i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,870 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2023 3:46:52 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Not only did Josh lose his sense of hearing when he caught up to his own sound wave, but he lost his sense of sight, being blinded in a veil of solid white as he raced down the living lightning bolt that was Raikou. Every jagged turn the legendary tiger made, following the bolt's chaotic strike, yanked Josh to one side of the thundercloud saddle with more power than the meanest rodeo Tauros in the world. And yet, unlike in the real world, Josh had no trouble holding on. All he had about him was his sense of touch, able to feel the thundercat's flexing back as it left lightning bolt form and began a victory lap around Galar at a full EXTREME SPEED sprint.

It was not until the rain started that Josh's sight returned to him. Sprawled on the ground to see a war-torn Route 120 from the clash with the Ruinous Pokémon, he slowly stood up. The LIGHTNING SWORD was gone. Any sensation of a bond with Raikou had left him, as well.

He felt empty. He longed for Raikou's presence again.

Only one memento of his trip remained: the guard of his electric blade, in its center an engraving of Raikou's crown. The young man sought out . If he was able to find him, he would tail him for a bit before getting the Top Champion's attention.

"Your Majesty... err, Kyle... this is a big ask, but can I get an afternoon to spend with you and Raikou?" he asked, showing the fragment of the electric blade's hilt. Though the rest of the twenty-year journey had faded into obscurity, being the Knight of Thunder in that strange, alternate Galar rekindled Josh's desire for Raikou. He would have to show extreme caution and restraint, for the pressure beneath the cork bottling his obsession could pop if fed more. If he were to let that obsession control him again, he wouldn't be getting another chance with the League...

- Sygna Suit INERT
- Josh's euphoria fades away, leaving him depressed that his "bond" with Raikou was but a dream.
- Josh's desire for Raikou sparks again, though he understands he still must ensure the desire remains healthy but not destructive.
- Josh tries to catch up to and asks him for a day he can spend with Raikou.

{WC: 332}
{PC: 10}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Mastema         Togekiss          Good
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2023 3:55:07 GMT

The rain greeted him home. Woke him from the nightmare. Called him back to Hoenn.[break][break]

was one of the first to rise. Strewn about were the bodies of those who'd succumbed to... what? A heavy, hurtful confusion throbbed at his temple, enough to make him groan. Memories resurfaced and faded in rapid succession. Twenty years worth of time processed within seconds.[break][break]

Some things lingered, others were forgotten. Most of what remained were stark echoes of emotions that he didn't want to delve into at the moment. There was too much to be done. Scanning the faces of those around him, Barnaby set his eyes on collecting what belonged to him.[break][break]

The Ruinous Beasts were gone. The dogs, too, had fled into the hills. ROCKET's purpose for being here was nullified. Now there was only one thing left to do. Something he'd promised long ago.[break][break]

Barnaby rose from the mud — clenching a piece of parchment that was quickly pocketed — and soon picked his way across the field until he found the one face he was looking for.[break][break]


Seeing him again evoked a perplexing trove of emotions. Relief. Triumph. Fondness. Grief. All at once, immiscible, as if fighting for prominence. Outwardly, he remained rational. There were scant few moments left before the others awoke, after all.[break][break]

Behind him SPECTRIER loomed, having already opened a portal for escape using PHANTOM FORCE.[break][break]

"I've waited a long time for this." Barnaby murmured softly, before pulling Caleb into the ether.

• hidden identity (masked)[break]
• memento: elisabeth's letter[break]
• yoinking caleb hehe


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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2023 4:42:00 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

Victory was theirs.[break][break]
The trident slipped from exhausted fingers, and Caleb fell to his knees beside it, sinking into the mud. He breathed out a sigh of relief, body shaking with fatigue as the adrenaline receded. Lyra's healing had been enough. The efforts of his people had been enough. A portal had opened, and the Gods of toxic ruin and destruction were being sucked into it, whisked away from Galar in a flash of bright, cosmic light. The constellations that glittered in their wake meant little to Caleb, but they felt as if they heralded a new age. In the end, what mattered was that, finally, finally, they could rest.[break][break]
He found in the crowd, locked eyes with him.[break][break]
"We did it," he murmured. "We won."[break][break]
Rain fell. Caleb was used to rain. It was a cleansing, comforting feeling. He closed his eyes and let it wash over him. A distinct thought came unbidden to the forefront of his mind.[break][break]
Maybe I do deserve to be forgiven, he thought. Maybe I do deserve to be their king.[break][break]
Their king.[break][break]
Their king.[break][break]
Who's king?[break][break]
When Caleb opened his eyes, he was on his back, staring up at a gloomy sky. He groaned, rolled over onto his side, and attempted to push himself upright. Isaac was nearby, he saw. The younger man also seemed to be rousing from some kind of recent slumber. Caleb's body felt stiff, as if he had been asleep for far too long in an uncomfortable position. Hadn't they been fighting some kind of terrible foe? Ruinous beasts, or something? Where had they gone?[break][break]
All around him, no signs of conflict. The fight was over...or perhaps simply stalled. Caleb knew better than to think that this was the end of Hoenn's troubles, however.[break][break]
People - Rocket and League alike - continued to rise from some kind of mass sleep, a dream state that had, perhaps, been the aftermath of some legendary Pokémon's power. He furrowed his brow. It felt like he was forgetting about something. Something important.[break][break]
"Isaac - " he meant to call out, but something sharp was poking him in the side. He looked down to find Simple, wooden, nothing fancy. Where had it come from? The sight of it filled him with dread and determination alike, and an intense wave of recognition. He'd seen it before, he knew. But where? When?[break][break]
It belongs to me, he realized. He did not understand how he knew this, but it felt absolutely true.[break][break]
He glanced up to find oddly-familiar, utterly captivating sapphire eyes glittering behind a mask, watching him. Caleb opened his mouth to speak, but he never got the chance to greet his assailant.[break][break]
The world went black, and the last thing he remembered was thinking Isaac's the one who should be wearing a crown. Not me.[break][break]
Never me.

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD


Caleb is wearing League-issued tactical gear (inspiration)[break]
Wakes up from a strange, visceral dream to immediately get captured by <3[break]
Thank you for an amazing raid, Shiv!



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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2023 13:31:44 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]When the light is running low[break][break]

As Necrozma slipped into the safety of its Ultra Wormhole, the reality of the situation hit Isaac. Galar had averted the End Times.[break][break]

Their combined efforts laid low Eternatus, its prior surrender to Necrozma weakening it enough to fall before Galar's combined might. Necrozma stood tall, practically erupting with stolen energy, but it had no chance to bring that might to bear. Isaac had not been Galar's only shielded hero, after all. Zamazenta had returned, its might such that it sent Necrozma fleeing.[break][break]

With no crisis left to fear, Isaac was left to his thoughts.[break][break]

And the shadows start to grow[break][break]

". . . We did it." In some regards, it felt strange. This had been the moment their twenty year stay in Galar had been building up to. This had been the inevitable, the crucible through which their reigns would be tested. Yet even a war between gods failed to break them.[break][break]

His tone was heavy, bittersweet. Even to the simplest footman, it was easy to guess why. They'd all lost subjects, friends, loved ones. But to Isaac, and to all of the heroes from another world, there was another layer to it. They'd served their purpose here. Now it was time to go away. Away from the homes they'd carved out with their own hands. Away from the land they swore to protect. Away from the people they'd come to love. Away from their lives, their loves, their children.[break][break]

What Isaac wouldn't have given for just one more day.[break][break]

And the places that you know seem like fantasy[break][break]

It was a pipe dream. In a sense, this entire chapter of his life had been. Twenty years of his life, his love, his dedication, given to a land he would be torn away from. Would he remember what happened today? Would he even still be himself? Or would he be dragged back into a body twenty sizes too small for him?[break][break]

Already, the world seemed to quiver and warp. The land he stood atop now seemed like an impressionist painting moreso than anything, watercolor echoes of what had until now been reality. The faces of the Galarian people seemed to fade, their voices blurring into a wall of indecipherable cheers. As he tried to speak, his voice felt higher, softer, more hesitant.[break][break]

There's a light inside your soul[break][break]

Yet with 's eyes locked on his, and standing by his side, he had the strength to try.[break][break]

"Today, Galar stands!" He lacked the rich timbre of a king. The Aegis was heavy in his hands as he held it high. A thousand promises that he knew he could never keep turned to ash on his tongue. Yet for one final moment, he stood proud as Galar's king.[break][break]

It was Isaac's second proudest accomplishment.[break][break]

The number one spot came running into Isaac's arms, Isaac holding them tightly and protectively as he sheltered them from the end of the world. "I will," Isaac promised, knowing that unlike the people he'd been forced to abandon, he could keep that promise towards his precious little sibling. "I'm king now, remember? That means there's nothing in the world . . . our world . . . that's ever gonna stop me."[break][break]

"I love you too, El."[break][break]

That's still shining in the cold[break][break]

The first drop of freezing rain snapped Isaac out of his reverie.[break][break]

He stirred, groaning and aching, as he rose from the slushed remains of the Chien-Pao's Avalanche. Turned out, lying around in a fill suit of armor hurt like all hell. Who knew? Nevertheless, he managed to wrench himself back to his feet, taking a look around the land in which he'd emerged.[break][break]

Hoenn felt every bit as foreign as Galar had when he first landed. The clime, even surrounded by this slushfall, was so hot and sticky. The sun was frustratingly bright. The smell of salt on the sea breeze was inescapable, even this far inland. Yet, at the same time, it felt all too familiar.[break][break]

With the truth[break][break]

Something clattered against his breastplate as he stood. Gingerly taking it in his hands, Isaac was relieved to see a locket in the shape of his Aegis hanging around his neck. He'd had it commissioned in a moment of melancholy, desperate to retain some semblance of connection to Galar once he'd been informed that his time was coming to an end. He never expected to see it cross the boundary between worlds. Had Calyrex offered him that single kindness?[break][break]

He stood tall and proud (or, at least, as tall as he could) in the center of the portrait, his features unmistakable as they were unrecognizable. Returned to this body, 20 years younger, a beard seemed unthinkable. At his right hand stood Caleb, their outfits reflective of each other as joint kings, while his arm wrapped around 's waist at his left.[break][break]

Standing in front of them, Isaac immediately knew, were Sabrina and Iris. Compared to those from Hoenn (such as , off to the side as she preferred, and El, standing behind him in a worryingly full growth spurt), they seemed hazy, almost undefined. But nothing would ever stop Isaac from recognizing them.[break][break]

It hurt like nothing else that they couldn't be here with him. But just as they inherited the Motostoke he had built for them, he'd honor their memory by making a Hoenn they could be proud of.[break][break]

The promise in our hearts[break][break]

Not just for them. For the people who had shared his struggle within the rusted shield, whether from Motostoke itself or the cities far beyond. For the people he thought he'd never see again, whether left behind or off on their own adventure. He immediately wanted to call , , and over the second he saw them stirring.[break][break]

A familiar, agonized wail stole his attention away. If Isaac had any doubt he was still needed in Hoenn, it was over the second he ran to ' side.[break][break]

He knew he couldn't make the difference she needed. Not when even Reiner was failing to do so. However, he tried his best, holding his surrogate sister tight and letting her fight through her tears. "I'm here," he promised, knowing now that not even being worlds apart could change that. "When you're ready, you can tell me all about him. And 'til then, you can cry as much as you need to, okay?"[break][break]

Maybe everyone in Galar could use that chance.[break][break]

As he consoled Eris, El's eyes met his. A mutual understanding passed betwwen them; of how much they'd grown, of how far they'd come, of promises they'd fight to keep and secrets they'd refused to keep buried. In that moment, even with the long, hard road ahead of him, he wanted to believe that everything would be okay.[break][break]

Don't forget[break][break]

It was a furious, mechanical wingbeat that broke the illusion.[break][break]

Amongst all the people he'd seen groggily waking from the battlefield, Cygne had not been among them. That was because instead she had taken to the skies. Fight or flight battled in the aftermath of their life in Galar, flight triumphed, and now she was escaping the remains of what was like her life depended on it. "Cyg, wait-" Isaac pleaded, but what could he do? She was long gone.[break][break]

She wasn't the only one. As he tore his eye away from the skies, he noticed a masked figure knocking Caleb right out. . Fear and hatred swelled up in Isaac's chest. "What are you doing? He's your-"[break][break]

The words died in Isaac's throat. Did he know how much more significant that made them?[break][break]

He wanted nothing more than to charge over, tear Caleb from Bee's grasp, and take him far, far away from this entire war. However, before his ankle could so much as twitch, the Rocket's Spectrier tore open a portal. And then they were gone.[break][break]

In one fell swoop, Rocket's greed shattered twenty years of goodwill.[break][break]

That familiar sense of powerlessness tore at Isaac's insides. The two most important people in Isaac's life had just disappeared, reduced to a puff of shadows and a speck on the horizon. The crying child in his arms was proof that, for many, life would be the same. Rocket and League forces storming the ruins was proof that, in the worst possible sense, it already was. Twenty years of growth, of achievement, of reign were dismissed as if they were nothing.[break][break]

Once more, Isaac was nothing.[break][break]


Twenty years of perspective stood vigil against his inner demons. Letting himself believe that shit was what got him into this mess of a life in the first place. Rejecting it had turned Motostoke from a wasteland to a shining jewel. Everything he'd accomplished there had been on his own merits. His intelligence. His talents. His bonds. His will. How dare he insult everyone he'd helped and everything he'd done by acting like none of it mattered![break][break]

Isaac was done being a well meaning coward. He was done taking a backseat as forces beyond his control took the wheel. As Motostoke's king, he owed it to them to hold his head high and face these challenges head on.[break][break]

He looked at the fading shadows, the distant horizon, the friends scattered all over the battlefield, and the crying child in his arms. In that moment, he eased his eyes shut and made a solemn vow.[break][break]

I'm with you in the dark[break][break]


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / @


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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
417 posts
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2023 19:53:09 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

The titans brawled, Gerald and other fellow trainers joined in helping their respective choice of devils. Necrozma seemed to win at first, and for a brief moment it seemed it suckled enough power from Eternatus to get back into the fight.

But before it could come to pass a brave canine fighter joined the field, bashing evil with its powerful shield.

And with it came the end of their grueling battle. By then night had fallen leaving the heroes of the day a moment to think and gaze upon the sky and its signs.

Is it finally over?

Gerald asked himself as his gaze finally took in the sight of the stars.

So this truly is the end?

The dream was crumpling around him, colors fading, the edges of reality disappearing before him.

Oh, if only I could’ve seen your faces one last time. If only I could stay.

Tears began to roll quietly down his cheeks as he saw the beautiful smiles of his wife and children before his mind's eye.


And as those thoughts wailed in pain throughout his mind the dream came to an end.

When next he came to it. He was at the Ancient Tomb. His mind was hazy, a weird mix of frustrated sadness and anger roaring through his mind as he felt like he had lost something truly important to him. As if it had been ripped from his chest. And yet around his neck he found something that hadn't been there before. A locket of silver. The sensation of cold steel edged at his skin as he fell to his knees, letting a disorienting painful roar escape his mouth. His hands grasping at the ground beneath him. Holding onto dirt, rock and something that felt like a piece of sharp splintered metal.

OOC: A small heart shaped silver locket that can be opened to reveal two sets of inscriptions on one side "Love you always ~ Christa"
and on the other "Nr. 1 Dad from Armin & Annie"
- Gerald is witness to the battle.
- As the dream ends Gerald realizes what he is about to lose
- Gerald gets angry
- Wakes up in the old world feeling confused and angry at a loss unknown to him.

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played by

Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2023 20:07:10 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Julia was among those who tried to stop Necrozma from fleeing into the Ultra Wormhole, but in the end, it got away with Eternatus. She frowned. What would they do now that they were gone...?

[break][break]She didn't have the energy to worry about that for long as fatigue washed over her. Chester shrank back to his normal size and staggered to her side. Julia embraced him before they both knelt to the ground. A hand rested on her shoulder, and Conrad smiled wearily at his mother. They'd done it. The storm around Postwick had cleared, and the stars twinkled above in the night sky.

[break][break]Hang on... Had there always been that many stars?

[break][break]Julia watched in awe as more stars flickered into existence and formed new constellations. They seemed to tell the story of Necrozma dragging Eternatus through Ultra Space, which led to Eternatus spreading its Dynamax Particles, which the Ultra Beasts came into contact with before...


[break][break]"What is it, Mum?"

[break][break]She turned to Conrad and gasped when she saw his face. It was like paint was being washed away, slowly draining his features. In fact, the whole realm was being drained of color and clarity. This was it, wasn't it? This was what they'd been preparing for: the final clash that would finally let them all go home. It should have been relieving—exciting, even—but watching her son and the home she'd made over twenty years fade away was like a stake through her heart.


[break][break]She only realized she was crying when Conrad spoke again. Without warning, she took him into her arms in a tight embrace.

[break][break]"I'm so proud of you, Conrad," she said through her tears. "Your father would be, too. You've grown so strong and brave, and I love you so, so much."

[break][break]Conrad was silent for a moment. Julia feared he was already too far gone for a proper goodbye, but then he hugged her in turn. "I love you, too, Mum." His voice teetered on the verge of tears, but Julia could tell he was trying to keep it together for her. Chester lowered his heads to join the two, hugging them in his own way.

[break][break]As Galar faded more and more around them, Julia pulled away and unpinned something from her clothing. "I'm leaving the Adventurer's Guild in your care," she said, pressing the emblem into Conrad's hands. "I can't think of anyone better to lead it when I'm gone."

[break][break]Conrad's eyes widened. "Gone...? Mum, what are you talking about?" Already, his voice was becoming indistinct, fading away with the rest of this memory.

[break][break]"I can't stay here, Conrad. It's time for me to go home. But I will always, always love you. Never forget that."

[break][break]Would Conrad even exist to remember that once Julia had returned to Hoenn?

[break][break]Conrad's words were indistinct now, as if Julia had been dragged underwater and he was calling out to her. Still, she smiled. Even with tears streaming down her face, she wanted her son to see her smile one last time.

[break][break]"I love you."[break][break]

[break]Twenty years of memories were compressed into mere seconds, if even that. Julia winced and held her head as disjointed images flew past in the shards of a shattered mirror. Hammerlocke. The Guild. Emil. Conrad. She wanted to reach out and grab them all, but they would only slice her fingers. Instead, she tried to sketch them on her heart as they flew by, the images quickly growing indistinct.

[break][break]Rain fell over her. She was back on Route 120, the battlefield still marked by fresh fissures and snow. She no longer felt the weight of age on her bones despite her best attempts to stay active. Her prosthetic leg wasn't nearly as heavy anymore. She was back. She was home.

[break][break]She looked around for familiar faces, only to gasp in horror when she saw a masked figure () grab and drag him into a ghostly portal opened by his Spectrier. She didn't know either of them, but she knew a kidnapping when she saw one.

[break][break]"No!" she shouted, but, much like , she couldn't move in time to stop them.

[break][break]Other Rockets made their way toward the Ancient Tomb. Julia's heart sank. She'd just watched faction boundaries blur until they were nearly invisible. So why was this happening...?!

[break][break]Something was in her hand. Had she been holding it the whole time? She opened her palm and saw a familiar emblem that showed she was the leader of Hammerlocke's Adventurer's Guild. Weird... hadn't she given this to...?

[break][break]She grasped the emblem tightly and looked back onto the field, a new determination filling her. She'd seen the kind of world that was possible when there was no League-Rocket war. She'd seen that there were more good people trapped in Rocket's ranks who deserved to be freed. And she would fight to make that world a reality. For now, she stepped forward to help wherever she was needed.




  • Tearfully says goodbye to her son
  • Back in Hoenn, she remembers what happened, but those memories quickly start to become indistinct
  • Julia will not remember any Rocket identities (i.e., and ) unless you want her to for some reason
  • Sees Rocket doing Rocket things
  • Gathers her determination with the help of her memento and moves to help wherever she's needed
  • Memento: The emblem showing that she was leader of Hammerlocke's Adventurer's Guild
  • Thank you for the raids, Shiv!


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2023 21:55:54 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

One did not need to be a genius to understand what was going to happen. Violet watched as ‘evil’ was vanquished and simply assumed that this meant that things would come to a close. The poems were clear on that. Calyrex had been clear on that. They had been brought here for a very specific reason. Or maybe this space existed for that reason. That probably hit the nail a bit better. Once that purpose was fulfilled, it would cease to be. That had been her operating hypothesis so far. Good to see that she had been right.
Nodding to herself, she simply watched and gave into what would happen. She had no idea what precisely laid on the other side. At some point, she noticed Elaine in the distance, alongside a few other familiar faces that had evidently survived. That, too, was good enough. The world might change, or nothing might. It did not matter. Violet held onto her blade, but more out of custom, just as she had recalled her Pokemon. When she, too, was brought over, she was simply ready and content.
After all, anything good that had happened to her in this world had been due to her own ability, her own success. And that was what she took with. When Vio reappeared in normal timeline, she did not bring anything with her. Despite being somewhat of a material girl, this time around, the only thing she took with her was something that she had been in dire need of before.
Confidence in herself. Even though she blinked and forgot most of what had happened, that feeling of accomplishment remained. Whatever had happened, she had done quite well. That was all that mattered. She nodded to herself and slunk away in the chaos before anyone might recognize her, deciding to look forward now that everything had resolved. That was what mattered.

+ ooc notes



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2023 3:09:35 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

The night sky seemed almost all encompassing as its tranquility felt dissonant with the raging war that had just come to a close.


As Elaine descended, after witnessing what was truly the end of the battle, she heard the voice of a young man crying out one of the many titles he had used for her. Yet, despite her prior indignance towards being called a haughty title like that, she merely smiled as she jumped down from the back of her metallic companion.


"It's really over, isn't it?"

The boy, at this point, he was a young man...had also taken part in the grueling battle andd survived.

"Yes. It finally is." The detective smiled as she looked up to the night sky. It was strange, but for the first time, with it all over, the night sky almost felt peaceful.

"Does that mean you'll be leaving us?"

He was an astute one. She had never let him know her thoughts on the prophecy or what was to come but he had deduced it all the same. The white-haired boy replaced his sword onto his back as he stared into Elaine's eyes, looking for some confirmation.

"Yeah, it does." She sighed as she kept her arms crossed. Despite her words, the boy didn't throw any protests at her.

He instead faced her as he reached into his pocket.

"Can you close your eyes?"

Elaine questioned it for a moment, looking confused at the boy before smiling once again and obliging his request. After a few seconds, she felt hands rustling through the side of her hair before they fell away, leaving something behind.

"This is?"

"Lacrima Lunae. A flower from that field you liked spending your time in. I preserved one and made it into an ornament. Something small to remember us by." He had yet to step back as he looked Elaine dead in the eye. "We will be fine. As your successor, I can promise you that. The police force and city you left behind will be in good hands. We won't forget you."

The next moment seemed to extend for eternity and simultaneously felt like an instant. She felt a warm sensation on her cheek as he leaned in close to her for just an instant before pulling himself back.

"So, promise me you won't forget us, big sis."

And so, she gave one last tearful smile as she said her final words to them.

"Yeah. I promise."

"Yeah. I promise...."

Elaine Highland muttered as she woke up to find herself in a clearly compromising position in a location that felt familiar despite her mind refusing to recognize it. Upon a single tree, her body lay. Though, she was hardly in anything considered a normal position.

Her body was upside down and she was hanging on a low-sprouting branch, barely being supported by a single branch. Her hair andd skirt were even upside down as they could not resist the ever-present pull of gravity. She had several questions to ask like why she was in a place like this or why she was in this position or perhaps how she maintained this position without feeling tired. However, none of that mattered as she found her leg slipping off the branch she was on.

"Wait! Wai--BWAH!"

She was lucky she was so close to the gound, otherwise falling face first into the ground like she did would have been dangerous. Grunting, she pulled herself off the ground and stood back up, taking a few steps to let her dizziness fade away.

"This is Route 120, huh..."

She stared off into the distance as she came to the realization of where she was and the fact that it had been where she was twenty years ago, barring a few differences. Instinctively, her hand reached to the right side of her hair where it found the preserved flower turned into an accessory.

"So it all really happened."

Yeah, it did.

What? No quips or berations?

Not this time.

Her past self, now gazing out to the world, was of only a few words.

Even if you didn't realize it, you have found it. So keep holding onto it. If you ever forget yourself again, I will be back.

With those last words, the self that she was viewing had vanished into the ether. Whether she would ever be seen again was a different question, but for now it was finally silent. All was finally right in the world.

But, exploring the ancient tomb and the cave could come later and be left to more suitable individuals.

Instead, she decided to take a different course of action.

"I wonder where Violet went." She had no idea how much or even any of the others remembered, but she would never find out if she just waited here.

Another investigation was afoot, so it was time for her to walk forward.

The sun had set on a memory of a long twenty years, but that only meant the world continued turning. The road to power stood before Elaine again and it was time for her to retread it. So she would never lose anything again.

  • Elaine's outfit
  • Elaine hears a final recieves a final gift from her apprentice as well as a kiss on the cheek before a farewell
  • Elaine wakes up on Route 120 a compromising position
  • Elaine walks off into the sunset, looking for Violet or some of the others
  • Goodbye Motostoke, Goodbye Galar

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2023 4:52:02 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


Zamazenta stands before her, and she knows what she must do.[break][break]

They charge back into the fray together, just in time to aid the legendary dog in the end of the battle. Luka herself doesn't fight, but instead immediately starts to care for as many wounded as she's able to reach with her staff, realizing just as had that this might be her last opportunity to aid those that need it most.[break][break]

And while she notes the results of the battle, in truth it all means little to her. What matters instead is the promise that Calyrex had made to them, and the tragic realization that their time in this world has come to an end.[break][break]

Her heels tap against Spectrier's side, and the steed sends her flying across the ravaged battlefield towards . She's immensely relieved to see him still there, although his image seems subtly distorted somehow, as though she's looking at him through a pane of glass.[break][break]

"They won't let us stay," she realizes with a heartbroken pang. "We have to— we don't have any time! Come with me!"[break][break]

And she reaches for Felix's hand and pulls him onto her Spectrier, and urges them to carry the pair as fast as they're able. By the time they reach home the world is already starting to shimmer at the edges, but there's still time.[break][break]

There are countless people she'd like to say a proper goodbye to. and , all the other friends she'd made over the years. But none of them matter more than the family she'd built here. When her children run out to meet her they at first seem excited and relieved; convinced, in the way children so easily are, that their parents are here to fix everything as the world unravels around them.[break][break]

And oh, how desperately Luka wishes she could.[break][break]

Lia and Oliver, her sun and moon. Her entire world. She scoops up her children and clings to them so tightly that they start to squirm with protest, but she doesn't let go. She pours all the love left in her breaking heart out onto them; words of affection and comfort laced with apologies.[break][break]

She's sorry for leaving them. She's sorry she can't be around to see them grow up, to become kings and queens in their own right. Perhaps it had been selfish for her to bring them into a world she was never meant to be a part of, but she can't bring herself to regret it.[break][break]

Her trembling arms pull Felix into their six-armed embrace, and the lips that find his taste like salt and longing and a hundred unfulfilled promises. She clings to him, to their children, as the edges of this reality start to blur and bleed into each other like watercolor paint.[break][break]

Eventually she tilts her chin to look at him, carving every line of his face into memory as though that might help her preserve it. "This dream is ending," she says, the heaviness of her heart reflected in her smile. "When we get back, can we start a new one?"[break][break]


The world unravels itself like an old sweater, and knits itself back into something new. Luka finds herself standing on the battlefield exactly where she'd left it, blinking in the dim light.[break][break]


His name is the first thing she utters when she's able to form words again. There's a weight to it— it feels important.[break][break]

But she doesn't know a Felix, does she?[break][break]

Or does she? She can't remember. Memory and reality tangles together at the back of her mind, forming a jumbled knot she can't see the beginning nor end of. She knows that she had been somewhere else, and that people had loved her there— she'd been a leader, of some kind. A princess?[break][break]

Clutched in her hands is a tiara, rose-gold flowers and precious gems molded into the shape of the crown that had been placed upon her at her first makeshift coronation. But trying to hold onto those memories is like keeping water cupped between her fingers; it all trickles out through the cracks.[break][break]

She remembers dark hair and eyes full of adoration. For a moment she thinks it might have been , but that can't be right. But she remembers having loved and having been loved, and a deep sense of loss deep in her stomach that she can't quite comprehend.[break][break]

Dazed and confused but different somehow, changed in ways she hasn't yet realized, Luka stumbles back home and into the future she's yet to be a part of.[break][break]

- sadge[break]
- vaguely remembers that she was royalty back in galar[break]
- remembers at first but it starts to quickly fade, and she doesn't recognize him masked up back in reality[break]
- mistakingly wonders if she married instead[break]
- forgets about 's rocket affiliation[break]
- keeps her tiara


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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August 18
Nimbasa City
Pokeleague Soccer Player
10 height
10 height
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Lucas Holden DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @clown
Lucas Holden
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2023 4:55:28 GMT
Lucas Holden Avatar
Would he want this?
He still can't answer that. And he might not get to answer.
As Carmen drove the dragon away, she glanced back at Lucas with a knowing look. At that moment, he could somehow sense a fond expression from the newly-restored legendary bird. But that's ridiculous, no? A beak couldn't form a smile, and she would be back without his interference. All he did was watch over her.
Was that enough? Perhaps it was.
Lucas could only smile mirthlessly as the people celebrated around him. Even after 20 years, the opponent they sought never showed up. Zico's growth allowed him to take down a giant in one fell swoop, but Lucas wondered if it would last.
He glanced at the side to Zico, who returned a grin.
Perhaps it was worth it anyway.
One of the militias approached him, trying to bring the celebration to him. Lucas recognizes him. He taught him how to condition his body and to play the game he loves.
Do you love the game?
He nods enthusiastically. Genuine joy returns to his expression after many years of gloom.
If you love it, please continue to play it.
Without him.

When he opens his eyes, Lucas can see a familiar sight of a snowy mountain. The sceneries of Galar of so many years retreated into dreams, and his reality remains entrenched inside his head.
He instinctively stays on guard, but no sign of his foe or ward. There's no shield wolf, chaos cat, or even the Rocket of his opposite number.
Claire's not here either. But he'd probably see her sooner or later since he was here.
On his side, Zico has a scowl on his face. He's not happy about how the cat got away, either.
"Are you guys alright?"
With the League regrouping, he'd concentrate on the now, even if the distant dream remained an unattainable ideal.



+ Lucas can't do a victory lap in the stadium, so he hopes other people will do it instead.[break]
+ Says goodbye to Carmen[break]
+ Goes back to the battlefield, helps everyone who got knocked out[break]
+ Idk, quantum physics is hard[break]



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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2023 6:48:16 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Twenty years crumble like sand from a broken hourglass.[break][break]

Temp wobbles, unsure, as he's back on Hoenn soil. Old aches and pains from time and battles gone in his younger body. The heat of Hoenn summer is a shock to a mind that's lived in winter's grasp for as long as it had.[break][break]

Trigger is underneath him. Her saddle is shiny and new, not yet broken in by time. She wavers on her feet, old battle wounds gone now, just as confused and disoriented as her trainer.[break][break]

Temp panics.[break][break]

Where was Frigid? Where was ? Where was Diot?.[break][break]

His people, his new home, where were they?[break][break]

Fuzzy at the edges already.[break][break]

Why hadn't they gotten to say goodbye?[break][break]

Temp chokes on tears that hit him, heavy and grief-stricken. A shift from the Kommo-o he's riding and he loses his balances. Crashes into the grass on his side.[break][break]

Temp gasps for air and claws at the ground.[break][break]

Tiny shards of rusted metal around him, he had been almost close enough to grab it before... before....[break][break]

But he pays no mind to those.

[attr="class","tag"]@ tag



🔗 temp sad


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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February 2/14
Nimbasa City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
26 posts
Rhydia Ver DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rhydia
Rhydia Ver
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2023 2:57:50 GMT
Rhydia Ver Avatar

As the fires of war rage, all she sees is magnificent brushstrokes upon a canvas of suffering. The Black Knight and the Skeleton clash, and their battle shows all of them what a battle of gods is like, a clash of titanic and overwhelming entities that they only have a chance against because they’re too preoccupied with one another to turn onto the ants hounding them with their own superweapons in animalistic form.[break][break]

The Queen of Fantasy- nay, the Mad Queen follows along as two clash in the skies, flashes of red and black blotting out of the stars and burning up the sky. Her brush follows them as they generate energy capable of tearing through the space they reside in, she traces their outlines as her memories come rushing back,[break][break]

Despite feeling her mind splitting in two, she never stops painting, never stops tracing and internalizing what happens there. Their attacks cause both beasts of calamity damage, but they aren’t focused. On each side allegiances are drawn in blood, priorities highlighted by what they value more than anything else on that battlefield. For the Mad Queen of Ballonlea, that is the Black Knight, for others, the Skeleton.[break][break]

She’s smiling and laughing all throughout the chaos, cackling like mad in a way she never had before. Fresh crimson stains her fingers from a love just lost, from her own flesh and blood that’s just lost their soulless life within her hands. She stains her cheek with it, infusing it into her skin as a reminder of just what this world gave her.[break][break]

She doesn’t care anymore- no, she didn’t give a damn at all! Not a single thought mattered but the completion of her masterpiece! The imminent extinction the Black Knight threatens them all with enthralls her more than any moth to any flame, it enraptures her, captures her soul and wraps it into a cage from which it can only gaze towards the light. She witnesses it like they all do, but unlike many others, she can only smile more genuinely in the face of a supreme calamity, a disaster so horrific that a baptism by light is the only way to represent it.[break][break]

Then, like all stories went, a shooting star carved through the light, and an invincible hero slayed a dark god… almost.[break][break]

This story wasn’t meant to end here. Rhydia only realizes it as their salvation arrives, a furious migraine ripping her mind in two once again. The world corrects itself before her eyes, just as it did throughout the battle, and the dream… the long dream begins to come to an end.[break][break]

She considers for a moment stopping to be with her people. The surviving citizens, the still warm body of her beloved son, her fellow royals and …[break][break]

— but in the end, the Mad Queen shows her true colors, and she departs in the arms of her Daemon, revealing its true form for the first time. She leaves behind everything without a second thought, rushing back to the palace for but a single possession, a single thing worth calling truly beautiful in the world she had a hand in bringing to ruin.[break][break]

Halfway there, she begins to feel the pull on her mind, that splitting migraine finally dulling to give way to a different feeling. Rather than give in, she draws more crimson, her hand scraping along the sharp edge of a peasant’s home. The pain shocks her awake, and she and the Daemon known as Clair burst into the palace.[break][break]

The rush is like a dream itself, a trance she can’t draw herself from no matter what. The attendants remaining are brushed aside, her royal need for them null and void.[break][break]

”Your Highness! What’s happening!? The battle is won, is it not!?!” A single maid cries out, seeing the end of the world approaching as the horizon collapses before them. Her Queen ignores all other pleas but hers, stopping at the top of a staircase, her wounded hand dripping royal blood down the staircase.[break][break]

She stops at the very peak, slamming her hand down on the railing to keep herself from fading as she spins around to address the castle staff.[break][break]

”The battle is won! Thus, we face the final hour! It’s magnificent, isn’t it!? This is your salvation! An end to the Fantasy you and I lived for so many years!”[break][break]

The mysterious mask of the Queen of Fantasy was burned before them, incinerated by the erupting stars within the eyes of the woman she once was. Twenty years later, finds her masterpiece, she finds a world truly beautiful, a world worth preserving for eternity.[break][break]

Her once dead eyes blaze with the light of a million stars, her insanity vindicated in the greatest way possible.[break][break]

She throws open the doors of her own chambers, marching towards her painting of the landscape from before the battle. Brush in hand, she raises her arm to begin adding new colors and shapes, new memories and events to it. The empty landscape is one she can paint over with the battle she just abandoned for this masterpiece.[break][break]


That’s why she doesn’t see the sword pierce her torso until it’s too late. She never even suspects it’s coming, her senses suppressed by her own mental illness.[break][break]

Fresh, dark red paint splatters all over the canvas, and with it the piece is complete. Her eyes glaze unfocus before she can see it, denying her the right to see her own reason for living.[break][break]

When she turns her head as her consciousness fades, she sees not a mirror of herself, but the face of a malignant spirit with a satisfied smile on its face. There is no hatred in its eyes, no negativity, not even contempt.[break][break]

By denying her this, the Hisuian-Zoroark finds peace. It settles its grudge in a world that was never truly real in the first place.[break][break]

In the dying hour of a World of Dreams, ‘Clair’ achieves what it has always dreamed of.[break][break]

”N-No… not now! Not when I’m so clo-“[break][break]

Then, just as quickly as the moment settles, the world goes black.

There’s no need to dwell on her return. After all, the woman named ‘Rhydia Ver’ doesn’t remember anything that happened. All she remembers is a series of paintings, all culminating in the setup to a final piece. Yet… when she tries to remember that final piece…[break][break]

Red. All she sees is red. Spine tingling, hair raising red. Her back hurts, she’s cold, she’s in pain, she doesn’t feel anything, why can’t she see it, where do the brushstrokes start and end- breathing brings her back, but the experience is consistent.[break][break]

Given time, those memories will return, yes. Some will likely be back in hours, while others may take days.[break][break]

—but one will remain locked to her for a long time. After all, the brain’s simulations sometimes needed a repeat to properly remember some events…

Pokémon + Tagging/TLDR Here[break][break]

TL;DR - Rhydia goes even more insane watching Eternatus and Necrozma battle.[break]
- Rather than saying goodbye, she rushes back to the palace to finish her last painting, harming herself constantly to stave off sleep.[break]
- After arriving, she announces to all who will listen that her masterpiece is complete, and that she can finally bring a dying world to life through her art.[break]
- At the end of it all, after 20 long years, her Hisuian-Zoroark puts a sword through her chest. Letting her see that it performed the deed as itself.[break]
- Before her death, the dream ends. When she wakes up, the trauma of dying seals the memories of her masterpiece.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP