i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 22:10:35 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

"He's just not going to work out as a service Pokémon. He's smart, sure—too smart for his own good sometimes—but he's stubborn and barely listens to anything we tell him."

[break][break]"I'll take him."

[break][break]"Ruby? I wouldn't, if I were you. You heard what we said, right?"

[break][break]"I don't mean as a service Pokémon. I think he'd make a good guard dog."

[break][break]"He won't be easy to train..."

[break][break]"Hey, I'm from Orre, remember? I've dealt with way worse before."[break][break]

[break]You acted so tough. You were tough—still are and always will be—but you were better to me than anyone else had ever been. You and Arachne didn't take my crap when I tried to act like the leader of the pack, but when I did well, you praised me. You taught me to play to my strengths instead of forcing me to be something I wasn't. You let me become stronger by your side.

[break][break]When everything fell apart, I swore to be there for you. When you turned to a life of crime, my training shone through, and we took down whatever was in our path. No matter how big or scary it was, we stood our ground and fought together.

[break][break]I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough this time. It's not your fault. I don't think it's mine, either. You wouldn't let it be my fault, anyway. We just got way in over our heads this time. I mean, look at that thing. Just its head is the size of a mountain. And it's so cold—too cold for me, even, and you know how hot my fire burns. I just hope this was enough to protect you. And maybe one day...

[break]It was so, so cold. Even with her spacesuit, Ruby felt the chill deep in her bones. Legendary Pokémon clashed around her, and Hoopa grew to a monstrous size and laughed before sealing the rift, halting the biting winds but leaving the freezing snow and ice behind. Ruby could barely process any of it, her mind focused on one thing:

[break][break]"Cerberus!" she shouted again, running out of the Protect bubble. Arachne chittered in alarm and chased after her, movements slowed by the cold; her water bubble was already lined with jagged fingers of ice.

[break][break]Ruby felt like her heart had stopped cold. Cerberus stood proud on the battlefield, only a trace of regret in his eyes as he held his mouth open to shoot out a Flamethrower. But the fire had been extinguished, leaving only this frozen sculpture of one of her best friends, forever fighting a hopeless battle.

[break][break]There was a flash of light. Ruby watched with empty eyes as a Celebi—another freaking Legendary, of course—soared across the frozen field. Shimmering leaves and petals fell over the ice, and the plants frozen beneath seemed to perk up. There was another light: Ho-Oh flying away from the desolate graveyard, leaving behind a rainbow that reflected off the sheen of frost all around them. 's Gallade created a soothing rain of Life Dew over the battlefield. Ruby didn't feel anything.

kepler brueshaber Avatar
“I’m sorry.”

[break]Ruby had dealt with loss before. Recently, in fact: her father's death in the Ultra Beast War had torn her family apart and driven Ruby into Rocket's cold embrace. Back then, she'd been allowed a brief time to mourn before she had to pick up the jagged pieces of her life for her and her sister's sake. But now? Now, she was a Rocket. She was back to being the tough girl, the one who didn't let anything faze her, the one who could take punch after punch across the face, derisively spit out the blood, and then return the favor tenfold. Mourning was no longer allowed.

[break][break]But that didn't stop the torrent of feelings from breaking through.

[break][break]With an enraged scream, she punched the ice that had claimed her loyal partner. It hurt, and even through the spacesuit, it was freezing cold. Ruby didn't care. She punched it with her other hand, then the other, then the other, again and again and again until she couldn't feel her hands anymore and again after that. It didn't even chip the ice. Her knuckles were probably bleeding. She still didn't care.

[break][break]Finally, exhaustion sapped the strength from her and brought her down to her knees, panting. In the snow next to her was Cerberus's partially buried Houndoominite. Somehow, it had been spared the Never-Melt Ice. What a sick fucking joke.

[break][break]Arachne's chittering finally caught her attention. The Life Dew had reinforced her bubble, but bits of frost still floated on its surface. Keeping her out here for much longer would probably be a bad idea. Part of Ruby wanted to thank the Araquanid for at least trying. The rest of her knew she wouldn't be able to keep it together if she did, so without a word, she recalled Arachne back into her Ball.

kepler brueshaber Avatar
“Let’s go home.”

[break][break]"Home"... The place Kepler was probably thinking wasn't home to Ruby. Right now, she hated that place. It had been its stupid, suicidal plan that had taken Cerberus from her. But where else could she go? She couldn't just walk to the bunker where Jade was holed up, not in a suit that might as well have had a sticky note on its back that said, "I'm a Rocket, please arrest me!" And Delphi was in no shape to fly them anywhere after the beating she'd taken.

[break][break]No matter what she did, she would always have to rely on Rocket, wouldn't she?

[break][break]"Fine." Ruby grasped the Houndoominite with cold-numbed fingers and rose to her feet. "Let's go."




  • sad ruby hours, but ruby isn't allowed to be sad, so she can only be angry, instead
  • screams with rage and punches the ice imprisoning cerberus; it doesn't yield one bit
  • finally agrees to go "home" with , however he decides to do that


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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 3:15:03 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar
A chaotic blur, in all of its frigid glory. As the Glaciate rushed through the field, a hiss found its way through clenched teeth as he fought against the chill and ice—either part of Neit within his hands—as the dual type did her best to stave the frost away amidst her King's Shield. Even amidst the flames, the ice only seemed to surge greater and greater against their furor, and before long, he found his form breaking beneath its power.

For a moment, his knees buckled, and thus did he fall upon one to allow the frigid force to overwhelm them.

His eye closed as if bracing, though before long (an eternity it felt like to him, personally), he found himself shuddering beneath the cold temperatures as the air around him came to a gradual lull. Within the calm, he breathed a slow, heavier breath, watching as it immediately drew forth a visible puff within the space before him while condensing.

He lowered his hands, letting go of the Aegislash within his hold and watching with a subtle bit of relief as she immediately floated herself together once more.

Another, however, and he'd have strayed a gaze over his shoulder and towards the third party, only to be met with an almost crystalline form that rivalled that of his most recent treasure find. His eyes narrowed as swiftly as they'd widened a mere moment prior, and within a moment of sheer instinct, he'd reached out to hit the ice in an attempt to shatter it.

And again.

Heightening furor. Heightening haste. When he'd done it enough times to fully realize that it hadn't quite been a viable solution, he'd instead reached towards the Centiskorch's Pokeball upon his person, tapping the button within a similar desperado that, simply enough, bore little fruit. His brows furrowed further with each tap until he stopped, breathing curse after curse in such a short span of time.

Yet, even then, he knew there was nothing to be done.
This was a god in itself, after all— and who was a mortal to contest with the power of what was basically a deity?

After several moments in frustrated pondering, he gave another sigh of agitation, swiftly tapping another Pokeball to instead recall the Aegislash by his flank before raising his gaze towards those surrounding him. Losses had been incurred, of course, both on his front and everyone else's.

As much as he hated it, dwindling for longer only imposed greater risks. Grievances didn't matter if they were only temporary, and grievances didn't matter if the League still had a responsibility to arrest anyone and everyone involved in opposition of them.

And so he gave Gobbanus a final, sidelong glance before beginning to jog off to join the rest.


  • basically just highkey frustration hours oop
  • as usual thanks a bunch for the kickass raid yall


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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 5:28:55 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




Don't let it take the skin

from your bones



Somewhere inside him, a bottle burst, shattered to pieces with the strike of his fist against Fernando's helm. All the emotion hidden behind glass came pouring out of Killian; it burned yet felt so frigid in his veins. He channeled it and wrapped his fist in the ice of neglected emotions. [break][break]

One punch for the interrogation that poisoned his mind.[break][break]

Three for the stolen kiss that stained the relationship he cherished.[break][break]

So many more because Fernando dared to overstep, and Killian was tired of being walked on. He brought it all to bear on Fernando, unflinching, unblinking - unrelenting. No one would take and use what belonged to him. Not again. Not while Deoxys gave him the power to be more than a pawn in another man's chess game. [break][break]

Killian raised his fist for another strike but froze, his body wrapped in psychic energy. "What?" he growled, looking up to spot Mewtwo's familiar form. "It belonged to you?" diamonds darted down to Fernando. How did he, of all people, manage to find such a Pokemon?[break][break]

No - worry about that later. Killian needed to grab the core while he still could. He struggled against Mewtwo's psychic bonds. His limbs inched forward as if they were moving through quicksand. Killian frowned, fingers uncurling to grab the core before being flung backward.[break][break]

Deoxys caught him as he streaked across the frozen sky. In the alien's arms, Killian finally noted what had taken place around him. The entire landscape was frozen solid, touched by Kyurem's glacial might. His attention darted quickly to his Metagross. [break][break]

The metallic construct stood as a statue with 's Mimiyku in its arms.[break][break]

"Fuck." Killian looked back to Fernando, "This isn't over, Silph. Not by a long shot." but for now, he'd settle for having the core. It and the fact they were still alive was all that mattered.[break][break]

Hopefully, was too.[break][break]

"Get us out of here before that thing tries something else."[break][break]

Deoxys shuddered, eyes glaring at Mewtwo as it and its host TELEPORTED away.[break][break]



  • We're out folks



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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 5:43:45 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


Everything feels so futile.[break][break]

Even though they'd succeeded in preventing yet another catastrophe, Luka can't help but feel like this is simply a precursor to more danger, more strife, more turmoil. The optimist in her protests, insists that after rain comes the rainbow. But it's hard to see the world the way it could be anymore— right now, the way it is is all she sees.[break][break]

She shares 's sentiment, the fear that all they've done is made things worse in the long run. But unlike the scientist, Luka feels powerless to do anything about it. She isn't brilliant or talented or powerful in any way that really matters. The enormity of everything they're facing now seems so vast and heavy that she feels crushed under the weight of it.[break][break]

But she picks herself up, dusts herself off and turns her back on the frigid wastes in front of them; colder and more desolate than even icefall cave. No matter how she might feel, it won't do to break down here— even as doubt and fear and anxiety tumble around in her head like wet clothes in a dryer.[break][break]

Helios returns, his pride wounded but otherwise unharmed. And Luka knows she should count herself lucky that all her Pokemon have survived this. Her Blaziken grunts in surprise as she runs in to hug him, burying her face into soft feathers just as she had done as a child. After a moment of hesitation, clawed arms return the gesture. Luka sniffles once as she lets his radiating heat envelop her, and the small comfort does wonders.[break][break]

One by one she releases the rest of her team to join them. A small pile of warm bodies helps to stave off her fear and the cold that surrounds them. Even though Luka has little faith in herself, it's them that she can count on— a small family she'd built with her own two hands.[break][break]

Her Musharna is still wounded, but Eva's life dew revives her well enough to attempt a heal bell of her own. Even though Luka knows it'll likely be futile in saving the frozen Pokemon, she'd be remiss if she doesn't at least try.


- this sucks man[break]
- musharna uses heal bell despite it being futile[break]
- spacesuit[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 6:35:23 GMT



PAIN THROBS ACROSS EVERY INCH OF HIS FOREARM. he can feel the inflammation begin to swell despite the extremities of his spacesuit. each repeated blow strikes with a defibrillating resonance. each succession pushes his heart to beat faster in growing duress.

and it has no release. the height of his fight comes with an anti-climatic end as his struggle is ripped off of him.

he sees little the cracked glass of his helmet. spider web fractures are clouded by the sudden frost, fogged from the constant clash with the heat of his breathing. all he hears is killian’s surprise as MEWTWO handles the SYMBIOTE.

what an assumption, his mind wanders.

MEWTWO extends both paws forward, anticipating the DEOXYS flight pattern with its MIRACLE EYE. this time, it is prepared. there will be no more surprises. no more crutches for them to rely on.

whirling winds start to spiral as MEWTWO targets the duo. the PSYSTRIKE turns ambient energy into a deadly weapon, honing pockets of nothingness to lash out like psychic tendrils.

when they TELEPORT away, the attack erupts into nothingness, no longer persistent. it has no purpose and therefore it ceases to exist. not unlike its creator and the irony of its origin.

the pokemon glances back at fernando, silent, before staring at where the KYRUEM once was.

SEEK OUT ALL POKEMON, it thinks, before departing.

alone, battered and bruised, fernando lays bleeding in the snow. he can feel the flesh of his arm, where the WISH TAG once grew, bubble under its own depravity. like MEWTWO, the cells gurgle as they reconstruct themselves into proper form.

he breaks out in laughter. exhausted. beaten. but triumphant as hoenn lives to see another day. and while league and rocket alike evacuate at the advent of this newfound winter hellscape, the sound of his broken howls overshadow the return to normalcy. well after his arm reverts itself, he remains cackling.

buried under the snow of ’s crystalized LIFE DEW.

- attacked by .
- MEWTWO rips off .
- attempts to attack and DEOXYS but they TELEPORT away.
- MEWTWO prompts leaves.
- fernando lays there, laughing.

999432 METENO

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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
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TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Dec 7, 2022 3:13:16 GMT

she's safe, but at what cost? [break][break]

her houndoom, who takes the freezing chill in his trainer's place. when she opens her eyes, the world around her becomes an icy snowscape - and maybe she's cruel for thinking it's beautiful. though the sun shines down on hoenn, and the ice sparkles with its light refracting left and right, there's something about this chilly, desolate age that captures her attention - until the grass begins to thaw, and it's when she hears the rustle does the woman snap back to her senses. [break][break]

".. oh no--" she immediately turns to the houndoom, who is still, encased in ice. her hand reaches out, but recoils at the chill of the frosty flesh. "flamethrower, try to thaw him out." she's making the fruitless order, but no matter how warm the flames, it doesn't melt. [break][break]

and she's left eyeing the frozen houndoom, lowering herself to her knees to gently run the glove of the suit over the hound's iced maw. ".. lets go home, love." she sighs, pulling out the pokeball, and attempting to recall him. though she only hopes.



- Futile attempt to melt the ice by CHARIZARD, sheba's sad about her houndoom

99943 meteno

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,586 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2022 3:52:09 GMT
noah faber Avatar

as the ice crawls across noah's young machamp's arms, dread replaces the blood in his veins. but the ice does not hold. all limbs remain limber in the breath of everwinter.[break][break]

while kyle adopts cynicism, noah finds hope. for as long as hoenn remains underneath his feet, fate can be changed.[break][break]

after all, hoenn still exists. it is no sweltering, boiling meteoroid pocked hellfire, but a glacial portrait layered with desperate strokes.[break][break]

noah would rather have the latter.[break][break]

while some lament losses like and , noah finds comfort in the arms of his partner. nearby, the dull thuds of his machamp striking ice block in futile flurries drums against the cold.[break][break]

"lived to fight another day."[break][break]

TL;DR IM OUTTIE HERE[break][break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-machamp"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-hariyama"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-medicham"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-chesnaught"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-haunter"]

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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2022 4:50:04 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]
99943 METENO



🎼 Frozen City (Opelucid City Frozen): Arrangement ► Pokémon Black 2 & White 2


THE KYUREM AND UNBOUND HOOPA DISAPPEAR THROUGH DIMENSIONAL INGRESS. Though the meteoroid has phased into another realm, the timeline has overgrown into the emergent layers of unpredictability. The DRK Triad still remains, though some may believe it to be scattered. A subsequent notice from to will result in the notification of SEA HOENN'S SURVIVAL to THE AQUA INTIATIVE.[break][break]

Beneath everyone's feet is the eternal sprawl of a KYUREM'S ICE, and one can only imagine what schemes the UNBOUND HOOPA has plotted as it joins the dragon of ice.[break][break]

After all, 's DARKRAI remembers being trapped in its nightmare. Or was it its dream?[break][break]

When the EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM arrives thanks to 's call, is quick to assist. Similarly, offers NAUTICA assistance: transport for medical aid or navigation across this silent iceland.[break][break]

Others teleport away or fly by Ultra Beast. Similarly, would not be able to recapture DR. HOLO'S UNOWN-K. Discretely, it blips away during the icy calamity.[break][break]

As others lament loss, some express anger and frustration. Grudges crystallize. would realize that his HALF-FROZEN DEOXYS CORE can not merge properly with his SYMBIOTE: the last laugh perhaps, literally had by . In time, however, it may be able to be salvaged...[break][break]

Despite the dire winter they leave, offers a sentiment against the bittersweet futility some feel. Hoenn will "get past [this] eventually". It always has. And as CELEBI soars from another branch in time into a region stabbed with TERASTAL CRYSTAL and RUINOUS RESURRECTION, one may wonder if it is truly worth traveling through the open cracks of this suffering and resilient universe in search of mending...[break][break]

Before it is silenced. Once and for all.



THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS RECEIVE FULL RAID REWARDS. They have participated in the Merit Point phase and have posted consistently throughout the raid.[break][break]





COPY AND PASTE the code under the spoilers into your PC for easy input. However, you may have to edit the coding to allow it to fit your specific PC template of choice. As a note, POKEDOLLARS & INFAMY will be automatically added to participating accounts.[break][break]

Lastly, you do not need to determine the TYPE of your SILVALLY MEMORY or SHARD immediately. Do note that SILVALLY MEMORIES can be traded, being one of the only items that can be traded to other accounts.[break][break]

[img src="" title="3X LEVEL TUTORS" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X TM/TR" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X EGG TUTOR" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="2X TYPE 1 EVOLUTION" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="2X TYPE 2 EVOLUTION" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="2X TYPE 3 EVOLUTION" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X GACHAPON TICKETS" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X PREMIUM GACHAPON TICKET" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X KASIB BERRY - IMMEDIATELY USABLE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X OCCA BERRY - IMMEDIATELY USABLE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" TITLE="1X MEGA SHARD" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X SILVALLY MEMORY - YOUR CHOICE OF TYPE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="SHARD OF CHOICE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"]


THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS RECEIVE AN EXCLUSIVE REWARD. They were able to roll high enough or use enough salacs to catch a TERA SHARD. They may redeem a TERA SHARD of choice in the SITE SHOP.[break][break]

COPY AND PASTE the code under the spoilers into your PC for easy input. However, you may have to edit the coding to allow it to fit your specific PC template of choice.[break][break]

[img src="" title="TERA SHARD OF CHOICE - REDEEM IN SITE SHOP" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"]


THE FOLLOWING AWARDS can be redeemed by any participating character via the AWARDS & BADGES thread. Each participant will be granted an endorsement by their respective factions for risking their lives for their organization and Hoenn itself.

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