Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 12:08:33 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




''Gengar?'' Epitaph had a little trouble believing it himself. It was Cepheus, and she was apparently there with her trainer. Which meant... ! ''Gen. Gengar. Gengar!'' He wasn't entirely convinced and he had no idea how he would convince Andy. Seeing the people being knocked around, he also spotted a familiar, bitey centiskorch. Turning to his own trainer, the situation was getting chaotic.
''Hey! What the hell are you doing!?'' When he noticed the hatterene tackling Hideo to the ground his panick began to slowly paint her as a target. The Galarian trainer was trying to get his friend out of harms way and she was starting to become an obstacle. ''Gengar. Gengar!'' Epitaph was trying to get his attention, but Andy was way too far down the rabbit hole now. He started towards Vibes.
''Get off of him you hat wearing bitch!'' The demand came with a likely puny right hook flung at the psychic type. The rest of his posse all turned their attention to the budding altercation, the phantump in particular looking rather purplexed at what was going on. It likely would have drawn a fair amount of attention were it not for the crowd starting to contort and break around them.
The centiskorch had just been a precursor to a much bigger problem.
People started to flee from what was at first an unknown threat. Epitaph gave a desperate look up at Cepheus before turning away. Duty called, it seemed. Hovering across the ground, he found chaos with his trainer and their friend, and with a crash nearby his attention was pulled to a tauros stomping a cotton candy stand to smithereens. The ghost wished Andy had just stayed in Galar.
''Gengar!'' His compatriots looked when he called. ''Duuaah.'' Using his future sight the duskull warned him of the potential danger the beast posed, prompting Epitaph's eyes to flash as it attempted to slow the beast with a hypnosis. The other two pokemon moved closer to their trainer. ''Drifblim!'' Zeppelin hoped he wouldn't have to fight this hatterene along with whatever else.








-Andy attacks Hatterene
-Epitaph admits he's helpless to Cepheus
-some bullshit happens to a cotton candy stand
-gengar uses hypnosis on tauros

[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 14:16:29 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    Zac knew exactly what he was doing: not enough.
    Steelix ground forward, muscles seizing up as 's avatar electricity crackled through him. The current made Kev's movements jerky and uncoordinated, and Tapu Bulu smacked him back with one of the trees. Zac grit his teeth, stepping away from the spreading fire that was consuming the shattered stalls. This won't work. He needs to get closer!
    Zac grabbed the band on his wrist, fingers finding the polished surface of the steel-blue stone set within. The same blue as Kev's eyes. "We're not gonna fend off this bugger by half-assing it!" Zac said, and he pressed the stone inward.
    Kev roared in pain and adrenaline as pillars of opalescent crystal burst from his body. Warped shards of ejected steel and flickering clouds of gem dust orbited his crooked, enhanced form.
    Lightning crackled between Kev's gem spikes like the charge between the prongs of a cattle prod. The bolts snapped and spat, buzzing with toothy resonance but never hitting Kev's metallic form.     Steelix took to the air, harnessing a fraction of the energy to aid his powerful, magnetic ascent. With a roar of re-challenge, Kev surged forward. 


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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
happily wed
Gym Receptionist
have a great, positive, and beautiful day!
305 posts
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TAG WITH @michiko
michiko maeda
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 15:06:00 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar

Michi had so far spent most of the festival trying to pry a gooey dumpling out of her dog’s mouth. Despite her efforts, the little fighting-type just chewed faster. “Where did you get that?!” she exclaimed, prying at the blue pokemon’s stubborn jaws, “Aaaa! Drop it!”

She’d worked so hard to keep the Mariyaki had brought away from the Riolu, but while she’d been enjoying the locally-sourced fair food (and its corresponding antidote) the dog had clearly scarfed up something left by the previous bench occupant ( ). 

The screams, ringing bells, running people, and bellowing Tauros went blissfully unnoticed by Michi in her remote corner of the festival, but the smell of smoke— and the warning glow of red flames— was finally enough to catch her attention.  

“Oh no, the festival is on fire!” she exclaimed, clutching her empty paper trays and looking for a waste disposal bin. In the distraction, Lucky swallowed his hard-won takoyaki, seized his leash in both paws, and broke the line with a swift ROCK SMASH.

He went running towards the chaos, Michi letting out a strangled squeak behind him.  “...RAKI! Come back!” 

Both paws glowing in twin spheres of aura, the Riolu leapt into the stampede with a HELPING HAND, bolstering the resolve of a nearby Arctovish trying to take the wild bulls head-on ( ). Fists alight, the canine channeled his own vital spirit into the fish, lending it the strength to freeze the Tauros in their tracks.  



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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 16:19:40 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    The electrified Mega Steelix coiled around Tapu Bulu to thunderous effect. Lightning arced to the rampaging bull legendary, and for a moment it seemed like Zac had matched the creature's strength. But only for a moment.
    Tapu Bulu's bell clanged, and it dug its horns into Kev. The Steelix roared, lightning crackled, and with a mighty heave he was thrown into the air as the bull broke free. To the levitating Kev, the toss was more a setback than a beating. The serpent coiled in the air, slithering upward, climbing into the sky above his foe. 
    Of course Kev's not strong enough to take it on 1v1! Zac thought, berating himself. That thing's a damn legendary! If we're gonna challenge him it's gotta be as a team.
    Zac sent out Vern, who danced around the battlefield, looking for a clear space to stand that wasn't covered in rubble, electricity, or burning wreckage. No dice. "You've got everything you need, Vern!" Zac said, his deep voice reassuring the buck. Zac motioned to the fire and to 's electric terrain.
    Vern channeled Nature Power, his horns pulling in strands of energy from his surroundings. Flames from the wreckage, lightning from Selena, and ice from his own seasonal ruff, which was already starting to drip.  "Wait for Kev and then hit him with everything!" Zac shouted, as the fused, triplet of energy peaked in intensity.
    Kev slithered high into the air above Tapu Bulu. He twisted, facing downward, and his steely, crystal-pierced head began to shudder. Even without electricity, he was thirty feet of high-density revenge. The Steelix released his magnet rise, falling straight and true with the aid of earth's greatest gift: gravity. 


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 16:27:05 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

For a time, things were quiet. Alexei continued to munch on the grilled chicken stick that he was holding—in fact he was holding several in his free hand when he weighed Ruby’s offer.

“I’m sure the staff would love to have you over,” he remarked with a friendly eyebrow crinkle as he reached for another piece of grilled chicken and literally slid the skewer through his mouth.

Off went the chicken, and another couple of sticks joined the pile on the plate he was holding.

Of course, the peace wouldn’t last forever—the moment he heard wood smashing and glass breaking (holy shit) he looked around wildly. The sight of a Tauros running through the street tipped him off—oh, hell no!

“What the—” he stammered, before quickly reaching into the sleeve of what he was wearing and pulled out a Moon Ball. Up to full size, and skywards emerged his Salamence, Gabriel.

“Gabe! Try to Intimidate the Tauros and slow them down! Help anyone who needs assistance!” he called to the draconid.

In response, the Salamence roared and flew off to meet the incoming herd, giving the incoming Tauros its best interpretation of a depreciating moue via its Intimidate ability.


his attire + a fox mask as described. Also no scarf? What is this madness


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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
happily wed
Gym Receptionist
have a great, positive, and beautiful day!
305 posts
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TAG WITH @michiko
michiko maeda
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 16:39:04 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar

Giving up on finding a place to throw away her empty paper takoyaki trays, Michi chased after her Riolu, still holding the broken half of his leash. She stuffed it back into her bag as she hurried down the path, still utterly baffled by the situation. For all his faults, Thor had never done something like this. Did Lucky need a special harness?

Maybe I should have been more careful at the pet store,
she thought as she hurried up the path. When she and had gone to the one in Rustboro City, there had been special fireproof collars for fire-type Pokemon— maybe she should have bought a stronger leash. 

The main body of the festival was in shambles as wild-eyed Tauros tore through abandoned street stands— more than one was on fire, either due to Pokemon moves or just bad cooking safety regulations. There was no immediate sign of Lucky and Michi fought back tears of panic— there were many other Pokemon trainers around her trying to do their best. Surely she could help too!

“Meriru, I choose you! she cried, pulling a Pokeball out of her oversized handbag and tossing it forward. The round mouse emerged, its sleepy expression rapidly fading into surprise at the less-than-ideal circumstances. “Use Water Gun to put out the fire!” Michi cried, getting a little excited (she’d seen this happen many times in manga— it was a classic move!)

The Marill inflated visibly and then let a pressurized jet of water burst from her mouth, sweeping the flaming stands and spraying across the back and flanks of Tauros rampaging around the food stalls. Maybe some cold water would help them get their heads together! 



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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 17:08:20 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

Maverick wasn’t much of a social man. It was one of his many insecurities that he tries to hide, unsuccessfully of course. That much was very clear to anyone who knew him or has met him in the past. He often times labeled himself as a lone wolf, very independent and solitary individual by nature but deep down wanted to be part of a pack. The scarred man believes that this was one of the reasons why he joined the one villainous organization back home. Yes, he was young and naive. And yes, he was tricked. But, Maverick also thinks being alone might have been another contributing factor as well. This was all self speculation. In the end, it goes back to being naive and tricked into it. He was just thankful he managed to get out when he did and hoped that they don’t hunt him down. For once you joined, you are in it for life or they take your life.

Warm colored orbs held hers as he chewed his mouth full of meat, listening to what she had to say. Her smile made him feel less tense, but he was still uneasy at conversation. He swallowed his food, sweeping his tongue over his teeth in hopes no food would be stuck to them before he spoke. “A friend of mine told me that I need a break from work,” he started, leaning back in his chair and breaking eye contact with her for a moment, “they said that stress of work is starting to show. They suggested to come here and enjoy the festival for the night. Get my mind off of what has happened and focus on myself.”

His gaze glossed over for moment, lost deep in though for a minute or two before he blinked and returned his attention back to her. “But that’s enough about boring me, tell me about you. What made you come out tonight?” A hint of a smirk tugged the edges of his lips. “You said you were traveling. What are you looking for?”

He leaned forward to chomp down on other pieces of meat while waiting to see what she had to say.

for @vitalspiritfestival & at olde town. plz tag me if you engage with maverick. -roll-

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz
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he / him / his
august 1
silently judging everything
112 posts
Adam Lycaon DOLLARS
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Adam Lycaon
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 17:44:41 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

For now Adam was busy trying out the festival food, a half-formed article already written in his mind about the festival when he felt his phone vibrate once more.

Just as he’d downed another stick of grilled chicken, he took another bite and—and very nearly spit out the chunk of meat he had in his mouth.

What the bloody fuck?! He thought, quickly grabbing more sticks of chicken meat and slapping down some extra bills on the counter top before looking around wildly. While there was a herd of Tauros being dealt with by several other people, the main attraction—the one holding two…

Bloody hell, what in the name of everything Galarian was that?!

Cramming as much chicken chunks as he could in his mouth, he then ran pell-mell through the crowd, quickly fishing out his camera from beneath the haori and unscrewing the lens cap.

There was something on the rampage and he wanted to get a picture of it! No, even better—live video!

Quickly pulling out his Cinderace’s Pokéball, he threw it forward and watched as the rabbit hit the ground running beside him.

“Pyro Ball, at the ready! Aim to knock those bloody logs out of its hands!” he shouted, before the Cinderace boosted itself forward with a sudden rush of energy, kicking up a singular pebble before literally kicking it sky-high and going for an aerial Pyro Ball maneuver towards the logs that the strange Pokémon was holding!

At the same time this was going on, he quickly checked his camera settings—enough memory, check, enough battery, check

And proceeded to snap picture, after picture—after bloody damned-ass picture of the strange Pokémon going on the rampage!

There were other people as well aiming for the beast, and he saw the aerial Pyro Ball attempt soar towards where it was currently going bananas.


he's wearing the attire on the left and is HELLA weird about it


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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
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TAG WITH @celeste
Celeste Abbiati
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 18:55:22 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar

If Celeste was any less in control of herself, her eyebrows certainly would have raised quite dramatically at the strange interaction with . The only thing she could have described it as was... intimate, that was for sure. This was certainly news to her. Unsure how to feel about this new information, Celeste simply locked it down within her own mental vault to dissect later as the woman of the hour finally approached her. [break][break]

Of course, her laughter encouraged a quiet chuckle of her own in response. Of course, it had to simply just be lucky with how well her strongman attempt went, but she wasn't about to deny that it felt good. "The day that I carry you around is the day where the sky falls in on itself. Regardless, it is wonderful to see you." Forgoing leaning on her cane for a bit, Celeste simply leaned against Skyler as she had wrapped her arm around her. [break][break]

And yet, of course, another infamous person seeks @skylar's attention. Just how popular was she? Once again unsure how to feel about all of this, she finds herself casually dragged over towards the trees next to . Finding no need to introduce herself, Celeste only gave the man a firm nod in greeting as she once again leans on her own cane as Skyler heads out to do, whatever it is they planned to do, after handing Celeste her bottle. "Please, as if her own blood isn't already 100% alcohol at this point." [break][break]

As yet another unknown person ( ) approached the 'Captain' while she was busy, Celeste simply twirled her parasol as her thoughts finally began to wander. She wasn't used to being around so many people, that was for sure, but to see the individual she called her closest friend having so many other people who knew her, obviously cared about her, was a bit strange for the extremely introverted girl. Just how did everyone at the entire festival know who she was? [break][break]

If she had been honest with herself even remotely, she might have realized she began to find herself jealous a bit. Over the friendliness of everyone else, of their carefree nature, of simply just... being wanted by people. Of course, Celeste absolutely was not being honest with herself, burying those emotions deep underneath, putting on a false smile for now. [break][break]

Her attention slowly drifted across the festival to, what she could only imagine being, the sounds of a few bulls' loose causing havoc. Surely someone else would keep them under control, she was under no obligation to help even remotely, so why would she bother? It wasn't as if she was going to get thanked for it. Let someone else risk their lives for nothing, she would have no part in it.

notes Post 3! 


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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,545 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 19:05:54 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar








Melody's 6th post


Melody looked over to hear a ton of commotion going on and saw a bunch of Tauros attacking the festival! "look out!" she called to Chloe as she pushed her out of the way of a Tauros using giga impact and managed to barely dodge as well. The man's stall was absolutely destroyed but luckily they still had what they purchased safetly in their bags. Melody's dress was dirtied from the action and she stomped her foot at the taurous "HEY! you're ruining the festival!" she said as she pulled out a pokeball "Looks like I gotta lend a hand. find somewhere safe if you can Chloe im gonna go help!" she said as she rushed over to the area where the commotion was breaking out. [break][break]
Melody sent out her favorite and most trusted pokemon, primarina. "Prima! Seems like this crowd is getting too restless, lets get to work!" she smirked as she stood next to her primarina, she looked over and saw a couple of sprawling fires from knocked over grills. "Sparkling aria! Then use icy wind on the tauros to slow them down!" she ordered as Primarina's bubbles rushed over to the grills, the bubbles popping and stopping the burning. Primarina then did leaped into the air and from her mouth let out a breath that chilled the air and aimed it towards the Tauros in an attempt to slow them down.



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 19:14:19 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the phone rings on his pocket, but there's no time for him to pick it up and look at the messages in his inbox.

continuous assault on the legendary to calm it down is still required. as destructive as the taurus were, they were secondary compared to the threat that the tapu bulu imposes over the festival.


as soon as the mightyena scares away the taurus from around them, it directs its next move to the tapu bulu, snarling before the legend to power it down with its move.



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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 19:54:58 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"i, uh, i'll help too!"

his espeon pops his head out of priam's backpack on cue, just in time to see a herd of taurus approach them. he turns his head around to meet his espeon's stare, though the psychic-type quickly takes his eyes off of priam and into the taurus.

psychic starts to power up as the espeon's eyes glow. a blast of energy pushes the taurus out of their trajectory, disrupting their path towards where priam and company stood.

"ooh, nice!" he remarks, watching his pokemon do a good job.


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march 19th
pacifidlog town
rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
313 posts
peggie vela DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @plank
peggie vela
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 21:21:44 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Never has Plank experienced excitement turn to dread quite as quickly as now.

Setting off that first firework is a rush, it's fun! It blasts off with a loud whizzing that makes her ears ring and then explodes with colors and sounds that make her whole body ring. She's smiling like an idiot when she hands the lighter back to Priam.

Then the second and third fireworks go off and there's . . . a rumble? And then loud cries. And then chaos. And it is definitely their fault.

"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck," Plank freezes up as Oscar and Priam jump into action managing the Tauros. Their first instinct is to face the trouble head on, Plank's is to get out of there. If there's anything she knows it's that getting caught after making a problem this messy is practically a death sentence.

"C'mon guys, we're runnin'," she murmurs anxiously to Mama and Jack. Without so much as a backward glance or word of goodbye she sprints away from her companions and into the panicking crowd.

"Jack, Mama, keep the Tauros off us!" she orders. Instantly Jack begins to loudly SING in the direction of the nearest wild pokemon, a move Mama emulates with COPYCAT.


ooc: post 8/15

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 22:03:25 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
's urgent glance is not lost on Gavin; sharp amber eyes reflect the Rocket Beast's concern.

Festival-goers, Rockets, and unlikely companions alike scatter to the four winds as chaos erupts in sleepy Oldale. The crowd parts to make way for a herd of rampaging Tauros, and an entirely different bull rises above the masses with entire trees wielded in its rage. He is not a religious man, but years of living among Hoennian culture has schooled him to the island deity's identity: Tapu Bulu has awoken.

His attention drawn to the enraged legendary, Gavin doesn't notice 's rapid approach until she slams into him from the side.

"Fuck," Gavin growls, annoyed, as he staggers sideways and barely manages to keep his footing. He was sturdy, tall, but no amount of stability could completely negate a blind tackle. "Watch where you're going!"

The words are snarled before his gaze falls upon the offending party, recognition sparking in his eyes. "We don't run from our problems," he says, voice low, before he reaches for a pokeball at his belt and sends his Dhelmise onto the field. The spectral anchor lands with a thud, cracking pavement beneath its heavy frame.

"Pin down that bull!"

Dhelmise were known to hunt Wailord for sport, ensnaring them in seaweed chains to prevent their escape. Gavin's Dhelmise is no different, and it relishes the thought of a legendary foe. Its ANCHOR SHOT hurtles toward Tapu Bulu.


Post #9 / outfit
Nearly bowled over by a running ; got permission from Sunshine!
Dhelmise uses ANCHOR SHOT on Bulu.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
part of
TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 22:07:46 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





silver leaves in the air

of starseedlings



Two Blacephalon plushies.

Again, Remiel wasn't sure idolizing the clown was appropriate. This didn't quite feel like a 'grand prize' either, and he wondered whether there was even a grand prize at all. Just as he looked up at his attendant to ask, however, he finally noticed something familiar about them.[break][break]

Fireworks explode in the distance.

The time he has to regard is instead spent turning to regard the cheers. He nods to when their eyes meet. Shortly thereafter, the bellowing of Tauros fills the festival like a primal alarm. Cheers turn to frightened screams and warnings to run.[break][break]

Returning Admiral to his ball, the prince is quick to move before summoning his Leavanny, a cherry blossom variant named Otafuku. The Tauros haven't reached his part of the festival just yet, but the appearance of the legendary TAPU BULU up above calls to him instead.[break][break]


"Slow it down with your Sticky Web."[break][break]

The royal commands with a sharp wave of his hand, watching from below as the crowd of people run past him and away from the enraged island guardian. Otafuku, in the meantime, smiles as she's given the chance to be of great service to her master once more.[break][break]

With a soundless leap, she lands atop a tall wooden pole decorated in festival ribbons before spewing a sticky sheet of web at the Tapu.[break]


notes: Remiel parts from the balloon game and summons his Leavanny, prompting it to try and restrain Tapu Bulu with Sticky Web.[break][break]



wearing: blue and white hanbok[break]
post count: 13/15[break]


open to new encounters!


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