i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 11:00:14 GMT
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Nathaniel knew, he just knew that he shouldn't have come back to Slateport City, the whole damn city was cursed. He already have bad enough memories from barely a year past and he had only been back in the city for a few hours and already things were going to shit. Nathaniel had seen enough of the news coverage from the last time something like this happened to know that the Wormhole opening in the sky was anything but good.

The moment the tear in Space-Time appeared Nathaniel's hand was already into his jacket. The last time something horrible happened in Slateport city there had been no one to help protect his family, he refused to let that happen to anyone else. Tyranitar soon joined Nathaniel, rising to it's full height as it too stared in confusion at the strangely humanoid beast that was now...removing it's own head? Nathaniel looked on in morbid fascination as the ball shaped head began to expand. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end, a well honed instinct of danger shooting up his spine with a chill. This wouldn't end well.

"Tyranitar, Iron Defense now!" he cried, rushing forward to grab a fleeing child as they stumbled past him, alone. Tyranitar took a few lumbering steps forward, its body shimmering with a metallic shine as it moved to stand in front of it's friend and trainer. And suddenly, the world was on fire. Nathaniel clutched the young child tight, intent on shielding him with his own body if necessary. It seemed it wouldn't be needed. After a feww ear splitting moments the explosion died out. With the immediate danger gone, Nathaniel pulled himself up to his feet, quickly handing the child to a passerby that was fleeing in the lull of activity. As he moved to look past Tyranitar, Nathaniel could see that a handful of other quick thinking Trainers had managed to erect a barricade of their own to halt the oncoming explosion. A familiar voice drew Nathaniel's attention and looking over he spotted young Annie Mei, the girl he had met some time ago out on Route 118. She was asking what the next course of action available to them was.

"We need to deal with whatever the hell that Thing is, long enough for the civilians to evacuate."
he said, stepping forward to join the rest of the rag tag group around him, his eyes darting over to the magnificent white and gold Lion that stood resolute, staring at where the attacking Ultra Beast had been. He stood next to Annie, glancing down at the girl.

"A pleasure to meet you again Annie, though the circumstances leave a lot to be desired." he said, his usual jovial tone nowhere to be found.

TL;DR - Protected by and 's Wide Guard and Earth Power respectively.
- Tyranitar used Iron Defense
- Standing next to


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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 21:31:38 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar

still saddened by @bryony's return home. mateo wasn't feeling all that cheerful. dragonite was currently away and escorting her back home, alongside and his charizard. so, in his stead, was dragocess the female dragonite. with a plate of yakisoba in the palm of his right hand and chopsticks in his left, he wasn't feeling all that ecstatic about eating, but dragocess was. "here..." he sighed, giving her the entire plate.

for his attire going into the new year. mateo wore a traditional kimono in celebration of the new year. he wasn't alone though, he was on a date with . where was she? right beside him eating her life away. he wasn't sure if she was heartbroken or not over bryony's departure or chance's, whose return was unprecedented, as well. either way, at least he had some remaining family here. back then he wasn't all that ecstatic to learn of their arrival, but now that some of them were gone the house became less lively.

looking at pigging out, he wondered, "hey" he said, "do you wanna hav s--" suddenly dragocess would take hold of and within her arms. a barrier, PROTECT, suddenly risen out of the blue. "d-dragocess, what are you--eh?!" an unexpected explosion occurred.


notes: dragocess the female dragonite used PROTECT to shield and .


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 1:18:13 GMT
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on his hand were multiple elite four merchandise that he had won as prizes for the games. he wraps an arm around a kyle plushie, and with his hand carrying a bag full of various souvenirs that include, but not limited to, hand fans and mightyena masks. his other hand carries a stick of cotton candy, which he occasionally snacked on.

