were flung to the ground sharply, knocking the breath out of the former beast. [break][break]

It was as if Gravity was trying to burry her. Her body ached and screamed in pain as the sediment around her began to crack under the pressure. It was as if she was being threatened to be drug down to the underworld by force and there was nothing she could do to stop it, she was powerless. [break][break]

Having died before she recognized this sense of hopelessness immediately and she felt her mind blank as overwhelming fear washed over her. This couldn't be happening again right? As questions swarmed in her mind in a dizzying and nauseating flash she and everyone else were directed to a new plane entirely. [break][break]

She was reminded of the rifts in Hoenn and the dimensional shifts that occurred during the Sootopolis takeover. They were not home anymore, that was for sure. With the pressure finally off of her Serena felt like she could finally breathe. Gasping for air, a pop flash of light signaled one of her pokémon exiting their ball on their own accord. [break][break]

Before long a soothing sensation washed over her and Joker and Serena could finally have a moment's respite. Able to finally have her vision focus she was startled to recognize the layout. This was Wyndon Statidum, at least...she thought it was. This place looked like hell though. Like a world war had broken out and devastated everything. [break][break]

"This..." she croaked out as Momo continued to heal her trainer and Joker with LIFE DEW, "...looks like something straight out of a movie." Serena mused to herself as she continued to take a look around her surroundings. That's when amber eyes landed on a familiar figure that looked in just as bad shape as she. [break][break]

"Rowan." she called out softly. She was on her feet in seconds as she dashed over to him. He was struggling to breathe. His Slowbro seemed to be trying it's best to assist their trainer. "Rowan it's me." Serena whispered, her accent dropped so he could easily recognize her. "Try to focus on me." she said as she gently and repeatedly rubbed his back. "Deep breath's. In and out." It might've seemed redundant to speak on obvious things here but the things that always helped her when she was having a panic attack where repetition and the calming words of her loved ones. [break][break]

"I've got you." she whispered. She wouldn't leave him while he needed her. She only wished she had thought to bring Artemis with her. Her Espeon would've been of more assistance than she could've been. That being said their had to be other's that could help better right. Nearby was who she knew defected from Rocket way before she and Rowan did. That meant he was on their side now right? "What do you need?" Serena asked Rowan. If he wanted help from other's she'd get him the help he needed. [break][break]


& @rustedsword[break][break]


💀 Serena Aisha's open for interaction! Used Salac x3[break]
💀 TL;DR - Serena get's injured by Ting-Lu's attack, Her Blissey heals her and her Shadow Mime Jr. (Used LIFE DEW), Recognizes Wyndon Stadium, Notices she's close to who seems to be struggling, Drops everything and goes to assist him, Looks for other's that could help too like & who are also nearby[break]
💀 outfit | disguise 'ranger aisha lennox'



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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 20:52:55 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Angelo is used to venturing into other dimensions by now, seasoned in traversing between realms and being unwillingly thrown into them. Has capitalised on doing so, even. 

This time, however, an unsettled feeling takes root in his gut as he comes to. Unease festering in the drum of his heart as he recognises the chaotic rage of war has been replaced by stark silence - murky with the promise of nothing

You two still with me?” Dead, pale grass tickles his palms as Angelo pushes himself to his feet, first instinct to look to , then . Relief loosens his tension to see they're both there and breathing. 

Good to see you kept to your word, professor.

Unfortunately for poor ol' Dr. Graves, that in keeping his promise he'd joined Nautica at the end of the world.  

On his feet, Angelo surveys where they had landed. It looked like they were in a stadium, gathered in the nucleus of its degrading shell. Everything from the sky to the grass grey, soulless. 

Where this was however, was a mystery to Angelo. 

Sensing that the eon duo had come with him - their presence a relief - the pilot reaches out with a request to Latios through their connection.

He didn't sit well with the feeling of being caged. 

Field is lookin' kind of cramped.

As Latios flies out towards the stadium borders to survey the surrounding city, invisible, a meaningful glance is given to . They didn't have long.

How about we head towards the tunnels? Might be able to find a way out of this place.

Turning on his heel, Angelo begins walking towards one of the vomitorium, yawning like mouths beneath the bleachers. Seeking their shadow.

Best to keep his sight sharing on the downlow, what with rockets in their midst. Any moment now and he'd need to shield the psychic glow, his eyes close... 



