i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 23:20:37 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Come back with your shield or on it.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"][All entries are written in a booklet of parchment sheets bound together with a leather cord strung through a hole cut out of the top of each sheet]

Dear Diary,

Even after ten years—or perhaps
especially after ten years—of living here, I still sometimes find myself questioning the nature of things. The nature of our entire reality. Which makes it sound deeper than it really is, considering I'm usually just staring at things waiting to see if they go up in a puff of smoke or dissolve into a cloud of pixels.

Is this place real? Like, really real, like Hoenn and Kalos were real? Is this just a memory? A dream? A simulation? Or is this the afterlife? Did we die in that AVALANCHE that the CHIEN-PAO unleashed and go to heaven?

Well, this probably isn't heaven, at least, because I have a headache, my back is sore, and dinner is vegetable stew and bread for the seventh day in a row. But are
those things real? What even is "reality", anyway?

And if it isn't real—if it is all just a dream, or hallucination, or simulation—do I
want to wake up, or come to, or be unplugged? Arceus knows I miss ice cream, air conditioning, video games, and so many other things. I miss my old forge, still.

But I'd miss things here too, if I left. I'd miss the people, the camaraderie, the simplicity of life here, and the things we've built and accomplished here. I'd miss the peace we've forged. So, I don't know if I want it all to be just a dream. Like so many things, it probably won't be up to me. This time, I can't say I mind.

Dear Diary,

I won again during my daily spar against my Gallade, Laurent. The first and second times, I was so proud and excited, but now it's the tenth or so time. I can't pretend that I'm not noticing anymore, and neither does he. He's slowing down, showing signs of aging, and losing some of his strength and reflexes. I never knew that could even happen with Pokemon!

He's still a better sword fighter than I am, by far, and we both know he has a lot left to teach me. So, I'm not going to stop sparring against him every day. But I'm glad I haven't released him to fight the poison Pokemon in years, and I don't ever plan to.

Besides, there's word that the poison's showing signs of slowing down or even retreating. I've noticed more lulls between attacks, which means I've gotten to spend more time learning from and working with . I love learning from her because she's so smart and unpretentious, and she's an absolute genius when it comes to engineering and technology. I swear, that woman could build you an airplane from a toothpick and two pieces of paper. She did wonders with the train system, and she regularly does more wonders every day.

In fact, just today she and I put the finishing touches on the second waterwheel we're using in the workshop, which will power the bellows for a larger forge that can now burn at higher temperatures. Now we've got a whole operation with different craftsmen and artisans working on different projects, from big civic engineering things like bridges and train tracks, to traditional blacksmithing work like forging armor and weapons or crafting everyday steel and iron goods—that reminds me, I need to finish the new set of horseshoes for 's Spectrier—and helping us produce the lighter-weight, better articulated arm, leg, and foot prosthetics that Cygne and I created. I love the variety of work, and getting to help different teams on different days with all their varied and exciting creations. We're also building more wind turbines, using gears and turbine blades we salvaged from the factories or forged ourselves, to provide renewable power for the city.

Arceus, 's such a badass. She treats me like a friend and equal, but I can't help secretly idolizing her just a little. did well in finding and loving her. They belong together—the brilliant and the brave. Seeing them so happy together makes me feel like there's justice in the world.

I don't know if I truly desire what they have: marriage, children, the whole package. Although I do adore their daughters. Iris is
such a sweetheart, and Sabrina's a firecracker that takes after my own heart. Cygne forged a little sword for her, and she's asked both Isaac and me to teach her our styles of swordplay.

But I also remember Cygne's tired eyes from too many sleepless nights, and her stories of potty-training, teething, tantrums, and childhood ailments that we're harder pressed to deal with now, and...well. At that point, I'm pretty content with my "harem". Even if it took some work to achieve harmony between all of them. There are still some awkward moments, but we all like and enjoy each other, and that's good enough for me.

Life is pretty good, honestly. Which is not something I'd ever thought I would say about living here. But it's true.

Dear Diary,

The news is that the poison's withdrawn so far back that travel's now possible between cities! After ten years of being under siege and trapped in Motostoke, we're already getting visitors from other cities, and people here are traveling to see them too! It's honestly mind-blowing to think about.

I'd like to visit Hammerlocke sometime. I heard , of all people, is king there, which... At first, it seemed crazy. Then I realized, if they never saw his dead eyes after he kills someone, if all they see of him is the charm and friendliness he can put on or take off like a hat or coat, then sure. I guess I could see why they'd crown him. I wonder if he's got another inexplicably gorgeous woman hanging off his arm here too. But I'm also genuinely curious to see what the city's like, and how it differs from here.

Nostalgically enough, came from Circhester to place an order with me just the other day. Just one this time, thankfully: claws from the BLACK METAL, imbued with a move I'd never heard of before, SHADOW HOLD. Because even if it's only one thing, it's never simple with him, right? But that's what makes him so interesting to craft things for.

I hope the visitors who come to Motostoke are pleased and impressed by what they see here. Because if there's one thing about the city, it's that it
works . and have proven to be an excellent team of kings, and they truly care about us. They defend us, they support us, and they find ways to help us. They're the kind of kings that history looks back on and says, "Their reign was long, peaceful, and prosperous, and the people were happy under them."

The way it should be—and yet so often isn't. But it is that way here.

Dear Diary,

Huge stones started smashing through the city last night. One shattered the window of the workshop, and it's going to take a while to repair it. It was enough to make me wonder if a massive meteoroid was heading for Galar too.

We're working on analyzing the stones too. Putting them through tests, studying them, seeing what they react to and what they do. After all, given the prophecies and the information we're getting about the constellations, it feels like anything from the sky is kind of a big deal.
Momentous, you might say. I've only just started, but I already noticed they're showing some similarities to the DYNITE ORE that has been bringing me but also the poison sludge. Isn't that strange?

I'm hoping that once we learn more about these stones, I can make them into something cool too. Maybe more weapons or shields for people? Maybe better construction projects for the city? I'm hopeful that we can find a use for them.

After all, it seems like we're going to need all the power we can get. Rumor has it that we're gearing up for another battle against NECROZMA soon. Maybe even the final battle that was mentioned in the prophecy written on the walls. I haven't thought about the prophecy in so long, but it's true that all the parts of it have happened in one way or another.

What happens if it all comes true? Even the end? Will
we be the ones to go up in a puff of smoke? Or will that happen to everything around us? I guess that's assuming we even survive the battle...

I need to get back to work. No time to rest. The more we learn, the stronger we'll be. The stronger we are, the better our chances to survive. For
all of us. I don't want to lose a single person here. Not after everything we've been through together.


- Located in Motostoke
- Notices her GALLADE is slowing down and aging
- Learns about engineering, physics, and technology from , and builds and expands the workshop into a veritable manufactory doing all kinds of metalwork (civic engineering and infrastructure projects, weapons and armor, traditional blacksmithing products, even prosthetics). Also building new sources of renewable power for Motostoke, like watermills and wind turbines
- Adores and and their family and is a happy aunt-slash-godmother, as well as queen of a "harem" of friends-with-benefits locals
- Makes more weapons from BLACK METAL for anyone who asks, like
- Working on analyzing the WISHING STONES en route to learning about DYNAMAXING
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[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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genni, gen
twenty three
august 10th
aspertia city, unova
ghost, poison, & steel
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @genesis
genesis aria fox
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 23:21:40 GMT
genesis aria fox Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Another ten years have passed, leaving the raven haired woman to mature and grow. Kinda. Age has done her well in more ways than one. The one independent and thrill seeking young woman has turned into a well rounded adult. And although true love and such elude her, Genesis has found herself a calling. Blacksmithing.[break][break]

When not preparing or forging new weapons, the ex team rocket member could be found practicing with her iron knuckles. And if not that, fighting in the front lines against the continuous waves of poison pokemon that attack their city. With other blacksmithers, the woman tried to think of ways to better prepare themselves for what is to some of his new home. Hoenn, a distant memory now.[break][break]

Through the years, DYNAMAX has been harvested and attempted to use in their favor. A prophecy calling the DARKEST NIGHT to come with mentions of a WINTER SOLSTICE, THE SKELETON & THE BLACK KNIGHT. It was hard to follow along with everything that was happening day in and day out. Yet here was Genesis, still fighting and still working.[break][break]

Many of her pokemon who had been hit by the toxic poison had been permanently poison formed them. Unfortunate, but what could she do. She wasn’t blessed with a sygna suit. However, the poison does begin the retract. Leaving the once very adventurous woman breathing room to spread her wings again, visiting surrounding cities and hearing what they had to do to survive this long.[break][break]

But, not everything was well in the world. The winter solstice comes, shaking the earth violently. Genesis has been preparing for this day, gathering her weapons and pokemon to face yet another impending doom that surely they can defeat. Right?[break][break]


for @teamrocket at route 120.[break]
team ballonlea. genesis prepares for war.

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 5:42:43 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
In a way, the subsequent days after Necrozma's attack drift by in almost a haze. To spend many a sleepless night tending to those injured in the chaos, with it compounded by those hurt or poisoned both before and after the Black Knight's assault? Though El is unerringly kind, unerringly dedicated, they are still very grateful for the help of those like , or 's pokemon. And though the aid is a bit more indirect, they are also grateful to for the aid in their Heal Bell staff - allowing them to cure many of those who had fallen ill.

They were sure to have collapsed from exhaustion ages ago, if they had to tend to everyone by themself. And they would've driven themself to that point, with no hesitation, if they thought it meant a few more lives would be saved.

But with the aid of others, and the tools at hand, the number of people in the hospital begins to thin, as they are healed. And among those people, more than a few are eager to pitch in - having seen firsthand just how tough a healer's job can be on one's own. Apprentices, students - there are those who desire to learn more, to lend their own aid to others.

Though to teach others is its own challenge, it is one that proves to be worth it in the passing years. It allows El to have more time to focus on the more serious patients, and time to pursue things that make them happy.

They continue to regale children with stories as does, to comfort those affected. They continue to race alongside , allowing Akero to put on a show for the audience. They continue to visit the feline canteen, to help Bibidi and Behemoth and give glowing reviews of the food. And when 's Eunice has recovered enough to leave the hospital, they sometimes attempt to befriend and endear themself to the bird. As it turns out, spending time tending to someone gives you plenty of opportunities to figure out their likes and dislikes - which leads to regular peace offerings of what they believe to be the articuno's favorite foods.

It almost comes as a surprise then when one day, they look themself in the mirror, to see that they're getting older.

Of course, with the passage of time, they should have expected it. But to see their hair just beginning to gray, and the stubble on their chin getting thicker, still comes as a bit of a surprise. They sometimes consider shaving it - they aren't sure how they feel about having facial hair, when it makes them more noticeably masculine. But... Perhaps they could balance it out with other things like their clothing or accessories instead, then?

But they aren't the only one aging. Their pokemon are, too - but the most obvious case is in Behemoth. The small juggernaut had been affected greatly by the initial attack from the armored Galarian Articuno - frostbite having taken the tips of his ears and tail, and leaving scarring at the edges. But it's as though the passing years have affected him more significantly than the others, from the wrinkles in once rigid skin to the periods of fatigue he experiences.

Of course, age is not something that'll easily stop Behemoth. He continues to help out around the city, putting his brute strength to work wherever he can. He keeps an eye on the children, being a surprisingly doting babysitter during downtime. But he nonetheless tires quicker and quicker with the passing years - and it quickly becomes apparent that he is no longer fit to fight.

But of course, El is there to provide the retired beast with any amenities and care that he needs to continue living a happy life.

By the time that the poison begins to recede, El's attentions turn to the world beyond the walls of Hammerlocke. With things having settled down for the most part, extra helping hands from learned apprentices, as well as two pokemon to help expedite the travel to and from each city... Safe to say, the temptation to visit the other cities is strong - and it was plenty doable, too. They felt okay leaving for other cities to visit, lend aid, and see what the residents have been up to in person.

So, they did - saddling up on Akero's back, spurred on by a mix of Extremespeed and Tailwind.

El went to Ballonlea, where they learned from 's school - sharing knowledge and recieving it in turn. They visited 's apothecary, where they shared some of the medicines that Kaname made and also lent a hand in aiding the ill or injured. They took the time to play the sports that peasants have learned from at the stadium, for as much as their bad knee would allow - attempting to invite Carmen and 's Articuno to play with. They even visited a beautiful garden nurtured by , spending time wandering through it and studying the plants that grow there.

(And if El were ever approached by regarding his condition, well... They were happy to try and ease any pains he had with healing moves, including their Heal Bell staff.)

El went to Circhester, and recieved a fortune from . They visited 's Survey Corps, and helped tend to the wounded there. They stop by the Hero's Bath to warm back up (as the cold proves to aggravate their bad knee,) observing 's Articuno with curiosity aplenty. They look to the manor that lives in, watching the Corviknights that come and go from the Rookery above. And even though Behemoth is old, he and Great Maccao both are happy to help haul when they catch her coming from a mining trip.

(Temp is someone that El regards warmly, even if they are wary towards the presence of his husband's Lugia. The barriers of Rocket and League may have long-since dissolved, but it's hard to not be a little nervous in the presence of a god of Shadow Pokemon.)

El went to Motostoke, visiting a training camp run by , looking to see what they could learn from him - admiring his Articuno along the way. They watched hard at work in her manufactory, and wondered what she and Amor could learn from one another as fellow blacksmiths. They stopped by 's hospital and nursing home, to lend a hand in healing the injured, including those of 's mercenary group.

(The Witch of Motostoke though, they shied away from - even after the many years, having their inner feelings pried out so raw and painfully back then had long-since left them wary of )

But most importantly, well... They in particular come to Motostoke to see a certain special someone - .

For as much as they wanted to convince themself that they wouldn't cry - that they had gotten everything out of their system during the initial exchanges of letters - well... It would end up being a lie; because the second they saw their brother in the flesh - (and they knew it was him; despite everything, even after 20 years, it was still him) - all they could do was hold him close, and let the tears flow. They cared naught whether the scene was proper for a king; in their mind, that title took a backseat to the fact that Isaac was - and still is - their dearest brother.

"I suppose I'm the bigger sibling now, at this point." They'd lightly tease Isaac - in regards to their height differences - once their crying had calmed. "But look at you - a king..." They breathed; this tone more serious, but plenty loving, their smile beaming brighter than ever. "I knew you could do great things, too."

They took the time to mingle with Isaac's family - catching up with and taking the chance to make lighthearted teases at Isaac with their sister-in-law. They met proper, taking the time to get to know their more-or-less other older brother. And of course, they also spent time with their two nieces - letting the two girls play with their pokemon. Caleb might be the bestest uncle ever, but El looked to vy for the position of best auncle ever.

Of course though, visits couldn't last forever, for as much as El wanted to stay with their family. But they - in the end - still had a duty to Hammerlocke.

However, one of the things that had helped to expedite these trips would be Bibidi's Teleport - and with said Teleport, they would be able to make trips to and from the cities with relative ease in the future. (With the option for others to hitch a ride, if so desired!)

So, even as they departed back to Hammerlocke, it'd come with the promise that they'd visit again. Especially for the family's birthdays - which they memorized well.

Thus, the subsequent years would be that of a life that El almost found comfortable. To where Hoenn would almost feel like a distant dream, an ironic feeling considering the memory they live in now. Even if this world was dangerous, people worked together as one to ensure that everyone would make it out okay. Isaac appeared happier than they could remember him ever being, back home - and they, honestly, found themself happier by extension as well.

The only thing that kept Hoenn from completely leaving their thoughts, really, was that of those left behind. Yggdrassil, Artemis, Psyche, Sobek... So many pokemon of theirs were without their trainer, and they wondered whether their pokemon knew it or not. Did time in Hoenn flow the same as in here, after all? Or would it - when it came time to return - be something akin to the shows they'd watch - where they'd simply return to Hoenn where they left off?

Only time would tell; and with the passing years, that time would fast approach. Tremors began to shake the earth, and monsters of skeletal and ebony origin alike would clash in the skies above and lands beyond. The statue of Zamazenta was almost fully formed, a statue that El couldn't help but find themself making a prayer to as the final days neared. For what, exactly, they weren't sure - but...

... They simply wanted to hold onto the hope that everything would be alright, in the end.
- As people recover after Necrozma's attack, some peasants come to learn healing alongside El to lend a hand with those still healing. (Which is a good thing cause there's only so much a couple healers and their pokemon can handle!)

- They likely had a hand in helping Eunice the Articuno heal up after Necrozma's attack as well.

- With others there to help, El has more time to focus on critical patients, as well as their own personal life/hobbies. (Including trying to be friends with Eunice by finding their favorite foods as peace offerings.)

- Behemoth is becoming an old man(tm), but still tries to be active around the city, even if he becomes quicker to tire as the years pass + is in no shape to fight anymore. Frostbite from being frozen led to him losing the tips of his ears + tail, and left scarring at the edges.

- When the poison recedes, El begins riding around on Togekiss to visit the other cities. They sightsee, mingle and check on the people present, and lend a hand in healing at each city. Alakazam's Teleport helps expedite trips back to Hammerlocke, and also allows them to revisit other cities when they please.

- Most importantly though, they visit Isaac and his family in Motostoke - catching up with Cygne, meeting Caleb and their two nieces, and being the best auncle they can be. They are very emotional about seeing Isaac in person + have every intention of revisiting Isaac and Co for their birthdays. You cannot escape El's unconditional love.

- The people and pokemon left behind back in Hoenn are still in El's thoughts though - and are probably the main thing stopping them from becoming too comfortable with their life in the memory.

- As the final day approaches, El starts making prayers to statue-Zamazenta, holding onto the hope that everything will be okay in the end. they have truly become a DnD cleric-
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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 8:01:06 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
When you're good at something, people want to follow you. When the first kid asks to be Hitoshi's pupil, he doesn't understand what's being asked of him. With a shrug, he says "Sure, I guess."[break]
By the end of the eleventh year in this false Hoenn, he has a whole cabal. People from Circhester that remember his performance on the first day come to him for training. People who were kids them flock to him. Hitoshi barely notices when orphans decide to live their and work in the dojo full-time.[break]
Every year is met with the same determination as the last. Within the repetition, he finds focus. These people adore him. On some level, he enjoys their company. A dog can only have one master, and his is far away, waiting for him. It is not Rocket who holds his leash, nor the kings and queens of this kingdom. It is her. He fights for her every day. Some of his students, mostly the women, ask about her. He smiles, thinking about her smile. Stern as he's grown in the past decade, he still smiles like a boy when he talks about his time in Goldenrod.[break]
"She's a lucky girl." Some of his students say. He doesn't catch their meaning.[break]
Eventually, he gets his hands on one of the new bands. Riding into battle on top of a giant Ceruledge for the first time is quite the experience. That he smiles and howls with delight when he joins the battle makes for many a tavern song.[break]
The people of the town come to call him the black wolf. Hitoshi doesn't respond to this name any more than he does sensei or master. In his own world view, he is simply Hitoshi. Such is the name his mother gave him, her only gift to him. As scarred as she left his heart, he wears that name with pride.[break]
There are no incidents in the ten years. All of the other people from Hoenn are ultimately meaningless to him. He respects a few, works for some. They'll be back to their old lives, fighting on different sides. He understands that truth. This place is temporary, but a dream.[break]
A dream that can't end soon enough.[break]
By the time twenty years have passed, he's muscled like a bull. His dark hair is unkempt. He's even managed to grow a scruffy beard. He looks the part of a wildman more than a swordmaster.[break]
"Sounds like things are gettin' serious, Yumi." He says to a woman who isn't there under a prophetic sky. "I'll be home soon."

Starts a dojo
That's about it tbh Hitoshi is here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and he's all out of ass.
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 16:08:37 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar



My name is John Douglas Sullivan.


But people refer to me by many names.

"Don't. Please. I'm almost done."

The Knight Hospitaler. The Saint Healer. The Sculptor.

"We can't change the pose now."

I am a man of many hats.

"It's almost over. Please!"

Trainer, General, Sculptor, Physician, Surgeon, Adventurer, Level 99 S-ranked Bishop.

"Do NOT—"

I've done it all.


Traveled to ever corner of this limited, poison addled globe.

"I'm not sculpting for you again!"

And I still haven't found that damn sword cat!

He threw down his razor to the grass, waving his fist angrily at the rolling deity. Yet another master piece ruined.

They stood at the crossroads between nations. Well, sort of. They were mid-journey.

He had taken to traveling over the years, once the poison had receded enough that magical horses were no longer needed. Rarely, he spent any amount of time in any one settlement.

Even his once second home, Ballonlea, rarely saw him anymore.

The wilds and roads are not to be explored, but to be combed through. With his Orbeetle at his side, still strong after all these years, he searches, far and wide, for signs of the Cat.

Along the way, he sculpted during moments of rest. Sometimes, he let himself get distracted from the overarching task, falling into a weeklong flow states as he worked. He had leveled up his artistry in the past 20 years.

The paths between the cities were filled with curious landmarks. Wooden and rock sculptures alike dotted the landscape after years of constant travel.

But all roads must eventually lead somewhere— and when one led him to a city...

He would swing by the school.

Ruffle 's hair for old times sake, test his knowledge against Uxie with a few pop quizzes, see the progress of his students. Go to 's place next, catch up, ask about relations with other settlements.

Show off his sculpting to , chat up her strangely familiar, totally not- bodyguard.

Join at the observatory, catch up on the newest constellations with .

Go over defenses with , then smoke a joint with .

Check up on and the apothecary, then pay a visit to 's orphanage, run a health check up on the kids.

Join a soccer game or two with , check up on .

Swing by the forge to chat up , check up on 's health.

Politely turn down any offers for black metal weapons or gigantamax bands.

About a week or so would go by during all this. Then, he would gather a crew of likeminded adventurers and jump inside the power spot.

The stars spoke of ruinous beasts, a feline and fish, tearing apart a kingdom and its earth below. A cat...

Chien Pao. A threat most of them had forgotten about. The reason they were all there.

If they weren't to be found on the lands above, perhaps they were hidden in the caverns below.

That is why he moved about, why he traveled and explored. From one settlement to the wilds.

Spend sometime with the locals, catch up with old and new friends— Find people willing to join him on his expeditions, and go for it.

In Hammerlocke he found the kindred spirit that was .

His adventurer's guild proved an ideal source of manpower— er, party members for his long, deep diving expeditions.

He invites for drinks whenever he's in town. Helps out with healing for a bit at 's practice. Chats up while he's there.

A week or so will pass him by, and then he'll go inside the power spot. Again and again.

And once he's sure he's combed through every nook and cranny—

Back to the road.

In Circhester, he would catch up with . One of few physicians he could consult and discuss matters of healthcare with— and of course, an old friend.

He would speak with during those times as well. Pretty fun.

He chatted up whenever he was there, and gave loud, occasional reminders that he owed him a hat whenever hw walked past his training grounds. He wasn't sure the man even recognized him.

After a week or so, he did his usual thing, and went exploring into the depths below.

When in Motostoke, he would chat with .

Catch up, talk about anything, discuss whatever he had found out while searching for the cat.

He trusted the detective to point out anything he might've missed— Which was why he oft tried to get her to tag along whenever he went into Motostoke's power spot.

After a week of wandering around and saying hi to everyone, he would form his party and hop into the power spot.

"No, you made your choice, I'm done." The youth huffed as his matron rubbed her cheek against his, her arms wrapped around his shoulders. "It won't wooork."

It worked.


-Doug has been searching for Chien-Pao this whole time.

-To kill it, in case it wasn't obvious.

-He most of his time either journeying between settlements, carefully combing through every route and forest and off the beaten path cranny he can find with his Orbeetle's help, OR

-Inside the power spots with different teams of folk, going as deep as he can while trying to map everything out, hoping to find stuff.

-He spend about a week between journeys and explorations within the settlements proper, catching up with folk and being friendly.

-The roads and cities are packed with random wooden and stone sculptures he has made over the past 2 decades.

-Doug does not have either Black Metal Weapons or Dynamax Bands.

-He and Tapu Lele get along better now. Sort of.
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 19:43:11 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

It was odd. Technically, this Galar really should be as crazy as Hoenn. There were world-ending threats coming around every few days and weeks, after all. That was even a slightly higher frequency than she experienced at home.
But on the other hand, those were less many different threats coming after one another, but rather the same one, coming again and again. It took a few months after the Necrozma attack for Violet to start kind of hoping for another one. After all, the more she established herself, the more life became routine. Yes, things still happened around her, people came and went to work with her in the observatory, they made discoveries, revealed some secrets of the stars – or rather of this artificial world – but since Violet still mostly believed that the world, in a way, revolved around her, personally, it started to feel static.
Yes, she had carved out a position and identity for herself, but that came with work, repetition and the mundanity of life. All things that she had run away from home to, well, get away from.
Hence, naturally, after another year and change of that, she simply needed a vacation. Not that the poisonous hellscape out there had many good spots to restore one’s soul, of course. But they found somewhat safe routes to the other cities at least.
Hence, she made her way to Motostoke, hence she managed to meet the woman again that she had tried to goad to Ballonlea before, hence she realized that, ultimately, she was just, most of all, lonely. It did take meeting someone she knew and care for again to realize, but one of the driving reasons for her discontent had always been simple loneliness. Sure, she was a complicated woman. But ultimately, many of her actions were always motivated by a want to connect. Yet, with her focus on faking science until she became a scientist, she had somehow managed to miss all the flags with other ‘real’ Ballonleans. She probably had acted a bit coldly towards and @absolom over the years because of that.
Those people had grown and connected, while she had tried to forcibly grow upward. Which did not mean that she truly regretted doing so, or would have acted differently when given the chance. Just that, well, she should not have neglected herself and her desires as much. Yet, what had happened did not change. Hence, she tried to make the most of it and swiftly went to at least chat up dear . On one hand, she genuinely tried to be nice to the other, to connect and, once realizing the other was going through a rough spot, to make her feel better. But old habits did die hard, so she would also pounce on vulnerabilities in order to get closer to the other. Depending on how things went, she would certainly try to, emboldened by also believing that they were going to be there for another decade in total, become an item with the other, mayhap even inviting her to join the Ballonlean community.
Regardless of the success or failure of that, however, she was bound to return sooner rather than later to the observatory, where she helped decipher more of the starry prophecy and became creating dynite bands for others. If possible, she would try to be involved with the creation of every one of them, so that when people used those, they would at least latently think of her, too. That, and prepare for that fateful day she and others foretold was coming. Because that was their destiny, she believed.

+ partially just living her best prompt-filling life, making bands, deciphring stars and going on vacation where she meets Elaine and tries to deepend some bonds there. Was probably a bit rude to others in the observatory before that, or at least cold, because kind of lonely. ML|bCDUL



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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 20:29:59 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

The cat canteen was an unexpected addition to the city, but Julia was definitely not complaining. She just wished she had her own feline Pokémon to help out! Just visiting was fun, though, especially with 's Bidibi using her Telekinesis to create dazzling displays. Julia swore up and down that it made the food taste even better.

[break][break] wasn't the only medic in town. They worked alongside and his teacher, Marie, at Hammerlocke Hospital. Julia wasn't sure what clicked in her to make her ask a sudden question one day:

[break][break]"You're the one who gave me that Helping Hand, weren't you?"

[break][break]There wasn't an inch of suspicion or wariness in her voice or her expression, only gratitude. The line between League and Rocket might as well have not existed anymore. They were all just people working together to not just survive but thrive in Hammerlocke.

[break][break]The only exception was , and even he got little more than a side-eyed glance whenever he was out on the field with Julia. He and struck a sort of balance as the Kings of the Day and Night, and Julia couldn't deny that he was a powerful fighter. And he hadn't tried to destroy the city yet; that was always a plus!

[break][break]At some point, Julia befriended a peasant-turned-adventurer named Emil. Emil was a bit timid at first, but he was determined to get stronger and protect Hammerlocke after nearly losing his family in an attack. At Julia's side, he blossomed into a true warrior and adventurer with a heart of gold. It felt natural for them to get married.

[break][break]Julia was stubborn about staying on the field when she discovered she was pregnant. She didn't want to just lay around doing nothing when there was a city to protect and adventures to be had! Finally, Emil managed to convince her to stay within the city's walls for the sake of their unborn child. That didn't mean Julia was idle, though. She continued to train until she physically couldn't anymore, and even after that, she kept herself active with some light exercises.

[break][break]She gave birth to a healthy baby boy that she and Emil named Conrad. He was the pride and joy of Julia's new family and their Pokémon. A tear fell from her eye when she realized her parents couldn't be here to meet their grandchild. Neither could her other Pokémon or her other friends. Ah, dammit, this was why she liked keeping herself occupied with the Adventurer's Guild: It was harder to think about missing Hoenn that way.

[break][break]In the tenth year of their stay, a huge multifaceted stone with pentagonal pillars crashed into the kingdom. Wishing Stars, apparently. Julia had always imagined them being a lot less destructive and more star-like. At least no one was hurt.

[break][break]It turned out that Dynite Ore could be processed into Dynamax Bands! They only worked near the Power Spot and within the Deep, but still, how cool was it to be able to make your Pokémon gigantic? Julia gave each of her team members a turn at it. Yep, it was just as awesome as she'd imagined. Conrad loved seeing the Pokémon he was growing up with turn gigantic, giggling and clapping in Julia's arms.

[break][break]Curiously, when Lazuli Dynamaxed, she took on a larger version of her Mega form. No power came from Julia's Mega Anklet, though, nor could she summon any. Weird... but still cool![break][break]

[break]Time took its toll, especially from poor Snaily. The Hisuian Goodra had trouble hardening her shell these days, and she looked even droopier than she usually did. Her skin began to dry out, too. Julia found herself missing having to wash slime out of her clothes. It was clear that Snaily was in no shape to battle anymore. Instead, she became like a godmother to Conrad, watching over him whenever Julia and Emil were called to action.

[break][break]One day, it was announced that the poison was beginning to retract from the land, making it possible to travel between the other cities. The news filled Julia with energy, making her feel 15 years younger again. As soon as she had an opening, she hopped on Chester's back with Conrad in her lap. Emil had to rent a mount, but it was worth it; Julia wanted to see her old friends and introduce them to her new family.

[break][break]Her first stop, of course, was Motostoke, where she presented herself for an audience with King . Much as she tried to appear formal and official, excitement radiated off of her until her reunion with her old friend, and all of that energy coalesced into a big hug.

[break][break]"I've missed you so much," she said. This was a billion times better than exchanging letters.

[break][break]She introduced her husband and son to Isaac and his family (including his wife, , if she wished). Emil was way better at the whole being-formal thing, and Conrad proved to be just as sociable as his mother.

[break][break]She'd only met once, but she still greeted him like an old friend and eagerly spent some time at his training camp. Even Conrad would join in if allowed, for that was just how things worked in Hammerlocke.

[break][break] and were apparently two of the kings of Circhester. Julia figured she could skip that stop.

[break][break]That just left Ballonlea. The road on the way was lined with various wooden and stone sculptures that she would later learn had been carved by . He apparently traveled a lot, but if Julia was lucky, she might run into him during his downtime. , meanwhile, had opened up a school. It was too bad that Julia wasn't the studious type, but Emil and even little Conrad showed some interest. , the girl who'd dug a burial mound for Calyrex and fixed his statue, had become a queen. Julia didn't know her outside of that one encounter, but she thought that was a fitting position.

[break][break]It wasn't all celebrations and joyous reunions, though. As the final confrontation drew closer, the realm grew darker, scourges of the Skeleton and the Black Knight clashed across the land, and earthquakes became more and more frequent. Julia wouldn't let that discourage her, though. She took up her Sacred Sword and continued to hone her skills alongside her family. For Hammerlocke. For Galar.

[break][break]For a way home.





  • 's cat canteen is awesome!
  • Asks if was the one who gave her a Helping Hand all those years ago
  • Still wary of but doens't think he's gonna destroy the city or anything
  • Gets married to a peasant-turned adventurer named Emil and has a son named Conrad
  • Homesick :(
  • Practices Dynamaxing with her Pokémon
  • Visits a bunch of people (and avoids some others); see the in-post tags
  • Continues training with her family for the final confrontation


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June 22nd
Anistar City, Kalos
10 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lucette
Lucette Castellane
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 22:58:13 GMT
Lucette Castellane Avatar

Aside from the other Galarian peasants that visit her bathhouse, the pink-haired woman in her early thirties greets and when they get their time to reprieve after the last battle. Hammerlocke becomes a bit more peaceful after Necrozma left most of the city to rebuild from the heroes that saved their city from the attacking giant Pokemon and the Galarian Articuno. Speaking of the purple Articuno, the Kalosian attorney goes to pay a visit since she knew the redhead got a young bird that looked like it.[break][break]

Since the young bird was actually a bit grown up since the last time she saw it, Lucette gets the opportunity to play with it. She feels happy about seeing the purple bird up close since she’s never seen one before and only that some others had gotten their same birds too. While giving the bird pets and strokes on its head should the Galarian Articuno let her, she thinks Mirabelle’s is really cute even if it has grown up a little in the last ten years.[break][break]

The poison recedes and everyone is free to visit anyone in the other cities. She doesn’t know anyone much, so she’s the one to stay in Hammerlocke and maintain the bathhouse for everyone’s usage. Though she had the designs to make a legal consulting office somehow in the medieval city, Luce could get back to legal work in their reality of Hoenn after they could find a way to get back home.[break][break]

In the ten years following her stay in Hammerlocke, she ends up settling down with a Galarian peasant man with dark hair and they had a daughter together. Their children both spar with one another when they get older since the prophecy itself had some worries over whether they had one final fight coming to them in the days that the others spent peacefully.[break][break]


@rustedshield [break][break]


- Lucette gets Galarian peasant visitors to her bathhouse and also gets to accommodate both Julia and Kyle.[break]
- She plays with Mirabella's Galarian Articuno.[break]
- Settles down in the following ten years, has a hubby and two children.[break]
- Weapon: Shortsword of Water Pulse



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april 15
mauville city
47 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2023 23:44:07 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
The following decade had been a fruitful one for Colton. After toiling over the mysterious Dynite ore for twenty long years, it felt like he ascended to a huge plane of existence when he and had finally cracked the mystery. Unveiling the first Dynamax band for the citizens of Hammerlocke would be a moment he would never forget and he couldn’t help but feel a tinge of pride every time a gigantic Pokémon would rear its head over the city.

Still, even as the years went on and his memories of Hoenn continued to fade with time, Colton would still often find himself laying awake at night, wondering if any of it mattered. Did this world they had lived in for so long even truly exist? Did his accomplishments mean anything if one day they would all just wake up and it would be gone? Despite it all, the hardships, the constant war with the poison attacking their walls, the lack of any modern conveniences, there was a small part of him that wanted to stay. To stay in a place where he felt important and had done something that had truly helped people.

Was that too selfish of him?

Still, another decade had come and gone, and with it, new problems arose. With the mystery of the Dynite ore and black metal solved, or at the very least, with the two materials mastered, Colton devoted his full attention to maintaining the city. The sharp uptick in earthquakes coinciding with the ever approaching winter solstice, Colton’s sole focus became strengthening the foundations of the city’s buildings and continuing to prep their defenses. He could sense that something big was on the horizon, if the prophecies others had managed to decipher were anything to indicate, but prophecies had a tendency to be vague and esoteric and often times, trying to prevent them is what ultimately brings them about in the worst of ways.

Colton stared upwards at the clashing visages in the sky, his expression stony. Just what lay in store for them and had they prepared enough to make it through to the other side?

- Colton ponders about the past years and what comes ahead, uncertain if he wants to give up what he’s built in Hammerlocke

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 0:00:03 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Time flies by, Bryan continues his little game of cat and mouse with . [break][break]

Over the years he practices the dynamax phenomenon, specifically with Xerneas. It was his most valued pokemo-, no his most valuable life line. He had to ensure that Xerneas would be able to measure up to whatever threat came for them, came for him. So every so often in the dead of night he'd sneak into the deep when possible to make sure no one ever caught him, he didn't want anyone to know what he was doing down there and channeling his energy with Xerneas and probing the deer to see if their memories lined up or if xerneas actually knew anything about this place [break][break]

Both his Audino and his Grimmsnarl had aged rapidly since the time they were knocked out, the poison that had infected them making them age rapidly as Bryan kept them in their pokeballs, he was never successful in removing the poison causing him to worry if this was the same poison as the one he had encountered in the ultra deep sea...just how much of this world was similar to their own? Wait....which world was he thinking of...? [break][break]

He wondered if it was a side effect of his relationship with Xerneas but his memories started to become a blur as he still looked the same as the day he entered this place from somewhere else. The only thing he knew now were the forests, the mushrooms, the peasentry..., , ....but there was always a name that stuck out to him that he'd never forget, memories of someone he never encountered here. [break][break]

. [break][break]

He'd eventually take trips out of the forest when it was safer, looking for someone who fit the description. But every time he did it resulted in failure, he never found the person he was looking for and the people who once knew that name began to forget as well.[break][break]

However that name caused him to never really commit to , he didn't love mint like he loved that name. But at this point after so long he chalks it up to a past life or something else not connected to him, like a third party reading about a fantasy life in another world. He continues to train with his hammer, smashing agents of the one who continues to make the poison and he feels like he's making a difference as the poison continues to fade away and life begins to grow anew. However the prophecy still lingered in his mind as the skies grew more violent by the day. [break][break]



notes about this post

.TLDR [break]
. Bryan probes xerneas for any info he might be able to gleam.[break]
.Bryan travels around Galar and in the deep when it's safer while looking for much to most likely 's dismay. [break]
.Never finds priam, trains with Xerneas to master Dynamaxing with him as he's bryan's most valuable asset. [break]
.Continues to train with gigaton hammer tinkaton hammer pogpogpog


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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 0:49:55 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
Her once crimson hair holds more silver now, both vibrant colors clashing for the sole right to wave Kyrenai's aged colors. The assassin's body has started feeling the pressure of time, and the toll it's gradually started taking. She knows her prime has long since passed, and that the wise thing would've been to retire, to leave the fighting and the leadership of Motostoke's guard to the younger generation. 

Kyrenai declined every single time, for it would mean admitting she'd outgrown the one thing she excelled at. 

The men under her wing, mere boys when they'd first defended the city of rampant 'mons, knew better. 

Only the fire, ever-smoldering in her eyes, betrayed the fury that lingered with an intensity that would put many a fighter to shame. 

It had never left her; the first decade something had been gnawing at her subconsciousness. It had chased her towards the city's edges, the protective walls becoming her solace, where her begrudging thoughts seemed least. She'd learnt that coming nearer the city's center only amplified said feelings, prompting her to isolate herself more and more. Safe for the company of , who would probably become one of few she would actually call a dear friend, Kyrenai shunned all contact.

It made her notorious, along with her foul mood. Yet in the next 10 years she found herself rekindling the feelings of anger and grudges whenever they dared die down; to all and nothing in particular. Motostoke's guard captain, despite her sworn loyalty to the crown, never forgot the true reason that had put her in that very situation. She never allowed herself to forget, because doing so would mean she had failed yet another charge. 

A sigh escapes Kyrenai as she peers at the skies above, tainted by the beasts heralding their supposed fates. She'd been watching them painstakingly, mulling over the decision that had been pulling at her heart strings— or whatever that remained of them. When she rises, her second-in-command rises with her, and stares at her expectantly. When she regards him and shakes her head, his face seems to fall. 

Her decision has been made.

"I'll inform the kings myself," she says, patting the man on the shoulder as she passes him. "of my choice…"

"--- and Godfrey's immediate appointment as my successor and Motostoke's new Captain of the Guard." The former assassin says, as if she's just passing on a briefing rather than addressing and . She'd asked for an audience with the monarchs and just announced her retirement, who she'd deemed a worthy match to succeed her, and her subsequent departure the very moment the audience concluded. It was a mere formality– she could've just left without a word, but she'd be damned if any were to use that against her later on. She'd not fought tooth and nail to just toss her reputation down the drain like that.

She rises again, a Flamberge sword on her back; her calling card, through which she's mastered the move Inferno years ago. Together with she'd learnt to unleash fires upon whomever dared threaten Motostoke's peace; and under her watchful eye she'd made sure the moats around the city remained ablaze every time an attack was imminent. After her final greetings she salutes the kings again and takes her leave; entertaining a final visit to before she well and truly turns her back on the city she's protected for over two decades. 

Fate demands her presence elsewhere.


- Inferno-style Flamberge || Inferno-buddies with
- Is now a tough old(er) lady, aged 56
- Still heavily bothered by 's Wo Chien's grudgy influence
- Resigns as guard captain 
- Will leave Motostoke for Hammerlocke
- Never stops watching the skies for signs


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 1:31:56 GMT
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The eleventh year… [break]

Much like their arrival and the frantic way they’d settled into Galar, the same happens. A period of high stress followed by peace. Except it's more quiet. The poison receding, the work with the charts and the stars, the progress of DYNAMAX BANDS it all serves as a reminder Mint had nearly forgotten: they are alien in a world not of their own. And despite settling into routines, lifestyles, highs and lows of the medieval era he remembers a decade has passed since Rocket and League appeared in Galar. [break][break]

He remembers Calyrex’s instructions- his omens. And he waits with bated breath for something that comes so painfully slow. [break][break]

The year passes and he feels stiff, itchy. It’s like he’s 10 years younger, aching to get out of this dream. But soon enough, by the next royal ball, he’s swept down in the undercurrent of Balloonlea, his work, and . And the wait and worry for what is to come is suppressed under a myriad of other stimuli. [break][break]

And in a way, Mint welcomes the distraction as he always had. [break][break]

The thirteenth year… [break]

Mint is still alone, standing in a sea of calm with an invisible riptide underneath. He spends time with Tortellini and Gnocci almost every day. The old, floating companions stiff and old from wounds that never quite healed, and poison that never quite disappeared. He’d taken his Beheeyem to once and she hadn’t been able to heal the psychic type, not completely. And for his Weezing, beautifully colored and happy as the green and pink beach ball was, he became slower, perhaps a bit more ditzy than before. [break][break]

But Mint loves them both all the same. He doesn’t ask them to fight for him, defend them as they had so valiantly before. He allows himself to love them, openly, fully. [break][break]

Pokemon are tools for Rocket’s use

Sure. But in this moment, this dream, they are his beloved companions he wouldn’t sacrifice for the world. And perhaps it was weak, soft hearted for a Beast- and advisor of the crown. But Mint would sooner cut down whoever directed so much as a glare at his pokemon. After all, they knew his heart the best didn’t they? Watching over him during his loneliest nights, when all that echoed in his chambers is the quiet sobs of a tired man. [break][break]

Beloved creatures. Wonderful companions. Adorable, in their own way. Mint buries them in a small grove near a babbling brook. The sounds of water mask his weeping. Knees in loamy earth, the tears come easily and trickle down his face. His hands shake, and he’s unable to do it: he cannot break their pokeballs. He clutched them both to his person having wanted so badly to believe that it wasn’t their time. That they would stay with him. Mint had thrown away his pride and begged and Xerneas for help. Now he was alone, sobbing over the pokeballs he’d promised to bury with them. [break][break]

“It’s not fair.” [break][break]

He gasps for breath as he feels a hand wipe away his tears. [break][break]

“It’s not fair!!”

Big arms wrap around his crumpled form and his body returns the gesture, snapping up anything to distract himself from this. He squeezes hard, crying as he begs once again, for not to leave him alone tonight.


The fourteenth year… [break]

is his oldest friend. There to listen as the pair work and toil in Fern’s apothecary. Marriage and children had not stopped them from spending time together and Mint understood. He would find ways to himself into his and ’s schedules. It’s not…ideal, but he would take what he could get. He works around them, he waits his turn. They are his friends, yes, but they are also monarchs bound by duty to Baloonlea. [break][break]

But one day, he needs them desperately. One day he boils over. One day he is overwhelmed. He seeks out Jayden, nauseous as he seeks out his advice. After all, he knew better than right? He finds them with ease, smiling softly at the children. Maritza takes his entire attention despite his little wave at Aisling. He watches over her, nodding and offering her a pat on the head, and kisses her on the crown. He doesn’t seem to mind her pulling at long locks of blue. Jayden speaks and he finds himself quiet with Maritza and Aisling itching to play in his lap and at his feet. He gives a soft apology when servants take the children away before looking back at Jayden. He spills what’s been on his mind. The things he can’t understand about their mutual friend, the worries he has about his own shortcomings, and the unease he feels moving forward. [break][break]

Jayden’s words are soft, gentle. With a kindness he hasn't felt in ages. Wrapped up in his self pity, and frustration Mint has blocked out the good of Balloonlea. Perhaps, he’s simply naive. He latches on to these small moments of good- of kind mercy. Perhaps Michaelis Fisk is alive and well, clawing his way to the very top to cry and scream and beg for worth. [break][break]

He knew this wasn't 's specialty. That love, relationships weren't his forte. But Jayden is also one of his oldest friends. He adored him- trusted him. He valued his point of view. So when Jayden tells him, [break][break]

"Love can hurt" [break][break]

He allows himself to say something he's only whispered to and his pillow. [break][break]

"It's love, isn't it?" [break][break]

His words hang in the air as warm fills his chest and shivers run down his spine. His body fighting itself as he spoke. His eyes turn from glassy, to misty. Tears bubble up at the sides as he entire body tightens up. [break][break]

"It's love." He sobs, porcelain calm breaking as he still begs for it to not be true. [break][break]

"It's love…" Mint says with finality, as a shaking hand reaches up to wipe his tears, sobs turning to gasps and wails as he realizes the cruelty of it all.

crumples, utterly broken by the realization that he had fallen into the one trap he had guarded himself from for so long. Why else would he hold out hope for so long? Why else would he forgive so much? Maybe this is the danger of falling so deep into his own friendships. It made him so incredibly vulnerable. [break][break]


The fifteenth year… [break]
I DON'T WANNA BE HERE, BABY, ON MY OWN, [break][break]

Travel is becoming far easier it seems. tells him of the receding poison and the less frequent appearance of the sludge monsters out in the wild. This comes up during one of their horse grooming sessions. He speaks of his and ’s plans to move more. Though, they already had been? Mint laughs with ease, offers to send Dough off with a batch of glow shrooms to eat and a pat on the head. The brats, both Hideo and Doug, dodge his attack. One takes his hair, the other ruffles his hair much to Mint’s annoyance. [break][break]

Quick slaps are administered, and he rips his wide brimmed hat back despite their laughs. His glare holds no real edge and soon enough the younger trainers have him laughing along with them too. He considers it, noting it’d been a while since he’d last seen . His updates with were nice but nothing like seeing the real thing. [break][break]

It’s a particularly rough night that leads to Mint’s trips to increase. An ever delicate balance of being here and not kept somehow. Mint is alone with Bryan once more, and he asks as he sometimes does. He asks about them. He asks about why they still do this. He asks if Bryan is even happy with him. [break][break]

And when he tries not to answer- when he tries to change the subject or distract him, Mint simmers and bubbles. He boils over and overflows. He speaks cruelly to his friend. He turns perfectly sharpened fangs on Bryan, using against him a skill he had only seen Mint use on others. He taunts- he hurts. He picks at any and everything until he lands on the worst one of all: [break][break]

“Is this how you were with him?!” His fists are clenched, his jaw is set. Soft green eyes narrowed in a glare so rarely used against someone so close to him. [break][break]

"I'm not gonna fucking talk about him so stop-" But he doesn’t, overflowing with RESENTMENT that he squarely direct at the guilty party. [break][break]

“I feel fucking sorry for , for having to be stuck with you if this is how you treat the people you-” He doesn’t get to finish. [break][break]

His vision goes white, and his head goes back bumping against the tree bark. His entire body is frozen, pain signals going off everywhere and his mouth hanging open as he tries to remember how to breathe after all the air is forcefully expelled from his lunch. And at that moment, he felt cold, afraid. He’s defenseless as Bryan stalks up to him, furious. But then he gasps, ice crystals blooming at his fingertips as branches curl around him. BLIZZARD cuts between them to give him time to recover, clear his mind for the pending fight. [break][break]

The Wolf, Bryan may be, but The Sheep Mint was not. [break][break]

And he leaves the very next day with . Not in a hurry, with his tail between his legs. But angry, shoulders squared and head held high despite the limp in his step and the bruises over his neck and body. [break][break]

This wasn’t over. If it were that simple, the push and pull of the tides knows at and would’ve ended years ago. [break][break]

His friendship with grows. Perhaps it slides too close to flirt a couple of times, but that is simply how the two are. For the most part, Mint chatters along with him while they ride together on the occasion he doesn't pass out in the courier’s arms. He assists with his work in return for the spot on his Spectrier. He buys him food and drink. [break][break]

Through many voyages, he opens up to the man. He confesses his love troubles, his insecurities. He laughs and sighs in the same breath when it comes to Bryan. Barnaby listens, he tries to help. He does a good job in wingmanning the Beast. They grow close. Mint dares call him a good friend. It is during those nights, where Bee can secure a companion for him, that he dares feel at peace. Wanted. Precious. [break][break] [break][break]


And his broken heart only comes back together, piece by piece at the sight of friends in other cities. Despite the tear stained confessions, he never shows his grief to the young ones. ’s Lisette is just as much of a joy as Balloonlea’s royal children. And he greets her in surprise, eyes on Elisabeth before breaking into a smile that could rival the Sun in its brightness. He speaks with her, plays with her. He takes her out of the dour mansion, escorts her around town. He spoils her rotten because he can just like the godchildren he was so fond of. [break][break]

And he does the same to Elisabeth. Where Barnaby may have shied away from Lisette, Mint wholeheartedly embraces her. Literally and otherwise. He coaxes Elisabeth out of her tower, he escorts the pair around town. He brings gifts, so many collected trinkets and treats for both women. He finds joy in them where he cannot in others. [break][break] [break][break]


The remaining years… [break]
YEAH, DONTCHA WAIT- DON'T THINK ABOUT IT, [break][break][break]

He is aware of the monarchs going together to hold a congress- state of the union? Something. But when , , and come back they seem dour. And with the development of the stars and the revelation that there was a concrete Doomsday, the preparations of their forces cranks up. [break][break]

He receives a DYNAMAX band, and practices, letting various members of his team try it. Straciatella takes to it the least. He attributes it to her MEGASTONE and TERA SHARDS. Tiramisu is much the same. Carbonara, his fluffy baby girl, takes to it the best. And she is chosen to bear the might of the new, and dangerous phenomenon. The Winter Solstice. The end times. [break][break]

Mint goes to Bryan one last time. Even after all this time, all these years, he can't help but gravitate towards him. Comrades. Friends. Lovers. It’s all a tangled mess of emotion that neither seems to call a mistake. Before the eve of the Solstice he asks, calm and clear: [break][break]

“Why wasn’t I ever good enough for you?” [break][break]

“Do you really want to waste your life on me?” [break][break]

Mint looks up at Bryan, his visage unchanged with maybe the addition of a few scars here and there. Mint is different, long hair, tied up under his witch’s hat. Youthful cheeks sharpened. Smile lines and crow's feet settling into his skin. But the grin he shoots Wolf is classic Neon. [break][break]

“I do. I did.” There’s a pause, seafoam green eyes unblinking in their stare. “It’s not a waste if it’s love.”

He had to believe that all this is worth something. It's too painful to let himself believe otherwise. But it's also true that the little affection Bryan had given him, had never been enough for Mint. [break][break]



@any rocket | 20 year time skip DRIP | the toxic brynt playlist [break][break]

- year 11: hyper vigilance + support of the crown [break]
- year 13: gnocci the beheeyem and tortellini the weezing die. goes to bryan for help and then comfort. [break]
- year 14: goes to jayden for horrible love advice, realizes he's in lvoe with bryan. congratulations played urself. [break]
- year 15: chilling with hideo and doug and thinks about travel, gets in a fight with bryan, and brings up priam top terrible results, fucks off the next day with barnaby without a word. bee helps him fuck his issues away for a little bit. meets and spoils lisette, forces elisabeth out on the town fuck the haters and fuck motostoke elisa on TOP!! [break]
- years 16-20: prepares with dynamaxing, goes hard on training for balloon town, has one last talk with bryan before the final night that goes nowhere. [break]


it's a highway, highway to the dark [break]
and a neon medusa's got your heart .

[newclass=".neonmint"] --color: #48cbf0; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body u"] font:11px Roboto; letter-spacing:2px; border-bottom:1px dotted; text-decoration:none; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body b"] color:var(--color); font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body i"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint"] width: 490px; margin: 0px auto; min-height: 500px; background: #171718; padding-bottom:20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .top"] background-image: url(; height: 300px; margin-left: 20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .colorbar"] height:20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body"] background:#222; margin: 20px 30px 20px; padding:30px; font:12px 'Roboto'; text-align:justify; color:#eee; border-radius:0px 20px 20px 20px; text-transform:lowercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox"] background:#222; font:11px 'Consolas'; padding:20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; color:#eee; text-align:center; letter-spacing:2px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox b"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox i"] border-bottom:1px solid var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox"] text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #333; padding-top:10px; margin-top:20px; font:10px/12px 'Poppins'; margin-bottom:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox .title"] font:bold 15px 'Poppins'; color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint a"] color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font:bold 13px/11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty"] text-align:center; width:400px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty img"] margin-left:-20px; margin-top:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body .iconimage"] float: left; margin: 8px 15px 5px 1px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; [/newclass]

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 1:49:20 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar


A woman who once had the naivety of a child sits down by the gravestones of four Pokemon she once considered invaluable. She's hardened much since her mid-twenties. To some degree, she wonders if would be proud of who she became? Would she be proud of the woman that she had become?[break][break]

It's been a long, long time since that worry every crossed her mind.[break][break]

"Hey everyone. It's been awhile. I don't visit you often... that's not because I want to forget you. But I just don't have a lot of time these days." Her short, orange hair just moves gently over her eyes, as she tucks a strand behind her ears. The woman smiles, poutier lips curve up beautifully.[break][break]

"Still no way to get home. @elio and must be worried sick about me, huh? Mom and Dad too. There's some prophecy to the end here... wish I could have at least seen you all again. But maybe we will see each other again one day. Miss you all." She takes a breath in, and begins to go over it all.[break][break]

"A lot's happened since you've been gone. I got to see again! He has a beautiful wife. Blondie too. Her name is , and they have these two kids. Then you have that one guy who helped me years ago. . He's really handsome. Apparently, friends with him? I almost feel like a young girl if I ever get to speak with him. Oh, and the Lieutenant keeps tabs on me on occasion. He came not too long ago. Maybe he's just worried. This other one, they're a little younger. , I think. They've grown well." She thinks about it. And one thing she wants is for those left to be able to see those who are gone.[break][break]

She releases Wander and Venus. The Rockruff, old and fluffy, and the Ralts, tired and mourning. They holds onto their trainer tightly.[break][break]

"The royalty of Circhester are all sweet. King is... I was narrow-minded in youth. is royalty too. I guess I just... I follow what they need of me. I try to, anyways. I'm a really good shot now." He runs a hand through her hair, a band jiggles quietly from her wrist. The Dynamax band. Hazel eyes look over it. Another weapon to fight with.[break][break]

Reminds her.[break][break]

"I haven't really slowed down. I haven't visited you, because I was scared maybe I would slide back into helplessness... I wish I came sooner. I was so silly to think that." She closes her eyes in a solemn, graceful moment. A small prayer to her heart. "I got you something."[break][break]

She pulls from a satchel, four flowers. One for each grave. Lady Bloom. Ms. Clean. Dr. Rhythm. Cardi B.[break][break]

"Thank you for showing me the way."[break][break]

She stretches moving towards her bow, doubling as a harp. And she begins to play a song. A requiem for those gone. She took time to practice. Enough that Genevieve was now, these days, known as a bard.[break][break]


TIME FLIES BY[break][break]

Genevieve Cromwell practices a lot to aim her targets more, year to year. Bullseyes constantly, across the boards. She can't afford to miss. She can't afford to falter. She has two Pokemon left. She won't let the chance go to waste. The path that's been forged by the heroes of this age.[break][break]

She's gotten really good with her aim. Each arrow, strummed like a requiem for the fallen rhythm, to harmonize what is left.[break][break]

She practices with the Dynamax Band, specifically with Venus and Wander when she can, but it's always a last resort. She doesn't do much with it, because she doesn't want to endanger Wander and Venus. They are all she has left of Hoenn.[break][break]

But even if she did return, she'd never be the same. Not anymore.[break][break]

Running a hand through her hair, she saw all her old friends have kids, but she didn't care to. She used to, way back when, want to be a mother, but... she didn't have time to be a mother to a kid. It makes her quite a bit colder, but she does try to teach. Sometimes she lets them fire her Sunlight Yellow Overdrive Bow. Sometimes, she played the kids. The minstral's ballad.[break][break]

Her songs were always so sad. She'd often come to Motostoke to play for the royalty when allowed. She found it fitting for her, on occasion. Since King Isaac would welcome her there.[break][break]

She'd play for them often, when requested. This bow truly was her pride and joy that she made. When she finished, Wander always howled in the courts, the old Rockruff happy to entertain too.[break][break]



It's after her song is finished, that she looks to the sky above. Magenta. It's coming.[break][break]

"Time to go." She looks to Wander and Venus, who both find her shoulder, as she smiles one more time to the graves, lost to time. She can't help but wipe a tear from her hazel eyes, as she turns to walk away.[break][break]

"Hope to see you all again."[break][break]

Each Pokemon watches on. Even a long forgotten one, lost from a time before the mission even began. She can feel them looking over her, and that was enough. Even the faces of those she hadn't seen in a long time flash in her mind.[break][break]

Were they proud of her? Would her heroes be proud of her?[break][break]

That was the wrong question. She could hope to achieve that, but there was something far more important. Was she proud of herself?[break][break]

She smiles.[break][break]

Yeah. She figured she was.




- Genny visits a set of four graves with her Pokemon. She visits her fallen Pokemon.[break]
- Wants to tell Elio and Lam there is no way home.[break]
- Talks about her visits to Motostoke to see King Isaac and Queen Cygne. Has a crush on Caleb. Gets to see Lieutenant Sullivan and El occasionally.[break]
- Releases Venus and Wander to say goodbye.[break]
- Talks about the royalty, but isn't a huge fangirl anymore to those she saw as heroines to aspire to be. Does jobs on occasion.[break]
- Was worried she would slide backwards, but lays a flower on each grave to play a song for them.[break]
- Damn she's gotten a good shot, she's practiced. She is known as a bard/minstral for Galar. Visits royalty to play for them often.[break]
- The magenta skies and earthquakes are coming. She tells the fallen goodbye.[break]
- They watch her go.[break]
- Regardless if those she looked up to are proud of her, Genny is proud of herself. That's all she ever needed.



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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 1:49:41 GMT
ana fell Avatar


rusted shield (MOTOSTOKE)

Ten years becomes twenty in the blink of an eye.
It is not perfect bliss. They have to weather attacks from poisonous Pokemon weekly. Cyg does her best to prepare her children-- and her kingdom, by proxy-- to defend themselves.
Long days in the forge have strengthened her. Tireless battles swinging her hammer and plunging headfirst into danger have hardened her.
She could sit on her throne and pretend things weren’t coming to a head-- pretend that the brief reprieves between periods of thrilling combat weren’t growing more truncated with each passing day. But Cyg was not that kind of person.
It was a double-edged sword. Swing one way and she would throw herself into saving everything she holds dear while barreling towards a precipice she barely had any perception of… swing the other way, and they lost, Necrozma won, and everything was over, anyway.
Regardless of how much quicker it drove them to the end, sitting idle was not an option.
And she had, of course, told the girls-- told her family-- that they might lose; that everything they knew and loved in the world might be blighted with putrefaction and there would be no tomorrow.
She left out the bit about their entire universe blinking out and them never of existing, of course, but… they wouldn’t be around to feel that pain, would they?
If she was going to die, there was one thing she wasn’t going down without doing.
Rolling up to ’s estate with girls in tow she had her Valiant bust through every barrier-- locked gate, shut door, seneschal making worried hand-wringing motions at her and begging her to go away-- so she could stand in the sight of her old friend: arms crossed, shoulders broadened, finally, without fear.
“I should’ve done this a long time ago, and for that, I’m sorry, but I tricked myself into believing you deserved to have your-- your villain moment, or whatever, and claim your freedom however you best saw fit. It’s your life. You’ve spent long enough in the thrall of other people. But I’m sick of your Wicked Witch of the West shit and you’re meeting my goddamn family and we’re going out for drinks and getting shitfaced again and throwing flower petals into a pond and I don’t give a rats ass what your goddamn snail says, once upon a time someone important to me taught me how to make snail bait out of garden plants, so, fucking, there."
If they were going down they were going down together.






im so tired i just want to read my book [break]
we are surviving if not thriving [break]
brings the girls to 's estate and tells her to nut up or shut up, steve, we're going mindflayer hunting [break]
still has hammer of justice w/ hyper beam




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August 18
Nimbasa City
Pokeleague Soccer Player
10 height
10 height
38 posts
Lucas Holden DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @clown
Lucas Holden
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2023 3:14:21 GMT
Lucas Holden Avatar
Another decade passes as Lucas feels his physical capabilities declining.
Lucas has been living in Galar longer than Hoenn. Hell, even longer than his childhood in Unova. Even if he's back to Hoenn, will everything revert to what it was?
Should he stay? Even in a City besieged by corrupted adversaries, he made it to Ballonlea. Perhaps he should cultivate what he constructed in the city once it's over.
Then again, perhaps it won't be up to him.
Athletes peak in their late-20s - the right age for the perfect blend of physicalities and experience - and would decline since then. Lucas noticed he couldn't sprint as fast as he wanted to, perhaps a death sentence for strikers who rely on his pace. Now in his late-30s, he would have to rely on guile to maneuver the field.
In that way, Pokemon battles and football are similar. He realized it might be why so many athletes can apply experiences one to another, but this is the first time where it's relevant to him.
He somewhat envies his partner. Zico does slow down with age, but Pokemon have more leeway on mingling with time, and his abilities only become more refined. The Dynamax training only enhances his capabilities. With Carne never recovering from her battle with Articuno, self-sufficiency is more urgent than ever.
Carmen, meanwhile, becomes more mature by the years, and while Zico would tell you why he alone is sufficient in battle, engaging whatever's behind the corrupted threat with only one Pokemon sounds like a fool's errand.
He can only hope he had done an adequate job raising one of this region's guardians.
That herein lies the problem. Lucas could only surmise from his experience that their adversaries have both infinite time and patience in trying to subdue these lands. He and the other defenders can hear the clock ticking on their prowess.
So he decided to take the initiative. Lucas began to take on more and more expeditions, coordinating with others like and . If the adversaries are on the move, he'd want to be the first to know.



+ Lucas notices his Blissey slowing down and in no condition to fight anymore, so he adjusts accordingly[break]
+ Trains the Articuno on combat readiness[break]
+ Doing dynamax training with his Cinderace[break]
+ Still has the Close Combat steel ball, but notices his physical capabilities declining[break]
+ Does more scouting in the hope of having pre-warnings on future attacks[break]



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