i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,059 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 14:20:27 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Andrea stared blankly ahead of her, all the while heroes and legends clashed with Kyurem in a vain attempt to stave off the monster’s advance. She had become borderline catatonic from the sheer shock of losing her partner to the never-melt ice. The sounds of fierce battle had been muted to her ears. Even the sensation of cold had been dulled out.

She didn’t celebrate when the beast was forcibly dragged back into its home dimension, nor did she notice it when Celebi restored some of nature’s beauty underneath the firm coating of ice. As the chaos surrounding her began to placate itself, a deeply disturbing thought drilled its way into her head.

This is all my fault… If I hadn’t come here, Meatloaf wouldn’t…

Finally regaining her senses, the girl abruptly turned tail, shiny tear droplets flying from her eyes. Like a coward, she ran away from pain, grief, and her own sense of guilt.
//heroic BSOD
//angsty run

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 15:46:43 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
There is nothing more to be done here.

With Kyurem successfully banished back to its personal frigid hellscape by the combined forces of legends and other pokemon alike, the air settles cold and silent around them. Victory tempered by the bitter taste of grief and loss.

Looking back, they'd been lucky in their escape from Kyurem's wrath back in that other dimension. The fact becomes horrifyingly clear when she takes in the glacial cemetery left in its wake.

Skyler doesn't notice it until she attempts to recall Lapras back into her pokeball. 

When her fourth attempt fails, reality comes crashing down with a vengeance. Numbness sets in, creeping up like the ice that had encased the landscape in its grip. She's abruptly thankful for Shrike's warmth as she steps forward and shaky fingers reach to outline the shape of a Lapras' snout, perpetually open in a rictus of surprise.

The eyes, open and dark, are utterly devoid of life.

The captain's solemn silence speaks volumes to the depths of her past, grief and sadness encapsulated to explode later in battered fists and bloody teeth.

She only knows how to fight. Grief and loss drag her into it as easily as anger or wrath. Later, she tells herself, fingers slipping from Lapras' snout to face the incoming day.



- just very sad vibes

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played by


March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 22:32:32 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
Kepler feels his phone buzz in his pocket. Delirious and more on instinct than anything he pulls it out.

It’s a text from . He’s alive. Relief floods through him, filling his windburnt skin with warmth.

Kepler hurriedly snaps a picture of Hoopa forcing Kyurem back into the hell from whence it came. It’s blurry, but you can definitely make out the two, massive somethings.

Busy fighting a god. Call you later, love you.

His fingers are cold and sore as he types.

The air around him echoed with ’s cries and Kepler winced and turned his head.

“Sorry,” he says, in the deafening silence that follows, even as greenery and light twirls and spreads along the ground, apparently prompted by fucking Celebi.

Kepler was very, very tired. And he felt bad. Felt bad for Ruby, felt bad for himself. But he had reports to write, data to sluice through, videos to edit.

“I’m sorry.”

Flexes his cold fingers as Arbalest comes back to his side, pissed that he didn’t get more of a fight. Kepler frowns at the Poliwrath, wishing he could trade for Ruby’s Houndoom while also secretly being relieved. He had spent so much damn money on the thing.

“Let’s go home.”

yet another event where i did bumfuck all. kepler texts a shitty picture of hoopa and kyurem and apologizes for not being there with him.
tells ruby his sorry
he's got work to do

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 5:19:12 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

it was frustrating to want so badly for the destruction of the world, only to be faced with the constant threat of it and not be ready yet. human flaw was inescapable. necessary programming in a circular system of war and death. where was the bug? what exactly was the drk triad trying to scrap the whole thing over?[break][break]
her grip tightened on the assassin in her hands, taking back the inch she’d slackened in awe at kyurem’s transformation of the landscape. from behind the cover of her metagross, the head scientist had not seen the impressive handling of the situation by the unbound hoopa, but only the aftermath of the glaciate.[break][break]
”sato,” she barked hastily in ’s direction, ”we need to get her to sootopolis. now.”[break][break]
her gaze passed to beheeyem hovering nearby, and past it, she took one last look around before eyes settled on a familiar suit. was alive, but there was no time to reunite. not when others, who might look to take their captive, stood closer.[break][break]
while relief passed through her, an urging to leave reached the telepathic mind of her alien pokémon, preparing to teleport them away to a discreet location, deep within the rocket-held city.


  • in brief awe of glaciate aftermath
  • tells we gotta go to sootopolis
  • readies to teleport away via beheeyem

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 9:49:34 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his heart was racing. he's too close to death, each time more exciting than the last. although each instance hardens him for the next, the intensity of the following blow just manages to crack him every time.

while the smeargle's effort seemed futile, kyle's mouth utters the same command still.


the pokemon waves its tail, keeping the move for himself. kyle has always kept a library of moves, convincing himself that it'll be useful some day or the next, but it proves futile each time. he looks at his suit, advertised to keep his pokemon stronger, but it still had been useless nevertheless.

was he better off using the powers bestowed by him by ho-oh? were sygna suits are just a scam to ease the minds of those without their legendaries? did he actually do anything substantial as the champion this time around?

regardless of hypotheticals, kyle is certain that he had no hand in changing the future of hoenn. maybe they haven't steered the trajectory of the timeline at all with this act. maybe this will be the catalyst of the drk triad looking for other similar stones on different universes that results to their destruction.

he puts his arm around , thankful that he and his pokemon were safe, as he contacts league hq from his phone. they were within coverage again after all, and from their geography, kyle guesses they were near oldale.

"hello, emergency response team near oldale needed please." he tells over comms with hq. "prepare to monitor a frozen area near oldale."

kyle lifts his head up the clouds, watching as ho-oh take his leave as soon as the safety of kyle was secured. it leaves a rainbow behind, which looked nice since it reflects against the sheen of the frost-covered forests, but not really given what just transpired.

  • smeargle sketches the last of glaciate
  • calls for emergency response team near crash site
  • ho-oh flies away
  • he left a rainbow behind


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 11:20:32 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

‘That was…’

‘For lack of a better term—fucked up.’


‘I’m here trying to process how we barely survived that fucking attack and all you can say is cold?!’

‘I know I like it chilly but that was a little extreme, don’t you think?!’

Lars then pinched the bridge of his nose. Mamma mia what the fuck was that!

The horror that happened around them rooted him to the spot, though, as there were Pokémon who’d gotten frozen in the… something was telling him that if he touched the weird ice he would lose his entire damned hand.

“Scary as fuck.”

The Mega-evolved Lucario looked at him, before shaking his head. With another tap of the rainbow rock on his right index finger, the dual-type phased out of the evolved state and shrank back down, shaking his head.

“What? What is it?”

The Lucario made a face his way, sighing because that shit was fucked up… in more ways than one. A brief flitter of movement made him look in time only to see making a run away from what had gone down just now—

“This shit is fucked up,” he hissed as he turned to examine the macabre ‘display’ of frozen Pokémon.

“And I’m so tired…”

mamma mia, what a mess
• realizes that they barely made it through the cold. Shit scary


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 16:39:21 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Pokemo and attack clash with Kyurem n a brilliant haze of chaos. Eva almost loses track of the mega-evolved Machamp that grapples to keep the beast at bay. In the end, it’s the Unbound Hoopa that forces Kyurem back through the portal. It zips shut behind them but not without leaving disaster in its wake. Eva stares in shock at the graveyard of frozen pokemon. Rayquaza opens its large jowls, a haunting roar echoing across the frozen tundra. It’s hard to pinpoint the essence. It’s a mixture of victory but also laced with sorrow. Perhaps a warning that if Kyurem ever comes back – it’d be ready. Eva notices the vast difference in size. Something about this Kyurem’s world gave it impressive strength.


Eva has seen this before, it’s the same substance that trapped Rayquaza in the frozen world and shattered its tail. The beast still recovers, it’s tail regenerating from the wounds. This is different. This time, it encases them as a whole. It’s stronger than steel and impenetrable, even by fire. The doctor’s gut twists in sorrow.


What have they done?


Eva can’t help but feel partially responsible for weakening the barrier between their worlds. She’d fix this. She had to.


“Syah, start offering aid, Blade,” she releases the weakened Gallade, but his duty comes before his exhaustion. The Sygna Suit shimmers with her WORRY, giving the Gallade a little boost, “Life dew, please,” a calming rain, untouched by the cold, begins to fall across the battlefield, offering a bit of reprieve for the injured. Amidst the eerie quietness of the aftermath Rayquaza ascends, disappearing into the skies. Eva feels the subtle tug at her soul. It’s faint, but a tether remains tied between them. She grips her chest; her life was no longer just hers.




+ Well, shit[break]
+ Rayquaza doesn’t stick around[break]
+ Eva starts to help those hurt and provides aid for recovery [break]
+ She’ll help the emergency response team when they arrive then fade off to go find [break]
+ Thank you for the great thread everybody!!!!! And especially for another amazing raid <3


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 17:40:11 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

So, even that did nothing to that dragon. Violet kind of felt dejected by that. Yes, that was a monumental opponent. And no one else achieved anything, either, until that weird multi-armed one somehow pushed it out of existence. But it was still frustrating that, despite actually trying and using her stronger Pokemon, even pushing Mawile to stay in its mega form for a bit longer, did nothing.
Yes, on one hand, she felt at least some relief to just have survived this. That kind of power and freeze did have her legs grow week at least for a bit, after all. But at the same time…she just felt so limited. At least she didn’t die. But for the time being, there was nothing to do but watch as those Pokemon beyond comprehension took care of matters, recall her own, and then look around. There were so many people about. Including some she knew. Including some she really did not want to talk to now, especially with her rocket allegiance being possible to discern thanks to the space suit.
That was….probably bad.[break][break]
Time to bail. Violet immediately shifted her focus around to find her people – just in time to hear a familiar voice somewhere nearby, calling for a familiar name. Granted, it was probably not the best idea to use someone’s name in a wide open space with league members. But she took the cue anyway. Lulu wanted to retreat with her beheeyem, which had been one of the escape methods discussed before launch. Vio didn’t really wait to think any further and just rushed towards them to hopefully make it and get out with them. It wasn’t that far, but she did kind of fear they would leave her behind anyway, so she ran as fast as she could, anyway.

+ frustrated about not making much of a difference, rushes towards and to get TP'd out with them



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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 18:13:08 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


When Nomi opened her eyes, the world around her, , and the white-haired assassin had completely frozen over. Everything was eerily silent. Several Pokémon - presumably companions of both the League and Rocket operatives who had successfully escaped Meteno - sparkled in the sunlight, statuesque and unmoving, victims of the massive GLACIATE. Nomi glanced at Magnolia and Saffron, glad to see them alive and well, frost-tipped and exhausted, but warm and moving...clearly they had avoided such a terrible wintery fate. She felt grateful, and returned them to their Pokeballs for some much-needed rest.[break][break]
When called out to her, the command was a sharp jolt that ripped Nomi's gaze away from the changed landscape. The young scientist scrambled over to where her mentor continued to hold down the Unown assassin. "I'm here!" she called out.[break][break]
Staring down at the strange woman, incapacitated but still defiant in her demeanor, Nomi's mind raced as she recalled information she had read about the DRK Triad and the Unown, finding that she had more than a few questions for someone affiliated with such mysteries. Just like the tera crystal shard she had been able to procure, clutched tightly in her hand, another rare opportunity now presented itself for Nomi to latch onto.[break][break]
"I have questions," she murmured, determined, crimson eyes narrowing at the assassin. "Let's go."[break][break]
And with that, she allowed the power of the head scientist's Beheeyem to whisk them away, back to Sootopolis, and hopefully to answers.

All Pokémon are recalled!


+ Nomi takes a few seconds to stare in awe at the fully GLACIATED surroundings[break]
+ Nomi is READY and WILLING to assist with the apprehension of Dr. Holo[break]
+ Nomi scrambles over so that she is within the TELEPORTATION range[break]
+ Time to interrogate Dr. Holo!

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 19:12:58 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Where there should be a symphony of relieved sighs from ensuring their world saved, victory is instead smothered beneath a blanket of desolate ice. 

Kyurem leaving them with a silent wasteland. A graveyard.

Angelo pulls his gaze away from the closed dimensional tear to the stretch of icelands, taking in the frozen silhouettes of pokemon forever locked in their coffins.

When Angelo looks at them, he sees a permanent reminder that it's not the end. Danger still hovers over Hoenn, his found home, like a steadily rolling grey cloud.

Was it changing direction or expanding? 

Beneath the warmth of Shrike's flames, the pilot turns his attention to and her Lapras, encased in a perpetual haunted expression. 

Comfort, solidarity, is offered to his wife in the form of a tight squeeze on her shoulder. Chest turning numb but not from the cold.

Amidst the invasive mist of sorrow, they deal with their grief in the ways they knows best. Angelo tucking his away in a little box in the back of his mind and looking for something to keep himself busy.

He takes a moment to rest a gloved hand against the elegant neck of the frozen Lapras, lingering for a heavy heartbeat. 

It's as he heads towards  to offer emergency evacuation to League members that need it, that Angelo feels the soft familiar tug of intent from Latios. Already invisible as he takes to the skies to check on his kin, Latias having most likely stayed by 's side. 

Across the unseen connection, wordlessly echoed between them, is the comforting knowledge that they'll reconnect later.

For now, there was still work to be done. 


- this is so sad alexa play naruto sadness and sorrow
- latios goes to check on latias
- will be sticking around to offer NAUTICA support to league
- ty for the raid! looking forward to the next arc!

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 19:17:20 GMT

[attr="class","title"]THEO BECKETT




while theo would've liked to appreciate the calm that passes over them after kyurem's disappearance, he knows this is no place to do such a thing.[break][break]

he watches the remnants of 's TELEPORT before hopping on his naganadel that despite all the injuries and damage it has sustained, is still able to fly.[break][break]

he makes it a point to assist all those from team rocket he recognizes before setting course for sootopolis.[break][break]

reflection will come later.[break][break]



any rocket who needs a lift out can tag along on theo and his NAGANADEL.[break][break]



[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,917 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 21:03:15 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The only sound that Josh could hear over the deafening roar of Kyurem's GLACIATE was the sound of Twilight's MEGA STONE exploding in the extreme cold. It was a good thing he wasn't in the saddle, hecause that stone would have exploded all over his face. Instead, shards of ABSOLITE flew behind the now-reverted dark-type, who collapsed in the wake of the sub-zero assault. Ice began to accumulate on the fallen Pokémon, and on Josh himself, as the limits of Janus' PROTECT were tested.

Tense seconds passed as it became clear just how much stress the Espeon was under. If that shield fell, they were all dead. That included the Pokémon inside Josh's other Poké Balls, as well. As he heard a loud squeal from the Espeon followed by a popping noise, had come to his rescue, and the rescue of many others, too. It was her Hoopa's sacrifice, along with 's refusal to believe nothing was impossible, that allowed every Hoenn, not just this one, to live another day.

It was over.

It was not without heavy loss, though. Josh was fortunate that none of his Pokémon had died. Yet. Aslan was on death's door; he had to take the Pyroar to Lilycove Regional Hospital as soon as he could. The first few minutes were the most valuable, and could determine what capacity the racer would be able to use the Pyroar in afterward. The aftermath could be anything from reduced battle and racing capability to retirement to death, or anywhere in between. The fire-type's fate was a giant question mark.

Plus, there was Twilight. Without the ability to Mega Evolve, Josh would be extremely vulnerable in military operations such as this one. It was the Absol's Mega Evolution, as well as Janus' almost supernatural force of will, that saved their lives today. He would need to find a replacement Mega Stone. Thankfully for him, Lilycove also housed one of the largest libraries in Hoenn. He could take care of both business matters in the same town. Plus, it would give him an opportunity to start bonding with the rest of his Pokémon.

The first thing he did after withdrawing both his nearly frozen Pokémon was walk over to . "Once we've decompressed, may I request an audience with you and the Great One? It doesn't have to be any time soon, and it can be wherever you'd like to be," he pleaded with the Champion. "This completely changes the calculus of the discussion we had after our Gym match. Don't think I've forgotten about it. When I said back then that all roads seemed to lead to you, I didn't think it would be quite this deep. I stress this meeting to be at your convenience. But please..." According to his understanding of Johtonian lore, The Great One, Ho-oh, was the resurrector of the three great Beasts. Surely the Great One would be able to guide him toward the Beast of his dreams. The Beast that had haunted his dreams the day he joined the Rangers.

His plight made, Josh walked toward . "Once we've decompressed, I would like to request an audience with Rayquaza," he asked of the Peacemaker. "I have something important to share with you, and it is of interest to the League as a whole. But not here. I have to talk about it in private. Please at least consider."

Finally, he headed in ' direction to make sure the Head Ranger was okay. He seemed to trust in his Articuno's ability to deflect the GLACIATE away. It very clearly worked on most ice-type attacks. The collision of legendary powers, of course, played by their own rules. That was one of the reasons bonding with one was so scary; there were a myriad of unknowns with them. "...You okay?" he asked.

{WC: 643}

- Josh's Absolite shatters and must be replaced through a mini-arc to be threaded post-PAAA.
- Josh's Absol and Espeon are frozen but will recover.
- Josh approaches and to request audiences with their legendary Pokémon for assistance in his chase of Raikou.
- Josh approaches to make sure he's okay.

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 2:22:32 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It was honestly disappointing, to say the least. In the end, against the icy beast that threatened to engulf them even before that on the meteorite, Elaine felt utterly useless. As both Astrape and the tired Titania walked back to her, Elaine removed the helmet on her head and for the first time, took a deep breath of fresh (albeit chilly) earthen air.

Everyone was safe. The impending doom that had seemingly threatened her and everyone surrounding her had all been rent apart by a single strike. The extradimensional threat that had followed through had also been pushed back. Though her Pokemon had been hurt, none of them had been frozen in cages of eternal ice. Though she had been hurt immensely compared to the others, she had not perished.

She had been extremely fortunate.

She had so much left to show for it and so little that was lost in the long run.

And yet...


Wordlessly, she fell with her back to the ground. She didn't feel any pain, but was honestly kind of nice to have her injured arm feeling some of the cold from the chilled ground creeping back up to her.

As she lay, she turned her head to the Pokemon by her side and gave a wry smile.

Yes, she had been extremely fortunate.

And yet her efforts felt like an iota in the grand scheme of things.

"Powerlessness is such a terrible curse, isn't it, guys?"

The two of them sat by each of their sides, continuing to gaze at her before nuzzling against her. Elaine could not help but smile as she gazed upon them.

As she did, she picked up the crystal fragment she had grabbed and stowed away earlier and held it above her eyes. Gazing through it at the sky.

"But we'll get past that eventually. Right, guys?"

  • Elaine's spacesuit
  • The space detective rests
  • She may have been useless, but she still has something in her hands

Elaine and Team Status

Elaine: Left Arm and Chest injured, extent unknown
Ginga (Metagross)-Critically Injured
Titania (Mawile)-Fair Condition-No longer Mega
Tiamat (Flygon)-Good Condition
Nephthys (Milotic)-Out of commission
Astrape (Luxray)-Good Condition
Asteria (Absol)-Good Condition

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 6:48:00 GMT
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Again. He watched Bucatini crash, a beast of ice and metal only to stop just short slamming into the ground. Encased in a throne of ice. He just felt hollow now, shocked and eyes wide. Another One. The grunt swallowed, fists clenching and nails digging into his palm as he murmured that age old mantra, every rocket grunt knew. [break][break]

"Pokemon are just tools."

Over and over and over again as if it would help processing. It would. It had to. He's shaking but still standing and with a deep inhale he stopped. Straciatella is with him and while concerned with him and in the middle of grieving herself, she's returned. He turned to see and other rockets beginning to clear out. He should too. Before the League try to arrest them all. Checking for any stragglers he made his way towards , forcing a smile as he asked, "Can I ride?"

tagged ▸ and [break][break]




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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 19:04:29 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The mountainous dragon was pushed back through its dimensional portal by a giant torso with six floating hands. As the portal closed, Oscar stared off into the empty space it left behind. The threat was gone, yet its unearthly chill lingered. He saw the frozen pokemon left in its wake, sucking on his teeth as he took in the devastation. Here he thought Necrozma was the only apocalyptic pokemon they had to worry about--good grief.

Well, at least the world was in one piece--if also a bit colder. Oscar did not get the payout he sought, but as he felt the crystal shard in his suit pocket he would feel a wave of content resignation. The meteor's demise had opened the door to many possibilities, and within them Oscar knew he would find something glorious. It was only a matter of time.

Grievous and Robbie came to their master's side, looking incredibly uncomfortable. Grievous was not used to feeling 'cold', and desperately wanted yo leave this place. Robbie seemed more sad that he did not get to pull of his prank, missing his chance to Ally Switch with the giant dragon. There there Robbie, maybe some day. Oscar withdrew Grievous, and got on Robbie's back so that they could get out of this frozen hellhole.

Before the two could take off though, Mint would step forward. With all the excitement, Oscar had forgotten that the poor grunt was nearby. Mint seemed subdued, forcing a smile as he requested a ride. Behind his helmet Oscar frowned, how could he say no to that face? "Hop on sport." Oscar's distorted voice rang cheerfully, waiting for Mint to mount up before flying off to leave this wasteland behind.

--Oscar survived his second apocalypse and feels pretty good about it.
--Giving a ride to , any Rockets that also need a ride can say they hopped on before Oscar takes off.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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