- latios is invisible
- latios is flying outside the stadium to scout the city for life and other clues about galars condition
- angelo will sight share with latios so he can see too, if there’s anything

angelo is wearing a sygna suit (deactivated)

with and  

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 21:51:14 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

That Skyler is the receptacle to Ting-Lu's undivided (albeit momentary) stink eye should surprise absolutely no one. She's always had the unerring capability to be a problem and a thorn in many a people's side. 

It still doesn't justify the now-familiar tugging on her belly, the feeling of being dissolved into barely connected atoms and shoved somewhere else.

"Shit," is the last heartfelt word she gets out before she's shunted off reality.

The world that greets her is a bleak, colorless transcription of the one she knows. Looking around brings no recognition, no recollection, except for when she finds her two companions - still by her side, thank Arceus.

"Looks like we're going on a field trip, boys. Extraplanar, by the looks of it." Or they could just be on the other side of the planet, for all Skyler knew. She wouldn't bet on it though. Something about this place felt... off. Made the back of her neck itch. "Better not get lost in here, Professor."

's glance is acknowledged with a slight tilt of her head, and when he starts heading towards the tunnels, she turns to follow. 

Blunderbuss is replaced by the far more intimidating figure of an Urshifu. Subtlety was often Angelo's purview - far more than Skyler's - but when the situation called for it, she could provide.


She tries to convince herself of this.

"This here's Johnny. Might want to hold her paw, Professor. So we, uh, don't get lost." 

Johnny stretches her arm invitingly, though you wouldn't be able to tell by the otherwise serious facade. Her paw easily engulfs  's.

The other paw is held out towards , guiding his way as the sight-sharing takes over. The Urshifu's bulky shape would also provide perfect cover for the blue sheen peeking out from Angelo's closed lids.

"Be on the lookout, Johnny." Standing in the middle like a big momma bear with her three cubs, Johnny focuses her eyes to DETECT any threatening presences.

Shadows stretch long and bleak as they make for the tunnels, looking for a hint as to where they were. But, more importantly, for a way out.


urshifu is out
urshifu is holding onto 's hand to cover 's sight-sharing
urshifu is also holding 's hand to guide him as he's sight-sharing
skyler, angelo, gideon and urshifu head for the tunnels (we're just one big happy family)
urshifu uses DETECT in case something attacks them
[newclass=.skyler] [/newclass][newclass=.skyler b] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler i] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler a] text-transform:uppercase!important; [/newclass]
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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
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parker jones DOLLARS
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parker jones
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 23:27:31 GMT
parker jones Avatar
she remembers a few things. clearing a path straight to the tomb like nomi asked her to (nice). watching said tomb blow up right in front of them (not nice). and then bone-rattling fear knocking her legs out from under her, shoving her face-first into the dirt (extra not nice). 

lashes fluttering dirt out of her eyes in time to see the sword break and the world get sucked away from them. or, more precisely: them get sucked away from the world. 


she stirs and groans as she sits up. still-healing ribs prick her with their displeasure. she blinks and haphazardly swipes at the dirt still on her cheeks, giving nomi a once-over to make sure she's alright.

others are rousing in the stadium. this kicks parker back into gear. she scrambles up to her feet, offers a hand out to nomi, and then wordlessly swaps a limping amulius for her absol. one of nomi's army of creepies comes out and parker grimaces. 

she listens to nomi talk. that is, until she does a double-take. "oh, fuck."

' golden hair had been enough to stop her in her tracks, but the first fuck and the next one - "fuck!" - come from recognizing the bitchass who'd stolen her granola bars ( ), but the last dozen - "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck shit fuck shit fuck" are because of him


it's one of those traumatic things where everything had been so crystal fucking clear and she knew then what's happening now: that she'd be able to spot him a mile (or in her case now, several hundred yards) away. they haven't noticed her yet, but she's still quick to yank her hood over her head and turn around to nomi.

"doc, i hate to say it, but i think i might bring more harm 'an good for ya right now." she chews her lip. "dross is here and if she's friends with that guy, i am grade-a fucked."

she nods down to crux - keep an eye out. just in case

and then looks back at nomi with steeled resolve, shoulders tense. "but i'm not goin' anywhere unless you tell me to."
uh oh lmaoooooo
absol uses future sight
vibing w nomi

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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON May 20, 2023 23:39:02 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Aidan couldn't help but frown at how powerful the Ting-Lu felt, holding strong against several moves. It did feel like this battle would last forever if both sides didn't come to a quick understanding, as if everyone had been blind to the bigger picture today, no divination powers were required to realize that if the Ting-Lu was successful there wouldn't be two sides to fight, only a pile of trampled corpses. Yet to have been injured by the massive pokemon's aggression, Aidan and his Scizor were able to stay strong. [break][break]

Before he could give his pokemon another command, one final ring of the hellish bells would reach his ears and then... Nothing. Confusion, darkness and questions. To Aidan it had felt as if he had walked into a liquid magic mirror, as if staring at the world through a heat haze. At first collapsing to the ground as his brain tried to catch up with what was happening around. They had been teleported, once again Aidan had fallen victim to one of those space manipulating pokemon. "I need to stop doing this" He'd complain to himself before slowly standing up once again only to have no clue where he was.[break][break]

A stadium, a dead stadium, stagnation filled the air. Aidan was glad that he had been wearing a face mask. "ROWAN!?" Aidan would shout while looking around trying to find the one person he knew, familiarization being the first thing he was looking for, only to notice the person he was looking for on their knees and a stranger trying to help them? "OI!? Is mud boy alright!? Aidan would shout at the unknown female as he stumbled his way into a sprint and sliding to a full stop once he reached the both of them.[break][break]

Once he had a clear vision of the situation, he very much knew what was going on. "Hi! Hello!? You don't know me and I don't know you but maybe I can help." Aidan would quickly speak up towards the female. "I have a Gengar that knows hypnosis, it wouldn't exactly calm him down but it could help." Quickly switching out his Scizor for Reaper, his Gengar. Not exactly the best at knowing how to stop panic attacks when he had been the one to cause so many on others, how things had really changed.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"], & @rustedsword



  • Outfit: One Masky Boi
  • Shocked at how much punishment Ting-Lu could just take.
  • Feels lost and confused about being teleported.
  • Looks around to find panic attack
  • Offers to help with hypnosis
  • Switches Scizor for Gengar.


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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
316 posts
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 1:33:49 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]The seconds in the air feel like an eternity. His labrador eyes flick from one flying Pokemon to another, his mind twisting them into monstrosities. The way down, however? That’s pretty dang quick. His Runerigus reaches desperately for him, his body twisting as he tries to land on his feet—acting like he’s a cat. Which he isn’t. A tendril grabs his waist, stalling his fall for all of a millisecond. “AHHHHHH!” Thud.

Something pops. Everything goes black.

When he wakes up, it’s to the sight of Wyndon Stadium. The underside of the roof, its powerful lights, is all he needs to identify it. The place that normally fills his heart with nostalgia.

The family forked over the cash for the championship match every year—a tall order when you had 13 kids to feed. Though typically living in a bubble, this match almost made him feel normal. “Nngh.” With a groan, Biscotti pushes himself into a siting position. It takes a while with just one arm. The other is useless at his side, but he just ignores it.

It’s not like Bubbe’s around to pop it into place. She’d ended up a heap of half-conscious stone on the green below. One of the Leaguer’s feet is a few inches away. A tendril reaches for it, a cry for help.

With a frown, he sticks out his tongue to catch a bit of black snow. It tingles on his tongue. His eyes catch on the family’s box seats in the nose bleeds. He pushes himself to the top of the stadium, staring over the wall at the ground below. The parking lot is empty and stuff’s just off.

The billboards that are left are for brands he’s never seen.

A noise from the green draws his attention. But a familiar pink shock of hair makes him pause. His eyes widen. What the heck!? Grasping his left arm, the older Kingsley races to the balcony’s edge. His voice rises until it can be heard.

!” Labrador eyes narrow into those of an angry Doberman. He huffs. “I thought you were sleeping at a—” He fumbles with the communicator. Not knowing how to switch it to private, his message is blared across the open comms network. “Baguette’s going to KILL you!”

Which, if you didn’t know the family, sounded like gibberish.

His useless left arm swung at his side.


  • Arm popped out of place
  • Ascends to the top of the stadium to try and get the layo f the land
  • Runerigus is stunned and twisted into a pretzel
  • Runerigus reaches for the shoe of the nearest League member
  • Scotti sees @vanilla and about loses his dang mind



[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #D7262B; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
322 posts
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 4:57:32 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
As Salamence's head nods at Ghost. He would be laid out cold. But finally 
And grateful for his number one Pokemon. He would finally wake up.  It would be a bit odd for him. But somehow he knew what he had to do. He was called here to help protect something or one. Ghost knew he had to jump into action and on that note, he had to put a pep in his step. As he was running toward the Faye. He could hear the sound of multiple battles going on. 

This was a head shaker as Ghost loved to battle. But not like this. As his dragon type was behind him. Ghost could see the new Pokemon in action. Ghost could see all the Pokemon in action at that. Looking on he would smile a sad smile to his Salamence and then jump on his back. Soon a mighty roar would be let out by the dragon type. As Ghost and Salamence flew in it was time to help out the others. He only had two Pokemon with him and he would keep the other as a mystery until the time comes to use her. 

Ghost enters the battle with his Salamence
Ghost and Salamence are flying overhead and scanning the battles down below. 

Pokemon on person

Dragon Dance, Crunch, Outrage,
Fly, Dragon Claw, Flame Thrower

Abilty Sheer Force
Rock Polish
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April 29
103 height
103 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
377 posts
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 17:14:38 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

“Ugh,” she sounded, holding her head as she looked about. This was not the area from before, right? She’d never been here, but she had seen this on TV, she figured. Well, it was impossible for her to tell that it was Wyndon specifically, but this place had the markings of one of those big Pokemon stadiums.
Megan shook her head, not really bothering too much to think about it. First things first, she needed to check up on the others. Her Swampert, though dizzy itself, seemed mostly fine. It had been shaken by the earlier attack, the defense scattered, but had suffered little more than bruises from it, fortunately.
Next up: surroundings. She was a bit off the middle, so even as League and Rocket did what they did best and immediately started fighting again now that there was no current other target, she was not immediately attacked. Which meant that she had time to get up and look around. Thanks to the protective aegis’, the fear had not completely taken over her mind and body. Or maybe it was just as potent, only hers was not the kind that saw her freeze up. No, even her apparently clear mind was but a product of it, in a way.[break][break]
Because everything she did only served one purpose: to get up and not loose any more. Her eyes did search more frantically, but fortunately, blue hair was hard to miss once she glanced over it. Completely fixating on this, she immediately rushed over to Jo who was not too far away, but looked like she was in shock still. The frozen girl did not appear hurt, but given what happened last time they were in danger, Meg took no chances. Instead, she swiftly reached for the other’s arm, squeezing with urgency. “Jo, are you alright?” That was what mattered in this moment, once relative safety was established. The rest was secondary.[break][break] Her Swampert was less disaffected like that, and instead followed along while using Foresight on the statue to see if it could discern anything.


+ Somewhat gets over the assault and transport, rushes to , Swampert uses Foresight on the statue Ybx19U3s



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• Lucario Male Steadfast Aura Sphere | Rock Smash | Meteor Mash | Close Combat | Swords Dance | Extreme Speed
• Arcanine Male Intimidate Extreme Speed | Roar | Flare Blitz | Flame Wheel | Crunch | Play Rough
• Swampert Male Torrent Bide | Foresight | Muddy Water | Mud Shot | Wide Guard | Hammer Arm
• Hydreigon Male Levitate Tri Attack, Dragon Rush, Crunch, Work Up, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice
• Gligar Female Sandveil slash / acrobatics / u-turn / knock off / substitute / night slash
• Breloom Male Effect Spore Mach Punch, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Counter, Mind Reader, Sky Uppercut
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 17:29:27 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]satisfaction of an attack hitting its mark never lasts long. it fades into a quick, early death as retaliation rises quickly.

and as the ground breaks apart beneath her feet, she is shoved down into the ground by the sheer force of the ting-lu's attack. somewhere in the haze, her head smashes into a rock and she sees stars. vision fades and for a moment, she's blind... left solely to the clutches of fear trying to cage them all in... trying to snuff them out beneath heavy rocks.

the world spins on its axis, then, and nausea rises before awareness goes out entirely.

she comes gasping back into consciousness near and , white hair stained red from an open head wound.

a moment later, she's struggling to stand. her venusaur assists in this endeavor, holding her up as she tries to regain steady movement. there's still a sway to her, a sluggish sort of way her body operates. her head feels like it's splitting open. perhaps it is.

"thank you."

it's soft, mumbled only to her venusaur. the grass type is recalled a moment later, then, in favor of another pokemon. the pink body of mew comes into view quickly, a concerned look overtaking the mythical's expression.

"additional healing here if anyone needs it."

has some of it covered, if not all of it, but she adds to the blanket of nourishment by increasing the flow of her healing mist. it blankets the ground around her, , and until there's not much dirt peeking out from behind the cover of pearly pink.

additional healing comes from mew's quick thinking of floating around the vicinity with life dew. and as she surveys the change of scenery, a hand coated in pink mist rises to begin the process of healing her head. she pauses as she takes in the sight of an odd wooden statue... the horse looks familiar, but she can't place what any of this means. her head is a jumbled concoction of pain and thoughts trying to survive.

rusted sword.

tl;dr |
- passive healing mist up within 5 feet of illie
- head injury, struggling...
- lands near &
- swaps out venusaur for mew
- mew uses life dew on anyone nearby for additional healing

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[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 17:33:35 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Johanna found some comfort in ’s presence. Admittedly she would have preferred the woman wasn’t here, but by now it seemed she had no choice to accept that whenever she would find herself in situations like these then Megan would accompany her.

And luckily so as Megan’s Pokemon summoned a WIDE GUARD and provided some momentary relief from the burden of fear that slammed down upon her shoulders.

Unfortunately it did not last.

Johanna fell to her knees, hands fingers digging into the ground as the fear tensed her. Claydol too found itself on the ground. Both were burdened by Ting-Lu’s fear.

Before either of them managed to overcome it, if they did. A pulse of power halted their heartbeats for just a moment before they were sucked into the Rusted Sword.

When Johanna next opened her eyes she found herself in a place of terror. She recognized it as Wyndon Stadion. She had visited it once or twice as a spectator. But it seemed Necrozma had had its way with it.

But for a moment the where and why did not occupy her mind at all. No, for a moment she felt the lingering fear tearing at her nervous system, demanding her to curl up into a fetal position and cry. But she did not listen, she took deep breaths, tried to ground herself in what she could see.

And what she could see suddenly grew tenfold more reassuring as Megan came to her unhurt.

Megan’s squeezing and a few more breaths finally grounded her enough to reply. “Y-Yeah. I am fine.” She sent Megan a reassuring smile. “How about you?” A pang of worry in her voice.

Meanwhile Claydol had come to it. It had realized that they were in a compromised position and so began to gather EXTRASENSORY power, ready to fire it at the first hostile that would target either Johanna or Megan.


- Is sucked into the Sword.
- wakes up. Has to deal with the lingering Fear.
- Is approached by Megan, assures her that she is alright and checks Megan's status.
- Claydol prepares to EXTRASENSORY the next hostile enemy that would attack them.

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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 18:54:40 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar

His life is a comedy of errors.
He should have thought this through. That’s what he does best, after all, is the thinking— but he leaps off of Ahamkara and prepares to belly flop on (he weighs 115 lbs soaking wet and has the muscle mass of cooked spaghetti) but then something is blustering against him and he is being flung around.


Do you ever feel, like a plastic bag?


Ahamkara has the Wooper in her mouth and spits it out as the springtide storm swirls her around, a red streak in a drain-suction funnel wave.


Kepler’s thrown against a very familiar feeling body and squeezes his eyes shut, dizzy from the motion of being spun around.


“Yeah. I’m good. That was very not smart.” He leans into ’s touch for half a second and then everything is fucking spinning again.


“I want to get off the riiiiiiiide—,” but whatever intussuception is turning them inside out swallows his words.


He falls face first into a field of ash (ha ha), teeth punching through his bottom lip as he makes a pained noise and curls in on himself. He doesn’t do pain well. He spits old turf and tastes iron, smearing blood across the ground as he picks up his miserable, dirty face and looks up to see—


The horse statue stands a few feet away from him. It’s already swarming with people, like, touching it, and— offering it food, and just doing all sorts of weird shit. Maybe it isn’t too weird and he’s just suffering from head trauma. Whatever the case may be, he staggers to his feet (it’s a lot of work, he’s so sore, and his entire front is one big bruise) and makes to walk towards it.
He’s so close to touching it, shaking hand outreached, and then a big ball of filthy garbage slams into him, knocking him over. It reeks, and it makes him gag, makes his eyes water, and he swats at it to try and get the fucking goo off of him.
Like an avenging angel, Ahamkara reels down from the sky towards the Octillery that shot him, aiming to crunch some octopus in revenge.




- thrown around by springtide storm, caught by ash, then Mario warped to Galar[break]
- keplers always land on their feet face
- approaches the statue and is hit by gunk shot (thanks Paxton). His gyarados uses crunch on paxton’s octillery [break]
- he’s very close to the statue, maybe like, three feet away?



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing