i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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31 (appears way younger due to distortion)
August 17
Virbank City
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
179 posts
Lasciel Elis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lime6
Lasciel Elis
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 18:03:45 GMT
Lasciel Elis Avatar
Some people were filled with fear and worry when a space-time-distortion appeared. Granted, she probably should have been too, then she would not be in her current predicament. But since she already was in this predicament, there was very little that could go wrong anymore, in her opinion. The line could always only go up from here on out. Which was why she was hunting any and all space-time-distortions she could find.

Even if that meant having to trek through this awful desert. It had been an arduous journey so far, but Lash knew it would only get worse. Once again, she cursed the body she was stuck with for this. It just tired out too easily. She’d had to take a break in front of the dome at first, knowing that otherwise she would just end up running out of energy too fast. An agonizing wait, especially since this could fade away at any time.

But still, rest had been important. Once she entered, she brought Metagross along with her. It was her strongest offensive option, after all. Together, they went through the membrane, the oddly familiar feeling of a world shifting around her soon encompassing Lash. Within moments, she found herself shuddering – for the world within was much, much colder than the outside. And darker. Or rather, devoid of colour. She blinked once, then twice, but everything seem a lot more grey than what she was used to already. This definitely was not a place she wanted to stay in for too long.

Fortunately, she did not have to. Probably? Frankly, once inside, Lash looked left and right, trying to determine what to do next. Having been preoccupied with finding another distortion, she had not yet managed to figure out how to actually use it. Metagross beside her was as still as the grave, as always, so she could not rely on it to help. A reliable partner, yes, but not exactly the most expressive being in the world.

She sighed, before starting to walk a few feet along the perimeter, trying to see what was going on there. Usually, she saw a lot more activity in places like these. And she did have the feeling that something was near, even though she could not see anything among the grey dunes. Or maybe it was – Lash looked up and her Metagross seemingly saw it at the same time, advancing towards her position and staring upwards. Glinting eyes, hovering, the faint sound of wings beating. Something was in the skies above.

Which was bad since her Metagross was mostly focused on closer combats. That was a pretty bad sit-
Cold. Things got even colder now. Lash could not help but clench her chest as she fell onto her knees, as if something had just straight up punched her in the gut. There also was a stinging pain in her leg as she came down on something, but she ignored that at first. Instead, she tried to focus her widenes eyes, frantically looking around to see if something was responsible for whatever had just happened. And not too far away she did indeed see a blot of grey that was different from the rest. That moved.

That yelped, when Metagross hit it with a Zen Headbutt at full speed, knocking it aside. The small Pokemon was flung away a good distance, though more towards her side than away from her. Acting before she thought, Lash fumbled for a Pokeball as harsh lightning started to fill the skies, causing the flying Pokemon to shriek and fly away, even as she threw it at the small white Pokemon.

Roll for ageing: ehgLqvok

Then, in a flash, it was all over. The ball bounced on the ground even as the distortion dissipated all around her alongside it. “What? No, not yet,” Lash simply mumbled to herself, free hand grasping the odd red shard she had fallen onto. Inspecting it briefly, she saw her own reflection in it.

Which was unchanged.

And her heard fell once more, though this time not because she had been hit by a shadow ball.

1. Picking up red shard.

2. Failing to roll high enough for age-up

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174 posts
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TAG WITH @msdumot
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 20:19:53 GMT

[attr="class","loretoplyr"]i like men on their knees

[attr="class","loretophold"]i don't need your roses




[attr="class","loreleisym"][attr="class","cp cp-rose"]

[attr="class","lorelyrknee"]praying up to their god seeing visions of me i'm a cult leader mind reader heart eater Fear feeder, say I'm your favorite preacher

it was her first time facing a distortion, but lorelei wasn't perturbed in the least. almost bored, dark rings hung around her eyes as she yawned and brought along the small sneasel she had in tow. hand-in-hand, the dark-haired trainer witnessed the fruit of her making time to bring forward the ice-type who seemed the most curious about the distortion when compared to the rest of lorelei's pokemon. with a bend and a snap, the velvet room member also picked up a [BLUE SHARD] and made her way back afterwards.


[attr="class","loreat"]@ n/a

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 20:28:55 GMT
Deleted Avatar
atop her larger-than-life avalugg, pippa was nothing short of some anime villain who came late to the scene. with a proud laugh, she slipped down her pokemon's side and was caught by one of its large paws. they had come out to investigate their first distortion, but when pippa went to snap her focus back on the face of her large pokemon, something had changed.[break]
"oh my little baby, why did you turn so ugly?!" she fretted while it just shyly offered its trainer a [BLUE SHARD] as if to get her to shut up.[break]
⚰︎ divider made by milky!


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 20:35:03 GMT
Deleted Avatar
"yarharhar and fiddle me timbers, what have we here?" micah asked as she found her camera she had brought start to reverberate in her hand. it seemed to not take well to the space-time distortion, almost as if it was getting ready to turn back to a brick phone or something even worse. putting it away, she decided to make quick work and get the nearest shard she could find and get the hell out. guess there would be no stream that day. unfortunately for the dripped out goodra behind her, he would take a bit of a form change.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 20:44:37 GMT
Deleted Avatar
little yapper in tow, the growlithe seemed all the happier to be in the space-time distortion while taiga was - in all senses of the term - losing her shit. "it's like my damn colon is curling further up my body, what the fuck," she muttered to herself while the fire dog ran laps around her slowly approaching a shard and going to pick it up. it seemed the dog had gained so much speed that it somehow ... changed itself? dizzy and falling onto its butt, taiga had to help it back up and out of the distortion to get a good look at it.[break]
⚰︎ divider made by milky!


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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 21:32:29 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Ever since the mission he went on with he had become fascinated with these distortions. Even more so now that Dialga was free. A place where time didn't fly so freely. This time he was coming here with his Typhlosion. Recently he had caught another of this line, and after a bit of research he had learned that Typhlosion was similar to his Goodra, in that if it was exposed to one of these distortions it would change into something new. He wanted to compare the two species himself, and so as they searched for another of those shards that were always so elusive, he saw a dull purple light wash over his Typhlosion.

It was similar to the light that appeared when a Pokemon evolved, however it was purple instead of white, and he watched as the form changed before his eyes. So these distortions did hold some strange power it would seem, but what it was he didn't think he would ever know. Perhaps some otherworldly radiation affected the Pokemon? Shaking his head he picked up a Green Shard. Now having two of that color as well, and departed just as swiftly as he came.

Typhlosion to it's Hisuian Forme!
Got a green shard!

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2023 21:46:56 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El had heard of them on the news, before - these strange swirling distortions, forming over different parts of Hoenn. Back then, they could scarcely believe it was possible - but when paired alongside an eternal land of ice, a narrowly avoided meteor, crystals scattering across Hoenn... Well, these sorts of things seem all the more possible together.

Back then though, the most that they would ever hear of such things was in the same breaths that their parents said it was so dangerous out there. That they should be home earlier, before night fell. That they shouldn't stray too close to the outskirts, in Lavaridge. That it'd be best if they just stayed home altogether!

And well... El didn't like to think that they were usually motivated by spite - that they were someone who'd charge headfirst into every little thing that people told them not to. But at the same time, to be able to see the distortion so close-up, to be able to just brush the outer boundary with their fingertips - and to be able to even step inside, if they so desired... It was all a bit thrilling, in a way - this thing touted as being so dangerous, and yet there. As if waiting.

A familiar brush against their mind would turn their attentions away from the distortion, though - to instead glance at Bibidi. The alakazam's brows were furrowed, as she stared at the distortion - and they could spy a certain tension in her shoulders. She didn't like it here - and the impression of her feelings communicated to him said as much. But at the same time, she wasn't one to force them away.

El, smiling gently, raised their free hand to pat her on the side. "It's okay, Bibidi." They spoke - adjusting their position, to account for the way their cane sunk into the sand underneath their feet. "We'll just look around a bit, then leave at the first sign of trouble. Okay?" They weren't intending to go in guns blazing against whatever pokemon lurked within, anyhow.

It was just curiosity that drove them forward, they were sure - not spite.

Bibidi's eyes met their own, for a few long moments - her mind brushing over El's own surface thoughts, which they freely left open to her. Though she wouldn't voice it, she knew better than to chalk this up to solely pure curiosity on El's part - but if they promised to be careful, then well... She could accept that compromise. Carefully, she'd extend an arm to El - paired with an impression of the sand's unsteadiness. If the both of them were going to be careful, then she wanted to carry El, just in case.

To which El blinked, before chuckling with a sheepish hue, scratching the back of their head with their free hand. "Yeah, I suppose that'd be easier than trying to stop my cane from sinking..." Maybe they'd need to look for one better suited for this sort of terrain, sometime? In any case, they'd accept the offered arm - letting Bibidi scoop them up, before they crossed the boundary together, into the distortion...

And the first thing that hit the two, would be the sheer strangeness in the air. It wasn't just that the surroundings within the distortion were unusual - or just that there were distant lurking pokemon that El, for all of their bookishness, couldn't identify. No, there was just a strange feeling to the air that neither of them could put a name to - one that had their hair stand on end, one that had the alarm bells in Bibidi's mind ringing. It didn't take a genius, for pokemon or human to know that neither of them liked it.

But even that being said - El couldn't help but gaze around in curiosity as Bibidi carried them through, the alakazam relying on their surface thoughts for direction. This was someplace dangerous, and yet so fascinating all the same - something that, when they were younger, would've only thought to exist in one of their games or shows. But they were here, experiencing it, with their own flesh and blood and mind!

Amidst El's awe though, they'd be jolted from their thoughts as an item floated before their face - lifted by Bibidi. A verdant shard, looking to be a piece to perhaps some sort of pottery (though they weren't an archaeologist, so who knew?) Gently, they'd take it into their hand to look it over - tilting it one way, and then the other. "Oooh... This is pretty," They'd muse out loud, smiling up to Bibidi. "Do you know what this is?"

Sadly, Bibidi would shake her head no - though she certainly shared in El's curiosity regarding the object. It had been just sitting there in the sand, after all - looking barely timeworn, even if it was the broken shard to some larger thing. Just what was the whole meant to be, she wondered...?
Not doing much, just grabbing a Green Shard
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 0:18:17 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]this... shouldn't be happening, right?

time and space are free. why would another distortion appear?

she enters with the same purpose as always: study the distortion. and this one doesn't have pink cyclone-like energy or flashes of other universes against its walls.

no... it's pure, unadulterated chaos.

when she enters, the samurott at her side undergoes a transformation. something in its dna shifts, morphs into something more ancient. its head rises again in a different way. something new, something blue but darker in a way she can't place.

and as she stares at her changed samurott, a wild pokemon rushes up behind them. her h!samurott uses a move she's never seen in its arsenal, then, and she gasps as ceaseless edge takes down each aggressive pokemon that comes near them.

illeana maps the distortion until it fades. and when it does, she stares out into the unchanged desert with more questions than before. somehow, she suspects their answers might never come.

distortion #13
samurott becomes h!samurott
h!samurott learns ceaseless edge
1x blue shard

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 1:54:15 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar


"Yes, I see it, Anistar." Mars whispers to the Unown-! levitating by his side, the pair having appeared out of thin air mere seconds ago. They stand the ruins, unseen and at the edge of the distortion.
Months ago, when he had asked his Unown about the importance of Meteor Falls, they had named it once more along with ten other places.
Space-Time Distortions had appeared at each one of those places overtime... except at the desert.
He had expected it to be next, but why now? Shouldn't the balance be resorted now that Dialga and Palkia are free? Is time-space damaged beyond repair?
Anger finds its way into the underboss' heart as he ventures into the distortion, crossing the membrane without a second thought, Unown by his side. He blames the DRK Triad for all of this. He blames the League for their ceaseless reckless venturing into other dimensions. Fools, the whole lot of them.
Guided by his Unown's gaze, the Architect picks up a RED SHARD, teleporting out of a Kleavor's way when it appears near him.
It becomes more clear every day: Dialga and Palkia must be allowed to continue performing their duties unbothered and unchained. Hoenn wont survive much longer if all of these rifts and distortions continue to plague the region.



▷ Picking up RED SHARD


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 3:03:15 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
it's been a while since he's been on one of these distortions. as he expects every person out there take matters on their own hands to defend their region, kyle takes the opportunity to play around with the limited-time event-only scenario laid out for him.

his smeargle stands beside him, matching the sygna suit he has crafted specifically for these kinds of experiments.

roar of time and spatial rend were fired off as they fend off highly aggressive pokemon, all while kyle tries to take note of any changes in the area, looking for any glimpse of the place fixing itself, or at least stop the glitching effect.

maybe he just didn't notice it, or maybe his eyes weren't deceiving him when it suggests that his smeargle didn't have any capabilities of changing the environment, sygna suit technology or not.

growlithe > h!growlithe
+ 1 shard of choice get

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 3:10:54 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
what do space-time distortions and the desert ruins have in common? they're both prime settings for a good trip of treasure hunting!

priam is filled with enthusiasm as he enters the distortion. a satchel is opted as the bag of choice since he knows he'll probably need a quick getaway with most scenarios. after all, the only one he has out right now was his shroomish.

no one has ever seen a shroomish shift, but priam's out here testing the waters if it was the case.

eyes shift around, looking for anything shiny, and as soon as he spots one, he picks it up and studies the shard. it's as common as it was around hoenn at this point, but it's still something that doesn't appear naturally in their world.

as he busies himself, a wild pokemon comes up, only to be stopped by his shroomish's spore, putting it to sleep. priam, with a face mask on to protect himself from the buffeting sandstorm, finds the accessory doubling as protection against the move.

he picks up the shroomish and leaves the area quick, petting the grass-type as they went. there's more spots to look for stuff around the dessert after all.

+1 shard of choice

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september 14
fight area, sinnoh
20 height
20 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
43 posts
jacob kim DOLLARS
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jacob kim
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 3:17:18 GMT
jacob kim Avatar
distortions never get old.

armed with a bb gun, jake comes in at the invitation of the thrill. unusually aggressive pokemon in every corner that don't follow conventional behaviors give him a different vibe than the ones found in the wild. those can be exploited by whatever traits they have, while these can't.

maybe it's just for fun and not at all practical, but he's doing it anyways.

he comes in, finds an enraged rhyhorn looking at one of the people who braved the same place for adventure or whatever, and shoots the gun he uses for airsoft, and attracts it's attention.

it takes the aggro away from the lucky hoenn citizen, but unbeknownst to them, jake was taking it for another reason. it's still his job as a ranger, but this time, it's a case of two birds with one stone, or in this case, one ammo.

+1 shard of choice

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december 6
azalea town, johto
baker boy
94 height
94 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @wolfgang
wolfgang volkov
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 3:29:15 GMT
wolfgang volkov Avatar
it wasn't his kind of thing to be around dangerous places. maybe in the past he would've gone here without any other complaints, but not when he's trying to change his lifestyle to be a completely normal citizen devoid of heroism, or the opposite of that.

unfortunately, the need for cash is there.

employed under one of the fronts that one of hoenn's biggest companies lead, wolfgang finally has the reason to get out of his 'comfort zone' and brave the storms, like every other citizen of hoenn.

as he walks around, he finds a flygon flying imposingly in a distance. the first instinct would be to take out his typhlosion, regardless of type disadvantage, but realizing that there's a chance of him changing forms gets him to double take.

he assesses his other options? rotom? riolu? corviknight? none of them were actually used in battling. he bites his lip and releases the flying-type, hopping on its back to make a quick getaway.

+1 shard of choice

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 4:07:24 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Why is this still happening? Ruby eyes trace the surly violet skies, her fingers curled around Reiner's mane as she takes a deep breath. If Palkia and Dialga aren't the cause of this phenomenon, what is? Or were they the cause and the situation was simply far too gone that things wouldn't be recovering anytime soon?[break][break]

"Let's just try and get out of here. There are other ruins we can explore..."[break][break]

The Luxray huffs in agreement.
[attr="class","adrie-note"]space-time distortion

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
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5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,586 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 4:31:25 GMT
noah faber Avatar

noah follows into the distortion. and behind him, a flurry of pink. his flamigo soars through the schisms of time and space, while the champion's smeargle directs its tail to-and-fro.[break][break]

"hate these things." noah says.[break][break]

they remind him that the world is still broken. whether this is a hoenn caught in the painful throes of recovery, or a hoenn barely holding itself together, it doesn't matter.[break][break]

thwap! his flamigo bats an incoming zangoose with its thick neck.


[attr="class","bottom"]@distortion [break]
+green shard[break][break]

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[newclass=".noahf .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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