poison presentation [pj]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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Adrian Malcolm
poison presentation [pj]
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2020 12:32:47 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
On display in Mauville City was a model house outfitted with essential appliances and the lifelike dummies they'd be working on. Adrian snoozed through the insurance representative's lengthy speech about the dangers of pollution. Yeah, yeah, let's get on with it... Gettin' tired of his voice.

Finally they got their cue and Adrian signaled Weezing: "Poison Gas into that ventilation shaft," he directed from their hidden alcove in what would've been the attic. Immediately gas began to trickle down through the housing, visibly working its way through the house room-by-room, floor-by-floor until reaching a set of dummies arranged in the kitchen. The dummies themselves reacted to the fumes, turning color and shriveling at its touch.

Up above Adrian furled his brow in reserved frustration. Imagine seeing this crisis as an opportunity to sell life insurance... Disgusting.
Miasma used Poison Gas.
, , , , , , ,
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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
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Selena Desmarais
poison presentation [pj]
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2020 16:57:48 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar


poison presentation


his trainer leaves lancelot at the hands of the clerks who ask for the league's help in getting their company back to business. normally, selena dismisses these kinds of offers but she sees value in reviving the economy even with dubious efforts like insurance.[break][break]

the escavalier watches the weezing breathe out poisonous gases as he prepares his lances, sharpening by sparking them with friction. when the person calls for him, the steel bug curiously pokes into the dummy with a hesitant poison jab, though it's enough to have the color of toxic spread throughout the cushion body.[break][break]

“and that, folks, is the effect of even a slightest poison jab into a human's body! feeling afraid? that's why you have to get insurance with us now.” his words drown as escavalier disappears into the crowd, looking for selena.[break][break]

ooc: poison presentation pokéjob[break][break]






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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
poison presentation [pj]
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2020 17:50:08 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar


male - battle armor
pin missile, cross poison, fell stinger, scary face, confuse ray, ice fang

Darvio was perfect for this and even Maverick knew people would get the hint that poison wasn’t something to take lightly. The poison and dark type was a nasty little thing, always vicious and relentless when it came to attacking. And what better way to show how deadly these creature’s were, than to send his heinous drapion. But unlike most of his creature’s, the newly appointed gym leader didn’t send his creature out by himself. In fact, the trainer lingered in the crowd just in case the creature did turn on the demonstrators or the crowds itself.

The purple scorpion like creature crawled onto the platform, a diabolical snickered slipped from his mouth. He raised his arm like appendages into the air, pitching his claws to show off his power. Even as the announcer moved to let the creature attack the fake human targets, the man flinched as Darvio screeched to the heavens. With no one holding him back including his trainer, Darvio could destroy these dummies. First he started with a scary face, this status move typically would stun humans for a moment while his pokemon opponents would feel their speed decrease. Darvio crossed its arms above his head, a sinister purple glow surround his pincers. And when he felt ready, his arms lashed out swiftly as a toxic spiked ‘x’ formed before him. It grew in side the closer it got to the target until it hit. And when it hit, toxic substance covered the target as stuffing blew up all round it. The crowd gasped as the stuffing fell to the earth. Darvio screeched once more, pinchers in the air snapped at the sky.

It was successful as concerning expressions and mummers spread through the crowd. Everyone was shocked as the poisonous substance ate away at the stuffing, indicating their own body would fall apart. But while everyone took in the amazement of how bad poison was, the creature’s trainer was seen with one of his hand on his head. Fingertips pressing into his temples and shaking his head. If you listened closely, you’ll hear him mumble “He didn’t need to destroy the targets. Now I gotta pay for new ones.”

tags ❱ pokejob
notes ❱ darvio used cross poison. #ripmavsmoneyxD
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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poison presentation [pj]
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2020 17:55:14 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] To assist another company in advertising is unbecoming of a competitor — not that their markets necessarily matched, but Fernando's time could be put honing his own craft. The exception to the rule is for the benefit of the greater good. Although insurance is an opt-in, during these times it's pretty much necessary. At least until the war is over. However, not everyone feels the same way or realizes it.

So Fernando has his Gliscor join in with the demonstration. The Pokemon has no hesitance with decapitating the mannequin with a POISON JAB. Unfortunately, there's not much to read from the demo since the actual stabbing motion of the attack leaves such a lasting impression it's impossible to tell how effective the poison was.


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
poison presentation [pj]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 0:14:43 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar


With his webbed nubs behind his head Dose waited quietly inside a fake kitchen. The perfect model of discipline and professionalism. He knew being here was important and being part frog part martial artist, his sense of patience was other-worldly. When he'd arrived they sprayed him with misted water and wiped the moisture away with pieces of cotton

When commanded by the lab techs via whistle he spewed thick purple chunks from his gut unto two different human-like test dummies. Watching the result of his TOXIC attack at work he sat with perfect posture and perfect passive poise as the lab humans in white coats took samples of his spew and measured the sizes of impact and distance of splatter inside the 'kitchen'.

One the second whistle Dose filled his throat with a thin bile neon-yellow. Shooting out in a more controlled stream he covered just one of the two dummies with an ample stream. With a lack of interest but a locked in stare he watched as the second target began to smoke and collapse from being melted.

Dose used TOXIC!
Dose used VENOSHOCK; critical hit!

After he was given tasty things for a job well job he was asked to wait in the lobby for his trainer, who was already there waiting on him the moment Dose hopped in! He was glad to be reunited with Sénon again, unsure of the point of the tests he'd just taken.

● tags: @pokejob
● notes:

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april 1
streamer (retired pro gamer)
talk nerdy to me
48 height
48 height
Up, up, down, down, forward, back, A, B
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gigi bae DOLLARS
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gigi bae
poison presentation [pj]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 12:12:44 GMT
gigi bae Avatar
 An ominous disaster was looming over Hoenn's shoulder. Poisonous gas filled the air, toxic sludge clogged the sewers, dangerous chemicals corrupted the ground. There was only one certainty for the future: the rich would get richer while the poor got poorer. That was how most natural (and unnatural) disasters went. With the whisperings of an impending war running rampant through the streets, the rich took advantage of the fear and uncertainty.

Gigi belonged to neither category. She faired well but wasn't amongst the elite. However, she wasn't the complete opposite of the company in charge of this demonstration. She was actively receiving donations, subscriptions, and what not for her live streams of the ongoing events. To call them scumbags would make her a hypocrite. 

Scrub, as per usual, looked confused - a dumb look plastered on his face that couldn't help but make one smile. Like a child, he required instructions and reassurance. Bitterly, Gigi wished to go back to the days of stupid, blind innocence. Unfortunately, not all dreams could come true. "Alright, buddy, just as we practiced."

The literal bag of trash was supposed to spew out his corroding junk and trash onto the nearest dummy. However, that wasn't what happened. Rather, Scrub hosed a dummy down with an acidic spray. The toxin wasted no time infecting the dummy, its corrosive properties causing the fabric of to begin melting like a lit candle. 

Honestly, the whole "toxic melting this dummies face into an unrecognizable monstrosity" probably was the best route to take if Gigi was actively trying her best to sell this insurance. Judging by their pale, horror-stricken faces and gasps, the audience felt the same. With a shrug, Gigi called Scrub back to her side. She was nearly knocked out by the Trubbish's terrible stench but half a bottle of Febreze was enough to take the potent edge off. 

Unlike , Gigi was not stressed about the destruction of the company's property. This was what they were intended to do. If they wanted to argue otherwise then let them do it. They would crash and burn if they did so. Their demonstration was going to earn the company many new applicants. In the long run, one or two or ten dummies didn't matter. 

A playful smile spread across her face as she nudged Maverick. "Pfft. Did you get hit by the poison? You're looking rather unwell yourself." she teased. "Don't worry about your wallet. If anything, we should be asking the company for more payment considering how beautiful are execution has been."

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda DOLLARS
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marcel maeda
poison presentation [pj]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 16:55:58 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar
re: pokejob‒ ⛶ ✕

[attr="class","ePostMain"]the toxtricity doesn't know why he's here, to tell the truth, but that hardly matters. he's been given the order to just follow whatever the instructors say, and so he watches the woman as she talks, then the crowd when that becomes too boring. as more and more people begin to filter out towards the shops, he's given the signal earlier than intended, probably to draw their attention back in.
unfazed, the toxtricity lifts a hand glowing purple before hitting the dummy with a POISON JAB. the noise turns some people's heads, but most carry on their way regardless.


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
poison presentation [pj]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 19:40:16 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar
The Slowbro was honestly not sure what they were doing here. Their wide eyes slowly examined the area around them, watching various poison-type moves be flung around at these targets. What were they trying to accomplish again? It paused in confusion, slowly wandering back and forth.

Eventually, it finally clicked. Perhaps it was the people talking around them, or the irreparable damage done to the dummies, but it finally clicked. They were working! That was what made the most sense to them. Unfortunately, they didn't feel too much like working right now, they just felt like slacking off...

Suddenly, the Shellder on their hand bit down and Slowbro almost literally leaped into action as the jolt stimulated its nervous system. With an incredible speed from its ability QUICK DRAW, the Slowbro suddenly flung itself towards the dummy. With a quick usage of SHELL SIDE ARM, the Slowbro would slam its arm into the dummy with impressive might, the poison leaking from the Shellder quickly beginning to dissolve the dummy.

And just as quick as it happened, the Slowbro paused and looked confused at its surroundings. Were they done? Could they take a nap now?

Notes: On my phone, and too lazy to try coding my template atm.
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October 13
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poison presentation [pj]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2020 23:11:50 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GREAT JOB!



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