i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 16:35:29 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar sobbed into his destroyed sand castle, distraught by its loss. Within the tears rolling down his cheeks you could see his hopes and dreams, everything he wanted the castle to be. Gone, like dust in the wind. Literally. Oscar was content to mourn his castle for the rest of the day, until a glimmer caught his eye.

"Ooo fire dancing. Watch my stuff." Oscar got up and trotted away, leaving his tragic ruin behind him. His Tyranitar straightened up, and resolved to protect his master's spot at all costs. Oscar made his way to the fire dancers, picking up yet another Parchirisu Float along the way. After guzzling it, he watched the dancers with glee. Then they started bringing up people to try ot, and Oscar couldn't resist. He made his way up and tried his hand at the art. I mean, how hard could it be?

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 19:08:42 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar





He was here way too long already in his opinion. Razz wasn't much for socializing and this whole thing has been going on way to long. Though every time he seem to suggest going the Meowstic would protest so here he was now away from the new mini-game that was announced having no intention of it for the time being as he sipped at the Pachirisu Float, this time deciding to get one with a little extra punch to see if it would calm his nerves until this event ended.

That was when Sabrina came to him and forced him up with her psychic abilities before demanding him to follow. When she was like this it wasn't something he could trust that was for sure. It wasn't until she brought him to one of the Marowak. He glared down at her but she seemed to be glaring back as she grabbed the fired bone and started scolding him. While she may be her brother's pokemon hes been with her long enough to have a good idea of what she was saying. Going on how he was going to need to face fears eventually, well more rude than that but same message.

She eventually tossed him the fiery stick easily making him flinch and he felt extremely uncomfortable. Though at the same time he was angry at Sabrina so out of spite more than anything he attempted to spin it for the time, and then tossed it back to the Marowak, "There happy?" he questioned her before going back to what he was doing not really caring if he did it or not. Damned cat.








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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 21:28:54 GMT
    Deleted Avatar
    [attr="class","hearrmenand2"]"French fries." he says. "Elijah. does he do photography too?" Elijah said as he gestured towards Adrian. Piper's golden orbs followed before snorting and shaking her head. "No way, he'd break something." Piper said still chuckling at the very notion Adrian knew how to take anything other than a poorly framed and lighted selfie. "I make music." Adrian replied in a flat tone to the man before turning to leave abruptly.

    Piper frowned, snatching up her card as she trailed behind Adrian. Snowpy bounced up and followed quickly with them. "Hey, didja wanna try that?" Adrian spoke up as he grabbed hold of her shoulders and turned her to look at the direction of current events. Seemed a couple of folks had gathered to participate in fire dancing or fire twirling. "Looks like fun."

    Piper snorted and shook her head. "You know the only games I play are in relationships..." she started chuckling at her own joke, "... and digital ones" she finished gesturing with her thumbs like she was playing on a handheld device. "If you want to become the human torch though, feel free. Just make sure you leave me all your stuff in your will." She jested as the continued to walk along the hot sand.

    "What was your deal earlier by the way?" She asked him as they made their way to the boardwalk. "Clearly something's bothering you." she muttered as she walked beside him with her arm on her hip. Ever since he walked in on Piper and Elijah's conversation he seemed bent out of shape. Wait a minute. A smirk formed on Piper's lips. "Are you...jealous?" Piper said with the most wicked and mischievous of expressions. "Awww Adi!" she exclaimed and she hooked an arm around his and clung to him. "You know I love you mostest!" she continued speaking to him in a baby voice. "You're my favorite cousin, no one could replace you." she smiled before laughing.

    You're the Wolf,
    i ' m - t h e - h u n t e r .
    dandy ♫

    [newclass=.hearrmenand1]float:left;margin-top:-25px;background-image:url(;width:250px;height:450px;-webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 75% 100%, 100% 50%, 75% 0);[/newclass][newclass=.hearrmenand2]margin-left:12px;width:230px;height:355px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:9px Verdana;color:#EEE;[/newclass][newclass=.hearrmenand2::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px!important;background-color:#999!important;border:0px!important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearrmenand2::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]width:5px!important;background-color:#efa710!important;border:0px;important;[/newclass][newclass=.hearrmenand2::-webkit-scrollbar-track]border-left:2px solid #131313;border-right:2px solid #131313;[/newclass][newclass=.hearrmenand3]z-index:10;position:relative;float:left;margin-top:363px;margin-left:-240px;opacity:0;background-color:rgba(25,25,25,0.8);width:150px;padding:10px;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass][newclass=div:hover .hearrmenand3]opacity:1;transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-webkit-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;-moz-transition:ease-in-out 800ms;[/newclass]

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    October 19
    Sootopolis City
    in my solitude
    6'1" height
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    I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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    Adrian Malcolm
    POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 7:24:34 GMT
    Adrian Malcolm Avatar
    "You're inside so much, sometimes I wonder if it's online relations you're playing at, too."

    He snorted, finding the idea of Piper locked away in her room fantasizing about some boyfriend who might end up looking like a troll's backside was hilarious in thought, but he was recently sobered to the dangers of such altercations rather intimately earlier that year. He didn't wish that sort of shit on his cousin, but she was brazen and fearless...

    Adrian had been like that too, it wasn't exclusive. But after Howie died, he'd become sensitive to conflict, prone to paranoia. But Piper was herself. And yet she seemed to think his response earlier stemmed from jealousy of all things... Yuck. Jealous? That sounded gross, as were the implications he'd leapt to following that trail.

    The mortified grimace on his face spoke otherwise, although there may have been a granular truth to what she said. "I just don't like the idea of some ogreish lout anywhere near my sister."

    He realized he'd been a bit defensive there, but he needed to stress the point to Piper: "Hoenn... isn't perfect. It's no Kanto, but..." Adrian stopped and looked around, knowing that danger could wear many faces, especially in Slateport. Then he looked to Piper's eyes, which never seemed to show that palpable concern his did, and doubled down on his position: "If something happens to you, it'll end up being my fault, you know..." Their collective parents came to mind, and the resentment they'd surely foster.

    Adrian clasped a hand to her shoulder, tucking her into a sort of familial huddle up to make his meaning clear that he worried for her safety in light of the company she'd chosen to keep.

    "You've got to be careful here in Hoenn. Or literally anywhere, since you're a girl." Adrian crossed his arms with a frown, hoping to drive his point home to her, although somehow he felt he'd probably chosen the wrong metaphorical hill to die on.

    "Don't give people the chance to find a reason to hurt you," he said before pulling away from Piper, straightening out his back and rolling the stiffness from his shoulders. "I just... can't afford something happening to you. Not after Howie, I..."

    Now he'd gone and done it; waterworks were so unlike him. Adrian quickly made an escape, falling back on his earlier mention of fire dancing.

    "I gotta go," he croaked, buffing Piper on the arm before making a swift exit, focusing on doing rather than thinking. "'Flame on', I guess." Chortling while waggling his chin, he padded off.
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    may 15
    5'10" height
    5'10" height
    Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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    elijah gardner
    POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 21:57:44 GMT
    elijah gardner Avatar
     elijah watches the two leave, their prints in the sand snaking across the beach. he doesn't follow. in the immediate sphere of silence around him, elijah stretches. he cracks his neck. rolls his arms like pestle grinding against mortar. his own brand of music.

    "not a boomer." grabbing his book, elijah wanders off to make his own tracks on the shore.

    / beach dance party

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    dross, captain
    she, her
    august 17
    Lilycove, Hoenn
    sailor / treasure hunter
    nautica owner
    how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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    skyler dross
    POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 13:04:55 GMT
    skyler dross Avatar

    Skyler isn't the biggest fan of fire. It doesn't help that the pokémon overseeing the activity are part ghost-type and they send shivers down the captain's spine. Still, a challenge is a challenge and everyone who knows Skyler knows that she can't refuse a challenge even if it means her life.

    Or, in this case, a severe case of burned hair and/or eyebrows.

    She watches from a distance first, wincing when someone manages to hit themselves in the face with a flaming stick. Being on the sidelines, she thinks, is actually fun, especially when people are making fools out of themselves. Almost subconsciously, Skyler stretches her arm and swipes a random drink from a distracted (and possibly drunk) person. The lack of reaction means her movement goes unnoticed and Skyler downs the refreshing drink as the show goes on.

    Eventually, though, she knows she has to participate. The empty drink is shoved in some random person's hands, the resulting outcry falling on deaf ears as Skyler steps forward and is handed a baton of sorts, the edges of it lit on fire. She grounds herself and starts twirling.


    ● tags: @
    ● notes: poppin' pachirisu float

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    he / him / his
    july 26
    alto mare, johto
    don’t know, don’t care
    ranger & courier
    ex-head ranger
    is gonna be the loneliest
    6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
    6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
    nessuno vince.
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    Laurence Anderson
    POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 18:17:14 GMT
    Laurence Anderson Avatar

    Of course he was going to suck.

    Of course he was going to blow it.

    Of course, of course, of course—

    He looked up in time to see doing it, and even if it’s for the slightest few seconds, did it look like she had wings of flame surrounding her form along with everyone else who was attempting the fire dance?

    Well, as someone who was now more acutely attuned to one of the polar opposites of fire, it was no surprise he was going to fuck this up pretty badly. Considering that there were some ashes streaking his legs, along with what felt like a burning sensation in its aftermath…

    This was to be expected after all.

    Returning to the safety of the bar where his boyfriend was tending and doling out drinks, he approached the other and cringed.

    “Yeah, I know, I fucking blew it. But I guess—it was to be expected, right? he said with a sarcastic, yet pointed chuckle.

    Of course Evan would know what he was talking about.

    , mostly for the lols

    he sucked ass hard lol

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    Josh Dragomir
    Feb 5
    Lavaridge Town
    Eyes For Izumi
    Exec VP of RaiCorp
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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    Josh Dragomir
    POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 18:21:21 GMT
    Josh Dragomir Avatar

    Josh had been busy trying to keep the kids from running off after the Mareanie to go and catch one himself. As a Trainer, it was a shame. But he knew that fatherly duties came first and as unfortunate as it was, the kids had become downright obsessed with Pokemon. While he loved that they had, it also meant they were prone to run off after any Pokemon they saw, no matter how dangerous they might be. Izumi had sent her Braviary after the swarm and run off, so he just shrugged his shoulders while he distracted the kids. Lightning had dug a hole, and their attempts to heal the Raichu do so had made the Mareanie be soon forgotten.

    Once Izumi had returned though, Josh's attention was caught by the people trying to dance with fire. He sure hoped there weren't any seashore houses around if those bones went flying... Still, it looked kind of fun, and he did love to try to entertain the kids!

    "Watch them. Ima try to put on a show" Josh mentioned to Izumi with a grin as he finished his drink and walked over, gingerly taking one of the offered bones on fire and spinning his heel...


    -Drinking Pachirisu Float! Rolling for Marowak!-

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    Zuzu (Josh only)
    she / her / hers
    april 17
    Lavaridge, Hoenn
    senior ranger
    always look ahead, but never forget what you left behind.
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    Izumi Yamamura
    POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 18:59:07 GMT
    Izumi Yamamura Avatar

    Thankfully, the Braviary was able to herd the kids away from the Mareanie—but unfortunately this left her without a Mareanie to call her own. Sighing in disappointment, she then wondered where the hell her husband was…

    …only to see him regally fuck up the fire dancing routine!

    Now, she knew she couldn’t laugh at what had happened, but this was the one time she allowed herself a snicker, and a snort as she watched the flame braziers fly around too wildly.

    Now I feel bad for him! she thought as she spotted the Braviary that now had both their kids on his back flying around.

    “Sora, keep the kids up there, but for the love of Arceus please don’t drop them, she said in her Braviary’s direction, who gave an acknowledging squawk before hovering above their heads just far enough.

    She then proceeded to make her way over to Josh before calling out to him, “Now, I know you wanted to show off, but—I know you feel rather bad. Would you humor me and my request, can I buy you a drink? while waiting for him to answer.

    a drink to calm the bruised ego?

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    Josh Dragomir
    Feb 5
    Lavaridge Town
    Eyes For Izumi
    Exec VP of RaiCorp
    Senior Ranger
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    Josh Dragomir
    POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 19:41:48 GMT
    Josh Dragomir Avatar

    Josh had only wanted to entertain the kids, that's all. He had been doing alright at first, and the kids atop the Braviary were watching down below. "Look, it's daddy!" Zachary called out to them, and the kids waved downwards. Josh looked up to them and grinned cheerily as he tossed the flaming bones up into the air. They came up just before the kids, who "ooh"d and "ahhh"d at the display, as Josh then suddenly flipped through the air, catching the two bones in mid-air before striking a p-

    A trip. He struck a trip. An unfortunate Dwebble had come up out of the sand and turned his attempt to finish off strong and win the competition into a nightmare. He began to flail his hands wildly as he lost his balance. "Whooooaaaaa!" he called out, trying to regain his balance but with the fire, it was too dangerous. Nearby, his Froakie seemed to sense the urgency. "Froooo!" Espio the Froakie cried out as it unleashed a Hydro Pump that struck its trainer, sending him flying, and away from the flames before he could be burned. Josh let out a groan as he sat up, soaking wet and with nothing to show for it.

    The kids were laughing their heads off, though. So that was good enough.

    Izumi made a crack of offering him a drink, and he rolled his eyes with a slight smirk as he held up a hand to get her to help him up. "Is that a bar room flirt? I haven't heard that line in years."

    Hydro Pump!

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    he / him
    january 4
    saffron, kanto
    become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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    TAG WITH @dominic
    dominic sinclair
    POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 20:46:39 GMT
    dominic sinclair Avatar
     dominic watches drink for a moment, but his head jerks sideways when he sees flames flickering out of the corner of his eye. his tension is closer akin to instinct but he relaxes when he recognises the source to be dancing pokemon and their trainers. his gaze lingers on the activity for another few seconds as he slides a drink over for himself - a bright blue poppin’ pachirisu float.

    "daphne," he echoes slowly as his gaze returns to her. dominic smiles with ease, something practiced that he can bring forward for moments like these. even vaguely inebriated, he thinks to the false documents issued to him by rocket only a few months ago. he could offer the name written inside, but maybe he’s gotten too arrogant.

    "name’s dominic," he says, smile still intact. dominic opens his mouth to continue speaking but he sees his klefki floating over to the alolan marowak fire dancers, dangerously close. dominic straightens to watch with a frown. "hey, hold on just one second, i need to grab that."

    pushing himself off the bar, dominic ducks over to the group, hissing a fuck under his breath at the thought of leaving daphne alone - he really could not afford that pokemon getting lost or injured at a public event when it had about 25 stolen keys belonging to league official’s personal residences dangling off it.

    fortunately, dominic snatches the klefki out of the air before it gets too far away from him. unfortunately, someone mistakes his outstretched hand has him reaching for a lit fire baton and places one in his hand. scowling, dominic gives it a few twirls just to get them all to leave him alone and shoves it back before making his way back to the woman.

    "can’t have it getting lost," he says, dangling the klefki up for her to see by its keyring as it chirps a greeting at her.


    ily mama stone but i need medals...

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    september 20
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    born into this dying world, its time is up
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    TAG WITH @daphne
    POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 3:31:38 GMT
    there was a fire that caught her attention, from the corner of her eye. call it a habit (something she picked up, far from the past when she had helped a certain council woman with a fire far in times past) when she glances over to make sure that the situation was under control. her lips push out a soft sigh of relief as she turns her attention back to dominic.

    the smile her gives her at the very least, helps put some of her nerves to rest. enough for her to smile softly in return, repeating his name back to him as though to confirm that she heard right. "dominic, it's nice to meet you." she tries to drop formalities - at least for today. she doesn't know if she's doing this right, taking another sip of the alcohol drink.

    this was nice, she thinks. it was much more relaxing than her time stuffed behind a desk, having to look over cases thrown at her feet or having to worry about the occasional devon problem that, for whatever reason, wasn't covered when she handed complete control back to her brother. their talk was unfortunately cut short, and she curiously tilts her body to take a look at where.. exactly he was going. call it the alcohol hazing her head. she didn't drink often. still, she gives a smile and nod "ah.. alright."

    until it comes up to the fire dance, where she happened to turn her attention when dominic looked disgruntled being dragged into it. the expression on his face made him look impatient, which brought a smile to her lips and a giggle to escape when he returns. "it'd be a shame to lose your keys, yes." she waves her fingers to the little fairy pokemon, who chimed in her presence.

    she briefly turns to the fire display, then puts her gaze back to him with an amused smile. "i'd say you did pretty well with the fire, too. the look on your face was certainly something~" she chimes, leaning forwards onto the bar top with glass in hand. "if i didn't know any better, i would think you were in a rush to return~"

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    October 19
    Sootopolis City
    in my solitude
    6'1" height
    6'1" height
    I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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    TAG WITH @fonz
    Adrian Malcolm
    POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 4:05:51 GMT
    Adrian Malcolm Avatar
    Skipping out on grub time with Piper, Adrian made a bee line for the dancing event organizers, hoping to get one of those flaming batons and get in on the action. He'd end up mingling with some strangers, avoiding familiar faces and introducing himself to someone new to him at the beach.

    Exchanging pleasantries comes easily, as does offering an ear to this stranger; while the two of them attempt to twirl the flaming stick around as they dance, they find out more about each other while making mutual mockeries of themselves.

    The Alolan Marowak supervising prodded at his wrists and ankles with their bone clubs, though strangely the fire burned cool, even sending a chill up Adrian's spine that left him rather unsettled.

    But he threw himself at the task, making an honest effort to learn the motions of this dance, even if it'd take him the whole evening into the night.

    Anything to avoid tackling his 'Howie' problems.
    A not-quite-so-shameless shitpost. Pachirisu Float chosen.
    (tl;dr Just posting for the prompt and an exit.)

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    Josh Dragomir
    Feb 5
    Lavaridge Town
    Eyes For Izumi
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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    Josh Dragomir
    POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 15:41:14 GMT
    Josh Dragomir Avatar

    The drink Izumi offered tasted of fruit, which was a bit surprising and almost caused him to let it out with the surprising taste, but he managed to get it down. Once he was more acclimated, he was able to drink down the rest. Sneaking a peck on her cheek in turn, the blonde looked up to the Braviary who was holding their kids.

    "Oi! Sora! Think you could bring them down?" Josh inquired towards the large bird. "I was thinking we could head into the water! I know that seems kind of ironic, but it'd be good to teach the kids how to swim if we stay towards the shallow end, just in case it gets wavey" he brought up as he then looked to Izumi. "What do you think, dear?"

    -Taste of Fruit-

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    February 12
    Dark Avenger
    Bodyguard of Dahlia
    Forever alone
    On the road again
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    399 height
    OwO what's this
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    TAG WITH @balder
    Balder Schwartz
    POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 3:52:59 GMT
    Balder Schwartz Avatar



    The Alolan man arrived upon the sandy beach, noticing that a huge party was happening and lots of people had gathered. Through them, he noticed multiple familiar faces, plus many that he was not familiar with. But what got his attention was the people doing fire dancing with the Alolan Marowak.[break][break]

    He hadn't expected to see that practice being done here. Recreating an event similar to Alola's traditional dances. Now that's something he'd join in quickly. Taking one of the dancing staff, Balder lit up both ends and started to follow the Marowak's movements, hoping his body would still remember the steps to follow and to not burn himself. [break][break]

    6MSaczOI +10 (Lilligant Floral Punch)

    [attr="class","notes"]tldr: Rolling for Fire Dance + Taking a Liligant Floral Punch if it's not too late.

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    The Shula Region
    Hogwarts AU
    RPG Unlimited
    The Enroi Region
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