
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 18:41:05 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Mr. Fox…?

It was him. Bathed in a crystalline glow, and birthed from the fiery hot tera crystals all over Scizor. The metal insect spared an annoyed glance backwards before he returned his focus to the Regice. Grigori kept his eyes affixed. How could he not?

You’ve returned,” he muttered. In time to witness the death and destruction of an entire city. Caused by his judgement.

Except… not quite. Instead, the newfound beast that emerged alongside Howard and a companion cleaved the Regice in twain. Their blows followed the legendary dog’s path, until the golem screamed out. It looked to be in pain. Pain? That couldn’t be right.

But now wasn’t the time. A massive Nihilego prevented their imminent demise, a weapon clattered to the ground in front of him, and Shred’s Primeape kickstarted a new existence. All in such a short amount of time. Yet here he was.

Nothing but a hammer, a Scizor, and the ability to watch. He was not the hero here, even as the dyna-energy and its toxic energy convinced him he was. His mask felt heavy against his face, shattered and broken. So too did his armor. And it was hard to call himself a villain, in this exact moment.

Just like in the prison, as was here. A bystander, nothing more. That’s how it’d always been, though. Right?

While Grigori could only watch and wait, Scizor seized to claim his destiny. Whatever that would be, beneath the orichalcum sun and with fire in its skeleton. Even he could muster the strength to deliver his own Close Combat, aimed directly at the arm that wanted to obliterate them all.

He knew his purpose. 

 - Hey Mr. Fox is back
 - Man a lot is happening right now, and my head hurts
 - While Scizor Close Combats the Regice's arm, Grigori has a little bit of a revelation

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,177 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2024 6:38:08 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The Wishing Star revealed itself, a malignant force that had been forcefully injected into Regice's body in a hamfisted attempt to rectify the golem's flaws. It was a shortcut that had caused much grief, but also much growth among the people here.

Yet it should not have happened.

Eternatus had done this, but Howard had let Eternatus into the heart of one of humanity's mightiest creations. He had allowed the divine to infect the constructs of the living. Regice had been made with the power of Eternatus and its Dynergy, but humanity had built a Power Spot around its body and chained it down as a testament to their mighty legacy.

All Howard had done was sidestepped their work, and now Dewford was a tomb of ice and snow.

They would overcome this. It was their duty to do so, no matter what. If it was Howard's error, then it was his to rectify with the help of humanity.

"Grigori." The helmet stared at the senior grunt. There was no static to hide the admin's voice, but it was both Howard's voice and someone else's entirely. His helmet would not come loose, and the armor obscured much. "I'm sorry. You're cleaning up my mess. Again."

Seeing the real Grigori Sokolov after his appearance in the alternate Galar made the admin want to weep.

"But I always believed in you. You and everyone that we brought." and his Annihilape swing a fist towards Regice's body. Wrath has always been one of mankind's strongest emotions. Few harness it better than Shred. "When this is over, I'll..."

Regice interrupted the admin with a scream that shook the island. Its exposed heart thrummed, exposed.

"Right. I've kept you waiting, Regice. Way too long." As infinitely invokes armaments, the admin clicks a receiver on his armor.


Every Rocket's receiver blares to life, from the nameless grunts fighting in Dewford to those still on Walter's ship.

"This is Admin Fox." Howard licked his lips. What was there to say here? Silence followed, despite the war waging on.

Eventually, he found the words:


The receiver went dead as the admin picked up another halberd and ran towards Regice, his Aerodactyl flying through the air, felling Ultra Beasts as she did so.


