i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 5:03:43 GMT



it's a difficult thing to let go of the past.[break][break]

in many ways, it feels like giving up—like losing—which he should be so used to by now but for whatever reason still isn't. maybe it's his pride.[break][break]

the first year was the hardest. it passed by excruciatingly slow, almost as though time was being stretched and stretched but not once did it even come close to snapping.[break][break]

hope would have remained if not for the moment he shared with . it was eye-opening in more ways than one. gradually, he started to accept and move on.[break][break]


where spends most of his time building his kingdom with , matias spends a lot of it with his patron.[break][break]

GROUDON feels the same as he does. they both desire an escape and to return home, and both struggle to come to terms with their bitter reality.[break][break]

together, however, they spend years working on their bond. what else is there to do but that? though they could not find any PRIMAL ENERGY around them, only an unknown energy that fills the land, time allows them to connect.[break][break]

should they ever return to hoenn, they will be stronger. the rifts that once split his mind like fissures no longer exist. or, rather, they are no longer as wide.[break][break]


but there is another patron that watches over him. she is one he never expected to see again.[break][break]

at the FIVE YEAR MARK, while out on patrol under his king's orders, he discovers a single MAGICAL LEAF. and then another, and another, before finally coming face to face with the sword of justice.[break][break]



but in that silence, another bond forges—an understanding that though they might not align on many things, in the end, they both fight for the same thing.[break][break]


virizion never once stopped watching over her chosen. even atop mount chimney in the face of RUINATION, it was her MAGICAL LEAF that freed him from 's PARALYSIS.[break][break]

"i trust you. one day, i hope you'll be able to trust me again."[break][break]


what is a man without love?[break][break]

. .[break][break]

he does not forget them nor does he try to. he embraces the memories he has with them—the moments, the feelings, the love—and he wears it on his sleeves. they empower him. they remind him to continue fighting even when things look bleak.[break][break]

they taught him the essence of love and life. they taught him that he is not a monster. they taught him that he can be good.[break][break]

if only he could tell how much he regrets how things played out between them. he wants to tell her that he loves her, and that she deserved so much more than he could have ever given her.[break][break]

it isn't only until later on that he finds out is in another city. they exchange letters, but nothing more.[break][break]


the wind hits his face as he ventures out the city. he stays close to his king, to the person he chose to swear his loyalty and life to.[break][break]

"we should be careful."[break][break]

but when are they ever?[break][break]

his heart flutters as he watches rush off as he has done time and time again.[break][break]

even without their designated roles, matias would follow to the end of the world.[break][break]

whichever world they may find themselves in.[break][break]


- matias strengthens his bond with GROUDON[break]
- matias rekindles his bond with VIRIZION[break]
- matias swears his loyalty and life to [break]
- matias wields sketch!greatsword[break]


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,632 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 6:26:03 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Route 10 (Approaching Wyndon) - Pokémon Sword and Shield


WHEN THE TENTH YEAR PASSES, many begin to realize how much of a trickster Time can be. How it can prance about with their perceptions, how it can make sully their sense of scale. The weight of a decade is immeasurable, yet it passes like a fleeting breath; the contradiction is softened by outward laughter, and mourned by quiet tears.[break][break]

There is much transformation that occurs. Physically. Mentally. The memory of a previous Hoennian life metamorphoses into an echo—but a hope of return begins coming to light.[break][break]

As each city attacks the unrelenting horde of poison as they arrive time and time again, others attempt to uncover the secrets of this memory. Though this realm may not be an accurate reflection of the real world outside, perhaps there is stuff that can still be gleamed.


THE DYNITE ORE, THE MAX MUSHROOMS, THE STRANGE GLOWING ORGAN IN THE DEEP PUMPING THAT PUTRESCENT POISON... they all connect to each other, for they all come from the same source.[break][break]

The POISON is waste. An excess energy that is expelled ad nauseum. The ORGAN down below is not connected to a creature, but the earth itself, having bloomed like a horrible tumor from the land's corruption.[break][break]

EXAMINING THE STARS & CHARTS eventually reveals a celestial story...[break][break]

Throughout the years, , , , , and others involved discern further figures and stories written in the language of constellations. Such celestial work is further understood by notes that are either filled in by those partaking in the research, or by written in by the realm's own hand. Eventually, they uncover the following abbreviations of constellations:[break][break]

★CMa - a constellation depicting a zamazenta and zacian posturing as protective fighters fitted with sword and shield.

★Cntn - a large beast, presumably a groudon, but with no indication of its primal markings.

★SkHi - a large serpentine dragon, presumably a rayquaza, but with no design or indication of its mega form.

★Sptl, ★Gntc - a long-necked dragon seemingly teaching what appears to be the skeleton something.

★VStr, ★JnVr - a small rabbit-like pokemon showing off a vicotry pose after surviving and killing a large-mouthed beast.

★SwRn, ★BeRn - a feline and fish-like pokemon tearing apart a kingdom and its earth below.

★Alph, ★Symb - several eye-like pokemon surrounding qilin-like pokemon as if to alert or inform it.

Over time, the ★CMa CONSTELLATION begins to change... The stars are rearranged, revealing a ZAMAZENTA and HUMAN HEROES attacking what is designated in the notes as ★Prsm: what looks to be the BLACK KNIGHT.[break][break]

Of course, more constellations are to be discovered.[break][break]

By the end of ten years, a large stone smashes through the observatory. Similarly, in the other kingdoms, other stones land suddenly and violently. These are WISHING STARS: multi-faceted stones with protruding pentagonal pillars. These are remnants of the first fight between THE BLACK KNIGHT & THE SKELETON: residual energy that has coalesced in the atmosphere before descending in their calcified forms. These WISHING STARS share some of the same qualities as DYNITE ORE and the poison.[break][break]

Eventually, , , , , , and others will discover that the DYNITE ORE can be processed into a more usable state. Years of research allow the heroes begin creating at the turn of the next decade DYNAMAX BANDS. Use of the DYNAMAX BAND is limited; Pokemon can only DYNAMAX by the POWER SPOT in their cities' respective STADIUMS or within the DEEP...


AS EACH KINGDOM PROGRESSES with each bringing new systems of rule and values to the land, the Royalty attempt to maintain the morale of their townsfolk. However, as the years pass in this accursed world, acclimating to this new normal is a harrowing experience nonetheless.[break][break]

, , and attempts to determine the meaning of the prophecy that was WRITTEN ON THE CITY WALLS. By the end of TEN YEARS, the ZAMAZENTA STATUE is half-carved. Logically, one may deduce that the STATUE HAS TEN MORE YEARS until it is fully detailed with the regal appearance of the hero dog.[break][break]

Over time, those studying the prophecy will have an epiphany: the prophecy's mention of the DARKEST NIGHT may very well be literal. A reference to the WINTER SOLSTICE—and the somber heralding of a year coming to pass. The final battle between THE SKELETON & THE BLACK KNIGHT would fall on that day...[break][break]

And everyone must prepare.


FOR THE NEXT TEN YEARS, the kingdoms begin to grow. New life returns to Galar, but old lives are forgotten, reforged, or painfully held onto with every breath made.[break][break]

Time takes its toll. POKEMON WHO HAVE BEEN KNOCKED OUT/FAINTED OR POISONED no longer have the strength to fight properly, unless they are empowered by a SYGNA SUIT. These valiant partners must retire. Though they do not die, they have become old and weary due to this memory's life. With crusty eyes, wrinkled skin and thinning fur, they can not partake in the fight ahead.[break][break]

Some had been able to traverse the lands before like or on their steeds, but one day the two will discover half way through this new decade, that the POISON IS BEGINNING TO RETRACT from the land. This causes much celebration within the region. Though it is not a complete withdrawal, enough sludge reels back for TRAVEL TO BE POSSIBLE BETWEEN EACH CITY. Luckily, no longer needs to write letters to , for they can reunite in person once more...[break][break]

But some who are familiar with the land like and his GROUDON may see the poison's disappearance as an omen. In fact, may be concerned with the idea that the POISON'S RETRACTION INTO THE EARTH spells imminent disaster, like a VOLCANO FINALLY ERUPTING AFTER MUCH CONTAINMENT OF PRESSURE.[break][break]

The WINTER SOLSTICE fast approaches. The realm begins to darken with foreboding magenta hues. EARTHQUAKES begin to happen more frequently, threatening the foundations of each city whenever they occur...[break][break]

As your characters hone their skills with their weapons and attempt to master the use of the DYNAMAX PHENOMENON, scourges from THE SKELETON & THE BLACK KNIGHT clash in the skies. In the fields. They are warnings of what is to come. A ramping acceleration toward the final conflict that your heroes must take part in so that you may all leave to your ordinary lives.


IN YOUR POST, you may detail what your characters are doing for the next ten years. Do not feel restricted to any action. Also imagine any information not dispensed (e.g. the parchment strips in the first few rounds) has been distributed to everyone by this mod post.[break][break]

You may choose to have your post focus in the immediate period after this next decade, summarize by smaller time jumps, or whatever way you'd like to approach your post. However, please be reasonable with your TL;DRs and with will be able to include in his mod post.[break][break]

Though this time skip is long, your characters do not need to be dramatically affected by their experience after the raid is over. The raid's events may begin to fade like a dream (though this is up to player discretion).


BELOW ARE THE DEVELOPING STORIES OF EACH CITY. Please click on the SPOILER tag to reveal them.[break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant Venusaur didst appeareth,[break]
bringing vine and pollen to our Ballonlea.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Star Wardens seek wisdom in constellations above,[break]
Unlocking cosmic secrets, boundless knowledge to behove.[break]
Football's birth, a game bringing the medicine of joy:[break]
Physics' ailments healed by the natural world’s toys.[break]
A school's doors open wide, minds thirsty for study.[break]
Psychedelic mushrooms sprout, nature's colorful art,[break]
While young hearts are nurtured in an orphanage of letter-writing heart.[break]
But amidst progress, tragedy strikes in cruel descent,[break]
A Pokémon Center, once thriving, now shattered in lament[break]
The Kingdom of Arts now fortified by the royal guard[break]
Steel smithed and adorned by the scarred.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
and protect our kingdom with psychic mind,[break]
a rousing speech inspires by angelic rains,[break]
while claws and sludge art quell'd before teen[break]
falls upon our realm again, but fret not shouldst[break]
we incur did wind once more, the hero's bath[break]
returns to glory by a queen of dragons,[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant kingler didst appeareth,[break]
bringing brine and froth to Circhester.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

A Survey Corp emerges, protectors of us all.[break]
Some study the stars' celestial tapestry, divinations made to enthrall.[break]
In the streets of justice, knuckles are held with brutal hands,[break]
As dragons soar the skies to hold order and seek the homeland.[break]
A response team assembled, swift aid their decree.[break]
An orphanage provided, for the young lost to The Black Knight’s violent spree.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to recup'rate our wounded, our walls, and minds.[break]
a dragon scout carves deep trenches[break]
while lightning and spells stomp hands of noxious stenches[break]
the townsfolk art did inspire by two strange men[break]
while the vault returns to its former glory again[break]
what m're shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Charizard did appear,[break]
bringing hellish flame to old Hammerlocke.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Glowing ore is elucidated as defenses are raised,[break]
while bodyguards venture into poison's deep unphased.[break]
A city reborn, transformed to adventurer's delight,[break]
Thriving with quests, its spirit alight.[break]
Storytellers weave tales, magic in their words.[break]
As a bathhouse beckons, a haven for the weary herd.[break]
A Master Blacksmith's forge is ablaze with skill and might,[break]
With gentle tolls of handbell, healing echoes bright.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break][break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
acting as earthen bulwarks for our town to survive.[break]
Violent women slayeth the hands at our throats[break]
while a mistress of the forge builds cotes[break]
for our wingless people as the bleeding train[break]
is severed from its track.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Garbod'r didst appeareth,[break]
bringing stench and sludge to Motostoke's sph're.[break]
Our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Prophecy's riddles unfold, entwined in a mad tower with poison's haze,[break]
Glowing ore tinkered upon, its power carefully appraised.[break]
Training camps arise, wielders sharpen their might,[break]
While the kingdom sharpens the mind; knowledge's flame is made bright.[break]
Travelling in our policed Motostoke is made with ease,[break]
Smithing's hammer strikes, creations born of fire and steam’s breeze,[break]
Our courier's path unfurls, messages on swift steed,[break]
As an orphanage is made for the young ones so desperate in need.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JUNE 22ND - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 7:35:14 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


The years performed their terrible dance, but while many around her changed like the autumn leaves, Elisabeth felt herself stagnate. Others like , , , -- and yes, even -- had found happiness in this new world. All had, perhaps, save for her and , though he hid his unhappiness better than she ever could.[break][break]

Elisabeth felt how his resentment bled through his skin in the night, rendering the masked smile the courier wore useless. To him, and only to him, did she confess her Avatarship to Tapu Fini and the tangled strings that had bound it to her and .[break][break]

But when she offered him the peace of oblivion, Barnaby silently rejected her MISTY TERRAIN. Quietly, she wondered if she had the willpower to do the same.[break][break]

His mind was stronger than her own.[break][break]

One insignificant night out of many thousands of such nights, Elisabeth stared out her window at the stars that guided their future and asked herself for what purpose she yet lived. The darkness of such thoughts summoned the anger of both her patrons, their fury a maelstrom that held her back from daring to linger on such bleak melancholy.[break][break]

She may have given up hope of returning to Hoenn, but neither Wo-chien nor Tapu Fini had lost their resolve. Gods did not hold time with the same weight as mortals.[break][break]

So if she was to be trapped here, in this hell she had stumbled into, she no choice but to find purpose.[break][break]

And she found hers in an unexpected place.[break][break]


The young girl was a sullen creature, her blonde hair covering her eyes as she stubbornly avoided facing her new, dark-haired mistress. The memory was all too vivid, still: her own mother collapsed on the ground in that pitiful state, begging for the pink mist that plumed from this cruel woman's fingertips.[break][break]

"You resent me," Elisabeth spoke, and it was not a question, but an observation.[break][break]

"I know what you do to people," the girl replied, and her blue eyes shone with defiance. "I will not let you control me the way you have controlled others."[break][break]

"Is that what you think I do?"[break][break]

A quiet laugh left the older woman's lips as she gestured for her new ward to follow her inside her home: that ivy-wreathed manor with the gloomy towers. It was a vast place, empty of people save for them both. There were no servants, because servants were a luxury in times of war, though the girl suspected that such solitude was preferred by her new guardian.[break][break]

"Your room is upstairs," the witch said instead. "You may go anywhere you please, save for the west wing. That is where my chambers, and the chambers of the courier, reside."[break][break]

Red eyes settled on deep blue, thoughtful.[break][break]

"You will be expected to earn your keep. This is an apprenticeship. Do you understand?"[break][break]

No, the girl thought, though her face remained blank. I don't understand you at all.[break][break]

"What's your name, girl?" the witch asked sharply.[break][break]

"Lisette," the blonde replied. "Lisette of Motostoke."[break][break]

She had no surname. People of such low-born houses never did.[break][break]

"You may call me Elisabeth," the witch replied. "Or Elisa, if it pleases you."[break][break]

The girl said nothing, biting her tongue. What she truly wanted to call this woman was too dangerous to voice aloud.



Their Majesties and had both expressed concerns ever since a child had been welcomed into Elisabeth's home. The blonde girl had been anxiously watched over at a distance, waiting to see what darkness might encroach upon her in the company of such an ill-natured woman.[break][break]

Having found the addict that was her mother in that dark hovel of a home, however, few could question Elisabeth's decision to house Lisette elsewhere. Reluctantly, the monarchs relaxed their guard over the witch and her ward, their visits tapering off as nothing too damning revealed itself.[break][break]

The woman and girl grew used to each other, in the way that moss and ivy become resigned to the buildings that invade their forest. There was no pleasantry in this familiarity, for the girl resented being sold by her mother to this new life, and the woman seemed to find joy in nothing at all.[break][break]

The witch was an exacting guardian, with unpredictable moods. There were times Lisette wondered what she had done to anger the woman so, and other times that the witch seemed peculiarly surprised and pleased by how quickly Lisette took to understanding her lessons: of toxicology, of herbology, of astronomy.[break][break]

Nothing pleased the courier. He tolerated the girl with a silence that dignified her as equal to a statue: present, but unworthy of his notice beyond the first vaguely curious glance.[break][break]

Lisette waited for him to return from his travels before attempting her escape. That man would prove a valuable distraction, but he was not the true reasoning for her delay.[break][break]

Tentatively, her shaky hands attempted to rein the Spectrier in the stables, whispering reassurance to the beast as she tried to lift herself upon its back. Nightmarish hoofbeats shot her forward in an instant, leaving her breathless with fear as they catapulted together into the night.[break][break]

This creature will kill me, she realized as despair took hold of her, the world careening on its axis.[break][break]

Vines wrapped around the Spectrier's hooves, arresting it in place as two ochre eyes glittered in the wilderness.[break][break]

"That was foolish," the witch said, clicking her tongue as she took the reins. Only when she had them in hand did she release the horse from its thorny binds. "To steal from a dangerous man is thoughtless enough, but know your place, child: you are not yet ready to command a god."[break][break]

Indignation burned through the young woman, though it faded into wondering at the witch's choice of words: Not yet ready.[break][break]

"When will I be ready, then?" Lisette asked, swallowing back her complaint.[break][break]

"That is not for mortals to decide," the woman said simply. "Gods, and gods alone, decide who they are willing to obey. And they decide in their own time." Behind the witch, the shadow of a demon followed her, dragging rot and decay behind her every step.[break][break]

In the morning, no punishment was given, nor naming of the incident voiced aloud. The courier treated her with the same indifference he always had, no trace of anger to be found on his face.[break][break]

How strange, Lisette thought, that this cruel woman had not betrayed her indiscretion.




"If this place is meant to be my home," the girl announced one day, "some part of it should feel mine."[break][break]

"Oh?" came Elisabeth's faintly amused reply. "And what would you have, child, if you could have anything at all?"[break][break]

For a long time her young ward considered the question, at last declaring, "An aviary. I would like an aviary for my birds."[break][break]

"You may have the garden for that, then," Elisabeth said, airily waving the concern away. "Nothing can grow there, and nothing has for some time. Change it as you like and call it your own."[break][break]

How refreshing it was, to be spoken to with such irreverence. Whatever fear had held the girl fast had long fallen away from her, reserved for the rare moment she encountered Barnaby in the halls. He had yet to warm to her young ward; likely, Elisabeth believed, he never would.[break][break]

Not for the first time, he'd questioned Elisabeth's decision to house the mongrel in their home. What precious little peace he had in Motostoke was stolen away by this unwanted creature, and Elisabeth knew he resented the girl's presence all the more for it. "Why?" he insisted. "Aren't we enough, as we are?"[break][break]

She'd never wanted motherhood, Barnaby knew. Even now, that fact hadn't changed.[break][break]

"Because when you are gone," she replied, leaving a soft kiss on his brow, "I forget myself. I have nothing left here to anchor me." Elisabeth smiled up at him, and her eyes reflected his own like a mirror, their emerald green no longer clouded in the mist of a blood-red haze. "This is not forever, Barnaby. It is for now, that's all."[break][break]

It was like being reunited with someone he had lost years and years ago.[break][break]

Nothing in his demeanor changed, but Barnaby ceased to question Lisette's presence after that night -- if only for his own selfish reasons.



The girl was not meant to fight, but it did not stop her from recklessly running forward when the opportunity struck.[break][break]

"You don't understand what it's like to be powerless," Lisette snapped angrily at her guardian's rebuke, nursing the wound that had eaten away at her flesh. Sludge had worn away at the skin, a poultice applied to the gash on her arm. "How could you? You're the most powerful being in Motostoke."[break][break]

The girl's petulance received no answer but cold disdain. "Are you done feeling sorry for yourself?" the older woman asked at length, and the girl sulked, refusing to answer. "Power is not given. It is earned. If you wish to cease being weak, then find a means to defend yourself first."[break][break]

Elisabeth would not entertain the discussion further.[break][break]

It took some time before the girl reached out to at her forge, looking at the many weapons she had amassed for the people of Motostoke. Her own was not so powerful, for it lacked the materials that had made for such weapons, but she chose a bow -- something to wield with her guardian's poison-tipped arrows while flying the Pokemon she herself favored most.[break][break]

Birds, for some reason, had always called to Lisette. She admired and envied every time he soared overhead on his Galarian Articuno, longing to know what it felt like to be as empowered in flight as he.[break][break]

There were many opportunities to train -- for the adults, at least. 's leadership had transformed ordinary men into weapons, and Lisette would watch in awe from the sidelines as they trained in one-on-one combat, sometimes joined by others who wished to likewise sharpen their skill. The DYNAMAX phenomenon especially fascinated her.[break][break]

Lisette was not so impressive, but she practiced sparring with the other children of the village, their varying ages all united by the fact they wished to cease being useless in the relentless siege against their city. Sometimes she glimpsed the royal children of and here, but what surprised Lisette more was the way the monarchs stared at Elisabeth when she arrived to monitor her ward's progress.[break][break]

It spoke of something heavier than the mantle of infamy that this woman wore.[break][break]

"Do you know them well?" Lisette dared to ask her, once, when they departed.[break][break]

"I did, once," Elisabeth said after what felt like an infinite silence. "In a life where I was not so powerful as I am now."[break][break]

Elisabeth would not elaborate on that point, not now and not ever.



The world opened up at last, like a flower unfurling in bloom. Life was breathed into Motostoke again as the roads parted to offer route to the other cities, and with them, new faces joined the familiar cast of this mechanical city.[break][break]

It stunned Lisette, how many people both and knew. It stunned her more to see how intimate some of those relationships appeared to be. [break][break]

She could not read the tension between and her guardian, nor translate the way his emerald eyes passed over her with quiet wondering. His wife, Queen , seemed to have stepped out of the fairy tales that were by Lisette's own bedside table. The queen was beautiful, kind, and so very, very different than the hardened 'witch' who raised Lisette now. Silently, the girl suspected the two women tolerated one another, and nothing more.[break][break]

Lisette felt herself tense in the pressuring audience of King , despite the relaxed way he and approached the courier and her mistress -- as if they were old friends, and not bound by lofty titles. They had adopted children of their own, and upon seeing Lisette, assumed that their old friends had done the same. had been especially quick to remedy this misunderstanding, and the awkward moment passed in a blink.[break][break]

King and visited sometimes, too, and she found herself able to strike conversation with the latter about the herbs in Motostoke. It made her feel useful, like she had been paying attention to her lessons, and she appreciated the way that Jayden, despite his royalty, listened to her as if she were just as important as the others present in the room.[break][break]

Secretly, Lisette liked when visited most of all. He told the funniest stories, making her laugh suddenly and brightly in a world that liked far too much to be dark and dour.[break][break]

The world felt bigger, suddenly. Less oppressive, less stifling. She felt a sort of excitement that she couldn't explain as she saw the worry lines that had characterised her guardian and both begin to fade, little by little, until something like hope dared to spark in their eyes.[break][break]

Or so Lisette believed, anyway. It was what she wanted to believe.[break][break]

When Elisabeth returned from a journey to the other cities, appearing severe and downcast, she did not at first answer when Lisette asked after her. She dismissed the young woman, choosing instead to meet with and speak in hushed whispers of omens and ill portents shared with and gained from hearing from in Hammerlocke. Something about the Winter Solstice, about the earth feeling wrong.[break][break]

No one explained it to Lisette. In that moment, she felt very much the child that she was.


"You are nearing your sixteenth year, are you not? A coming of age."[break][break]

The soft chirping of birds in the aviary filled the surprised silence that followed as Lisette blinked at the Pokeball her guardian had handed her, its contents spilling open to reveal a Galarian Rapidash that nuzzled her fondly.[break][break]

"Now you can travel the roads more freely, without having to share the company of others," the older woman explained, watching to see the girl's reaction. Genuine pleasure and disbelief made its mark on the girl's face, before its emotion was replaced with something else.[break][break]

"I never told you my birthday," Lisette said at length, pointedly looking up at her for an explanation.[break][break]

"Didn't you?" The answer came distracted and disinterested as Elisabeth turned away. The remnants of the courtyard garden that this place had once been were still visible underfoot, and Elisabeth knelt to inspect one of the few plants that had survived her neglect. She studied a browning shrub with a careful hand. "Regardless, on the subject of your age, I should add that I am not blind to the company you bring here at night. You are not as subtle as you pretend to be."[break][break]

The blonde shrugged, the diversion successful as her face flushed with heat. "Why should you care what I do? Or with whom, for that matter?" Lisette peered down at her guardian, running restless fingertips through her Rapidash's mane. "You don't have any say in who I love."[break][break]

"No. I don't." There was a pause, an interlude that conceded her point. "But I would caution you against being reckless with love, and against holding the concept of it too highly. You'll find it rarely is what stories proclaim it to be."[break][break]

A thought occurred to Lisette, far too late and with far too much curiosity: she had never heard Elisabeth express love towards any person, not her and not even the courier that she knew shared many of the woman's nights.[break][break]

"Do you not believe in love, then?" Lisette dared to ask, pulling away from her horse to kneel down beside her. "Or do you simply not love anything yourself?"[break][break]

Elisabeth stared for a long time at the leafy plant in front of her, eyes unfocused as they clouded with the distance of thought. "Things I love," she said finally, "have a tendency to rot when I dare to hold them too close. And things unfortunate enough to love me," she continued, "tend to find themselves cut down by thorns when they approach. It is better to keep a safe distance, either way."[break][break]

It was an answer that was not an answer. But it was more than Lisette had expected her to say.[break][break]

Before the girl could prod her further, the woman moved to retreat, murmuring farewells as she returned to the west wing where she could not be followed. But when Lisette turned around, the previously shriveled buds of the plant Elisabeth had touched blossomed into bloom, shy flowers unfurling their dewy white petals.


It was inevitable that the girl would ask.[break][break]

It was inevitable that Lisette would venture into the forbidden chambers of Elisabeth's home, investigating the letters that had been penned to her guardian and the secrets that might be found buried within. Too many pieces had not added up over time; the simplest answer to a riddle, often, was the correct one.[break][break]

"What am I to you?" Lisette prompted, staring into the emerald depths of the woman's eyes. The courier had long left for business of his own; no one would interrupt them, now, in the solace of their conversation. "My mother told me she had named me for a woman who'd saved her, but... I never believed you were capable of mercy. Not back then."[break][break]

Elisabeth pursed her lips, her green-eyed gaze flitting towards the window. Outside, Motostoke seemed peaceful, despite the truth so often being otherwise. "Your mother lost her firstborn son shortly after her husband passed in the war," she said at last. "In her grief, she sought me out. She'd heard I could make people forget the things that ailed them. And she begged me to take away that pain."[break][break]

Fingers tapped the armrest of the chair, restless and uncomfortable as the words trailed off.[break][break]

"But you did more than that," Lisette finished, pinning her target down with her eyes -- cobalt blue, piercing and brilliant and far, far too familiar for Elisabeth's liking. "You gave her something to replace that pain. Didn't you?"[break][break]

It would explain so much. The reason this infamous recluse would take in a ward of her own and tolerate her presence. The reason she remembered a birthday that had never been given to her, not once. The reason that Elisabeth had held such contempt for a mist-addled woman, to the point of seizing a neglected daughter for herself, despite her own aversion to humanity.[break][break]

"...Does it change anything for you," Elisabeth asked finally, "if this story proves true? Does our relationship to one another become something more than what it already is?"[break][break]

Lisette contemplated this for a moment, biting her lip. "I don't think so," she admitted uncertainly. "It just, explains things, I think. It explains... you."[break][break]

"I have and had no intention of being a mother," Elisabeth interrupted, and the words rang with cold sincerity. "I have no unconditional love to give you, child. But I was a daughter of parents who failed her, and the least I owed you was a better existence than the one I saw you lived."[break][break]

A hesitant beat passed, and the woman's expression darkened.[break][break]

"He doesn't know, and I have no intention of changing that. If you tell him what you think you know, I will deny it, and I will deny you. Do you understand?"[break][break]

"I do," Lisette said softly.[break][break]

And that was that. The book closed abruptly on this chapter as Elisabeth, as always, moved to leave the moment the conversation veered near anything that unmoored her. Lisette had become so used to this it didn't surprise her in the slightest; the dark-haired woman seemed to vanish like smoke at the faintest glimpse of discomfort.[break][break]

For all her intimidating nature, Elisabeth was a surprisingly fragile creature, Lisette thought.[break][break]

Perhaps it was this that made the girl daring, breaching the distance between them with quick, eager steps. "Wait," Lisette insisted, reaching for the mother that she knew she'd never have. "Wait! Please, I just... I just, once..."[break][break]

It was easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.[break][break]

Arms wrapped around Elisabeth's waist as Lisette hugged her close from behind, expressing this first gesture of filial affection between them. The regal woman froze in place like a statue, all of her becoming stiff and rigid as a startled look flashed unbidden across her face.[break][break]

She did not hug Lisette back, but she did not shove her away, either. Elisabeth instead endured the embrace in baffled silence, unsure if she liked to be held in such a manner, or if she resented the innocence of the gesture.[break][break]

It was... confusing.[break][break]

"You have chores to do," Elisabeth reminded her with a quiet click of her tongue, and the vice-grip of the girl's arms fell away as Lisette nodded. Oddly, there seemed to be a spring in the younger woman's step that had not been there before -- something so abrupt in its manifestation that Elisabeth wondered if she had imagined it.[break][break]

It didn't change anything, Elisabeth reminded herself as she secluded herself in her bedroom. Their circumstances were the same as they always had been. Her life was no different than it had been the day before, or the month before, or even the years before, ever since bringing that girl into her home.[break][break]

And she hadn't changed, either, Elisabeth reminded herself. She had remained ever much the same since the decade began.[break][break]

Hadn't she?[break][break]

That night, would return to see Elisabeth's tousled curls spilled across her pillow, glimmering threads of gold now weaving through the silver that had begun to pale her ebony hair.

Spring turned to summer. Summer turned to fall. Fall turned to winter. And no matter how long and lonely a winter might seem, or how dark the night of the Winter Solstice might be, eventually the world was reborn in spring.[break][break]

All things cycled and reverted to their true nature, in the end.[break][break]




- Elisabeth has a mental break at the end of the first decade, but Tapu Fini and Wo-chien refuse to let her entertain giving up.[break]
- She tells she is the Tapu Fini Avatar, but he doesn't take her offer to embrace Misty Terrain and forget.[break]
- Elisabeth takes in a young woman named Lisette as her apprentice for the next decade, who bonds with people in Motostoke. This slowly wears away at Elisabeth's walls, and glimpses of who she used to be emerge once more.[break]
- Reunites with old friends, who can over time see hints that she is slowly reverting back to her 'old' self.[break]
- Concerned about the prophecy and the Winter Solstice.[break]
- Spoilers:
Barnababy is real. Pay up and give me Kylev, Aero.



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 17:38:01 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
A city reborn,
transformed to adventurer's delight,
Thriving with quests,
its spirit alight.

it's been so long that kyle doesn't even bother counting. the only measure he's had was the amount of celebrations he's held of the king of the night's birthdays, a tradition upheld only due to his reaction to it.

"i think we've already set the stage," he tells one day. "we gave our best for the rising action. all we need is a good climax."

hammerlocke doesn't conform. this wasn't a fairy tale for their people, but a platform for heroism. it's a city of adventure where anyone can start their story of heart and spirit. he engineers the culture to revere the promise of honor and valor- one reminiscent of that of their home region.

hoenn was for the bold and mighty, taking the risks for the sake of nothing but self-worth and ego. this is what they need in this new world, the alpha and the omega.

kyle doesn't see himself as the king to their city's denizens, but the administrator to his player's campaign. every decision he makes for the city is for the overarching story, and the table with the best players among them takes each element lying before their eyes to make them their own.

preparations come as soon as the prophecy reaches them.

with the necrozma attack still fresh in their memory, everyone takes up arms to prepare for their second chance. they won't fail this time, kyle tells them, as his words inspire the ideals of the city once more.

the guild starts to get more attention than can handle, and subsequently, and 's patrons increase consequentially. as peasants fall in the culture kyle has cultivated, they'll find reprieve under the care of and whenever the going gets tough.

stories of fallen warriors echo from 's mouth inspire people to take what they're owed while the work of and assure hammerlocke's citizens that they are not mere lamb to the slaughter anymore.

the likes of and become figures for them, protectors of the city as they are aptly described. they are the benchmark of strength that embodies their city, and the foundation of the bastion that would go against the big bad.

slowly, kyle builds up his empire like the hoenn of old, where even children barely out of elementary school can hold their ground, not because they're told to, but because they've been living in an adventurer's town for so long while that it has become the norm.

they will win, he promises. there's no other option.

wasn't subtle about it, but he did change this time. against kyle who can see through the meaning of every prose he spews out, it was his only choice. after all, they're each other's anchors from the first day.

time takes its toll. a reluctant kyle eventually breaks. faced with a similar decision matias did that resulted to his spiral, he takes the plunge into temptation. years of drowning himself with work deserves a reward, he tells himself.

emotions he had bottled up come bursting forth.

it would be the peasants who would call it out first. for those who came from hoenn, the two being abnormally close was normal. for those who aren't, a knight spending nights at the king's quarters wasn't.

, the volatile. he had been the variable for the emergent to burgeon out of his slumber in this memory. no one had just been able to notice it since the trigger occurred during the first moment in this memory.

kyle wonders what he did to get matias to swear his loyalty and life to him. at some point, he thinks taking him as his other half was the payment. eventually, the feeling becomes mutual, and kyle understands.

"oi," he asks him one day, "this isn't your style. we could always stop this if you want."

matias would deny it. like everyone else he'd been in a relationship with, kyle takes his word for it. this time, he actually upholds it until the end of their time in hammerlocke.

would soon find himself running out of requests from king of the day.

'everything's done', he would hear from him. 'everyone has the tools to make it better on their own. we just need to keep the place running . we're nearing the end game anyways'.

"what happens next?"

kyle would find the question he gave calyrex being asked to himself by himself.

later on, the king of the night would get another request out of the blue. he presents with him a child. 'a replacement, you know, to run this place later on,' he would explain.

never got along with people in the end, or rather, he didn't seem to bother. an orphan from necrozma's attack becomes an exception to the rule. perhaps it's the similar background that enchanted him, or kyle rubbed off of him and petty excuses start being valid reasons. nevertheless, the result was the same.

silas. the name resonates in most of everyone's hearts for the wrong reasons, but they decide to stick with it anyways.

the young boy wasn't expressive. he kept to himself, hardened by the reality of their situation, and answered them with few words. although aloof, abrasive and awkward, kyle sees past it and would attempt to bring out the qualities he wants for a ruler of the kingdom he built.

he pairs him with terrakion. the pokemon becomes a mentor for the child over the years, looking over him in lieu of its previous trainer. while they don't bond the same way, it is with kyle's request that keeps the terrakion tethered to him.

while he tries to convince everyone that the reason he welcomed him to his world was for practical reasons, the way he dotes on him says that the affection transcends it.

there wouldn't be time to impart him with the necessary skills. as days go by, it got harder to argue that this was for the reasons he had claimed it to be. he would say raising the next ruler was just a fun, personal project like every other program he had started in the city.

defiant as he was according to kyle's assessment, silas would say otherwise.

given the choice, kyle starts to think twice.

he has grown to love his people. his unlikely relationship with . whatever he's built up with .

part of him hopes that this was another fake out. another win that results to nothing. the return was such a farfetched idea at this point that kyle feels like he'd lose more leaving this place than staying.

the other part of him would rather just leave it to chance.

as he falls asleep one fateful night, a remnant of his past whispers to him. a piece of the rainbow wing, kept as a charm right beside 's ring, reminds the avatar of its identity as ho-oh's fragment.

this is what i chose you for.

take flight, child. you've barely reached your potential.

you're a hero this memory deserves. don't hesitate.

  • sygna suit deactivated
  • location: hammerlocke city
  • kyle stops building and starts fortifying
  • inspires the entirety of hammerlocke to fight
  • trains an apprentice to replace him someday
  • pairs terrakion with apprentice
  • gets advice from ho-oh after 20 years
  • kyle wields sketch!zweihander



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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 17:42:21 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

The years drag on and on and on, the ravage of time leaves none untouched as the people of Ballonlea build their strange little monarchy and prepare for the prophesied day. One day the girl known as Xenon Civitas Antheil makes her tenth voyage out into the ruins of Galar, searching for the answers that would break her free from this chained dream... and she simply never returns. She stares up at the stars, writing her notes on their movements and the constellations that form. And she finds herself... bored. Year after year of riotous fun had grown stale, fighting a one woman battle against a cold unfeeling monarchy, a stagnant routine that never changed. She had fallen into a pattern without even realizing it, the past ten years simply bored her to tears.
Xenon Civitas Antheil was boring, repulsive, a reputation and history carved into this false dream that everyone knew. This identity, this title, this person, its future was set in stone, a path that she had tread and couldn't change. It disgusted her. So just like every person she had been before, she had no problem throwing it away and becoming something new.
I. The Eleventh Year[break]
For a whole year... there was nothing. The woman who was known as Xenon Civitas Antheil never made her return to the little town of Ballonlea, the only proof that she had ever existed was a burnt out little Pokemon Center and the weapons of legend that those heroes wielded. Nobody every bothered to look for her, for all she ever was was an annoyance. The world was a better place without her.

II. The Twelfth Year[break]
One day, a girl appeared in Rhydia's bedroom. Her clothes were much unlike the wear of the Galarian shades which inhabited the castle, yet looked wholly unlike anyone who had come with them from that world before the dream. Only the shade which lay in Rhydia's shadow could possibly have determined who this girl had been once, that stain upon her soul could never wash away no matter how many names she took on after all. [break][break]
"Greetings Madam Queen. My name is Caesium, though it would please me if you referred to me as Caesi. The woman who I once was has assigned me to your command, thus I find myself at your service." One leg gently crosses over the other as she politely curtsies for her new master, a hint of a prosthetic arm peeks from her long sleeves as she grips the edge of her skirt before it disappears back into the darkness.[break][break]
She's younger than she once was, or at least so it seems as the young woman stands before the Queen. Questioning her past brings few results, she claims that such things are irrelevant for such a lowly girl as herself, she presents herself as nothing more than a faceless shade to follow the queen. Whether or not that fools most... well, it remains to be seen.

III. The Years After[break]
The girl known as Caesi becomes a constant presence beside Queen Rhydia, a lady-in-waiting ready to serve at a moment's notice. She is rare to start a conversation on her own, but what little talk is had with her informs much of what the girl is like. A gentle soul averse to violence, a surprisingly sharp mind that can keep track of even the most high concept conversations in science, a dedicated servant to the town of Ballonlea. When questioned about her past, she would simply claim she was born here and was assigned to work under Queen Rhydia, but she would obey any of the royalty if push came to shove. If the topic of the woman named Xenon was ever brought to her attention, she would have no recollection of such a person. She was quite sure she would recall if she met such a strange person as described to her, if pushed further she might recall some talk of an anarchist burning down some buildings or another, but she was never really one for lingering on the past. As long as that person is gone, that's what matters. Right?

The years go on and on in such a fashion, she's seen here and there throughout the town just like any other. Sometimes she's spotted in the labs, acting as an assistant or running numbers for those who need the help. Sometimes she's spotted in the forges, holding some metal steady for another to hammer down on, feeding coal to the furnace to keep it nice and hot. Most often she's spotted in the markets, buying groceries for the castle and chatting with whomever might find her. The poisonous tide retreats back to the earth, the time of prophecy draws ever closer. Yet the Ultramodernist never returns.

+ is in Ballonlea[break]
- Xenon Civitas Antheil disappears from the town of Ballonlea.[break]
- A girl named Caeli appears by 's side, a gentle handmaiden who only seeks to serve.[break]
- The girl named Caeli helps with various things in town, from researching the changing stars to assisting in the creation of the Dynamax bands.[break]
- The girl named Caeli seemingly has no Pokemon.



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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2023 19:42:28 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Zev stood in front of the boulder in the center of Hammerlocke. What had once been unshaped stone now bore resemblance to the shield-bearing dog from a decade past. But like a craftsman's project, it sat half-finished. He could only wonder, then, if Calyrex had answered truthfully.[break][break]

Tell heroic tales. Awaken the slumbering Zamazenta. Go home.[break][break]

Home. That such hope should spark to life inside Zev felt foolish. Ten years had passed without a solution. One-by-one, everyone had accepted what seemed like the inevitable. Hammerlocke was his city now, and he was its king.[break][break]

And life in Hammerlocke was good. Between his efforts and Kyle's, the city prospered. Zev had even started going on hunts with the Adventurer's Guild. Through it, he honed his newfound skills with bow and arrow. He maintained his physical fitness and staved off boredom.[break][break]

Yet he could not shake the feeling after seeing the half-formed statue. And with it came a newfound determination: to survive the next ten years, no matter the cost.[break][break]



The boy was a sudden addition to the castle. Zev scowled at the child, who followed around like a pitiful puppy. His dislike of children was almost palpable, rolling off him in a wave of disdain.[break][break]

Yet Zev did not bother kicking Silas out. Kyle was allowed his pets, after all, and this was one he shared with . Zev had ignored Groudon's Avatar over the years, mostly because Matias only listened to Kyle. He had no interest in pissing off Matias, not when Kyle was the one keeping him in check.[break][break]

The semblance of domesticity that the child brought was strange at first. Disconcerting. Of course, other Hoennians had settled down and formed families, too. Letters from indicated he and had adopted their own heir. It was only natural for life to continue in this way.[break][break]

And it only emphasized Zev's unnaturalness. He neither loved nor lost. But he had, a long time ago, made a promise to a woman whose features had faded with memory. And as he watched Kyle teach Silas how to wield a sword in the castle's training yard, Zev recalled his own moments of domesticity with her, brief as they had been.[break][break]

Breakfast together. Surprise baked goods he would bring to the bar. Texts about the stars. The comfortable silence of sitting in the same room with someone while enjoying separate activities.[break][break]

never stopped missing or the solace she had granted his unfeeling heart. And no one lived up to the memory of her, not in all the years that had passed, and not in those that came after.[break][break]



The Winter Solstice approached. The meeting of kings and queens hosted in Motostoke had just ended. Planning for the fateful day had been the main affair, though that had not been the only business.[break][break]

For Zev, it was the first time he had formally met 's daughters. It had been strange, back then, to view Isaac as an older man and father. He seemed suited to such a life, yet Zev could not reconcile the aged man standing before him and the scrappy blonde boy he'd dragged out of the gutter.[break][break]

Another ghost of memory was . The two brothers had not seen each other in twenty years. Something in Caleb had changed, something that darkened him even more than Kanto had. That he had not married and had children only emphasized the anomaly.[break][break]

"Perhaps you and I are more similar than you thought," Zev had said.[break][break]

"I am nothing like you," Caleb had insisted, hotly.[break][break]

"That's funny, coming from a man who burned my letters to Isaac for twenty years. And you thought I was controlling."[break][break]

But they were not there to squabble. At the war table, Zev sat next to and laid out plans for Hammerlocke's defense. The two displayed a united front, a brotherliness borne from pragmatism. It was clear to all present that they balanced each other well.[break][break]

And when they returned home, Zev looked at the man who had become, against all odds, a trusted accomplice. They weren't friends or family. But they had ruled together for twenty years, and the bond forged from that experience existed in a realm beyond words.[break][break]

"You can't die in the final battle, Kyle." Zev's words were heavy with the weight of that bond. "I won't allow it."[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted shield


Zev is wearing black tactical gear + mask medieval clothes[break]
LOCATION: Hammerlocke[break]
Zev keeps watch over the statue of Zamazenta and feels hope that they might be able to return home[break]
Feels like an outsider as he watches everyone settle down and have families[break]
Misses Nenet, for none of the women he sleeps with live up to her memory[break]
Meets with all the other kings and queens in Motostoke[break]
Kylev Day[break]
WEAPON: Longbow of LIGHT OF RUIN[break]



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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 1:01:39 GMT

the world stabilizes, [break]
so does she.[break][break]

but in these uncertain times, there will always be something - someone - wanting to thrust away the security. they wrest the serenity in her soul, and the first and only time she's felt at peace with herself (only the passage of time and the goal of survival is what keeps her alive - but now that she has the time, and the medicine is advancing, there's nothing that she needs to do. yes, she needs to research, research, and research some more). [break][break]

and as the years pass, the startling revelation dawns on her: her time is limited, is it not? even if this world is only the result of an illusion - or the memory of what it used to be - the passage of time whisks her away all the same. a decade passes in the blink of an eye, and she thinks that maybe it's not so different to reality. [break][break]

it isn't medicine that persists through the ages ( -- she's realized that her actions in this memory will amount to naught while she learns nothing ). she, aging at thirty something sets her papers down to pass to now coworkers and trained doctors. she has something else to catch her attention. [break][break]

𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙'𝖗'𝖘 𝖇𝖚𝖈𝖐𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊. 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖍, 𝖜𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖋'𝖗𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝖎𝖙𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞. 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖙𝖍 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖌𝖚𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖒 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔𝖝𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖛𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖒𝖊𝖓[break][break]

𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢'𝔰 𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔣𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔱𝔰 𝔭𝔲𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔡 𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔨... 𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔨 𝔦𝔱 𝔴𝔢 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔱... 𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔨 𝔦𝔱 𝔴𝔢 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔱...

the notes she's seen, and read, don't sit well with her - so she spends a year developing a gas mask for those fighting off the poison. it would be good, she thinks, against airborne illnesses as well. it's in line with the image she's built of herself, at least. it makes fighting off the poison less nauseating, and less filth on the street is a healthier town.[break][break]

this accursed world is only a memory, she reminds herself. though the people seem so real, and feel so real, she has to remember that these people are no longer around (assuming they ever existed). still, she takes someone in to teach them the ropes - she'd like to leave her knowledge with someone before they have to leave. she thinks she'll be able to leave. [break][break]


she hums with a smile when the light seeps through the window. her smile is no longer rare, though only because she knows how to lie when wearing a disarming mask. "one day, I'll disappear."[break][break]

"eh?" [break][break]

a childish voice perks up, her locks of blonde tangled, slightly, betwixt pale fingertips. the little girl gazes up with her bright green eyes, beautiful, compared to her dulling heterochromia. doe-eyed and young pleads to her elder, fingers gripping against the apron she wears while rocking in the chair. "don't give me that~" she starts, fingers beginning to untangle the knots "you already knew, didn't you?" the shade of dulled grey hair casts a shadow over a soft, serene smile. "you're a smart girl."

deja vu is pushed back, however, as she's kept herself busy with the same old research, the same old medical advancements - before she realizes that there's just so little they can do - and that she can do - with the time that breezes by. "ah, this can't be right." she huffs with a smile on her lips when she lowers the bunch of papers in a wooden lab. this wasn't going to be enough. [break][break]

when she looks in the mirror, the ghost of a man haunts the reflection. [break][break]

she can do as she likes - she can delude herself into thinking that she's trying to save people. she can delude herself into thinking that she's doing something good, for the people (for the world), but isn't she trying to satisfy the curiosity, like he once did? it's ironic, and laughable, and so sickeningly lovable. a daughter's love has never betrayed her so. [break][break]

so she does what she does best, and what she's learned over the years. she wears a smile, like her father once did, as she handles what wasting poison doesn't sink into the earth. pokemon and people dying of poison become her specimen when she gazes down upon them, with a cold (curious) gaze, like her father once did. [break][break]

blinded like a fool in the night. [break][break]

research into the poison leads into dynamax research - something she didn't think would connect. so using this knowledge, she approaches with the developed smile and softened gaze that time has taught for access into the mines for dynite. when she isn't looking into the rock, or researching the dynamax energy in the stadium, or going out to collect more samples (subjects), she's taking a telescope to take to the highest, safest point, and stargaze with her elder clefable by her side. [break][break]

"that's your home, you know." age is starting to catch up to her, softening her voice and her gaze when she begins resembling her father with each passing year. [break][break]

the moon still shines as brightly as it did back home. [break][break]

the prophecy spoke of ruin, and a beast, to come down when the winter falls again. will they finally be able to go home? will she be able to use what she learns these past twenty years in the present time of hoenn? only time will tell when she's reminded of the feline pokemon, oozing hatred. time will tell when she gazes (coldly) at the canine pokemon, with a mane that resembles a shield.[break][break]

then she'll laugh, and realize that when she looks back on her life, she's walking in the footsteps of a monster who masquerades a hero. though the citizens and the people see her as a healing saint, she'll hold her reservations when she's alone with the winter breeze. ah, now she's starting to understand what the wretched king meant when he asked for heroes.[break][break]

dying so cowardly and thrusting others into the shoes they were supposed to fill.




  • location: motostoke
  • took things pretty well
  • takes in an apprentice ; not realizing she's repeating history
  • develops a gas mask for those who fight the poison
  • goes to other towns and trades medicine for knowledge and research
  • leaves her medical research to the faceless citizens of the memory
  • looks into the stars after the wishing star lands with her clefable
  • joins in dynamax research
  • weapon: heal bell spear
  • timeskip face: ranni the witch

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield @motostoke

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 1:58:14 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Some kind of stones fell from the sky. Sort of. Several people, himself included, notice the similarities to the Black Knight. Remnents more like. But not completely part of it. There seemed to be something else there, likely the Skeleton Hand. Whatever the case, he wasn't a scientist, so he took whatever pieces he could find to them. Maybe they could learn more about it and make it useful.

More immediate news was his War Club's infusion. Freezing Glare seemed to have failed, and destroyed the club in the process. He still wanted an ice-type attack on it. After some reevaluating and remaking the club, Ice Beam was infused instead. Not quite what he had in mind, but could be useful. The training camps were approved and created, and Oliver was able to make one of some quality. Through it, he also gains an apprentice, teaching them how to fight, both literally and as a Pokemon Trainer. His own Dragonite evidently found some love, presenting an egg to the young man that Oliver was training.

Despite being busy with everything, he became jealous of others. Some were settling down. The red head wasn't so sure if that was a good idea. Then again, they might be stuck here. Watching the statue gain more and more detail, perhaps there was hope yet. Even with travel opening up with the poison sludge retreating, he still had a really bad feeling. Perhaps the climax of this world was near. Still, he could only train up both his team and their watch. Even his Galerian Articuno was quite the force to be reckoned with, but had also created a nest of sorts on top of the Pokemon Center. It seemed to really enjoy racing across the sky with his and his Apprentice's Dragonites. 


Get's a Wishing Star, sends it to Scientists.
Freezing Glare infusion fails, Ice Beam is infused instead.
With Training Camps approved, Oliver does his thing and trains peeps.
Gains an apprentice, giving them a Dratini, his Dragonite's offspring.
G!Articuno creates a nest on top of the Pokemon Center.
More Training? Insert Rocky training montage meme here.

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february 3rd
malie city
senior ranger
5’2” height
5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 15:40:53 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



After Necrozma he had thought things were looking up. Then he noticed the changes in Mirage. It was gradual at first so he would’ve missed the signs at first if he hadn’t been paying attention. Before his very eyes Mirage began to become old and weak. This dream world stripping him of his spark. Leaving the ghostly Pokémon withered in its wake.
Seeing Mirage like that was hard. While he wouldn’t say anything the ghostly Pokémon was his favorite out of all his companions. Mirage was special to him because he had chosen him instead of it being the other way around. Sure he had helped heal him all this years ago making the ghostly Pokémon thankful but that didn’t matter to him. Didn’t make the whole thing any less special to him.
Despite the fact they lived in different place was the first to know about how this world was affecting Mirage. And how he felt about it. And how he had been trying to discover how to reverse the affects. Of course all his efforts had been fruitless. He hadn’t found anyway to reverse what had happened. He would tell the gym leader about his failed attempts as well.
Without Mirage to aid him going up and down the observatory became more of a struggle. The climb put more of a strain on his body triggering his condition more frequently. Though he wanted to continue keeping watch like he had he knew he would have to end up giving it up.
Though he wouldn’t be giving it up for himself. He would be giving it up to not give more work to . He didn’t want to burden the older male too much, especially since he lived out in the forest. Though he was sure the older male would reprimand him for such thoughts if he knew he has them.
Though giving up the observatory was easier said than done. Especially considering the notes him and some of the others had gotten on the constellations over the past years. About the stories they seemed to tell. Depicting events that either has happened or will happen. Especially since the constellations point to a larger battle yet to come.
It is his need to try and provide as much information as he can that makes it hard to give up the observatory. In the end he does it but ask the others daily what they had discovered and goes over the notes with them. Because he might have to give the observatory up but he’ll never give up on trying to find answers.

When he had been in the false world for fifteen years he was told thanks to that the poison had started to recede. It made places that hadn’t been accessible for everyone before accessible. Now travel between Ballonlea, Circhester, Hammerlocke, and Motorstoke was possible for everyone. And just not .
While he would like to see again he knew it wouldn’t be wise. For no other reason than the fact it would put a strain on his body. Perhaps if he had Mirage to ride he would be able to make the journey. But he knew the way Mirage was now that that wouldn’t be possible. Like him she was frail. Though for very different reasons.
Of he would tell about this in their letters. About how he didn’t think his body would be able to handle the journey. But he would say that the gym leader was welcome to visit him in Ballonlea if he wanted. Or if he thought he could handle the journey himself.
Though not being able to handle the journey was only part of the reason. Another reason was that he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was worse to come. Perhaps it was because after fifteen years off being cut off from the other places it was strange to have access to them. He had never seen himself as the type unable to handle change but perhaps that’s what it was.
He could almost convince himself that was what it was. But it this works had taught him anything it was any change especially a drastic one meant bad things. So he felt that worse was coming. And if he was a different person he would probably see it as some kind of omen. But he didn’t believe in that kind of stuff. Maybe because he couldn’t back such things with logic, so he decided that kind of stuff just couldn’t be real.

After the poison receded people from the other cities started visiting. It was hard interacting with the new people. He might’ve gotten over his social awkwardness a bit with the other people In Ballonlea. But deep down he would always be the same old Axel. The man who had trouble interacting with people he didn’t know to well. Having gotten use to interacting with the same people over and over again he hadn’t had to worry about rather or not he was making a fool of himself. Now that feeling was back. And he couldn’t help but worry about it all the time. Even if others said he shouldn’t worry about stuff like that.
One of the people he met was . He vaguely remembered her from the first battle with the Galar legendary dog but other than that he didn’t really know her. Since she had taken the time to visit Ballonlea though, he was civil. Even if he did stumble over his words a bit when interacting with her. Making him feel like he was making a bad first impression. Though any other time they had interacted after that first meeting she hadn’t said anything. And he hadn’t asked afraid that dvd would confirm that it had been a bad first impression.
She seemed nice enough though and even had a kid. And if possible he was even more socially awkward around her kid. Despite the fact multiple people in Ballonlea had kids. And he had even had a chance to meet the kids he still wasn’t use to interacting with them. Perhaps it was because he had never gotten a chance to be a kid himself. As a kid he had always been more mature than those around his own age. And because of that he didn’t know how to interact with children. Because of that whenever visited he would choose to just interact with her after politely greeting her child.

It was hard to believe that he had been trapped in the false world for twenty years. He had long since stopped being the kid that had first come to this world. Not that he had really acted like much of a kid back then anyway. He still liked to believe himself young though. After all he was only thirty-three. Though there were times he definitely felt older.
Especially when his condition got bad enough that he had to be put on bed rest. He had actually just been relieved from bed rest. He had been put on it after a rock had smashed through the observatory. It had worried him so he had run around checking things and making sure everything was okay.
While everyone appreciated the sentiment his body had not. The episode had been a bad one. Thankfully it had happened away from prying eyes. Because he hated when his condition acted up in front of others. Especially if it usually meant he got help faster. It did help that knew him well enough that he could get to him quickly even when his condition didn’t act up in front of others.
Once he had been off of bedrest he had decided to patrol the town a bit. Just to catch up on things he missed. The first thing he had been told about was the frequent earthquakes which he of course had noticed, kind of hard to miss even when bedridden. Than he was told about what the rock that had smashed through the observatory had provided them. The dynamite ore was a curious thing and he figured he would have to ask someone else about it. The first people he had asked were the ones he was closest to like , , and . Mainly because as smart as he was he didn’t know anything about dynamaxing pokemon having never come across anything about it before that had ended up in this fake world.
So dynamaxing was what made Pokémon get so big. He hadn’t really known that it had a name. There had been too much going on to really worry about it. But he thought being able to dynamax his Pokémon would be cool. It was just a shame that he wouldn’t be able to try it with Mirage.
Surprisingly was the first person he complained to about this. Though he wasn’t as close to him as the many years he had brought him sweets to make him feel better. Especially when his condition was kicking his butt. Had made him warm up to the older male and sometimes he found himself confiding in the older male like he would those he was closer to.
He figured knew he was closer to . But if he did know he never said anything. Though it wasn’t like he told him or the other’s everything either. Like how even after all this time he was still wary of especially after she had brought back after everything she had done. She might’ve changed the way she looked and might be acting different around the common folk but he wasn’t fooled.
After she had shown up again he had watched her closely. Only to realize that the new or whatever she wanted to call herself now didn’t seem to remember anything that she had done. And it wasn’t for a lack of trying either. He hadn’t outright confronted her but had more of hinted at past things she had done only to receive confused looks for his efforts.
Eventually he had just given up. Unable to understand how someone could just forget stuff they had done or who they once were without being some kind of head injury. Unable to understand her he had just taken to avoiding her over the years that she had returned. Of course that meant often avoiding as well which was just fine with him.
He would just still with the other royals. Like , was a friend of his as well. Though of course he was closer to Jayden. A fact he didn’t try to hide. He figured their similarities is what had made them so close. had been kind to him and that was what had eventually caused him to warm up to her but him and were both similar personality wise though he wasn’t as socially awkward as he once was.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + checks out the constellations with some others [break] during that time notices how the memory is affecting Mirage [break] After fifteen years stops going to the observatory [break] is told by that the poison has started to receed [break] wary of what this change might mean [break] has still kept in touch with but tells him his body wouldn’t take well to the journey [break] after twenty years a rock smashes through the observatory and dynamite ore is discovered [break] ask around about dynamaxing and considers using it on his remaining Pokémon



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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023 16:36:15 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar

The funny thing about prophecy is its vagueness; rely on it too heavily, and you find yourself lost until the promised time arrives. Yet completely ignore it, and you would be left unprepared.

And Hideo is left with little time to interpret it: with so many dead or ill from Necrozma's attack, many hands are needed to help Ballonlea recover, and Hideo's own contribute to that effort.

Alas, there's nothing he could do to help the sickened Pokemon fully recover; he can stave off further illness and provide comfort, but even Uxie's knowledge isn't enough to reverse the damage. He can count his blessings that his own were unaffected, but he can only offer his condolences to those who watch their Pokemon wither and rapidly age before their very eyes.

Hideo's trips out of Ballonlea become less frequent as his duties require him to stay in the town, but he does notice one thing near-impossible to ignore: the poison surrounding them is receding. He is quick to report this to the royals of Ballonlea, and soon disseminates the information among the townsfolk, so all would know that he wasn't the only one that could travel between towns.

Yet ironically, Hideo himself makes little effort to go out and visit the other towns - not only from the lack of necessity, but so he can spend time with his family; in the time he'd spent helping Ballonlea recover, he had spent much time working alongside one of the townsfolk, a girl named Plumeria. The two hit it off fairly quickly, and it isn't long until they date.

Marriage was soon to follow.

It isn't long until the two are blessed with a child, a daughter: Ruby - Hideo's tribute to , a friend he'd lost long ago but could never forget. In time, they have a son, who they name Andy - Hideo's tribute to , a close friend who he hadn't seen for years, before he'd been brought into Galar.

Hideo does his best to be a good parent, spending as much time as he can with them and giving them the freedoms he never had. His duties take up much of his time; apart from teaching many (including and 's children), he helps cover for at the medical monastery alongside when the former is out on his pilgrimages.

His own Pokemon are keen to spend time with his children, his Beheeyem in particular taking a liking to his kids, attending to and playing with them when Hideo cannot. They enjoy playing with his small Ribombee and his Joltik, and his Zoroark loves attending to them. Even Uxie visits them frequently, revealing its true form to them when no-one else could see.

Perhaps one day, they would show the same passion that he once had for Pokemon.

The decade flies by at the blink of an eye. Hideo had been in Galar longer than he'd been alive in Hoenn, yet the hope that one day he would return never truly left him. He never thought of the implications of returning as he was - at his current age, with his current family - but the life he once lived could never truly be forgotten, that old sweater he kept as a shawl always by his side or on his person.

The signs of their fated battle with the Black Knight draw close. Though Hideo hadn't studied much of the prophecy, ores, or celestial signs above them, enough information had been disseminated that he knew they were fated to have one more battle against the Black Knight. The earthquakes that shook their land were becoming more frequent, and the winter solstice was fast approaching. There are even sightings of The Skeleton and the Black Knight clashing in the sky.

Hideo could feel that his mount was restless. No doubt it desired to avenge the inevitable death of its old master, Calyrex. He reached over, brushing his hand along her side.

"Steady, Glastrier. When the call comes, we will answer."

He'd been preparing for a while now: he'd gained much practice with his Future Sight blade, and he wore the Dynamax Band alongside his Z-ring and Mega Bracelet.

He could only wait until the promised day arrived.

Hideo aids in reconstruction efforts
Tries to help the sickened/KO'd Pokemon, can only do so much
Finds out the Poison is receding from Galar, informs everyone
Gets married to one of the Ballonlea villagers, has two kids
Continues teaching. Mostly stays in Ballonlea to teach and be with family.
Readies for the day of the prophecy.

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 0:40:49 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar


The years passed, and the land began to heal.[break][break]
One morning, entangled in a way that had become all too familiar, whispered to Caleb that the poison was showing signs of retreating. The courier was uniquely positioned to venture outside the city walls, and during his travels he had begun to notice changes in the landscape. This news should have brought Caleb some measure of joy, but it was apprehension that colored his expression as he wondered aloud about the reason for such a change. Had their efforts in rebuilding Motostoke somehow triggered the end of the poison? Or was it simply making room for something far worse to take its place?[break][break]
To Barnaby, Caleb spoke of the inevitability of Necrozma’s return, and a coming battle that might destroy everything should they fail to endure it.[break][break][break][break]
To Isaac, Caleb spoke of opportunity: with the poison gone, they would be able to collaborate with the other monarchs. Isaac called a meeting, and the others were all too eager to make the journey to Motostoke. It was at this meeting that Caleb finally reunited with his older brother, .[break][break]
Though they had been separated for years, the conflict between the brothers had not resolved, merely been put on hold: a tenuous stasis. Wiser than he had once been, Caleb no longer reacted to his brother's cruelty with volatile tantrums; instead, he did his best to endure Zev’s biting commentary, rejecting his claim that the two brothers were similar. Zev, of course, cited the fact that Caleb had burned all of his letters. Controlling, he'd called it.[break][break]
Caleb scoffed and turned away as the meeting began, Zev stalking away to stand with , the other king of Hammerlocke. Though Caleb refused to let Zev’s accusation affect him, his words haunted him for many days after - as they were wont to do.[break][break]
When had the line between protective and controlling become so blurred?[break][break]
Kyle made for a strange and unlikely pair with Zev, their opposite natures seeming to balance each other out, and perhaps a younger version of Caleb might have been jealous at the obvious brotherhood that had formed between the two men. Zev seemed oddly protective of Kyle, and because Caleb knew his brother to be a man incapable of truly loving anyone else, he determined that it likely had something to do with practicality.[break][break]
If ever there was a man who could hold his own against Zev, however, it was , the word champion an invisible cloak still wrapped around his shoulders, the echo of something he’d once been a lifetime ago.[break][break][break][break]
Caleb did not marry, nor did he start a family.[break][break]
Caleb's heart had once been solely oriented towards redemption, the suppression of a long-held guilt made easier by choosing acts of goodness. He had learned, however, that such a path was fraught with turmoil, and far more nuanced than he could have ever expected. The past was stubborn, and a man could arm himself with guilt instead of repress it, and find himself stronger for it.[break][break]
The only price was loneliness.[break][break]
All the same, his devotion to the children of and was genuine: his fondness for Sabrina and Iris that of a doting uncle or second father-figure. His protection and love for them was something of a compromise, a fulfillment of a king’s duty despite his disinterest in seeking out a spouse and having children of his own. Rather than create a new family, he defended the one he already had.[break][break]
Throughout the years, however, he did develop a visceral, nuanced and immeasurable affection for . Though he loved Isaac like a brother - the brother he always should have had - there were many things Caleb spoke of only to Barnaby, for good or for ill. For two decades, Barnaby was the sole recipient of Caleb’s darker thoughts, hidden depths, and deepest desires.[break][break][break][break]
Though refused to think of Caleb as anything other than a "false king", when her ward came to town, Caleb took an immediate interest in the girl. Clever Lisette, with her fierce wit and curious mind and hair like summer sunshine. Caleb grew fond of her, pouring many long hours into her training, the other children teasing him for favoring an outsider.[break][break]
"I worry for her safety," he said to Isaac. What he meant was: should the witch hurt her, I will go and retrieve her. It was a foolish sentiment; Elisabeth was far more powerful than Caleb could ever hope to be. The peasantry whispered of her sorcery in the same tone they did Necrozma’s dark power.[break][break]All the same, Caleb kept a close eye on Lisette. He silently kept his promise to see to her wellbeing, especially when she was away from home, his commitment to the girl founded on an irrational sense of familiarity and a fondness for sapphire eyes.[break][break][break][break]
The legendary dog emerged from stone, constellations foretold prophecies of growth as well as ruination. Caleb continued to fight on the front lines, run the training grounds and city watch, lead expeditions to recover DYNITE ORE for and her forge. Together with Isaac, they made sure that their people would be ready for the solstice and the return of Necrozma.[break][break]
If Isaac was the heart of Motostoke, Caleb was its primary artery that allowed the blood to flow. He stalked the land like a lone wolf, fiercely opposing that which threatened the city. He would never be a hero, nor did he think himself capable of the happiness so many others had found in Galar, but he had purpose.[break][break]
He had a chosen family who loved him, a kingdom who needed him, and a man who was uniquely capable of easing his pain, little by little, breath by breath.[break][break]
And in the end, that was all he ever could have asked for.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD


Caleb is wearing medieval clothing and a crown[break]
Caleb is in MOTOSTOKE[break]
Caleb (in collaboration with , , , and others) continues to ready the people for Necrozma's return[break]
Becomes the BEST uncle to Sabrina, Iris, and Lisette[break]
Takes part in the meeting of monarchs organized by Isaac; can't escape 's cruelty, but also reflects on the absurdity of Kylev[break]
"The one that does the dirty work so the good ones (like Isaac) don't have to."[break]
Never marries or has children, but finds himself grateful for his chosen family (Isaac, Cygne, their kids, etc.), the kingdom he defends, and [break]



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April 1
Tackle Shop Manager
Got My Wingman
Ace's Basses
34 height
34 height
Someone's always criticizing. You might as well do what the fuck you want.
252 posts
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TAG WITH @maddmckenna
Madeline McKenna
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 3:22:23 GMT
Madeline McKenna Avatar
One Month Later

Two Years Later

The day the poison retreats, it’s as if a balloon deflates. The aftermath of Circester’s collective sigh of relief. But, Madeline stares at the cleared, damaged ground with suspicion. But, as the days pass, she cannot resist being lulled in by the spell of peace.

She didn’t pay much mind to the prophecy nonsense. Fate wasn’t pre-ordained. And, if it was, there was no point trying to change it. The halberd, however, stayed sharp.

A voice pipes up near her elbow. On it is propped her thirty-sixth James Patterson book. Without the constant threat of war, there are a lot fewer fires to put out—literally and metaphorically. “Mother—” A tiny hand pulls at the sleeve of her tunic. “Mom?” With a blink, amber eyes clear from their stupor. Oh, right, that was her. She turns to face the child, again wondering what monster could leave that scar.

“What’s up, kiddo?” Her old name wasn’t exactly great. It was a title given to broken, empty things. Hollow. “I was—with the cities open, I wanted to see Balloonlea. Lacey said the mushrooms glow!” Turning to her Obstagoon, Madd can’t fight a smile. After years of being cooped up in this poor man’s ski resort, even the badger looked a little cagey. “Sure thing.” On that trip, they finally decided on a name. Something from a book both of them grew to love—Ripley.

With no risks at home, they then moved on to tour Motostoke and the other surviving towns. While there, they made friends with numerous people including .

The memories made on that trip would follow the redhead for a lifetime.

What Follows

They were what stopped her from strangling the girl as she moved from elementary schooler to teenager. It didn’t help that her body changed way] before her brain did. After years of being everyone’s punching bag, she decided to punch people instead. It started with graffiti. Then, she set fire to a couple of trees. She even went so far as to steal some kid’s prized Eevee.

Ro[;ey dyed her hair. “You look like an Arbox—sweet.” The kid got piercings. “I’d go with something bigger. That short skirt could go up another inch too.”

Somewhere in there, she ended up with another leper. This kid needed crutches to get around.

Through it all, Madd showed the patience of a saint. Something that surprised even her. She didn’t yell, and she never even thought of raising a hand to her. She knew what the girl needed was love. So, she gave the little punk plenty of it. At the end of the day, she knew this stuff was just stupid lashing out. Which is why she started training in martial arts before her thirteen birthday.

Blowing off steam did a lot to dull her edges.

Then, the more scholarly among them turned the falling rocks into something useful. As a native of Galar, the redhead didn’t see Dynamaxing as dangerous. Even if it came from a bad place, it was being used for good. Just like her these days. Though she feigned disinterest, her 14-year-old came to every practice session to watch the Obstagoon throw down. As time went on, copper tinted silver. The weight of age began to slow even her frame down.

The Final Day

When the conflict reemerges, it’s with a vengeance. The first tremor collapses the tenements on the outskirt of town. Dozens of people are trapped inside. Right then, there was no time to ponder the truth of the prophecy. She needed to focus on the here and now.

Then, just like that, the day of the solstice arrived. The prophecy was bullshit. That feeling in her chest was just nerves. Nothing was really special about solstices, right? The position of the stars didn’t really mean anything.

But, as she left for work, Mildred stayed close at hand. Madd hugged her daughter closer.

And, as the redhead made her way to HQ, she nodded at the statue. Following a few steps behind her mother—eager to prove herself—her daughter did the same.




  • Takes a moment to enjoy the loss of poison
  • Goes out to sample the bars in each city, taking her daughter along
  • Names her daughter Ripley after their favorite movie
  • Continues training herself in the use of her halberd
  • Her daughter grows into a teenager with a rebellious streak
  • Eventually heads up the city’s first response team
  • Practices Dynamaxing with Yakuza and her other Pokemon
  • Spends days leading up to the solstice pulling people from rubble


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March 14
Shalour City, Kalos
Fashion Designer
My fire isn't just for show—it's the blaze that will burn down anyone who dares to stand in my way
106 posts
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TAG WITH @mirabella
Mirabella Fontaine
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 3:58:47 GMT
Mirabella Fontaine Avatar

Time doesn't bring what was or repaired was is broke. For mirabella she never gotten over losing her beloved Nathan. She loves him more than anything but didn't mean she had to give up on her life. Not when she was silently expecting another it wasn't until months later with pain and fatigue began to build her pregnancy was known. She remembered a a meaningless night with random member of the knight order. Now she had to deal with the product of that reunion. There were mixed of emotions more than anything fear gripped her. What would happened to the little one. She could have to sit out the final battle that seemed to be on the horizon. [break][break]

Eunice knew than anyone her thoughts. The bird didn't show however it had the same wonders for the child however thankfully those fears were put to rest. She had a single child-a daughter the spitting image of her father. Naming her Amekla, Mirabella for a time step down from her duties for "normal" for daughter. Eunice was better than babysitter as since the child was born she never too far away. It was a joyous life. [break][break] As Mirabella never left the safety of hammerlocke for too long only when she truly had too. She only watch as world normally so dark seemed to be filled with life again.[break][break]

Eunice now roosted in the hammerlocke city irony on top of the orphanage were may could the legendary rest feeling a bit safe and secure then before. They grew to know other morals to be rather interesting creatures especially one who has tendency to get their nerves, . It had a bit of love and hate relationship between them. They were never opposed the other coming to greet or spar despite how ruthless they could at times. The city has finally become a home. [break][break]

Mirabella as her daughter grew older took up her mantle as protector again. She fought a wishing star know filled it might become a edged sword but for galar safety. She offer her star up for it make into a  dynamax band. Time came and when in the moment of peace least for Mirabella. She had her daughter, her pokemon, and Eunice and that all that mattered.[break][break] A part of her wondered if she would never return to hoenn she had once known but she didn't care. Mirabella in honesty prefer to stay here and remained for the rest of days.[break][break]
[break][break]n|wwgYYs[break][break] Now the earthquakes have begins she know it's time to put everything on the line for her home


-A fling with a knight lead to Mirabella have a child[break][break]
-Mirabella stepped down from her role as protect for the sake of her child eventually gives birth. As it's decided she will remained in hammerlocke, Eunice choose the roof of the orphanage to may their nest and roost[break][break]
- Eunice seems spend time with "morals" like  for bit of time. She spars with pokemon and trainer alike[break][break]
-Mirabella finds a wishing star and requests a dynamax band knowing this become be a double edged sword[break][break]
- She wonder if they will ever return to hoenn but hopes not as she want to in galar with her daughter[break][break]
-earthquake happen and mira says it's time to kick butt.



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,412 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 19:02:59 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Through his work, becomes a surrogate father to many orphaned children. But for the reclusive King of Shadow, there is only one.[break][break]


The first time she says it, Cillian's blood freezes in his veins.[break][break]

That's not me he wants to say, lips parted on words he can't force past stilled tongue. He swallows them, instead, and looks to the young girl silhouetted in the Rookery's door.[break][break]

She does not look like him, nor like his beloved , but she has his cunning smirk and his lofty ambitions. He knows, then, as he looks at her, that she understands the weight behind that simple word. That there is a reason she has waited until now, long years after she'd chosen him as her own, to inflict that word upon him.[break][break]

He does not reject her label, as instinct demands.[break][break]

Instead, he asks only, "What is it, Diot?"[break][break]

"Can I come with you, when you visit the others?"[break][break]

He'd not told her of his plans to travel, to visit the other monarchs and reconnect with old friends. She had his curiousity, as well. He suspects she's read his letters. He can't find it in him to be angry; not with her. He still bears the scars of his own ancient transgressions of curiosity, and will not inflict such wounds upon another.[break][break]

"It's dangerous," Cillian starts, but the words are scarce out of his mouth before the pre-teen folds her arms and glowers at him. He has to press his lips thin to keep from laughter, knowing that such mockery of her emotions will only incense.[break][break]

"It's dangerous here," she fires back, "and terribly boring. I hear Motostoke has trains. I've never seen a train before."[break][break]


He'd hated Motostoke, as a child. The city of innovation and industry lived in stark contrast to the ancient, traditional city of his birth. Motostoke was hot, and loud, and ugly. But was there, and her letters have seemed less dour of late. The change in them is subtle, but it is change nevertheless. When he visits her, there are no hugs nor affections exchanged, but his golden gaze bears a warmth that Hoenn had once robbed from it.[break][break]

"It's good to see you again, Elisa."[break][break]

The girl Lisette, unlike the Princess Diot who does indeed tag along at her fathers' heels, bears a certain resemblance to Elisa and both. Yet they're quick to deny the relation when he brings it up, and Cillian allows suspicions to fade in favour of reunion.[break][break]

"Let me catch you up on the sordid affairs of Circhester, mm?"[break][break]

He thinks, for a moment, that he catches a glimmer of green in her scarlet stare.[break][break]

"I am glad she has you, Bee," he tells the former admin, when he is preparing to depart for home.


Though he was a King who very much allowed himself to be visible to the people, much as he'd once allowed citizens of Sootopolis to come to him with their complaints, Cillian was also an introvert. He has never been a social creature.[break][break]

He needs space, at times, to breathe.[break][break]

In times like these, he tends to the Rookery. He likes the birds, and they like him, the smaller ones flocking to him like some Disney princess when he comes with bags of seed to see them fed.[break][break]

Diot likes the birds, too. Most people knew not to bother Cillian while he worked, but the girl either didn't know or didn't care. He strongly suspects the latter. He lets her be; like , she was an exception to the rule.[break][break]

"I'm training them to be messengers, so that we might take some of the strain from and ." The couriers on their noble steeds could only do so much. "Do you want to help?"[break][break]


In service to Rocket, a grudge could last eternal.[break][break]

Without those shackles, they are only Kings doing what is best for their people. Though he'd neglected to acknowledge throughout the first few years of their parallel reigns, eventually letters addressed to had named them both.[break][break]

Now, stood before a man he'd sought to kill on Hoennian soil, Cillian offers a hand.[break][break]

"You Harcourts age well."[break][break]

It's not an apology, but it is a start.[break][break]

He is warmer to , who would witness now first-hand the man that he's been fighting for. Circhester's King of Shadow remains a stoic creature of ice and iron, but the years have softened his sharper edges. The lines around his eyes brighten his smile.[break][break]

"My daughter wanted to see the trains," he says, as if he hadn't planned this visit long in advance. "Who am I to say no?"[break][break]

My daughter. It slips out without meaning to, but he doesn't take it back.[break][break]

She had chosen him, some time after they'd opened the orphanage. Looking back, Cillian cannot think what drew her to him. He had never given her any indication that he was interested in taking on the role of a father.[break][break]

But like the stubborn man she'd attached herself to, she hadn't given him a choice.


"Absolutely not."[break][break]

It is difficult, at times, for Cillian to tell Diot no. Not because he is soft, but because he fears he will wound her with the same sharp edges that had left their scars upon his own childhood.[break][break]

But when she comes to him with bloodied knuckles wrapped in bandages and asks for lessons, he tries to put his foot down. To protect her, as no one had been around to protect him.[break][break]

"War isn't a game, child."[break][break]

"If it was, we'd win."[break][break]

She'd been young when her parents were lost to her. He recognizes the smug confidence of a girl who has not truly understood the brutal crush of defeat. He looks at her, and he sees himself. It aches in his chest. I will not see you suffer as I have.[break][break]

She looks at him, and she sees only the no in his eyes.[break][break]

"I know it's not a game," she says, serious now. He listens with that same gravity. "That's why I want to learn. So that if the Black Knight comes back, I can help protect Circhester. Like you and Temp."[break][break]

"There are other ways to help," Cillian insists, firm. "I don't want you getting hurt."[break][break]

"Why?" she snaps. "Because I'm not strong enough for you? Because I'm a girl?"[break][break]

"Because I love you."[break][break]

It's the first time he's said it aloud. It stuns them both into silence.[break][break]


Crystalline claws adorn the King's knuckles, and shadows spring from his hands as he throws a demonstrative punch. With nothing to snare, the tendrils of smoke turn upon themselves, writhing like furious serpents.[break][break]

"They've served me well," he says to , whom he'd commissioned to forge the knuckles. "Thank you."[break][break]

Diot appraises the smith with a smirk.[break][break]

"Will you make me a weapon like his? My dads are training me to fight."


In many ways, and parallel the trajectory of Cillian and his own husband. A crown. An orphanage. Children. (Multiple, in the case of the former.) Though perhaps he might jest at such when they're in the company of the group, it is not until Cillian gets Jayden alone that he asks a sincere question.[break][break]

"Are you happy here, Jay?"[break][break]

Cillian is happy. It shows in the light that has cast away his shadow, in the life returned to a man once weighed down by duty.[break][break]

Regardless of his answer, Cillian would admit,[break][break]

"I don't want to go back. Do you?"


"You'll break your hand like that."[break][break]

Though he didn't know it as they stood in the orphanage yard, these sparring sessions would become a frequent bonding activity between the three of them. For now, watches on as Cillian curls his hands into a fist.[break][break]

She is bright-eyed and determined as she copies his every move.[break][break]

"Thumb on the outside. Adjust your stance."[break][break]

Months later, she lands a punch that breaks his nose. As laughs and Diot apologizes and blood pours over his lips and chin, Cillian drops his fighting stance to embrace her.[break][break]


Of all the partnerships forged out of necessity, none strikes Cillian as strange as that of Kings and . Like the Night and Day for which their following had named them, they could not be more different, yet their city seemed to thrive beneath their rule.[break][break]

"My husband missed our dogs, at first," he says idly to Kyle, watching canines frolic in the street. Then, with some melancholy, "I'm sorry about yours."[break][break]

Not his dogs, but his husband, .[break][break]

He writes often to Zev, and their relationship is utilitarian as ever. He spares the King of Night his small talk, and says only, "Best of luck, when the Black Knight comes again."[break][break]

His eyes linger on the crown of black crystal before he turns away.


"You miss it still."[break][break]

It's not a question, and Lugia gives no answer.[break][break]

He finds her as he often does, curled around the Hero's Bath with her tail tucked in the steaming water and her ruby eyes reflected in its depths. It was no Sootopolis Bay. It was no Sea. This was no Hoenn, and it was not her home.[break][break]

When the poison retracts, she is one of the first to venture beyond.[break][break]

Cillian takes her to the sea of his childhood in another realm, with its rocky beaches and ice-crusted sands. The water is dark, treacherous, and ringed with caps of ice. He can sense her displeasure in its gelid depths when first she breaks its surface.[break][break]

He does not laugh, not even when she glares at this cold ocean as if it had wronged her.[break][break]

"Hoenn was not my home, either," he tells her instead, pulling off his boots to dip his toes in the cold surf. He cannot stand it for long, even born of the cold North as he was. "But trapped there as I was, I learned to make it so."[break][break]

You have given up.[break][break]

She does not look at him as she makes the accusation. Her gaze is on the sea, as if she might see across it to the Hoenn far beyond.[break][break]

Cillian's smile is sad. She knew his hatred for the chains of servitude. It was a quality they shared.[break][break]

"I would return, if you asked me to."[break][break]

Lugia gives no reply. Together, they watch the setting sun.[break][break]


She has grown. An adult now by legal definition, their princess has seemed grown for many years. The silver Corviknight to whom she'd bonded worries at her braid as she stands in the Rookery door.[break][break]

"I'm going to fight."[break][break]

She says it with the force of an argument's start. Cillian knows before even looking up that he'll find her arms, all corded muscle from their years training, folded. Cillian is setting his affairs in order, should he not survive the Solstice.[break][break]

His hands are remarkably steady as he signs another letter, as is his voice as he replies, "I know."[break][break]

But she must see the emotion in his eyes when he looks up, for she throws her arms around him in a fierce, crushing embrace.[break][break]


Circhester knows peace beneath his iron rule, but that peace grows thin. Skies darken, and Lugia returns from her favoured perch by the ocean as terrors clash among the skies. She can sense it too, Cillian thinks.[break][break]

An ending.[break][break]

As they'd done two decades prior, when 99943 METENO had threatened their end, Cillian and whisper promises between them.[break][break]

"No matter what happens," Cillian vows, tracing the lines of age and hardship in his husband's handsome face, "I am glad to have had you for all this time." His eyes shine with tears unshed. "I love you."[break][break]

Together with their daughter, they will fight for Circhester.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]RUSTED SHIELD



Cillian is in CIRCHESTER.[break]
WEAPON: Knuckles tipped with claws. (SHADOW HOLD)[break]
Cillian bonds further with his adopted daughter, and visits various old friends and enemies when the poison recedes.[break]
At some point, he starts training the Rookery birds to be messengers with his daughter's help.[break]
They train their daughter to fight, and she joins them in the final battle.[break]


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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 20:53:49 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

With a warhammer in hand Gerald continued his vigil as commander of the Survey Corp. When morale was down he would lead the expeditions beyond the walls. When morale was high he stayed back, letting others gain fame and fortune beyond the walls.

As the years went by he got to see his children grow up. In them he saw reflections of himself and his little sister. Unfortunately she was but a fragmented memory, yet the emotions clung tightly. And so did the memory of old friendships such as with as well. He kept promising himself that he would write letters, catch up, perhaps even rekindle the friendship. But he never did, always too busy with either job or family.

When his children began to show interest in his job, he knew it was only a question about time before they would volunteer to go beyond the walls. He feared that day, but instead of keeping them away he saw enough of himself in them to know that it would not be possible. And so he started training them in combat, teaching them not only how to fight men but Pokémon as well.

This training allowed him much valuable time with his children. Their bond grew stronger, deeper. He prepared them as much as he could for all that he could think of. He guided them, offered them wisdom in matters of combat and of life. And where he found himself lacking his loving wife was there with the answers he did not have.

This was perhaps the closest thing to a perfect family life that he might have.

Over time it seemed The Survey Corp grew more successful. The poison and its monsters began to give way for the human will. People celebrated it, especially as the roads to the other cities opened again. But at the same time Gerald had a bad feeling about it. Call it a gut feeling, or perhaps he was simply seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for his profession.

Either way, details of the prophecy became clearer, and the signs grew more apparent he began to focus on it. Helping others and himself with learning to understand the Dynamaxing phenomenon that had plagued them for years, only to now be in their hands to do with as they pleased.

But time was not on their side. It never was. Earthquakes grew frequent as the Winter Solstice of the Prophecy grew closer. And so he began to gather his forces, expeditions were halted, forces pulled back. He only hoped that it would be enough for the coming battle.


- During the Next Ten Years Gerald continues his work as Commander of the Survey Corp
- He trains his children in combat and life in general, finally experiences the perfect family life.
- Gerald starts worrying when the poison starts lessening. He begins to focus on learning Dynamaxing.
- As the Winter Solstice draws near he recalls his forces to the city, aiming to bolster its defenses for what is to come.

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