i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 21:27:23 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



Kyle was going to make a break for it.[break][break]

“Motherfuck,” she mouthed as he rose to walk to the door, knowing that he had beaten her to the punch; the moment of pleading in her gaze unable to sway him from his escape.[break][break]

They would both treated to the sound of a locked doorknob that refused to give.[break][break]

Her eyes drifted to Dahlia, speaking the message you trapped us without uttering it aloud.[break][break]

And it only got worse.[break][break]

As the meeting began, and as people took the time to speak their thoughts, Bailey realized that this was a fresh hell that she had never been subject to—all these people, speaking to the room, and she barely recognized any of them.[break][break]

and were the only council members she ever bothered to remember.[break][break]

The implication that evacuating waterfront cities be the same as abandoning others was almost enough to make her break; yet, she slouched, trying to distance herself from the dialogue. It was not her place to speak—she had no inclination for such things.[break][break]

She would leave the discourse to the people that wanted to argue with their words; she argued with her fists.[break][break]

“Holy shit,” she muttered under her breath, wondering how Goode remained sane—or, maybe, that incident where she had choked had been an outburst waiting to happen.[break][break]

It was not the content of the speeches that resounded like claws to a chalkboard; rather, it was the knowledge that the people speaking would not be the ones to stand the line. They were the absent faces.[break][break]

She had fought so many fights, pushing at so many frontiers, that she had never bothered to think of rooms like this. Rooms where people huddled and did the logistics while people like her died.[break][break]

Something in that thought burned; burned deep to her bones. It was a humiliation that she had never thought of. With its revelation, she felt something caustic ooze into her skin, demanding to be addressed.[break][break]

Hoenn was her home. She would die to protect it.[break][break]

She had her insecurities, but they filled her with frustration. It was that destructive impulse that fueled her mind to make its decision.[break][break]

She waited for to return to his seat.[break][break]

“I can do it,” even if the words left a chalky taste in her mouth. “I told you I wasn't going anywhere, Dahlia.”[break][break]

A pause.[break][break]

“Because you literally locked me in.”

the meeting


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,598 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 3:43:03 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




league meeting

great escape

lost track of time & space

At the corner of the meeting table, Galar's young ambassador to Hoenn calmly and quietly sat as proceeded with her debriefing and speech. One leg remained folded across the other, balancing a clipboard with notes upon his lap as he distractedly tapped his black pen against the right temple of his eyeglasses. There was a lot of new information to register. A handful of new faces and names to commit to memory. Hardly enough time to reach down and give 's Stoutland a good scratch beneath its chin when it bumped its snout again against his leg.[break][break]

Ever the little Odor Sleuth...[break][break]

Flashes with his encounter with Philomena and her Naganadel flashed through his mind. The circumstances leading to his partnership with Zekrom had been an omen of what was to come. Quite frankly, regardless of the impending danger of war, he'd never been this excited. The world was about to change for them all. And the gateway to other worlds was just within arm's reach...[break][break]

When Dahlia mentions his name, Remiel stands, holding his clipboard to his chest before issuing a polite bow. "The people of Hoenn will have the reinforcements they need, I assure you. The nation of Galar has already begun assembling a detachment of medics, emergency rescue personnel, and certified trainers willing to fight. Several of Hammerlocke's royal houses, including my own, have petitioned to send the Royal Navy and Airforce's finest as well. We stand with you all." With his announcement made, the prince politely bows once more before taking his seat.[break][break]

Shortly afterwards, two of Hoenn's most proven trainers are chosen to decide which one of them will become Hoenn's Champion. and postpone the decision with a bathroom break Remiel finds rather convenient for them. Miss makes a valid question and retorts with an answer that the prince finds fairly probable. Then again, Philomena was... an odd sort. And even he was having trouble predicting what their true intentions were.[break][break]

Remiel pauses from tapping the side of his glasses... then reaches down to write some notes as announces his precautionary plans. The dark-haired royal only looks up again when speaks, but primarily to acknowledge the peculiar strain of pixie dust he has inhaled. And, of course, Tapu Koko's own reaction to it. The guardian deities were rumored to have the best judge of character, after all.[break][break]

Thoughts unexpectedly drift to as the others continue their discussion. He wished she was here alongside him, to whisper every clever observation she made into his ear. To tweak his perspective on it all the way she so often did, revealing every little detail where the dark shadows of human connection lay. If anyone could make sense of these 'people from Ultra Space' right now, Remiel would put his money on her. Especially considering her family's historic interest in other planes of existence.[break][break]

Suddenly, from a serving cart that had been ferried inside prior, an entire tea set comes to life with a dim purple glow. Steam rises from the teapot's spout, filling the air with the faint aroma of jasmine tea as it carefully floats over the attendees with its entire set: the sugar bowl, the small cream and milk jugs, the teacups, and the spoons. They set themselves down at the center of the table gently. Then, before long, begin to arrange themselves neatly.[break][break]

An invisible force pours the prince of Hammerlocke a glass of tea, stirring a single cube of singer within it and setting the cup on a saucer before sliding it across to him carefully. When that is done, the one cup in the set that hasn't moved since landing reveals itself to be a Sinistea. Earl Grey's ectoplasm pools within it before he emerges out of it as a small Gumby-like figure and takes a polite bow.[break][break]

With his attention set back on Dahlia, however, Remiel can't be bothered to acknowledge the Sinistea's gesture. "Do we have any word on what they call themselves? Has there been any attempt at communication at all?" He asks, lifting his tea from its saucer and gently stirring it in the air. Though dimly lit, the hue of his blue-grey eyes is accentuated by the blue light from the screen.[break][break]

"I do not count on the idea that a more technologically advanced people such as them bodes well for our own civilization. History has proven such momentous occasions as this do not transpire peacefully. But it would serve us well to at least know what they are after. Perhaps, even, where to strike should we be forced to bring the fight to them at some point." Yes, their wormholes. Their world. There were great discoveries to be made in both. He pondered the possibilities as he took a quick sip of his tea.[break][break]

Then, before too long, he adds one last thing. "With your permission, I volunteer to make contact."[break][break]





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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 8:26:36 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle doesn't return to his seat right away, opting to give the door a few more tries. there's no other option, he supposed, besides to sit throughout the entire duration of the meeating.

still, his hands wrap around the door knob, standing before the door unable to process a huge decision he's supposed to make right away. the motions stop, however, when bailey takes up the position herself.

kyle turns his head behind him. "do we have any other options?" he blurts out.

the implications of bailey being the champion suddenly enter his train of thought. flashbacks of his slateport pd days come. kyle shudders. "i-i can take it if you're just forcing yourself..."

he doesn't want it either, but he's not entirely sure about having bailey as the region's champion either. he swallows, and then takes a coin from his pocket and holds it up against the tips of his index finger and his thumb in front of her.

"coin flip?"

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,539 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 8:50:00 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 the gravity of the situation anchors noah to his seat. with every dry gulp, he swallows the lemon light that spreads from the tapu koko before them. he looks to — but he's already at the door, mid-escape.

as his squinting eyes capture the yellow lit faces of and his old friend, , he realizes this is the first time has assembled with the other gym leaders of the region. however, this is no time to bask. uncertainty grows like a crawling bolt as his shoes rock together underneath the table. he wonders how feels, considering their chain of reports had led to this.

noah offers no questions of his own, content to let the likes of and inquire and suggest. instead, he's preoccupied with the sight of the two potential champions, busily scraping at the door like freshly bathed mightyena wanting out of the bathroom.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
who are we
to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,207 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 18:21:55 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]her hand is quick to intertwine with 's, to hold onto her as if that's the only thing that might keep both of them grounded in the moment. it's hot, potentially a little blistering, and her body's reaction to it is almost too expected. faint outlines of scales, small enough to settle around their hands, rise for a moment. the glow is soft, barely noticeable, but the ease they provide to her skin is reassuring. they dissipate within seconds and her thumb slowly begins to trace circles into her friend's skin.

her eyes are torn between the parties speaking. suggestions and oppositions rise and fall and she's chewing on every idea that comes to attention. solidify a specific city into a fortress but potentially abandon the rest... it's not an easy call to make and one she's certain the councilman doesn't make lightly.

and as a misty terrain bleeds from , a similar mist begins to roll off her skin. it's faint but slightly glittery, almost drawing attention from the eyes around the room. psychic terrain is merely half of an attempt to calm whatever tension could rise, to ease a discussion even if it's not probable to work.

attention shifts across the room, then, as makes an interest known. contact with the enemy... it builds dread in the pit of her stomach and maybe she's in over her head when she opens her mouth but questions are something she can't hold back.

"is contact even possible?" an eyebrow raises and perhaps surprisingly, her face is neutral. not even a hint of curiosity, just the firm line of lips and a head held high. "i agree that more information is needed to know what exactly we're up against but are we certain we can get anything out of them?" her eyes shift down, then, in a mild display of weakness as if she's already beginning to question herself for speaking on a matter she can't say she knows much about.

if anyone could investigate, however, perhaps it would be and herself...


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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 18:22:20 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



Bailey was unsure what made her bite harder. Her teeth were grinding into the prospect of champion like a poochy into a steak; refusing to give, taking more than she could chew, and not knowing when to stop.[break][break]

It was the same attitude that had propelled her into the Elite Four; if it could hold, maybe she could find herself growing into this new mold, for however brief it may be.[break][break]

The sight of battling his own trepidation reaffirmed her decision.[break][break]

“Lopez, it's just temporary,” she would emphasize as he reached for a coin. “You can put that damn thing away.”[break][break]

She could be war-like in her desires to suffocate her insecurities. She could double-down the desire to overcome her own concept of self.[break][break]

Outright aggression was better than turning inward.[break][break]

“I'm not too happy that it'll pan out like this. But, we got war coming,” and as she stood, she felt the weight in her stomach threaten to pull her through the floor.[break][break]

“I can't indulge the fantasy of beating you to earn this, so, just promise you'll call me out if I'm doing a shitty job.”[break][break]

She chose to not acknowledge 's request, but Kyle would catch the brief roll of her eyes.

the meeting


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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lane
Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2020 20:03:24 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

After finished speaking her mind Lucas took it as his cue to speak up.

"We actually have done some research into one of their ultra beasts, dubbed Nihilego." 's sample was to thank for the research being as far as it was.

"We've learned that its poison is neurological and are developing a possible antidote. It's still in the testing phases, but the results have been very promising. So much so has made a seemingly full recovery. With any luck we'll be able to distribute a finished antidote to rangers and any other volunteers on the front lines of the invasion."

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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
727 posts
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 2:36:59 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



Surprise visit? Surprise visit. Who would think that the previously "most wanted" alolan man would show up to a secretive reunion that gathers all the upper echelons of the League? Most likely not the whole room as the doors swung open to show Balder, with two men in black, slightly smaller then he was, to escort him inside. How did this happen you ask? Let's rewind a few minutes.[break][break]

Balder had landed in front of Evergrande City, the League's headquarters. How he had heard of the meeting was but a mystery. Had he asked one of the attendants for the gyms missing their leaders? Did he actually receive a pidgey with an invitation? A text from Orion asking to show up? Perhaps. No it's actually the last one. Orion did message him.[break][break]

Moving forward. Why would Orion invite him? The Silph Scope. Everything that had transpired in Ultra Space had been recorded. Including what had happened with these Ultra Spacians. And Balder did promise Fernando he'd share the information. Plus, the region was in danger, it wasn't time to sit on the past and ignore the problem.[break][break]

