i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
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good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 0:28:23 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Sableye disappears along with the scene of the invasion. Still unsure of what was causing this, Katherine tried to brace herself by drawing a deep breath.

But of course, life finds a way to surprise her.

Her first step fails her, the floor begins to crumble, and she falls. She loses her breath then too, because this was yet another surprise. Each one was worse than its predecessor and she loathed it.

She detested this lack of control, how fragile she felt, and the fact that fate appeared to be predetermined. It's a reminder of their world's cruelties. And so, when a wish tag finally appears ahead of her, her jaw tightens, and fire flares within her eyes. She doesn’t want to beg for some god to have pity on her.

”I wish to write my own destiny. Now, and forever.” Kat breathes hushed words into the air, a different type of prayer that's meant only for herself. She then reaches for a capsule with her hand and presses the button to release her Mismagius.

The look she exchanges with the ghost-type is enough to convey her request, which leads to her fall stopping thanks to a quick PSYWAVE.



[attr="class","katherinetag"] @hoennhistoria

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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TAG WITH @marcel
marcel maeda
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 1:20:30 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar
re: hoenn historia‒ ⛶ ✕

[attr="class","ePostMain"]by the third, he thinks he's beginning to understand. marcel takes gavin's sudden disappearance with the same resignation he does most things. as the scene unfurls around him, he's distracted by the thought that this is how he'll remember @joey.
marcel does not stumble: the ground is there, then—suddenly—it is not. it's easy to imagine he's not falling, when the ocean spans so wide; this feeling in the pit of his stomach is oddly alike to a fear that often rears its head.
a wish tag flutters into his palm.
[break][break] "i—"
against the wind—against the clouds, the sea, the clouds again—he clutches the crumpled paper in his hand. as the waves across the water sharpen into focus, it occurs to marcel that there is no fall long enough. his want is buried deep, with a name he shall never know.

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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 4:37:43 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



"My wish..."


When was it? The man remembered the night being chilly, that he was heading towards 's place. Yet... Nothing. He was now in a rock chamber, unmoving, looking at events unfold. Unable to intervene. He couldn't even lift a finger. It was as if Balder hadn't fully materialized in this land.[break][break]


As the alolan man started to make sense of what was happening, with the Regirock, the appearance of Fernando and the others, as well as the researchers and a familiar face, the scenery crumbled. While the incomplete form of Balder stood still, he couldn't feel the pull of dimensions, the transference as a new scenery faded into existence: Slateport.[break]


"There are so many wishes that I could request for..."


This new scenery brought more destruction, similar to... Well anything that happened in Slateport on many occasions. That city had been a nest for chaos and destruction, so this view wasn't all that surprising. Balder tried to move once more, yet he was unable to. He had more parts of his body this time, yet still no control over it. Simply lying on the ground, observing. Waiting.[break][break]

Were he to materialize now, surely people around him would take him for a ghost or a corpse. Yet that didn't matter to him. He was trying to understand all of this. How it came to happen. Was it... Was it the poison back in Ultra Space? Back in January, when he was sprayed entirely by these draconic monstrosities? It had laid dormant until now but... could the recent events had made the poison react somehow and induced that kind of hallucinations? Or was it even real and made the man travel through time and space somehow?[break]


"If only I had more ti-.... Wait, that's it."


This time, he had control. What he also had was... a free fall. And it seemed like he wasn't alone. Nearby, he could spot familiar faces, falling towards the ocean like him. Some had secured ways to survive, others kept going upon their falls. Behind them, in the sky... Was that Ho-oh, one of Johto's divinity? Something felt... wrong. The nature of its appearance maybe? Hard to say.[break][break]

The other odd thing was the glitching around him. Blocks moving around, tearing the sky. It was... weird. What could be instigating this phenomenon? Stopping the fall would be better, however. As Balder was about to reach his pokeballs, he noticed... that none of them were on his person. Yet, for some reason, the man felt he could summon any of his pokemons without them. Summoning their image or memories maybe? The alolan man closed his eyes, focusing on the image of one of his pokemons. "Come to me, Seek."[break][break]

A few seconds passed, nothing happening. Did it fail? It was only when he heard the sound of fire getting closer that the man knew. A mass of blue flames was diving through the tower, descending faster then anyone and passing before Balder. Suddenly, the creature enveloped in flames proceeded to spread her wings, dispersing the flames at the same time. The Talonflame was ready to receive her falling trainer.[break][break]

Upon his ride, Balder could now observe the phenomenon around him. Identify the faces that he could recognize. Noah, Thomas, Kazimir... A few more were visible too. What he also noticed were tags floating around, as if they were there to be grabbed. Balder proceeded to extend his end, grabbing a few of them in the air. The man then proceeded to stare at them, thinking what he would wish for, if those tags held anyone powers.[break][break]

After a few moments of pondering, the man clenched the fist holding a bunch of Wish tags. "I wish I had control over time. To be able to go back and fix everything, to save my family and those that needed saving. To control time of the present and allow me to reach for those in need." As he made that wish, the man remembered the events of the Kanjoh Wars, his family disappearing, the New Year event, his trip in Ultra Space and the recent attack of the Megalopolans that caused many casualties. If he had that power... All of this could be fixed. Innocent lives would be saved.[break]


[attr="class","notes"]tldr: A wild Balder has appeared.[break]
Balder can be seen by everyone.[break]
Talonflame appears in a mass of blue flames and saves her trainer.[break]
Grabs a bunch of Wish Tags in the air.[break]
Wishes to have control over time. So he can save everyone and protect the others.


template by kay

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 4:58:58 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Never let anything take you by surprise twice.

A third revolution comes about and he's still powerless to fight it. Like a hay fever dream, Fernando is ousted scene by scene, replaying them as both audience and cast member. His hand twitches at the sight of his Garchomp being reduced to mere ashes. But in despair, he does not share the same grievance that comes with 's remembrance. These Pokemon mean nothing to him, much like the faceless employees that make up Silph's payroll. Some may leave their mark on the company but they are the select elite.

The one's worth remembering are the ones that survive.

Navel Tower comes undone in the folly of one shortsighted enough to force Jirachi's hand. Tethered to his own recollection, Fernando too is sent fumbling into the cascade of the tower's crumbling imperfections. They descend into the open embrace of the ocean below, a pledge to an end and more importantly a resolution to never see the mark of next year.


For every action, for every event, for every choice made in Hoenn's overarching timeline, there is a wish tag to represent the outcome. They fly into the hands of those present and Fernando is no different. One slaps him in the face and another gets caught between the nook of his elbow. In it, it reacts to the same placement of the original wish tag, prompting him to tap into his true desire.


The thought blossoms from an incessant want — one he had repressed as a need unfulfilled and as a promise unkept.

In another world, untattered by discord, he would've wished for a chance to live out his life studying runes in a small study in Sootopolis. In this world, he could never be so selfish. As sure as Rocket's campaign to siege Verdanturf, Fernando had pushed the same buttons as Boris, forcing the wish tag to bend to his will. And, in his short sightedness, it corrupted his wish against him.

They had cut a deal to end ' scourge.

Betrayed by his top brass, cornered into an ambush, apprehending Silas was supposed to be child's play. His head would roll across the dust streak he left on Dahlia's desk. But Fernando could never walk into danger with confidence. He's too picky, too caution, too afraid of leaving anything up to fate. That's why he takes great lengths into using the same Jirachi against them, pulling out one last wish as a show of good faith from Rocket's leading underboss.

And when the time came and the wish took form, it turned on him, bestowing Silas with the power of MEGA EVOLUTION.

The Team Rocket Boss had trained for that moment, and with it, pushed back until his heart gave out from the artificial gift.

That had been war. Weapons, no matter how small, were to be used on the offensive. Jirachi's wish tag was squandered with no subsequent conclusion as to why the wish had 'failed'. Even as it sits nestled underneath Fernando's skin, he has no answers. Only one question remains as a new wish tag reacts to mishandled runes:

What do you wish for?


His mind defaults to the easy answer. It's an answer heavy with deceit, lying to himself about fulfilling it if the chance ever came. But he's beyond that now, too deep into his own ambition, too scared to stray from the unfamiliar.


He snaps out of his thoughts when he hears her scream for him. It's so easy to miss with the wind howling with his descent, drying out his mouth and eyes, but he hears it. "Lillian!" The wish is ignored in lieu of something more important: what he already has. Fingers hook in-between her own as their palms are pulled into an embrace. What does he need when she always has his back?

Together, they stabilize each other well enough for either of them to reach for a Pokeball.

Fernando smiles.

What does he need? What does he wish for?

Another Lillian comes to mind but that's impossible. It's a miracle she's followed him this far. And, even then, it doesn't address the core issue.

He closes his eyes once more, unfazed by their predicament, before laughing to himself. He'll be okay. As long as she'll still stand by him.

I wish Hoenn wasn't filled with fucking idiots.


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 5:00:01 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Sky-rise Collapsed.

Ho-oH Berserk'ed.

Terminal Velocity.

Terminal Velocity.

. . .Terminal Velocity.

He looked around to see many others falling as he was. He hadn't climbed that tower, hadn't ascended it to his own will nor intention. He'd never been to that tower in his own past so to be here now was telling; he was still a plaything of the spacetime. What was it trying to show him and who was responsible for this? Was he seeing history through some context he couldn't grasp or was he seeing his future?

A premonition of his own death maybe?

As he fell his body broke past the spacing just past Cait, saving someone from the looks of it. They paid him no mind, no reaction at all. As if he wasn't there.

Why was Cait appearing again? Was it her doing this to share pieces of her past? Was this just some display of her power? Had she hurled him back through time at the end of some fight? Or maybe pushed him forward? Cait didn't look too different, she could have been a year younger or a year older than his present day image of her. He tried to remember his last interactions with her but everything was too fuzzy, and he was running out of time.

Rotating his body to face his back to the earth he saw a girl ( ) in the air falling in a panic he couldn't match.

He didn't know how this was happening or why, but in this third iteration he was beginning to understand what was happening. He was displaced from time but in flashes he went from intangible to in-the-flesh. It happened the second time on the docks, it might have happened in that cave against that giant stone golem. It was probably happening here too.

With so many body falling from the sky he couldn't tell who was really here in this point in history and who was experiencing the same thing he was experiencing. If he could save her at least, he would. "Hiei... catch the girl." Following the direction of his trainer's pointing the Salamence would break her fall and provide her safety.

With Ho-oH in a rage at the tower's once peak the Kantonian wondered it its counterpart was lurking below. Watching the others snatch glowing tags of green from the skies and gesturing in what looked like prayers he grabbed one as well. Identifying it as a wish tag his hand ghosted over the pokéball of Ranton but faltered.

What if the fabled power of Jirachi was real?

"I wish to undo the death of my team."

"I wish for control of Kanto."

"I wish to realize my life's purpose."

"I wish to let go of revenge."

He was supposed to have Ranton save him, swallow him and dive before his body hit the water. He delayed but somehow she emerged from her ball all the same trying to fit him in her mouth. He was too distracted to help her.

The impact was coming and none of his wishes carried so much weight that he could ask for one more than the others. His mind was confused and his heart was in conflict.

The thought came from the root of his soul and he surrendered to the reality it might evoke. He closed his eyes and spoke the words. "I wish to be judged."

● tags: @hoennhistoria @2ndanniversary
● notes: sent hiei to save wren.
Became a crash dummy?

(visible to the mutually visible)

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 5:01:49 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
upon freefalling mateo would make a wish, "i wish i had a salamance mega stone right now."

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december 25
saffron city
you and i
and no one else
54 height
54 height
on the nights I catch you standing, are you waiting for me?
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TAG WITH @lillian
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 5:18:22 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Lillian falls, limp, into the next capsule of time. It is the first to be unfamiliar to her. One of many events piled in a manila folder back in Fernando's room. Navel Rock. The appearance of Ho-Oh. The sun that melted the wings from an overzealous man and decided, to hell with it, to punish the rest for watching it do it. It is a bit of history she doesn't regret missing.

Almost doesn't regret missing.

She sees Fernando, not the one who's certainly falling just the same as she is right now but the real Fernando. She knows what happens here. Knows Fernando likely doesn't mind it too horribly much (in the way he doesn't mind most things) but it's still sad to watch the Garchomp go. Perhaps even more sad because of it. To know the trainer has grown too hard to mourn and so the pokemon passes without being grieved. The thought pulls fresh tears from her eyes.

His coldness allows him to function, allows him to be the man she so admires, but in times like this she misses the boy she knew first.

When he calls her name she thinks the sentiment is making her hear things. Fernando doesn't call her name like that. Not so brightly. Not since they were kids. But then she hears it again, and again, and even if it is her hearing things she can't help calling back.

"Fernando!" she shouts, turning in the air to try to find him, "Fernando!" she screams it into the wind, throws her hands out into the air, and miraculously finds him. They hold hands and again she thinks she must be hallucinating. It's such casual intimacy (outside of their current predicament), so tender and wholesome in a way they haven't been in what feels like a lifetime. She has to blink hard to keep from crying again. Has to squeeze his hands tight in hers.

Silph Tower's ruins come to mind unbidden. Her nostalgia bubbles up in her chest. She notices a bit of paper caught between their hands and makes a wish without thinking -- desperate to hold onto this.

I wish we could go back. I wish we could be different.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2020 6:54:01 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






At the sudden confrontation some other random person ( ) Razz was still confused about what was going on. What did they mean being like them? Did they see what he did? Was it something about Rocket? But besides all that who even were they and why were they in this dream too? He couldn't help but wonder not like he was given much time to wonder about it as again the scene around him has changed to some sort of tower. In front a dark legend appeared, as once again a random scene was played before him before crashing down. [break][break]

Literally in this case as the tower began to break and crumble under his feet. [break][break]

The next thing he felt was the wind while the ranger felt himself falling. On pure instinct he called forth Link from his pokeball, upon seeing the situation the Decidueye opened his wings to get the air beneath them as he used his talons to grab onto his trainer and keep them in air. For just a moment Razz felt like they were safe and didn't have to worry to much as his dream seemed to go on. At least until he saw the same guy as before also falling. He pondered on how they could be here as well but stopped, "Link down to them!" he ordered thinking seeing the same person who interacted with him before might mean something. [break][break]

Though it seems that Razz gave his order too late as when Link begun to dive down the world seemed to literally pause around them. Objects and the sketch glitching around them like broken pixels, and while this seemed odd sure was this some sort of thing that happened because he failed to reach the other? There was so damn much happening at once and Razz just couldn't process everything this quick. He had no clue what was going on, had no clue what to do himself and all of this felt like an all to familiar feeling. [break][break]

A feeling of having no control of anything around around him as it all went to shit. For the longest time he's been told he wasn't good enough, and now that he was with the Rangers he thought that he could do better. But every mission he felt like he couldn't do enough, even during the war that had just past he didn't do enough. And now having seen the other fall he couldn't do anything, "I just want to be able to do better," he growls to himself angrily with the tags around them.

    [/i] [/ul][break]

    umcmZU3v [break] [break]


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    October 13
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    POSTED ON Oct 25, 2020 7:51:05 GMT
    shiv Avatar



    [attr="class","raidName"]04. HOENN HISTORIA







    [attr="class","status NONE"]
    [attr="class","th th-fire"]




    anyone who has rolled above 90 and above ( ) can design their own pokemon, including the entirety of their moveset and ability. tm/trs, egg moves, move tutor moves, and hidden abilities can be selected.[break][break]

    to redeem the prize, post in the site shop with the full details of your designer pokemon. you can not pick legendaries, mythicals, ultra beasts, etc.

    THANKFULLY, NO ONE STRIKES THE SEA. Instead, they continue to fall right through it. Another rift in time and space opens as they pass through the sea. Below, they can see the carnage of the first Ultra Beast invasions on Mossdeep City. However, depending on the trajectory of their fall, they will see two different beasts.[break][break][break]

    In a forest nearby, a large Celesteela is attacked by , and . Other League trainers attend to the verdant terror; however, many of them seem to be fleeing rather than attacking.[break][break][break]

    Conversely, in Mossdeep's downtown, a Guzzlord devours buildings— and people. In its wake, flattened buildings and rubble lay like raised scars. There, familiar League faces such as Head Scientist , , , and attack the gargantuan glutton. is also present, but hidden under the cover of MIST.[break][break][break]

    Compared to some of the Ultra Beasts witnessed in the Ultra Beast War, these iterations seem impossibly large. Before you strike the ground, reality bends. You glitch into the thick of the conflict, and like your first foray into this temporal shift with Regirock, nothing seems to notice you. However, there are brief moments where you become physically present. Unfortunately, such events do not occur in front of the aforementioned figures.[break][break][break]


    [attr="class","reward2"]CHOOSE ONE SCENARIO

    ☐ Help attack the Celesteela or avoid its attacks.[break]
    ☐ Rescue Pokemon and bystanders by escorting them out of the forest.[break]
    ☐ React to the circumstances.

    ☐ Help attack the Guzzlord or avoid its attacks.[break]
    ☐ Loot abandoned Mossdeep buildings, or help people trapped under rubble.[break]
    ☐ React to the circumstances.



    For this round, the writing prompts are embedded within the post above. However, please indicate which scenario you have chosen in your post, preferably by bolding it!


    HOENN HISTORIA is a writing prompt event that one of your characters can participate in! Once you choose one, you will have locked them in for this travel into the past of Hoenn. Although your character may be present with others, they will not be able to recognize each other unless it is mutually consensual.[break][break]

    To participate, simply write a response using one of the prompts above. Furthermore, please review the guidelines below:[break][break][break]

    • Only one character of yours can participate in the Hoenn Historia event.
    • You can redeem the round's rewards immediately after posting (unless it is PD, which will be added at the end of the round).
    • You do not need to post in every single round.
    • You can summon any of your Pokemon should you wish.



    @hoennhistoria @2ndanniversary

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    November 6
    Slateport (Technically)
    Elite Ranger
    You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
    818 posts
    Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @kaida
    Kaida Adachi
    POSTED ON Oct 26, 2020 13:43:20 GMT
    Kaida Adachi Avatar



    She was torn away from whoever was near her ( ), and tumbled into a new reality, somehow both more convinced this was a nightmare and less convinced. A monster she didn't know to identify as Guzzlord screamed and ate, and she found a sort of resemblance to the aliens...but she wanted to leave now, she didn't want to die against this monster, in a nightmare. The floor under her feet was occasionally solid, she was in danger. [break][break]

    As she tried to run, there was screaming, not of the monster, but of trapped and hurt civilians. Maybe the obligation of a Ranger made her stop, but she ultimately ran towards the screams because she knew they needed her help...she thought her partners would never forgive her if they knew she abandoned people, even in a dream, and her chest filled with a frightning darkness when she even thought of leaving them. Like the war, she'd protect them, it was her job, and she couldn't fail like she did with the tree. [break][break]

    Two lights unleashed two Pokemon, Jotun and Loki. Jotun leapt towards Kaida, the blue gator hugging her tightly in terror as Loki almost curled up on the floor, "Jotun, Jotun! Over there, use Superpower!" She directly ordered and, even though the cloud of fear didn't leave his eyes, nor did he release Kaida, Jotun waddled towards the trapped civilians. Superpower, even one-armed, hauled rubble up as Jotun reached for the trapped humans, aiming to pick them up and run them to safety. Kaida wasn't certain whether they could be seen or felt, but they'd try to save as much as they physically could. [break][break]

    Loki was left on his own, to watch the Guzzlord. His anxiety rose to a fever pitch, and he spat a blinding Smokescreen for what he thought was its eyes, hoping it wouldn't see them anymore.


    [attr="class","notes"]notes: Kaida is here and visible to anyone else visible! Kaida falls in the Guzzlord raid and releases Feraligator and Charmeleon! Feraligator uses Superpower to lift rubble and save civilians! Charmeleon uses Smokescreen to blind Guzzlord.


    template by kay

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    played by


    Rocket Daddy
    he / him / his
    thirty eight
    october 29
    Hammerlocke, Galar
    History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
    789 posts
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    TAG WITH @valerio
    Valerio Dachev
    POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 1:24:44 GMT
    Valerio Dachev Avatar


    glimpse from the past


    it is getting faster and faster for valerio to slip from one timeline to another. upon reaching the paper tag free falling from the tower of strength, it delivers him to a knocked off forest somewhere in mossdeep. the smell of brine and blood mixes in the air once more, but this time, hoenn's threat is not someone from the past but from his relative present. a gargantuan celesteela emerges, much bigger than his previous encounter in the meteor falls.[break][break]

    “shit, not again!” he mutters under his breath as he hurls the capsule containing dragapult. the redhead leaps on his ghostly dragon's back and begins scouring its verdant body with fire blasts after fire blasts. he wonders if it is the ultra beast that is causing this bizarre surge of moments he has not experienced.[break][break]

    watching from above, it is only then he realizes what is wrong with this incidence. for a region thriving after the war with the same beasts, it looks like these people do not know how to deal with them. is he still in the past?[break][break]

    + summons dragapult, using fire blast





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    [newclass=.runruncirc2]height:200px;width:200px;background-color:#e3e3e3;border-radius:100%;margin:-25px 75px -150px 75px;[/newclass]cjRTKDVD
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    played by


    Nov. 25
    Ballonlera, Galar
    ex-elite four
    6 ft 3 in height
    6 ft 3 in height
    victory is in the pocket!
    2,604 posts
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    TAG WITH @kazimir
    Kazimir Wynter
    POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 6:47:16 GMT
    Kazimir Wynter Avatar
    [attr="class", kheader"]


    the sound of a man screaming woke himm up to the sight of a large black mass of a monster was something he wasn't expecting to happen. although at this point it kazimir couldn't really question it other than just a whole mess of...timey wimey shit just going on. all he knew was that he needed to survive somehow, and luckily the large monster was facing away from him. it meant that he could just on sneak on by while it was eating or...charging down some poor fools caught in its path.
    suddenly the sound of people screaming and asking for help caught his attention. that's when he saw some people under some rubble and instantly he found himself already doing his best to pick up a slab off some woman. "c'mooooon. just a little more..." besides him his urshifu broke out of its pokeball to help him lift up the slab and as he pulled the woman to safety the kung fu panda started to break apart more rubble on top of people to pull them out. gues it had a heart of justice just like kazimir and the two of them couldn't just let innocent people suffer if there was something they could do about it.


    [attr="class","tag"]@hoenn historia

    template by kay

    [newclass=.kcontain]width:350px;height:auto;border:solid 1px #1a1a1a;[/newclass]
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    the Harbinger
    october 28th
    circhester, galar
    the harbinger
    I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
    8,431 posts
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    TAG WITH @gavin
    Cillian Quinn
    POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 8:21:18 GMT
    Cillian Quinn Avatar

    [attr=class,image-back accentbg]








    Corviknight catches him, steadies him, and yet they plummet together toward the churning waves. His beloved bird seems as alarmed as he is, wings churning in a desperate bid to carry them upward. Gavin closes his eyes and braces for impact with the sea—[break][break]

    —and when he opens them, he is alone and somewhere else.[break][break]

    What the hell is happening to me?[break][break]

    He is afraid, but he is just as curious. Science seeks to understand that which it does not know, and Gavin tests the limits of this new form as he spies a GUZZLORD at the forefront of a swath of destruction. It's bigger than the one he'd seen in Mauville, he thinks. This is Mossdeep, and he's heard about it in passing and on the news but it's something else to witness the horrid Beast and the destruction it delivers to Hoenn's doorstep. He goes no closer to it.[break][break]

    Curiosity is tempered with caution, for Gavin's presence in this strange reality is becoming less and less ethereal. Where he had feared for but a moment in the bloodied docks, he slips now through the streets as if reality were absolute.[break][break]

    Buildings lay in ruin, abandoned, and Gavin chooses to explore.[break][break]

    In the chaos, there is no one to witness the man who prowls through the hollow shells of buildings. A Lycanroc stalks beside him and lifts rubble with its ROCK SLIDE, casting it aside.[break][break]

    I wonder how much influence I have here?[break][break]

    With a knife pulled from his belt, he carves a faint, meaningless symbol on the wall of a building which still stands. Later, should he survive this trip through time, he would journey here to see if it remained.


    @event gavin leaves a mark while looting buildings, for science


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    [newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
    0 posts
    Deleted DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @Deleted
    POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 10:48:21 GMT
    Deleted Avatar

    [attr=class,image-back accentbg]





    you're a taker; devil's-maker

    let me hear you sing


    Rationally, yet irrationally, scared, Sven found comfort in the grasp of a hand and kind words from . But even that was short-lived when, suddenly, the world blinked out of existence and seamlessly became another. Fear shifted into complete awe and horror at the sight of the rampant destruction. And, just when he started to remember he was falling... he wasn't anymore.[break][break]

    Standing in the middle of a burning and rubble-covered street, Sven shuddered a gasp he hadn't even realized he'd been holding before patting himself down. He was spirit-like again... and he still had his pokéballs. But where exactly was he? He turned to regard his smoky surroundings, then froze when the trembling stomps of the monstrous beast reached his senses. It lumbered past him like a giant cruise ship with rows of teeth, seemingly unfettered by the buildings it trampled or even, to some extent, the trainers in the distance that tried to combat it.[break][break]

    "M-Mommy? Mommy?!"
    A little girl cried, desperately climbing through the open window of a building that was in the path of the beast's left foot. Knowing she was in imminent danger, Sven felt himself materialize as he ran forward to pull her back. "Wait! No, get out of there!" He pleaded, unclipping a ball from his belt and summoning his Venusaur. "Betsy slow that thing down with some bombs! I need to get her out of there!"[break][break]


    The yellow-flowered Venusaur grunted and braced its feet into the ground below, aiming its cannon-like bud before firing several SEED BOMBS that would land in front of the Guzzlord and plant themselves there. Sven, in the meantime, managed to leap halfway through the window and pull the girl out despite her protests. Whether or not the bombs worked to harm or even slow down the Guzzlord, he would be successful in pulling the little girl away before the building was crushed by the giant leviathan.[break][break]

    Whether he remained in existence long enough for the little girl to even look at her hero, however, remained to be seen.[break]



    — dropping into the Guzzlord scenario[break]
    — Sven saves a little girl from being crushed[break]
    Betsy the Shiny Venusaur is summoned to plant Seed Bombs in Guzzlord's path[break]


    hoenn historia, 2nd anniversary event


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    [newclass=".svenransei .bulk i"]font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

    [newclass=".svenransei .ooc-notes"]padding: 6px 40px; background: #fff; min-height: 38px; font-family: 'Baskerville'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; text-align: justify; color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);[/newclass]

    [newclass=".svenranseicredit"]width: 500px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-family: 'Oswald'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]

    [newclass=".svenranseicredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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    he | him | his
    27 (now 31)
    october 21st
    lavender town, kanto
    ex-gym leader
    a heart like a lion, burning like fire
    1,199 posts
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    TAG WITH @maverick
    maverick noah ryder
    POSTED ON Oct 27, 2020 14:33:43 GMT
    maverick noah ryder Avatar
    Maverick reached as far as he could for the wishing jewel. But as he reached further and further out in an attempt to snatch it, the object vanished right before his eyes without any warning. The man blinked, retracting back safety on his dragon. Disappointed that he will not get his team back while confused all at the same time. He tapped his dragon, ready to head home from this nightmare. Was he dreaming? But before the dragon could take flight from the scene, the creature suddenly could not fly anyone. Both Orion and Maverick shouted as they fell from the sky, their fate seems to be the ocean as his dragon frantically tried to fly but with no prevail.

    But before they crashed the waters surface, they were teleported once again. The man held onto Orion for dear life as the creature somehow was about to steady himself enough so they were not flailing about in the space time teleport. Warm gaze flickered to see two different paths. But before he could pick, him and his dragon was forced into one shrouded in a thick mist.

    The man hollered as the ground was coming up close but suddenly, the hydragien manages to be able to fly once again and stop their descend just inches before they hit the ground. A beat of sweat rolled down the side of the trainer’s face as he collapsed from exhalation against Orion’s back. “Thanks,” he breathed drained from this constant transporting, “I owe you one.” The dragon and dark type let his gaze flickered to his trainer, a low grumble sounded off from him. “What?” Maverick peered over the massive dragon’s neck to see an ultra beast swallowing building whole as Hoennians scream from terror. HIs heart skipped a beat, eyes widened with shock. “Look’s like we have to take care of that now.”

    With that, the man tapped the dragon as they took to the sky. The Guzzload roared with life as he ate another building whole. “We need to stop him before he destroy’s more buildings and hurt more people,” the man shouted to Orion, “We need more fire power. It’s a dragon and dark type.” Reaching into his pocket, the man pulled out a few more pokemon. With a simple press of the buttons, two more dragon creature appeared next to him. One was a salamence. The beast roared to life as she stretched her wings in flight. The other, an altaria. The cotton dragon pokemon hovered by her trainer, quiet. “Alright you guys,” the man shouted over all the noise, “Let’s take it down!” It was going to be easier said than done.

    On Maverick’s cue, the three dragon’s circle the ultra beast. Maverick, still on Orion’s back, shouted for them to attack. Lagertha roared her head off before she sent a dragon breath at the Guzzload. It turned its attention to her as she soared pass it. It swiped at her, barely missing the mighty blue dragon. Bleu was up next, hovering behind the creature to send a dragon pulse at the back of its head. It whirled around, reaching to snatch her out of the sky. But before the creature could get to her, Maverick tapped Orion and shouted “hyper beam”. Orion waisted no time. Taking deep breath, the dragon and dark type send a beam of power at the creatures hand to knock it off course of hitting Bleu letting the altaria escape.

    One by one, each dragon used a dragon attack or an equally powerful move to keep the gauzzload from attacking a specific target. Often times, the creature either barely hit one of the dragons or smacked it out of the sky for a moment. But no matter what, Maverick continued to fight. He held on for dear life in hopes that not only they could take the creature down, but maybe even catch the Guzzlord himself.

    - Guzzlord. Hydregion used hyper beam, salamence use dragon breath, and atlaria used dragon pulse at it
    The Shula Region
    Hogwarts AU
    RPG Unlimited
    The Enroi Region
    Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
    Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
    Swords Clashing