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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,177 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 18:50:01 GMT
howard slayte Avatar




Battle! Ruined Regi Trio


AS THE COLOSSAL FROZEN FIST RUSHES TOWARDS THE EARTH, DEWFORD’S DEFENDERS STOP IT. holds the SUPERPOWER in place with her ULTRA BURST while and his SCIZOR strike at the fist with CLOSE COMBAT. and his GOUGING FIRE’S RAGING FURY follow through, offering heat to push back against the freezing air alongside ’S HARSH SUNLIGHT. [break][break]
and his AERODACTYL are rallied by ZACIAN’S HOWL, and manifests a FIELD OF WEAPONS to be used in this final push against REGICE. Unlike in GALAR, these weapons are not forged from BLACK METAL, and are instead the results of fantasy and fiction. [break][break]
Still, they bite into the bodies of their foes all the same.[break][break]
It’s ultimately the ROCKET BEAST’S assault that turns the tide. With the SUPERPOWER stalled by a flurry of attacks and an ULTRA BURST NIHILEGO, ’s PRIMEAPE rages against the encroaching frozen era as the two come to fight against the unjustness of the world. A RAGE FIST supported by a thousand glimmering crystals and TERASTALLIZATION splits the skies above as it meets REGICE. [break][break]
Under such pressures, the PRIMEAPE evolves. [break]

The fist shatters into a thousand reddish blue shards at the force of the blow.[break][break]
A shrill screech comparable to a dragon shakes the island as REGICE screams, enraged that one of its primary functions has been deactivated by those that oppose it. Below, something in the ULTRA DEEP SEA shifts.[break][break]
In response to the odds stacking against its favor, further enhanced by its own maker turning against it, a final protocol is decided upon by the overclocked REGICE in an attempt to release most of the DYNERGY from its system before it becomes incapable of fighting.[break][break]
’s LUCARIO attempts to hammer down on the beating core alongside and her BEEDRILL. The FELL STINGER strikes at the core with a dull thud with the CLOSE COMBAT encroaching behind, but the two must RETREAT before their stingers and fists fuse with the WISHING STAR within.[break][break]
As the damage ramps up, the WISHING STAR glows brightly as REGICE prepares to expell as much DYNERGY as possible in a massive EXPLOSION. It does not come quickly, but everyone can feel the dull thrum of power building within the core, a calm before the storm as the golem prepares to imminently detonate. [break][break]


THE THUNDERCLOUD LANDS ON THE NEARBY SHORES WITH A CRASH AS PREPARES TO EVACUATE HIS COLLEAGUES. The planks land heavily as many of the grunts retreat onto the ship to escape, though a small handful stay behind out of loyalty to , , and . [break][break]
The timing is perfect. With the battle winding down and REGICE’S DETONATION imminent, escaping the explosion is the wise thing to do. ROCKET can escape from this with minimal loss, yet doing so would spell disaster for DEWFORD and the people that live on the island. [break][break]
Regardless of their decision. HOWARD SLAYTE must stay behind, lest his THREE MONTHS SPENT IN GALAR be for nothing. His DYNAMAX BAND twitches again, demanding that the admin release the energy within the golem with its power. [break][break]
If he dares get close enough to the core, where reality bends.


KICK ITS ASS [break]



  • only PRE-CHOSEN individuals can participate in this thread.
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being included in this raid. Each individual chose in this event has been chosen due to stories that led to this moment, their position within the plot, or as a springboard for future plotting opportunities if they so wish.
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.


July 15, 11:59PM PST.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,177 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2024 17:48:29 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
A shockwave tinged with crackling red sparks sent the admin flying backwards. He flew with all the ceremony of a bird without wings, flapping and spiraling and struggling as he struck the ground and skidded across the ice. Shirley let out a screech and turned away from Regice, following her master.

It is her grasping claws that stop the admin's slide. Howard felt himself get hoisted to his feet to the sound of flapping wings and primal cries.

"Good job, girl." Howard nodded and butted his armored head against his Aerodactyl. "Easy does it."

Her empty eye socket stared back at him. Damn. She had died in the dream, her mausoleum forgotten by all but him. She was alive here, though. In this world, at this moment, Shirley the Aerodactyl lived.

He would keep it that way.

What snatches Howard's attention away from his first Pokémon is his last. Regice stands up straighter, and the admin recognizes the motion because he has ordered it before. He had chosen it when he and had lost their battle against and .


The island's Dynergy flows inwards towards the exposed Wishing Star that makes up the golem's telltale heart. He could see the blood-red mist coalescing as it rushed above his head towards the Iceberg Pokémon. It was going to detonate, and it was going to take Dewford off the map when it did.

With Eternatus stirring below, such an action would cause the apocalypse to stir.

And lives would be lost.

His actions.

His decisions.

His fault.

Even if this had been to fell a god, even if this had been to save the many at the expense of the few, people had likely died today. Their blood was his, and there was nothing that Admin Fox could do but keep walking forward in the hope that those deaths had not been meaningless, even if they were a result of his folly.

His eye flicked up towards the imminent detonation.

This could be fixed. His eye flicked towards the nearby .

"This scene." He closed the distance between them. "I've seen it before. Someone ran towards this thing in a suicide charge. When you did, I never understood your logic. Been thinking about it ever since you did it, and I never figured it out."


"Until now."

Memories. The last impression anyone can offer in order to salvage their perception of what Howard Slayte has done today. , , , even would all hate him for what he's done today. That was fine. Still, he could at least try to go out on a high note.

A belt of Pokeballs flies into the Rocket Beast's hand. Regice's Pokeball would remain with Howard. It was all he needed.

He could fix this.

"I'm leaving you with my office, all of my cool artifacts, and enough money to buy half of Galar. Spend it well. Invest in your future for once." For a moment, a grin flashed from under the helmet. Take care of my Pokémon.

He tossed the Rocket Beast Shirley's Pokeball.

"And my girl, too." He tapped his Dynamax Band thoughtfully, as if considering what was to come next. The ending was circle, but the route was more complex. He went on instinct. "Love you, Shred. Godspeed."

He turned and faced Regice, before walking off to die.

Suddenly, his Aerodactyl began to swell in size as she Dynamaxed with 's Power Spot. She rooted herself in place and let out a ferocious roar that shook the island. Regice could only screech in ancient tongues to respond.

Yet as Howard closed the distance with Regice, Shirley could not take a step. Such was the constraint of Dynamax.

"Can't let you follow, girl. Sorry!" His Sygna Suit flared to life as the admin flew forward. "SIT AND STAY!"

She could sit and watch as humanity felled one of their guardians. She could watch as he broke this curse with his will alone.

STEEL YOUR HEART (Decide to throw hands with Regice)
SAY GOODBYE (adios Shred)

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,088 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2024 19:07:24 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Muscles, bone, and sinew all fracture. Made as if from glass, they coalesce, running together as if molten, reshaping themselves even as the pressure of the giant's fist causes them to bend, crack, and break one by one. [break][break]

Tsubaki feels as if her arm is on fire, as if it is frozen solid, as if a thousand volts of electricity are shooting through it. She also feels none of it. As if her crystal-made flesh is a distant phantasm, something glimpsed through another's eyes. As the ice is shattered by 's annihilape, glass body reels upward. [break][break]

Her Nihilego - no, her own body - is the size of a castle, glittering in the aurora that covers the dewford skies. All the magnificence of an ornate chandelier, an indescribable shape on its own, made of a thousand interlocked crystals. It shifts its weight, plunging into an unseen spectrum of black night as she views the core, basking in all its glory.[break][break]

One look at it tells her all she needs to know.[break][break]

You've doomed everything, haven't you!?[break][break]

She can view it from this vantage, on high over everything. Though her eyes do not see, there are ways of seeing that do not need eyes. And she can see him now, preparing his descent by filling his aerodactyl with the poison that overflows from her own heart. [break][break]

He longs to reach it, to become one with the ice -- to freeze everything in a perpetual past, like he did a thousand of her kin in the bowels of the sleeping God. If they can die, then so can everything else, in his eye. [break][break]

She almost wishes to tear her own heart out. To doom him along with everyone. To drop him into this hell on earth he's created, without hope of salvation. [break][break]

He cannot reach it. He MUST not.[break][break]

... But it is the look in his eye as he says his goodbyes that stops her. He leaves his dynamaxed aerodactyl, his friends, the rest of his pokemon. This sentiment isn't the clinical, detached perspective of a historian. Nor is it that of a nihilist that wishes to leave everything behind, to rule over a frozen earth.[break][break]

It reaches something within her she forgot was there. [break][break]

Something human.[break][break]


Did you know this would happen?[break][break]

Was it a simple mistake?[break][break]

But you just run from those, dart back toward the past... to avoid the future.

She opens her eyes, witnesses only the black of her ultra beast's ichor. It beats once, like a heart, and then... [break][break]

The giant glass spear lifts its sharpened claw and plunges it into its chest. It rips apart its glowing core, and with it, a wave of blackened toxic ooze flows freely from its wound. It bleeds, a Max Ooze that paints the battlefield in ichor. She rips out her own heart and bleeds, trusting the man's sacrifice.[break][break]

Even if you're not written into the history books for this... you done running, now?[break][break]

+ [break]
+ tsubaki stabs her nihilego to stop its rampage, trusting howard to enter the core and stop regice


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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 9:38:29 GMT
Shred Avatar
"Howard." You look at the man behind your shades, eyes wide with disbelief. You've had the misfortune of encountering far too many legendary Pokemon in your lifetime: Ancient golems, ruinous treasures, toxic slaves and more. But even among those many foes, this supermassive Regice reached the pinnacle and scraped the sky. It couldn't be taken lightly. It WOULD kill him.

"You can't--"

Thud. A belt full of Pokeballs lands in your hand. You grip it tightly. You already understand where this is going.



As Howard flies off, you scramble to try and catch him, but your path is blocked as his Aerodactyl, his Shirley, Dynamaxes. All of a sudden, a hundred foot wall of stone and grief rises in your path. Despite your best efforts, you can't even get close to it, let alone scale it. The sheer force of the phenomena sends you stumbling, tumbling, falling down to the ground. No matter how badly you want to, you can't follow.

When did Howard... Get so much stronger than you...?

You can't save him. How could you? You can't even save yourself. Ironic, ain't it? You only have one choice, and it's the last choice you'd ever want to make, but you've got no choice.


Once, you saw this man as a rival, an equal, a worthy challenger and somebody worth being challenged. But now? He's stronger than you, too, with that wolf by his side. That's why he's the only one that can do it. Pulling yourself up to your knees, you toss away what little pride you have left, and bow your head so far that it's practically buried in the mud.

"You gotta save him, man. Please."

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MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
743 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 13:54:12 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

A dull thrum, crackling like static through the air, had the hairs on the back of Eddie's neck standing on end. He didn't know what was coming, exactly, but it sure as hell wasn't good. [break][break]

Perhaps the others thought so, too. The roar of an ancient dragon rang out as it grew massive, and it loomed large like an ancient behemoth as its trainer sailed toward oblivion. The shattering of glass-like ice, splintering and cracking and breaking with a noise like a gunshot, followed as black ooze ripped open the golem's pulsing heart. [break][break]

Eddie's gaze swept all around him, from the other people standing on the beach, to those giants that surrounded them, to the metal blades and pommels of the newly created field of arms they stood on. He was as out of his depth as he ever was when disaster struck Hoenn, but on the bright side, at least this go-around he had something a little flashier to take into the fray. Eddie reached out to grab the hilt of some weapon stuck in the sand nearby, [break][break]

“Right, got a giant to kill.” [break][break]

Eddie spared spared one last glance to the sheriff, his dog, and the bandaged stranger as he hefted the greataxe over his shoulder. The weapon was surprisingly light, he thought with some novelty, as he began to march toward the opening created in the wake of the Nihilego's poison. Achilles glanced back to his advancing trainer, and Eddie thought he saw a glint of approval in the Gouging Fire's eye, [break][break]

“Sorry for slackin',” Eddie chuckled to his ancient companion, pushing down the fear clawing at his chest as he drew close to the shimmering titan, “Time for me to put in a little effort, ain't it?” [break][break]

The paradox Pokemon snarled incredulously, but watched as Eddie gripped the pommel and haft of the greataxe with conviction. [break][break]

Trainer and Pokemon reeled back in unison and struck as one, DRAGON CLAW and metal blade biting into the titan's frozen body alongside each other. Maybe this would give that halberd-wielding cyclops a chance to do whatever he intended at the Regice's core, Eddie thought as they hacked away at the living ice; maybe this was as inconsequential as anything Eddie ever did on Hoenn's stage. One thing was for certain, though; it was no reason not to try, to act, to do.


[attr="class","bottom"]observes dynamaxed aerodactyl and nihilego [break]
briefly looks back at navy, zacian, and shred [break]
grabs himself a weapon[break]
tries to use his shiny new greataxe to make crushed ice while achilles uses DRAGON CLAW [break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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february ninth
celadon, kanto
former kanto champion
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
180 posts
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TAG WITH @calliope
Calliope Marks
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 17:40:26 GMT
Calliope Marks Avatar

A countdown starts.[break][break]

A sword slams into the dirt between her feet.[break][break]

Calliope watches as the ice monster starts to take in energy. It makes her hair stand on it, a feeling like static electricity crackling over her from the pure pull of power.[break][break]

People like @howard or or perhaps even will stare at this creature, at the destruction it was about to unleash, and perhaps feel fear or regret or some other meddling mix of emotions. Maybe the bandaged Rocket () would mourn. Perhaps the guy in the cool shirt () would dissolve a moment after herself.[break][break]

Calliope only feels pure adrenaline. Pure rage.[break][break]

Callie has always been a warrior first. Even as her Beedrill is repelled, the wings starting to frost despite the speed and crystal, she lets out a desperate, angry cry and rips the sword from the ground. Doubled edged, much like herself, her Gladius. There was no flight, only fight.[break][break]

Ever the martyr, she charges at the beast herself. She slices at the creatures that swarm, spirit from 's gift almost seeming to pulse with her. Her Beedrill, frigid and frosted, stays at her side. As trained; a good dog will perish with it's master.[break][break]

Twin Needled gleam as it lifts it's stingers with Calliope, the burning tera glowing brightly.

[attr="class","tag"]@ HYPERBOREA



🔗 callie picks up a shiny sword, briefly laments her place in the universe, thinks that eddie's shirt is cool, then charges at regice her damned self (with beedrill coming in with a twin needle to assist)


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Excellent Round Follow

Walt; Captain
July 9
Ship Captain
5 ft 11 in height
5 ft 11 in height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
37 posts
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TAG WITH @walter
walter delmar
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 20:42:34 GMT
walter delmar Avatar
Walter stood anxiously by the helm, his heart pounding as he watched the grunts pour onto the ship. Over the horizon, the captain witnessed the battle. The monstrous threat loomed on the horizon, its imminent explosion threatening to obliterate all of Dewford. and the others stood defiant in the face of the icy monster. Howard won't be sailing home with him this time.


The ocean is free and so was Walter's allegiance. Team Cove sailed the waters between both sides. Raiding Dewford was a job for Rocket, but Walter was bound to no one. He couldn't let them die. No matter how free a pirate was, he always had his limits, his line drawn firmly in the sand. Innocent blood would not spill into the line and stain the sand.

Rocket grunts were baffled by the captain's orders. Was he crazy? How could he let everyone onto the ship?

Captain Storm Grin, no. Captain Delmar spoke again. "Listen here, grunts. This is my ship and I make the rules. And one of my rules is preventing as much death as possible. So you can either stay on the ship or walk back into Doomedford Town."

A smirk crawled onto the captain's face as his bravery returned once more.

psssssst...if you want your character to leave regardless of affiliation, this is your chance :)

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played by


December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
457 posts
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2024 21:28:52 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori barely held his ground. His feet skidded across the stone and the force of the initial explosion pushed heavily against his chest. Physically, he held one arm to cover his eyes and the other for self-balance. Despite the odds, he stayed upright and steady. A wall against the storm.

Mentally, he soared. Past Howard, past Dewford, across the country. Even with the dangerous energy that inhibited his judgment, made him want to be the hero he secretly desired to be…

He could not. Should not. He was the last one to raise a fist and stand against the oppressive forces at play. It was not his place. His position forbade it, and the weight of his sins kept him from acting. There needed to be a much stronger man in hierarchy and responsibility.

And that man came from the last one he expected. Howard charged forth, his possessions abandoned to Shred. It wasn’t long before chaos exploded again, as Pokémon dynamaxed and a ship docked rapidly to save as many souls as possible. Ooze offered to help those brave enough to charge.

His feet ran in a different direction. Straight to Shred. Heavy armored hands tried to pull the man out of the mud and debris and towards the ship. It wouldn’t stay forever.

Mr. Dread! We must leave, or the explosion…

They were kindred spirits, in a sense. They had a penchant for knowing just how bad things could be. They’d be atomized from the Regice’s explosion. Nothing but ash, if they were lucky.

Howard would have to be fine. If not, then… he was simply reaping what he’d sown. Everyone did. When was his turn?

Mr. Dread, please! This is something only he can do! All we can do is hope and wait. Don't let it be all for naught."

 - Doesn't get blown away physically
 - Mentally, now doesn't want to be here anymore and wants to call mom to pick him up
 - Not his place to fix the problem and save the town, but Howard is!
 - Tries to get Shred to run away with him, knowing that Howard must do what he is for his own self
 - Scizor does... who knows?

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 1:13:26 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]"Fuck you."[break][break]

What was the eye of the storm to the wind itself? With a conjured weapon buried in the Dewford sands, and the King's Shield held aloft in trembling hands, it is clear that Isaac is in a bad way. Nevertheless, where many retreat from the flashing, overloaded Regice, he simply keeps on walking onward.[break][break]

How could he leave, when just showed up?[break][break]

The man spoke a big game. Sacrifices, surrenders, and standoffs as he prepared to die historic on the shores of Dewford. His Sygna Suit roared to life as he stared down the monument to his own sins. He spoke with a confidence unbefitting Howard "the Coward" Slayte. Yet what were those words pointed towards? The same thing that came out whenever Howard opened his mouth.[break][break]

Running away.[break][break]

"Fix your mistakes or face 'em. I don't care which." He did. He really did. But he had to at least put up some front while the public's eye was on him. Even with here to vouch for him, the three of them at least needed to follow the steps of the dance. "But fat fucking chance I leave you for dead before you get the chance."[break][break]

A wicked grin split ear to ear as he turned to face Regice. "If you're here to get us killed, then its a good day to die."

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,970 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 9:29:29 GMT
Navy Avatar







Too late, he realizes what Howard means to do. Too late, he sees him fly towards certain death. Navy opens his mouth to shout, and instead he hears speak.[break][break]
Shred, I-” Another moves to his friend’s side, a man he knows only by reputation. That the man is at all is a guess, and not one he means to dwell on when so much is at stake. All the reinforced steel and concrete in the world won’t save the people in the bunkers from this. They’ll go to their craves thinking, until the very end, that everything will be alright.[break][break]
I promise, man.” He kneels by Shred’s side. “I’ll get him.”[break][break]
The Warrior stands to keep his promise. He holds his blade, and turns to march and join . A fresh voice stops him mid-stride.[break][break]
…I am sorry that no one in the dream gave you a name, Ser.” Zacian rests Ascalon in the sand, affording her the luxury of speech. “Though I doubt you remember, I do. I remember much. For your part of the tale, I am grateful. We both count Howard as a friend, and so I would ask you for one more favor…”[break][break]
Her eyes turn up towards Howard, rushing into the blizzard. The Warrior’s squire took his master’s lesson to heart. Though his task is impossible, he still makes the attempt.[break][break]
Inside of you burns your very own sun, a power that is yours and yours alone. Spread thy light, and I will return Howard to you.


notes about this post

Zacian yaps

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
894 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 18:43:48 GMT
Shred Avatar
"Don't patronise me, dog."

Peeling yourself off the ground, you look the proud wolf in the eye. This symbol of your homeland, this hero of the darkest day. How could they ever possibly understand you? They weren't some scrounging Poochyena living in the gutter. They're a legend in the flesh. They couldn't possibly comprehened you.

"The person you think I am doesn't exist anymore." You say bluntly. "They never did."

But still, as you cling to for support, you drag yourself to your feet. As the frozen giant prepares to detonate, you raise your arm up to the sky. The orichalcum on your arm glows once more.

"But I'll do it. For him."

And so, ancient sunlight shines upon Hyperborea.

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,970 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 2:24:31 GMT
Navy Avatar







And that is enough. Her eyes behold the sun, and she sees her path forward. The sunlight burns upon her, and opens a way forward.[break][break]
I’ll cover you.” He tells her, looking back at Shred and giving him one final nod. He marches forward, and feels a strange vibration begin in his breast pocket.[break][break]
She grips her sword anew, and she rushes off across the sky loping upon faerie wings. She marches forward, ever forward. Her sworn brother rushes behind her, faster than he has any right to be. He knows what to do. Old instincts do not idly die.[break][break]
In his hand is his gun. Regice looms larger and larger with every step. Sunlight turns the night to day, a promise of the coming dawn, an assurance that they will live, that they will win.[break][break]
O Ascalon.” The Rider says as he raises his gun, finding his target in his sight. Howard has a headstart for his mad suicide charge. It falls upon Navy to open the way forward, to turn sure death into a chance.[break][break]
The rest is simply faith. Faith in Howard, faith in himself.[break][break]
Drink deep of slumbering gods’ power.”[break][break]
It surges impossibly bright, reflection and refraction both of the light. It catches along the blade, surging with the fury of old things that should have never existed.[break][break]
Her Rider’s anchor shot pierces Regice. His z-crystal thrums like a creature with its own heartbeat. What falls upon him is an impossible task, to open a pathway in the ice with only a human’s might.[break][break]
It does not seem so impossible when he pulls on the chain. Every atom in his body presses to the task, prying open Howard’s path. All they can do is buy him time.[break][break]
Howard! You don’t have long.”[break][break]
Yet the time he buys, he knows in his heart, under the light of the sun, will prove enough. Ascalon seems more a hurricane of blue light, aimed right at the giant’s heart. With one blast, she can forestall devastation.[break][break]
Zacian harnesses the full power of her sword, Ascalon, and unleashes a blast of fae light. all foes in the path of the sword beam take critical damage.
Night turns to day turns to twilight as flashes of bright pink, orange, and blue converge upon the giant, blasting its core with all the might her blade can bring to bear. Navy turns away, still holding his chain, still shouting at Howard.[break][break]
We’ll get you out! The rest is up to you!


notes about this post

Zacian Z-move yippee

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,177 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 6:10:59 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
When Howard Slayte crawled from Michael Navidson's dream, he had come out a contradiction and a hypocrite. That was fine. Hypocrisy was merely a byproduct of a person in the process of changing. It was the struggle that one embraced as they rose from the ashes a better man.

He was not , who would toss aside this form for another to reach his goal. He was not , who raged against a machine that he had little power to stop. He was not , who had set sail for a new land in search of something more, all because a friend had needed his help.

He was not , who had risen again a better man, knighted by a hero of old. He was not , who outran a shadow that would chase her into tomorrow. He was not , a hero of justice who fought for what was right. He was not , who had turned her suffering into a shield for the sake of her town. He was not , who had woken from a long dream and had decided to be better.

Howard Slayte was a coward, the shadow of a snake wiggling on the ground as he reached for the light. Yet with less than a year spent in Galar, he would do what many had forgotten in twenty.

Team Rocket and the Pokémon League would bring down a god.

Above, Regice sat chained. Its arm was in the process of recovering, as it and its kin were like to do. Its pattern flickered between red and yellow, ending on red as it faced Zacian. In its pattern, the silhouette of a dragon could be seen. It let out a scream as Ascalon raged under the light of Shred's sun.

⠽⠕⠥ ⠙⠕ ⠝⠕⠞ ⠃⠑⠇⠕⠝⠛ ⠓⠑⠗⠑ ⠏⠓⠁⠝⠞⠁⠎⠍⠁⠇.

The blast struck, and ice shattered. It rained down on those who lie below. Howard's Sygna Suit flared to life, its ability to Fly unlocked now that Shirley was out on the battlefield.

"Isaac, you can't die. Who's gonna protect Eris? The kids? The world still needs its Liberator!" Howard's helmet clicked on as he leapt forward, flying between the shards of ice. The admin liked to think that the North Wind was behind him, guiding his flight with some sense of purpose. "I don't care what Quinn thinks! Fuck him! Fuck the Devourer!

A smile flickered through the admin's helmet. A smile content with the fact that Navy wouldn't need to pull him out. That this was a one way trip. One that had not been one long leap in the making, but a million little steps.

"The world needs liberation far more than it needs a fox, Isaac."

The massive gash left by Ascalon and the other attacks bled a red energy. Toxic. The ichor of something that did not belong to this world. To follow that gash was to reach a beating heart than brought reality to its knees. Regice flashed at him, corrupted by something that had long ago poisoned the hearts of men and Pokémon alike. Eternatus, a being older than the world.

As an archaeologist, it pained him to admit it, but...

...just because something was old, that did not make it right.

"NOMI!" One of 's Unown flickered into existence, willing to get closer now that the storm had begun to abate. It was quickly lost to many within the Dynergy storm. "Tell the others about today! Tell them that Admin Fox was no traitor! Quinn! Beckett! Fiorelli! Tell Bee and Cross and Delaney that this is the stage I set for myself!"

Howard had always been Rocket's curiosity, the remains of a foreign species left drying on the plain that was once, long ago, a sea. A curiosity and reminder that things had once been different.

A man in the process of changing, someone in the process of turning into a member of Team Rocket. had seen a traitor, an oddity, had found someone similar in perspective, and found a curiosity akin to a forgery. had found a likeminded individual.

How many hated hated him until the end?

That was why he had to die, and that was why he fell into Regice's heart.

For a moment, it was blisteringly cold. Soon, it turned scorching. Dynergy bent the laws of reality and fused the admin's armor to his flesh. It leaked in and caused his flesh to twist and bubble and burn. Howard's Dynamax Band remained. It glowed with an internal light as the admin approached the Wishing Star that made up Regice's heart.

Regice would refuse to shrink into its normal form without this proximity. It would not give up its power. It was a machine that could do little else, but responsibility demand it release Eternatus's curse. If it would not return Eternatus's power, then there was only one thing that Howard could do.

"You had an objective, and I stood in the way. I couldn't tolerate the purity of you, even when you fulfilled your objective for a millennia before we met.”

They needed a heart to heart.

So as his body turned to ash, he reached out his hand...

...and gave it one.

A river of red light entered his body, searing his flesh and psyche as he dipped himself into the proverbial Styx. It was too much. Too overwhelming. Too excessive.

It was too much for the mortal form to handle.

That was why these five puppets were created in the first place.

As Dynergy rushed from the massive wound left by Dewford's unlikely heroes, Howard Slayte's mind disappeared along with it.

⠞⠓⠑ ⠞⠊⠝ ⠎⠕⠇⠙⠊⠑⠗⠎ ⠺⠑⠗⠑ ⠁⠇⠇ ⠑⠭⠁⠉⠞⠇⠽ ⠁⠇⠊⠅⠑ ⠑⠭⠉⠑⠏⠞ ⠕⠝⠑, ⠁⠝⠙ ⠞⠓⠊⠎ ⠉⠁⠥⠎⠑⠙ ⠓⠊⠍ ⠞⠕ ⠃⠑ ⠧⠑⠗⠽ ⠗⠑⠍⠁⠗⠅⠁⠃⠇⠑

Wish Upon A Star.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing