Aurorus Winter Ball

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Employee at the Stray
189 height
189 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
639 posts
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2019 10:31:17 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Typical. She poked her head back into the room a few minutes later, to see that the trio she’d spoken to had barely moved. She wasn’t nearly as surprised as she should have been. After all, she wouldn’t be in her predicament if strangers had been more willing to help. No, the only part that disappointed her was that she’d hesitated to reveal that she was vulnerable, and it hadn’t done a damn thing to make them move, as far as she could tell.

Whatever. They’d only reinforced that her and her Pokémon were the only ones worth relying on. If she wanted that money, she’d have to get it herself. Her eyes darted to Najwa, who was looking for something to distract her. She could fill that void, no problem. With that in mind, she shut the door to the room, sent out her Pokémon, and shared her plan with him.


Luck was on her side. A mistletoe’d Chandelure was waiting for her by the door. “Hey there! Could I ask you to go and surprise that guy over there? Pretty please!” Armed with a pair of puppy dog eyes (their effectiveness, in tandem with her costume, was up for debate), she pointed to Kim and friends. Trusting the Pokemon to follow through more than any of the adults she’d spoken to thus far, she gestured a five, then four, to a Zoroark’s eye barely peeking out from behind the door. Before she could finish the countdown, she sped off. Well, as well as she could speed whilst dragging half her weight behind her.

She made it halfway across the room before a security guard cut her off, grumbling something about her looking hungry. Normally, Annie would never turn down free food, but he was in the way and messing up her whole plan! She shoo’d him away, flashed a ‘ten’ and a ‘nine’ to the door, and tried again.

Najwa had been gifted with Annie’s presence, and her best (read: terrible) Santa voice. “You look like you need a little more non-denominational holiday cheer, pretty miss! Just give me a second…” She opened her bag and stuck a hand in, spending a few seconds trying to find something befitting of the woman. Or just stalling. Probably stalling, judging by what came next.

She retrieved a toilet roll, but not just any roll! Every other square had a festive message printed onto it: ‘Here’s Your Crappy Gift!’ with a drawing of poo next to it. Apparently oblivious to the woman’s tastes, Annie had the cheeriest grin on her face as she offered it to her.

Meanwhile, Kit finally entered the room. Or rather, a seemingly very nervous Najwa Essam did, moving straight to Kim and Ruby. The master of illusions offered the latter a sad smile. The kind that said that she’d had her fun, but it was time for her to step aside and let the adults dance. Hopefully, that would do the trick, because whether or not she left, the Zoroark was waiting for the mistletoe to arrive.

TL;DR: Annie guns for 's bounty ()! She asks @noblesse's Chandelure to go to Kim, and moves in to give @bean4 a 'gift'. Meanwhile, a Zoroark disguised as Najwa approaches Kim and , and attempts to get a moment with the former.
Costume notes are here.


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,768 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2019 22:46:27 GMT
shiv Avatar





[attr="class","ihead"]SOMETHING HAPPENED!


SUDDENLY, A VIOLENT GALE surges through the jagged pass. tree limbs lose their snowy sleeves as the dramatic beginnings of a snowstorm course through the mountain range- and the highland lodge. it's a piercing cold. it rattles the window shutters, breathes life into billowing curtains, and forces the dancers to stop.[break][break][break]

peace returns. the dancers resume. however, the central fireplace has been extinguished. before the expansive mouth of the hearth, soot and curled peels of bark rest in scattered patterns having been blown out by the wind. the hotel will need FIRE-TYPE MOVES to reignite the hearth keeping the lodge warm.[break][break][break]

TOTAL: 296

if you want to help reignite the hearth, have your pokemon use a FIRE-TYPE MOVE with a ROLL accompanying your post. as a collective group, try to beat the total above! you can only roll once.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2019 23:53:39 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Eloise found herself chatting merrily with a few patrons who had also made the journey out for the Aurorus Ball. She swirled her drink lazily as the conversation shifted from one topic to the next. Her dress, the most luxurious and obnoxious thing she could get her hands on, swished with every movement. Green tinsel glinted as she settled her free hand against her hip and gave one of the women a teasing look.[break]
The dress left little room to walk -- and probably less room for the imagination -- but she didn’t really need the room tonight. It would be a long night and she could take as long as she needed to shuffle from one place to another.[break]
She and her group had giggled over Fernando Silph’s announcement for a short time before two of the men started a heated debate over which region produced the best cigars. Eloise smiled and nodded politely but she caught sight of a kid crossing the dance floor like he was on a mission. Her brow quirked ever so slightly. She lifted her glass to her lips but paused as the kid strode up to the Councilman and gave him a rather passionate kiss. She smirked and took the last of her drink.[break]
”Ah, it looks like I have finished my drink. If you’ll excuse me.” She said with a slight nod towards her now empty glass.[break]
Eloise, the sauntering tinsel Christmas tree, had set her sights on the two boys who were now huddled together in a corner. She managed to discreetly - or, at least, she thought herself discreet- disappear behind a pillar and reappeared, fresh glass in hand, besides the boys. It was surprising how quickly she could actually move in the dress - when she wanted. She was just about to interject in their conversation when everything that shouldn’t be moving rattled to life.[break]
She turned hastily towards the dance floor -- her bottom swinging into the backside of in the process. ”Oh, pardon me!” Her apology was accompanied by a thorough blush. She shifted her attention back to the party as soot spilled from the hearth and the party churned back to normal. She spotted a few people releasing fire pokemon around the hearth. ”Looks like they may need some help stoking the flames.” she said with a short chuckle before releasing Nell and Henri from their pokeballs.[break]
”Lets help, shall we?” She gave a nod to her Houdooms. ”Flamethrower.” She pointed them towards the fireplace with a green-gloved hand.
tldr: Eloise booty bumped ,
interrupting his conversation with .
Eloise had Nell and Henri use Flamethrower to help relight the fireplace.

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2019 0:37:09 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Residing in a secluded area of the ballroom Adrian had been sitting with nothing but his spirits to keep him company, when abruptly a torrential gale blew through the pass and snuffed the flames of their hearth. In its wake was a bitter chill that simply wouldn't do. Adrian plucked out Howitzer's pokeball from his belt, clicking it without pause.

She was ecstatic to be in human company, but he wrangled her with his outstretched arms, forcing her to heel. "C'mon girl, we need some of your spark," he spoke to her in a loud whisper, like one might talk to their newborn. Climbing atop her, Adrian directed her towards the fire, using her radiating warmth to keep himself from experiencing the chilling bite of the wintry squall.

As they neared the massive hearth, Adrian reached out from over her head, gesturing at the chiseled stone with his index finger. "Sunny Day, followed by Flamethrower." He stroked his idle hand through her dense fur, comforting her while reinforcing the behavior. Her body began shimmer with heat, almost as if she was now aglow.

She gritted her teeth just as flames began to rise in her muzzle, licking through the cracks between teeth before her jaw stretched open, releasing a torrent of flames directed at the lodge's fireplace.


tl;dr Adrian liked it better warm and toasty.
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2019 1:58:49 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Their waltz is slow and Stormy finds her mind wandering in spite of her efforts to be polite. She's always been a woman of impulsiveness and eagerness, however, so it makes sense for her to seem antsy.[break][break]

She does, however, listen to Caius list off the perks of being a gym leader, and she can't help but blush and grow surprised at his forward and sweet comment.[break][break]

"The most beautiful? That's an exaggeration."[break][break]

Stormy quickly moves past the comment to answer his own questions, just as a gale of wind blows out the hearth. It immediately grows colder and sshe hesitates, removing a hand from Caius' dance to reach for a pokeball or three. She reveals a pair of Oricorio, their ruby feathers flaring as they take to the ceiling of the lodge. They immediately begin to perform a revelatio dance, hopefully igniting the inside of the hearth again.[break][break]

Meanwhile, a lumbering Torkoal makes his way patiently and slowly to the hearth, his toasty body giving off enough heat as he moves to warm up several passersby. When he does finally reach the hearth, he'd perform a flamethrower into the mouth of the hearth. [break][break]

Stormy looks back at Caius before shrugging. [break][break]

"I do train for the League, yes. I'm the Lavaridge gym leader. So.. I guess you could say we all, as gym leaders, hang out with some pretty tough people. We are the tough people."[break][break]

She smiles, perhaps a little amused at her insinuation and statement.[break][break]


- continues dancing with caius[break]
- answers caius' questions[break]
- releases two oricorio and torkoal to help relight the hearth


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pro wrestler
39 height
39 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
119 posts
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TAG WITH @shinraboi
Shinra Redgrave
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2019 4:26:09 GMT
Shinra Redgrave Avatar

" seems like other people think that floating chandelier is quite the match maker." shinra commented on the person who asked her for permission to use it. that's when the windows started to rattle which caused shinra's head to shoot straight up to look at them. was the weather starting to get that bad? it must have when the central fireplace suddenly went out as well as the warmth in the room.

slipping out a pokeball he let out his incineroar dante, the large cat stretching and letting out a yawn as it stretched its firey navel. "hey buddy, go see if you can't help out with a fire place or something. i'm gonna freeze to death if we don't keep the cold outta here." with a low and annoyed growl the cat went off towards the fireplace, letting out a small stream of fire to help light it up.

    +uses incineroar to use flamethrower


[attr="class","merrktagI"]@aurora ball


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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
419 posts
evan fader DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @evan
evan fader
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2019 5:56:53 GMT
evan fader Avatar

before he can get an answer an interuption greater than any other shenanigan sweeps through the pass, billowing in through the windows and the hearth and Evan moves towards the nearest body he's comfortable with without thinking about it. The sudden flash of cold makes him shiver, looking down as if to tuck himself away into his oversized sweater and against . Not too close mind you, but close enough it's obvious he's chosen the other man as his shelter against the sudden chill. Slender fingers tap against a pokeball in the barely there space between the two of them and his Delphox emerges, puffing her chest with gusto.

"Mai, be a doll." he doesn't really have to ask it of her, the fox catches what the others are doing and follows along with ease. The mystical fire looking to take purchase within the hearth and leave it smoldering as it was before. Evan is watching her with a grin before he turns back to his conversation partner-realizing they are more face to face than they were before.

"I don't like the cold much." he can weather a storm better than most but that doesn't mean he has to like it. It's the only offer of an explanation he gives for the sudden closeness and he makes no motion to move away. In fact he seems to inch just a little bit closer instead.

>>Invades 's bubble cuz dats cold
>>releases delphox and she uses mystical fire on the hearth
>> we5WM4jv

>>wearing an oversized version of this monstrosity but with a galar rapidash instead

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2019 14:22:59 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
As the wind picked up, Kim intertwined within it, spinning in unison with Ruby.

Comes with the territory, I suppose.

Words intermingled within the gale of their spiral, approaching dizzying heights until Kim had finally ceased, outstretching his arm- hand grasped in Ruby’s own, their dance concluding with the wind.

He’d bow, then stand straight, looking to the girl with a smile.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening. And don’t be afraid to make some friends, miss.

Final words shared before he turned to meet face to face with Najwa.


He exclaimed surprisedly, before his face turned defected, the scent reaching his nose unfamiliar.

Did you wash off the perfume?

❄ finishes his dance with and wishes her a good night

❄ turns to @bean4  (  ) and asks where her perfume went

current outfit
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27 height
27 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
42 posts
Blaine Jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @blaine
Blaine Jones
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2019 17:31:09 GMT
Blaine Jones Avatar




Parties were never really the kind of thing Blaine went to, the detective typically preferred to just hang out in his office pouring over bits and pieces of whatever cases he had lying around at the moment. Having had a lack of work recently the man didn't have much else going on so he had decided to attend the winter ball after skipping the last ball that was held in the region. [break][break]

In anticipation of this Blaine had a tuxedo prepared for the night, if he was gonna be here he might as well try to steal the show outfit wise. Managing to fit both the theme of formal wear and ugly Christmas sweaters into one outfit.[break][break]

Having needed to work up the courage to actually show up it took Blaine awhile to actually get to the ball, while it could be interpreted as him trying to be fashionably late it was probably way too late into the night for it to be considered that. Entering the ball in his fancy getup Blaine took a few moments to look around at what was going on inside the highland lodge. It seemed that something had made the fire in the main room go out before he got here, but without a fire type there wasn't anything he could do about that.[break][break]

For now the detective simply moved off to the side of the room, his Morpeko hanging out on top of his shoulder. From a very brief glance when he first came in he didn't immediately spot anyone he knew so Blaine would just simply wait here and observe looking for someone to hang out with.[break][break]

tl;dr (Came in super late wearing this, just stood around with Morpeko out and looked for someone to talk to)




275 WORDS FOR @ball


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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,334 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2019 23:58:17 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar


winter ball


Calm never seems to last for long.[break][break]

Outside, a storm howls, chilly fingers tearing at the lodge. Snow powders the grounds, winds sweeping through the area. With them, the hearth goes, flames flickering into nothing. The woman shivers, her regret for not wearing a simple sweater increasing with the sudden cold. Her arms draw closer around herself in a poor attempt for warmth.[break][break]

Other guests begin the task of reigniting the hearth, fire types joining the fun. Her vantage point, however, isn't ideal and so she creeps closer, abandoning the Mightyena she had been petting. The dog scurries off, heading deeper into the masses. Her Ninetales both follow, Flammae's distaste of the cold evident by the slight snarl on her face. Nix, however, relishes in the sudden chill with a couple of happy yips, irritating the fire type beside him.[break][break]

She slides up to the side of , flashing a small smile, before turning to her Ninetales. "Help with the fire, please. Inferno should do the trick," she murmurs. The least she could do is offer some assistance. Flammae nods and disappears with quickness, more than happy to get some heat back into this place. "Nice outfit," Illeana giggles, turning to face Blaine. Funny, she hadn't expected to see him after that horrid nightmare. They never did get that cup of coffee, huh?[break][break]

Flammae makes her way to the cold hearth, flames beginning to lick at her lips. She joins the other fire types, unruly flames spilling from an open mouth and merging with the flamethrower of another Pokemon. Together, perhaps they could help warm this place back up.[break][break]

notes | ninetales uses INFERNO to help reignite the hearth c: illie joins and starts chatting~[break][break]



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2019 14:46:55 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?





[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent lucario


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina ribombee


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]fenrir noivern


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]terra aerodactyl


“It—it was the only thing I had left in my wardrobe. Clearly I’m very behind on my laundry, and that’s not good for me,” Alexei says by way of greeting once Florian comes closer. For some reason, though, he looked… slightly tipsy?[break][break]

Hearing a familiar chirping noise from somewhere near Florian’s feet, he spots the Sylveon, and his eyes crinkle into this greeting of his.[break][break]

“Why hello there,” he began, wondering if it’s okay to touch the Pokémon. “Can I touch them?” he inquired, knowing that this Sylveon was a bit on the overprotective side when it came to being around Florian.[break][break]

He had to choose his pronouns carefully while addressing the Pokémon because well, he had no idea if this Sylveon was a male or a female like the one he had back in Fortree. Probably running around somewhere like a loose firework, mad off her rocker.[break][break]

There was honestly so much going on, he was relieved that he was in this little corner with the admittedly very nice-looking blonde in a very engaging suit.[break][break]

And he just had to show up in a dinky-ass sweater that looked like something straight out of a grandma’s old magazine. Ugh.[break][break]

He was about to remark on the change of Santas from the councilman to someone who looked… pretty familiar when a cold wind shook the place. Normally he would be dying of heat, but this time, maybe terrible fashion choices came into good play here.[break][break]

All the same, that wind was rather biting cold and nippy, and he shivered despite being the one with the sweater on. “Brr, that’s c-cold,” he said through chattering teeth, closing the space between himself and Florian. “H-h-hope you d-d-don’t mind. This ratty sweater is… quite thin. Maybe we can stay w-warm when we’re closer to each other, he added a few moments later, taking a long sip from his mug of hot chocolate.[break][break]

A weird kind of dank coldness began to spread—and then he caught sight of the fireplace. Wondering if this was going to be a good idea, he takes out a certain containment unit and flicks it toward the ceiling, watching as his Salamence appeared in mid-air, surprised. Gabriel was about to let out a roar when Alexei whistled sharply from underneath him.[break][break]

“Gabe, get that fireplace going, will you? Flamethrower over there, please!” he continued, pointing at the extinguished hearth and hoping for the best as the Salamence took aim, shooting out a controlled burst of flames towards the empty fireplace.[break][break]

Alexei's gross sweater[break][break]


Addresses Florian, says hello to the Sylveon. Is very glad for their little corner of the ball because everything is so busy. Is about to remark about taking over Santa duties when the wind blows through the fireplace. Alexei immediately goes closer to Florian, hoping to get warmed up despite the one wearing the sweater (such irony). Notices the fireplace is woefully empty, sends out Salamence and the draconid releases a controlled burst of flames toward the fireplace. Duck if you have to.


word count: 421; even if he has the gross-af sweater that is still COLD



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flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
0 height
0 height
Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
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TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2019 15:10:47 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar


"Nonsense!" Florian cries. "I think you look very cute! Besides, I have seen so much worse tonight."

Joli trills as Alexei greets him, and Florian offers a broad smile at the question.

"Oh, of course! He loves the attention. Don't you, darling?"

Another chipper, high-pitched sound, and Joli steps up to butt against the gym leader's hand and graze his feelers along Alexei's arm. True to Florian's words, the Sylveon was a sucker for any kind of positive attention. He may have been a support Pokemon, but Florian would never expect him to be hands-off.

A cold wind blows through the ball, then, and Florian shudders against it. His suit is not made to withstand such weather, and he'd left his jacket and winter accessories up in his room. He shakes his head to indicate he doesn't mind the closeness, admittedly grateful for it as he turns his head toward the extinguished hearth.

Several people, Alexei included, are directing their Pokemon to reignite the flames. Having no access to such options, Florian instead sends out a Cottonee who drifts sleepily on the chilly breeze and blinks at him.

"Can you strengthen the sunlight, dear?"

Elodie chirps, her fluffy body beginning to glow as the room brightens a little under the effects of a sunny day. It wasn't much, but Florian hoped it might bolster the energy of the fire-types attempting to rectify their situation.

The wine he's holding isn't doing anything for the cold, so Florian opts to mirror Alexei with a mug of hot cocoa, cupping his hands around it. "And to think I hoped this would be a night of warmth and dancing," he laughs, not seeming put out in the least. "For a region without winter, this season has had cold to rival Snowbelle!"

- shivering in the cold, conversing with
- has no fire-type moves, but COTTONEE uses SUNNY DAY to aid the fire-types!
- didn't roll since it doesn't fulfill the goal + it's already beat, but flavour
- huddles next to alexei for warmth :eyes:


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[newclass=.flori b] color: #57b6ce; [/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,606 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2019 16:26:05 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"ah. look. i have an excuse to stand from my corner now."

he gets up, walks over to where the fire place was, and grabs alpha, who was minding his own business, on his way there. there were no special collars or anything that differentiates each mightyena, but their trainer knows which one is which from behavior alone and minor physical differences. charlie follows suit behind kyle.

with the dog carried on his side, he leans over to give it a command. "alpha, make it so that we're also trying to help."

a lot of partygoers had helped even though they were supposed to enjoy the event. kyle wished it was like that all the time so he doesn't have to do work when he needs to. as soon as every inferno has been thrown, he plops his mightyena down. fire fang coats his maw with flames, but the best he could do was blow embers at it.


  • kyle joins the fire-type move party
  • drops a mightyena by the fire place
  • the mightyena is trying his best


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2019 21:27:23 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Oswald, after returning from his brief dip into the cold - and experiencing the cold snap while outside - makes his way towards Stormy, sliding his arm around her waist, his hand resting gently on her hip. "Hope you don't mind I steal my date back." He chuckles and winks at Caius, before looking down to Stormy, with a smile.
It seems she was already starting to help re-light the hearth, so he pulls a pokeball from his belt and releases Bruiser. "Give them a little help, buddy." He nods towards the pokemon already working to put fire into the fireplace. Bruiser complies with a flamethrower attack aimed at the hearth.
When Oswald looks down to Stormy, he grins. "How's your night going, now?"
TLDR oz grabs stormy and helps to relight the mantle after excusing himself to caius.


[newclass=.grabod] background: #2e2e2e; width:300px; margin: 0 auto; [/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2019 21:45:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar

There was a chill in the air, seemed like things were getting chilly. Luckily a few kind trainers, including his date decided to assist in relighting the hearth. If he had a fire Pokemon he would have assisted in the effort but alas he was flameless tonight at least in the sense of the Pokemon he carried.

His words had managed to cause quick blush to redden Silph’s features. He had seen the two Pokemon she carried with her, a pair of dancing birds that packed a punch. “I couldn’t agree more. It’s nice to meet another gym leader, maybe we can compare notes some time. I’d love to figure out your style of battle and how you run your gym.”

Before he could offer another question a man cut in, a powdery head of hair and sudden entrance. Caius shrugged at his question, “I suppose,” he’d crack a small smile before giving his partner a nod of his head “It was a pleasure to share a dance with you Stormy and an even greater pleasure to meet you tonight. I wish both you a pleasant evening.”

Reserved and polite he’d back away and would join the crowd of people without Pokemon lighting things up. Maybe it was time he got some punch.

>>enjoys their chat
>>excuses himself
>>goes searching for punch maybe

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]

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