i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2022 9:40:32 GMT

[attr="class","title"]THEO BECKETT




his helmet drops to the ground, glass visor bouncing off the dirt. the joy of surviving trumps the usual call to action so he finds himself simply breathing, taking in the fact that they have lived to fight another day.[break][break]

in that moment of peace, he finds a few spaces away, though the moment he takes a step to approach, a horrendous cracking sound stops him.[break][break]

a pokeball bursts open in time for them to stand a chance against the GLACIATE.[break][break]

theo, standing his ground, watches as a rushing gale of ice approaches. from above, the one-armed naganadel's HEAT WAVE pours, joined by salazzle's INFERNO OVERDRIVE as both look to stop the KYUREM.[break][break]

they will survive.[break][break]




z-crystal from here.[break]
SALAZZLE freezes bye-bye![break]
theo :wawowski: at KYUREM.[break][break]



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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2022 18:32:04 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Oh, if only she knew…

Now wasn’t the time or the place to dwell on such matters, though, because even though the big threat had been dealt with (see: meteor being handled by Rayquaza) there was an even bigger threat that appeared.

‘That’s cold.’

‘Far too cold.’

‘Funny we agree on the same thing for once.’

‘What makes you say that?!’

He’d already (inadvertently) used his ace in the hole, but he was now literally, staring down at the barrel of a fucking gun (albeit said gun was rather large and blasting ice everywhere) before he wondered—just how far would his luck go?

‘I know what you’re thinking—’

‘Really now?!’

‘Are you crazy?!’

‘I have nothing else strong enough to handle that stupid thing! Only you can match it! I think.’

‘You think?! You’re not even sure?!’

‘Look, it’s the first time I’ve seen something like that appear! Plus it’s also using ice so I don’t know how the fuck this is going to work!’

The second voice in his head fell silent, before he realized—what if, on the faint glimmer of a hope there was a fucking chance they would be able to survive this? While he was tempted to throw out Ro, something else told him to pick Alpha instead.

With (some) trepidation, he plucked the shrunken-down Moon Ball and popped out the Lucario, who scored a three-point landing right in the middle of fucking chaos.

As Alpha turned to give him the ‘what the absolute fuck is going on’ face, Lars pointed ahead of him.

“We got bigger shit to fry.”

With a sigh, the Lucario nodded, mentally making a note to chastise Lars after this. (If they made it out of this shit alive and in one piece.)

The Mega Stone on his right index finger reacted, enveloping the bipedal Pokémon in a powerful light—it looked like most he could see were busting out their Mega Evolutions for this—and he was the next one to join the insanity as well.

A few moments later, all it took was a few words.

“Give it your best shot, Alpha. And don’t you dare fucking miss!”

With that, the Lucario knew exactly what attack to throw out, charging up a Sphere of Auric energy before throwing it with as much power and force as he could muster towards the thing that was roaring and throwing ice basically everywhere (Kyurem—not that he knew what the fuck it was).

At the same time, the Iceborne Mirage took off one more time, spreading their wings and attempting to lash back with a Sheer Cold attack. While it didn’t pack the same punch as the Z-Move, it was all they could do at this point.

And all Lars was doing was staring down at the imminent burst of cold wind, wondering if the blessing Articuno had bestowed upon him (and all his Pokémon) would protect them from being frozen


cue SPACE MAN by Sam Ryder
• Lars and Articuno actually have an argument for a bit
• (we ride and die binches LESGO)
• Lars summoned Lucario! Lucario Mega-Evolves! (1 / 3)
• Mega Lucario used Adaptability-boosted Aura Sphere on the Kyurem! (not sure if Abilities will work but worth a try!)
• Articuno used Sheer Cold, an attempt to try and deflect the cold
will the immunity granted to Lars and all his Pokémon save them from being frozen? Tune in to next week’s episode to find out!


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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2022 18:36:36 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Angelo's spirit may very well be swept up in the sky but when he dismounts from Latios and his feet kiss the grass, a sigh pools from his mouth. Relieved their world was still here to return to.

Pulling off the helmet to greedily fill his lungs with crisp, natural air that wasn't fed to him through the suit tank, blue eyes automatically seek .

His feet are quick to follow, Latios at his side.

And for a moment there's a lull in the chaos.

Perched in a tree sits a squawking, colourful bird Angelo had never seen before that draws his eye. Above them a free sky, unshackled from cage and the weight of the meteor's shadow.

In his grip a tera shard is protectively squeezed, refracting rainbows on its sharp cut edges as he slips it into his pocket with satisfaction. A dream realised.

It's a shame that the respite is an eye of the storm in disguise. He'd just expected the fallout to come from Rocket, not... this.  

As alarm jolts down his and his partner's connection, Angelo's focus turns towards the crack suspended in the air, feet stilling as it shatters. 

Joining the monstrous form of the dragon comes a wave of cold that rushes down his throat, crushing his lungs breathless with oppressive bitterness. 

The hell...

Latios is quick to act, sweeping in front. From his maw a purple energy gathers, releasing a DRAGON PULSE towards the invader. 

Abandoning his helmet, Angelo jumps into action, too. Dashing the last stretch of quickly freezing grass to meet with , all but bumping into her.

Is that the dragon you saw in that other dimension?” He says in an exhale of cold fog, recognising it from the tale of one of Skyler's previous adventures. “... Doesn't look very happy.

(It probably had encountered his wife, then.)

Even before he takes hold of Shrike's pokeball, it trembles. Not from fear, he knows as his Charizard appears with a draconic war cry, but from the anticipation of a challenging fight. 

With a sweep of her tail, Angelo pulls them in to stand close behind the heated, combative lizard as she exhales an INFERNO towards Kyurem. Her fury warming Angelo's bones, her defiance mirroring the burning blue in his eye...



- angelo lands and pockets the tera shard
- eyes the unknown bird. want.
- boss battle: kyurem approaches!
- latios uses dragon pulse on kyurem
- charizard uses inferno on kyurem
- bunkering behind charizard she's toasty 

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2022 19:54:48 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
Travel via wormhole, as it turns out, isn't the most comfortable. Compacted space-time presses into Skyler and Kyogre like a dimensional chokehold as she chooses to follow . It's all she can do to hold on before they're spit out onto a green grassland.

What's one more white hair amid an unruly mess of gold?

Skyler leans back to look at faint wisps of white on an otherwise unspoiled expanse of sky blue, allowing it to fill every corner of her vision. 

Horizon to horizon.

When air fills her lungs, it tastes like freedom. Like relief. Like reassurance - here it is, the home you weren't sure you'd be able to return to.

But you did. You did.

finds her soon after, having slipped from the leviathan's back to survey their surroundings. Rocket is an afterthought, soon relegated to the least of her concerns when reality tears itself apart to make way for an awfully familiar Glaciate.

"... Yeah." Frostbite kisses the nearby grasses, inching its way to the tips of her fingers. Skyler hisses and steps back, teeth gritted in untempered aggression. "That's its ugly maw alright. How the fuck is it here?" 

How had it found them? Had it somehow followed them? Had they shown it the path back to their dimension?

As Shrike places herself between them and the glacial monstrosity, so does Skyler's Lapras. The siren pokemon tilts her head gently, a questioning trill the only reaction to the current situation (given that she'd previously found herself in a spaceship, the underwhelming response is mostly understandable).

The Charizard's blue flames head towards Kyurem, and so too does the purple energy of Lapras' DRAGON PULSE. Above, Kyogre's looming presence and its ORIGIN PULSE dwarf them.

That creature did not belong here. This wasn't its world and they were not its prey. How many times, Skyler wonders, would they have to teach unwelcome visitors this simple truth?

Though it is a rhetorical question, an answer materializes nevertheless - drawn into reality by an unyielding resolve, and sealed with scars from the Three Day War.

However many it takes. 


- Skyler goes through 's wormhole (haha) and lands on grassland
- Is just enjoying that moment of 'oh, guess this wasn't the end of the world whew'
- Surprise kyurem! go away you ugly creature
- Stands behind 's Shrike along with Angelo so her toes don't fall off or smg
- Calls forth Lapras and has it use DRAGON PULSE on Kyurem
- Above, Kyogre uses ORIGIN PULSE on kyurem
- Skyler is sick and tired of all these aliens and invaders. Who's gonna tell her?
- RIP lapras

mostly  and

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
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luka chêne DOLLARS
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luka chêne
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 6:16:52 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


Luka falls to the earth unscathed, but alone.[break][break]

Her prayers have gone unanswered once again and though she can't say she's surprised, bitter disappointment still churns in the pit of her stomach. It's ridiculous. It's selfish. And yet, even though she should be grateful that she's survived and blessing the earth she walks on, all she can dwell on is her own petty loneliness and regrets.[break][break]

At least she still has enough manners to thank 's hoopa, giving the giant hand a little high-five in thanks when it releases her.[break][break]

In the few moments of silence granted to them, Luka stares up at the sky and wonders what this was all for. They'd saved Hoenn, but at what cost? Was Sea!Hoenn now facing the same fate they'd just avoided? Had they truly doomed the rest of the universe through their actions? Though Luka had come on this mission to try and find a better way to solve things, they'd played out just the way they were intended. She hadn't changed anything. And that feeling of helplessness, of powerlessness burns even more deeply than the loneliness.[break][break]

The back of her eyes burn, but there's no time to wallow in self pity. For just as Luka finally picks herself up and recalls Jam, the threadbare seams in their reality tear open.[break][break]

Yellow eyes and stalactite teeth glint out at them from the rift. Luka stumbles back instinctively as the great maw opens and a burst of freezing air rushes forth; a chill so deep it would make her bones ache, could she feel it. It's a creature from another world, a titan of ice and frost.[break][break]

And just as suddenly as it appears, she remembers entries in the log books that she'd poured over ever since her journey into the Cloud:[break][break]

JANUARY 2020 - 97[break][break]

unable to secure kartana.[break]
sealed off 97 from travel.[break]
if ULTRA invades 820 then we may relocate.[break]
ran out of GLACIATE ICE for further encasements.[break]
will plan for a trip to 328.[break][break]

APRIL 2020 - 328[break][break]

escaped with enough GLACIATE ICE to continue.[break]
looks like the dragon is awake. is it them?

She remembers the Growlithe half encased in ice and 's poor Golem, who'd fallen victim to it. The museum curator's words echo:[break][break]

"Once you make contact with GLACIATE ICE there’s no turning back."

Luka's eyes widen as ice and frost begin to cover the field. Frantically, she switches on her comms and practically screams at her allies:[break][break]

"That stuff is...i-it's called Glaciate ice! Don't let your Pokemon touch it! They'll be trapped forever...o-or might even die!"[break][break]

And if this Pokemon gets through, the entire region might be covered in it. Luka inhales shakily, shivering even though her spacesuit insulates her from the cold. She doesn't have a legendary by her side, doesn't have much in the way of brains or brawn. All she has is herself and the few trusted companions that would follow her anywhere. Her family. That'll have to be enough. Luka steels herself, grits her teeth, and throws two pokeballs into the fray.[break][break]

"Cupcake, use protect! We need some cover!" A shield from the cold for herself and anyone nearby. Behind the protective barrier stands Helios, alert and ready for the command he knows is inevitable.[break][break]

The mega stone around his wrist begins to glow. Luka's keystone shines with the same flame-bright hue as she presses her lips to it, activating Helios' mega evolution.[break][break]

"Flare Blitz!" Luka shouts, but it's unnecessary. Her father's Blaziken is already racing ahead, a mere streak of fire and trailing embers as he rushes the Kyurem head-on. Before clawed feet can meet the ice crawling across the ground he leaps into the air, a comet made of scorching flame aimed right at the oncoming storm.[break][break]


As Helios' powerful attack makes contact, Luka makes a move towards the reckless. Before her lies a flower encased in the nevermeltice, perfectly preserved in eternal bloom. Counting on her Clefable's protect and the insulation from her spacesuit, she attempts to pluck it from the ground for one of the League's scientists to study. If the museum's curator could control such a volatile substance, why can't they?


- gives the hoopa hand a lil high five ty buddy[break]
- angsting even tho there's no time[break]
- warns everyone over league comms that this is GLACIATE ICE DO NOT TOUCH[break]
- clefable uses protect[break]
- blaziken mega evolves and uses flare blitz[break]
- attempts to collect a chunk of the ice with her space gloves as protection[break]
- spacesuit[break]
- used salac x3


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 6:29:31 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the trip through the wormhole provides a new perspective to the truth of the world, giving both good and bad news for someone who likes complacency such as kyle. there's change, but along with it comes with a general reset of the understanding he currently has.

he appears right on the ground with , wherein they are met with a pokemon he can only assume would be one reported by civilians during ranger raids, as well as the predator that hunted down 's rayquaza as per their story.

he expected something else, given his smeargle's moveset, but not this.


he quickly whips around to look for as he recalls his solgaleo. there are things that he can leave be, but this incident is not something he can. he gives a quick apologetic salute to both and as he ditches them for the verdanturf gym leader.

"get cover!" he shouts as he sprints his way towards him, almost bowling over his smaller stature with his momentum. "i got you!"

ho-oh pops out of its ball, ready to act out its avatar's will. as ice creeps towards them, the phoenix rises from the ground, releasing its sacred fire to combat the cold, clashing its holy flames against the nevermeltice.

preparation for unforeseen events gives kyle a plentitude of ways to act on the situation, though he's only given time to pick one of them. he'd freeze up on the spot had the warmth from his patron not affected him.

"smeargle!" the painter pops out of its ball once again. "spacial rend!"

he feels agitated, alarmed. he knows he needs to pick his move carefully-- a position he doesn't find comfort with. still, there was no choice, but to wait for the results of their actions.

a prayer is cast as spacial rend cuts through the sea of flames brought by his ho-oh in an attempt to sever the link between the space that connects the two dimensions.

terrakion's ball shifts in his holster. kyle feels its helplessness, but clutches its ball, comforting it with the thought that he'll be there to deliver instead.

  • says goodbye to skygelo and meets up with noah
  • recalls solgaleo
  • ho-oh pops out of its ball on its own
  • ho-oh uses sacred fire to melt glaciate
  • kyle calls out smeargle in the meantime
  • smeargle uses spacial rend to cut the link of the portal



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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
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TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 7:18:47 GMT

ah, it isn't over. [break][break]

of course it isn't over. [break][break]

she's quick to take up on a man's warning, watching as a searing phoenix appears, and she quickly scrambles over with charizard at her side - the dragon pokemon picking his trainer up to fly, quickly, to safety and to take any sot of cover nearby. the phoenix is large, spanning over their bodies and casting a shadow - if it weren't for its sheer brilliance. "you, and--" she nudges at the charizard, followed by a houndoom who comes from his pokeball "heatwave, and flamethrower!" [break][break]

she's careful, after getting the warning over the league communications (thanks to ), but she doesn't know how much help that warning will do. she doesn't expect her charizard's flames to do much, but.. maybe the hellhound's never-ending burn will help? even by a bit? [break][break]

though she can't expect much if they're up against ice that never melts.



- CHARIZARD is using HEATWAVE to combat the cold[break]
- HOUNDOOM is also using FLAMETHROWER to combat the cold[break]
- my fingers are crossed but if rngesus forsakes me goodbye houndoom



99943 meteno

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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 7:19:15 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar
With an unceremonious crash against the familiar lands beneath him—and with an all too familiar sense of gravity, compared to moments prior—he’d landed back against the Hoenn soil, delivered by none other than the mysterious hand that had transported him. A brief wave of pain shocked itself through the back of his shoulders as he made impact, his face contorting slightly as a hiss escaped his lips, all the while.

”Sonuva fuckin’ bitch, man…” he murmured, barely, as he shifted upward once more.

…And at a suddenly hastened pace, as well, as the chaos around them reached further and further towards its crescendo— specifically within the face of such a massive, newfound beast. He’d only hardly begun to gather his bearings and footing once more before he realized the impending frost threatening to claim those around him to an early, chilled grave, prompting him to raise his voice while releasing a second Pokemon upon the field upon instinct.

”Fuckin’— Fire Spin around us, now! Make it goddamn quick…! he shouted, reaching forth to wield his Aegislash as both sword and shield as it used King’s Shield in an attempt to further protect the lot of them.



  • last(?) last second post lessgooooo
  • ungraceful but successful crash landing, thanks hoopa
  • a fuckin ice dragon? excuse the fuck outta him?
  • gobbanus (centiskorch) is sent out as a second pokemon
  • gobbanus (centiskorch) uses fire spin around cain, neit, and himself in an attempt to melt the incoming ice
  • neit (aegislash) uses king's shield in a further attempt to protect the three of them from within fire spin
  • lmao bye centiskorch

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
569 posts
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 8:15:32 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar



With everything going on from the large genie like pokemon, to Rayquaza showing it's ugly mug to help 'save the day'. Pryde takes the chance to have a piece of his mechanical arm count out so that he could record this to further information in the future. The scientist curious on what could come of the transformation of the hoop pokemon as it chose to help everyone. And more importantly it seeming to choose one from the league as their avatar. [break][break]

How lovely...[break][break]

Seems like a safe landing is allowed with the extra help of the odd rings from the previous pokemon, though like everything in Hoenn things felt like some never-ending story. Even down to there being a dragon in it that he was quite unfamiliar with. Seems like if they wanted to keep the thing away fighting back was the only option and he didn't expect his Jellicent to survive so he whistles a command for it to use DESTINY BOND as it would purposely get in the way of the oncoming attack, as the whole 'get knocked out' option was not something it was a stranger to. The Jellicent taking on the attack so that it's master wouldn't be hurt, neither pokemon or trainer thinking anything more than a simple freeze would happen. [break][break]

Meanwhile Pryde is hopeful that whatever attack the dragon use would take out the frozened, DESTINY BONDED ghost. And while it would get frozen if Pryde didn't see a change then he'll have to try another way as he calls on his Melmetal to use FLASH CANNON against the ice dragon. [break][break]

3PtYnTCE [break]

[break]+ Suit References [X] [X] [X]
[break]+ Pryde tries to record things going on with a device he has within his arm.
[break]+ Jellicent uses DESTINY BOND and gets in the way of the ice attack purposely. Seeing if the ice wouldn't take it out
[break]+ Melmetal comes out and uses FLASH CANNON on the ice Dragon.


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
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Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 8:57:33 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

At the top, there was no where left to go but up down.


It filled his heart with the kind of shock that could lift a truck in an emergency, to see pop up in the pathway of his Solar Beam.

The force of the blast sent her off the rock with the Dr. and Darkrai. He made a play for the Dark Triad member but once again, he'd lost.

For now he put away the extra complications that it was Lulu in particular.

Seeing Holo's Unown-K wilt and collapse on the vein he spared the pokémon his judgement, instead identifying with the doomed psychic type.

Neither got what they intended, and both had to make due.

He didn't have a pokéball to contain it, instead he made good use of the pokémon he'd brought with him. This wasn't the first time he'd called on Ranton to eat another pokémon in the field. At least he wouldn't let her digest this one.

Jumping from the mineral vein into the general atmosphere the unown was shoved in the gyarados' mouth during freefall and subsequently without using any real moves the gyarados was swapped out for one of his teleporter-mon.

Although not quite unharmed, Alakazam hadn't taken a lot of damage in the landing and was still strong enough to TELEPORT leaving them to escape the mineral vein in a final blink before the vein itself blinked away.

On the way down he saw the shadow of Kanto fall over Hoenn like the ghost of unfinished business. The twinklings of the shadows of lifeforms he couldn't name scattered about the region.

Whatever Hoenn was before they launched to Meteno, it would be forever changed by the time they landed again.

The trio barely touched down before another gargantuan pokémon of legend came at them and the other trainers...

-up close and personal.

In the wake of the incoming ice storm the vigilante threw fire at what came the way he threw fire at everything.

Falling in, Crimsen braced himself behind the crystalline frame of the Rogue Monkey. Alakazam did the same.

Zarude threw up its hands and high above, a star was born.

Although not much of an attack, SUNNY DAY would help the lot of the fire-users survive the wind-chill searing towards them and maybe even cue them up for a counter-attack.

● tags: @meteno

all League who used fire-type moves

its your call if sunny day helped or not

the rockets too if they wanna catch the heatwave

don't say crimsen never gave you nothin'

● notes:

Crimsen lost Dr. Holo!

Crimsen called out gyarados!

Crimsen secured Dr. Holo's Unown-K!
inside gyarados' mouth!

Crimsen Swapped gyarados for Alakazam!

Alakazam used TELEPORT!
To escape the mineral vein's launch

Back on the ground
Zarude used Sunny Day!


() () () () () ()

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 9:22:37 GMT



A TOPSY-TURVY ASSIST FROM ’S HOOPA spits fernando onto the ground with little regard. disoriented from having to operate mid-freefall, he breaks into an uncontrolled roll, hands tucked into his chest until his momentum dies. only then does he sprawl out, grasping for air amidst hoenn’s grassland. every color of the earth finds a spot on his body suit, streaked in a patchwork of green and brown hues.

these medals serve as a reminder that the region still exists—that they’ve staved off the first armageddon.

good work,“ is the rare praise to his pokemon. it’s slipped in under a sleight of hands, seamless and overlooked as he gathers his bearings. getting to his feet is the only moment of peace the two will enjoy as the realm starts to shatter once more.

roger that,” he relays in confirmation to ’s warning. “prepare for—

the sudden sound of heavy metal demolishes the spot next to him. instinct pivots him to follow the sound with his eye, able to make out bits of the culprit’s body from his peripheral vision well before his mouth moves to shout a command. by the time his pokemon’s name touches the tip of his tongue, ’s METAGROSS has already pinned the MIMIKYU into submission. without its DISGUISE, the ghost’s cloth like body is left to writhe underneath the impact of its METEOR MASH.

his immediate reaction is to run. for he can do little against the pokemon on his own. the best course of action is to summon another but he must also vacate the premises. should it be ’s METAGROSS, he has no doubt another attack will come soon.

so fernando runs, abandons his pokemon to its struggle as he repositions himself for a suitable counter attack. his MIMIKYU has no choice but to claw and scrap. anything to break free. a frantic PLAY ROUGH as it tries to find even the slightest wriggle room to slip out.

a frantic scan of the field catches the DEOXYS with relative speed, already accustomed to ’s earlier assault with his SALAMENCE. the built up ICE BEAM pulls his attention away and, just like earlier, he prepares to throw himself out of the line of fire. out here, in the open, he must rely on sheer agility to evade such attacks.

which leaves him vulnerable and distracted. coupled with ’s supernatural CAMOUFLAGE, there’s no way for him to spot the underboss. a life time of handling his KECLEON does nothing for him when his attention is split in so many different directions. the perfect scenario for a sneak attack.

the tackle grounds fernando immediately. returning him to hoenn’s crust as his helmet rings with every blow of ’s fist. at first, an arm raises to shield himself but strike after strike leaves him desperate. he cannot survive just defending. and with his MIMIKYU in an equally precarious spot, there is no back up coming for him.

he has to find a way out. so he kicks—to no avail as his stamina flounders underneath the other man’s weight. his other hand, TERA SHARD dug between his fingers, comes up to stab him, anything to wretch him off.

but he doesn’t have to.

an influx of PSYCHIC power exerts itself. pushes in all directions as it focuses on .

it may not have been here during METENO’s descent or the confrontation with the DRK TRIAD but that doesn’t matter anymore. it is here now. right when he needs it. right when it matters most.


against the gnawing icescape of KYUREM’s influence, the pokemon holds, unfazed and unbothered. despite coming to fernando’s aide, it pays him little attention.

one eye, VIOLET, stares straight at .

the other, SCARLET, grotesquely rolls up, honed on the DEOXYS.



- spat out by HOOPA ring.
- momentary breather.
- confirms 's warning. is about to issue an order when interrupted.
- fernando immediately repositions, abandoning his pokemon.
- MIMIKYU uses PLAY ROUGH while struggling under MEGA METAGROSS' claws.
- fernando spots DEOXYS above and prepares to evade ICE BEAM.
- lands surprise tackle on fernando.
- mounts(?) and starts beating fernando.
- fernando cannot kick him off. is about to stab with his TERA SHARD but—
- MEWTWO uses PSYCHIC to push him off and possibly launch him away.
- MEWTWO confronts + DEOXYS.


999432 METENO


AUTHOR'S NOTE: would like to still have mimikyu FROZEN as if i failed the roll.
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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @nicodemus
nicodemus unken
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 13:12:31 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar
For a second there, Nico thought he was going to die. Not from space. Not from the meteor or a legendary pokemon attack- but from a giant hand.

Turns out, the panic was entirely unneeded.

Both he and his boyfriend panicking didn't seem to stop the God-hand. Both were grabbed, then safely placed down- er, well, Nico in particular was tossed down and luckily avoided major injury. Nico barely could process the confusing safety in the midst of all the panic (maybe apology cookies were in order for this God). His Pikachu could only stumble on the ground, dazed and bewildered. Feeling a difficult time breathing, he'd hastily reach up to take of his helmet, suddenly very aware of numerous bumps, scrapes, and dents over the equipment... But surging up to embrace him was a most welcome distraction from this observation.

Then, a wave of ice descended upon them before Nico could return any affections. "Shit, shit..."

Once again, his slightly injured Typhlosion was sent out. She shook out her fur, before hissing in acknowledgement as Nico gave the order. "Use Flamethrower along with the rockslide!" It may have been a hasty move... But he hoped the combo would create a decent barrier. Nico even remembered to quickly put his helmet back on.

His Pikachu stuck close, maintaining a Light screen in the hopes of blocking some of the icy damage.

Summary: Nico got squeezed and tossed by Hoopa. Serves him right!
Nico lands, reunites with Matt again. Sends out a slightly wounded Typhlosion to use Flamethrower along with 's rock slide to block some of the cold. His Pikachu is also using light screen.

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 18:45:36 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
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And just like that, everything changed.


Despite the blinding glow, Eva’s eyes ripped open in surprise. It was like feeling the biggest static shock of her life. The energy snapped at her fingertips, a jolt racing down her arm and through her chest. It burst through her all at once. She felt it all to way from her toes to the top of her head. She was filled with life, with energy, with power. Every muscle tensed in in resistance to the intrusion until the power overwhelmed them at it consumed her soul.


She never felt anything like it. The soul is an intangible thing. It doesn’t feel, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t speak. Many have tried to prove its existence just as many have tried to refute such beliefs. Eva always believed that people and pokemon had a soul, but right here, right now she was given her proof. Her spirit was resistant to the invasion at first, humming violently like a Pyroar’s growl. When it recognized the intent was pure, it conceded willingly. Two souls became one.


All the pain was numbed, and the exhaustion expelled. All she could feel was power. The professor suddenly shot up, gasping for air as her body settled into the change. All she could do was stare in wide eyed wonder at Rayquaza.


Was that . . . was she just chosen?


Her chest rise and falls with deep, heavy breaths, and she smile, reaching out again to stroke the legendary’s chin. She feels the vibration of a deep rumble travel up their throat. It wasn’t a malicious growl, almost a purr. There it is again, she can feel something tugging at her soul, it feels . . . PEACEFUL.


But that peace doesn’t last long. Rayquaza can feel it before she does, the tear in space, the equilibrium unbalanced. The peace quickly snaps into hostility. The serpent’s head turn to land a narrowed, violent glare at the shimmering energy of the anomaly.


Eva feels an overwhelming sense of panic, fear, and hostility – all emotions she is very unfamiliar with. They’re not her emotion, they are Rayquaza’s, “S-stop!” she takes a sharp breath before her and Blade and thrown off the serpent’s back as it coils like a cobra ready to strike. The familiar, gut-wrenching cry of KYUREM pierces through to their reality, quickly followed by the beast itself.


Now, Eva’s own fear claws at her chest. A brief glance towards the serpent’s regenerating tail reminds her it’s not ready for this fight. Its wounds are still fresh and it’s panic would only prove perilous, “Blade return!” before the Gallade can protest, he’s back in his pokeball.


Fortunately, this is something Eva has prepared for since they returned from the ice dragon’s realm. The Professor had a funny feeling she’d be seeing his particular beast again. Regardless of preparation, fear still gripped her chest, more so when she released the Machamp onto the field, “Be careful,” she gently squeezes Syah’s arm. The Machamp knew what to do. She was the meant to be the blockade if the dragon attempted to follow them back the first time.


A familiar energy still crackling across her skin burst from her core, consuming the Machamp as it ran forward to join the other pokemon in their attempts to fend off Kyurem. With each stride the Machamp grew larger and larger until she was a massive beast herself, a size fit to contend with the over-powered Kyurem.


A guttural roar that rivals both Kyurem and Rayquaza’s echoes through the pokemon’s chest. All four fists clench and resonate with fighting-type power. As other batter the pokemon with attack, Syah sneaks in amongst them, drawing her arms high into the air then rocketing them down to strike across Kyurem’s head with DYNAMIC PUNCH. All four hands aim to grapple the beast, powerful legs pushing to drive it back into its own realm.



Hoenn’s Protector strikes forward soon after to guard its realm from the enemy. It’s serpentine body coils and spins. The partial flying-type conjures it’s winds, pouring the HURRICANE-force gales towards the ice-dragon but they change course before intercepting with the pokemon of the trainers attempting to fend off the beast. The winds curl into vacuums before the GLACIATE, attempting to suck it into the vortex and protect the people from the never-melt-ice.





+ Evaquaza in the house! [break]
+ Not here, icy bitch [break]
+ Eva’s Machamp attempts to MEGA EVOLVE[break]
+ Machamp rushes towards Kyurem with a powerful DYNAMIC PUNCH across the jaw and attempts to shove the dragon back through the portal and block its entrance into Hoenn[break]
+ Meanwhile, Rayquaza gets madge and uses HURRICANE to try to divert the GLACIATE


-1 Salac

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 3:35:03 GMT
noah faber Avatar

the frigid winds billow across the grasslands. blades of grass are crowned white with everwinter as sprints toward him.[break][break]


noah watches kyle wide-eyed. finally, the fear catches up to him like a crawling frost. his clothes billow in the wintry gales as he sputters, "B-BULK UP, Kai."[break][break]

his machamp stands by the smeargle, arms crossed in a defensive X. it flexes, hardening the carapace of battleworn bone and muscle as the last of kyurem's GLACIATE passes through.[break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] hOUUk0L3[break][break]
TL;DR machamp uses BULK UP![break][break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-machamp"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-hariyama"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-medicham"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-chesnaught"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-haunter"]

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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 5:47:19 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]
99943 METENO



🎼 Frozen City (Opelucid City Frozen): Arrangement ► Pokémon Black 2 & White 2


KYUREM'S BREACH INTO UNIVERSE 820 ushers in the worst cold of Hoenn's history. The GLACIATE billows onto the fields, instantaneously freezing most living things.[break][break]

The grasses. The flowers. The trees and Pokemon forever encased in the NEVERMELTICE from KYUREM'S GLACIATE. In this defiant stand against the devourer of legendaries and men, Hoenn's trainers protect themselves, their Pokemon, and each other.[break][break]

As the polar storm rakes across the field, and his ARTICUNO would realize they are NOT IMMUNE to the freeze. They manage to endure the cold—but barely.[break][break]

Others are not too lucky. Many Pokemon take their last breath before the ice halts all and any movement. The pained and sorrow filled expressions of Pokemon stare back at their trainers forevermore.[break][break]

No flame, no rock or screen can diminish the cold. Even Dr. Nisa Holo of the DRK Triad suffers the biting chill. Thanks to and , she is secured by cotton and steel.


however, manages to secure the the DRK Triad member's UNOWN-K with his GYARADOS'S MOUTH. However, when the GYARADOS is recalled, the UNOWN is ejected, unable to enter a pokeball that already has a Pokemon tied to it...[break][break]

As Hoenn fights against the ice dragon, the GLACIATE winds diverted ever so slightly by 's newfound RAYQUAZA, a drama between and transpires in midst ice.[break][break]

The dispute resolves with securing a PARTIALLY FROZEN DEOXYS CORE from the physically beaten Councilman before a brutal tossing of 's body by a MEWTWO'S PSYCHIC.


THE KYUREM'S HEAD SEEMS LARGER THAN THE METEOROID THEY'VE WARPED. Perhaps, it is. As 's SMEARGLE attempts to SPATIAL REND the torn rift back, it would find that it is a harsh, almost futile struggle. Strands of reality attempt to sew back together, but the KYUREM is too insistent on its invasion.[break][break]

Those who attempt to strike the dragon's skull like 's MEGA EVOLVED BLAZIKEN or 's TYPHLOSION will be swift to realize that their flames are the tiniest hair against something as massive as this.[break][break]

's Pokemon would realize DESTINY BOND would incur no effect; perhaps, the KYUREM IS DESTINED TO ACHIEVE ANOTHER FATE. On the other hand, would realize quickly that this KYUREM has grown even larger than the last time she had seen it. Perhaps, it has eaten more...[break][break]

However, it is 's UNBOUND HOOPA, unleashed from its binds, that helps close the rift. Dramatically, it expands to an enormous size. One that the ex-Councilman has never seen before. It laughs and brings its floating arms together. Rings gather to form one large hoop. The UNBOUND HOOPA pushes the hoop against the torn rift before expanding it to the size of the mountainous KYUREM.[break][break]

The hoop does not reveal another world behind it; instead, it frames the KYUREM in gold. The UNBOUND HOOPA stares at , "unbind me." The phrase now uttered, the Councilman who had forgotten the deal he had made with this ancient genie, is forced to break the prison bottle that once confined this extradimensional threat. "may our paths never cross again. for your sake."[break][break]

Its hearty laugh rumbles through the iceland as its arms push the KYUREM back with startling power. The UNBOUND HOOPA pushes the KYUREM back into its dimension alongside the attacks of Hoenn's trainers and as it does so, smiles as the hoop closes behind them both.[break][break]

The rift eventually closes, in part thanks to the efforts of those here—and the hoop closing the fabric of reality like a tambour frame before it disappears.[break][break]

The winds still, but the snow and ice remain. As everyone tends to their wounds or continues their conflicts across the wintry wasteland, some may notice a quick flash of light. A TIME TRAVELING CELEBI appears, sensing this temporal anomaly. Unbeknownst to most everyone, this is the same CELEBI owned by , but one from an alternate time. Sensing the sorrow and horror of this dying field and forest, it calls upon the powers of its other self.[break][break]

In 's home, her CELEBI would sense the urgency of its temporal counterpart. Pressing its soft, leafy hands together, it RECALLS THE AVATAR POWERS IT HAD BESTOWED UPON CAIT; such energy travels to this alternate CELEBI, filling it back to its full power. It soars across the field, casting shimmering leaf and petal across the ice... and beneath the frigid layer, the flowers and grasses seem to perk.[break][break]

Should anyone return to this desolate winterscape, they would find that the plants beneath remain evergreen...[break][break]

The CELEBI soars away into the region, another pulled from another fractured time in Hoenn's history, to correct the knots and tangles of the region's current fate.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing