i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 6:38:49 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Getting thrown around and manhandled really isn't something that she can say she's okay with, but she knows at they very least how to roll with the punches. Even with the sudden accelerations and slams, she's lucky that Reiner catches her in the nick of time, even luckier that he somehow manages to reduce the damage they take. There's no time for 'how'd you do that' or 'what should we do', her instincts just tell her to hug him tight as he claws and scrabbles his way through the swamp.
Hopping through the portal takes a little bit of courage and lots of faith, drawn from the fact that others have already gone in before her. Even seems at ease going ahead so...
Man, this really feels like those scenarios where you get asked if a friend jumps, would you jump too? Still, it's either follow suit or get left behind.
A safe landing doesn't mean that their adventure is over, and nature makes that clear with a behemoth set upon the horizon. But her eyes are quick to flick to the other creature present, her thoughts rushing as she breathes in the heavy scent of rust.
Her hope and desperate wishes well up in a bitter storm.
"Reiner, trust me on this one." Leaving no space for argument, Eris recalls the Luxray and summons her Yanmega. "Fly fast. Up!"
As soon as he gains his bearings, Ame begins to fly, zooming towards the giant Seviper with absolute faith. As for her Unown, she trusts that will know what he's doing.
"Aim for the teeth! Defang it!" She yells, watching the branches ahead Grow by her will. They stretch and reach, firmly latching onto the Seviper and creeping up its body. The smaller branches dare to venture further, seeking the gaps between scales to grow into and pry loose.
When Ame gets close enough to the serpent's mouth, he braces, aiming several Night Slashes right at the tooth and darting out of harm's way in between.
"Xerneas doesn't want your love bites, bitch!"

Tl;dr -[break]
- Swapping Luxray for Yanmega[break]
- pls dont kill my unown :^)[break]
- Eris using Growth on the tree branches to try to restrain the Seviper's movements[break]
- Yanmega using Night Slash on the Seviper's fangs to try and DEFANG THE BINCH...[break]
- Salac x 1
[attr="class","adrie-note"]geomancy: into the woods



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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 8:03:51 GMT
mint frost Avatar

The next few events are a whirlwind, adrenaline pumping through his chest so hard he felt like he was moving in a blur. First the defeat of the monstruous Rilaboom and the subsequent fall of his friend. H’ed been struggling a bit with all of this so maybe it was better Walsh take . Then there’s the portal and the awful sight before him. The giant snake, Xerneas hacking on it’s death bed. And then the smoke. Gods, he hated this part. As he choking through it, he noted all the other members already in action. Though he can’t see very well, he and Straciatella rush after the sound of his voice. While the beast attempted first aid Mint is already setting his eyes on the snake looming over them. “Buffer them Straciatella!” he ordered, having the mega pokemon set herself between the beast and Xerneas. [break][break]

?! Sure, I guess?!” he shouted barely processing his superior officer’s plan. Fuck it right? Do or die and all that. He swallowed as something weird grew on the admin’s skin before looking over at Sugar and then back at his boss. “Straciatella, throw him at that thing with Wood Hammer so I can pet the boss’ pussy.” The Mega Abomasnow got into position, as if about to bat a home run. With ease she lifts Chu-e, tossing him lightly in the air before waiting and slamming her other arm on him, shooting them as far they could go. Mint meanwhile is quick to hold open his arms to catch the poor Meowth. “Got ya Miss Sugar! Hang out with us for a bit.” He said giving the cat a quick pat on the head to calm her if needed before setting his sights on the fight once more. [break][break][break][break]


The smokescreen was being dealt with and he could see multiple other rockets moving through either surging on the attack or moving to heal. As he tried to figure out what to do next, Straciatella’s SNOW WARNING flared up, causing a HAIL storm to start. “Y-Yeah ok. Let’s try this.” He said to himself as he stepped behind Straciatella and pointed his index finger at the Seviper. He’s not quite sure if it’ll work but if they could slow down that thing, it would be enough. Trying to picture how his other pokemon did it, he moved his finger in a figure eight motion watching the tip of it glow once more before willing the growing orb of light to wobble its way up to the Seviper’s eyes. “Hopefully this doesn’t bring its attention to me.” He grumbled. As soon as he managed to send the CONFUSE RAY off, the ground began to rumble, and he could only turn to look at struggling to stay upright. [break][break]



+ Lapras | hydration | hydro pump, ice beam, confuse ray, sing, rain dance, body slam [break][break]


mildly concerned over prince but then sees him and wlash lucked out and avoided jorgusdfdsfsd snek [break]
oh fuck oh shit theres legends dying ?? and legends showing up?!!?! [break]
follows bryan, sets up in between Xerneas and Seviper with Straciatella the Abommasnow [break]
yeets chu-e with WOOD HAMMERRRRRR [break]
Straciatelle the Abomasnow pulls up with SNOW WARNING making it HAIL AGAIN (1/5)
Mint catches Sugar, uses CONFUSE RAY on the Seviper to mixed results [break]
Straciatella the MEga Abomasnow (2/3)



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 19:54:36 GMT
Deleted Avatar
hemlock's tail whips about in satisfaction as the monkey's flesh corrodes. the sickening snap against it from an ally only satisfies her further and her front hands splay across the ground, frills vibrating under her neck. ari watches, relieved, as the child escapes from the clutches of the beast, only to scamper forward headfirst into more danger. 

she's here for a reason. , child prodigy of rocket, and one of its elite members, is infamous for a reason. but ari hasn't been around the block long enough to know her presence, her name. 

she spies lex and her beau leaping into the portal and, finding what's left of her courage, plunges in after. 

she's immediately hit with a wave of smoke that sends her hacking and coughing. she crouches low, swapping hemlock for dragon so the mighty beast can dance through the air and disperse it around her.
// hello portal my old friend
// switches hemlock (salazzle) for dragon (gyarados)
// dragon (gyarados) uses DRAGON DANCE to disperse the smoke around ari & raise its stats
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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2022 20:50:26 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar



Luckily they managed to handle the Rillaboom once and for all and Eris was free. Serena could feel a heavy weight lift off her shoulders for a moment before everyone started making moves towards the portals. The portals were located further up the path where she and her group had cleared much earlier. [break][break]

"Serena! Need a lift?” a familiar voice called out to her. Looking up in the skies she saw Mars on the back of his Noivern flying towards her. She wouldn't say no to a free uber ride out of this fucking swamp. She'd had enough of all of this anyway. "Hell yeah," she said as she reached up and took hold of his hand before the pair both rode off towards the portals. [break][break]

Once passing through however the sight that awaited them on the other side was a gruesome one. Somehow they had managed to be teleported atop the giant tree they had once been staring up at. But above all of that before them was a gargantuan Seviper gorging itself on it's latest meal, Xerneas. [break][break]

Amber eyes wide in disbelief this Rocket Beast felt her lunch threaten to come up at the sight before anger washed over her. Before she could do or say anything a deafening screech could be heard. Within moments Rocket amassed together and began to target the Seviper in hopes to free Xerneas. Some went on the offensive while other's supported at the command of future rocket beast . [break][break]

The source of the screech appeared as it forcefully ripped its way through dimensions to provide aid to it's ally. Yveltal in it's carnal rage launched an assault on the Seviper likes of which Serena had never seen. She needed to act too, remembering the words Yveltal had shared with her and Adrian that fateful day. [break][break]

Serena swaps out her Salazzle for her Shiny Gardevoir as she points towards Xerneas. "Heal 'em, quick! Work with the other's and provide support." Serenity nodded and quickly cast a LIFE DEW on Xerneas along with countless other's doing the same. Meanwhile Serena's eyes narrowed on the Seviper as she slammed her foot into the ground. Giant tendrils of viny whips extended and flew towards the serpent at high speeds coiling threating to beat the snake into submission with a POWER WHIP. [break][break]

With the help of people like Eris using the tree branches to restrict the Seviper's movements Serena hoped to be able to apply enough pressure with the rest of Rocket so that Xerneas could be freed. She didn't want to begin to think what sort of fuckery could happen with that damned snaked juiced on the god of life's powers. [break][break]



+ more tags: + [break]
+ Outfit[break]
+ xtra notes/tl;dr: Get's a ride from on his Noivern and they go through the portal together. They see big snake chompin on deer god and get angy. Serena makes note of Yveltal's fury and watches his attack before decided to join in. Calls forth Serenity, her Shiny Gardevoir and orders her to heal Xerneas with LIFE DEW. Meanwhile she launches giant vine whips at the Seviper in a POWER WHIP in hopes to beat it into submission. Hopes that through all of Rocket's effort they can provide distraction enough for Yveltal or whoever to break Xerneas free ^.^[break]


Serena + Geomancy Raid

made by gimmick

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2022 14:27:30 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar



Well wasn't that an interesting sight. [break][break]

Watching the snake trying to devour it's prey at such a large scale was interesting to say the least. Though as he sees the Seviper things from before begin to click with the fangs, and the symbol from before. Was it also a part of this life circle? Oh well didn't matter in the end as they were here for power, and it seems like one of their grunts, , was quite fixated on saving the deer. Though after seeing what had happened to the gorilla pokemon from before, he doubts it'll die. Though this was Rocket's prey so of course Pryde would do his part as the Heatran moves themselves closer. [break][break]

Returning the Heatran to it's pokeball Pryde calls for his Meltan before he takes out a little cube. One that grunt might recognize from previous experiments on a certain Zigzagoon. Tossing the cube at the blob of steel the small creature seems to twitch and turn. Something within the cube messing with the very structure of the hex nut pokemon as it's transformation as the cube forces an evolution out of it. [break][break]


The now Melmetal is huffing at it's sudden change looking back at it's master who is just smiling to show that he is pleased for once. Validation that the small pokemon had come to learn to seek from the man so while it wasn't ready for it, its was clear he was going to still serve to keep on his master's good side. "Now we're going to help attack aim for the Seviper, don't worry about hitting the deer," Pryde raises his hand as he begins to concentrate as he attempts to use a SAND TOMB on the snake. "It'll recover like the others." is his reasoning as he gives a whistle to command his new pokemon. [break][break]

the Melmetal gives a roar in confirmation as it then charges and uses a FLASH CANNON toward the snake. [break][break]



[break]+ Pryde uses Heatran to get a bit closer.
[break]+ Recalls Heatran for Meltan.
[break]+ Pryde uses an experiment of his to evolve the Meltan to Melmetal
[break]+ Pryde uses SAND TOMB and Melmetal use FLASH CANNON
[break]+ Neither care if xerneas gets hurt while trying to attack.
[break]+ Using 1 Salac



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2022 3:47:56 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Hyper Beam probably wasn't the best opening move. Oscar was so excited to have sexy gyrados powers that he had forgotten the whole 'recharge' aspect of Hyper Beam. As his attack faded he felt incredibly drained, his entire body seemed to ache as his muscles begged for mercy. At least the wall was open now.

Everyone else entered the wall, and Oscar tried to follow. Every step seemed to wind him though, so he made it known that he would be a tad sluggish. "Hey um---oof---I'm just gonna----huff---stay a bit back until I---huff---get my bearings---holy shit my back." Oscar sat down near the other side of the wall's hole, looking upon the massive Seviper with a heavy heart. How the fuck were they going to take that on? Oscar groaned, where was Navitas when he needed it?

Navitas had thought the Rillaboom was finished when a fucking hole was drilled through it. When the Rillaboom continued its assault, Navitas let out a discomforted whirr. It had seen some pretty fucked up shit in Ultra Space, and this really brought it back. Luckily it knew exactly how to get something to stay down. 

Navitas flew forward, waiting for an opening to Wrap itself around the Rillaboom's upper body. It was going to make special care to wrap its tendrils through the Rillaboom's hole so that it would be extra-hard to dislodge Navitas. If it succeeds, Navitas would then begin pulling as hard as it could--its goal being to rip the Rillaboom's already damaged upper body off of its waist. 


--Gyrados-Oscar is recharging from Hyper Beam.
--Navitas waited for an opening and uses Wrap on the Blue Path Rillaboom. It is trying to wrap its tendrils through its gore-hole so it can rip the Rillaboom in half.
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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2022 5:54:05 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar



i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.



They exited the portal to a sight ripped straight from the pages of myth. The questions that run amok of Killian's mind are numerous. How did the Seviper get so large? Why is it here, in the realm of a god? Did the blood of Xerneas empower it? The answers are clouded like the smoke that erupts from the viper's mouth. [break][break]

He coughed, batting the smoke away with an arm. and others act quickly to try and defog the smokescreen. Shortly after, everyone's on the attack. [break][break]

Dismounting from Naganadel, he swaps the Ultra Beast for Indeedee. A Psychic Surge layers the ground in the bright purple light of Psychic Terrain at her release.[break][break]

The admin held his breath and shut his eyes. Inside him, an entity stirred from its slumber. Deoxys' displeasure rocked him immediately, bringing him to his knees. They should not be here amid the gods. What had its host brought upon them? Deoxys sought to take control and force them to leave. [break][break]

"No." Killian muttered through clenched teeth. Muscles strained as he fought for control. The alien wailed inside his mind, but Killian didn't relent. "There's nowhere to go. We're trapped here. Fight and show your strength by destroying the snake. Do that, and we may be able to leave." he pleaded. [break][break]

Is there truly no other choice? Deoxys doubted it but it will comply. There will be consequences, however. Killian felt the threat inside his bones as the creature poured from his mouth. It left enough of itself behind on the way out to maintain their bond. [break][break]


Deoxys forms from the pool of red and blue liquid, tentacles violently assaulting the air as it rises into the sky. It set its sights on the serpent. Pulling from the Psychic Terrain, it condensed its psionic powers into a sphere between its tentacles. With a wild cry, Psycho Boost rocketed at the viper. [break][break]

"Indeedee, Helping Hand." Killian spat between pained gasps for air. Indeedee obeyed, bolstering the attacks power with a Helping Hand.[break][break]



  • Swaps Naganadel for Indeedee. Indeedee's ability actives a Psychic Terrain.
  • Asks Deoxys to help, it agrees but only because it must.
  • Deoxys uses Psycho Boost enhanced by the Psychic Terrain.
  • Indeedee further strengthens the attack with Helping Hand.


notes about this post


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2022 5:58:56 GMT
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As the portal lurched forward swallowing many whole—Rayne hadn't had a clue of what was happening behind him, still somewhat focused on those with the Rillaboom, trying to motion for them to hurry on over with a slight grimace of distress—the last thing Rayne was blackness swallow his vision as he saw the gored corpse of the giant mutant Rillaboom.[break][break]

When Rayne had found himself able to see again, he'd turned around to witness the sight the rest of the Rockets had seen, bringing his hand to his mouth in shock at the grotesque sight of the giant seviper drinking from... whatever the creature in its grip had been, a strange crystalline deer pokémon that he'd never seen before... yet it seemed familiar, like something out of a children's story he once read. Regardless, he couldn't afford to drop his concentration thinking of some old fable.[break][break]

"Chance, Thunder Wave! We'll help everyone else out by keeping that damn thing still!" he'd called out, sending out his close partner Rotom, tire and stress in his voice, it was the second giant pokémon Rayne had seen within the last 5 minutes and he was not happy about that at all. The small sentient bolt of lightning had chipperly laughed, its laughter like static as it bolted about the clearing, happy to move about and zoom between pokémon and their attacks to get close enough to spark a THUNDER WAVE at the giant serpent![break][break]

Rayne had further added to the support, sand seeming to move with him conducting, taking advantage of this, the eccentric islander had used his Palossand-like features to attempt to blind the Seviper with a SAND ATTACK! Whether to prevent its retaliations or to stop it from dodging!


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- Rayne got succ'd into the portal without looking, his focus on the Rillaboi, probably nearly tripped.[break]
- Rotom used THUNDER WAVE against massive snek.[break]
- Rayne threw pocket sand at the thing, SAND ATTACK as he moved sand like some sort of weird Sand Bender.
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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,478 posts
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2022 8:09:15 GMT

the voiding presence of the portal chills his skin, but he tempers himself against it, willing his nerves to keep their cool. fighting constantly didn't mean it was any less nervewracking, but rather, you learned to keep your shit together.
and looking ahead - he was glad he did.
the scene was something out of myths and legends, but the awe inspiring serpent and his kaleidoscoped horned prey did not appeal to the turncoat. moments later, the heavily breathing lucario appears behind him, gauging the situation with placid eyes

sighing again, king wished he had another cigarette right about now.
"clear the smoke, let's just worry 'bout livin', ye?"
with EXTREME SPEED, lucario works to scatter the smokescreen around himself and those closest to them.
king only turned and watched as gods and titans did battle.

⊕ 2/3 Mega [break]
⊕ EXTREMESPEED to break up smoke[break]

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[newclass=".snubis123 .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2022 8:18:01 GMT
shiv Avatar




"Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon - Tree of Life Remix" - Kamex


@rayne (palossand), (runerigus), (milotic), (cacturne), (swanna), (palossand), (claydol), (dhelmise), (tsareena), (lapras), (nidoqueen), (cherrim), (garchomp), (golurk), (prinplup), (feebas), (leafeon), (garchomp)[break][break][break][break]


, , @ari, ,


THE SMOKE IS SUFFOCATING. Within its infernal fumes, the clawing stench of odious gas drills into your tearducts. Rumbling movement can be heard behind the smokey field. [break][break]

As their syndicate rushes in fearlessly, the smoke is a frustrating curtain. and his ROTOM attempt to clear the air, ghostly scarves of colour mingling with the rich ceruleans of @ari's GYARADOS. As it DRAGON DANCES, cyclones of smoke curl upward as 's BRAVIARY DEFOGS them.[break][break]

A FAIRY WIND from 's TOGEKISS graces the field, illuminating the dark near . On top of 's charging DRACOVISH, she siphons the smoke, her transformed physique cleaning the air. The rest is cleared by 's LUCARIO as it darts around, its EXTREMESPEED tugging tails of smoke to a blue blur. And through the smoke, 's MEGA EVOLVED SWAMPERT charges, a HYDRO PUMP coursing through to create a tunnel of brief clarity through the smoke.[break][break]

 In the mean time, determines that they require a method of escape should things go south. Summoning their UNOWN to attempt to create a rift, the ocular Pokemon is joined by others. Should a rift be successfully made, it would take time. The right circumstances. Untrained Unown like these must get lucky finding where the boundaries lie. And as they work, Rocket takes the offensive.[break][break]

However, the smoke reveals an unnerving and defeating sight. Where the Seviper once glared is its body, its sharp head and Xerneas no where to be found. An arched bridge of black scales awaits punishment. Everyone's attacks are already launched— and everyone's attempts to heal the Xerneas make no purchase.


A SAND TOMB from collides with the body, stones tearing into its flesh. His own attack is instrumental in allowing others to harm the SEVIPER, removing the initial layer of protection from its scales. It is a powerful display— one that warrants awe. 's SWAMPERT slams against the hard wall with a HAMMER ARM, knocking a scale off. It suddenly disappears.[break][break]

's SABLEYE would find itself switching with the dislodged scale instead, claws digging into the black skin of the SEVIPER[ to keep itself secure. By 's feet is a black snake scale as tall as half his height.[break][break]

 In the vacuum of the smokescreen, expels SHADOW MIASMA. Its inky smoke spreads as he vanishes, his LUGIA striking a THUNDER down at the wall. It is joined by @rayne's ROTOM'S THUNDER WAVE, which shackles a falling scale and stone from striking 's SABLEYE.[break][break]

' BLASTOISE MEGA EVOLVES like 's LUCARIO. As its body reconfigures itself into a terrifying fortress, a GMAX CANNONADE makes impact, blowing a bloody chunk of flesh off. strikes with POWER WHIPS of her own, knocking off scales with each THWACK. Nearby, forces his MELTAN to evolve. The product of his past experiments, his MELMETAL strikes with a blinding FLASH CANNON while 's psychic assault snaps against the snake.[break][break]

After arrives to the frontlines, his VENUSAUR erupts the tree wood below the SEVIPER. This segment of the body arches upward, allowing to demonstrate his grotesque powers. From his maw, DEOXYS forms. It generates with horrible speed before firing a PSYCHO BOOST: a brilliant orb of psychic energy impacting the arched snake before detonating.[break][break]

In the ensuing explosion, delivers a damning EARTHQUAKE with her KROOKODILE. The whole tree quakes, branches and leaves swaying violently as a sharp limb bursts upward, almost severing this segment of blood, flesh and scale from the rest of its body.


AS THE ATTACKS ARE LAUNCHED, 's MEGA ABOMASNOW launches something too. With a WOOD HAMMER, , coated in INDESTRUCTIBLE BLACK CRYSTAL is thrown with his MEGA MEOWTH'S help. Through the HAIL he soars, and he soon realizes the SEVIPER'S HEAD is out of view. He lands near the battered segment of body, latching on like a tick.[break][break]

He tastes old blood. A mixture of blood. And his own...[break][break]


The SEVIPER reveals itself behind everyone, curling out from underneath the tree and back up again to the top. Despite looking pained, the serpent siphons blood again before tossing the weak XERNEAS to the treetop floor. Those near the torn body segment can see it start to HEAL AGAIN.[break][break]

As it lunges forth, maw finally free, BLINDS the snake's eyes. Quickly, 's DARKRAI appears. A DARK VOID is launched— and its potent hypnotics take effect...[break][break]

 And in the briefest of moments, redirects his YANMEGA to shoot toward the SEVIPER to strike one of its fangs. A NIGHT SLASH slices across one and it breaks— but the SEVIPER AWAKES IMMEDIATELY. Its large eyes, as big as herself, open and where the broken fang once was, another GROWS IN ITS PLACE.[break][break]

It hisses, launching itself toward her— but 's previous CURSE causes it to wince, buying her time to escape.[break][break]

During the drama, its body coils around the tree. Slowly, but surely, it tightens in toward the Rockets. A bladed tail flicks out from behind one of the walls, striking across and and their Pokemon. It drags itself across the tree top, cutting across leaf and branch before it meets the SEVIPER'S MOUTH.[break][break]

Quickly, the SEVIPER suckles on its bloody tail as its body segment heals completely...


IT IS CLEAR, THERE IS A MOMENT TO RETALIATE AS IT HEALS. However, a morbid bubbling of blood emerges from the treetop "floor." Where 's EARTHQUAKE had forged crevasses and where the SEVIPER'S blade had carved rivers, blood erupts like geysers. Thick, coagulated life force oozes out... and slowly solidifies.[break][break]

Those who have given the blood of their Pokemon or themselves would soon face a bloodied version of themselves. No skin. No hair. However, the same colour eyes. The same facial structures. The same poses and remembered behaviours. Like hemophilic zombies, they mimic and attempt to strike those affected.[break][break]

Rocket's scientists such as , , and may eventually figure out that even if a Pokemon had bled instead of its owner, the biosignatures of its trainer have combined with it. A bond of some kind; perhaps, through companionship and the bond of battling, human and pokemon influence each other in ways invisible to the naked eye.[break][break]

 These blood copies engage their counterparts aggressively. Their blood reforms, corrupted by this SEVIPER'S POWERS. Due to his greedy appetite, will have the momentary ability to blood bend his copy to receive the advantage— but not by much. In contrast, , after having torn apart the RILLABOOM with his XURKITREE, realizes that his own copy is charging a HYPER BEAM of its own...

THOSE WITH BLOOD COPIES should attempt to roll higher than a 50 to avoid being hindered or harmed by them. Furthermore, and are at risk of BEING KILLED if they miss this round.

's PORYGON-Z would identify the SEVIPER'S EYES AND THE WRIST THAT CONNECTS THE TAIL TO ITS BLADE as possible WEAK POINTS. Severing its head will prevent it from SIPHONING MORE BLOOD too. Furthermore... this SEVIPER DOES NOT SEEM TO BELONG IN THIS REALM.[break]

, , @ari, , , , , and are ultimately free agents. Unbound by macabre doppelgangers, they are able to act without threat of being killed by their bloody copies.[break][break]

As COMBEE fly about the SEVIPER, the gargantuan snake seems unphased. It hisses loudly before lunging toward — but his patron arrives with a ghostly collision. A PHANTOM FORCE collides with the snake, knocking it back. However, the world serpent swiftly takes the advantage. Far larger than anything anyone has seen, it uses its bladed tail to keep the YVELTAL from flying from safety.[break][break]

Fangs tear into wing and breast while the SEVIPER is clawed and torn into by the deity of death. The SEVIPER manages to slam the YVELTAL against the treetop flooring. Fangs glow red as they cage the legendary— and the YVELTAL stares at , eye wide as it communicates telepathically:[break][break]


A powerful, crimson light strikes , paining his eyes. It floods into his body and rushes through every limb, coursing through every single vein. Somewhere, realizes his YVELTAL powers are now gone...

  • Adrian has more control over his powers, able to activate and deactivate his physical touch's ability to steal vitality.
  • Adrian can enfeeble enemies from a close range or by contact. The closer he is to the target, the more they are affected.
  • Adrian can briefly become impervious after stealing vitality.

THE ROUGHENED YVELTAL REGAINS SOME POWER TOO, able to knock the SEVIPER BACK to free itself. It flaps its wings to create distance, joining the ZEKROM and LUGIA that stand or fly by their owners.


AS THE XERNEAS BLEEDS OUT, the metallic bitterness of air stuns the senses. A WINTRY WIND tickles 's ear. The SUICUNE he had seen before has scaled the SEVIPER'S LENGTH and stands on the scaled body. It leaps, dropping onto a bloodied river from XERNEAS' NECK WOUND from before. Underneath its paws, the blood purifies to a clear liquid... It responds to and offers its help for now.[break][break]

  • For this round, Suicune is under Rowan's control. You may choose its moveset like a gachapon Pokemon.
  • After this round, the Suicune will leave, escaping the treetop.

possesses some of the last supply of Team Rocket's blue mulch, cultivated thanks to the previous Rocket boss, CADIS and Head Scientist, EVA DUMONT. As the situation grows dire, he may devise a use for it or not.[break][break]


THOSE ENGAGING WITH THE CROSSWORD must solve the crossword and use the two words in their post. ICly, these two words will be seen.

Meanwhile, and the UNOWN from , , , work on creating a new rift. Finally, the UNOWN find a break in the boundary. They tear open physical space as blood copies strike at their trainers. However, a similar sight graces and those nearby. The rift must be unlocked once again...


AS THE SERPENT MAKES ITS LAST STAND, it opens its jaw wide. A torrent of blood surges from its throat and from the cascade, a BLOOD COPY OF XERNEAS emerges. Its bloody antlers swing toward 's YVELTAL for a HORN LEECH.[break][break]

Steadily, the SEVIPER tightens its coil. Everyone inside is in threat of being crushed as deep shadows cast from the snake's wall-like body.[break][break]




PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOW RULES. During this round, you MUST ROLL. We are almost at the end, everyone![break][break]

Please include a TL;DR with your posts and highlight POKEMON USED & THEIR MOVES. Please ensure that you write the POKEMON SPECIES should you refer to them by their nickname.[break][break]

Your Pokémon can perform ONE MOVE and your character can perform ONE MOVE (if transformed). AVATAR-RELATED POKEMON can now be used freely as well.[break][break]





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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2022 9:04:40 GMT
Deleted Avatar








Rayne had to jump out of the way of a falling slice of stray branch from the gargantuan serpent's vicious movements, his gaze flicking about as he can't help but notice that the Seviper had coiled around them, surrounding them easily. He'd considered voicing his concerns but it was doubtlessly easy to notice such a towering thing around them.[break][break]

"Goodness, that's grotesque," Rayne says rather plainly, bringing his hand to his mouth and shuddering, yet despite the motion seems rather unfazed by the ghoulish bloody recreation of himself and his fellow Rockets. Nonetheless, he does understand their aggressive nature, whatever they are—and that if he makes it out of this alive he's sticking to his café for the rest of his life—returning his Rotom to its ball post-haste, the excitable bolt of lightning potentially disastrous with its tendency to go haywire with its Discharge, instead bringing out his Inteleon once more![break][break]

"Tireur, Water Pulse, knock that poor imitation down until there's nothing left," despite the eccentric seeming to only be voicing his disdain and none of his physical actions particularly showing it, there is a palpable amount of disgust in his voice seeing the emaciated crimson caricature of himself. His aggression heard loud and clear, the Inteleon fires off blasts of WATER PULSE. With the fact that they're formed from what assumedly was blood, perhaps the blast of pressure and sound could disrupt the creeping terror's bodies?[break][break]

Worrying for the worst, it seems Rayne's body tenses up, sand and soil coalescing at his feet in preparation for the worst as he SHORES UP.


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- Rayne is angy that there's an specifically ugly and emaciated copy of himself attacking him, he does not appreciate not looking good.[break]
- Inteleon fires WATER PULSE at Blood Rayne, hoping to disrupt its body constitution (since it's blood(?)) with high pressures and sound waves.[break]
- Rayne SHORES UP to hopefully not get horribly scarred :')
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2022 13:02:30 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
The snake is massive. Bigger than anything Gavin's ever seen. As he watches its wounds knit together with the power of life it siphons, the first threads of despair take root in his thoughts. Everywhere he turns, the black scales threaten. The arena in which they fight for their lives grows smaller.

If we cut off the head—

He doesn't get to finish the thought. A blood echo launches toward him, wearing his face and striking out with his fists. Gavin curses and ducks a blow, whistling for his Lucario. He strikes back at the scarlet doppelganger, from the left while Niamh echoes from the right with a DRAIN PUNCH. The anchor at the end of his arm attempts to latch onto the threat and GIGA DRAIN whatever vestige of lifeforce it possessed. How dare it wear his own image to assault him?


With a fierce gale that tugs at clothes and hair, Lugia abandons the assault on Seviper and swoops toward him. The blood echo is blasted with the force of a HURRICANE, staggering Gavin before he rights himself and climbs aboard her back.

If able, she'd take them both up and out of reach, lashing out with her spiked tail to rebuke her avatar's echo.

"CUT OFF IT'S HEAD!" Gavin yells, loud as he can in the hopes that Rocket might hear him. He sees that some among their number are not plagued by bloody beasts, and calls, "THOSE OF YOU FREE, FOCUS THE SNAKE!"

From the air, or at least from the height upon his patron's back, he spots 's macabre display and the beast that has long hunted. Whatever the intentions of Decker's parasite, it seems the benefits are mutualistic — not unlike the Pokérus. There is a moment of trepidation for their new might quickly replaced by pride in Rocket, in this fractured family they've forged together.

Gavin's Unown, given no direction, hover anxiously with their kin in the hopes of contributing their HIDDEN POWER to a common goal.

Gavin is assaulted by his blood-copy and fights back with GIGA DRAIN as LUCARIO strikes at it with DRAIN PUNCH.
He calls out telepathically for LUGIA, who flies down to blast the blood copy with HURRICANE before letting Gavin climb aboard her back in the hopes of flying out of reach of the doppelganger.
Either from the air or just from Lugia's back, Gavin calls to cut off the snake's head, specifically calling for those without blood copies. ( @ari ) It's loud and chaotic and they may not hear him or pay any attention, just tagging in case anyone wants to interact w/ that!
Crossword clues are in there, had to do some mental gymnastics for that second one.
Gavin's Unown are just vibing so they'll contribute HIDDEN POWER to the group goal if needed!

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2022 14:45:58 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]A basic grasp of video games would tell you that true bosses never die at their first stage. They're bound to resurge with even greater power and pose a bigger threat the longer the fight draws on.
When the tooth cracks and falls, she whistles for Ame to swoop in and break it up with another Night Slash, then snatch whatever vestiges of war drop. And once he's done so, they're forced to retreat, the Yanmega darting close enough for her to grab on and zooming away without another look back.
But just before they can properly regroup, they come face to face with what she can only describe as a 'muscular recreation' of her own body. Whatever these things are, she just hopes that it won't contaminate their own blood and possibly give them some sort of Pokerus or incurable condition. And with how more are beginning to bubble up from the gashes, she'll have to deal with her own mirror amalgamation as quickly as possible.
Petals erupt in a vicious Blizzard, twirling and speeding up as they cut at any blood clones in her vicinity. And yet, they can't afford to stay when she notices the Seviper's coils growing tighter by the second. Ame is the first to react, pulling up towards the open sky in hopes of avoiding a gruesome fate.

Tl;dr -[break]
- Yanmega uses NIGHT SLASH on falling tooth to try and grab a smaller sample for future research (?)[break]
- Eris climbs on Yanmega and moves away from snek mouth[break]
- Eris uses PETAL BLIZZARD on her own blood clone and anyone else's nearby[break]
- Yanmega flying them up to escape Seviper coils...
[attr="class","adrie-note"]geomancy: into the woods



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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2022 16:54:17 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
Scales crumpled underneath the force of Atlas’ attack, cracking and splintering from the sheer strength of the Pokémon. “Nice work!” Encouragement was offered to the Swampert but not required, victory would be enough for the hulking behemoth and they were on the cusp of glory. A flash of movement caught the corner of Rowan’s eye, spotting the amalgamation of blood that had taken the rudimentary shape of himself.

Atlas moved forward in defense of their trainer, but stopped short at his halting hand. “I’ll handle this.” Not many people could have the chance to fight themselves, to confront their inner demons in the most pure method of conflict resolution known to man since antiquity: combat. ”Give it your best shot, knockoff.” Rowan goaded on the homunculus with a confident smirk, brandishing the sharpened claws that had become of his hands.

The puppet charged forward, swinging their similarly deadly talons towards Rowan in an attempt to carve his flesh. “Tsk.” Training with had prepared him for a moment like this, able to side-step the blood construct with relative ease and launch a counter-attack of his own. Glimmering light shone on his talons as Rowan lunged into the creature, bisecting their form with the precision force of METAL CLAW

Familiar sensation washed over the Beast, but this time was different, he could feel it. “You’re here…” Amber eyes darted around until he locked gaze with Suicune, suddenly burdened by the intense feelings he’d felt during their first encounter. The search for this Pokémon was the only thing that had kept him together for the last few months, the hours of research with and conversations with about their existence keeping him from lingering on the atrocity he’d committed.

“Suicune…” Rowan said the name aloud, wanting the Pokémon to know they were being addressed directly. “...You were there during my darkest hour. Allow me to repay the favor.” His tone wasn’t as man to Pokémon, instead of that between equals. There was too much to be said, and not enough time. Every moment wasted was another that the Seviper could further harm Xerneas and heal themself.

“Atlas.” The Swampert turned, their gaze following Rowan’s finger towards the head of the massive Pokémon. “Hydro Pump, keep up the pressure.” Atlas nodded and before long their large body swelled even further as the water built inside of them until it couldn’t be contained any further. A deluge of water erupted from the mouth of the Pokémon, bursting forward and crashing against the Seviper’s head with the full force of HYDRO PUMP.

Rowan looked towards Suicune, still not knowing the true capabilities of the legend despite having studied them for months. There was one thing that he knew for sure however, wherever the Pokémon was, the northern wind followed. “Can you freeze it?” No obvious response was given, but Suicune did indeed focus their attention on the adversary, body beginning to glow with an ominous blue aura.

Opening its mouth, a spinning wind gathered in the area around them, biting and frigid. The howl of wind and Suicune pierced the air as a devastating vortex of polar air was unleashed from their maw. SHEER COLD collided with the Hydro Pump, attempting to freeze the entire head of the Seviper solid and prevent them from draining the lifeblood from Xerneas further.

A smile tugged on the corners of Rowan’s lips, pleased to be fighting side-by-side with the enigmatic figure he’d taken solace in the search of.

The light of compassion in his darkness.


(tagged)⏤ @geomancy
(notes)⏤ Rowan used Metal Claw to dispatch his Blood clone. Spotted Suicune and spoke to them, promising to repay the favor of being there for him inadvertantly. Swampert used Hydro Pump to blast Seviper in the face with Suicune soon after using Sheer Cold to freeze them solid.
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2022 17:02:51 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Symbols gather overhead, attempting to create a rift in space that will allow them to leave this place. There’s something ever so frustrating about knowing all he can do is rely on all their Unown and hope that their attempts at opening a portal will succeed, for their ways to travel through dimensions remain a mystery.
Regardless, he has other things to concern himself with.
Everything comes at a price, and Mars knows this better than most people out there. Yet, in all of his greed and all of his thirst for power, he had still taken the gifts offered by the tree, and the price may have been greater than what he had initially realized…
A few drops of blood, within them a VESTIGE of himself, one the Seviper soon dared to make rise against him.
A copy. A blood clone. Corrupted. Contaminated. As if infected by some sort of virus. POKÉRUS, maybe? From what little he had learned about such things when investigating the Unown Report’s list, that could mean trouble.
He acts fast.
Before the inferior copy can approach, a vicious TWISTER is summoned in an attempt to disrupt its form and that of those close to it, his attention turning to his mega evolved Blastoise the moment the draconic winds rise near them. ”Freeze them!”
ICE BEAM shoots towards the counterfeits, freezing everything in its path. But, will that buy them enough time?
Surely others can deal with the gigantic Seviper while most are busy getting attacked by strange blood clones, right?
Speaking of which…
”Has Xerneas been secured?”
It’s hard to keep up with everything happening around him, the coils of the Seviper seeming to grow closer and closer by the minute. He checks on the Unown’s progress then, watching the way his own attempt to decipher the puzzle (perhaps thanks to the time he spent making sure they’re familiar with the report’s words after everything that happened at the Star Soirée).

How fitting.
”Looks like we might have a way out soon!”
Mars sure hopes so, at least. He'd rather not get stuck in this snake-infested tree.




[break]- Sure wishes he could do more about the portal than just watch the Unown do their thing
[break]- Mars uses TWISTER on his blood clone and those near it
[break]- Mega Blastoise G (2nd Turn) uses ICE BEAM to freeze the clones and stop them in their path
[break]- Unown continue to work on unlocking the rift
[break]- ONE Salac used but I'm salty about that 45





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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing