i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 6:52:04 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM





IN MID JULY, the answer of the "correct day" is discovered. After the appearance of Bailey Cooper's doppelganger, , , and arrive to the map's pinpointed location on what they believe to be is the right answer: SUNDAY. And in fact, it is. Three days after Thursday.[break][break]

and 's answer of MONDAY may have been a plausible answer as well; however, the two are alerted, as are many others, by word of mouth, to come on that day. Curiously enough, on that day, the MIRAGE ISLAND has manifested and the buoy containing the previous riddle has mysteriously vanished in midst the roaring whirlpools.[break][break]

All you stand on the sandy beach. However, you're all careful not to step on the NEWEST RIDDLE that has been inscribed into the golden shore:


don't stare too hard at it, you'll be dizzy.[break]
a nosedive into it is needed to pass safely.[break]
but which one? you can ask for help,[break]
but do be careful and discard your skelp!

Staring at the sea ahead of you, four whirlpools churn the waters. Should one listen carefully, they would be able to hear vague voices— but they are distinctly human in timbre. They seem to originate underneath the water's surface or from the whirlpools. Perhaps, if the crowd is quiet enough, still enough, they would hear a repeating fragmented, arpeggiated word or phrase.[break][break]

To each person, it would be a unique line; in fact, a WORD OR PHRASE THAT IS SIGNIFICANT TO YOUR CHARACTER.[break][break][break]




PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.

You are ALLOWED TO POST MULTIPLE TIMES DURING THIS ROUND; however, be mindful of giving others space & time to post within reason and with consideration of the deadline.[break][break]

Do note, there are almost 50 CHARACTERS participating in this event. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JULY 8TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 8:32:37 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

More riddles. Was it really wise to come here? Those riddles during the Tiered Tea Room had already been annoying, after all. Figuring them out was fun sometimes, but she had disliked the overly specific requirements to beat opponents there, all the things allowed or not allowed. These riddles seemed much better. At the very least, they were about figuring something out that had actual application. Like coming here, today, on top of her super-sized Jellicent.

And now the young woman clad in comfortable walking shirt and skirt had to figure out just which of the four whirlpools to get into. The riddle offered in the sand was awfully unhelpful with that. Violet softly sighed to herself, thinking, much like the others who had not started to talk things out yet. But that would soon start, so she just used that moment of calm, still. Only someone did talk, now that she thought of it. Something very, very faint, but definitely there.[break][break]
‘You are always welcome home’, someone said – and she had to raise a brow. It was something she’d never heard said out loud, just read in an E-Mail, addressed to an account that she had not accessed in ages. One Mail phrased like that amidst a sea of more urging questions and orders. Something she hadn’t quite forgotten.
Yet, someone kept saying that. Which meant that something massively screwed up was happening here. The voice seemed to come from out of the sea, so it was unlikely that there was someone present who knew her secret. But rather, that was some Pokemon doing weird things. She could just tell. Or rather, she wanted to believe that. “Well, last time it was a Horsea, today it is a Skrelp. That probably means something, right?” She addressed those around her, just in case. After all, it was fine to ask for help. “Otherwise I see two going clock-wise, two counter. My Jellicent has Whirlpool, but it probably won’t be as easy as using that.”

+ Hears odd voice, thinks, asks around just in case, has Whirlpool available[break][break]

Jellicent (xxl) FEMALE - CURSED BODY[break] - whirlpool / shadow ball / night shade / hydro pump / strength sap[break][break]
Zarude MALE - LEAF GUARD[break] Jungle Healing, Power Whip, Bind, Hammer Arm, Scary Face, Growth[break][break]



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 8:52:15 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

The NOIVERN grooms itself with tongue and claw, as its trainer regards the riddle inscribed on the golden shore in front of him. taps his pointed chin in thought as he slowly rereads the text once more. A gentle beach breeze blows short bangs of black across his forehead.

"A skelp..." He quietly mutters. It was a word he'd heard before. In the dialect found at the CROWN TUNDRA, it typically referred to a slap of some sort... or a squall.

The time to test his theory, however, would have to wait for now. Instead, the royal shifts his attention to the four WHIRLPOOLS in front of him. He doesn't stare at either for too long, trusting that the warning he'd read wasn't simply there to rhyme. When he hears what sounds like voices beneath the water, however, he does listen intently:


Hues of cobalt widen at the sound of it. Instinctively, he looks about to see if anyone else had heard the same. But of course they hadn't. It was all in his head... right? Surely, the whirlpools held some sort of power...

How else could they draw from such a cherished, and private, memory in his mind?

Sensing his disquiet through means of TELEPATHY, GUAVAFANG pauses from her grooming to crawl to Remiel's side and push her snout into his hand. It proves to be enough to gently ease him out of his stupor before petting her white mane. Meanwhile, the phrase repeats itself over the sound of crashing waves...

♔ Remiel listens carefully and hears the following phrase: "TRUE NOBILITY LIES IN BEING SUPERIOR TO THE FORMER SELF"


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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 10:09:52 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Andrea hadn't figured out what the correct day was herself, but a bunch of people on social media threads were saying that it was Sunday, so she kinda followed the flow. Riddles were not her strongest suit, the Tiered Tea Room challenges being an exception due to being more like puzzles where all the clues had been laid out for them.

Speaking of riddles, there was a new one etched into the sandbar. It involved the four whirlpools up ahead. Supposedly only one of them holding the answers that they sought. Which whirlpool was the right one? Would they have to take a leap of faith?

"What's a skelp?" Not familiar with Galarian slang, Andrea quickly browsed the web on her Rotom Phone. "It's a slap, heavy rainfall or a metal tube... That's even more confusing!" She sighed dejectedly. Her trusty Hydreigon that was by her side looked equally confused.

It was then that she heard a faint voice.

"I'll call you Chomper... Let's be best friends forever..."

She didn't know if the voice was genuine or if it was all in her head, but for some reason hearing those words filled her with nostalgia and comfort. Smiling, she gave her Hydreigon a warm hug.

Still, there was the matter of the riddle to address. The dragon-cosplaying girl turned to the other trainers that were present. "I think taking a nosedive means that we'll have to jump into one of those whirlpools. And discarding our skelp probably means that we'll have to avoid... slapping them? Hmmm, maybe it's telling us not to fight it, like it's easier to stay afloat when you're calm and let your body go." She speculated, not completely sure whether she was on the right track.
//hears her significant phrase
//thinks about the riddle
//shares her thoughts with others
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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 10:53:39 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Johanna gazed upon the Riddle in the sand. It was one of the first things she had noticed, like so many others, upon her arrival here. Quickly followed by the whirlpools out in the waters. Maybe they were related in some way. The riddle pointing them in the direction of where they had to go? It was a curious thought, one that she had to mull over.

By her side the Mimikyu Cellach stood, gazing upon the riddle mimicking its trainer. Its worn and tattered Pikachu disguise stands in stark contrast to the bright neon purple hues of Johanna’s punk-rock crop-top and black hot pants. She seemed like she’d gotten lost since her attire screamed more city dweller than beach goer.

She turned away from the riddle and went to the edge between sand and water, Mimikyu following obediently along. She began to gaze upon the whirlpools. For a moment she got lost in their swirls. They were hypnotizing in their movements. Her mind began to wander. She could swear she heard a woman speak familiar words.

At first, she could not hear the words. But as she listened not only did she recognize the voice of but also the words she had spoken “Though, if you ask me, you are a mighty fine woman anyway. Expectations like those can’t ever be met anyway. Life is about achieving happiness for yourself.” Wise words indeed, and she had tried to take them to heart though it was difficult at times. Still, the memory burned bright, she felt her cheeks warm at the reliving of her past.

She shook her head. There was no way Megan was here and if she was why would she say those words once more. She looked around just to be sure. But she couldn’t see the familiar face. A small hint of disappointment appeared on her face, though she quickly hid it once more. As she turned around and returned to the gathering.

She came back, just in time to hear speaking. Though she stayed quiet. She had no better suggestions to make. She sucked at riddles.


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 18:40:07 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron didn't know the initial riddle. But after working with and other HBS member, they found the new sandy beach. Aaron had replaced his Gengar with Frillish instead, but kept Skarmary for the flying and Trevenant as his main bruiser. Skarmary had also earned their place as a permanent fixture with his gym battle against , who was also here...if having five levels of grief over there with who he found out was . Four whirlpools, each saying something fragmented. "Don't stare too hard at it, you'll be dizzy. a nosedive into it is needed to pass safely. but which one? you can ask for help, but do be careful and discard your skelp!" An interesting riddle...but was skelp a verb or a noun? The word had many definitions. From slapping something on the butt, to walking briskly or in a lively manner, or even forged strips of metal to be made into pipe.

He shared that finding with , , and . And would to the other three if they were done with whatever it was they were doing. Putting his phone back in his messenger bag, Aaron looked at the whirlpools again. So, they wanted them to dive into them. A voice caught his attention, but faded too soon for him to recognize it. Walking a few steps into the water, he focused more on his hearing. "Hard work is good and all, but you also need to have fun, too! And friends!" The saying jolted him, and made the boy stumble back, amber eyes wide. There was no way he heard that! They were dead, he saw the body with his own two eyes eight years ago when he was six! Gulping, he pinpointed the whirlpool he heard that from.

But he wasn't going to go in there alone. "So, anyone else decided which one they're diving into?" He spoke in his signature monotone voice.

Aaron arrives with Frillish, Skarmary, and Trevenant in their pokeballs, along with several others in a plane.
Aaron read the riddle, looked up skelp, couldn't figure out which definition it meant.
Walked to the edge of the beach just to watch the whirlpools, heard the voice of his dead friend.
Asked the others if they knew which whirlpool they were diving into.

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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 18:49:57 GMT

curious, all the more. [break][break]

especially when her shoes touch on the golden sand. her eyes narrow, and she squints slightly at the beating sun from above. it's way too hot for this. although they do catch the writing on the sand, and she's first to crouch down, taking a better look at the letters transcribed with the newest riddle. although.. she'll assume that it's a riddle in reference to recent events - events that she'd only heard of, and she can only imagine that she wasn't present for all of them.[break][break]

there's a small group already forming, with the intention to speak about the riddle. she should listen to it - her BLISSEY thinks so as well, trying to poke and prod at her trainer. when it doesn't work, she uses MINIMIZE to shrink herself to sit on a woman's shoulder. she's lost in thought, then narrows her eyes at the water, to put the whirlpools in her peripherals. she knows better than to disobey the words so conveniently written on the sand. [break][break]

".. should i just throw sarco in there?" her greninja, who she can already feel shaking in her pokeball at the suggestion. the poor thing. [break][break]

what catches her attention are the whispers she hears, faint from the water, and she lifts herself up only to walk closer to the shore, but not close enough to the water to get a better listen. and there, she hears the faint whisper get louder, until it bursts at her, like a scream (like a cry that's all too familiar), in a voice she hasn't heard in so long (in a mother's voice), screeching: [break][break]


and she cringes, and jolts, immediately stepping away from the waters.

𓆙 marisol arrives with CURSOLA, BLISSEY and GRENINJA
[break]𓆙 BLISSEY used MINIMIZE and sits on mari's shoulder
[break]𓆙 debates on using her GRENINJA as fodder. she doesn't.
[break]𓆙 mari hears the phrase "THIS PAIN WILL NEVER HEAL NOT WITH YOU HERE". she cringes.

cyberchase conundrum

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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 19:49:53 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

He felt a bit more at ease knowing he wasn’t alone.[break][break]

Hues of an amber brilliance lingered upon the rippling tides for an indefinite period of time as he listened to the others voice their thoughts aloud. As his own drake soared circles above head before landing by his side, the man, himself, absentmindedly narrowed his eyes as a hum escaped his lips, and as his gaze eventually fell upon the whirlpools lingering and swirling afar.[break][break]

After some debate, he glanced towards the others present, initially intending to speak a word of his own before a voice—his own, oddly enough—caught his attention.[break][break]

”Whether through the dark of eventide or the light of dawn, the only way is forward.”[break][break]

A thought publicized as part of his company creed, yet also a thought all too personal and private in the form of his own motivations and core beliefs. Self made and tenacious; two of many qualities he had always striven to become, and two of many qualities he had always felt he’d achieved by sole virtue of of the motto, altogether.[break][break]

The only way was forward.[break]
He hadn’t intended to let the situation at hand be the first exception.[break][break]

”I think she’s on the right track. Might be a bit of a, ‘leap of faith,’ sort of thing,” he mused with an idle, uncharacteristically flat and pensive tone, nodding at . He glanced towards the Noivern by his flank, giving him a quick whistle and a nod in wordless questioning; an inquiry that he’d found a response from in the form of a growl in affirmation as the beast shifted in front of him.[break][break]

Leo stepped forward and secured himself upon the dragon’s back, holding on as the selfsame dragon flapped his wings to lift the both of them into the air with a gust.[break][break]

”If you really wanna stretch it, they might lead to different places depending on the direction the current goes. Stretch it another way, and they might have weird time stuff happening if you think about that other riddle,” he went on, briefly glancing at the others. ”All theoretical spitballing, though, so…it might just be better to take a closer look before we go diving~.”[break][break]

And with that being said, he reached down to tap the Noivern’s head, prompting him to begin flying, cautiously, towards the whirlpools from above.[break][break]



  • arrives with his noivern and listens to the others' thoughts
  • hears himself saying his own company and life motto basically oop
  • agrees with
  • flies atop his noivern to do some recon; tries to see more about the whirlpools from above


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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 20:38:09 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




It was time for her daily trip to the mirage island. [break][break]

She wasn't the best at puzzles but her work ethic was key to her arriving. That and someone else seemingly solved the puzzle and told her about it. She rode on her Lapras as she applied her sunscreen to her skin, couldn't have her getting burnt now could she? She wore her summer outfit she had been waiting to use. Her jean shorts with a cute pink bikini top and various accessories.[break][break]

It seemed a lot of other people had the same idea as her, trying to investigate what was going on...and while she was an elite 4 member she couldn't exactly force them to leave...could she? Too much work, she'd rather just be here in case something happens to ensure they have a better chance of survival.. She looks around for a familiar face and spots someone amongst the public.

"Remmy!" she called out as she spotted . [break][break]

"I'm surprised to see you here! Seems like you have plenty of times for puzzles huh?" she asks as she recalls her lapras and sends out her phione instead to play in the water, and also to make sure no one here drowns by activating the float sac on it's head. She looks back over to him cheerily, but her smile wavers for a moment as the whirlpool calls out to her. "Rapunzel Rapunzel, let down your hair." as she turns quickly towards the whirlpool. [break][break]

How did it know her favorite fairy tail?


notes about this post

Sends out her Phione

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 5:00:16 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Her head rattles with a growing dread and her chest buzzes with an erratic heartbeat. The waves lap at the sandy beach, bringing up many memories. but not one that will quell the looming storm.
w̷͘͢͝͞á̡͢͠k̨͟͢͠e͠͏̶ ̶̢̡̕͝ų̶̷̶p̸̴̨̡҉

Looking at the riddle only produces more questions, her hands repeatedly combing through Reiner's mane as she whispers it to herself. Which one is the riddle referring to? What does it mean by ask for help?
d̸͟͞o̵̢-͟ ̴̡͢͞l͞҉̛͢҉.̡́͘͟.̸̨҉̧.̵̀҉҉̵v̡͝͏e̴̡͢͢.̸͟.̸̴͡.̡͘̕ ̀̕͏-̸̡͡͠n̷̵ę̕

With Reiner by her side, she pushes closer to the water's edge, carefully crouching down and reaching towards the sand until she finally touches it. Then she reaches out a little further, flinching a little as the cold water washes over her hand.
"It'll be okay... right, Razz?"
When she looks up, she turns her head to the right just to catch a glimpse of , a weak smile painted upon her lips and cracking with each second that passes.
r̵̴̨̀y̸̡͘t̸͠ḩ͝͞i̸̡͟͠ń̶͝ǵ̶͘͢ ̕̕w̛͠į́͘l̶̢l̀͘ ̶͜͝b̴̛̀͞͡e̸̴͠ ̸́́͘à̶̢͜l҉̷̕r͏̴́́i̢͟ģ̴ḩ̛͝҉t̷͞͡͞.̶̢͟

Her attention snaps back to the churning seas, dotting the horizon and swallowing her very thoughts. Judging by the way Reiner shuffles about, he must have heard it too. So she holds onto him, closing her eyes and listening close.
It's just the two of us now. Everything will be okay...

"It has to be."
She remembers these words very well - It's been whispered so many times to them that it's probably been the strongest reason for her to keep going. With her eyes snapping wide open, she's rolling her shoulders back and cupping her hands to her mouth whilst she yells towards the seas.
"Hey uhm... ocean person? People of the water? Whoever you are? Can we get a sign? Or anything?"
- Eris and her Luxray (Reiner) vibing with [break]
- Take the riddle literally: Eris calls out to the sea for help
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 7:49:51 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

A decent crowd had already amassed by the time Elaine had arrived at the correct site. She had already expected that she would hardly be anywhere close to alone in this endeavor, but even so, it was a bit of a shock to see a few familiar faces gathering around the sandy shoreline.

There was the one young lady she met at that event in Lilycove. There was the boy she met back on Mt Pyre. And going beyond people she had met, there was even a member of the Elite 4 gallivanting about here.

All of it surrounding a riddle, a new one in what seemed to be a decent series of them that she may have never even seen the start of.

Elaine Highland, herself, had traipsed upon the sand of the shoreline just like everyone else. Her usual blazer, no fluttering in the breeze, was tied around her waist leaving behind a white button down shirt with short sleeves and a ribbon. Her usual stark white pleated skirt remained a part of her outfit while her feet were adorned with a pair of white lace-up sandals. Her messenger bag lay on her shoulder, rocking back and forth against her hip as she took each step.

She had already taken a look at the newest addition to the long set of riddles and kept it at focus in her thoughts as she had closer to where the waves were crashing against the shore.

A helical piece of metal, a squall, an open-handed slap, or a brisk walk. Riddles don't necessarily have to rigidly adhere to grammatical conventions. It could be used as a verb in that case. All things considered, that last word isn't the only odd part of the riddle. She had already heard plenty of people mentioning the multiple definitions of the word. But the bit right before it still stuck out to her. The implications are to head towards the whirlpool, but what does it mean about asking for help?

Elaine crossed her arms and looked out once again to the distance to see the swirls of water.

Seize...peace through absolute power...and absolute fear.

For a moment, her eyes widened as she heard those words repeat once, twice, thrice. Her mouth twisted into a wry smile.

"Now, that's a cruel Rorschach Test there. Never thought that was possible from just the sounds of the ocean." After muttering, she quickly slapped her face twice and looked away, back to the crowd of people. Anything to stamp down what she had just heard. As she did, she heard one of the other people, someone who didn't even sound half her age taking the plunge by yelling at and asking the sea directly for help. "Kids really do have some pretty flexible minds, huh."

After a quick chuckle, she walked back towards one of those familiar faces who she had seen thinking out loud—to .

With a wink, a smile, and a gentle wave, Elaine gently broke into her field of vision before responding to her thoughts. "It probably won't be as simple as your proposal, but I wouldn't be surprised if the correct answer turns out just to be as simple as asking the ocean or jumping into one of the whirlpools with a clear mind. Though, I'm still waiting to see if that kid shouting at the water got something out of it."

She took a moment to break away from talk about the riddle multiple minds seemed to be poring over. "It's been quite a while. I didn't expect to see you here."
  • The words of Elaine's twisted vow reach her ears.
  • Elaine runs into on the beach and reaches out to say hi
  • Elaine ponders over the 'ask for help' portion of the riddle
  • Elaine is cute and dressed for summer. Pls no bully.

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 17:27:37 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

When the burnt scarred man got the initial call, he feared the worse. Although he wasn’t a gym leader anymore and hasn’t been for a while now, the raven haired man found it rather strange they called him of all people. Yet, Maverick also kind of expected it. It seemed that even though he didn’t hold that position anymore, the League still values his help. Honestly, the ex gym leader didn’t know if that was a good thing for bad thing. Either way, they gave him a location, day, and time and he was there.

Warm crimson colored orbs flickered over the many people that crowded the sandy beach, suddenly feeling as though his presence really didn’t matter. He let his gaze shifted over the many faces, taking mental notes of those whom he recognized and those who he didn’t. Maverick couldn’t help the heavy sigh that escaped him after, moving towards the group. “Please don’t start anything,” the man mumbled to the six foot seven hellhound by his side, “This isn’t the time nor the place.” The houndoom let out a series of grumble, keen eyes scanned through the eyes holes of the rapidash skull over her own.

It was only when he was close enough and heard the group taking about some kind of riddle when his own gaze fell upon the riddle engraved in the sand. He read to himself, soaking in each word carefully. Unfortunately, Maverick was never good at solving riddles and such. He grunted to himself, instead choosing to listen to what other had to say instead of voicing his own. Being the revered man he was, he choice not to speak to anyone specific unless they spoke to him first.

As he was listening however, the burnt scarred man could hear the whirlpool swirling in the ocean. And when the chatter would slowed down or be quiet for a moment, he swear he heard a voice mixed within the sounds of vortexing water in the distance. It was unclear what it was saying, but a keep phrase caught his attention at the very end. 'Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.'

for @event at pacifidlog town, water routes. maverick has arrived and is simply just listening to what others have to say. azula the houndoom is out. phrase or saying.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz
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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 18:51:51 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]There once was a woman named Bailey Cooper, who was champion of the Hoenn Region. She had fame, power, and wealth beyond one's wildest dreams. As she appeared once more in hologram form, these were the final words she said; "come find me... on the correct day." Ever since, trainers from across the Hoenn Region set sail for Hoenn's waters, chasing the latest riddles that had swept the region.[break][break]

Isaac was one of many- sheesh, what were there, fifty people here? Frankly, there were too many for him to count, but it was obvious that he wasn't alone here. A few he recognized, having encountered them earlier on his travels through the region. Most, however, were a mystery to him. Oh well. Isaac would say he wasn't here to make friends, but when he really thought about it . . .[break]][break]

Nah. Getting to know 50 people in a single day would be nuts, even with his luck.[break][break]

Besides. He had his friends already. Watson, his precious starter. Duster, the runaway that stuck around. And Kiryu, the Aggron who practically insisted that before he fled home, he "borrowed" her from his-[break][break]

Hell do I gotta say to make you get it? You are not my son.[break][break]

. . . No. No, that was right. Isaac had no father.[break][break]

You are not my son.[break][break]

Yes, brain. He understood by now. It only took like, twelve years of lying to Isaac's face before revealing his true colors. He'd already processed that enough. You didn't have to keep reminding him-[break][break]

You are not my son.[break][break]

Did it always sound so clear in his head? Usually it was something he could just. Push back. Bury. Throw in a dark, shady corner of his brain and ignore. But today it rang out so clearly that Isaac may as well have seen his father glare down into his eyes, saying-[break][break]

You are not my son.[break][break]

"Shut the fuck up," Isaac snarled under his breath. Had anyone heard? He couldn't be sure. He clenched his fists so hard that he could feel his nails digging into his own flesh. His knuckles were as white as a ghost's, and his face wasn't far behind. There was a distant, far-off look in his eyes, and the conversations of everyone else were drowned out by the memories, the endless repetitions of-[break][break]

You are not my son.[break][break]

Isaac's breath caught in his throat. Isaac's chest rise and fell with the pounding of the tides. Wait. The tides? Yes, of course! The tides! That's where this was all coming from! It's no wonder it resonated so clearly! This wasn't in his head! Tt wasn't in his head at all! It was from the outside, looking in, pounding at the walls of his skull, pushing past his defenses, his worries, his fears, trying to force its way in, reminding Isaac that-[break][break]

You are not my son.[break][break]

Fear gave way to understanding. No matter how far Isaac ran, he couldn't escape this, could he? Not after trying to get along for another six years, trying to keep his resentment swallowed down for the sake of his family. Not after with each year, the tension got worse and worse, the judgments got harsher and harsher, the initial truths gave way to naked, open content. Not after his bond with his little brother was forever twisted into something unrecognizable, resentment reaching a boiling point as he could only see the face of a man he hated in his eyes, buoyed by golden child treatment as he didn't even realize what was wrong.[break][break]

He couldn't escape it when he ran away from home, touring the region for four years as little more than a vagabond. He had no plans, because in the heat of the moment, how could he consider any? He had no resources but the clothes on his back and the Pokemon at his side, because what else had he been given? He had no skills, no goals, no purpose, because how could he believe in them when nobody else did? Yet as he drifted across the region, doing odd jobs to meet ends meet, he knew a part of him had forever been left behind.[break][break]

Even joining Rocket. Did it matter that he finally had a community at his back? Did it matter that he finally had a purpose to strive towards? Did it matter that he had a motorcycle to, quite literally, expedite his running away? No. None of it did. In the process of getting those, he had only proved that man right. He was trouble. He was good for nothing. And he was just going to make things worse if things kept going as they were.[break][break]


Are not.[break][break]

My son."

Something had to give. He couldn't run anymore. Even by the distant oceans at the edges of Hoenn, there was no solace for Isaac.[break][break]

Isaac practically lunged for the ocean, malice in his eyes. He couldn't take being beaten over the head with this insistence one more time. It was bad enough in his head. It was bad enough in his dreams. How dare this ocean, the ocean of all things, twisted it back into reality? "So what!?" he shouted. "Big fucking deal! You've got some perfect little backup plan and don't need me anymore! Big-fuckin'-whoop! But hey, it's fine, I'm suuuure he's all you need! Or is he just gonna be next when he lets you down? Is that it!? Huh!?"[break][break]

Huh. By now, Isaac expected to be meeting the water head on. Instead, he only felt air. That was probably thanks to Kiryu, who had hefted him up by the collar so he didn't do anything stupid. Still, while Isaac's outburst was . . . unexpected, perhaps it would prove useful. Maybe it'd make it clear to those hearing voices now that they weren't the only ones.[break][break]

Say, what whirlpool had he focused his ire on, anyway? Isaac was so busy seeing red that he couldn't even tell.

[attr="class","skullinfo"]1000 WORDS / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD!


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
696 posts
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 19:47:09 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ah, well, that was a pleasant surprise. Having a cute redhead approach her always was. Moreso when that person was someone whom she had found intellectually in what little time they had spent together back during the speed dating event. However, despite her face lighting up a gentle smile of her own, it was slightly diminished due to the inherent surprise of this event. It was a pleasant one, but it could only be a surprise because the other had not gotten back to her about that.
It wasn’t exactly something she was mad about or anything, but she was going to keep it in mind, regardless. And possibly put some emphasis on that whilst she did. Yet, she would remain amicable, naturally. “It has been. Too long, if you ask me,” she hence replied, trusting that the other would pick up on the notion, but not necessarily be offended by it. That was just her opinion, after all. “Though I had hoped to come across someone intrigued by secrets when we talked. Especially when they are of as great a scale as this one. People from all walks of life have found their way here, which is quite interesting in and of itself, wouldn’t you agree?”
It did include both the con-girl and the detective, to boot. But she was also somewhat certain to have seen some rather important people, league and rocket alike. Certainly, recent events had likely led to a heightened interest in these kinds of events, if nothing else.
“At least we have numbers at our side. With this many people, a riddle like this should be resolved either way. But whatever lies beneath the waves, that will be the true test if you ask me. I’m glad to have you around either way, Elaine.”

+ mostly just catching up with



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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 20:26:23 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
annalise really thought she had puzzled it out when she picked monday, only to hear through the grapevine that she had been one day off. how annoying! she had answered the survey's riddle and — with her map group's help — the buoy's riddle, but this one had concluded with a wrong answer and a headache.
she carefully picks her way around other trainers, throat full of "excuse me"s, so she can read the writing scrawled onto the sand. it's another riddle — one she has to look over twice as she misreads skelp as skrelp the first time.
"huh." she lifts her eyes from the ground to the horizon, narrowing her eyes at the whirlpools visible from the shore. but which one? she echoes in her head, just as curious as the riddle master.
thank you, a voice thick with seafoam says. her eyebrows shoot up, but when she looks around, no one else seems to react. your videos saved my life.
it seems to come from the ocean, breathed out like a rolling tide. annalise has never heard it spoken out loud, but she's seen it a couple times in her comments. the sentiment has always made her feel warm inside, but it sounds a little chilling now.
is this the help she's supposed to seek out? she isn't so sure, the way it repeats the words brokenly during lapses of chatter, but still, it's something to grasp at.
annalise looks around warily, feeling a little crazy for even considering this, then speaks conspiratorially to the ocean, "um, which whirlpool is it?"

[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]anna has no pokemon out yet[break]
she reads the riddle and asks the ocean which whirlpool because it talked to her first!!

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing