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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2020 22:59:29 GMT
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i have a need of wilder, crueler waves




Bold. Brash. Confident. Fierce. Skyler Dross has always loved the sea. Fiercely independent and reckless to a fault, most of her life is spent out on the ocean as a diver and a treasure hunter.
She became the captain to a war ship renamed the Sotally Tober (which is also where she lives rn) following the Three Day War, given to her by the League for services rendered in the Lilycove warfront.
Her anchor is Lilycove, although you'll seldom find her there. She is also, like any good sailor, deeply superstitious. More recently, she's become Kyogre's avatar.[break][break]

Current goals

- To somehow get a ship from Rocket.
[break]- To find out more about the Blue Orb - and about Walsh's intentions in giving her the last shard.
[break]- To remain neutral while building connections and influence with both factions. Profit.
[break]- To explore her avatar powers.



Likes / Skyler likes people well enough, but then forgets to spend time with them, the ocean's call eventually leading her away from shore. Skyler will heedlessly throw herself into whatever chaotic venture she's set her eyes on.
She likes challenges, drinking and throwing a punch or two. She also has an unhealthy relationship with danger.
Dislikes / Skyler can lose herself to the thrill of pitting herself against someone else, often stepping over limits and boundaries if only to show that she can (even if she really can't).
She's also proud, greedy, stubborn to a fault, forceful, and honestly a bit of an idiot. While she doesn't take much stock in things such as the greater good, woe be to whoever hurts those she keeps close.
Loves / Captain Dross is married. ♥

[/PTab={ }]



    1. Showcase its influence on Skyler, namely a tendency to be more aggressive and instinct driven. Also more reckless due to her new ability to heal/regenerate. Aided by recently revived trauma
    (Father Winter posts - she was dumped into a timeline where megalopolans had won the war. she saw a dark version of her hometown, lilycove. she also had to escape megalopolan patrols. she killed an alternate version of her husband, angelo. and she merged with a nihilego)
    , Kyogre's influence will make her spiral into bad habits (going to underground fighting rings, drinking, etc). It's meant to be a gradual change, (kicked into high gear by what she experienced in the other dimension) so I'd love to explore this in a few threads!
    2. The Blue Orb and the Sea Queen Staff’s fragments. Skyler will be looking for someone to help her figure out (because let’s face it, she’s a dumbass) a way to safely have Kyogre undergo Primal Reversion without herself suffering from Primal Poisoning. - scientists
    3. Patrons. Skyler’s a neutral freelancer and has agreements with both the League and Rocket. I’d love for player characters to require her services/skills as a ship captain/treasure hunter. She has a speedboat and a former war ship (which she uses mostly for scientific expeditions). Could be just a mission, could be a longer plot.
    4. Armada. Skyler wants to get one more ship. That’s all.
    5. More League contacts. I feel like Skyler doesn’t have enough. Need to keep that careful balance between Rocket and the League.
    What she’s doing rn:
    - Expanding her Rocket contacts (rekindling her acquaintance with Lulu, finding an ally in Gavin, and possibly a few others as well).
    - Exploring a plot with Angelo and Kyogre’s influence (him being busy with his own shit and Sky spiraling into bad habits)
    - ? Who knows, probably a lot of drinking and bar brawls

    [/PTab={ }]



    • Angelo Vestri - husband, beloved
    • Laurence Anderson - bff and drinking buddy
    • Razz Kingsman - close friend & little bro
    • Celeste Abbiati - badass ocean ladies
    • Kazimir Wynter - close friend & muscle buddy
    • Oscar Clayton - close friend and best drinking buddy
    • Kyle Lopez - friend & ren-faire buddy
    • Remiel Calcifet - snobby assh*le, fun to tease
    • Lulu Flint - ex, rival, fun to tease
    • Parker Jones - fight/drinking buddy


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    stormy, bronwen
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    POSTED ON Jul 10, 2020 23:01:56 GMT
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    hi yes, i'm here to claim you as my bff who's gonna teach me how to love the ocean.

    that's it that's all. i love you hehe.
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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    POSTED ON Jul 11, 2020 16:31:46 GMT
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    hi, i love skyler. Mason is an 11 year old fool who ran away from home to go on his journey. I think he and Skyler are both go-getter's and the two could definitely explore something together. Mason is from Mossdeep himself, so he's familiar with Boat Life. He doesn't have any water types, though, so maybe he could hitch a ride from Skyler to somewhere? This kid also has a p bad attitude, so the two of them can and should fight. If it's hand to hand, it's over before it starts since Mason is...11. But if it's pokemon, Mason'll put up a good fight.

    I think the two of them would end up being passing friends that run into each other every once in a while. Definitely can see them as occasional exploring buddies or short-term travel companions when they're headed the same way. They might start off rough, but they'd definitely get along once Mason realizes she's tough af.
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    dross, captain
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    POSTED ON Jul 11, 2020 17:56:55 GMT
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    Skyler x mason

    Oh, these two could definitely meet somewhere. I like the idea of him hitching a ride with Skyler. I can kind of imagine him being rude about it and Skyler having none of it. I don't think she'd actually fight him because he's... err... eleven. She's not too keen on pkmn battles because she needs her pkmn to defend her while she's working. She could try and put him to work though. I foresee a shaky relationship (oh, that annoying kid) that grows into a friendship (oh, that slightly less annoying kid). She'd probably end up feeling protective of him, in her own way. Like teaching him stuff to defend himself just in case.


    deltra of gangnam style
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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 20:30:17 GMT
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    side bar, feel free to reply on discord i love DMs cool

    moreover, I'm thinking that we could do a social where Abner's petitioning her to take him to Sea Mauville so he can look for a gengar cause he heard there were ghosts out there and he's on the hunt. and then they can have this hilarious conversation where she tells him NOPE and expresses her superstitions and he can grin at her like a dick

    thank u i like skylar omg
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    n / a
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    POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 0:50:05 GMT
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    hello boat friend, would you like to meet lighthouse man? he's a bit of a grump but he makes nice tea, will give you good weather predictions for your voyage to make sure you're not setting sail right into a storm and has an ampharos to help light your way should you want to visit him in the evening. or if you just want to avoid smashing up your pretty boat. he'd also be quite interested to hear about all the interesting artefacts you've found and weather conditions you may have experienced on your trips. maybe sometime he can come along for the day on your boat to experience some choppy seas.

    also she'd be more than welcome to drop in and stay a while in the lighthouse if the weather is too bad for her to leave slateport. she seems like the kind of person that bryn would find interesting! also he wouldn't mind if she is a bit of a flight risk, in that she turns up out of the blue some days and then vanishes for long stretches of time, just so long as she's keeping safe and has something interesting to show/tell him when she turns up next. it's not like he's going anywhere.

    (basically let's be pals cus a sailor and a lighthouse keeper would make for a good lil pair!)
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    POSTED ON Oct 11, 2020 8:55:47 GMT
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    a sailor and a lighthouse keeper should definitely be good pals. it's in the rules somewhere.

    skyler is always on the move (she's barely ever at home), so to have a place where she feels she can stop for a little while (and drink some tea!) would be great for her. the only constant in her life is the ocean. she's an adventurer at heart, and while she loves to talk about her adventures, she would also attempt to drag bryn into unknown territory, be it coral reefs or a nearby bar/nightclub. 

    she's deeply supertitious, which bryn might find kind of silly. in that, they're polar opposites. skyler is really bad at any sort of intellectual pursuit. she might know the local waters like the back of her hand, but please don't ask her to solve equations for you. she can be a bit oblivious when it comes to reading other people. she's like a blunt instrument in social situations, which bryn might appreciate. while bryn might be rough around the edges and serious, skyler is usually good-natured and sunny. usually.

    if she decides that bryn is a friend, she'll become protective of him - which means checking up on him and kicking anyone who means him harm (she's got to use dem muscles). i can imagine skyler staying over at the lighthouse as a storm blows over slateport, and the two of them watching it through a window while sipping some tea (she's fascinated by ocean storms).

    feel free to dm me in discord to plot some more ♥

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    POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 10:28:14 GMT
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    fellow superstitious & scared of ghost-types here

    I know there's a ghost-themed mission somewhere that ain't an event-limited thing, who would come out crying or screaming through the entire ordeal first?

    He h a t e s ghosts with a passion (except Litwick. EXCEPT LITWICK look idk wHY but that's the LONE exception to the rule so far. Well, Litwick and Sableye) so imagine the sheer terror if they had a late Halloween ghost-run through a haunted house somewhere

    You game? uwu
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    POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 16:51:29 GMT
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    look if skyler has an achilles' heel it is directly related to ghosts
    she can fight a dozen megalopolans without batting an eye but don't put her anywhere near mt. pyre or else

    i think these two are PERFECT for a spooky haunted house mission >D LET'S DO THIS
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    Selena Desmarais
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    POSTED ON Dec 24, 2020 8:43:12 GMT
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    [newclass=.oblivReply] --oblivAccent: #ECD643; --oblivBorder: #DEA02C;[/newclass]



    brawns-meets-posh kind of friend?

    i'm thinking this kind of plot can come after our drinking thread? LOL i figure it will dictate the dynamics of their friendship . selena is the kind of person who is very much open to all kinds of stuff even with her sophisticated upbringing. their bar interaction is pretty much the beginning of all of it, considering she enjoys a luxurious stuff she grew up with is open to other good stuff that are more accessible to other people. maybe ther is something even more interesting with their banters when skyler finally learns that selena's the gym leader SKASJKFHKAHGSF and honestly i just really want them to meet after the lilycove war :3


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    dross, captain
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    POSTED ON Dec 28, 2020 18:10:47 GMT
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    Skyler's a (proud) Hoenn native who knows how to have a good time, so she'll have no problems with dragging Selena around to show her the 'true' Hoenn (in all likelihood that'll mean either local bars or sailing around on her speedboat). Sophisticated is a word I would never associate with Skyler, so it'll be fun to see how that contrast will play itself out in their interactions LOL

    And I really want a post-war thread. They need to share their experiences (and a few drinks too!). The war has changed Skyler and it'll be interesting to learn another's perspective on it.

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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    POSTED ON Dec 28, 2020 20:04:29 GMT
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    Sophia &
    Hey! I honestly love Skyler! I'd be interested in having a thread where Sophia is doing some fieldwork and conducts a survey with Skyler about religious beliefs. And seeing that Skyler is really superstitious, she should have some really fun answers!
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    POSTED ON Dec 29, 2020 0:01:40 GMT
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    just postin to say that i really liked how skyler and mcflurry interacted in order posts, and i'd love to see a thread where skyler encounters the newer, darker mcflurry!! idk if she'd be in a position to intervene or not but i still think it'd be a cool social to have
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    FEB 28
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    ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
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    POSTED ON Dec 29, 2020 7:16:03 GMT
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    i LOVE , and mila would love her too. casual flirting and mindless fling? either way, i think mila and skyler would be loads of fun together! mila would definitely be super-interested in whatever skyler had to say re: treasure hunting. also mila is like insanely competitive too, but usually her competitive nature lies in her skill set - which is more creative endeavor-type things - but she has been known to learn a skillset just to prove a point haha. 

    if you're up for it, a fun casual thread with them could be them matching on some sort of dating app - or maybe just meeting randomly - and skyler could teach mila how to parasail or something!

    also open to any other idea you might have 

    (i also have who i just made and decided is a lilycove police person/security personnel/occasional grocery store clerk and since she's anchored to lilycove, that could be potentially fun as well) 

    my discord is milkbread#2208 so feel free to hmu whenever u like! 
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    POSTED ON Dec 29, 2020 7:25:48 GMT
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    hi - it's me milky again, after i have read alecto's section and i adore her.

    i think it would be really funny if she met jayden, and somehow declared that he had something paranormal/supernatural going on with him. like she sees him in passing and thinks he has something weird/wrong with his aura, and becomes determined to research it while he is incredibly awkward/uncomfortable. he is my reserved, slightly tortured soul in team rocket, and he has a shuppet (to make things fun). he also hears voices sometimes - a voice that he believes is his shuppet - if u want a twist.