Thus, the man arrived and entered. Of course, some were alarmed to see him enter, but the reception wasn't trying to chase him away. With a click, they requested permission from Dahlia to show him in, which they got rather quickly. And this brings us back to where we were. With Balder, surrounded by two bodyguards and being sniffed by a Stoutland.[break][break]


"Lots of faces I haven't seen in a while in here. Glad to see most of you are still on active duty." said the man as he entered, his expression staying neutral. His gaze stopped on Tapu Koko, floating over the middle table. One of the Alolan guardians. The bulky man placed a knee on the ground, a fist placed upon his chest as he bowed to the divinity he was now meeting for the second time. Why the guardian was here was a mystery to the Alolan, but that wasn't what needed to be addressed.[break][break]

"I'm sure the lots of you have numerous questions as to why I'm present. But please, keep them for later." The man stood up and grabbed something from the pouch on his side. "Fernando, I'm keeping my promise." From the pouch, Balder pulled an object that would be familiar to most of them: The Silph Scope. The ex-Gym Leader handed the device to one of the bodyguards, who proceeded to plug it on the monitor.[break][break]

The screen flickered, before showing a city of black, with a tower in the center emitting light. "What you see on screen right now is what's referred to as Megalo Tower, and the city around it. For simplicity's sake, I'll just call the city Megalo City. This is where me and a few others have landed, when we tried to seek out Mateo."[break][break]

Upon saying that, he looked at Kyle. "Thanks for succeeding where I failed, by the way." The man nodded to Kyle before he looked at the screen. "In that city, we met an unknown bunch of Ultra Beast, some of which pummeled Pearson and his pokemon to death. I think we can skip that part on the recording, 'cause it was quite bloody."[break][break]

Skipping the battle scenes, the recording stopped at the quatuor exiting the smokescreen and meeting someone and his floating creature. Balder lifted his arm, pointing the pale blue figure on screen. "This is the specie that's invading us. Since Velmos came from Megalo City, I guess that makes him a Megalopolian? I'll let our scientists decide on the naming, but anyway. Point is, we met them, and they seem to be using some weird ultra beasts to fight with them."[break][break]

The recording was forwarded to show Poi, the alien's creature, then continued to their entry in the sewers followed by the elevator. "Their goal is actually quite simple." The sound of the elevator stopping resounded through the recording, to which Balder signaled to pause the recording at that moment. "They lack food and energy in their other world. A lack of resources. Their world is on the verge of the collapse. So They're either here to grab what they can for food and find energy sources, or colonize our realm. As for what they eat... Trigger warning, it's not for the faint of heart. I'd suggest closing your eyes if you don't like blood and gore."[break][break]

After waiting a couple of seconds, the recording resumed, to show the sorry state of Pearson and Lucario as the Megalopolians feasted. Luckily, the Audio of them eating was covered by the words of Velmos, Balder swearing in the recording as well as the sound of 6 mysterious Ultra beasts dropping on them to spray poison. Then, the recording cut off.[break][break]

"So far, what we know from the beasts you just saw is that their can use poison as their weapon and spray it from their behind. Their color scheme as well as the way they spray poison would suggest they are Poison Type, but I'm not even sure we can apply our realm's logic to theirs. Anyways, that's pretty much all the info I got regarding our invaders. The recording doesn't go further since I stopped it at the time, it was too much."[break][break]

That last part about stopping the recording was a lie, but Balder's face didn't give it away. He preferred that the majority of the league didn't know what happened with Leo. The Silph Scope was then handed to Fernando as Balder looked at everyone in the room, before resting his eyes on Dahlia.[break][break]

"I'm gonna fight this war. I might not be a part of this organisation anymore, but I vowed to defend the people of Hoenn and to make a stand against any treats. So I'll be on the frontline. Ready to teach them what it means to step in a Lion's den." Balder's eyes were lit with a fire never seen before. There were more to his words as to why he was fighting this war, but he was ready. Looking at Tapu Koko, the man lowered his head in respect. With the solar lion missing, Balder's light wouldn't be a beacon to light the warfront. But perhaps the island deity would offer him support for this endeavor?


[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Balder shows up "uninvited"[break]
Bows before Tapu Koko as it is one of his guardians from his homeland.[break]
Explains what happened in Ultra Space, supported by the Silph Scope recording.[break]
States his desire to fight on the warfront, no matter what.[break]
Would be willing to be supported by Tapu Koko in this war.
[attr="class","tag"]@event ]

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
3,835 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 2:43:20 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

This wasn’t the first time he’d been called out here.

However, the reasons for getting called out to Evergrande this time were definitely more than alarming. What was this? War? Out here?

Should anyone have noticed where he was standing, he was wearing the overcoat that he had long since abandoned once more. Another surprising reappearance was the blue-and-white scarf that he had also hung up before—certain circumstances had made him dig out these wardrobe additions once again.

To top it all off he was wearing gloves. Lars normally never wore these—only when he would be riding the Air Metagross express. But he had good reason to wear them now, although he didn’t want to reveal exactly why.

The moment he caught sight of something pink, his gaze hardened a little bit—what Fernando had said was true, it did take a while to get this shit under control. What was surprising was that there was someone else who was discreetly bleeding a similar thing.

There was a reason why he was hidden near the back, somewhere close to a certain —he figured the woman could use some familiar company, even if Stormy was there at the table. He was here to listen. The mention of Lilycove being elected as an alternate stronghold drew his attention, and he also nodded in Selena’s direction as well.

“Should you need any assistance out on the eastern side of Hoenn—I can dispatch Rangers as you need. All you have to do is ask.”

The appearance of Balder, however, raised his eyebrows—what was he doing… oh.


And there was the context as to why the entire meeting had been called.

Quite frankly, it was alarming, to say the least. Discreetly, he caught sight of the Electric-type that was hair raising in its presence, and knew that his talk with his boyfriend was going to get… even… longer than usual. Again.

@everyone in the league

well shit. Lars is passing on Tapu Koko, because obviously…

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
850 posts
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 3:44:33 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



Who was this guy?[break][break]

“Dahlia. I thought the door was locked,” so how the fuck did he just walk in with two no-faced guards like he owned the place?[break][break]

Wait, this was ? Why was he here?[break][break]

“Wait, you went to Ultra Space?” Hold the fuck on.[break][break]

Bailey put a hand to her forehead, silent as the presentation began; her expression growing more and more baffled the longer it unfolded.[break][break]

“What the fuck,” and she laughed, but it came without humor. “What the actual fuck.”[break][break]

Soon-to-be-champion straightened her shoulders, arms akimbo; she had been at her fucking limit, and this had just crossed the line.[break][break]

A finger was pointed to .[break][break]

“Lemme just fuckin' process this, holy shit,” and her hand slicked back her bangs. “Lemme say this real quick, just to make sure I got a clean-cut summary.” Despite the way her voice dripped with colorful language, there was no frustration, just pure disbelief that bordered on laughter.[break][break]

“You went to Ultra Space, after we did, after we got Mateo. Like, several days after the fact. Like, fucking fair, I guess? Because we were in that bitch for a long time and I don't wanna go through that retelling because goddamn, shit's fucked,” and she rolled with her words, stepping up to the projector with a motion that carried an emphasis to her step. [break][break]

“Regardless, you waltz in, like this is some sort of fuckin' playground, like that place ain't crawling with all sorts of motherfuckers—”[break][break]

She breathed, like the type of breath someone takes when they've heard the most ridiculous shit they've ever heard in their life.[break][break]

“And you find a fuckin' city, and think 'hey this looks' nice and don't immediately think about who the fuck made the place. Then, you do the shit they do in fucking space movies that you should never fucking do, and go make first contact with the motherfuckers living in it, and lo-and-behold, they want all our good shit because they got fucked because they live with fucking ultra beasts.”[break][break]

Her voice was strained, almost by the complete bafflement.[break][break]

“And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is, they're cannibals.”[break][break]

Now, Bailey Cooper found herself actually holding her head in her hands.[break][break]

“They're cannibal aliens. You guys lead cannibal aliens straight to us.”[break][break]

Her eyes shifted to .[break][break]

“I was fine with everything until the cannibalism. Like, I want a raise. If I fucking live.”

the meeting


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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cait
cait alfric
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 3:52:52 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

a terrible disappointment overcame her as talk of war came about. her desires and dreams very likely to be put on hold; a call to arms made to pull herself away from the luxury of a short-lived peace. when she had been summoned she had expected as much, though the frailest glimmer of hope had emerged prior to 's speech. and now it had been thoroughly crushed, her eyes falling shut as she sucked in a breath.

'why did they call me?'

that was her first question. she had relinquished her title as gym leader willingly, but she surmised her position as an avatar elevated her above the status of a simple reservist.

and then 's suggestion echoed within the confines of her mind. 

her family - gone. the people whom she had sought to return to after her service in active duty. but they'd, at the very least, be safe in the bordering regions. 

'safe from another war.' 

there was conversation that rose and fell away, more information presented and cait felt a kernel of despair  as she realized that she'd be made to face whomever approached. and they didn't look particularly merciful if the videos were to be considered. 

'i have to,' she thought. 'we have to.'

even if she didn't want to for truly selfish reasons, that desire to protect her home came in a potent wave of love and hope and desperation. 

"i've been placed in the reserves recently," she said, shaking her head lightly. "
but i'll go wherever i'm needed."

her gaze briefly flicks toward , detecting her uncertainty - noticing the hand she held - 

a tiny spike of envy; but one that was easily ignored. 

she smiles encouragingly at her friend, hopeful the fire-type expert glimpsed it before returning her focus to gathering as much information as she could.

celebi and i are at your disposal.

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 4:02:53 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




league meeting

fire in my lungs, can't bite the

devil on my tongue

Once again, there is a lot going on. The entire room reeks of fear, uncertainty, and probably really bad body odor. She shifts her weight uncomfortably and is comforted only by the calming presence of . The woman gives her a brief look of fleeting affection, distracted by the task at hand. [break][break]

And then the bad energy in the air just gets worse even despite Illeana's PSYCHIC TERRAIN because decides to show up unannounced. The majority of his speech is intense and warrants a bunch of ruffled feathers among the group. But the feathers she's most surprised to note are 's. The woman immediately devolves into a cursing mess of confusion and angry babbling.[break][break]

"Bailey, are you serious? No one knew we even left. It's not like we left a note when we decided to chase our bull-headed impulse to rescue our friend and jump into a portal. We aren't superior."[break][break]

She frowns, visibly put off. [break][break]

"And who are we to turn down an ally? We very well might have drawn these monsters here with our own meddling."[break][break]


notes: ...




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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
850 posts
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 4:08:41 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



She turned around when shared her piece.[break][break]

“I ain't even calling that out. You get my point? If we saw fuckin' aliens, I would have fucking ran. I'm out of that shit. They fucking ate somebody,” and speech was spoken without frustration, leaving her all the more baffled to why Stormy chose that as the point to speak up.[break][break]

“I can handle Ultra Beasts—You saw Guzzlord. You saw how I handled that. I can fight those things, but people are crafty sons-a-bitches and that is something I wouldn't fucking tamper with. I ain't turning down no ally, I'm pointing out this whole shitstorm.”[break][break]

Stress bled and drew a laugh from her. "Fucking aliens, dude."

the meeting


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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 4:21:47 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








True to his nature, Orion remains quiet as chaos unfurls around him. The message he sends to is simple: Those cannibal freaks from Ultra Space are about to invade Hoenn. You still have the footage?[break][break]

As he waits for a response, the councilman addresses .[break][break]

"These aren't the sort of people you want to make contact with." His mouth is set in a grim line. "I've — dealt with them before."[break][break]

Balder arrives, saving Orion the need to explain.[break][break]

"Bailey." Orion's never dealt personally with her, but he addresses her politely. "We didn't know you'd gone. Trust me, if we had, there's no way I'd have put a foot through that portal. We were worried about Mateo, too." Tired eyes survey her as if willing her to understand the situation they'd found themselves in upon arrival. "We'd just lost one of our own when that Velmos freak approached us. We were scared and desperate. We didn't lead anyone anywhere."



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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
727 posts
part of
TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 4:38:20 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



"Dahlia authorized my coming, and these two good folks unlocked the door for me." Replied Balder to answer Bailey's question. During the presentation, Balder did notice some expressions changing, faces going livid. But the one who made it more vocal was the wild element known as Bailey Cooper.[break][break]

Except from afar, mostly during the new year madness, he had never interacted with the lady. Maybe she could've been a good drinking buddy outside of this crazyness, but her reaction to this story made him frown. It was understandable as a reaction, especially since she seemed to have been part of the group that had gone in before them.[break][break]

Before he could reply, however, Stormy came in to indicate that no one knew they had gone in there until they came out. Balder nodded at that explanation and voiced a silent thanks at the lady of fire before bringing his attention back to Bailey. "To add to what Stormy just said, assuming you guys departed the day after, or even the night, we wouldn't have gotten any kind of report on time. Me, Orion, Pokkenger and Isra left a couple of days after the shitshow that was new year."[break][break]

He then listened to Bailey go wild on everything, how baffled she was. While the language was crude, it was fair to say that her reaction was completely logical. Anyone that could remain 100% sane and calm prior to seeing and hearing all of this would be considered crazy. As she calms down and just laughs her madness away in her seat, Balder decided he'd add more info. [break][break]

"I did summarize things a lot, so it might seem like we went in there without any doubt.... Scratch that. Pokkenger did go in without doubting anything but that's beside the point. Me and Isra took the time to analyze the field we stepped on, you can see it at the beginning of the footage. I believe Orion did some reconnaissance with his pokemons too."[break][break]

"And the attack of the metal cubes, that you've seen briefly on the feed, somewhat forced us to meet with Velmos. Looking back, that was most likely intended. Because the world ain't going to shit due to Ultra beasts attacking them. They ARE working with the Ultra Beasts. Possibly even tamed them. Seeing how the pink critter kept floating around Velmos and he referred to it as friend, it'd be safe to assume so, plus how they ended up with the bodies of... Yeah."[break][break]

Orion's explanation just added to what Balder just said, having him nod in reply. "And to correct you, we didn't lead them here. They were already opening portals here. Didn't we have missing cases a couple of months ago? Pokemons and people missing? Reports of Wormholes opening here and there? Most likely made by Velmos and his people to get more food. They might have been the reason we had that clown on New Year, and the big one I heard about at Mossdeep. And now that they saw we can go around too? Maybe they decided it was best to strike before things got out of hands"[break][break]

Balder did a silent sigh before continuing. "To be frank, Miss Cooper... Or if you prefer I call you Bailey like the others, your reaction is quite understandable. I would've reacted similarly if someone told me that story. I never wanted any of this shitshow to happen, and having these freaks stay in their broken realm would've been 100% better. But now we got them at our door step. And we'll kick their asses back to their hellhole and live to tell the tale." A bit crude for ending a speech, but hopefully this would help the morale a bit?


[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Replying to Bailey being shook and adding more stuff.
[attr="class","tag"]@event ]

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