i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 3:41:58 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
His heart leaped. Alex was fine.

He watched the taller man take mental inventory of all his bits and pieces. Everything seemed to be in order, and Memo was about to heave a sigh of relief. Then there was a tiny hiccup and the world froze; Alex pressed a hand over his heart and got a funny look on his face. And Memo could still feel the ghost of that arm wrapped around his midsection, the burn of it over the rounds of his hipbones where there would surely be Alex-shaped bruises.

Oh, why had he made him let go?!

His stomach dropped to the floor and his heart exploded into a million teeny, tiny, painful pieces.

His first response was to laugh. To laugh. It’s a deranged, high-pitched worm of a chuckle that snakes out from between his lips, ricocheting back into him with a sharp intake of breath. Because of course. Of course. Of course of course of course.

It’s a bass drum in his head and it’s only after a few repetitions of his pulse pounding in his ears that he realizes he’s speaking out loud. ”Of course. It’s just like you said. In games, there’s a glitch somewhere. Or a bug.” That’s what Alex had said back when Memo was freaking out. Remember that? Remember? I bet you thought I wasn’t listening to you, Alex, but I’m always listening, and you started that with remember, too. Remember this, you said. Hahahahaha, remember!

He had to look away so he didn’t burst into horribly dramatic tears or devolve into hideous laughter. He had to keep it together. They weren’t out of this yet. And when they did get out of it he would have his boyfriend back and his best ghost, he’d decided, or he’d burn everything down.

That was a scary train of thought. And how he’d manage to do that with a rainbow unicorn and a giant fish remained to be seen.

He put some distance between himself and Alex hoping it would help clear his head. Not too far, in case shit popped off again, but just a little breathing room. He felt like a toddler with no object permanence: if he couldn’t see the problem, did it really exist?

He found talking to someone. He looked a little rough, but not nearly as bad as expected for taking on an entire deranged legendary by himself.

“That was-- absolutely ridiculous, sir,”
Memo said, voice still trembling from the shock of being forgotten (forever?) by the only person he genuinely cared about in the world. He summoned Zuza forward again to assist in healing the League officer a bit more, gentle rose waves of heal pulse falling over him.

t l ; d r
- hahahahahahahaahha (hahaha)
- goes to talk to and
-zuza the galarian rapidash uses heal pulse on the nameless knight

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 4:48:18 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Victory sure feels a lot like defeat.

More puzzles? Bloody asinine.

The knight released a soft grunt and touched his temples as his brow twisted, jaw-line tense. Was his headache from the puzzles, or the concussion...?

Probably both.

The lady must've noticed... that, and his everything else, what with how she brushed aside and redirected his worries back at himself; how very kind and thoughtful of her!

"Fair enough! I do seem to have come out of the previous scuffle a little worse off than the others." He conceded as he looked around at all the people gathered... all the people, sans a few key body parts. "... Somehow."

How did he manage to keep all of his limbs and still come out worse for wear than people suffering of impromptu amputations? The lady before him, for example!

The missing thigh seemed to barely faze her; by comparison, the pain assaulting every inch of his being was threatening to force him back into unconsciousness if he blinked one time too many.

Such a price seemed a bit hefty for a 5-minute Swordsmanship lesson. That's Galarian Education for ya.

Hah! Good one, brain. You sure you're concussed? As if to prove so, the knight's body moved on automatic as the lady extended her hand towards him, taking it in his own gently and bowing at the waist before lightly kissing her knuckles.

"The pleasure's all mine, Elisabeth." The knight said, letting go of her hand as his lowered back to his sides. "Quite harrowing circumstances indeed. I would like to lay the blame on Hoenn, as ever, but I quite literally walked myself into this one."

Not his brightest moment, but even the most cautious and prudent seemed to err when standing on Hoennian soil.

Or perhaps the mistake was inhabiting Hoennian soil.

"Hn? Ah, Marceliño. You're still in good health! Well done. Thank you kindly." The man said to the youth, pointedly ignoring the somewhat disturbed expression. Seemed quite a reasonable reaction to everything. At his words, he could only nod resolutely. "Hn, Yes, quite."

Things were pretty insane.

... Which things, though?

"What are we talking about, exactly? I must confess I passed out for a while there. I'm not sure of how much I missed." He said dryly, before blinking. "Ah! But where are my manners? Elisabeth? , one of my companions on this ill-advised quest. Marceliño? Elisabeth, savior and benefactor of my life."

-chatting with and .

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 6:50:57 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Phew. Her grip first tightened, when that short, yet intense fight started, but loosened when she relaxed somewhat. Unlike before, her Eevee was not shot and not deleted, though others were. Maybe she had made the right choice. Maybe she had simply gotten lucky. Either way, this seemed to had gone well. The opposition faded, her eyes primed forward, mostly, part of her mind already thinking about the next puzzle.
It wasn’t until Elaine spoke up that she turned to look at the other – and in shock almost let go. Almost. But for once in her life, she immediately felt empathetic, felt that she would only make whatever had happened worse if she recoiled in shock, as if now looking at a monster, not a human being. Thus, she managed to hold on, barely, though her eyes did go wide.
Fortunately though, they were quite literally whisked away, giving her a brief chance to think. Not just about the riddle immediately in front of them, but the general riddle in front of them. Those dead-eyed copies barely fazed her due to that, as she had already come to a conclusion. Besides, the mere fact that this thing was a copy of who she was now already lessened the impact. It would have been quite different to see the same eyes in a different frame.
No, this definitely was what she thought she was. Vio mostly just nodded to Fairburne’s conclusion and rather focused on her own, once they returned. “I am okay,” she instead replied, then shifting her gaze to what remained of the other, too. “You are okay, too. It might not seem like it, but you can function, yes? That means something hasn’t just happened to us, something has happened to us way beforehand. As in, when we came here. That’s why our Pokemon were ‘deleted’, not ‘killed’. It might sound impossible, but so is standing there with half a body, if I may be so frank. Given everything….what if we were turned into data without knowing? They are practically hitting us over the head with the data theme and this proves that right now, at least those injured are not of flesh and blood. Especially since things are missing in unrealistic ways (as if to keep things PG-13 or something). I don’t know too much about computers still but this just screams to me that things are reversible.”
After all, if things weren’t, then Elaine would probably die at the end of this, which was a reality Vio rejected right now. Hence, she very much wanted to be right, for this to be kind of like that show where Pokemon never existed in their world but rather in some DigitalWorld where kids got sucked into in Summer camp and where every evolution was like a mega evolution.

+ - quite shocked by what happened to
-does not let go, though
- distracted from the current puzzle by the overarching one, just nods off other's solutions
- Concludes that everyone must be data mostly because that is what she wants to be true



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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 7:26:58 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Être un Mirage

"Elisabeth, savior and benefactor of my life."

A mildly perplexed and bemused expression answered that extravagant introduction, though Elisabeth maintained her polite smile nonetheless.

The man had been concussed; perhaps his effusive nature was as much a result of his injuries as anything else.

"Savior is too lofty a title for me to bear, I think," she said finally, faintly amused at the way 's lips lingered on the back of her hand. "Your survival is entirely your own doing, although my Aromatisse might have helped it along a little."

As 's Galarian Rapidash did likewise with a HEAL PULSE, she added, "With some additional support, it seems. A pleasure to meet you, Marceliño." She inclined her head to the new arrival in acknowledgment, her lips pressing into a slight frown as he spoke. Something was distressing him, though what felt wrong to pry from him.

"What, exactly, was 'absolutely ridiculous'?" she asked instead, turning from one man to the other. Whatever happened in their terminal, it sounded like it rivaled her own in absurdity.

✿ Cyberchase Conundrum ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 10:31:15 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Why did he feel like he was—there, but at the same time not quite so? What was up with that?!

The strange… tingly sensation continued to spread out from inside him, coupled with the strange feeling of… emptiness. Like there was something supposed to be there, but now it was just—gone.

Vanished, wiped out of existence.

And for some reason the other guy who was with their little group turned away and was… incredibly upset? What was going on?

He turned to , tilting his head at her in confusion for a few moments.

“Was it… something I said?” he asked her, this utterly confused look on his face before returning his attention to where the other man had walked off to.

He couldn’t help but keep thinking back to the missing ‘thing’ inside of him. Out of morbid curiosity, he decided to try and get to the bottom of this—thank hell his jacket wasn’t zipped up, which meant he had easy access to his button-down shirt.


Absently, his fingers slipped on the buttons as he undid the first two down the line. Instead of being greeted with the normal sight of his own pale skin, there was one section that looked… glitched.

Even if he pressed down on the glitchy area, it felt like… was something supposed to be there?

(Now see, what kind of a person would have a big-ass empty space right where his heart was supposed to be, and still be able to function properly despite what happened? What the fresh hell!)


He wanted answers, and saw that their fun-sized companion was currently talking with two other individuals—they both looked familiar, but…

“I… need help,” he began quietly as he went over to where they were (, , and of course the eternally-suffering ).

“I don’t understand…any of this.”

• the extent of the damage he suffered becomes painfully clear the moment he decides to take a closer look at his own injuries
• sees Kaida, but doesn’t recall her name… is confused at all this shit
• continues to poke at the glitched-out area, wondering how the hell is he alive despite missing his fucking heart
• spots Gwyar, Elisabeth and of course Memo, wanders over to them
• is in a fucking daze
• the gravity of the situation becomes clear the moment he realizes—while Gwyar and Elisabeth look familiar, why can’t he recall their names either?! (same sauce with Kaida, he knows her face but not her name)
• :dorime:

all relevant tags up there MWAHA

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 15:02:04 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
was so kind that he almost forgot for a second what the fuck was going on and he actually smiled at her. Okay, so maybe things were going to be okay after all. “You can call me Memo, miss,” he allowed, feeling okay for a second. Feeling okay.

You’re still in good health.

Nope, things were not okay.

He’d forgotten for a moment where he was and that not everyone had been witness to the same thing. “The part where you literally took down an entire legendary basically by yourself!” Memo said, trying not to sound like a deranged fangirl and sort of failing, an excited squeak rising in his voice. “It was insane.”

Any sort of positivity and light drained out of him by Alex’s approach-- like every positive emotion he'd been struggling to cultivate was sucked down by the black and jagged deleted portion in Alex's chest-- and he was rooted to the spot by a barrage of feelings.

There was something… unsettling, eerie, like when you see something unexplained, something that doesn’t make sense, when your brain tries to make connections and it can’t, and you get washed with this cold sensation akin to fear that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. There was a tiny bit of revulsion, not necessarily at Alex but at the whole of the situation; certainly, there was sadness, a rapidly growing channel of denial that made Memo want to burst into tears.

There was guilt, of course. Guilt that he’d had to dip so suddenly when, obviously, Alex was the one that needed help. Guilt that he was being selfish. Shame at his panic.

He was like an island, taking shape. The massive environmental forces that originally drove him to the surface of the sea would have less effect on him over time. The madness and chaos that surrounded them now would slowly begin to assemble some version of order.

When we get out of this, I will have both my boyfriend and my best ghost back, or I’ll burn it all to the ground.

He expected the manic bubble of laughter to rise in his throat but instead, he just sighed, a soft huff, a cousin of a single laugh. He reached out a hand and placed it gently on Alex’s arm.

And he smiled.

“None of us do,” he said, voice soft, “understand it, I mean. We’re in some weird digital landscape, and I think part of you got… deleted in that last fight.” He struggled to find the word, eyes dropping to the missing portion in Alex's chest cavity. “That’s why you don’t remember me, or anyone. It’s happened to a lot of people, I think?” he looked at and for confirmation.

“But it’ll be okay,” he said, at length, voice finding some of its usual strength, “we’ll fix it before the end.”

Or burn it all down.

t l ; d r
- memo villain arc?
- tells elisabeth that gwyar is a badass. fangirls a bit.
- starting to get a hold of himself
-zuza the galarian rapidash is still out c:

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 16:22:35 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Their attacks had hit the mark, and some of the electricity from one of the other pokemon managed to increase the strength of the attack of his Sceptile. Everything was going well despite the bleeding from every facial oriface that he currently had. Coughing up more blood he saw that the Reshiram didn't seem to particularly like what he, and his pokemon had done to it. And it launched a fireball towards the two of them. Flashes of memory came to his mind back from the battle with that Necrozma. Azelf wasn't here to protect them this time, and he wouldn't lose another pokemon. Amor wasn't thinking straight. Was it due to his current idenity crisis, or was it the grief he had been forcing down into the depths of his heart? No one could say for certain, but he moved first this time. Before the fireball could hit Vilu he shoved the Sceptile out of the way.

Shielding himself with an outstretched hand, but it wasn't good enough as the flames tore through flesh, and he knew that this was it. The oblivion that he had sidestepped in Sootopolis would come claim him here, but instead he retained his sense of self. At least some semblance of it as fire tore through his clothing, and flesh. Eating away at his arm like maggots to a corpse until it was nothing. One of his eyes stopped functioning as the fire ate away at it before vanishing with the now defeated legendary. There should have pain, should have been agony, but there was nothing. Just emptiness, a sense of longing for what should be, but could never. His brain tried to correct this new reality, but the sudden sensory overload along with him missing his name left him in a state of shock.

How was he alive? How was he alive? How was he alive?

This question plagued him as he did his best to cope with what was going on. Traveling through the data stream he saw his doppelganger across from him. Fury welled up within him filling that emptiness for a brief second as he reached out into the nothingness in an attempt to wrap his fingers around the throat of the fake. He would kill it, but before his hands even made contact he was shoved back into reality with the group at the starting terminal. They were talking, but he was slumped against his Sceptile who was back to normal for the moment. With his arm, and an eye missing he didn't feel like talking right now, but he listened. Counting the seconds so that he wouldn't pass out from the sudden missing senses. As long as his mind was working he would be alright, or so he hoped.

Amor lost an eye, and his right arm.
He is currently leaning against his Sceptile to recover, and counting in his head to retain mental consistency.
He may be grumpy.
Is being quiet atm.

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 19:15:17 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

The train roars over them, and Kaida feels more than a little sick as noise seems to shake the air around her. No doubt, they were going to be killed just like she was. Quite suddenly, it is over. With flashes of her own dead face staring back at her, Kaida stands. They are back, but something is wrong, Kaida notes as Alexei fails to recognize them, looking as if he is viewing a stranger. She must have failed then, and let him be hit in the head.

"Y-yes, you knew that man...introduced him as Memo to you, do you think you got hurt?" Curiosity like a cat, she leaned over to note the kind of injury he received, and baled at the sight. " strange. Are you, no, you aren't dying so...?"

His heart was glitched over, she didn't know much of computers, but what if this injury was the type that spread? Or would actually halt his heart if left alone? She had to fix it.

As Alexei wandered towards Memo and a few strangers she leaned over and noted, she followed Alexei, as loyal as a dog. Her Yamega trembled her wings from atop her back, attempting to look friendly and reliable.

"Do not worry, Memo, Alexei. As long as we make sure he doesn't die, we can explain everything later." She had no idea how awkward that would be, but hoped she sounded reassuringly confident.

TLDR: Kaida manages to divert the train with and , and is transported back with them, getting to discover Alexei's new digital injury. Not quite knowing what to do, she sticks with him in this confusion. Yamega is still with her, on her back.

Pokemon: Ekans: Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Yamega: Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team. Can use Z-move Overspeed!
Araquanid: Male, Water Bubble. Soak, Wide Guard, Mirror Coat, Bubble Beam, Leech Life, Aqua Ring.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2022 20:33:01 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
recounts from has kyle share similar conclusions with about the assumption of which event was referenced with their terminal. kyle smiles fondly with the memory. he had fun back then.

shares their file to them and the game of scrambling them until something makes sense goes.

only a few sequences makes sense, most of them coincidentally having file 01 as the first part. verbalizes the most likely of them, with appearing to give an explanation.

"this makes the most sense, given what we have." they have nothing to confirm this though, so they just have to rely on logic to fill in the blanks, kind of like those iq tests.

he turns to again. "maybe the color just indicates which phase u820 is currently at," he adds in a lighthearted tone, keeping the mood carefree despite multiple people around them losing body parts. "won't have anything to do with the puzzle if that's the case, i think."

with the sequence decided upon, he walks on the terminal with their input. "i'll try it out then." 's statement does give a little bit of confidence. "worst case scenario, i just get specifically targeted by the next obstacle, right?"

  • talks with ganggang
  • submits file 1 > t2 > t3 > t1

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 4:05:58 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Pain. What else could describe the feeling that shot through every inch of Isaac's body? Duster tried his best. He seriously did. He managed to stem the worst of the tide with his Lightningrod. But he was far from perfect. One of the Xurkitree's whipping wires lashed right past his bone, lancing forward and impaling Isaac right through the skull. He could feel his nerves burn white hot, severe enough that he was left collapsing to a single knee.[break][break]

He missed the victory celebration. He missed the speculation. He was too busy feeling the pure, unadulterated pain pulsing through every one of his nerves. It must've missed his brain somehow. He was still alive. That much he could tell. He and Ruby had been to the gates of Hell, after all; it wasn't nearly as painful over there.[break][break]

Finally, he palmed the ground, the sensation jolting up his nerves and finally taking some of his focus off of his eye. Okay. It had died down to a dull throb now. He could focus. He could stand. Slowly, Isaac shuddered to his feet, winking a few times to regain his bearings. Wait. Winking? Why couldn't he move his other eye? Come to think of it, why was his vision so unfocused? And why did he itch so, so, so badly?[break][break]

Deprived of his left eye, Isaac was now just saac.[break][break]

While he was out, Duster was looking worriedly toward . He barked a brief apology her way, eyeing the wireframe split down her midsection with concern. Isaac smiled wearily at the blunette, even if the parts missing from his face made the expression feel really, really odd. "You too, eh?" he asked. ". . . Hell, most of us look like shit right now, huh?"[break][break]

As he regained his bearings, Isaac overheard and speculating very confidently on the nature of this scenario. The orange destroys everything it touches. Yeah. Okay. That sounded legit to him. "You guys sound like you know what you're doing, so I'm just gonna follow your lead," Isaac admitted, popping the Terminal 3 file into the third box. "This kinda thinking gave me a splitting headache even before I lost a big ol' chunk of my head."[break][break]

At least his smart mouth was still okay.[break][break]

TEAL DEER[break]
Isaac loses an eye and is in a world of fuckening pain.[break]
When he wakes up, he wearily checks in on Johanna, Duster a little guilty at being unable to safeguard her or Isaac.[break]
Upon hearing Katherine and Mars' confidence, Isaac copies their homework for this round.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / @


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[newclass=.skullbody b]color:#d9b800;[/newclass]

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 4:52:51 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]She trusts that will be in safe hands, especially with and right around the corner. So she turns her attention to instead, humming for Reiner to help her meander through the crowd without accidentally stumbling over someone.
"Just so you know, we are talking about it when we get out of here." It comes as a quiet demand of sorts, one filled with stubbornness that screams that he can't refuse. "That was a big explosion, huh?"
And it still sends chills down her spine, prickling at her old burns that've barely healed. She's quietly rubbing her palms against the scars on her arms, all now exposed without her jacket to cover. Reiner, on the other hand, sticks close, glaring at certain people that come too near and sticking closer to Eris' side.
"You're not hurt, are you?"
- cmere razz it's ur turn to get grilled[break]
- icly, eris has 0 clue what the puzzle is about. oocly, mars' answer makes sense
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a hohohomicide but its not december || into the cyberverse


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 5:21:29 GMT



“SOUND THEORY,” fernando chimes in agreeance with his copy of terminal two’s UNNAMED FILE.

but what was the correct answer for terminal one?

listening to their conversation fills him with snippets of their thought process. his own silence is spent mulling over details they may have missed. not that he disagrees, but better to check their work before committing.

darkrai was terminal two’s answer and the simulation was related.

he appears behind kyle, hand on his shoulder. closer to the main group, he recognizes several familiar faces. ranks among the bottom of those in his regard but his explanation and subsequent abandonment by yveltal proves amusing.

how ironic it left him the same way he left the league.

and even greater is the comedy of thomas not realizing it.

- approaches main group in agreeance.
- asks for the correct answer to TERMINAL ONE.

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peppermint, micha
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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 5:32:55 GMT
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He's grateful for the assistance, but it doesn't last long. As he's trying to look back and give and a proper thanks, the METAL BURST sends them all flying. He smashed into the dome and whites out for a minute, hearing loud ringing for a moment. He's not registering Josh, simply scrambling to get up and continue moving. Blinking quickly, his breathing is panicked but he began settling, turning to watch as Josh screaming something or other. "Hey-" he managed, voice loud as his hearing stopped ringing. "It's ok-" he began to reach out with an arm that was no longer there. [break][break]

He's just as pale and panicked as his other unlucky saviors at the missin limbs, noting the numbers he felt as he tried to send a signal to move his hand. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. "C'mon, w-we need to keep moving." he managed reaching out with his right arm instead. [break][break]

Thankfully they're transported back and Mint felt himself freeze, looking around nervously before sighing as he noted most everyone from Terminal 2 were back. This place is fucking weird. It's definitely not real. If it was, it made no sense to him in the slightest. He wondered what the recordings form this cyber hell hole would look like when- if he got home. [break][break]

"I'm ok...thanks." Mint said nodding at Jayden before snorting. "Thank you for putting me on blast. They were cute, not so much up close." He nodded gratefully at and for their concern before looking over at . "Girly pop, that's your name." he explained before his eyes searched the crowd for other people. Particularly, and . "Hey! Are you guys ok?" he called out, waving at the pair that'd helped him. [break][break]

He turned to side eye the lady with big titties () before chiming in, "EASY? More like easy for you to say. You didn't almost get rag dolled by giant dogs." he said frowning. They're lucky they managed to get out of that. He then turned back to , unconcerned with Anna as she figured the blonde was just joking around, though he's quick to put out his remaining arm to steady her if need be. "You ever seen these red and blue dogs- Jayden said their names right Zacian and Zamazenta."

tagged ▸ ooc [break]
- big ouchies [break]
- checking in with the people that worked to save him from becoming dog food [break]
- relieved to be out of that shitstorm [break]
- catching up with boat gang + saviors [break]
- tries to remind anna she's anna, dork [break]
- asking greyson about the dogs [break]




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Mars | Tuesday
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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 5:40:35 GMT
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agrees with the sequence he suggested, and in her reasoning he finds logic. So, their universe affected those around it, got isolated, and will cause the destruction of 490 and 491? Grim, there’s no proof of it for them to see, but it does match with the claims made by their gracious host doesn’t it. They’re somehow the root of all evil or something.
”Oh. You’re right… It being our universe’s current state makes sense, since it’s being isolated.” Mars had never expected to be this good with puzzles, but apparently the League’s champion is full of surprises. He had been right not to underestimate him.
Still, shouldn’t they take some more time to think this through? Shouldn’t they make sure they’re submitting the right answer? He’s about to say this when hearing ’s comment, but Kyle goes ahead and submits his files.
Oh well, no turning back now.
Reshiram. He casually replies to question while SUBMITTING TERMINAL 1’S FILE in the last spot, to the right of Kyle’s file. ”It required knowing its types, which most of us didn't. Someone chose Yveltal instead, so they both appeared with their past avatars… If Benoit’s claims are to be believed, that is. I'm not very familiar with all of that.”
He has no reason to be certain, but this had been ’s clone that had attacked them, and ’s explosions do give the impression that he’s Reshiram’s current avatar. Of course, he does have Rocket's information about Yveltal, but most of those here only know Mars as a civilian.
”Sounds like we all would have been attacked even if everyone had given the right answer.”



[break]- Puzzle discussion POGGIES
[break]- Answered Fernando's question about T1


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 5:56:30 GMT



“RESHIRAM,” fernando repeats aloud.

FILE01 has an obvious place as the first file. there’s no question about that, regardless of what the others may believe these images to mean. so that leaves the scrambled terminal files.

darkrai’s nightmare,” corresponds with TERMINAL TWO’s simulation and second in the group’s hypothesis.

ultra beast war,” corresponds with TERMINAL THREE’s simulation and third in the sequence.

the syndicate,” corresponds with TERMINAL ONE’s simulation and the last one to fit.

checks out,” fernando reaffirms as he puts TERMINAL TWO’s file into place.

three more terminals until we induce a system failure,” is his prediction based on ’s warning.

- accepts the group consensus.
- adds TERMINAL TWO's file.
- submission order: FILE01, T2, T3, T1

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