i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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She/Her; They/Them
Ecruteak City
Fond of girls
26 height
26 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @serendipity
Saki Shitachi
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 4:25:08 GMT
Saki Shitachi Avatar
The First Month
Everyone struggled in their own ways to adapt to this new life. Most fought to return home; some succumbed swiftly, whilst others stubbornly or admirably held on. Saki did not. With no attachment to her life in Hoenn, neither fondness nor resentment, she readily took to life in Galar. It seemed a boring, slow life, with no room for excitement, merely suffering and misery. Perhaps some would consider fighting and combat to be inherently exhilarating, but Saki was not such a person.

Still, a boring and slow life... that wasn't a bad one. It meant peace and relaxation, for a girl unconcerned with what fate awaited them all. Despite their heroic arrival, Saki faded into the background, even changing her attire and blending in amongst the peasants, as if she'd never been from another world at all. Though while that was how she acted, nobody would forget such a thing so easily, and she was always given that slightly different treatment. Nevertheless, she persisted with that persona, resolutely immersing herself in the role of a humble peasant.

The First Year
Until the prophecy. That seemed to be the only thing that lit a spark of excitement in the girl's heart. How could it not? It was exciting. Saki threw herself wholeheartedly into it, seeking everyone's thoughts and musings, reaching for all manner of texts and tomes. History had never been a subject Saki held interest in, but, well, any port in a storm. She flitted back and forth between that newfound obsession, and between regular ordinary life.

Gradually, the former overtook the latter, and she distanced herself from society, taking on the role of a hermit. She stuck to the outskirts, keeping to herself, aside from the times she crept around town to spend time around the power spot. Though she assisted with every battle, as time passed on, that became the extent of her involvement with other people, save those who had a reason to seek out such an eccentric.

The sky. That was the most prominent theme, arguably almost too obvious, yet it was still the stars up in heaven that captured Saki's time and attention, more than anything else in what was left of this world.

The First Decade
As time passed further, Saki remained static. This was her choice of role, and she stuck to it resolutely. Though she did not demonstrate eternal youth, her appearance also did not suffer major changes, for better or worse. It certainly did make her come off creepier, which was both fun and amusing. She grew, in that time, also, coming to play the character she'd written with greater intensity and fervor. Her reputation grew somewhat infamous, as the odd person would sometimes come seeking her guidance. That guidance, over time, grew more personal, as she discovered a knack for divination. As with any would-be or wanna-be prophet, her advice was abstract and mysterious. Hers in particular led others astray more often than not, yet in their struggles to get back on track they often found themselves with fresh perspectives and outlooks. All were welcome to partake of that poisoned chalice, yet not many were in desperate enough need of advice to. That didn't matter much to Saki. Her fixation on the prophecy never once waned.

The battle against Necrozma was harrowing, yet inevitable. Saki did try to talk it down, in her own roundabout way, yet to no avail. A battle they endured, and a battle that gave her the chance to wax lyrical about what lay in their shared future. Useless though that may have been, it also was a chance to harvest valuable material, an act Saki too profited from. Though, of course, for her it was devoted solely to her research and to her 'magic'.

Saki becomes(?) a weirdo and gets totally immersed in the LARP of being a peasant.
Saki gets totally fixated on the prophecy and makes studying that her hobby/life. Spends a lot of time on astronomy and astrology.
Hands out the occasional divination of her own - when asked or when she spots someone interesting - and ends up giving the kind of questionably-malicious faerie advice that pushes recipents to grow and mature.
Her weapon is a set of vambraces styled like raven wings, that grant the move Phantom Force.

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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freya morningstar
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 4:37:23 GMT
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a hunter is a hunter, even in a dream

she pinches the crown between her fingers and stares down at it. i did not run, she reminds herself. not this time. mossdeep's carnage is a scorched memory, curling at the edges. flickers of that day, those hours, come and go when the shadows of its likeness curl their jagged fingers against flint. ghastly bodies; ethereal spatters of blood; limbs swinging from an open, endless maw.

her dragons, inconsequential.

three years (four? does her dimensional prison count?) and she is still left stoking a fire she barely understands. some small part of her that died that day in mossdeep is guiding her hand, her heart, her soul, digging deep into that primal spirit she'd rather leave buried. forgotten.

the crown glints up at her. people look up to her. 

the dust has settled. armies of impossible creatures have been driven off. there is a a pregnant pause, a held breath, shared by all of these timesick explorers. and their lungs stay swelled, achingly so, as night falls and a new dawn rises. 


the people have their own lamentations. starvation. disease. hunger. and she, their queen atop her scaled throne, totters away from duties she never asked for. duties she may have wanted, a lifetime ago - or is it another lifetime entirely?. she wonders often, if there is a version of her out there somewhere that gets this all right

she yearns for the skies, for the wind under wings and the sun in her hair, but she wanders the streets instead. and make better leaders anyway. 

king is not well. she has known his anger. he has dropped his walls in brevity, allowing her glimpses of the wasteland inside of him. rather than tread scorched dunes, bitter and red and angry, she carved a hole inside of herself. folded him into her ribs and told him that it would be enough. she would be enough. 

and now, she has carried him to this place, and severed him from the only thing he's truly, wholly loved. 

the riddles are an ever-shifting, twisting frustration. aeris is her guiding light. even on those darker days, when hours are spent felling poisonous monstrosities beneath claw and fire, she cannot rest. she is drawn to the streets and to the secrets they hold.

his arms no longer circle her as tightly.


this is the end. she told him the truth when he swallowed his feelings, when the only words she'd ever needed to hear stayed trapped under years of fear and rejection and pain. you can undo me. don't you get that?

and he'd said, i love you, and everything was right. 

and now, and now, she is begging him to stay. she is teeth bared, claws out, face flushed with anger, but her eyes are raw with pain and they are glassy and she knows the truth. he does not see her. 

he cannot see her. 


and oh, how it has eaten at her. there are monsters at the walls and she throws herself at them with careless smiles, whispers of a self she had thought long vanquished. but the man who'd done the smiting, who had reduced her to rubble only to build her back up, brick by brick (SALMONSMIRK), is gone.

fucked off to the edge of their small world. he cannot run from her, but he knows he does not have to. she will grant him what little peace he might find, because she loves him still.

lyune's shadow blankets the cabin, stretching into the trees, over the walls. once, she sees a shock of blue hair, and she thinks, i am here. i promised i wouldn't disappear again.

years of these silent affirmations. years of fighting. years of chasing dreams turned nightmares. eva, the only one she can stand. these people, as tangible as they seem, are nothing but dust. 

only he matters.

and she tells him this. when she's had enough. when the walls threaten to topple and the loneliness just gets to be too damn much

"i can't stand this. i need you. please."

"i don't blame ye, freya. but seein' ye hurts ta much. it reminds me of her."

and she cannot hurt him more than she already has, so she leaves. she runs through those dark and coiling alleyways, their taunting, jumbled words, and she does not dream of freedom; she dreams of wildfire. she tastes ash in her mouth.

she knows she is not the version of her that gets this right. that gets any of it right.

so easily she turns to destruction. so quickly she goes, like a whirlwind, to throw herself at the mercy of the only other person she can stomach in this false world with its monsters and its stories, teasing of heroes that will never come, heroes that were never meant to be. 

her kiss is a rushed flurry, with a gasp and teeth and a warm flush of blood. and as soon as it starts, it's over, because there is slick salt on her cheeks and every part of her is leaking out of her wounds. there is a gaping nothing in her chest.

eva holds her and tells her it will be okay. 


they do not become her people, but she becomes their queen. where there are dragons, there is light. eva shows her the good she can do and so she does it, but the envy that once sat in her belly is gone. she looks upon eva's warmth and her compassion and she thinks, distantly, i feel nothing

not for them. or for the others that are trapped here with them. for eva? yes, absolutely. for herself? she can't say. 

but she no longer throws herself at the hordes with wanton anger. her pair of roaring moon raze entire lines of the poisonous creatures with a flick of her wrist. they're tamed now, with eva and rayquaza's help, and freya is their guiding moonlight. a pair of her dragons breed. within months, the clutch of bagon are lean with muscle, hardened from battle.

days become weeks. she learns to smile again, with drink in hand, eyes soft and lingering on eva's own, forgetting where she is and who she was and who she never will be.

until one day, he comes back to her.


the stars have their answers. those poisonous alleyways unveil secrets in the early dawn. it's hard to leave him in the morning. she is terrible with good-byes and she fears her next will be their last, so she kisses his cheeks and his nose before she goes, every morning, and she pursues the impossible.

until one day she collapses from exhaustion with poison on her hands. 

"what do you mean stop? i'm going to get us home. i have to get us home."

"home? there's no gettin' home, freya. this is our life now. accept it like i 'ave. it's easier that way."

"you left me for two years, king."

"and i left delta fer six."

so then how could she give up? 


king is not the only one.  has largely given up. he's settled into his role. the people love him. his husband is here, and they are happy. even has become...distracted.

we have duties to tend to. the people rely on us, freya. they need us

sootopolis is nothing but a dream anymore. sometimes she drifts her fingers in the hero's bath and wishes she could smell the brine on salt-bleached rocks. when she thinks of the estate, her draciary, the memories are blurry, and that frightens her more than anything else. 

in the sky, kirimu's seafoam scales scatter the sunlight. a large shape looms over them. they twist their rippling green form; one large yellow eye levels with her, and she knows that they will never stop wanting. they will not grow complacent.

"we will return. rayquaza, by the gods, we will escape this false life."

and it feels so silly, knowing this god is as lost as they are.


the onslaught is hard-won. she steps through streets painted red with blood. the crown on her head is cracked down the middle, dropped when she'd been wrenched from kirimu's back, and later pilfered between two mangled bodies.

she is numb to the lacerations. these people are memories, fragments and nothings. ghosts, for all she cares. some grieve over them. she scours the remains, leading groups with drawn faces to gather what they can of the metal. 

"this will give us a fighting chance."

here, the impossible is possible. her schematics are hastily drawn. she needs balance. a seamless transition. power. there are three iterations. and then finally, she twists it with a flourish. the fiery blade twists, cutting through training dummies with ease, and then she flips. metal snicks. the blade breaks apart; a string snaps and she reaches for an arrow.

she nocks. the string stretches taut. draconic fire snicks down the metal curve of the upper limb, lapping at the arrowhead. that fire catches, spreading down the shaft of the arrow, and by the time it goes to bite her fingers, she lets it fly.

her rage consumes the beast in front of her. its squeals peter out to nothing, smothered by the triumphant roars of her dragons. her warriors, armed with their own draconic teeth, join their cry.

she lowers the bow and she smiles and she knows they will leave this doomed world behind.


weapon of choice: bowblade made with dragon rage 

- the years have made freya calloused. she cares little for the people she commands, but she helps eva / cillian / temp command them nonetheless
(though her interests are more militaristic)

- two of her salamence have a clutch and she raises dragons again

- she spends time attempting to decipher the riddle

- they will go home :catto:

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 5:42:50 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Behemoth ends up struck and frozen - and for a moment, El's heart is frozen with fear too. Yet, even as the beast is stilled in a block of ice... Bibidi places a hand on El's shoulder - reassuring them with the simple thought that he might've been KO'd, but he was alive.

Behemoth would need rest. But he was alive, which was the important thing. So, El returns their nidoking - resolving to get him some proper attention once things have calmed down.

But with the Helping Hand, Raikiri was able to do damage aplenty - leaving the Articuno open to a one-two punch from Zev and Mirabella alike to finish it. The bird falls - dead as can be - and though the surrounding peasants rise up to cheer, to crown their new king... El can't help but feel almost saddened, at the Galarian Articuno's death. Did things truly have to go this way? Was there any way they could've spared the beast?

The saving grace is in the presence of an egg, however. And when it hatches, it is that it imprints upon - a little chick that catches El's gaze, and sparks something between curiosity and hope. Perhaps, if they asked, they'd be able to help her look after the chick? They knew a little bit about bird pokemon - though then again, with their love of reading, they knew a bit about just about any pokemon written about.

But first came the question of those hurt in the ensuing attack. "C'mon, Bibidi." They spoke softly - preparing Akero's pokeball. And disappearing amongst the people, they prepared to assess the hurt...

A Passing Year...

... Within a few days, El quickly finds themself in the position of a local healer, alongside . Between his medicines, El's first aid know-how, and Akero's healing moves, those who are injured or ill prove to be in good hands - which, given the danger both within and beyond the walls, is plenty.

When poisoned pokemon attack, El is supporting those fighting with Helping Hands, Safeguard, Life Dew, and the like - throwing out attacks such as Psychic or Springtide Storm to help force back the hordes. And when the assaults subside, there are always those - pokemon and people alike - who need healing. Who need a gentle touch and words of encouragement, to keep their heads up.

Otherwise, when there aren't patients in need of attention, El contributes to studying the prophecy and the stars above alongside . Bibidi and Baron prove to be invaluable with their Future Sight - and El, being the studious person that they are, is ready to bury their face into every bit of writing or knowledge they can to make sense of the two's visions and the patterns in the constellations. It is not unusual, after a long night, to find them passed out at their writing desk - Bibidi having draped a blanket over them to keep them warm.

As a Ranger, sometimes the urge to scout the surrounding kingdom nags at the back of their mind. But they only need one glance at those hurt by the poisoned beasts beyond, to know that it's a danger they'd rather not inflict upon their pokemon. Not when there's people here, who need their help - not when there's things that can be done here in Hammerlocke.

During downtime though, when is doing one of his races, it's not unusual for El to participate atop Akero's back. They use the sport both as a way to entertain the peasants to keep morale up, and as an escape for themself. They'd also (alongside @juliadavis,) occasionally join in on Jack's storytelling - helping put together costumes and provide their own acting, to help entertain the children.

Finally, another thing El often does is write letters. Sometimes, it's to the other kings/queens and those in the other cities studying the constellations and prophecy - such as or - to share their findings. Sometimes, it's to fellow Rangers that they recognize the names of, such as or . And sometimes, it's just to keep in touch with friends such as .

But it doesn't take a genius for El to recognize it when - come their birthday, shortly before a full year in the memory - they recieve a package from someone. Something heartfelt, something put together by someone who clearly knew them. It was barely even a few days before would begin finding long-worded letters to him as well, and a birthday package of his own - even if a bit late, given the timing.

Isaac, of course, would ultimately end up being the recipient of most of El's letters...

A Passing Decade...

... Much like the others, the passing years change El. Though it's slow going, the constant activity helps to build a little muscle on El's bones - and gives their skin a slight tan, as well. Their hair is usually kept a bit more grown out than usual - mostly out of not bothering to cut their hair as often - and it isn't unusual for there to be a bit of scruff along their chin and jaw.

El is typically regarded as some form of oracle, priest, or cleric by the peasants for their work, nowadays. Which - given their role as a star-studying healer - it ain't too far off, right? It even matches the adventurer theme that King is so taken with. Their gentle and attentive nature is a regular comfort to those who become injured and fall ill - and when they recieve a patient, be it a peasant or someone from the Adventurer's Guild, they're determined to make sure that person comes out okay.

However, not every person can be saved. Leif - 's teacher - would be among them; an old man taken by illness. Though El worked themself to blood, sweat, and tears to cure him, nothing seemed to work - and ultimately... The best they could do for him, was to make sure that when he died, it was gentle, painless, and that he wasn't alone in his final moments.

The will would the delivered to Amor by their own hands, and they would aid in burying Leif next to his wife. Finally, once the work was done, they would provide a shoulder and listening ear for Amor.

It was the least they could do.

With 's return alongside the Articuno, El sometimes takes to attempting to endear themself to Eunice - wanting to better get to know the bird, both as an individual and as a member of a species. When the avian proves to be elusive and distant though, Mirabella often ends up the recipient of more than a few curious questions instead.

Among the different facilities Kyle called for though, one would include a... Cat cafe? Or more a cat canteen - something akin to the ones out of Monster Hunter, where they're run by Palicoes. Given that El's pokemon nowadays like acting independantly of them, Bibidi and Behemoth both take to working here. The psychic-type in particular takes to using her Telekinesis for dazzling displays - ingredients and utensils alike floating through the air at her beck and call to put together surprisingly elaborate meals for her customers...

... And El, of course, is always there to give their compliments to the chef, if they're not there to lend a helping hand.

Necrozma's Arrival...

Necrozma - though repelled - does not offer any mercy; and many innocent lives have to be buried that day. El ends up joining many in their respective griefs - and yet, they cannot remain idle. Not when there are countless injured as well, those whose survival relies upon the resident healers.

Even after sleepless nights of hard work, there are still those who die of their injuries - either due to infection, or severity - and it, safe to say, is depressing work in having to make sure that everything is taken care of. That they are buried and put to rest, that their families are notified, and that their final wills will be carried out. Especially when one peasant's face almost looks like their father's own - and they spend his final moments at his bedside, holding his hand tight...


It is the next day, that Amor finds them at his front door, a design in their hand. They'd heard of the weapons that the others were making from that black metal - the powers that come with those weapons. And they know what they want, now. It only makes sense for a priest to have a staff, right?

So, Amor gets to work.

Though El wouldn't admit it, the design wasn't a wholly original one - and yet, it wasn't as if they chose it randomly or without reason. The staff of a character known to be a priest and a healer; though he would turn out to be a villain, El hoped to be able to embrace more the healer part than the villainry part. The only difference would be the grip - one made so that El could better lean into the staff, as a replacement to their cane.

But, Amor follows the design to the letter - and even improves upon it, making something beyond even El's expectations.

The next time El steps into the medics quarter, it's with gentle chimes from the rings atop their staff. And when they stamp the butt of it against the ground... A Heal Bell pulses outwards with the ringing it makes - easing the ails of all who hear it.

If they could at all help it, El would not allow for any more lives to be lost under their care.
- After the fight against the poison army, El ends up falling into the role of a medic (alongside ), as well as helping study the prophecy + constellations with the help of their pokemons' Future Sights
- During downtime, joins in pokemon races and helps with storytelling.

- Regularly sends letters to the monarchs/other people studying the prophecies/constellations to share their findings, to fellow rangers, and to friends.

- gets the brunt of em the second that El finds out they're here + alive. This boy boutta get his ear chatted out in text form.

- As the years pass, El comes to be regarded as a priest/oracle/cleric by the peasants; which, they find it a bit fitting all things considered. Is often determined to make sure every patient they recieve comes out okay.

- One of the few people they're unable to save is 's mentor, Leif - but they make sure his passing is quiet and gentle, and to deliver his will + help bury him. Amor also has a buddy to talk to if he needs it ;w;

- El is very curious about Eunice, for better or for worse, sorry for the questions you must now endure.

- Bibidi + Behemoth work at the fuckin palico canteen during downtime. Bibidi is a very showy chef with Telekinesis. Also El is a regular (both customer and volunteer) there cause of course they're gonna support their pokemon!

- After the Necrozma attack, El has to face a number of their patients dying from infections or just the severity of their wounds. Not wanting to see any more people under their watch die, they have Amor create a staff with Heal Bell.
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 5:54:09 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The past year had been surprise after surprise for Isaac. But no surprise was bigger than being worthy of becoming this region's king.[break][break]

It felt like a dream as the people of Motostoke surrounded him and , offering their worn, tarnished crowns and the keys to their beaten down city. He didn't think he was worthy. How could he? He'd been the unwanted runaway for Arceus knows how long. But his luck had been turning around for the past year and now there was a crown-shaped pin put on that point.[break][break]

If there was one upside to his doubts, it was that he knew he couldn't do this alone. Both travelers from the future and shades from the past had their dreams for how to make their mark on Motostoke. If they squabbled and fought over what meager resources they had, they'd just be the next to fall to the poison and gloom that had consumed this dreamscape.[break][break]

He didn't have a plan to start, but he sure developed one quick. Education. Infrastructure. Those were Isaac's immediate priorities. They were the seeds from which he would grow a promising future for Motostoke. They were the shield with which he would shield the fledgling young city, backed up by a sharp tongue, a sharper wit, and the same stubborn determination that had let him defy the odds up until now.[break][break]

In a way, his picks were pragmatic. However, they were also heavy with sentiment. It was an environment in which could thrive, and he couldn't think of anyone he'd rather rely on. The two of them had already gotten close over the past months. Now, strangers in a strange land, their bond had become as strong as iron. She was his confidant, his informal advisor, and (if he was being honest, which the passage of time slowly made easier) the older sister he'd never had. Her wisdom, simple yet practical, spoke volumes.[break][break]

Yet sometimes he dared to dream, and that was where his beloved shined. After a year of uncertainty and distancing herself, she presented herself to the courts in dramatic fashion. Before she could even open her mouth, he accepted her without a moment's hesitation. Her brilliance took his plans for education and elevated them to the next level, and her recreation of Motostoke's train network played an essential role in connecting the city's furthest reaches.[break][break]

Cygne's expertise was not the only thing he accepted, of course. Since the day she returned to the court, he agonized over finding the perfect moment to pop the question. That moment ended up being the day she idly floated the possibility, because as soon as she'd given the slightest indication she'd say yes the question was already flying out of his lips.[break][break]

Their royal wedding was the talk of the city. Two years of preparation had already started to turn Motostoke from a ravaged outpost in the middle of the wastes to a promising young city. In the light of their ceremony, the city looked downright radiant, and it doubled as a celebration of their first successful autumnal harvest. It was paltry compared to what future years would bring, but at the time it may as well have been a feast.[break][break]

It was also a painful reminder of how much he'd had to leave behind.[break][break]

There was a lot Isaac was all too happy to leave behind from the old world. The scars of the past started to fade in the light of his union with Cygne and his kingly responsibilities. Rocket was the last thing on his mind. But even with Caleb as the best man and Aurelie as the maid of honor, there was a gaping hole in his heart reserved for the friends he made along the way.[break][break]

was a strange, capricious man. He had no love for the monarchy, and frankly? Isaac appreciated that. Even with how much he'd slid into the role, he never felt like a capital K King. Having someone not call him "your highness" or act like he needed to be sheltered from the world was so, so refreshing. But maybe that was Isaac finding reasons to play nice with the city's sole courier.[break][break]

He wrote often, and he wrote passionately. Encouragements for , who he knew could be prone to losing heart. Check-ins on , who had seemed particularly alarmed when they were sucked into the shield. Seeing how was adjusting to his new life, the only one he'd ever known having long since passed. Keeping up with 's ambitions and plans, because Arceus knows he always had something cooking. Reminiscing about the old days with , even with them worlds apart. Consoling through the sorrows that plagued her, while marveling at how much happier had become (in no small part thanks to ).[break][break]

and , as two of his best friends, were in his thoughts and messages often. But none were there more often than . Had it not been for the gloom, Isaac would have gone over personally so they could finally leave the past behind and be in each other's lives. Instead, he settled on saving his longest letters for them, finally reforging the connection he had long been too fettered to accept back into his heart. Perhaps, as their stay grew longer by the year, the time for them to reunite would come.[break][break]

Some letters never returned; , , , , , . and were uniquely painful. Isaac could only hope that, wherever they were, they would be safe. had never responded either, but Isaac tried not to take that too personally. Zev was busy enough before becoming a literal king.[break][break]

Every year, Isaac tried to organize a meeting of kings. But alas, it rarely if ever came to pass.[break][break]

There couldn't have been a better city for Isaac's plans. Motostoke was already a sleeping giant of industry. All it took was the right infrastructure, tucked behind protective walls and protected by the noble city guard, to start tapping into its former glories. Motostoke, year by year, was starting to feel less like a strange detour in Isaac's life and more like a proper home. For his role as beacon and protector of the city, some began to call him the King of the Aegis. With his Queen of Wings by his side, and his brother-king Caleb serving as the speartip to his shield wall, it seemed like nothing could go wrong for Motostoke.[break][break]

It wasn't perfect, of course. was always a lurking presence in the city's depths. Unlike many who had become stranded in Galar, she did not grow past the scars of their past in Hoenn. If anything, she seemed to sink deeper within them, a vague sense of toxicity always seeming to follow her.

He couldn't put any deed to her, but frankly he didn't want to. The peasantry, against all odds and better judgment, seemed fascinated by her. Her role as avatar meant her presence was invaluable, even if the snail that had seemingly replaced her entire team gave him bad vibes. And, even as Cygne seemed to grow disillusioned with her, Isaac felt a lingering fondness for what once was.[break][break]

Their encounters were rare. However, when they passed by one another, Isaac could feel memories long since buried rushing back to his brain. Hurt against him that had never been repaid. His own failings that had never been answered for. The grudges and sins of a world long forgotten, feeling as fresh as a ever in her twisted presence.[break][break]

He did his best to forget those moments. He did his best to honor the friends he loved by living well. His city was thriving. The bonds he kept were ironclad. He and Cygne had become the parents of two precious, perfect children, reminders of what he strove for even in his darkest doubts. It had been ten years. The Hoenn region was a distant memory. As far as Isaac knew, this was his life. This was his home. And he would do anything to keep it safe.[break][break]

Necrozma had put that to the test.[break][break]

Motostoke's walls and industrial prowess had withstood many an invasion, but nothing like this. All of the force of the Knight was brought to bear against this shining crown jewel in the heart of the gloom. The fruit of years of labor was ravaged with an almost hateful intensity, and for a moment Isaac feared all of their efforts would be for naught. But the people of Motostoke banded together, whether to protect their dreams or protect their lives, and pushed back with all of their might. Even Isaac joined the fray, refusing to let Caleb shelter him any longer.[break][break]

With the sword Cygne pledged herself with in hand, he lead the charge against their darkest day.[break][break]

In the end, the beast had fled. It came with severe damage and a great loss of life, but what remained was still stronger than the Motostoke they had arrived in. They would hurt. They would mourn. They would despair. And then they would heal. They would rebuild. They would thrive, because what better way was there to honor those they had lost than to live well in their memory?[break][break]

But the time for that would come in the years to pass. For now, Isaac gave Elisa a begrudging yet sincere thanks for her aid, joined Caleb in rallying their people through the aftermath, and returned home with Cygne to be the father their daughters needed.[break][break]

Another invasion would come. He was sure of it. And when it did, he would see to it himself that this devastation would not come to pass. To this end, he did not request a weapon when their artisans set upon the black ores. Cygne's sword was the only one he'd ever need. Instead, he asked for a means of protecting his people, no matter the threat facing them. If he was the King of the Aegis, then he wanted to truly live up to his name.[break][break]

With a Light Screen infused into his kingly shield, Isaac would turn aside the light that burned the sky.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac's policies focus on infrastructure and education to help reinforce their city into something truly great.[break]
Isaac's bonds with Caleb, Aurelie, and Cygne continue to deepen. They're all practically family now.[break]
Literally family, in Cygne's case. They're married for eight years and proud parents of two.[break]
Isaac regularly writes to damn near everyone he cares about that he had spotted on the battlefield years ago.[break]
Outside of missing his friends, and Elisa giving him bad vibes, Motostoke is great![break]
. . . At least until Necrozma came. But they're stronger now, and Isaac will guide them into bouncing back.[break]
To help with doing so, he takes up the Aegis, a powerful shield infused with a Light Screen. Now he can live up to his name!


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / Future Isaac


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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 6:11:54 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

Chained, followed by a barrage of attacks. The metaphorical hook, line, and sinker had been executed well enough, much to his relief— though as the incoming onslaught had been brought upon the avian locked within the sights of those near and far, he couldn't help but allow his gaze to stray briefly among the chaos, drawn by none other than a voice whose source—familiar, yet timeworn within his prior absences—rested against the skyline above: .[break][break]

He took a cursory look between him and the threat at hand, to and from, before ultimately turning to face him more, somewhat.[break][break]

"...And I didn't think anyone like you would care about someone like me~," he called out, brows furrowed amidst an amused, yet still wary look in the face of the other's attire. "What are you— a fan? You want an autograph, or something?"[break][break]

Suggestions upon suggestions that likely couldn't be farther from the truth— with the irony of the interaction, itself, being just as far stretched.[break][break]

"This started with the intent to help, and it'll end the same way if it has to. Plain and simple~."[break][break]

Spoken so simply, yet even then, he couldn't help but find a lingering gaze upon the man afar, nevertheless. Though a smile accompanied both word and tone, alike, a gentle crease betwixt brows found itself constant as he kept his attention upward. Pensive, pensive, pensive—[break][break]

Yet, unbeknownst to him, he would have more than enough time in the days following to think.[break][break]

(Not like there's other options right now, anyway.)

And so the pensiveness eluded him, shortly, as a familiar shrill cut through the air. Immediately, hues of auburn shifted from the man upon the rooftops in favor of peering back towards the selfsame Decidueye that he'd sent out as he promptly began a returning flight. Before long, the archer lighted down in front of his trainer once more, ruffling his feathers with a questioning, curious hoot before lifting a wing towards other, nearby townsfolk that seemed to still be shaken.[break][break]

He cast one last look towards the opposing Stone before nodding at his bird and following him.[break][break]


The days fall apart like ashes upon the scoured winds.[break][break]

Day by day, night by night... Just like before, the thought of a swift return home had been one he'd taken with such naivete; one so vehemently disproven by the persistent existence of all whom remained within the realm. To describe the setting as a fever dream would be no far stretch of true— yet a fever dream, in itself, had always proven to be just that. A dream.[break][break]

Yet there he was. There they were.[break][break]

The modern era masquerading betwixt royal titles and occupations that would be considered outlandish—perhaps even barbaric—by their former ideals. Flexibility is key, however, in the face of new (old? past?) struggles— and so did they all flex in their according and fitting ways. As the days drew on, and as the thought of an empire well built became more and more of an afterthought, the reality had caught up to him.[break][break]

This was his reality.[break]
A fever dream. A fever dream...[break][break]

...Yet a dream he wouldn't allow to pass like any other. Undoubtedly, blood was still at a constant risk of being shed; lives, lost; darkness, eminent if given the opportunity to slip further through the cracks. So, he did what he did best. Worked.[break][break]

Worked on his own, with eyes forward, and with goals of bolstering the town, altogether. Worked with and her efforts to supply her and her own work with the ample means to keep her medicinal practices smoothly afloat.[break][break]


In the grand scheme of things, he could only hope that all the preparation he'd amounted would be worthwhile. Eventually, his time branched out towards the mines located so closely to the city; the troves upon troves of Dynite Ore recovered by those couple people within their initial arrival finding his interest. Every so often, he would make trips to and from, exploring the tunnels and mineshafts with no shortage of caution and curiosity, alike, before busying himself with the other ores yet to be taken, alongside the threats that dwelled within their chambers.[break][break]

Yet before long, there came another threat. Prophetic, tried and true.[break][break]

Had he stood his ground alongside those within the city? Of course. Had he defended with all he could muster? Yet again, of course.[break]
Yet in the midst of it all, with years upon years of prior experience and wear, there had always seemed to be a familiar spark that found itself lacking within his gaze, whether lit ablaze by the furor of battle, or idling calmly amidst the conversations preceding and following.[break][break]

But the battle had been won, nevertheless, albeit briefly— and with it, the spoils distributed. Numerous armaments and the like, granted among the populous.[break][break]

Him, though? Oh, just a simple ring, crafted with care, and detail.[break]
...Perhaps even the traces of a lost blaze from the one wearing it.[break][break]


  • timeskip leo is pierro from genshin impact
  • leo could either be sarcastic or genuinely questioning who tf belial is depending on if he's a public rocket tbh LMFAO
  • year one: doing what he does best: tinkering with tech. obviously limited given the setting, but is doing his best with developing the city's equipment as well as possible. likely applying what he can with marisol's efforts
  • (by) year ten: basically a better continuation and advancement of the above. also started looking more into the dynite ore as word spread. trying to find ways to incorporate it into armaments, tools, etc. to no avail
  • lowkey moving into Steadfast and Stoic Knight(tm) vibes tbh
  • crafted: ring of protection (king's shield)
  • total salacs used: x2

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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August 18
Nimbasa City
Pokeleague Soccer Player
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Lucas Holden DOLLARS
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Lucas Holden
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 6:18:33 GMT
Lucas Holden Avatar
The realization that perhaps he was out of his depth here started to dawn on him. But he has to press on, no? He has no choice but to stand against the overwhelming presence of this Legendary Bird with whatever he has, or else he'd have no grounds to stay on.
Perhaps Zico needs to recover faster than he demonstrated. Again.
Switching the frozen Carne back to her ball, Lucas withdraws the ball containing his Ace Striker. There's no way a rookie would stand against a menace like Articuno, so he's forced to rely on his star player again.
Then again, this is what he promised his Cinderace would happen. He'll have to put his money where his mouth is.
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending if you're Zico or not, attacks from other parts of the town started besieging the Lord of the Skies, and the coordinated efforts - miraculously, considering they only relied on body language and one-off command - managed to pierce the avian's defenses.
At long last, after what seemed to be titanic clashes after clashes, the bird falls from the sky. The defenses managed to hold, but there were more questions than answers. What was the motive? Where did the poisonous sludge come from?
At least he received an answer to one of his questions. The bird fell, but the frozen feather acted as a catalyst for his reborn. The youth quickly grew fond of him in an ironic turn of events, even if he wasn't sure how proficient he would be raising it. With Carne out of action, he'd have to try.
Once the dust settled, survivors and visitors alike congregated in Ballonlea. The people praised the ones who fought back, hailing the foremost - most inspiring - among them as the new royals. There's a familiar face among them.
He wasn't sure why Clair was here, nor did he see his sister before this aftermath. He has suspicions since she goes by now, but now the conflict seems so distant. It's wiser to band together for survival than try to kill each other while the malignant poison is only too happy to kill everyone.
But now that they're here, they're stuck for the long haul.
...The First Month.
Lucas refused Clair's offer to rule with her, as he's not cut out for governance. He prefers to be at the front, pitting their skills against his.
Lucas thought they would be here for a while, so he turned to the populace to lift their spirits the only way he knew how. Despair reigns inside your mind when it doesn't recognize the competition, so playing ball seems the perfect diversion for the fear-gripped people of Galar.
Then again, perhaps he was only looking for people to spar with.
...The First Year.
The young Articuno had grown. Lucas named her Carmen, after the main character of a comic book of his young age. He thought it was a good name.
By now, the football league has spread. Lucas only returns occasionally to assess the talents who could give him a good game. He felt like the last of an ancient conspiracy, but if people still showed a passion for the game, he'd play as long as he could.
Zico wants to get stronger and seems receptive to the energy which powers the gigantification process. Unfortunately, none of them could utilize it yet, and he won't be the first to know if the researchers cannot. In the end, Lucas settled for training. When the corrupted attack, he'd be ready.
...The Tenth Year.
The stadium is in ruins. Many players rose to defend the town and lost their lives. They fought and died with him and the other warriors. Would they accept their ultimate end?
Lucas can't answer that, but he won't let their memories fade into the ether. The Black Metals left behind by the terrible Black Knight became his newest instrument. The rigid nature of the metal makes poor a playing ball, but his trained legs will be able to handle it, and it would be strong enough to withstand the Close Combat maneuver.
He still remembers the prophecy written in poisonous sludge. If the final battle approaches, they should finally settle on a date. He'd give them a show fitting for that moniker.



+ Lucas rejects 's offer to become a royal and instead introduces football to Galar (which sounds pretty funny) mostly as accessories for his training[break]
+ Names the Articuno Carmen and takes her under his wings, pun not intended[break]
+ He's looking for a way to utilize the Dyna stones to strengthen his Cinderace partner[break]
+ The Galarian sports league he created is in tatters after the Necrozma attack[break]
+ Constructs a metal ball from the Black Metals which could utilize Close Combat[break]



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bel, lyle
june 21
rustboro city
SPECTRA co-captain
the renegade who had it made
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Belial Stone DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @belial
Belial Stone
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 6:52:34 GMT
Belial Stone Avatar
spends his time in the memory doing what he does best: mercenary work. In fact, his FIRST YEAR in MOTOSTOKE is spent gathering a formidable team of warriors and naming them the ATLAS BRIGADE. Many of these men and women are blue-collar workers who feel underappreciated by the royalty. Some of them are tasked with helping mine the DYNITE ORE, but come to prefer mercenary work.

Despite their grievances, however, they come together under Belial's banner to protect the city when need be... or, more often than not, at the right price. In the meantime, keeps himself from participating in skirmishes he considers small and instead focuses on uncovering the secret of DYNAMAXING for himself. This leads him into the cavernous reaches of each POWER SPOT often.

⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️


The years have not been good for Belial. His search for the secret of DYNAMAXING has yielded nothing. He absolutely hates the lack of amenities in this reality compared to that of his original. And, though he's garnered plenty of experience and knowledge of it, he desires nothing more than to be rid of this world and return to the one he knew best.

To make matters worse, the ATLAS BRIGADE is nearly wiped out when NECROZMA attacks. He'd sent them to help out of the kindness of his own heart— to save a neighborhood filled with families, specifically. And, naturally, it had cost him. He no longer carried the same influence as before now.

Nevertheless, he emerges from this battle with at least one good thing to show for it: BLACK METAL which he uses to forge a special BLADE. A blade capable of granting him EXTREME SPEED. He uses this blade to forge a new path out of spite and frustration with what remains of the ATLAS BRIGADE. If ending seeing this conflict between the BLACK KNIGHT and the SKELETON through was the way out of this damned memory, then he would help see it through.


⚜️ forms a new MERCENARY GROUP called the ATLAS BRIGADE compromised mostly of BLUE COLLAR WORKERS and MINERS.
⚜️ spends his time researching DYNITE ORE/DYNAMAXING.
⚜️ nearly loses the ATLAS BRIGADE to the NECROZMA attack.
⚜️ forges a BLADE capable of granting him EXTREME SPEED.
⚜️ is filled with spite and frustration and wants this MEMORY to end.



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december 10
lacunosa, unova
pokemon researcher
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TAG WITH @sergeidachev
sergei dachev
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 7:50:06 GMT
sergei dachev Avatar
APPARENTLY, COMMANDER WISE'S COMMANDER DOES NOT WORK and the dragon is left with her own constitution to survive the HURRICANE of the ARTICUNO. Fortunately for the Tatsugiri, the damage is not too critical as it paves the way for 's ZERAORA, a Pokemon that the redhead has already fought with, during his battle for the Quick Badge.

WIth the eventual defeat of the legendary bird and the decimation of its army, the people starts blowing the horn telling the end of the fight. The First Battle of Hammerlocke is won. But it seems like there will be more of it.

They have not found their way out yet.




Sergei humors as he checks his own copies as well. Jack may have written the entire verses in his notebook, but Sergei has no time with that, having copies of the magenta wall markings in his tablet. But at least he is not disagreeing with him. "I think however that it will eventually unravel itself in time."

The High King is not there to guide them anymore, but his words remain etched in his mind as he believes it to be their only way out. How quick does time flies and yet no one has contacted him among his family? Is his father worried? Is his mother afraid? The uncertainty is definitely more unnerving than the writings on the wall.

If they will have to find a path to escape, then they must find it as soon as possible.



SERGEI PREPARES FOR THE THE NIGHT WATCH, the broadsword forged from the NECROZMA sheathed behind him. The attack is not too long ago, but it leaves the spirits broken and frightful of the days to come. The coming of the Necrozma, the Black Knight from 's sketches and tales must herald the coming of the Skeleton... the one that must have been weaved in the tapestries.

In the ten years that have come, Sergei has kept himself busy.

In days, he will be with in the laboratory studying everything that he could. While his expertise focuses on dragons, Sergei is well aware that he needs to widen his depth of knowledge if he is to help in finding what they are looking for. From time to time, he will seek guidance with , hoping his knowledge of the lores can help him with his research. Perhaps which is why when he decides to profess his affection and desire to be official, Sergei cannot help but say no. Days and weeks pass by and the redhead does not want the uncertainty to make him feel trapped in a fate he cannot control.

At nights, he joins the troops that watch over the city, waiting for potential enemies that will strike. Training with a broadsword has proven useful: he gained muscles and waives the heavy steel in defense of the Hammerlocke people. While Jack proves himself useful in the rear side, Sergei knows they needed someone on the frontlines. If situation calls for a strategy, he knows he need to be 's shield as he supports from behind.

The first ten years have been like this, passing through like a chilling blow of wind from the Crown Tundra. It hits in haste but with certain heaviness. At least their study in the laboratory has made some progress. A star chart full of notes; some even are scribed on the walls.

The cryptic message in poison says the stars will hold the tales and the secrets which will ultimately lead to the battle.

At least Sergei knows he is already prepared.


- SERGEI joins in the laboratory during the day and participates in the watch of the Hammerlocke troops at night
- SERGEI accepts to be his boyfriend
- SERGEI trains with a broadsword to fight
- SERGEI forges a METAL BROADSWORD that gives him a boost of power (CLANGEROUS SOUL)

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April 1
Tackle Shop Manager
Got My Wingman
Ace's Basses
34 height
34 height
Someone's always criticizing. You might as well do what the fuck you want.
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TAG WITH @maddmckenna
Madeline McKenna
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 13:03:56 GMT
Madeline McKenna Avatar
One Month Later

Madd and Yakuza took up a home near the outskirts of town. It needed a lot of work, but it was way bigger than the flat at home. Which, now that she thought about it, said a lot about the modern real estate market. The place even boasted a private courtyard with a small pond. Many nights were spent lounging in a rickety chair on the back porch. She thought about her mom. How her life’s decisions—half of them shitty—had brought her here.

But, mostly, she dreamed of nicotine.

Sure, she always said she wanted to quit smoking. But she didn’t mean like this. In horror—like someone on a kinked oxygen machine—she watched as her pack of cigarettes dwindled to nothing. The redhead even went so far as to try smoking the crumbs wrapped in cellophane. That didn’t do much for her in the end.

By the time the next month started, the redhead wasn’t a smoker.

A Year Later

This place doesn’t offer much in the way of entertainment. Sometimes she reclines in the hot springs, staring up at the ceiling. On other days, she sits down to try and finally figure out chess. She even goes so far as to give cooking—or, at least, trying to recreate Doritos—a try. Madd even indulges in her love of books, finding the misplaced library is full of modern thriller novels.

With no job or bills to worry about, she returns to her regular martial arts practices. Soon enough, that black belt mentality returns. With help from other citizens, she soon picks up on weapon use as well. She specializes in striking once and striking hard. But warrior doesn’t quite fit.

She finds herself particularly suited to first-response work. Those battles outside leave a ton of collateral damage. Gigantamax Centiskorches drip flames onto thatched roofs while the Kinger turns people’s basements into ponds. Her ability to balance calm and out-of-the-box thinking gives her an edge when it comes to the community. Soon enough, she’s a common sight at local disasters. The few shits she gave about the Rocket and League stuff vanished like her reliance on Marlboro.

Her work keeps the city stitched together.

Two Years Later

Following a hard-fought clean-up, Maddie heads to the local tavern. It’s there she meets . They talk for a few minutes. And, they do other things for a lot longer after that. In this maelstrom of violence, a bit of human contact is welcome. Even if it’s awkward. And, for Madd, about as interested as paint drying.

She makes a promise though: she’ll never scream his name in bed. It was something that belonged in an old folk’s home. Eventually, she breaks that vow. In the end, however, Madd settles for Ger. In the morning, they head their separate ways. He to expand their horizons and her to maintain what they had.

The first time meets the girl’s eyes, Madd smiles. She tells the girl his favorite foods and silly things that end her hero worship. Just like that, her bed buddy’s gone. In his place is a best friend. And, eventually, a niece and a nephew. Sometime after that, she welcomes a kid into her life. A fire—one she couldn’t stop—left the little girl homeless. The scar on the child’s face is said to be accursed. People say her very presence is a bad omen.

Gods, Madd has no idea how anyone survived the middle ages.

It wasn’t like the kid would be around long. She’d find a good family and settle in.

Ten Years Later

Necrozma arrives. Madd kisses her daughter goodbye. She gives ’s kids a quick peek too.

All the stitching in the world can’t fix the wound the dark beast left behind. The hoard crashes into them like a tsunami. It's the speed and sheer numbers that do them in. From the injuries of their enemies, black armor is pulled.

She watches as the blacksmith forges their tragedy into a weapon. A bristly ball-shaped thing with a long handle. It is imbued with the ability to trap and slow an entire armor—to rain cloying dirt upon a wildfire—Sand tomb. Her brain thinks back to the silhouette of the first Galarian Articuno. She wraps the entire handle in fabric four times. She’d had enough mind control for one lifetime.

It took ten years, but, as she faced her newest battle, she almost missed her dad. Maybe, with a kid of her own, could almost understand him.

MILDRED: A large Morningstar imbued with the power to use Sand Tomb. Madd named it after her grandma. Both of them are kind of prickly. This weapon is designed to plunge a large swathe of the land into jagged, damaging quicksand. It's good for slowing the army down. If Madd draws a furrow with its hilt that connects, such as a square, the attack will cover that area. Cognizant of what this metal can do, she always wears a glove using it and wraps its hilt four times.




  • Feels a bit lost for a while and forced to give up smoking
  • Finds the library and starts hoarding the modern fiction books
  • Goes stir-crazy trying to get home before realizing they’re in it for the long haul
  • Dives into martial arts training
  • Starts up an on-and-off again relationship with
  • Eventually heads up the city’s first response team
  • Adopts a kid orphaned and ostracized by her scars
  • Adopts a kid orphaned and ostracized by her scars


TAG GOES HERE[newclass=.samjer] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain] margin: 0 auto; width:350px;background-color:#272727;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjermain b] color: #AF6D28; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain i] color: #D89654; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #D49736; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 10px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjerpoke] width:440px;height:60px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat; border-top: 6px solid #CC7D2F;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px; background-color: #191919;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertop] width:440px;height:50px;background-color: #CC7D2F;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,791 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 18:07:08 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar


In the wake of their victory, the world stands still. The echo of celebration batters the numbness of their expectations. They were promised a way home. Heroism was to be the key to their redemption.

Days bleed into weeks which bleed into months. The obligations of a thorne are not something Eva desired, they were thrust upon her by simple actions they did because it was right, and nothing more. But responsibility is something Eva takes seriously. The well-being of a people, their people, is a priority. She keeps a close eye on and , and keeps close to her side.

Ruling acts as a distraction, but it never entirely diverts her from her true purpose: to get them home. Eva shines like a beacon of hope, a light in the darkness of doubt and despair. She’s tireless in her pursuit. Her late nights alone briefly remind her of her previous life, the one stolen from them. She finds herself missing the expected interruptions of . In a strange region, surrounded by Rockets and phenomena she didn’t understand, she’s never felt more alone.

There’s only one person she trusts. She looks forward to ’s visits and quietly mourns when she leaves. The loneliness has made her paranoid, though she is never truly alone. Rayquaza is a constant presence, a frantic presence. They too are tireless in their pursuit to find a way home. It was too soon to be gone again, trapped in another world that isn’t theirs. They deliberate with Eva, harnessing what PRIMAL ENERGY they can to try and create portals. Galar lacks the PRIMAL CRYSTALS needed to accomplish such a feat.

Still, they never rest. Neither of them.


Sleepless nights have aged her considerably. tress does not do the body any good deeds. She’s worn and tired, but the Queen Light doesn’t let it slip through the cracks. She remains a beacon of hope. Eva is still alone, in a sense, though she has come to unexpectedly trust the kinder Rockets in their city.

She was never meant to be alone. She was born to love. She loves her people and she pours what she has into task: their defense, their well-being, their education, their evolution. At night she struggles with bitter loneliness and pours herself into getting them home.

Rayquaza has been gone for quite some time. She can still feel them, and they come when summoned to fend off the attacks, but they search the stars and the region for answers. For the briefest moment, in the abyss of doubt, Eva’s hope fades into the night.

Until she kisses her.

Freya is a wild storm and at first, it’s overwhelming. Beneath the violent desperation it sparks a love she didn’t know was there. It’s a love she’d keep to herself, too afraid to ask her to commit to it. Eva’s not naive, she knows this kiss is an act of defiance. Freya seeks comfort, and nothing more. Selfless to her own demise, Eva would happily give it to her. She would wrap Freya in her arms, a warm shield against the cruelty of this nightmare, her guiding light.

Eva finds someone to love. It’s her true super power. It pushes her to work harder than ever before. Freya shares her fears and dreams. Eva works tirelessly to make those dreams a reality. Nothing in this world mattered more, even her own happiness.

With every growing smile and perfect laugh, Eva loves her more; but there’s something missing. Freya’s heart is somewhere else, with someone else. They may have parted, but Freya left her heart behind.

Nothing mattered more than her.

So, she found tucked away in his isolation. If Eva couldn’t get Freya home, she could at least return something lost to her, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness.


A decade is a blink of the eyes to a god who has existed for millenia. They watch the people grow weary, they feel each emotion in their chosen that rises and falls like the tides. They are proud of her choices. Despite the inner turmoil she’s grown into the goddess they knew she could be. She chose balance over love.

Despite the brevity of her mortal life, she had not given up. Neither has the dragoness. Eva’s love for her has become so pure that Rayquaza even has a hard time not not letting it infiltrate their feelings. They look upon them both with reverence as they ready for battle. Another threat to the balance they fight to restore, another chance to prove themselves heroes and find their way home.

They roar, a deep, primal call to arms that echoes far past the borders of their city.


Eva does what she does best: research. She collects fragments and riddles and lays them out in the map of her mind. She attempts to fit the puzzle pieces together to make sense of what needs to be done. Something else is coming, and it will not be as easily deterred as this false BLACK KNIGHT.

Eva crafts a staff from the DYNITE ORE. It’s sturdy for defense and fighting but the love she pours into it provides HEALING for those around her, similar to a pokemon’s HEAL PULSE. Those she has grown to love will not fall on her watch.

+ Eva never stops searching for a way home
+ She is a benevolent and king Queen, always instilling hope
+ Eva falls in love with Freya but ultimately helps her and King get back together because she’s too good for this world
+ Rayquaza also never stops trying to find a way home
+ Eva crafts a staff that can use HEAL PULSE


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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2023 20:31:47 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar

Crafted by iron, forged in fire, Felix's long-standing shield never fell victim to decay.

At first, when war initially sieged the land, and confusion ran rampant between the surging battles, emotions controlled the man as hunger might steer a dog. There was no room for thought; all that served him was the emptiness that howled; it remained reminiscent of his youth, which consisted of ignorant projection and random releases of pent-up frustrations.

When their fate was first sealed, Felix resisted. His instinct wasn't to cultivate a newfound life, it was to run, fight, scream, kick, and demand his way out. It took a week for him to return, bloodied and bruised, crumpled by his own self-defeat.

"I'm fine," he'd told , who'd taken the position of King. "I'm fine."

1 Year

With time, change is allowed to flourish. Adjustments came in slow trickles, but eventually, after everything was said and done, his new role was granted to him, and with it came his new life. His new duty to fulfill, as if surviving wasn't hard enough.

Advisor to Ballonlea's defense.
Head of the royal guard.

They were jobs that intertwined his existence with familiar faces - namely and - and made use of his skills.

"What do you think?" Jayden once asked him. They were sitting on his room's balcony, staring off into the city's distant horizon together. A soft glow of orange tinted every luminescent mushroom and mush-built house.

"It's fine," he shrugged back. In reality, it was anything but.

was gone from him. He knew she'd be able to manage without him, maybe even move on if their attempts of escape continued to be futile, but he knew he never would. He needed her, more than anyone; she was his breath of fresh air. His everything.

Then there was , who now had to fend for himself, without means of ever discovering what or who stole away his older brother one random Thursday afternoon.

And, finally, from all the names that raked his memory, one managed to maintain letter-exchanging distance with him. Unfortunately, the knowledge of her survival came with the steady flow of updates depicting her change. Beauty is what drives the soul mad, and for Elizabeth, who'd once wielded the definition of golden between soft smiles and observant gazes, madness began its encroachment.

"It's fine," he repeated himself to Jayden, confirming the words outloud, as if their cadence would reaffirm the attached implications they brought on.

1 Decade

It'd taken some time, but as the season swang by, and the world continued to turn, Felix found himself swept up by the efforts of those around him.

It started off in small measurements. Firstly, there was adjusting to his new position and the obligations that were strung to that. Meetings, attendance to royal events, fortification of their defenses - his flitted days spent in Ballonlea were filled to the brim with activities.

That's not to say there weren't bouts of misjudgment or struggle. Early on, during the initial years of their entrapment, the loss of and truly played with his mind. The mornings became endless battles with sanity himself, and his nights were duels against the ghouls and demons and realizations contrived in the shadows.

It wasn't until mentioned Xerneas' residence in the surrounding forestry that things began to shift. Once an unbeliever, brought down to his knees by the pointed end of realities dagger, Felix spoke to the God of Life, and through a few string of conversations, things changed. Outlooks evolved. Life became a bit easier to sustain.

Mainly, it allowed friendships, which otherwise would've been locked behind the years of trauma that clung to his shoulders with sharpened nails and iron weights.

There was , who he'd grown the closest to. As a knight, as an advisor, and as ex-rocket, the two spent the following years at each other's sides, experiencing life at its most wildest and crazed.

and him bonded well too, sharing stories beside campfires, the most deprived and personal elicited through the mushrooms they took together. In this way, Felix's life improved. For the first time, there were people he could rely on. Lean on. Look toward during times of strain.

This became all the more important as the months wore on and years had their way with their lives. Namely, there was , who'd exposed more of her corruption with each passing letter would deliver to his door step.

At first, when the letters first came trickling in, he'd take time to speak with the rider and learn more of the florist's state. How she was doing, what she was doing, if there was still a way to reverse the damage done. But, as futility began to rear its ugly head, these questions began to drift, focusing more on than anything else.

Out of all these developments, however, the most surprising was the relationship that blossomed between himself and the queen of the land.

It all started one calm night, in the middle of Ballonlea's annual week of revelries and celebrations for the heroes that came. Felix was instructed to maintain the protection of the queen, who had been the only royalty in attendance for this specific night.

They dance as they've done before, and they spoke in brief conversations consisting of laconic responses and curt gestures. It was a typical night, apart from the horrors that eventually followed.

One bow, one assassin, and all was nearly lost.

"You okay?"

[img src="" alt=" "]

The question came up with sludges of thick crimson blood. It trickled down the corner of his mouth, mocking the knight for his flesh and bones. For how weak and fragile humans are when stripped of all else.

The arrow took residence on his shoulder, its layer poison quick and efficient with its infliction. It prepared assault after assault, attacking his body in capricious movements that rendered him nearly still.

From there, it took nearly two weeks for him to recover. And, throughout those days of stained white and blurry lights, he could only remember the smudge of pink that occupied the corner of his vision, both night and day.

Needless to say, she became the glue that kept him together.

There was no telling why it happened, or what strung them together, like separate halves of the same moon.

It might've been the way she spoke or moved, how redolent of it all was. or, when they were together, skin grazing skin, the heat of the night flushed against their cheeks, Felix could close his eyes and envision the ribbon of silver he once held so tightly. In 's voice, he heard her. In 's place, he saw her.

"I won't lose you again," he whispered into her hair one night. They'd taken a picnic out near the castle's outskirts, using the starlight as their only means of getting by. Cheeses and meats and wines were all packed up for their pleasure, and together, they forgot all about those who awaited their return.

This promise was one forged and solidified by action. From the royal guard to Luka's personal knight, Felix's time began to revolve around the queen's flippant schedule. He would still assume advisory duties and work well with , , and when it came to their military forces, but when all was said and done, it was his queen that he served. It was Illeana that he lived for.


royal guard
fucked luka
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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,477 posts
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 0:08:31 GMT
[attr="class","char-words"]The first year is too much to handle. Too much rage; too much blame; too much grief. He retreats, unable to face the woman he loved most — the woman, who in her desire to protect others, failed to protect what king valued most.
So, he flees, wrapping the veil of anger, and grief, and so much more around him until it's nearly suffocating.
He finds seclusion, and he wallows in his failures.
It's no surprise to find someone at his door — had been here a few times — but the who admittedly, he never would've guessed.
Their joint-stay in this alternate world had nearly eclispced the years of resentment he'd held for the woman and her then boyfriend, . Now, looking at her, that rage felt distant and hollow — he couldn't muster the energy to bring that maelstrom back to life.
They talked for a time, lamenting on subjects and feelings that he'd suppressed. It was strange to talk to the woman in this manner, and he couldn't help but scope out subtle undertones that hinted at something more; the way she spoke of was not the same as you would a friend.
He breaks down, tears falling more freely than they'd ever had. He laments about his failure as a father, and his promise to protect that little girl. How he would be better than his own, no matter the personal price. And, how in the end, he'd failed to do just that.
When it was over, he had no more to give. The experience cracked something inside of him, like the first signs of a dam breaking. Then it flooded out. The stages of grief blew by in a rush, and finally, he accepted the circumstances for what they were. He'd been angry, and hateful, and filled with grief for his entire life.
...Why did this life need to be the same?
He hugged Eva, locked the door behind him, and came home.

It feels strange to let go of so much that had defined him. He still holds that edge, and that wile charm, but it's no longer tempered in a never-ending flame.
"A bow. How fittin'." he muses, fitting on his own weapon — a pair of obsidian edged 'brass' knukles. Infused with POWER UP PUNCH, each strike would as devastating as the last.
Where seeks to find a way out of here, King accepts the fate laid out before them.
He does so with a smile.



> Grief and anger over losing his daughter after just getting her.[break]
> Lashes out at Freya; they separate.[break]
> Years later brings them back together[break]
> King accepts that they're stuck here forever, letting demons that have long haunted him, free[break]
> Crafts a pair of brass knuckles with POWER UP PUNCH[break][break]a2LOKZwJ


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October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 14:55:15 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar
Kaname sighed out of relief, his Swalot had successfully used Helping Hand and empowered the Lapras G-Max Resonance enough to bombard the enemy army into stopping. The masked scientist does speak to , he just quietly slips away from the stunned woman. There was nothing to say, no reason to calm her; he had done all he needed to. It would be better to retreat and regroup. [break][break]

Within the first week, a messenger from another city arrives. He takes the opportunity to send with them a quickly scrawled letter back to one . To know that his friend had thought of him warmed his heart. [break][break]
One Month [break][break]
The first month in Hammerlocke is hard. This is a sense of homesickness, a sadness pervading his heart for the life he no longer has. So he does what any sane workaholic does, and throws himself into a job. He finds and eventually becomes the apprentice of an older woman, a physician and apothecary. Kaname’s understanding of modern biology and anatomy are a boon here, and spends as much time as possible with Marie learning the art of physic and the proper way to make medicine; when he isn’t out collecting herbs for her. [break][break]

He spends much of his free time thinking about his friends and the people he cares about. , , others… he wonders how they are adjusting to their new lives. He continues to send letters back and forth with his… with his companion. Even going as far as calling him “dearest” in one. Things are changing, perhaps for the better. [break][break]
One Year [break][break]
It is a long year for Kaname Fujihara. His training with Marie is finally complete and he can call himself a physician now, but it does not prepare him for the inevitable struggles of being one of a handful of healers in the city. Illness and broken bodies are not always able to be healed, there are wounds that not even Heal Pulse can mend. [break][break]

But he sees them all. Treating what and who he can with what he has. Heal Pulse and Life Dew compliment the poultices and drugs he spends his time making. He eventually goes on to open a small infirmary, inviting to join him in a more permanent role as a fellow healer. Regardless of their decision, Kaname, and his teacher Marie, establish the Hammerlocke Hospital, a rudimentary place to receive treatment and medications and run it out of the old Pokémon center. [break][break]

In his free time, Kaname also attempts to research the poisonous sludge with what medieval equipment is available to him. It is not easy, but he does his best. [break][break]

He continues to write and receive letters, storing them away like treasures. Each one is something to protect and cherish. [break][break]
Five Years [break][break]
Five years pass, along with Marie. Her passing is not sudden or unexpected, she faded away slowly. It still hurts Kaname, but he has to carry on. If not for his sake, then for hers. He takes over the administration of the Hammerlocke Hospital and takes on a few apprentices of his own. He teaches them and trains them the way Marie trained him. He watches them grow over the five years and eventually step into self-sufficient roles as herbalists and physicians in their own right. [break][break]

The fighting never stops, of course. However, they make do and tend to the wounded alongside as much as they can. [break][break]

Kaname spends more time running the hospital and testing out theories on the toxic sludge. He desperately works toward an antidote. Some anodyne or poultice to extract the devilish venom from the afflicted and ease their suffering. [break][break]
Ten Years [break][break]
Ten long years pass. A decade of service to the community of Hammerlocke and Kaname still never feels closer to figuring out the nature of the poison, but he doesn’t relent. He continues to try and develop treatment after treatment, cure after cure. [break][break]

At least until the Necrozma came. Hell breaks loose; the resulting assault leaves Hammerlocke with mass casualties and even more injured. He and his small team of physicians and Pokémon do the best to tend to the wounded. Kaname shoulders the pain of every lost soul, each one feels like a failure on his part. Eventually, they go from treating the injured to digging mass graves. [break][break]

He will never forgive himself, but he knows he did what he could. This was ultimately unavoidable. He works to strengthen and expand the hospital and train more people in first aid. He vows to never let something like this happen again. [break][break]

He eventually acquires one of the pieces of strange, black metal. He takes it to the local blacksmith and has it forged into a large handbell and imbued with LIFE DEW. The Bell of Life Dew becomes his symbol in a way, the sound draws the needy and weak towards its succor. [break][break]

He never stops writing , not once in the whole ten years. His dearest is all he has left. [break][break]



+ TL;DR: Kaname spends all his time learning and becomes a physician. He makes medicine, opens a hospital, treats people, and researches the sludge and possible treatments in his free time. [break][break]
+No longer masked. He’s just a doctor now[break][break]



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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 22:10:19 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



The dust settles in Ballonlea.[break][break]

In the aftermath, as Sugar celebrates delivering the finishing blow, Luka takes a moment to breathe.[break][break]

It turns out to be her last moment for quite some time.[break][break]

Before she has a chance to process everything that’s happened the cheering starts, and with it comes exaltation. A makeshift crown is placed upon her head, one woven from the few flowers that survive in Glimwood Tangle. At first Luka assumes it’s because of their victory tonight, but soon the chanting starts.[break][break]

“All hail the king and queens of Ballonlea!”[break][break]

And she, for a moment, is enchanted. Dazzled. It truly feels like a moment from a fairytale, something only envisioned in dreams.[break][break]

Her fellows understand the gravity of this situation far better than she. But for her this moment is wrapped in glittering tulle— it feels so bright and sweetly pink that she’d like to live in it forever, if she could.[break][break]


The magic of being a real-life Cinderella starts to fade fast.[break][break]

Sometimes Luka is still caught up in the fantasy of being royalty, the idealistic wonder of it all. But most of the time she’s overwhelmed. The responsibility is far beyond the scope of what she’s used to and while her PR training helps make the transition seem smooth on the surface, underneath it’s anything but.[break][break]

It doesn’t help that she and her two fellow monarchs don’t exactly see eye to eye. is an almost antagonistic force and is competent but cold. She gets along with the latter better but still can’t relate to his methods. For the first month she feels rather isolated from them, stumbling along on nothing but hope and a prayer. She tries to escape beyond the walls but her guard catches her quickly, and after several scoldings she eventually stops trying.[break][break]

When things get too overwhelming, she secludes herself. Steals away a few hours in the observatory whenever she’s able. , , and become her companions there as she stares into the heavens and charts stars, wondering if there’s something written in them that might bring everyone home.[break][break]

is often around as well, but he’s far more hostile and her relentless cheerfulness doesn’t seem to help. She leaves him be instead, though he (and the rest of those dedicated to the stars) might find snacks and sweets left in her wake.[break][break]

And sometimes she merely wanders Glimwood Tangle for hours, tending to the plants there in hopes they might heal from the poison that inflicts them. In time a Queen's garden is erected, a not-so-secret place for her to find respite.[break][break]

She gets through it all by trying to convince herself this is all a bad dream. When that doesn't work, she resolves to find a way to escape and get back home, back to her friends and family and everyone else she holds dear.[break][break]

And when even that fails she lays in bed at night and feels the tears wetting her pillow, silent sobs anchoring her in place while she tries not to drown.[break][break]


In her first month, she did little right.[break][break]

But after a year passes things start to fall into place. It’s almost funny how routine makes the unusual seem so commonplace, how one can be dropped in from another world and find a home in the strangest of places.[break][break]

Luka wouldn’t call Ballonlea a home just yet. But as the days bleed into a year, it seems that it’ll become one whether she likes it or not.[break][break]

And though the days are uncertain and strange and sometimes even frightening, she preserves. Like it or not she’s become a light of hope for the people, and she couldn’t bear to let it be snuffed out. So even though it’s hard and even though she has no idea what she’s doing, Luka does the best she can.[break][break]

She often thinks about and what he might have done. How he might rule. But she quickly grows frustrated with his cold line of thinking— one she sees so prevalent in as well— and resolves to be different.[break][break]

focuses on defending their borders and strengthening their middling forces, and ushers in a new age of art and culture. But Luka’s personal mantra is a simpler one:[break][break]

Have courage, and be kind.[break][break]

She spends her time with the townsfolk, hearing their grievances and doing her best to solve them. When she can, she’s thrilled. When she can’t, she’s heartbroken. But she soon learns that despite her best efforts, she can’t solve everything or save everyone.[break][break]

That doesn’t mean she won’t try.[break][break]

And in turn, the people adore her. The 'Rose of Ballonlea', they call her. The Angelic Queen. She wears flowers and ribbons in her hair and her dresses float after her, a sparkling swirl of pink tulle studded with jewels.[break][break]

She’s a benevolent queen; sweet and fair, always ready to offer a smile and a kind word. A blessing of healing should it be needed— though the serious cases she sends to , for he's far more competent than she is. And she worries for that boy, secluded in the woods as he is. Though his methods might go against her own position at times she can't bring herself to condemn him, and his forest home is surprisingly well stocked with food and supplies from a mysterious benefactor.[break][break]

Other relationships are forged as well, and some are tested. In Luka finds a riding buddy, someone to whittle away afternoons with atop their Glastrier and Spectrier, respectively. In @isaac she finds a friend and a mentor as they exchange letters across borders. and become more than simply colleagues, though the former is far shyer, but her good cheer gets through to him eventually. She enjoys spending time in the observatory with them, whether to work or simply talk.[break][break]

But it's that surprises her. Not with a new friendship, but with his betrayal. When she discovers him working late one night, guard down and defenses lowered, her small gasp of surprise gives her away.[break][break]

And when he turns to acknowledge the whisper of his name, her heart sinks.[break][break]

"I should have told you," he says. And she nods, numbly.[break][break]

But the pain isn't as bad as with , perhaps because she'd never loved quite the same way. Or maybe she's just used to it by now.[break][break]

"You know," she confesses in the aftermath, with the ghost of a laugh behind her lips, "For a moment there, I thought I almost loved you."[break][break]

It takes her a long time to trust him again. But as weeks turn into months it becomes clear that their time here is more than temporary, and faction lines matter less and less. Around her, she can see League and Rocket alike forging bridges where there had only been hate, and that in and of itself is a beautiful thing.[break][break]

Perhaps a place like this is the only one where the sins of the past can be forgotten. At least, for the sake of their tenuous future, Luka is willing to try.[break][break]


After two years pass, the grief over never returning to Hoenn starts to fade. This is her life now, for better or worse. Luka has fully settled into her role by now, and though she'd never call herself a perfect monarch she does her best for her people. And they, in turn, seem to be doing as best they can under such dire circumstances.[break][break]

As an ambassador for the people, she throws her efforts into boosting morale. She establishes yearly festivals, cultural events, even hosts a far more simplefied version of a pokemon contest. Her efforts might seem silly to some, but others greatly appreciate the chance for revelry. Sunlight filters through the dark clouds of their existence, and for once the future actually seems brighter.[break][break]

The gardens have started to flourish under her care, as have the sick and injured in Ballonlea thanks to her efforts, and those of . It takes a village; Luka and her two fellow rulers cannot do this alone.[break][break]

Five years go by, and Luka is lonely.[break][break]

It’s cold at the top— she has friends and the love of her people, but it’s not the same as warm arms and the sound of a heartbeat against her cheek.[break][break]

“Let’s make a promise,” her best friend had once told her, and she had stuck out her pinky and nodded along. “If we’re not married by the time we’re thirty, we’ll get hitched.”[break][break]

Even though her old life feels more like a memory, she still remembers that promise. Time continues to march relentlessly on, but there’s no Sebastian here to fulfill his vow.[break][break]

has and she’s jealous, but not in the way she’d expected. Instead she’s simply envious that he’d come here with a lover and the work is already done for him. [break][break]

And then, one night, she meets .[break][break]

Of course, she'd already known him. He's a knight, and by far the best underneath 's command. But their relationship goes no deeper than that until he saves her life during one of Ballonlea's annual festivals.[break][break]

They both come out of the ordeal scarred but alive, and with something else as well. For soon afterwards Felix is assigned as her personal guard, and the two become inseperable.[break][break]

He's attentive and protective, as a knight should be. And Luka, desperate for companionship, clings to it. His stoicism becomes a point of charm, and she delights in chipping away at his exterior to get to know the man underneath. There's something inherently romantic about their dynamic as well: a Queen and her knight, a couple straight out of a fairy tale.[break][break]

She becomes enamored with him so quickly that it's almost alarming. It's because he's kind to her, she tells herself. Because even though his hands are built for violence, when they find hers they're gentle.[break][break]

Or perhaps, shameful as it is, she simply falls in love with the devotion he showers her with.[break][break]

But sometimes when he looks at her, it feels like he’s staring through her instead. When she speaks he startles, as though he’s expecting to hear a different voice.[break][break]

“I won’t lose you again,” he promises one night, and the naive part of her wants to think he’s talking about that day at the ball, when she’d nearly lost her life.[break][break]

But the Queen who’d lived through war and heartbreak and loss knows better.[break][break]

It’s not an easy thing to talk about, but Luka has to bring it before it drives her mad. Time has started to erode her previous attachments but they still exist, and she can't help but wonder if it's the same for him.[break][break]

And one night, wrapped up in the security of wool and silk, they finally talk. About who they were before. Who they’d loved and who they’d left behind. And it hurts— and she worries that at the end of it he'll admit that she's nothing but a placeholder, and she knows that worst of all, that wouldn't be enough for her to leave him.[break][break]

He doesn't say it in so many words, but she knows that there's still someone in his life he can't forget. Even so, she's the one who shares a bed with him. She's the one with a band of gold around her finger. And she's the one that will love him enough to make him love her.[break][break]



- in ballonlea[break]
- becomes a queen alongside and and generally has a bad time of it until the end of the first year[break]
- slowly starts to pick things up, builds a life although she's very lonely[break]
- after 5 years starts building a connection w and they're quickly obsessed w each other[break]
- mawwiage and kids, the whole deal :3[break]
- will probs edit a lil but wanted to get Something out in the meantime!!


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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fern delaney
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2023 23:02:01 GMT
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In the wake of the fight, as it all slows around them, when the people cheer it is for . . .[break][break]

A slow, crooked grin spreads across their face in time with the lift of their brows, and they nudge Jayden with an elbow. “I think they like you.”

Enough, it seems, to make a king of him.[break][break]

the years after

They never do quite manage to leave in the subsequent days and weeks and months. Oddly enough, it feels like an accepted fact. Fern doesn’t rage against their inability to find a way out. Or perhaps they can’t when they are focused on what tasks they can work on in the time that stretched on. They set up shop, and before they know it, they’ve become their father’s son. Fern never thought they’d be an apothecarist, but the skills are needed and supplies are scarce. Together with , just maybe they think the pokecenter can be rebuilt into something bigger and better.[break][break]

Then of course a few years in, Fern takes ill and is convinced they’ll die.[break][break]

Fern has never taken well to sickness when it creeps in, and maybe they’re always a touch toward the dramatic, but in the cold winter of Ballonlea, with a shortage of supply stock and a pneumatic cough that won’t subside, they really do think they’re done for. The toxins that persist year to year play a part to think, but Fern isn’t positive. All they know is that nothing seems to work. Nothing they do, nothing does. With or without assistance from tapu lele.[break][break]

So it gets a lot worse long before it gets better.[break][break]

It’s a miserable time, stuck feverish and bedridden and miserable. Even worse to see the effect it has on Jayden. Go, Michail. They'd like to say more often than not, go and rest. But they are also a selfish creature. Terrified of anytime that passes without him there by their bedside. So they never quite manage to tell him to go.[break][break]

Wellness becomes their slow crawl.[break][break]

They don’t expect to come out of the spell, but against all odds they manage it. Fortified by the efforts and encouragement of Jayden and Doug, and others like who remain a persistent stamp upon their life until Fern can’t think of possibly leaving any of them behind. They never feel totally okay again, though—coughs come on easily, and even short little walks wind them. But they’ll take it over being stuck inside, in a bed, for any longer than they’ve already endured.[break][break]

They fall back into place, and though they’ve never really been one for assimilation, the normalcy starts to feel a bit nice.[break][break]

It is both a surprise, and not at all when Jayden asks them to marry him afterward. Something they had wanted to do and found themself unable, but how can they say anything but yes? (in the most teasing manner possible.) It’s an answer they could answer in their sleep. One without doubt or hesitation.[break][break]

What does not come expectedly, is parenthood.[break][break]

Fern never considered themself the sort to be a parent, but when Aoife begins to sit with them—fascinated by the gardens they tend and the mixtures they make, they begin to see, maybe, what their da felt raising them. Before they know it, she’s become part of a small family unit, and they can’t turn away the twins Jayden finds. Suddenly, they are not just a da to one, but to three, and it’s strange but it feels more natural than they ever once anticipated.[break][break]

Something about it allows them the space to grieve what they miss. Little things, yes, but others. Like people. Their da. . Taking care of them like a fretting mother hen allows Fern to see the care they’d put elsewhere be applied to something new, something that will grow up and flourish because they and Jayden chose to care.[break][break]

It’s not easy, of course. They’re convinced they’ll go grey prematurely. But if it’s to protect each hair on their little heads, it will have been worth it.[break][break]


the ten year mark

Ten years brings a life they’d never envisioned for themself. Stability, a family. Fern doesn’t care whether they are classed as royalty or not—they would tether themself to no matter where he stood. When the prophecy comes to a head, it’s him they stand by. It’s him they fight with. They are not the most skilled or the most capable, but they won’t be pulled from their place by his side. They are bound, roots grown and twined together.[break][break]

So that when they fight, it isn’t for the hope of a way out. It’s for the potential of the coming day. To wake up somewhere warm and safe with the person they cherish most. So that they can sort their herbs and count their stocks. So they can thread their fingers through Aoife’s hair before braiding it for the day. So that they can spin silly takes for Aisling and Maritza. So that they can continue to live in the simple space that they’ve cultivated together.[break][break]

All of it, for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

+ strange new world huh?[break]
+ works with Doug to make the pokecenter functional. Sets up an apothecary alongside.[break]
+ gets mad sick around year three, really thinks he’s about to perish, but somehow slowly recovers[break]
+ gets married to jayden, eventually adopts some lil bebes uwu[break]
+ weirdly settles into life there, as most of the Ballonlea group seems to. [break]
+ when the black knight comes, he fights to defend rather than escape.[break]
+ weapon is a set of throwing knives that utilize phantom force




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