"...so, how does next week sound?"

he walks behind two other people: , who he came to the festival with, and , who they had met along the way. he lets the two get acquainted after introducing them to each other to get noah's gym challenge going, which seemed to be an easy feat for noah, who somehow manages to always say the right things.

distracted by the festivities below, kyle easily notices what happens above. his eyes quickly notice the wormhole when it appears on the skies. "guys, wait!" it was his first time seeing this wormholes, but after reports and footage from mossdeep, he somehow knows what to expect.

his hands were preoccupied. he needs to take action quick, though he cannot draw his pokemon out fast enough to react to the attack the unknown pokemon would throw out. his next best option is to command the person he already likens to his mightyena.

"noah!" he turns to him, his voice stern and firm. "give us cover from that!"


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 4:15:27 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

It had been years since Josh had stepped into the harbor town of Slateport. But as with many of the other cities he had been visiting, he intended to explore with open, wide eyes once more. The same way he had during his first adventure. But this? He didn't know how to describe this. This was far from what he had expected when he had arrived here.

After a few hours of exploring the marketplace, night had begun to fall. And with that, it was time to get home to his family. He'd grabbed some snacks for the kids, and was about ready to begin the short flight back to Lavaridge so he could be home in time for New Years. He'd nearly missed it once and both his mother and his wife had nearly taken his head off for it. He wasn't eager to do that again.

But just as he took out Fawkes' Poke Ball...

The screeching caught his attention. It was like firecrackers, yet... Not. It was so high-pitched that it hurt his ears. His instincts kicked in, and the same seemed to be true for the Raichu at his side, who's ears had perked up just before the sound had begun to ring out.

Then the screaming came.

His attention moved to it, and with that, he was able to see the wormhole begin to open. Brown eyes widened as he stared up at it.


Something had emerged from the wormhole. Some kind of... Clown? The clown would create some sort of ball, but very quickly, it began to grow... Bigger and bigger, but why? The only thing he could think of was...

Josh didn't hesitate. Whether it were the instincts of a veteran trainer, or flashbacks from a world long past... He immediately brought out Dunamus instead of Fawkes, the Swampert having barely any time outside of the ball before Josh called out a command at the top of his lungs.


Josh scooped up his Raichu in his arms and dove into the back of the Swampert just as Dunamus brought up the barrier.


The explosion, even with the move, caused a metallic sound to ring through his ears, restricting his hearing and his senses. Josh groaned as he slowly began to sit up, not sure yet what had happened, or if Dunamus had managed to protect them fully...



Tldr; Swampert used Protect
Josh and Raichu dove behind Swampert

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 5:08:44 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Of course, Alexei was here with a certain someone.

Was it a date?


To be honest he didn’t know. To be fair, he was still a blushy mess while he spent the rest of the time with Florian, going about stalls and trying out everything that was offered to the public. The night was still young, they had the rest of the evening ahead of them to enjoy, but…

Wait, what was that spawning above the crowd?

It was… he’d heard the rumors, the stories of how while he was inside the Mossdeep Space Center, that shit had gone down elsewhere and it was pretty much a fallout. It was also rumored to have caused the gigantic Pokémon to start appearing, at least that’s what his Ranger friend said. Either way, he looked at Florian, and barely had time to yell at him to duck, take cover, get the fuck out of the place (and shoved a random assortment of Pokéballs at him too, he wasn’t sure which ones he’d handed over in the meantime to help the blonde escape) when the explosion went off overhead.

There was screaming that followed not too long afterward. Hoping that he still had functional faculties, he caught sight of another familiar face in the crowd and dove right behind Orion’s protective wall, hoping that it would be enough to get him through the initial wave.

He hoped that Florian was alright, wherever the blonde had run off to. Hopefully he’d managed to get out of the blast radius in time…

, mostly

• So Alex and Flori are still on their date(?!)
• The clown appeared, hopefully shit doesn’t—
• Well, shit hit the fan basically
• Yells at Florian to get the hell out of the place, shoves half his team along with the blonde to help him getaway
• Sees Orion not too long afterward, dives behind the protective barrier


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 5:38:06 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Stormy wasn't the type to pass up on festival snacks and try her hand at the most difficult festival activities. Prizes for sinking hoops, or throwing rings at floating Duckletts, or slamming down the hammer as hard as she could, it didn't matter. She was doing them all.[break][break]

In fact, more than a couple of Kyle's souvenirs were probably from her. Not that she cared about the actual prizes, she just liked to win.[break][break]

The woman hadn't intentionally sought out Kyle, at least not at first. Festivals were boring all by oneself, and she'd easily spotted him in the crowd. As such, she felt no need to be shy, not even when she noticed he wasn't alone.[break][break]

Kyle introduced her promptly to his friend: Noah Faber. She'd offer the young man a smile and handshake and some conversation. It mostly related to gym leader stuff which wasn't out of the ordinary. People normally talked to her about wanting to challenge her gym.[break][break]

"Next week sounds great! I'm looking forward to it."[break][break]

She'd turn around and continue walking backward. One hand flicks the Kyle-shaped stuffed toy the man is carrying.[break][break]

"Y'know, that thing doesn't look anything like you. They've got your nose all wrong."[break][break]

However, the colour in Stormy's face soon drains at the shock written on Kyle's face and the urgency in which he points behind her and Noah. She twists to see the wormhole open up and watches the bizarre and unfamiliar Pokemon emerge.[break][break]

And then it explodes.[break][break]

Although her name isn't Noah, and Kyle didn't ask for her to react she does anyway. Wadjet appears in her pokeball just as the ultra beasts attack begins to eat up the booths far away from their position. [break][break]

"Wadjet, protect us!"[break][break]

Almost immediately, the Charizard opens her wings to act as a barricade. A

protective shield

shimmers in front of her as she attempts to prevent any harm from coming to the three trainers standing behind her.[break][break]




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 6:07:20 GMT
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[attr="class","skulloverlap"]SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH


Looker was never a big fan of huge crowds. The night had thus far passed in relative monotony for the young investigator as he decided to take a self-imposed vacation for New Year's Eve. Couldn't hurt to live a little on the one night of the year that everyone goes out for festivities, and it's not like he was going to get any work done while a festival was raging outside his office window. So here he was - shuffling through the sea of faces like a ghost, one hand tucked into his coat pocket and the other popping a steaming festival treat in his mouth (Hoenn's specialty seafood balls - was this made out of Octillery?). Carstein loomed over his master's shoulder in the meantime, using him as a perch to scan the ocean of people (some of which stumbling away from Looker when they caught sight of the Gliscor's hungry stare) passing by. [break][break]

That's because the Gliscor wasn't just looking for trouble. It was looking for particular people. And that's because Looker wasn't here to party. [break][break]

The investigator's soft grin fades once the last person passed him by, leaving him relatively isolated near the edge of the market. With a soft skirting of his feet, he's behind an empty food stand with Carstein rising off the young man's shoulder to then perch atop the stand with a flap of its leathery wings. In a swift movement of his hands, a notepad and pen unfurl from the investigator's brown coat. The small page was littered in information - names, area sketches, times, places. His pen meets the page in a furious scribbling - nothing so far. [break][break]

This was the time and place for the attack, so said the anonymous tip that slid across Looker's desk this morning. [break][break]

A premeditated assault on Slateport during one of the most anticipated events of the month was a recipe for disaster, one that would undoubtedly be on-brand for a potential terrorist. The questions that scattered across Toby's mind did nothing to make the situation any clearer - why? How? More importantly, who? Toby's lips part in a frustrated sigh, running his hand across his forehead. A very thin layer of sweat had already formed once his eyes ran across the area plan a second time. "You didn't see anyone that looked out of place?" he spoke off-handedly towards his Gliscor. [break][break]

Carstein shook its head silently. [break][break]

"Damn it," he snaps, throwing the pen to a brick wall and crushing the notepad closed. "We'll have to do anothe-" [break][break]

And then sound. A chorus of sound and light. [break][break]

The sky was lit aflame in color, a sudden torrent of wind and shifting pressure forcing Tobias to the wall behind himself. Fireworks? No, they'd have announced it first. It wasn't midnight His eyes blink rapidly, gazing up to the sky lit aflame in a swirling stew of multicolored lights. His head pounds, unsaved as the very air split open with a horrific sound. Carstein scrambles off the top of the stand and retreats to his master's side. Looker himself stumbles out of the alleyway into the chaotic streets - shifting his lithe frame around fleeing celebrants as focus returned to him. His eyes dart to the sky - just in time to spot the arrival and descent of the creature. [break][break]

"... Shit," he haggardly spat under his breath. "Carstein, get us the hell out of here!"[break][break]

The Gliscor let out a warning screech, lunging forward and clamping its closed feet around the investigator's thin shoulders. Lavender wings cut the night in twine as it lifts the relatively lightweight man off the ground, lunging the two of them out of the way of the chaos behind them. [break][break]


tl;dr looker moves to the edge of the market (as far as he can go to get away from the crowd), has his gliscor try and carry the both of them out of the way of the explosion



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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 6:46:43 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

It was honestly rather beautiful. Celebrating the new year in a new land, surrounded by new faces, new potential friends, it was such a foreign experience. And yet, Ruby was extremely excited. Normally for new years she and her family were just at home, or perhaps out with friends and celebrating. But tonight, she was about to watch this absolutely beautiful ball drop to symbolize the coming of the new year. Fireworks were sure to absolutely stun and amaze her, an eager grin on her face as she sat on a bench simply waiting.

Of course, Whisper might not enjoy the fireworks... But that was why she had soundproofed her bag as much as she could! Stuffed with blankets and other simple things to help give the girl a quiet, safe place. However, before she could even tuck Whisper's Pokeball into her bag, the sudden loud crack of what Ruby could only assume to be a firework going off early startled the silent pokemon from her ball.

Ruby at first laughed, reaching over to gently pat Whisper's arm and tell her everything was okay when she finally realized something... Whisper was staring up at the sky.

She stared slack-jawed up at the sky, the sight of the wormhole opening was absolutely terrifying. What in the world was that? A quick glance at Whisper revealed that she was already preparing for the worst. The signature purple psychic energies floating around her as she used calm mind. Some strange... clown-like thing dropped down from the skies, immediately causing chaos.

As soon as the strange head of the beast began to glow, Ruby didn't even have time to consciously panic before Whisper quickly grabbed the girl up into her arm and quickly managed their way to get behind a Swampert that threw up a protective guard. As the explosion ripped across the city, Ruby yelped out in fear and panic, clinging to Whisper's body tightly as she shouted out.

"w-what is that thing!?"


notes: In town simply to celebrate New Years, when all hell breaks loose. Whisper uses Calm Mind to boost her offensive and defensive capabilities to protect Ruby, before moving the two of them behind 's Swampert for protection.


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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 7:53:55 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar





Red bean paste was weird.[break][break]

Bailey felt her tongue touch the roof of her mouth, confused by the texture of the pastry in her hand—a bite-shaped chunk missing from its otherwise perfect and toasted exterior. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't her thing, either.[break][break]

“Maybe Chubs would like this,” and Vicky, her Vikavolt, wiggled her mandibles as if attempting to smile at her observations. The Elite Four member swallowed her bite, following it with a long slurp of soda to try and cleanse her taste buds.[break][break]

It felt good to walk through the crowded streets. Sometimes, people would notice her, and stop to ask questions or snap a picture. These interactions were few and far between—she tried to keep attention away from herself. The less of a public presence she could have, the better.[break][break]

Maybe that was why she kept returning to that beach-front farmhouse, where she could shoot back screwdrivers and lay out by the ocean for hours without worry.[break][break]

Time ticked away, and as the new year seemed fast to approach, she felt her eyes be drawn upward just to take a chance to try and see the stars—something to break her eyes away from the millions of faces and the blinding street lights.[break][break]

And she saw something she never hoped to see again.[break][break]

Cold was the feeling that swept up her spine as the wormhole manifested—her drink slid from her fingers, falling against the ground and spilling cola to the street. “Ah.”[break][break]

Not again.[break][break]

“Fuck.” She took a breath that was too shallow and too weak to serve any purpose.“Fuck shit fuck. Fuck you.”[break][break]

Vikavolt was withdrawn with a flash of the hand, followed by a smooth transition as her Scoliopeed took its place. Iron Defense shrouded its chitin coat as she dove into its countless arms--"find us cover!"--and was then sealed inside as Rollie Pollie...rolled into a ball and rolled away, with her spinning inside, clutching her head out of sheer befuddlement and nausea.[break][break]

Steamroller. She just hoped that her bug would have the sense to not run anyone over in this rapid departure.

“Was that thing a clown?” What the fuck were these things? “God fucking damnit, I gotta deal with a third one?”[break][break]

She wished this was a dream—but the last dream she had was not much of an improvement.[break][break]


tldr: dove into her soliopeed, who used iron defense and curled into a ball... and fucking spin-dashed away with steamroller. idk heading in 's and 's direction because the E4 need to hook up and fuck shit up.


the event


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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 9:25:15 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
the bitter feeling of the departure of two of their family members was hard to ignore, even on a day as momentous as new years eve. as much as she tried to smile, the innate, depressing sadness of it all still lingered. 'I miss them,' the girl thought to herself as she stuffed her face with the delicious stand food, pausing only to let out a deep sigh. today was supposed to be 'nice'. a relaxing day, perhaps even what someone would consider a date, between her and mateo. perhaps even romantic, given the fire works and whatnot. but...

torn from her thoughts by mateo's voice, she perked up, looking up at him curiously. unfortunately, she'd never hear what it was he had to say. from a tear in space itself, an unearthly creature stepped from out of it. with it, noelle felt an underlying sense of...dread? something didn't feel right. something felt off. "mateo-" she went to call out to him nervously, but, in that moment, they were enveloped in the protective grasp of his dragonite. her voice was easily drowned out by a deafening, explosive boom

- she's confused by the whole thing & is hopefully protected by mateo's dragonite
also rascal go away i dont want your bad luck :huh:
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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
185 height
185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2020 12:37:55 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

The idea was to come alone. Solitude suits Persephone, like a well-worn veil. [break][break]

She wanted to lose herself in the crowd, consciousness disembodied in the crushing sea of bodies. It's naive to think it would work, of course. Even if thick scarves and a heavy coat cover her distinctive series of etched tattoos, she can see the occasional turn of heads and spattering of whispers in her wake. [break][break]

Persephone puts up her hood, pulls the scarf tighter around her throat up to her mouth, and wonders why she feels shame prickle underneath her rib-cage. [break][break]

Her Reuniclus bobs along at her side, more interested in the numerous food stalls than his trainer, periodically tugging at the fabric of her coat to indicate at desserts that share a jelly-like consistency with him. Persephone dutifully buys whatever the Pokemon wants, if only to avoid causing a scene. [break][break]

Persephone snaps to attention when she hears a sound somewhere overhead - something familiar, something that forces her body to seize up momentarily. She searches the dark sky, willing herself to be wrong when she sees the telltale wormhole ripping itself into existence. [break][break]

Persephone inhales sharply, meeting the gaze of her Pokemon, as the beast emerges and casts them all in an array of multi-coloured lights. Her limbs buzz with adrenaline static as she watches its every move, expecting it to throw the 'head' it removed off its shoulders into the crowd. That would be too simplistic, wouldn't it? [break][break]

As the head expands, she's backing up, wide-eyed and murmuring a precautionary order to her Pokemon ("LIGHYT SCREEN and REFLECT, please be ready to PROTECT,"). [break][break]

A point to be highlighted and underlined: Persephone Amavi hates being right more than she hates being wrong. [break][break]

She's inching towards a handful of people preparing their own Pokemon, thinking she recognises a council member, when the blast detonates, sending plumes and shrapnel their way. Persephone catches the flickering sheen of her Reuniclus's defensive walls, but the smoke still burns her eyes. [break][break][break]

» reuniclus stacks up defenses of LIGHT SCREEN, REFLECT and PROTECT on itself, perse and whoever needs it / npcs[break]
» standing close enough to benefit from and 's wide guards[break][break]


There are still things unseen: the lonely sea, the sky

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2020 2:46:32 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] There is a comfort in peacetime that wears down on vigilance. It is an infectious disease, insidious in nature, maliciously undoing years of blood and sweat spent toiling away at chiseling the perfect caricature of human ego. Yesterday's worries become an afterthought, eroded by the mundane routine that becomes normalcy. The threat that warrants pessimism never comes and the safeguards of old become obsolete. Overreacting, they call it, ostracizing those who hold onto a tradition born out of necessity.

Complacency is the aging that turns wise men feeble. A lust for battle turns into papers that need to be pushed, agendas that need to be carried to term and nursed until they're grown enough to stand on their own. Public appearances are the norm and Fernando finds the Slateport Market pleasant. Life becomes less about steering the incapable to salvation and more about enjoying their freedom no matter how misguided, reassured that somehow they'll find their way to where they belong. Children giggle and the bustling chatter of life breaths a life into Slateport that would've been unimaginable last year.

Hoenn has come this far and now the people get to enjoy the fruit of their labor.

But peace does not last — most will never see it uninterrupted within their life time. As long as there exists those who can shake up the status quo, peace will remain unsustainable. Fernando knows this, hates this, but accepts it nonetheless.

A wormhole opens up and Fernando stares into the void, knowing the hell that's yet to be unleashed. He hadn't been there for Mossdeep but he's here now. Here and afraid, terrified by what he does not understand, perplexed by the enigmas that elude his understanding and what he knows about the world.

Others may stare at the Ultra Beast in awe, flabbergasted by the pronounced organ that becomes their New Year's ball, but Fernando knows better. None of these things have been friendly, none of them nonlethal. He intends to ring in the new year but not with his death, not in ashes, and not in the column of tomorrow's report of Slateport's annihilation. He intends to do so with own two hands, wringing the life out of any otherworldly bastard that dares stop him.

Laxity is like rust, building over time, born from neglect and fostered by sloth. It takes a harbinger of death to act as an agent of change, to rouse the lazy into a call to action. And when it comes it comes packing. Adrenaline waxes a brilliant sheen of uneasiness that shakes off the rust and spurs him to act.

A candy apple lands on the ground with a pitiful bounce, sticking to the ground afterwards as the half-eaten caramel binds the discarded snack onto paved dirt. Sticky hands recoil on instinct, clasping onto polished silicone, holding on for dear life as Fernando goes into auto-pilot.

Any Pokemon will do — just be on time! Please!

An Aegislash will have to do. The steel Pokemon's KING'S SHIELD will be the only bunker to ferry him away to safety, away from the discord and booming sounds of disaster before him. Fernando flinches from the outburst, subconsciously turning his head away from the source of the blast and away from the sight of being burned alive.

When everything settles the looming frame of a familiar legendary stands before him.


— actually enjoying the market festival
— pulls out a pokeball the moment he notices the wormhole and prior to the blast
— aegislash uses KING'S SHIELD to protect against the explosion
— when the attack settles, fernando realizes he's behind 's solgaleo

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
709 posts
Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2020 4:57:09 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

character iconLucas pecked at festival food as the hospital assigned Machoke weaved him through the crowd. The night began peaceful despite the recent headlines. If it had an effect on the numbers attending the scientist could hardly notice. Streets teemed with visitors from not only across the region, but around the world to witness Slateport's renown New Year's Eve festivities. In mere minutes would be the first of the two pyrotechnic displays organized for the evening.

Screams and alien howling took the place of the awing that accompanied the light show in years past. Looking up with the rest of the crowd Lucas spots a wormhole identical to the one from months prior. "Get me out of here." He makes a strained effort to slap the machoke's to get it moving. "Move us!"

-still wheelchair bound
-machoke moving him around
-tells machoke to wheel him away


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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,591 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2020 5:33:51 GMT
noah faber Avatar

as stormy walks ahead, noah clutches his face, throtting his head side to side in a frenzied show of bewilderment. kyle had just scheduled a gym battle for him- something that he had been planning to put off just a little while longer.

just a little.

"i'm going to kill you-!!" noah mutters to kyle, his panicked breath veiling his sputtering voice.

he elbows kyle in the side at his unwelcome scheduling, giving him a wide-eyed look of indignation. nothing serious, however. he supposes it's time. after all, kyle has cuffed a promise to such an endeavor.

noah motions to reject the criticism of kyle's plush. even in this fabric-form of his, noah believes in the unbridled perfection of his companion.

as and bark orders, noah already launches into action with a whistle. he launches himself into before he can finish his command. his arms launch sharply, one grappling around kyle's waist while the other grasps his head.

as the explosion rushes forth, he drives his weight against the other's chest. they crash on to the ground. noah skins his forearms as he slides over top of the other, keeping him covered like a suit. he spares no safety for himself, exposing his body to the incoming elements with no thread of hesitation. his embrace tightens like tender hands in prayer.

noah's unfezant glides in from the sky, contributing to wadjet's powerful barrier with its own DETECT


- already mid-tackle of kyle as he's mid-order
- his unfezant dives in from its scouting; casting DETECT
- however, the two are already behind

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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2020 6:21:13 GMT
shiv Avatar




[attr="class","ihead"]ULTRA BEAST BARRICADE

as the blast surges toward them, a stalwart barricade of boulders and earth is forced from the ground. 's hydreigon roars in defiance of the flames while 's swampert drives its muscular body up against a gap in the stony pallisade for further protection. the entire construction is then fitted with the stunning illumination of 's solgaleo's WIDE GUARD.[break][break][break]


behind this earthen bulwark, @nicole, , , @creepy find momentary protection. the fiery storm collides with the shield, stone chipping away as hissing heat sears past the party. erected boulders are ripped from their gums; they barely miss , , , , and ; however, 's flattened noodle stand is not so lucky. a boulder crushes the stall with the horrific crunching of wood.[break][break][break]

the earth is carved into by 's flygon as securing both his identity and his safety. as teleports, she narrowly avoids the incendiary wave before rematerializing on a charred stall. @bean2 manages to escape barely, the percussive heat soaring past fennekin and her head. furthermore, and are able to resist the edge of the explosion too, their pokemon offering further protection. thankfully, 's gyarados is able to sustain itself; however, after the desperate endeavor, it finds itself weaker...[break][break][break]


, , and @looker are throttled by the blast. their pokemon, including the one rocket provides , do not suffer death; however, they encounter some injury protecting their masters from sustaining major bodily harm. splinters of wood, glass and stone cut their skin and bruise muscle. the same occurs for . his wheelchair is whipped from the earth, tossing the scientist to the sky. momentarily, in his airborne state, he sees death, the plunge of vertigo digging deep into his gut. as people witness the man plummet, they spot his machoke dashing after his patient. the musclebound creature catches him and his wheelchair, toppling together in conjoined construction.[break][break][break]

's dragonite holds its PROTECT. winds whip around the dragon's ankles as seeks shelter behind the father of her baby. however, he does not account for 's sudden appearance. her rolling vehicular scolipede, like an absurd cameo from a twisted metal game, races for protection underneath 's dragonite. the force of the explosion's expansion tosses her rolling scolipede into and , tossing their bodies (including 's) like bowling pins. they land, skinning knees and arms.[break][break][break]


a black charizard spreads its wings in dramatic fashion, a PROTECT materializing before , and . as the heat surges past, would feel no discomfort as 's unfezant contributes to their barrier. debris scatters on the ground as the explosion subsides, blossoming into smoke.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]SLATEPORT SQUARE BALL DROP


the blacephalon dances in the middle of the demolished night market. maimed bodies hide among the wreckage; however, they are locatable by a curious sight. orbs of blue and pink drift from their limp shapes and attach themselves to the prancing clown's "head." as their invader twirls and pirouettes through a junkyard of paper lanterns, it beheads itself once more. the orbs feed into it, the shape expanding to a terrible size. it honks, the wail of some otherworldly bicycle horn, before tossing its detached head toward the grand lighthouse.[break][break][break]


the beheaded sphere arcs gracefully, flickering like christmas lights as it expands to an impossibly large size- bigger than the one before. the head envelopes the time ball, sucking it into its gut. the ultra beast spins on its tiptoe and stares at the survivors. after tapping its wrist, the creature's mitten-hands cup the air and suddenly pull away, emulating an explosion. those intuitive enough will be able to realize the implications. should the time ball reach the end of its steel staff, it will explode.[break][break][break]

it is clear then, that simply fleeing the scene is an useless option. considering the size of this explosive sphere, detonation would likely mean the destruction of a significant region of hoenn's continent, ensnaring anyone within the current vicinity.[break][break][break]

in other words, there is no time to escape the next blast. you must race to stop it- or die trying. efforts to stop the ball from this distance will fail.

[attr="class","ihead"]OLIVIA'S PHONE CALL


when calls for evacuation, the response at the end of her phone is not what she expects. the audio quality is crackled, distorted, as if the signal is weak. on the other side of the phone, she hears 's voice, clipping in places. "he-lp! me--- lighthou- there- i-" the call ends with a disturbing noise of chirping: brrr-rrr-rr!!![break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]HOT POTATO


cackling, the blacephalon leaps across the bitter odour of death and cinders, collecting energy from the fallen as it jogs leisurely toward the lighthouse. it somersaults, tossing more energy toward the new year's time ball, the head growing bigger by the second.[break][break][break]

another head sprouts from the beast's collar. the sphere expands like a balloon before being scooped by its glove-like paw. with another honk and a heel-click, it tosses its head toward one trainer; however, it does not wait for someone to catch it. instead, it follows them like a heat-seeking missile, bouncing around as if it has a life of its own. the pink-blue orbs flash repetitively, as if counting down- like the time ball in the distance.[break][break][break]

the flashing slowly speeds up. a ticking time bomb. a hot potato. what will you do?


below are several guidelines and notes you must follow and consider for the raid. please pm if you have any other questions. these guidelines will be trimmed or omitted for future mod posts in this event.[break][break][break]

DO NOT ROLL for this round. as your characters pursue the blacephalon or aim to reach the lighthouse, they will attempt to keep the ball away from themselves in order to prevent it from harming them & their pokemon.[break][break]

who ever posts first has the hot potato! you must TAG the person you are tossing the hot potato (bomb) to. do not tag anyone else for clarity purposes, or make it clear who you are tagging with a note.[break][break]

you can not tag the same person twice until everyone has been tagged once. if someone hasn't responded for a long time, please contact them; however, you may be able to intervene on another character on their behalf to toss the hot potato to someone else. the character who has not responded may suffer consequences if they miss the round.[break][break][break]

the person with the hot potato on 1/11, 0:00 PST will suffer serious injury or have one of their pokemon die depending on the difficulty they have chosen![break][break]

with every post, please include a tl;dr of your character's actions. some posts may require rolls using the dice command.[break][break]

the next mod post will be on 1/11 0:00 PST.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing