i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 1:02:49 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


the taste of watermelon was just so sweet that kazimir couldn't help himself from digging into the large piece he managed to save for himself after smashing a few more. it was just too much fun of a game but now his muscles were starting to feel sore from swinging around a stick for what felt like hours. he needed a break. seeing what was ahead of him was just what he needed, a bar that could serve him a nice cold drink.
as he came closer to it he saw something else that also put him in a much better mood, his good friend . across from her was some guy () that was also a looker himself and that made his decision to go up and join them. "heeeeeeeeey storms! fancy seeing you here!" he called out to her as he walked up to the lounge with the biggest smile he could muster. "ya missed out on watching me destroy some melons, want a piece for you and your friend here?" he asked holding out a rather large piece that the both of them could split with one another, heck it was big enough that all three could have a decent slice out of it.[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: beach bingo: taste of fruit

[attr="class","tag"]@beach party

template by kay

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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
5'6" height
5'6" height
when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
757 posts
giada morgan DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @giada
giada morgan
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 2:17:59 GMT
giada morgan Avatar
[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]the second drink comes and goes in the same manner as the first. slid across the counter, knocked down, and slid right back. she'll even pair a wink with it this time around, if only to see the bartender's mildly embarrassed face turn away from her. the grin that spreads is unrepentant and before she knows it, another drink is about to come her way.

her eyes lazily drift back to @dae , attention fuzzy and downright shoddy at best. he's still nursing that first drink. a shame. she thought he'd be competition but apparently he can't hang and she's slowly losing that high of drinking someone under the table. the locals have learned their lesson, it seems, as they raise a glass to the blonde and slide along. bitches. oh, wait. he was talking. right... forgot about that bit, yeah? "cute," she laughs softly at first and by the time he mimics her, the laughter grows until it's a hyena sort of cackle and she's unsteady in her chair. it wobbles but never topples. not yet, anyway. "i like you, kid! even if you can't finish a drink." her third is a quarter down by the time she sets it back onto the counter. pacing herself or whatever.

the skitty around her neck stirs right to attention at the petting, a lazy mewl escaping. the look on giada's face is nothing but prideful. "best damn cat in the region, thank you very much." there's no room for argument, as if she's already polled the masses and came up with the result that yes, both of her skitties are precious babies and nothing can compare. caramella offers another mewl in agreement, although it's cut a little short by the sudden movement of her trainer.

giada pushes up and off of the stool in one quick movement, just barely managing to keep herself upright in the process. a giggle escapes and she's playing it off as she meant to do that. she didn't and she's a mess but it's fine. that doesn't matter. what does is that she's about to wander off to get into trouble and before she finishes her drink, she's fixing him with a grin. "the rest of that better be gone by the time i get back!"

and then she's off, prancing right back by the group formed around and , a giddy wave offered to all as she passes. where she's going? i have no idea.

party ppl

[newclass=.giada] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 2:27:30 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"it's tequila," priam answers confidently since it does sound like a big boy drink. "heh, i'd down it all but i've thought of you like the good friend that i am!"

his eyes move alongside when his attention is taken by someone speaking marcel's alias. there's an initial frown when he meets people that are ready to take marcel's attention away from him, but he quickly hides it by acting like the sun had affected his eyes.

priam turns to the rocket admin. "ooh. you get around," priam teases. "care to introduce me to your friends?"

he eyes , and then , though his stare lingers more on the latter. a practiced smile is put for show, mostly as to not offend marcel's friends. he waits for her to socialize with him before he'd attempt to do so with her.

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 5:30:19 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Ruby was admittedly a bit confused, even more so than before. It seemed like had a whole life and a rather large amount of friends already. Just how long has her former teacher been here in the region? Kosuke, huh? Bookstores certainly sounded nice. As the man ( ) seemed to already know her, Ruby simply nodded her head.

Honestly, she should stop expecting that she needed to introduce herself like a normal person at this point. Part of her kind of missed the fact that nobody knew who she was, but the girl simply smiled anyways. Her name was just recently in the news again, after all. Not for an entirely polite reason, with HNN apparently wanting to push crackpot ideas under a vague "they were here when that dumb clown showed up again, what does it mean?" suspicions. It means it nearly killed a young teen again, that's what. The mere thought of it caused her the corners of her lips to begin to twist into a frown.

Ruby simply squeezed Thea's hand as her teacher talked to her friend, watching and listening with a curious expression on her face. However, when Kosuke's friend ( ) spoke up and asked for him to apparently introduce them, Ruby decided to speak first and introduce herself. Glad, for once, to actually have the opportunity to do so. "Ruby Walker. And you, kind sir?"


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100 height
100 height
yayaya aa
800 posts
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TAG WITH @admin
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 5:32:09 GMT
ADMIN Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]SUMMER SURPRISES: BEACH PARTY





depending on the result of your mini-game, your characters have been rewarded some prizes, including a currency that is called heroic medals. this new currency can be redeemed for items by the end of the event period and may serve other purposes as well.[break][break]

watermelon mini-game — to succeed in suikawari, competitors had to roll a 60 and higher.[break][break]

SUCCESSES:[break] [break][break]

FAILURES:[break] [break][break]


THE COMMISSIONER, , moves to the stage's podium. as the musicians set their instruments to the floor behind her, she tests the microphone with a brief count. while the sharp breeze of the sea pushes her blonde hair back, dahlia thanks everyone for coming. furthermore, she gives gratitude to the event's organizers, fundraisers and entertainment before diving deeper into her speech.[break][break][break]

"hoenn has seen its fair share of tragedies. as a region torn by war and disaster, we have faced much hardship together. however, every single time we have bounced back. we have not allowed catastrophe to strip us of our joy and our spirit." she shifts the first page of her script to the side, careful to keep the wind from taking it. "and so, i am honored to announce that today's pokeathlon will be donating its proceeds to slateport's social services. to assist those affected by the slateport invasion and the new year's tragedy." the commissioner continues, elaborating upon other efforts made by the league to help assist the city.[break][break][break]

afterwards, she beckons for to come to the microphone, "and last but certainly not least, i am doubly honored to be introducing galar's ambassador to hoenn. please give them a warm welcome." inevitably, will speak (and may post) about his role as ambassador before being granted the honor of opening the pokeathlon games.[break][break][break]


the music roars to full volume once again as the band rises to celebrate.[break][break][break]


a limbo station has been set up. trainers and their pokemon are encouraged to give a go. regardless of your core strength, this activity has proven to be difficult for many, for the sands make it difficult to hold proper footing. furthermore, the stick goes quite low too![break][break][break]

the limbo pole is held by two breloom on either end. despite their stubby limbs, their claws provide a firm grip on the limbo poles.[break][break][break]

rules for the mini-game can be found below.





THE BEACH PARTY is not your typical, casual event! like the winter ball held last year, there will occasionally be moderator posts with random occurrences or mini-games for your characters to partake in. therefore, please read the instructions below carefully. there are some rules you must follow.[break][break][break]

  • this beach party is a mega thread, meaning there are no separate threads and everyone posts in this single thread.
  • your character may interact with other characters in this thread; however, always remember common courtesies of roleplaying.
  • all of your characters may participate in this event; however, only for each mini-game only one character of yours can participate. however, if you possess another character, they may participate in the next mini-game instead of the previous character, etc.


  • you do not need to participate in this mini-game.
  • if you participate, please indicate that your character is rolling for the suikawari mini-game in notes.
  • choose one of your characters to participate by rolling to hit! if you roll underneath a 50 (you can not roll 50), and your character will have successfully limboed at every height the stick has been lowered too!
  • bonuses from the drink menu apply, and your character may win possible rewards.
  • there is no specified deadline for the mini-games, but once the next mini-game arrives, this round's mini-game can not be participated in.


  • occasionally, there will be a drink menu featured in a moderator's post. your character can select one drink in anticipation for an upcoming mini-game to assist your rolls.
  • your character does not need to be icly drinking the drink; however, if do wish for them to be drinking them, feel free to make them a little more "fun".

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 6:18:25 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Gavin arrives on scene just as is being announced as the Galarian ambassador to Hoenn. He feigns indifference toward his fellow Galarian but is secretly proud of the other's accomplishment. Such a lofty position would suit their endeavors well.[break][break]

In spite of the scars that mark his skin, the newest being an ugly, still-healing welt where he'd taken a harpoon to the shoulder, Gavin has long since removed his shirt and slung it lazily about his neck. It's too hot to wear any more clothing than is necessary, even sipping on some shaved ice that he'd picked up from a vendor stall.[break][break]

He spots and among numerous unfamiliar faces, waves to the former and gives the latter a friendly grin.[break][break]

It's to that he directs his attention, however, gesturing to the ongoing game of limbo. They'd showed up too late for watermelon splitting, the remains of fruit scattered across the sand, but this new game was drawing crowds.[break][break]

"Bet I'll ace it," he brags, in jovial spirits. "Hold this for me?"[break][break]

He attempts to hand off the now-empty cup in which he'd savoured the shaved ice before giving the limbo a go.[break][break]

t6Mt85_B [disadvantage]

[attr="class","notes"]notes: LOL OFC HE FAILED WHEN SHOWING OFF, GG GAV


template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 7:25:04 GMT
Deleted Avatar
late to the party, but that's how she do it around these parks. elyse was late, no thanks to her manager trying to work through specifics of her schedule and trying to talk her out of doing the fun stuff on the beach. well know what she says to the manager? she went all karen on her, that's what!

hah. woman never stood a chance.

underestimated her ability to bullshit her way out of things! translation: she wasn't allowed to be here. she wasn't supposed to be here, but here she was, and right on time to witness the spectacle of a man utterly failing the limbo. elyse couldn't help but to sputter, while she was enjoying her cup of shaved ice. was quick to fail it, and the petite girl was just..

"pff--" she starts, needing to cover her mouth. "god, man! if you're gonna brag about it, at least deliver!" she finishes it up, then chucks the cup over into the trash while approaching the attraction to give it a go herself. it couldn't be that hard, right?

- swablu shaved ice

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 7:51:28 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

Semi-formal beachwear wasn't something he put on often. But today his white oxford long-sleeve and pleated tan trousers made their long-awaited reemergence from his closet for his Hoennian debut as Galar's newest, and youngest, ambassador in history. With the little green Applin, Herschel, stubbornly by his side, Remiel waited on the sidelines as Dahlia read through her script. Then, when he was finally called forth, unbuttoned and loosened his collar before ascending the small portable staircase and walking on stage.

The applause was alarming and quite unfamiliar to him. But it certainly wasn't his first time in front of an audience despite that. And that kept him ever poised as he walked across to take his place.

After Herschel managed to hop his way up those same stairs, the green apple was quick to roll and take his own place by Remiel's side. The Galarian, in the meantime, stopped in front of the mic and reached out to shake Dahlia's hand and bow. When that was done, he took a moment to place his hand across his heart and bow to the crowd as the last of the applause faded away. It was in that space of time, between applause and a relatively silent crowd, that he donned his public persona.

With a sunny smile, the stormy-eyed young spoke. "Thank you, thank you all. I am truly humbled to be here, and I would like to start by thanking all of our supporters. Everyone who donated, offered themselves for volunteer work, everyone on the catering staff, the League, and even those of you who simply made it a point to be present today. Thank you. Without all of you, this would not have been possible in the same glorious magnitude it is today."

He pauses, then looks over towards Dahlia as he gestures to her. "I would like to extend a special thanks to our wonderful commissioner, Miss , everybody." He grins, clapping his hands and urging the audience to do the same. "Her words continue to be a warm spotlight of inspiration in a storm of trying times."

The applause evens out again, and he turns back to everyone below, steadying the mic stand with one hand while the other keeps itself against his chest. "For those of you who may not know, my name is Prince Remiel Calcifet of Hammerlocke. I have been living in Hoenn for almost a year now as an anthropologist, and have recently been appointed as ambassador between this great region and my home region of Galar. Thusly, as my first announcement as ambassador, I would like to proudly announce a sizable donation and reconstruction effort for the Littleroot Theatre, on behalf of the Galarian government and its constituents!"

Pause for applause. Smile and bow. Continue.

"With the embargoes lifted and our trade routes flowing as freely as ever before, I am most eager to see where the unified efforts of two such prosperous regions will take us. But today, my friends, we unite in such lively masses for one thing: that universal feeling that only the partnership between people and pokémon can give. It touches our hearts. It touches the whole world. And, today, it ignites the spirit of our cooperation and healthy competition!"

He raises a cheerful fist into the air as the crowd celebrates. His Applin bounces beside him happily as well. "So without further ado— let the first Hoennian Pokéathlon Games begin!"

The music starts and the performers take to the stage as he gives the crowd one last toothy grin and wave. After shaking Dahlia's hand once more— photo ops, the reporters always need a good photo op— the young ambassador departs from the stage and descends into the backstage. His smile immediately dissolves, but settles into a minor quirk at the corner of his lip instead of disappearing altogether. His cobalt-coloured eyes have settled on the beauty that is  , after all.

"How'd I do?"

He asks, unabashedly unbuttoning and removing his shirt as an attendant places his former pair of beachwear on a table beside him. Herschel, in the meantime, bumps into Isra's legs and expects to be picked up. "Not too corny, was it?" He continues, changing right in front of her in preparation for the night of activities to come.

| | |

He'd never actually played limbo before. But his core strength was rather toned, to say the least. Even with an Applin in his arms, fidgeting around to try and figure out all the commotion surrounding him, Remiel proceeded towards the horizontal stick with calm and poise. He was happy to have changed back into his navy blue swim shorts and black tank prior. Doing this in an oxford shirt and trousers certainly would have made things considerably more difficult, he imagined.

social + suikawari mini-game attempt

partaking in swablu shaved icegrants disadvantage to your next roll (roll 2x; take lower value)


[newclass=.everybody]padding:10px;[/newclass][newclass=.say]text-align:justify;font:25px arial;margin-top:2px;color:#AEB3B8;letter-spacing:-1px;font-weight:bold;-webkit-transition:all ease 0.2s;transition:all ease 0.2s;opacity:.8;[/newclass][newclass=.ramiel]font:40px arial;text-transform:uppercase;color:#AEB3B8;text-shadow:1px 1px #fff, 2px 2px #AEB3B8;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1px;margin-top:-50px;font-style:italic;-webkit-transition:all ease 0.2s;transition:all ease 0.2s;opacity:0;[/newclass][newclass=.calcifet]text-align:justify;margin-top:5px;font:10px arial;text-transform:uppercase;padding:5px;margin-top:-50px;-webkit-transition:all ease 0.8s;transition:all ease 0.8s;opacity:0;[/newclass][newclass=.everybody:hover .say]-webkit-transition:all ease 0.2s;transition:all ease 0.2s;opacity:0;[/newclass][newclass=.everybody:hover .ramiel]-webkit-transition:all ease 0.2s;transition:all ease 0.2s;opacity:1;[/newclass][newclass=.everybody:hover .calcifet]margin-top:0px;-webkit-transition:all ease 0.8s;transition:all ease 0.8s;opacity:1;[/newclass]·
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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
1,218 posts
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 9:43:15 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar

More and more people began flocking the Slateport beach while Selena remained cooling off at the bar. While there were people who had been asking for drinks in the middle of the day, Selena opted to be more mature at handling her alcohols. For certainly there were bizarre things that keep on happening in crowded places like this that she needed to be sober and capable.

Tired of waiting for her expected company, Selena’s attention was easily stolen by  who went on the platform for her introductory speech. While her figure was riddled with much curiousity and controversy, it was actually her first time to see the lady in person. Her dialogue was short before she introduced another person on-stage, , the newest Galarian ambassador. His spiel contained matters tackling the Littleroot fiasco months ago, to which the crowd applauded with much exhiliration.

The reporter was about to approach Remiel after his photo ops with the commissioner, but their figures easily faded in the crowd. Selena whistled to call her dogs and made a request, “Please find the ambassador for me, I think a chat will be great.”

Connections are a journalist’s capital and she is crazy to let this opportunity pass by.

Selena did her own hunting when she saw him lining up on the next suikawari game. The reporter did so too. Calling upon the Kalosian gods of flexibility, she arched backwards hoping she would cross the limbo pole.

notes: bingo prompt [3/4]; participating the mini-game#2, chose swablu shaved ice
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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
518 posts
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 12:05:22 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 he's pretty sure he didn't find the others, but that's okay because it means he got to keep all these drinks for himself.

eventually, dominic does come across a man who has a remarkable, if superficial, resemblance to @zacharias, and he deigns that this is good enough for his drink-addled mind. dominic greets him and reaches a hand for his BLUE ICY DRINK.

"i'm not zach-" the man begins to say, but dominic claps him on the cheek as he stands up to leave. the shock of being robbed and physically assaulted in this manner silences the dark-haired stranger. "yes you are," dominic corrects almost fondly as he leaves.

he stumbles around and under a stick being held up by two breloom without really accounting for where he was going, let alone why. there is some amount of cheering about the whole affair, and he thinks he feels someone pressing tokens into his pockets, which is very cool.

beyond that, the purpose of his presence here had begun to elude him after maybe his third drink and that was some time ago now. it very much felt like he is waiting for something to happen but he doesn't know what it is quite yet.

fortunately, after several more moments of wandering and desperately trying to ignore the speeches, he finally chances upon his colleagues. dominic slides in between and , placing his arms around both their shoulders (each hand holding a garnished cocktail drink, for him, not for them).

"boys," he proclaims. "are we staying hydrated?"

dominic does spare an uninterested glance at and , mouth briefly twisting into a fleeting sneer, but he knows better than to make any acerbic comments lest it prompt marcel into sulking. or - worse yet - moving away when he's fifty percent of the reason dominic is still upright.



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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 13:21:30 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar

Valerio was glad the beach house was not occupied. He brought with him some spare clothes to change from his outfit into that of Vanessa’s—a tight lavender one piece hugging his muscular body. The man who would appear in the Slateport beach in drag would opted to show the full glory of his body, if only the scars were not that visible in a two piece.

Vanessa had been following the whole time before she decided to change in her outfit. It will be the first time he would see him as Vanessa Agapov—an alias he used during the Littleroot fiasco. By the time she was finished grooming, the man was nowhere in sight—not until she saw him with on the game stand trying his luck with the limbo—and ultimately failing.

“What luck you have there, sweetie,” Vanessa approached , tried offering her hand. “Recognize me?”

notes: bingo prompt [1/4]; valerio finally arrived (as vanessa)!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 14:47:50 GMT
Deleted Avatar


The group that's forming has Abner becoming uncomfortable. There's a whole beach, why is everybody crowding near them? and are officially too popular for his taste, and he's even eyeing as she makes her way over to them.[break][break]

introduces herself and does the same, he's decided to keep himself silent as he watches the conversations. He does, however, pluck off a

swablu shaved-ice

drink when the speeches start. It's annoying that they make them so damn loud, and people are still talking and trying to talk over the speeches.[break][break]

The now grumpy and drunk Abner followed 's lead, deciding to participate in the limbo as well. Why the fuck not, right?[break][break]

rewards: type 1 evo, 50 hero medals[break]
swablu shaved-ice in effect[break]
taking the lower of the two rolls[break][break]


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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @marcel
marcel maeda
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 15:02:16 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

[attr="class","marcelThread"]marcel's sceptical when priam gives his answer. he takes another drink. "you sure?" he can't be entirely certain with everything else mixed in--either way, marcel wouldn't have known what a SWABLU SHAVED ICE was even if had told him.
he let's thea handle his introduction, since she's already started. "you should give it a visit some time," he tacks on once she mentions the bookstore.
as he lifts his glass to his lips, he catches sight of walking past, looking in a worse state than she had been a few minutes ago. he tries to mouth an are you alright? to her, but something tells him the concern will go unnoticed. marcel moves to make his way over to her, but the only clear path is straight through the limbo. the crowd is unrelenting.
"for fuck's sake..." he decides to rip the band-aid off, so to speak, but by the time he's standing up straight again, he's lost track of giada. he decides to send the rocket a quick text instead.
[break][break]marcel returns to his group a few moments before he feels a weight settling across his shoulders. one look at tells him all he needs to know. he sends an apologetic look to and .
"i think that's enough for you." marcel takes a hold of dominic's wrist and tries to pry the drink out of his grasp. "priam, get the other one."
Gcqc00ip[break][break]TAKING THE LOWER ROLL


[attr="class","darkKnotes"]notes ...

[attr="class","darkKtag"]beach party


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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 15:24:26 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
There was so much commotion that the man didn’t even notice anyone who looked familiar. Even called out for him, Maverick didn’t hear a thing with all the cheering that was going on around them. After the man smashed the watermelon to pieces with easy, a feeling of accomplishment washed over him. Or did the drink already got to him? It has been a while sense he had a drink. Either way, the scarred trainer puffed out his chest and strolled away with pride. Collecting his reward for doing something so simple. He grinned. Maybe that exercise the other day really did work.

Maverick wondered around for a while, keeping to himself for the most part. He wasn’t a social man but maybe after a few drinks he would be. Speaking of drinks, Maverick spotted another free drink stand. You can’t pass up on a free drink. Strolling up to the counter, the man collected his drink of choice. Despite the sun baking him, Maverick picked the hot litwick coco. It was a fire type pokemon after all.

Sipping on his coco, the trainer came across another game. For a while, he watched people attempt it. His warm colored orbs lite up when he spotted , but saw she was with others and didn’t want to bother her. Even Jonathan ( ) and that one guy ( )… what was his name?… was here.

It was only after he finished his drink that the man got in line. The buzz of the drink had already started to get to him, his once grumpy exterior soften to a more pleasant vibe. He eyed the bar, knowing damn well he wasn’t as nearly as flexible as some of these other people. With a shrug, he tried the game and only hoped he didn’t embarrass himself in the process.

MUvmS|P0 -10

100 heroic medals
x1 type one evo
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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2020 17:28:39 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


Thea steps back as Marcel gets up to pursue a head of long blonde hair, blinking in surprise. It leaves her with the man's companions who are ultimately not chatty and not particularly friendly-looking. Except the boy, who had asked for introductions.[break][break]

However, by the time Marcel returned to be mauled by a drunk Dominic, Thea would have tugged Ruby along with her to lead them both back to where had been left behind.[break][break]

Whether or not he was still at the beach in their designated area was another thing - he very well might have gotten up to try his hand at the limbo mini-event. She'll hold onto the drink she'd gotten for him in the meantime.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing