i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 18:30:35 GMT

The summer heat rolled in with ferocity unlike anything Penelope had experienced up until then. Blocking the sun's glare with her hand, she gave the beach a solid glanceover, noting the few familiar faces she had originally located this beach with. She, of course, gave , , , , and a warm smile whenever their eyes would meet, but for the most part, her attention was caught else where.
An arc of red shot out from her right pocket, materializing into her excitable magnemite. The electric type held onto the same camcorder it always did, buzzing and bleeping in delight as its single eye noticed the amount of potential their surroundings held for them. Silent, Penelope gestured for him to follow her to the edges of the beach, out where the waves tickled the sand. From there, she stared out into its dredges, narrowed eyes unsure of what to make of the mess before her.
The voice initially started out slow. A soft roll of words with unexpecting ends.
"You can't keep running from yourself. You'll tire soon enough."
Penelope's hands curled up into fists. She could feel the sting of pain as her nails dug deep into her palms, but compared to the havoc that wrecked her chest, it was nothing.
"Let's go."
Lips turned downward, eyes cold as frost, the HBS reporter spun around and began marching down the beach. She could feel the thundering of her heart, the whispers of doubt kissing her forehead, the drizzle of cold sweat breaking down her cheeks, all of it.
"Mind if I catch a lift?" A practiced facade fell over her features as she greeted the esteemed . If allowed, she'd lift herself and her pokemon onto the draconic water type, slipping right behind another familiar face. After securely snuggling her magnemite onto her lap, she slapped both of her hands onto her cute worker's shoulders, giving him both a welcoming squeeze and
laugh. "Didn't think I would see you here."

Hopefully, they'll be off to the NORTHERN WHIRLPOOL soon enough.

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

- riding w n
- hears voice
- off to the northern whirlpool
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2022 20:27:43 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

At the very least, they were in agreement about the fundamentals. That was decent. Enough to forgive the lack of communication in the past. For now, at least. Violet reserved the right to herself to potentially get grumpy about this at some point in the future. For now, this was good enough. For now, they had a riddle to solve. Or for someone else to solve. At least that was how it worked this time. She had been right that just asking helped, only the help came in the form of another riddle. Initially, she was a bit too distracted by their conversation to notice the noise, but eventually it did come back.
Those were things she had heard in her youth, back in the mountains. Though Elaine was quicker, making a connection and coming to a conclusion. Violet, for her part, just observed, bemused, finding these antics actually kind of cute. This one certainly was worth her attention, even if she probably might have to prod her a little more. “North, yes, I do remember that part,” she noted, halfway to herself, while the people around them came to similar conclusions – or just latched onto theirs.
…which included a voice that she still had not forgotten, but did not care for too much. Though, admittedly, Vio had gotten a lot more chill in that regard. Her lips just briefly curled into a bit of a mischievous smile as she remembered just what water type she had brought for this. Maybe would at least appreciate seeing that Jellicent once more.
However, Violet quickly moved on from that. Someone so gallantly offering her a hand and a team-up proper kind of did that to her. “Right, right, we should not dally. It seems like everyone else is probably just going to follow down that rabbit-pool anyway, so this won’t be much of a gate-keeping event. Probably best not to be the last,” she replied, taking that hand offered to her with a delicate one of her own.
With the other, she released the oversized Jellicent, towering over others of its kind. It certainly was big enough to potentially threaten small vessels by itself. Vio knew that quite well. But she had taken a liking to the thing anyway, even though it had tried to kill her, once. “It’s probably best if we ride together. That pool might also serve to split people up or such. With Whirlpool, we should be able to dive safely.”

+ Listens to , comes to a similar Nosepass conclusion. North is chosen and she brings out XXL Jellicent to whirlpool down there.



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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 1:09:30 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]she looks... confused.

riddles are, unfortunately, not exactly her strong suit. hell, she got the first riddle wrong and now she has to figure this one out? save her now...

her mouth opens to ask , , , and what they thought of the riddle when she hears it: a question echoing over and over until she's lost in the familiar voice.

"why are you so determined to find them?"

it stops her long enough for the group to continue talking. her eyes dart around, looking for . his voice sounds so close yet so far, here yet not. for a moment, she's back in a space-time distortion searching and searching. she comes up empty handed, just as she did then. and somewhere in the search, she manages to find the familiar face of . he's busy, springing into action. and after a moment, her group begins to move as well.

they follow 's lead, calling out pokemon and heading for the northern whirlpool. she's quiet as she calls out her salamence, the dragon letting out an annoyed huff as claws dig into sand. climbing onto the dragon is easy, simple, a practiced movement taught by the ghost of someone important. and flying out to the whirlpool is just as simple, perhaps, but a look of anxiousness flashes before they're diving in.

the last time she had been in so much water... she was cut down from behind like a wounded animal. hopefully it doesn't happen again.

cyberchase conundrum.

tl;dr |
- hears a word
- confused?
- joins map group
- calls out salamence
- flies toward north whirlpool on salamence & dives into it

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
1,207 posts
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 1:17:57 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
If it weren’t for the crowd of people and the lingering feeling of certain doom, it would’ve been a great toes-in-the-sand kind of lazy day. Memo leaned out over Gabriel’s neck, palms flattened between the Salamence’s shoulder blades, peering down at the churning water below.

Ruh-roh. That wasn’t good.

He shifts back in his seat, feeling the comforting weight of behind him; he had originally scooched forward enough so they wouldn’t be touching but the minute the ocean became a bigger player in this comedy of errors, Alex had locked an arm viciously around his waist and was holding on for dear life.

Memo had hitched a ride with Alex on the latter’s Salamence for convenience reasons, and also because Alex needed to hold onto someone whilst he lost his shit. He didn’t really do water all that well.

The gentle murmur of human voices was everywhere, mostly from people approaching and gauging the situation amongst themselves-- but there was something different, something just barely a whisper, and yet growing louder still. It was familiar-- uncomfortably so.

“¡Estás muerto para mí! ¿Me oyes? From now on I have one son, and one son only!”

Despite the roll of nausea that snapped in his gut like a whip, and the latent numbness drifting down his limbs at remembering… then, he found himself chuckling. Nothing could convince him to run into dangerous and potentially deadly situations headfirst like the perk of hearing his very disappointed mother.

He slid one hand down the arm currently vicegripped around his waist and, somehow, threaded his fingers with Alex’s-- though it took some doing to pry the white-knuckled clench fisted in the clothes at his hip.

“How you holding up?” he asked over his shoulder. By now he’d seen enough shocked faces to realize that other people were also, probably, hearing less savory things from their past. Which meant Alex was, too; so he wanted to make sure the taller man didn’t faint out of fear or stress-- which had happened at LEAST twice in the short time they’d been… involved-- and fall straight off the dragon.

"It looks like we might have to dive in," he said, after watching a number of other people do just that. There was a giddy hitch to his voice as Gabriel circled the northernmost whirlpool, waiting for the acquiescence of his second passenger.

tl ; dr
- memo and alex arrive on alex's salamence
- they're out circling the whirlpools giving alex some time to come to terms with diving straight in
- will choose the northernmost pool to go into c:

et all c:
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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 1:42:50 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Despite her own weaknesses with riddles, Kaida wasn't distressed over it. No, there was a different problem afoot. and other familiar faces were nearby, and her feet were rooted to the floor. Before, she would have rushed over, bade her Yamega and her to help, but not with the voices in her head.

You're nothing like them.

Spoken in a voice she had never heard before, yet possessing her own bite and snarl. Yes. She already knew, and she could do this on her own, couldn't she? Whether it was as something other than human, or a Ranger, she was a different person, wasn't she? Something was speaking in her ears, and she wanted to laugh out loud. Of course monstrous voices were here to help her. She had survived a monster back at that church, the war, everywhere, perhaps she had picked up a bit of them.

"Over there, it's the right one...I think."

She releases her Yamega with a whisper, sounding less sure than she felt. A strange creature like her, in possession of strange beasts and items, probably wouldn't be allowed to die just yet...and if it happened, it was surely because there were more important people than her.

Insectoid claws wrapped around her waist, and the two set off, hovering only a moment before diving into the north whirlpool.

TLDR: Kaida sees , but doesn't approach. Since recent events, she feels very different from other people. She hears the hint and sends out Yamega, diving into the north whirlpool with it.

Pokemon: Ekans: Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Yamega: Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team. Can use Z-move Overspeed!
Aqunarid: Male, Water Bubble. Soak, Wide Guard, Mirror Coat, Bubble Beam, Leech Life, Aqua Ring.

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 2:47:34 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
“Right, right, we should not dally. It seems like everyone else is probably just going to follow down that rabbit-pool anyway, so this won’t be much of a gate-keeping event. Probably best not to be the last.”

That was all she needed to hear as the hand she had offered was taken in equally delicate matter. Admittedly, this was a bit of a show for Elaine but she was always a fan of theatrics. A decade of time had never taken that away from her. She could not be more grateful for the young woman who had reciprocated her actions.

Her smile didn't fade as a towering jellyfish Pokemon appeared by their side, likely at Violet's beckoning.

“It’s probably best if we ride together. That pool might also serve to split people up or such. With Whirlpool, we should be able to dive safely.”

Well, would you look at that. In the end, using whirlpool was a correct choice after all.

That being said, Violet was right. It was better to keep with someone familiar. There was no way of telling if groups would be split apart and shuffled. 

After a few moments of thought, she realized she could have taken the opportunity to strip down to the swimsuit she had underneath her clothes and drop the extraneous stuff in her waterproof messenger's bag, but it was probably best to leave that for later. The world was moving without them and they would be the last ones down if they did leave things as they were.

"Onwards to the Northern Whirlpool, then."

It was all down to Violet to give the command to allow the two of them to head down to the depths. To another mystery left unsolved until today.

  • 'Bluff' Success~♫ Means of sea travel get~♪
  • Onwards to the Northern Whirlpool with
  • No stripping and swimsuits. Yet.

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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 2:50:04 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar

don't stare too hard at it, you'll be dizzy.
a nosedive into it is needed to pass safely.
but which one? you can ask for help,
but do be careful and discard your skelp!

It's clear as day in the golden sand before you; the words that brought you here have only given you -and many others- a new message to follow. The other? Disappeared between the waves, or so you've heard. Yvaine sighs softly and closes her eyes, focusing on the fickle wind carrying the scent of sea and salt with it. It settles on her skin, with the sun burdening it further. A whisper teases her ear, and as the mercenary focuses more it becomes a word. And that word becomes two when she takes a step towards the water.

Yvaine's instincts tell her to proceed. Proceed across the waves and towards the torrents far beyond the safety of shallow waters. If just a single step makes the sea-breeze speak more, what would soaring among the winds grant her? Gliscor's out within seconds, staring down at his trainer until she gives the wordless order to descent. The next moment they are airborne, their focus on the northern whirlpool as it picks up speed. Nearing its chosen target, the Gliscor comes to a standstill, floating in place only meters above the watery cesspool below.

The winds... no, the water whisper anew.

"You decide the ending..."

Peering down at the whirlpool's center, she cannot help but smile. "Very well... let's go down." Yvaine whispers underneath her breath, patting the Gliscor's head. "Free-fall into the center, buddy, and hold your breath!" Gliscor obeys and aims for the whirlpool's midst, clasping its wings against its side as it torpedo's down dead center into the swirling water.


- Yvaine calls out Gliscor to fly towards the Northern Whirlpool
- Hears the voices from the water down below
- Plunges into the whirlpool's center

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 4:09:01 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]





I knew it, but Eva isn’t one to gloat, just smile sweetly and nod politely, “That’s right, Sunday!” she would gleam happily at when he would question her answer to the late Bailey Cooper’s riddle.


Naturally, they both com prepared . . but maybe not prepared enough. Eva finds herself staring out at a vast and volatile ocean. The Whirlpool churn the water with unforgiving force, and only one is correct. Perhaps she should have brought her Gyarados, the beast could have easily navigated through the perilous waters.


Despite the roar of the churning water, she can’t help but hear a disturbing phrase, repeated over and over. It’s quiet, nagging, just like the true thought pulsing at the back of her head.




It chills her to her bones, but the warm kiss on her cheek from washes away the uncertainty.


“I can do anything.”


No ocean would tell her what she can and cannot do.


Before Eva follows after Matias, she releases the Gallde. The Psychic type hisses in distaste, unhappy with the implication of the whirlpool before them. He glances towards Eva with a smile that begs her she’s kidding. The doctor returns it with an anxious smile of her own.


Nope, she’s not kidding.


And away they go, headfirst into the unknown of the NORTH WHIRLPOOL.



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december 21
freelance job-runner
we are stood, and somehow calm, inside the madness of this storm
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TAG WITH @lethe
Lethe Ascelin
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 7:37:16 GMT
Lethe Ascelin Avatar
being here had potentially been the stupidest decision of lethe’s life, they decide. it’s not because of the riddles, or the strangeness of the situation. the place is simply crowded already, and lethe tends to have a short social battery. crowds have always been more than slightly intimidating to them. they’ll try to stick to themselves for a moment, they decide, then perhaps approach another (or wait to be approached; frankly, they’d feel overwhelmed by the choice of whom to approach.)

they shift their attention to the words on the sand, mulling over the words in their mind, looking between the whirlpools and the riddle. they think most people appear as lost as them on the riddle. there’s only one real solution they can consider with it, but they’re not much liking the sound of diving into a whirlpool. especially not one out of four, trying to figure out the right one.

they can just barely make out a sound; they think they hear human voices, though they sound far. they step closer to the water in hopes of hearing something more. they think any words might just be indistinguishable, and are able to give up on listening, when they’re suddenly struck by a phrase, and their blood runs cold for a moment.

“we’ll miss you.”

quickly looking around to see who had said it, they determine no one had been close enough to have done so. it had to have been those voices, surely, it sounded like none of the people they could see talking on the beach around them. wonderful.

o great mysterious, talking ocean, tell me your ways, they think, and whatever the hell is it you want, a tinge of sarcasm in the address.

they’re stuck by a cry from the waters, and almost do a double-take. that cry… they try to think back to where they had heard it before. it takes them a moment before they realize it was the call of a nosepass. they think harder on it. nosedive… nose. specific. they had to assume every word was chosen for a reason here. and skelp. metal, they knew that much from their brief time hired on to help a blacksmith. they hadn’t been good at it, but they remembered the words used, at least.

something about nosepasses. they try to think back to the few they’d met, who they’d learned to recognize the calls from. distinguishing features… they always face north, that’s about all they can remember. but it’s something. it’s more than something, actually; there appears to be a northern whirlpool. and others are heading towards it, now, appearing to have come to the same conclusion.

they take out chive’s pokeball, throwing it so the kingler could come out. they climb onboard, preparing themself for the dive into the northern whirlpool. they look back at the beach for a brief moment. then, they set off.


- lethe is unsure and they try to look around and get ideas from others

- they decide they're too intimidated by the crowd to go up to the others, and resign themself to figuring things out alone (for now), and hope that someone else approaches

- they hear their phrase

- they hear the call and decide to go to the northern whirlpool based of what little they know and what they observe others doing

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 10:03:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar











aries...tries to focus on the riddle in front of them, but the chatter and movement of the crowd makes it hard. someone moves, nearby, and she doesn't know why it's enough to make her glance away from the ocean, where people are diving in, but it is. and she regrets it the second she does.[break][break]

because it's , and their last meeting was...not great, honestly, and aries had been hoping they wouldn't meet again by the end of it. guess she wouldn't be that lucky after all.[break][break]

if they notice her, they don't show it- which, honestly, is for the best, because she would rather stay far away from them. from where they are, they're obviously not about to approach anyone else, looks like aries won't have to worry about much, there.[break][break]

or thats what she would have thought, if people weren't starting to make a move for the northern whirlpool. none of her pokemon would be great at swimming, so she has to do something...[break][break]

which is where lethe (unfortunately, because they're the only person aries really knows) and the pokemon they pull out come in. she almost misses the kingler, with a jolt of panic, but barely catches the poor thing quick enough to pull herself up, with an apology to it (not lethe, though).[break][break]

- she has spotted lethe and is awkward about it for most of the post.[break]
- realizes she'll be stranded if she doesn't get a ride on someone's pokemon.[break]
- goes for lethe and their kingler to get a ride out to the northern whirlpool. gay.






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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 11:25:22 GMT



ONE OF HOENN’S MOST PROMINENT FIGURES takes to the sidelines. there’s no need to take the lead with so many bodies up and able. sooner or later, they’ll be able to crowdsource the answer.

his concerns lie elsewhere.

"you have to understand, i can't be the one to say it, fernando. it has to be you. your choice."

fernando ignores the wallowed whispers from whirlpool’s lullaby. her words don’t mean anything now. the time to dwell and reminisce is long gone.

now is a time for vigilance.

familiar faces pace within the spectrum of his one good eye. he waits for or to make an appearance. should they arrive, they’ll be the first to fall before he cleans up whatever mess these riddles will undoubtedly entail.

little does he know, he just missed the tenured underboss.

- off to the side, watching those on the beach.
- waiting for and so he can attack on sight.
- missed already diving in.

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 12:11:51 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Cyberchase Conundrum

The day was probably wrong but honestly the young Ranger is stressed with everything going on. Off on the beach with many others as Alabastyer is on his shoulder in Salem's place as the Litwick has a hand on his chin pondering the same as his trainer. The only thing bringing him out of his thoughts was Eris' asking if everything was going to be fine. "Yeah of course," he tries to assure in a tired tone, though there is a small burn on his tongue. As it seems even his inner conscious was too unsure for that to be true. [break][break]

They'll try at least....[break][break]

Though he does point to Alabaster's flame as if to get his point across that he 'wasn't lying.' For now he ponders about the riddle as the voice from the water ring out. Calling to him, but in a name that should be dead. [break][break]

Pryde [break][break]


Raziel Pryde [break][break]

Honestly he hates it, though it just rings out about what Reshiram had always claimed. About the 'truth' setting him free. Probably true, but maybe it was the more childish side of him wanting to keep it as a ridiculous notion. Though it seems like the cry of help from the crowd had the sea feeling pity for them as a cry is heard from one of the whirlpools. Interesting, having been around so many pokemon he has come to learn some of their cries. And while he would've offered a ride it seems like she decided to leave with a friend instead. [break][break]

Not wanting to be left behind Razz recalls his Litwick and calls out his Metagross. Riding the psychic pokemon toward the NORTHERN WHIRLPOOL and going in. [break][break]



[break]+ Comes to the Beach with Litwick, Zarude, and Metagross
[break]+ Hears his old name from the waters
[break]+ Rides Metagross toward the northern whirlpool


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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 12:54:34 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

was she really going to follow her brothers to a very likely mutual demise, again?[break][break]
she stood amongst the crowd, arms crossed and amber eyes sharp. she wasn’t sure why she was surprised they were both here, especially , but it was enough of a distraction to have her lagging at the rear.[break][break]
should she stay behind this time? the last quinn, sole survivor of the noble galarian family? or were her parents not dead yet?[break][break]
her inner conflict and considerations were interrupted by a voice of unknown origin, soft, and ambiguous.[break][break]
”i don't want to hurt anyone.”[break][break]
her brow furrowed as she tried to place it, quickly surmising from those in her vicinity that she wasn't alone with the strange phenomenon. meanwhile, many were beginning to leave shore, headed for the northernmost whirlpool. her brothers were among them, and as she watched the last tip of ’s red dhelmise disappear, she took a decisive step towards the closest remaining carpool. [break][break]
by luck or by fate, it was ’s samurott.[break][break]
”guess i’ll take you up on that,” she responded, nodding towards him with a flat smile, and cutting the distance to take hold of the pokémon.[break][break] as they left the shore into crowded, violent waves, she looked back once, only to glimpse  there at the water's edge. quickly, she reoriented. had he seen her? unlikely, she supposed, considering... there was so much going on. still, a somewhat troubling possibility.[break][break]
as they sped past  and her companions, lulu gave a two-fingered salute, though her focus remained ahead. if no one else, she’d absolutely expected the captain to be here.[break][break]
finally, as they disappeared into the whirlpool, the voice in her head became just clear enough.[break][break]
it belonged to . (x)

• is surprised bros are here[break]
• hears voice (belongs to from the day they met)[break]
• tags along w on samurott to north whirlpool, spotting friends along the way[break][break]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 13:20:40 GMT
Deleted Avatar


The riddle was obviously three days from Thursday.
Thus, Sunday.
Tobias knew something about it was fishy, and when the answer hit him he laughed at the ridiculous ease of the conundrum. It was literally child's play.
That being said. That childish riddle was why he was here. Out in the middle of the ocean, a location that led to other wonders. Wonders and mysteries he couldn't let pass him by! [break][break]The map coordinates led him here, where the supposed 'mirage island' was supposed to exist. Said island was nowhere to be found. But that was a mystery for another day!
Eyes entranced by the golden shore his mind read and reread the words etched in the sand. The mid-July sun bearing down on him was nothing but an afterthought as he found himself in a trance of sorts.
don't stare too hard at it, you'll be dizzy.[break]
a nosedive into it is needed to pass safely.[break]
but which one? you can ask for help,[break]
but do be careful and discard your skelp!

He could distantly hear a word in his ears, over and below the ocean tide. It was both loud and quiet, near, yet far. As his eyes locked on the four whirlpools he felt something in him click. Or perhaps snap?[break][break] Whatever it was, he threw caution to the wind as he approached northern whirlpool, ignoring the others also heading there. He held his breath ⁠— and dived in.




Tobias arrives, stares at the riddle, and attempts to dive into the northern whirlpool. Made several edits cause I'm a dummy.


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September 7
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Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2022 17:53:40 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

“Onwards indeed,” she replied, while scandalously, if briefly, holding the other’s hand. It was a bit theatrical, yes, but Violet very much enjoyed that much the same. It was kind of ironic how similar they were in some regards, despite approaching life from quite the opposite end. Though, also incidentally, she was the one who knew about this, unlike her current partner. Which made it all the more delicious.
Honestly, coming here was already worth it just for this encounter to her. She had hoped to meet some interesting people in an exclusive event, after all. But she had expected something more akin to the Tiered Tea Room in group size, not this avalance of people now barrelling towards the northern whirlpool. Meeting someone interesting that she could converse and work with so quickly, that was already a good sign. “Be careful not to touch it too much. It has cursed body, though it is mostly safe to board. The flaps can be difficult, though,” she noted as Jellicent submerged itself to the point where they could board the head and hold onto the crown-like appendage on top.
Then, with everyone ready, team theatrics headed towards the Northern Whirlpool too, entering it properly.

+ gets on Jellicent with , both of them heading down the North Whirlpool



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing