rangers rising

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,614 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2022 20:32:15 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar



[attr="class","frlandslidetop"] Ranger Rising

While Razz its grateful to those like and taking his side, for just a moment his nerves go straight up as some newbie decides to yell at him. Salem is quick to move to Razz's right shoulder, both to help the young ranger keep his emotions in check with a helpful psychic push. But also in case the green Ranger wanted to start something. [break][break]

Razz looks the other up and down, and the Green Jacket doesn't go unnoticed, and all he really wonders is why some Trainee was involved in the recruitment of another. The younger Ranger is stone face at the other's outburst as if he couldn't careless what the other had to say as in the end there was no excuse. "Then I guess Vice's action is more of a reflection on your character judgement isn't it?" he replies when the other is done with his outburst. [break][break]

The half blind Ranger looks over the other's shoulder as the man in question walks back in, deciding to snap along side , but Razz is ever cool and collected because he has been on the end of so much worse. "Don't leave a meeting when you hear bad news then, not only does it look bad for those you represent, but shows that you aren't dependable," and the last thing the Rangers needed were people they couldn't depend on. [break][break]

Would these count as snapping back for the other ? Who knows, either way its not like he needs the other's gear when he has access to Silph Co. [break][break]

That's when decides to show, and apparently there for a tad bit as it seems he has heard some of the arguing that has gone on and decided to address it. So with an extra experienced leader showing up Razz just sits back down to listen. He doesn't miss the look given his way, though its above his understanding for the look. [break][break]

Now finally cuts in to answer questions, Razz having no objections to anything so he just sits to listen in. See what the plans were for the future.



+ Outfit Ref


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November 10
Gym Challenger
Rocket Elite
Nicodemus Unken
107 height
107 height
Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
315 posts
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TAG WITH @galaxy
Matt Vice
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2022 21:16:39 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar
No. Fuck this. He was done.

"Fuck you, I stepped out for air you jackass. Actually yeah, naw, fuck all y'all. I came here expecting to meet heros, not a room full of petty assholes. Kiss the fattest part of my black ass."

Matt flipped off. Curse his hot headedness, but he was done being treated like he did something bad for getting air.

"Don't lose your other eye on the way out."

He snapped at Razz, going to nudge

"Sorry I made a scene, you can talk to me later and fill me in."

With that he walked right out the door.

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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2022 22:58:36 GMT
boruta maher Avatar

everybody had to say their piece. to be at a table of rangers loudly dissenting against their government was uncomfortable at best. 

while the captain was vigilant in case a fight broke out, any risk to his job or respect from his superior was enough to keep his mouth shut. this wasn’t his conflict to resolve, nor would he contribute to it. the only other option than to comply was step down and leave the task to the next willing individual—and there would always be one, lest they start drafting civilians.

bo looked over as ’s voice came down the table. his golden gaze was quietly inquisitive at the man who had once given him a chance. paternal leave… but what about considering a babysitter? was the extra time spent really more important than protecting his family's survival and future?

at ’s question, bo only had a couple of words to say.

”yes, sir.”

and then it was back to watching the chaos.
ranger meeting
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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 1:32:20 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oh boy. Oh boy. While he returned 's smile, he watched, learned, and listened. The various points and devices to deal with the meteor, and then the chaos. There were some standouts, there were some that made him disappointed. To the point that it was no wonder the region was going to hell. However, Oliver did admire 's declaration and resolve...but he wasn't sure if the biggest hot heads would heed the man's words. He may have worked here in Hoenn for almost a year now, but he still felt like a stranger. So his own little quip probably won't mean anything, especially since he was a transfer from Johto. Specifically to help out these guys. "For what it's worth, I'll go wherever needs the most help. My Dragonite can be me to wherever in a jiffy." He didn't care where, and he could easily reinforce most places in a hurry.

Sounded like all the points were going to have their own issues, so it didn't matter to him. So long as who he's working with aren't idiots, even if they ended up being people he disagree with, this was bigger...they needed to do this to protect everyone. And really hoped when crunch time came this shitshow doesn't happen.

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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 2:27:53 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

A wide smile breaks across Jack's face as 's team excitedly inquires about their street racing assignment. Of course Captain Fawley wouldn't mention it to them, he is too humble, Jack thinks to himself as his eyes flick to the taciturn Ranger Captain. Jack opens his mouth, relishing the idea of regaling them with the story of Tam and @marshall's noble deeds when the meeting is called to order. His jaw clicks shut as he slides into a seat next to to listen intently.

He applauds enthusiastically at the news of the promotions. That he doesn't know these people doesn't dampen his enthusiasm, as he knows they are all united in a common purpose. The warm feeling that has bubbled up inside him quickly chills at the news of these installation points and the order for their defense. Jack stares at the map, not really understanding, though the hostility and yelling that ensues causes his brow to furrow and his shoulders to tighten. Watts, sensing the tension in the room, burrows into the space between Jack and Caleb's chairs, his head resting on Jack's knee and his body vibrating with nervous energy.

Looking up from the map, Jack glances at Captain Fawley, taking his stoicism as a cue to remain calm. Jack settles in his seat somewhat, though briefly considers following @arashi out the door. The man has the right idea, Jack thinks, but I don't see anyone else from Verdanturf here so I guess I have to stay and represent. Fighting the urge to light up a cigarette, Jack instead mops up some chili with a piece of bread and sneaks a glance at Caleb to gauge his reaction to all of this.


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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 8:37:33 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

As she gazed around she noticed some were looking to her for guidance. Perhaps someone remembered her station outside the Rangers. In particular, caught her attention. And she couldn’t fault him. But this was a Ranger meeting. If the rangers couldn’t be trusted to halt their own emotional tidal waves, then could they really be trusted with their job?

But then her attention was caught by , whose appearance she had not expected to see at all. Still, it was a welcome surprise, one that seemed much needed as his appearance helped curb the storm of emotions in here. Though as her eyes fell upon a baby once more, she looked puzzled. But seeing how addressing that had gone last time. She wasn’t about to pick that fight.

Luckily she didn’t have to for began to address the room. She looked towards him a mix of understanding and perhaps familiar pride in her eyes as he addressed the concerns of as many people as he feasible could.

Elinor’s eyes met with Lars for a brief moment, he did not need to say the words for her sake, she knew what was coming and was looking forward to seeing how the rest of the Rangers would react to the suggestion.

Rustboro was given their orders. She made a mental note of it, though given her other position, she was not sure she could help fulfill that part. But surely there were equally good rangers that could step up to the task alongside @boruto

While she noticed the small kerfuffle between , , and . She decided not to pay it much attention, instead focusing on Lars’s exceptional motivational speech.

Elinor gave him an approving nod and gave him light applause for the speech before she began on one of her own. “Thank you Head Ranger Anderson for that moving speech.” She made sure to address him with the proper title and respect he deserved. “As a representative of the Council and as a Ranger, I will admit that what I just saw worried me.” She paused. “But I will not let a single lapse color my view of you all. And perhaps some of the tension in here is because of me or rather what I haven’t said.”

She looked out onto the room. “Some of you might think The League handed this task to the Rangers with the expectation that only Ranger resources would be used. This I can assure you is not the case. The League will provide what resources it can.” She took a moment to breathe. “And while I am sure a lot of you would appreciate a more detailed promise, I can’t provide these details just yet. But know that they will be given as quickly as possible.”

And so, with that speech done, she allowed the room to absorb the words she had spoken, to realize that they were not alone. The wildlife and Citizens were not solely relying on the protection of the Rangers.

OOC: Let's see how this will blow up in my face.
- Quietly observes and listens to motivational Speech
- Tries to be ease some tensions here by making promises as a member of the council...


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february ninth
celadon, kanto
former kanto champion
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
180 posts
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TAG WITH @calliope
Calliope Marks
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 12:55:45 GMT
Calliope Marks Avatar
This whole ordeal had quickly turned into a shitshow. Even as people made rude comments about what she said, Callie failed to care. She would just give them sardonic smiles and continue to eat. She didn't care.

But now, there was one thing that gave her pause.

Callie didn't know very well. But she understood him on a level few other people here would. While she was not ashamed of her scars, they had a small bonding moment in the sauna some time ago. So, a spike of white hot anger shot in her gut.

Dropping her pizza, Callie stood. She made as if to follow @arashi.

Instead, she stopped by 's cart of pies and picked one up.

(She could see every bit of love and care put into each one. She would need to apologize to later.)

With every bit of strength she had, Callie flung the pie at . The fattest part of his black ass, to be precise.

This place was a circus and she was ready to act like a clown.

Sorry, .
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september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 13:08:32 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
jake's wet hands casually get dried off of his shirt before he's met with a surprise.

he just got out of the bathroom after taking a dump form eating so much free food. he thought he could stock up on carbs to save up money, but it all backfired in the end in more ways than one.

one, digestive problems.

two, he missed a lot of stuff.

as he returns to the room, he feels animosity brewing. as he's new to both the organization and the region, he's not sure if this is normal or not. at least everyone seems engaged, one way or another.

he takes one more slice of pie for dessert from the table along the way as he goes around looking for someone he recognizes. comes into view, approaching him while he munches on the pastry.

"what did i miss?" he asks him. "you guys seem to be having fun."

it looked like it for him.

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Doc Cox
April 12
Castelia City
Combat Medic
It's not easy having yourself a good time
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Jax Cox
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 13:43:41 GMT
Jax Cox Avatar
Alright so now was not pie time. Things were very serious here at the fun ranger potluck, the opposite of what Jax expected. He thought this was gonna be like, an indoor company picnic. With games and such! No such luck, they were in code red all around. Seemed natural considering their apocalyptic circumstances--but what was he gonna do with all this pie?

Jax had the choice made for him as approached his cart. How foolish he was to believe she might wish to try one of his pies, his face brightening up at the very thought. He proudly stepped aside as she chose one off the top, eagerly awaiting her opinion. Oooo Nanab berries and cream, a fantastic choice. 

His hopes were shattered as the pie was launched from her hand at the posterior of . Jax's face cracked, his hands slapping against his cheeks as he bellowed in abject horror.


His horror gave way to desperate confusion, and confusion gave way to rage. For the first time in many years, Jax was furious. "I spent two days on these pies you libertine profligate!" Blinded by his own despair, Jax picked up one of his own precious pies and attempted to slam dunk it onto poor Calliope's head.

Sorry .
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february ninth
celadon, kanto
former kanto champion
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
180 posts
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TAG WITH @calliope
Calliope Marks
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 14:57:18 GMT
Calliope Marks Avatar
Things devolve very quickly.

calls her... something. She doesn't know, but from the fire burning in the man's eyes it must be bad. She earns a pie dropped on her head.

She is still for a moment. Only the gloop of cream and berries sliding down her face and hair.


Then Callie attempts to wrap one arm around Jax's neck, holding him still, so she can try and smush a pie right in his face.

Her face breaks into a smile.

This was all really stupid.

Like, super stupid.

But holy shit it would be funny.

"Last one covered in pie wins!"

The gravitas of the situation breaks for her. They all needed some silly fun. They had just been at each other's throats for basically nothing. The stress was eating at them all.

So maybe this would help.

Letting Jax go, Callie grabs for more pies.

She hurls one at . One aimed at files too wide and beans poor . More are hurled wildly at the crowd of Rangers.

Even the guys in charge are not free. One sails through the air at . Another aims to smack .

Callie takes no prisoners in her goal to cover everyone in the room with pie.

- Callie is throwing pies. I mentioned a few people, but feel free to say your character also got hit by her in the chaos if you want
- she's trying to bring down tension by being silly now
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october 12
petalburg city, hoenn
botanist / petalburg capt.
ranger captain
you sigh look away, i can see it clear as day. close your eyes so afraid, hide behind that baby face
239 posts
wren rourke DOLLARS
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wren rourke
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 15:23:37 GMT
wren rourke Avatar

Wren listens to the best of his ability, but there's so many voices flying back and forth that the pace becomes more and more difficult to follow. Some are heated, some are steady. He watches with mild alarm as chimes in and everything sort of implodes afterward. When the head ranger cuts in again, there's still a question that lingers at the front of his mind. They've been assured the devices aren't destructive, but that doesn't quite settle the curiosity he has. It won't stop him from helping, or following orders, but a clearer picture would be nice, he thinks.[break][break]

He looks over to , hand lifting slightly. He's not exactly in a spot yet where he feels he can just talk openly in the middle of a meeting, so raising his hand would help right, yes? "Um, I was just-" The questions dies quietly when things take another turn and a pie is being vaulted across the room.[break][break]

Wren openly gawks at the scene, mouth hanging open as words devolve into shouts. But! He'll try again. "I was wondering if-" Again, more baked goods go flying en masse, and this time he's not so lucky to be avoided. It's not aimed at him, he's pretty sure. (After all, he doesn't know , or like, anyone fighting, but still.) Yet warm crust and filling splats against the side of his head, and after a moment of pause, Wren blinks himself back into movement, and can definitely taste apple and cinnamon. His mouth clicks shut.[break][break]

He's not about to try and see if the third time's the charm.[break][break]

Hunkering down in his seat, he'll wait this out. For a moment, he looks over , question hanging on the tip of his tongue. We were given our tasks, can we go? but he refrains and tries to wipe bits of pie from his head. Juno, sensing the potential of a snack, wiggles free from his back and nibbles at the remnants of the tin, which had fallen down by his chair.[break][break]

After a beat, he looks across the table to again, despite having not personally addressed him yet. "Does this usually happen?"[break][break]

+ would like to ask a question, but then there's uh. pie.[break]

+ is mostly just watching, though asks a question[break]

+ kinda wants to ask if they can like, go or something, but keeps it quiet[break]

+ collecting x1 green shard



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October 13
Mistralton City, Unova
15 height
15 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
33 posts
Liam Cassius DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @liam
Liam Cassius
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 15:43:12 GMT
Liam Cassius Avatar

To be honest, Liam couldn't give a flying ratata's ass for this supposedly 'mandatory' meeting. It was a waste of time, energy, and eyeliner. If it had not been for the fact that , his cute boss, was the woman behind it all, he would've vanished hours ago. He might've even opted to sleep through the meeting a rely on 's notes.[break][break]Elbow propped on the tabletop, he was barely able to keep his head balancing on his balled up fist. Slow, droopy yawns would come out in intervals of 2, all while his eyes would occasionally make the rounds, scanning the group of hippies and assholes for the few cute girls that the organization had. Those he did notice -- namely , , and -- would get a ever-so-flirty wink every so often. Usually during long, winding speeches.[break][break]It wasn't until pies flew in the air that his interested sparked up.[break][break]But then obligation settled in its place.[break][break]Leaning to his side, he put up his arms to effectively block out any flying pastries from gracing his hot boss' face. "Don't worry," she smirked, "I got you."
[attr="class","ooc"] @tag[break]
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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 15:49:33 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

She had said her piece, she had hoped this would bring some ease to the discomforting tension the Rangers were sure to be feeling.

Oh, how wrong she was. Suddenly a pie appeared. Perhaps she had been too busy hoping against all odds that these people, these ADULTS would know the gravity of the situation and behave accordingly. The creamy pie hitting her straight in the face, only to fall down on the table in front of her, leaving chunks that slowly dripped down, proved her wrong.

She took a deep breath, cream daring to follow the air into her lungs through her nose, but she was spared the pain as she wiped away what she could with a quick swipe of her right hand. Then she slammed both palms onto the table and stood up furiously sending the chair careening backwards until it fell with a clang.

“ENOUGH!” Elinor yelled mustering every bit of authority and anger into her voice as she channeled her inner or was it perhaps ?


Now the words had been said, they could not be taken back. She looked towards Lars, an apologetic look in her eyes. “I am sorry about that, Lars.”

OOC: Let's see how this will blow up in my face.
- The Council is angry and disappointed.


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september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jake
jacob kim
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 16:02:34 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
he feels something hit his face directly sooner than later.

fillings drip from his face as he looks at the slice that he had dropped after the impact. he stares at the wasted food for a moment before wiping it off from his features.

"is this a tradition?" he ponders out loud. "i guess hoenn really is what they say it was."

he readies a pie as he stares at before he turns to .

"ah, i get it now." the people who named his yamper. the collage on his wall. the tacky mugs on his desk. "you're a great parent, tam."

as soon as he readies to participate, shouts. it startles jake just enough to drop his second pie of the day, piling on the small food pile by his feet.

he freezes on the spot, confused. was this not a hoenn thing after all?


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February 14th
Icirrus City, Unova
Does it matter?
Slateport Ranger Capt.
Ranger Captain
166 height
166 height
Don't know, don't care.
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Tam Fawley DOLLARS
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Tam Fawley
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 16:16:04 GMT
Tam Fawley Avatar

He pays little mind to what most people say, because at this point it’s like there’s a dozen of them saying the same damn thing. Everyone wants to have the last word. Everyone wants to be the one that comes out on top. Tam just wants to do his job.
With that in mind, he does listen to .
”Slateport will help in whatever way we can, but I can’t make any promises until I have a proper look at our schedules. Even with our numbers, patrolling Granite Cave and assisting with the League’s upcoming Slateport Splashfest, ontop of all our duties to the city and its vicinity, will keep us much busier than usual. Still, Mauville will have our help with the desert if needed, just like Rustboro with Petalburg.” He speaks calmly, as if unaffected by the tension in the air, and when mentioning Mauville, his gaze fixes on , offering her a nod.
That’s all he has to say.
Well, that’s all he has to say until suddenly appears as if he had just missed 99% of the meeting.
”Hey, Jake. Eh… Just take it for what it is.” He shrugs, as if he were accustomed to this sort of thing.
Now he can move on to eating dessert and staying quiet for the rest of the meeting. Or, well, so Tam had hoped…
Just as he’s about to tell that she should just get herself a pie from and enjoy it until the meeting ends, the confrontation turns from verbal to physical, and of course said pies are at the centre of the whole damn thing…
What’s more, is at the centre of it and so is .
”Calliope–” Tam stands. A pie comes flying in his direction, aimed directly at by his side. A second one was probably meant for him, but it hits instead.
”You’re a great parent, Tam.”
Is he?! Apparently, since some of these rangers sure behave like children. Oh well, at least they’re finally having a good time during this meeting.
There’s a sigh, one that sounds more exhausted than anything.
”Welcome to Hoenn, Jake.” Tam pats the younger ranger’s shoulder, making sure to avoid getting any pie filling on himself.
Thankfully, he can count on to say the same thing he’s about to say to his own rangers. Right… Everything had been saying she’s apparently the new councilwoman. Convenient. Thank Arceus.
”Thank you, councilwoman. You took the words right out of my mouth. Both the verbal and physical assaults need to end now.
It’s there and then that Tam looks at , and although he remains as impassive as usual, the look he gives her clearly seems to say something along the lines of:
”You’re about to be stuck in beach clean up duty for eternity.”



[break]- I add summary when I'm less busy.


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