i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 5:56:52 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Final Fantasy XVI OST - Battle Theme


POSTWICK IS DEVASTATED BY THE ENSUING CONFLICT. This rural hamlet is flattened under the weight of these memetic manifestations, these horrifying demons, and their unbridled power.[break][break]

Around you all, the air sizzles and shrieks with energy and the heavens above swirl in a violent cyclone of darkness and magenta light. More than ever before, you realize that this is a realm purely created out of memory. Out of feeling.[break][break]

This is an event that has happened long, long ago in a time where there were no phones. No modern day pokeballs. As the energy of this battle tears into the space around you, the collective memories of your original lives fill in the gaps—much like they had done with the faces of the soulless townspeople.[break][break]

By the brush of collective conscience, pre-romanesque structures are painted over by modern day depictions of Galar. Wells convert into roundabouts. Muddy stables with barren troughs shift into grocery stores with potted plants, those of which are swiftly torn away by the winds.[break][break]

The duel between each creature is a perpetual dance. Every time the ETERNATUS is leeched, the NECROZMA is able to siphon its energy. However, the accruing damage from the skeletal dragon's retaliation discards the sucked energy away.[break][break]

If it could, ETERNATUS would have let the NECROZMA latch onto it for all of eternity to milk its teat. But to live with an aggressive parasite is no way to exist. After all, it has already taken much from it. What's left is hard, cold, black metal.[break][break]

Should the battle persist, it is clear that the whole region would be destroyed. The firmament's groans sound like death rattles. Destroying both of them would be the ideal as several surmise. However, it may prove to be strategic to down one first before dealing with the other to pursue a swift end to the calamity.[break][break]

Many aid the ETERNATUS, for they are lured by their old, toxic resentment of NECROZMA. How it devastated SLATEPORT IN OCTOBER OF 2020, SOOTOPOLIS IN JUNE OF 2022, and most recently, in MODERN DAY GALAR as it hunted sites of high DYNERGY at the cost of disrupting the everyday lives of its people. And how it tore away loved ones with its dark claws, its blackout storms.[break][break]

Through lightning and psychic storms, , , , , , , , , , , , and rush the NECROZMA with their forged weapons and Pokemon. As a HEAL BELL chimes, is unfortunately slain in the contest: a talon from NECROZMA piercing through her chest. In the battle, manages to revive her with his powers

Throughout the clash, MEGA EVOLUTION, primal energies and other natural powers drawn from their original world join DYNAMAXED POKEMON and their empowered attacks against the PRISM POKEMON. Stars fall among dark gashes of blades and claws, gravity mallets and spectral explosions.[break][break]

Others aid the NECROZMA instead. Its role in the pollution of Galar and the devastation of its people and king are enough for the surviving kingdoms to aim their anger against the skeletal fiend. Unbeknownst to some, the ETERNATUS had also appeared in SLATEPORT three years ago.[break][break]

Between massive DYNAMAXED POKEMON, swords and knives are loosed through hail and bolts of lightning. MAX MOVES crash into the ETERNATUS, the source of this memory's poisonous, pestilent pain.[break][break]

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and unite their attacks. Though NO CLAW CAN BE SEVERED, blades and canyons crash upon the PRISMATIC TITAN, while stones, vines, and spectral powers attempt to ensnare the Pokemon down into a developing MISTY TERRAIN. Their Pokemon and hand-crafted weaponry defy the GIGANTIC POKEMON and its toxic influence...


AS THE BATTLE RAGES, a small group abstains from partaking in the fight. Some like , , , , , and Detective attack both creatures equally, while retreats to protect the citizens of Galar's rural south. As and his GIGANTAMAX LAPRAS provide further healing, is unable to act, for he is paralyzed by the infernal marriage of grief and shellshock.[break][break]

Curiosity leads another group to where the ILLUSORY ZAMAZENTA have ran off to.[break][break]

They must be fast, not just because of the dogs' swiftness but because of the ceaseless fog that fills in vacuums of air left in their wake. The SLUMBERING WEALD they enter is a maze-like forest.[break][break]

The fog continues further into the forest and obstructs the routes. However, the light of the ethereal ZAMAZENTA guides and his MEGA ORBEETLE, , , over stone bridges and creeks. Worn down dirt paths and fallen logs.[break][break]

Finally, they catch up just enough to see the last illusory canine leap into a LARGE STONE SCULPTURE OF ZAMAZENTA itself. It stands in the middle of an altar, embraced by a placid lake. This is where the ZAMAZENTA has slept all these years...[break][break]

After the last luminary paw disappears into the stone, the sculpture begins to crack. With a gentle shudder, the rigid shape sheds the ZAMAZENTA'S self-inflicted stone prison to reveal its living breathing self. No illusion. No projection. Its real self.[break][break]

This time, the memory and story developed and grown by our heroes' twenty year existence here has empowered it. The ZAMAZENTA is in its CROWNED SHIELD form, its armors and mighty bulwark filled in by the memetic powers of this realm.[break][break]

A loud howl announces its triumphant return: one that can be heard through the bedlam of POSTWICK'S BATTLE. Seeing what it must do, the ZAMAZENTA barks at the assembled crew before leaping into a sprint toward the battle at hand.


THE NECROZMA PREVAILS. As the ETERNATUS writhes beneath The Black Knight's serrated feet, its bony peroxide shape etching scars into the earth, it sinks its claws into ETERNATUS' ORGAN.[break][break]

Power continually pulses through NECROZMA'S CLAWS, rippling across its prismatic body as energy pours into it. It's an endless operation...[break][break]

But it's not enough. The ETERNATUS seems to cackle, its roar coming in fluttered intervals as it continues to struggle and twitch. After all, it is not in the appropriate form for NECROZMA to return to its former glory.[break][break]

The NECROZMA desires more. The DYNAMAXED POKEMON in our heroes' ranks are the biggest meals; however, every hardened hero and their Pokemon will not be meaningless hors d'oeuvres. They too will contribute.[break][break]

A bright, all-encompassing light begins to amass before the NECROZMA'S BODY before its clawed arms cross over its chest. From the sheer radiance and crescendoing power so palpable in the air, it is clear that should this attack be released everyone would face certain decimation.[break][break]

However, a HOWL heralds salvation. From the weald, the CROWNED SHIELD ZAMAZENTA charges with its party. With one heroic leap, the renewed ZAMAZENTA launches itself toward the charging NECROZMA, slamming its armored body into its rigid temple.[break][break]

A BEHEMOTH BASH crushes the NECROZMA'S BODY with an explosive bouquet of flame. The light dies, imploding on itself as the NECROZMA falters to the ground, the ZAMAZENTA having landed behind it with a warrior's valor.[break][break]

The storm surrounding POSTWICK begins to fade. As our heroes and ZAMAZENTA face the NECROZMA and the defeated ETERNATUS, the heavens above begin to crack open. An ULTRA WORMHOLE begins to form...[break][break]

Injured, but still defiant, the NECROZMA hoists the ETERNATUS up by its ribs. Hooked by black claws, the ETERNATUS is hauled by the NECROZMA into the now fully-realized wormhole, able to endure or evade any attempts to bring them back down. Once they dive in, the ULTRA WORMHOLE closes...[break][break]

But what happens next is a curious exercise in divination.


THE REALM BEGINS TO FADE AT ITS CORNERS. However, that goes largely unnoticed as our heroes'—both human and Pokemon—bodies begin to succumb to fatigue. And yet, everyone is rejuvenated by the uproarious cheers and tearful exclamations from a saved people. From a saved region.[break][break]

By now, it is night. The stars reveal more story by more constellations. New stars begin to form rapidly in new formations, created by celestial COSMOG unbeknownst to everyone. They depict the following story:

Those who have lived through or studied Hoenn's contemporary history will now understand how the ULTRA BEASTS THAT HAD INVADED MOSSDEEP had grown so large... Those who have explored The Wilds and have encountered gargantuan ULTRA BEASTS may infer that their ecosystems have been heavily affected by the ETERNATUS' VENTURES IN ULTRA SPACE too.[break][break]

Eventually, the whole realm shudders as it begins to lose detail at its edges. The horizon loses colour and shape. Then the mountains, the wilderness, the buildings around them. There is time to say goodbye to the townspeople who watch in awe... and to each other, for who knows what the true nature of their return would be. To see the world they had lived in for twenty years begin to fade away, like diluted ink on thinning parchment, is terrifying at first, then relieving as the realm folds in upon itself.


EVERYONE FINDS THEMSELVES BACK IN FRONT OF THE ANCIENT TOMB. The snow and fissures from TING-LU & CHIEN-PAO'S ONSLAUGHT remain as fresh reminders of what had transpired before. In fact, it appears that LITTLE TO NO TIME has passed since the unceremonious warp into the RUSTED SWORD & SHIELD.[break][break]

A RAIN BEGINS TO FALL as the brain struggles to adjust to the temporal shift. The body jolts and staggers as discrepancies between what should be and what is now coalesce into the briefest symphony of confusion. But finally, it all comes together, like waking from an especially vivid dream.[break][break]

There is no sign of the TING-LU or CHIEN-PAO. However, the ZACIAN & ZAMAZENTA can be seen off in the far distance. They lack their CROWNED FORMS, for the RUSTED SWORD & SHIELD HAVE BROKEN APART INTO RUINED FRAGMENTS STREWN ACROSS THE GRASSES. Their gazes, haunting as they are noble, meet everyone's with grateful solemnity—even if some had attacked them. After the two hero dogs HOWL, they disperse into the HOENN REGION... but surely, they will return again.[break][break]


AFTER YOUR CHARACTERS' TWENTY YEARS in the domains of memory, they will have experienced and learned many things. Here are the guidelines for what they can remember back in Hoenn:[break][break]

  • 💭 Any lore (e.g. prophecy, constellations, Hammerlocke tapestries, Galarian history, how to dynamax) can be remembered.
  • [break]
  • 💭 The KINGDOM TALES can be remembered.
  • [break]
  • 💭 Any skills mastered (e.g. swordsmanship) will be unlearned to a certain extent. However, characters will have those skills heightened to a meaningful degree and can learn them much easier.
  • [break]
  • 💭 New or affected relationships between characters/NPCs may be remembered to an extent, but you must consult with all related parties about the nature of this remembrance. Over time, these memories may begin to fade.
  • [break]
  • 💭 All characters will be able to bring one POCKET-SIZED PHYSICAL MEMENTO that has somehow survived the return. Recordings or photographs of people's faces will begin to fade over time.

The exposed cavern underneath the earth and deep within the ANCIENT TOMB is curiously missing the spotted WISHING STAR. Perhaps, the CHIEN-PAO & TING-LU have seized it for themselves. Perhaps, it never existed, having been an illusory byproduct of the RUSTED SWORD & SHIELD'S MEMORY. Nevertheless, the RUINOUS BEASTS have fled the area, satisfied with the destruction of these GALARIAN ARTIFACTS and having taken INVENTORY OF WHAT YOU FEAR AND WHAT YOU HATE.[break][break]

Though these two RUINOUS BEASTS would have desired the RUSTED SWORD & SHIELD to corrupt into new beasts, your factions' interventions have prevented a different kind of devastation from occurring in the future...[break][break]

Those who venture into the exposed caverns below or the ANCIENT TOMB itself will find that it has been overrun with TERA CRYSTALS instead.[break][break]

EACH FACTION will be able to seize a RADIANT SEED (for a total of two and not four across both raids). The RADIANT SEED must be delivered to each faction's headquarters for safekeeping and eventually cultivation. Unbeknownst to everyone, the seeds carry some of the memory with them. The one taken by Team Rocket, however, will forever remember what has done.[break][break]

REPORTS MAY BE MADE TO EACH FACTION IN DUE TIME, but for now, your characters may disperse for they are in need of dire rest and reunion.


NOW, YOU MAY WRITE AN EXIT POST. This is an OPTIONAL ROUND, but posting in this round will add an extra 50 PD to your character's account.


BELOW ARE THE DEVELOPING STORIES OF EACH CITY. Please click on the SPOILER tag to reveal them.[break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant Venusaur didst appeareth,[break]
bringing vine and pollen to our Ballonlea.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Star Wardens seek wisdom in constellations above,[break]
Unlocking cosmic secrets, boundless knowledge to behove.[break]
Football's birth, a game bringing the medicine of joy:[break]
Physics' ailments healed by the natural world’s toys.[break]
A school's doors open wide, minds thirsty for study.[break]
Psychedelic mushrooms sprout, nature's colorful art,[break]
While young hearts are nurtured in an orphanage of letter-writing heart.[break]
But amidst progress, tragedy strikes in cruel descent,[break]
A Pokémon Center, once thriving, now shattered in lament[break]
The Kingdom of Arts now fortified by the royal guard[break]
Steel smithed and adorned by the scarred.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

In the heart of the battle's pestilent fray,[break]
Against an army of Poison, we held our sway.[break]
Hexperts and Hermits led the charge on the bloody wold,[break]
But we stood unyielding, steadfast tenfold.[break][break]

A gigantic Cinderace, atop a burning fire,[break]
With agile strikes, it sought our pyre.[break]
The enormous Inteleon with an eye so astute,[break]
From its tower it stalked, seeking our heroes to shoot.[break]
A Rillaboom, mighty and strong,[break]
Its thunderous drums echoed, a primal vinesong.[break]
But with unwavering spirit and valor untamed,[break]
We vanquished every force, our victory proclaimed.[break][break]

In a clash of titans, The Black Knight and Skeleton engaged,[break]
We united, our valor unswayed.[break]
Together we fought, and the Skeleton surrendered.[break]
But The Black Knight did not possess a heart so tender.[break][break]

Greed in its eyes, it turned upon our kin,[break]
A looming threat, radiance collected within.[break]
Yet in that dire moment, the true Zamazenta revealed,[break]
Brandishing its golden shield, its power unconcealed.[break][break]

With a dauntless dash, it rushed the night,[break]
Defeating The Black Knight, a radiant blight.[break]
As it fled to Ultra Space, Skeleton in its wake,[break]
Zamazenta's courage shone, the realm's destiny now truly safe.[break][break]

In the realm's fading hues, where colors slowly dim,[break]
The memory of this epic tale, will never grow thin.[break]
Whispers and echoes resonate, in timeless harmony they may slumber.[break]
Legends woven by stars, the echoes of heroes, forever we remember.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
and protect our kingdom with psychic mind,[break]
a rousing speech inspires by angelic rains,[break]
while claws and sludge art quell'd before teen[break]
falls upon our realm again, but fret not shouldst[break]
we incur did wind once more, the hero's bath[break]
returns to glory by a queen of dragons,[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant kingler didst appeareth,[break]
bringing brine and froth to Circhester.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

A Survey Corp emerges, protectors of us all.[break]
Some study the stars' celestial tapestry, divinations made to enthrall.[break]
In the streets of justice, knuckles are held with brutal hands,[break]
As dragons soar the skies to hold order and seek the homeland.[break]
A response team assembled, swift aid their decree.[break]
An orphanage provided, for the young lost to The Black Knight’s violent spree.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

In the heart of the battle's pestilent fray,[break]
Against an army of Poison, we held our sway.[break]
Hexperts and Hermits led the charge on the bloody wold,[break]
But we stood unyielding, steadfast tenfold.[break][break]

A gigantic Cinderace, atop a burning fire,[break]
With agile strikes, it sought our pyre.[break]
The enormous Inteleon with an eye so astute,[break]
From its tower it stalked, seeking our heroes to shoot.[break]
A Rillaboom, mighty and strong,[break]
Its thunderous drums echoed, a primal vinesong.[break]
But with unwavering spirit and valor untamed,[break]
We vanquished every force, our victory proclaimed.[break][break]

In a clash of titans, The Black Knight and Skeleton engaged,[break]
We united, our valor unswayed.[break]
Together we fought, and the Skeleton surrendered.[break]
But The Black Knight did not possess a heart so tender.[break][break]

Greed in its eyes, it turned upon our kin,[break]
A looming threat, radiance collected within.[break]
Yet in that dire moment, the true Zamazenta revealed,[break]
Brandishing its golden shield, its power unconcealed.[break][break]

With a dauntless dash, it rushed the night,[break]
Defeating The Black Knight, a radiant blight.[break]
As it fled to Ultra Space, Skeleton in its wake,[break]
Zamazenta's courage shone, the realm's destiny now truly safe.[break][break]

In the realm's fading hues, where colors slowly dim,[break]
The memory of this epic tale, will never grow thin.[break]
Whispers and echoes resonate, in timeless harmony they may slumber.[break]
Legends woven by stars, the echoes of heroes, forever we remember.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to recup'rate our wounded, our walls, and minds.[break]
a dragon scout carves deep trenches[break]
while lightning and spells stomp hands of noxious stenches[break]
the townsfolk art did inspire by two strange men[break]
while the vault returns to its former glory again[break]
what m're shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Charizard did appear,[break]
bringing hellish flame to old Hammerlocke.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Glowing ore is elucidated as defenses are raised,[break]
while bodyguards venture into poison's deep unphased.[break]
A city reborn, transformed to adventurer's delight,[break]
Thriving with quests, its spirit alight.[break]
Storytellers weave tales, magic in their words.[break]
As a bathhouse beckons, a haven for the weary herd.[break]
A Master Blacksmith's forge is ablaze with skill and might,[break]
With gentle tolls of handbell, healing echoes bright.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

In the heart of the battle's pestilent fray,[break]
Against an army of Poison, we held our sway.[break]
Hexperts and Hermits led the charge on the bloody wold,[break]
But we stood unyielding, steadfast tenfold.[break][break]

A gigantic Cinderace, atop a burning fire,[break]
With agile strikes, it sought our pyre.[break]
The enormous Inteleon with an eye so astute,[break]
From its tower it stalked, seeking our heroes to shoot.[break]
A Rillaboom, mighty and strong,[break]
Its thunderous drums echoed, a primal vinesong.[break]
But with unwavering spirit and valor untamed,[break]
We vanquished every force, our victory proclaimed.[break][break]

In a clash of titans, The Black Knight and Skeleton engaged,[break]
We united, our valor unswayed.[break]
Together we fought, and the Skeleton surrendered.[break]
But The Black Knight did not possess a heart so tender.[break][break]

Greed in its eyes, it turned upon our kin,[break]
A looming threat, radiance collected within.[break]
Yet in that dire moment, the true Zamazenta revealed,[break]
Brandishing its golden shield, its power unconcealed.[break][break]

With a dauntless dash, it rushed the night,[break]
Defeating The Black Knight, a radiant blight.[break]
As it fled to Ultra Space, Skeleton in its wake,[break]
Zamazenta's courage shone, the realm's destiny now truly safe.[break][break]

In the realm's fading hues, where colors slowly dim,[break]
The memory of this epic tale, will never grow thin.[break]
Whispers and echoes resonate, in timeless harmony they may slumber.[break]
Legends woven by stars, the echoes of heroes, forever we remember.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
acting as earthen bulwarks for our town to survive.[break]
Violent women slayeth the hands at our throats[break]
while a mistress of the forge builds cotes[break]
for our wingless people as the bleeding train[break]
is severed from its track.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Garbod'r didst appeareth,[break]
bringing stench and sludge to Motostoke's sph're.[break]
Our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Prophecy's riddles unfold, entwined in a mad tower with poison's haze,[break]
Glowing ore tinkered upon, its power carefully appraised.[break]
Training camps arise, wielders sharpen their might,[break]
While the kingdom sharpens the mind; knowledge's flame is made bright.[break]
Travelling in our policed Motostoke is made with ease,[break]
Smithing's hammer strikes, creations born of fire and steam’s breeze,[break]
Our courier's path unfurls, messages on swift steed,[break]
As an orphanage is made for the young ones so desperate in need.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of another decade's reign,[break]
Time weaved its tapestry, bearing both joy and pain.[break]
Illusory Zamazenta emerge from the stones,[break]
On the day of least light, to lead us to to the final zone.[break][break]

In the heart of the battle's pestilent fray,[break]
Against an army of Poison, we held our sway.[break]
Hexperts and Hermits led the charge on the bloody wold,[break]
But we stood unyielding, steadfast tenfold.[break][break]

A gigantic Cinderace, atop a burning fire,[break]
With agile strikes, it sought our pyre.[break]
The enormous Inteleon with an eye so astute,[break]
From its tower it stalked, seeking our heroes to shoot.[break]
A Rillaboom, mighty and strong,[break]
Its thunderous drums echoed, a primal vinesong.[break]
But with unwavering spirit and valor untamed,[break]
We vanquished every force, our victory proclaimed.[break][break]

In a clash of titans, The Black Knight and Skeleton engaged,[break]
We united, our valor unswayed.[break]
Together we fought, and the Skeleton surrendered.[break]
But The Black Knight did not possess a heart so tender.[break][break]

Greed in its eyes, it turned upon our kin,[break]
A looming threat, radiance collected within.[break]
Yet in that dire moment, the true Zamazenta revealed,[break]
Brandishing its golden shield, its power unconcealed.[break][break]

With a dauntless dash, it rushed the night,[break]
Defeating The Black Knight, a radiant blight.[break]
As it fled to Ultra Space, Skeleton in its wake,[break]
Zamazenta's courage shone, the realm's destiny now truly safe.[break][break]

In the realm's fading hues, where colors slowly dim,[break]
The memory of this epic tale, will never grow thin.[break]
Whispers and echoes resonate, in timeless harmony they may slumber.[break]
Legends woven by stars, the echoes of heroes, forever we remember.



CHARACTERS WHO HAVE NOT MISSED TWO ROUNDS will receive full rewards. Even if you missed ONE ROUND, you will be able to redeem all rewards.[break][break]

Please note that the EXTRA MOVE SLOT reward can only be used on Pokemon that HAVE NOT FAINTED DUE TO LOW SALAC ROLLS in this raid.[break][break]

The DYNAMAX DISCOUNT COUPON can be used to receive a 25% DISCOUNT on a DYNAMAX BAND when they are eventually released on site. Do note that the discount's value may change.




COPY AND PASTE the code under the spoilers into your PC for easy input. However, you may have to edit the coding to allow it to fit your specific PC template of choice. As a note, POKEDOLLARS & INFAMY will be automatically added to participating accounts.[break][break]

[img src="" title="3X LEVEL TUTORS" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X TM/TR" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X EGG TUTOR" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="3X GACHAPON TICKETS" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X PREMIUM GACHAPON TICKET" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X KASIB BERRY - IMMEDIATELY USABLE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X OCCA BERRY - IMMEDIATELY USABLE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" TITLE="1X MEGA SHARD" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="1X SILVALLY MEMORY - YOUR CHOICE OF TYPE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="SHARD OF CHOICE" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="EXTRA MOVE SLOT - grants one participating pokemon that has not fainted in this raid an extra move slot. if they already have a 7th move slot from a kasib berry, this grants the pokemon their 8th and final move slot." style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"][img src="" title="DYNAMAX DISCOUNT COUPON - will grant a 25% discount for a DYNAMAX BAND when the dynamaxing is released" style="border:none;box-shadow:none;"]


JULY 7TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

has missed two rounds and has been ejected from the event.[break][break]

, , , , , , , , , , and have missed one round—but will still receive full rewards.[break][break]

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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february 3rd
malie city
senior ranger
5’2” height
5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
253 posts
part of
TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 13:05:17 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



The battle was won. There attacks had beaten Eternatus while Necrozma was beaten by Zamazenta. When Necrozma fled dragging Necrozma with him he couldn’t help but be relieved. They had did it. All of them. They had saved the people here. That meant they would be going home. He just knew it. Knew this is what they had to have been brought here for.
He was tired. Tired from everything that had happened. But he could ignore it. Just happy that they had pulled his off. Happy that they had completed the prophecy, the reason they had been brought here. Finally they could go home.
His attention was grabbed by the stars and he looked up at them. The stars told a new story. The sight of it made him frown. This had to just be speculation. Though he wasn’t real sure he believed that. He was still under the belief that either winning would’ve been a bad idea. Neither of them he was very fond of. And he hadn’t exactly been trying to hide it either.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he allowed his gaze to drop away from the night sky. Everyone had to know by now that they would be leaving. The place having lost its memory feel during the fight should’ve been a tip off. He was sure people would be saying goodbye to the peasantry. He didn’t bother. Having not gotten real close to any of them.
Instead he just stood quietly waiting for the world to fade. Or whatever it planned to do. He had never been in this kind of situation before. So he wasn’t to sure what it would do.
Seemed he had been right though. The world began ti fade around him. And he was sure to the people of the memory it would seem like it was the other way around. Not that it really mattered. The world continued to fade before everything went black.

He woke up with a start a shiver wracking his body. Geez it was cold. And as if the world was mocking him a light rain before to fall. Resisting the urge to groan he just let out a sigh. Wincing slightly he got up and looked around.
No sign of either ruinous beast but both Zacian and Zamazenta was there. He kept his distance but did start to move around in the hopes of getting warm. His body was going to hate him tomorrow. That was for sure.
The cold plus the light rain fall made it hard for him to breathe. But he wasn’t exactly sure what he could do. Though he was in Hoenn he was sure all his Pokémon were tired and making them make the journey back would be asking a lot. He supposed he could walk but the rain was making him cold.
Maybe . That is if the gym leader had brought any flying type Pokémon with him. If he didn’t he wasn’t real sure what he would do.
While he debated this he became lost in thought. He continued to stay on the move as he thought. He had noticed before. But his memory was being weird. It made him a bit apprehensive. Especially because he was remembering stuff that seemed impossible. And some of those impossible memories were missing. He wasn’t sure how he knew that he just did.
What had they all been doing? Why did he know so much about Galar? About dynamaxing? Why did he remember prophecies and star constellations that told stories. The latter of which should be impossible. And last but not least why did he remember people he hadn’t met? All these thoughts ran through his mind.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he shook his head. All of these thoughts were giving him a headache. He would have to think on them later. When he was alone and could think things through better.
In his distraction he hadn’t noticed Zacian and Zamazenta leaving. He frowned slightly before shrugging. Oh well it wasn’t like he would’ve gained anything by saying goodbye to the sword and shield dog.
He noticed the exposed cavern and the ancient tomb but decided against exploring either. He was sure neither would offer respite from the cold. In fact both would probably be like an ice box.
Putting his hands in his pockets hoping to at least make them warm he frowned when his hand brushed up against something. Taking it out to examine it he frowned when he saw it was an arrow head. The fact he didn’t know how it had gotten into his pocket made him wary.
Frowning he slipped it back into his pocket. Looking at it would only bring back his earlier questions.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + ooc notes



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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 13:58:59 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
A message came from his Beheeyem, urging him to come back. With little else remaining here, Hideo turned back, riding outside the woods once more into the battlefield.

He could hear the cheers marking their victory - but the message from Elga came once again, gently guiding Hideo along. They stopped once Hideo was close, reaching his once-more-normal-sized Beheeyem.

And another person was there: Plumeria. "Dear? Why have you come to the battlefield? You should be with the children."

"They are asleep. I'd wished to see your face again, to know that you still stood, that you found your way through this ordeal."

Hideo dismounted from his Glastrier. "Oh Dear, you always were a worrywart." He reached over, hugging her tight - just as Uxie spoke into his head once more.

The Dream Is Ending


Hideo's hug tightened; he knew this might happen, that their return might be coming. Yet the words pierced his heart all the same, and words poured out from his wound.

"It's…it's time, Dear. The time for me to return to Hoenn has come. I…I wish I had time to say goodbye to the children once more, but I fear we've not enough time to even ride back."

He didn't receive an answer for some time, some part of him fearing it was already over - yet he could still feel her in his arms, her own around him. "Will you be able to come back? Andy and Ruby will miss you dearly."

"I…" Hideo's voice wavered, unsure how to word his answer. "I do not know. We were brought here by a power unknown. I may be able to find a chance to visit Galar, to visit Ballonlea, but if I truly come from a time past this one, then-"

Lips met his own, silencing him. "I understand. If it is true, that you truly come from another time from us, then I just ask this of you:"

"Remember. Remember us. Remember your Dear Plumeria, you darling Ruby, and your daring Andy. Remember the life we had here, those you taught, those we saved. I ask you do that for us."

"I swear it." There was no hesitation, no desire to forget the past twenty years of his life here.

A cold lick to the cheek drew his attention back to his mount. "I will add one more to this vow: I will remember Glastrier as well. They truly were a mount meant for a king, even if they chose me as their Rider."

Content, Glastrier brushed its face against Hideo's, wiping away some tears that were spilled.

Hideo felt his wife leave his grasp, the sounds of his Glastrier's breaths dampening.



The dripping rain against his face caught Hideo's attention first, obscuring his tears. A ring dangled from his finger, evidently too large for him. He took a step forward, trying to regain his bearings - and found his legs failing to go as far as he expected them to.

Before he could fall face-first into the accumulating mud, he felt the metallic hands of his Magearna catch him. His first reflex was to wrap his hands around the oversized ring, holding on to it even as he's back on his feet.

He doesn't even acknowledge Uxie on his head - under the Illusion of a Joltik. The disguised Pixie's attention is on the two dogs watching them. Though it wished to investigate them further, to investigate the shard-laden tomb, a small peek at Hideo's mind is all it took to know the boy is in no condition to stay here.

Hideo tried to say something, to ask what happened, where they were, why he felt like a stranger in his own body. All that came out were choked sobs, crying over a life that he hadn't truly lived. He didn't consider how unsafe he was at the moment around Rockets, or how vulnerable he was in his current state.

Considerations of danger was left to his Pokemon. His Magearna picked him up once more, this time flying off. It had no destination in mind other than "away from here".

Where they'd go after that, was anyone's guess, Uxie teleporting them away the moment they were out of view.

Hideo has one last moment to speak with his wife
Swears to remember his family and his life in the dream Galar
Back to reality. Hideo keeps his wedding ring
Currently an emotional mess, clings to now-oversized-ring trying to cope with loss of family and being a foot shorter again
Said coping involves crying and nearly falling into mud
Carried off by Magearna, will get teleported to safety by Uxie (disguised as Joltik) when out of view
Uxie catches a peek at what the dogs doin and at the tera crystal tomb

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 18:30:45 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Come back with your shield or on it.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Amid the routine, humdrum minutiae of everyday life during the last nineteen years, Aurelie had nearly forgotten about the fateful prophecy that foretold their eventual return to Hoenn, after a cataclysmic battle between the Black Knight and Skeleton. But when the commotion on the battlefield became too deafening to ignore, Aurelie had whirled around in time to see the NECROZMA prevail over the ETERNATUS.

Before it could turn around to devour them all, a clarion howl split the air, and the CROWNED SHIELD ZAMAZENTA heroically returned to deal a mighty BEHEMOTH BASH to the NECROZMA. She watched in awe as the hero dog forced the NECROZMA to retreat into a wormhole with the downed ETERNATUS in tow, into the depths of...somewhere else. Another dimension, perhaps another universe entirely.

In the aftermath, Aurelie swept her gaze frantically across the battlefield to see who else had survived. She breathed a sigh of profound relief as she caught sight of , , , and many others, all alive and—if not exactly well—safe enough. The red-haired smith punched the air with elation, even as she couldn't help sighing for all that had been lost as well.

But the moment was short-lived. Suddenly, the entire world began to dim and fade in her vision. All those familiar faces, the bloodstained battlefield, and the triumphant ZAMAZENTA blurred away into soft watercolor streaks and then into misty, hazy shadows that swirled and dispersed with alarming suddenness, like tendrils of elusive, ephemeral smoke.

Aurelie blinked. In that instant, the corpse-strewn, Legendary-devastated landscape of Galar vanished. With a jolt of shock, she opened her single eye to find herself back before the Ancient Tomb in Hoenn, still scattered with snow from the CHIEN-PAO's AVALANCHE.

Her mind reeled and a shudder racked her body at the too-sudden, too-drastic transition. Feeling light-headed and wobbly, Aurelie felt her knees buckle and was startled at how quickly she was able to catch herself before collapsing to the ground. She braced herself for the familiar burst of pain to inevitably flare along her lower back and hips, before realizing—there was no pain. The accumulated wear and tear of two strenuous decades had disappeared, leaving her twenty-six again, just as she had been when they'd been transported out of Hoenn into...whatever they'd just experienced.

In that moment, Aurelie felt like two people, with two very different histories. She remembered living in Lilycove City, running her small business there, and coming here to investigate the ZAMAZENTA and CHIEN-PAO on Rocket's behalf. At the same time, she remembered spending the last twenty years as the blacksmith and artificer of Motostoke in a chaotic, poison-plagued medieval Galar.

Two different pasts at once, two different places, and two sets of memories.

But as the rain fell like tears on her face, the immediate feelings and thoughts of the Hoennian present rushed forth in a torrent, overshadowing the memories of the Galarian past. Had it been real? Had it all been a dream? It was already starting to feel distant, as though it had been an intense, vivid movie or game that Aurelie had gotten swept up in—but then could close and return to real life.

The blood, the terror, the exhaustion, the friendship, the joy... It all feels so faraway, so unreal. But why does thinking of it that way leave me feeling so...hollow?

She drew in a long, trembling breath and struggled back to her feet. The movement caused something to crinkle and ruffle inside her backpack and something else to clink softly in her pocket. In the former, among her Poke Balls, knives, medical kit, and other supplies, Aurelie found her diary—supplemented by several sheafs of parchment pages bound together with leather cords.

With an odd feeling of relief, she paged through it, feeling as if these accounts of her days in Galar could help her figure things out. They're not photographs or recordings, she thought ruefully, regarding the low-tech parchment writings, but still. They'll help. I'm sure they will.

In her pocket, Aurelie pulled out a suede pouch, filled with something heavy. Tipping out the contents, she gasped in surprise to find an unfinished blacksmithing project, a commemoration gift to celebrate the twentieth anniversary since the coronation of the royalty in... Was it Motostoke? Yes, Motostoke, she reminded herself.

It was a chess set, the stainless steel pieces still very much a work in progress. The king displayed Isaac and Caleb standing back-to-back with shield and trident raised high, while the queen depicted Cygne in her armor, scribed with an Autobot insignia. One knight showed atop his Spectrier, while the other one was herself beside a hammer and anvil. The tower of one rook was entwined with vines, with the figures of and WO-CHIEN atop it, while the other rook was guarded by and tiny figures of the City Guard.

Aurelie swallowed past a lump in her throat as she looked at the sculpted faces and forms. Her other hand clenched tightly into a fist. I'll finish this someday, she vowed. I won't forget. I won't!

- Wearing jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, sunglasses, and a dark hoodie with the hood pulled up all the way again
- Remembers a lot, but it all feels very distant and remote, like it all happened to someone else
- Finds her diary and thinks it'll be really helpful (BUT NO, THE WRITING IN IT WILL FADE JUST LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS OR RECORDINGS WOULD. PSYCHE!)
- Memento: A pouch containing a blacksmithing work in progress (a unfinished stainless steel chess set carved with some of the faces of her fellow citizens of Motostoke)

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 21:38:20 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
It's over. This warring had come to an end - and with it, the promise of home.

Yet, as they tend to the wounded, El finds it hard to find satisfaction in that fact when they gaze over the bodies of the fallen. So many people here - peasants who had no place in the struggles of those from Hoenn, yet were willing to take up arms all the same - had perished in this battle. El could only pray that they'd rest in peace - once the fields were confirmed safe, perhaps they could gather and bury the dead then.

But it was as if the universe around them shuddered - and with it, came the reminder that this world they were in was but a fleeting one. Whether they liked it or not, they were going to have to go soon - the time for goodbyes was fast dwindling.

And though El did what they could to mingle with the people they knew from their time as a healer in Hammerlocke, there was but one person that they wanted to - no, needed to - find. One person that they had to speak to, before the fabric of this place unraveled to nothing but threads.

Bibidi was an ever-helpful figure in El's life as always, however; and with gentle mental nudges, she led them in the direction of the one mind she'd never forget the feeling of... Leading them, to that of .

That shock of yellow hair, sunlight-golden eyes, all stood out against the monochrome that the crumbling world took on. A beacon that El could follow any day - and follow it they did, charging headlong to pull their brother into a sudden embrace. El buried their face against the top of Isaac's head, leaned into him, holding onto him as if it would ensure that neither of them would lose one another in the midst of everything going on around them.

For that period of time, the entire world that El knew truly was but the warmth of their brother's presence.

It took a few moments for El to finally speak - and when they did, their voice was a gentle whisper. "I'm glad you're okay..." They murmured. Because with all of the lives lost in this fighting, it easily could've been either of them, or any of the people close to the two of them, instead, right? "I'm glad so many of our family is okay, too..." Because it wasn't just the two of them. It was , his children, , ...

So many people who were not bound by blood - and yet, they found comfort in one another all the same.

When El's head lifted to gaze to see the surroundings breaking away into some void of nonexistence, their voice would be somewhat more hurried - more urgent, as they desired to express everything they wanted to say before they awoke from this twenty-year dream. "You-- you'll find me, after all of this, right?" They asked, a certain fragility in their voice as it choked up. "I... don't want to wait another twenty years to see you again, Isaac." It had been twenty years too long, after all.

"It doesn't have to be right away, but... Please promise me - we'll see each other again, and be able to talk, and be able to be siblings, once we're back in Hoenn. Right?" They didn't know how much either of them would remember of this. Because dreams were ever-so-fleeting in one's memory. But they wanted to cling to every bit of this that they could.

But with that, there was one last squeeze, a brief nuzzle against the top of Isaac's head...

"I love you, Isaac. You'll always be the best to me."

... Before everything went dark.

When El stirred, it was something surprisingly slow and gentle - unhurried even by the droplets of rain that hit their face. They felt as if they had awoken from a deep and comfortable slumber - and the wind that played across the grass and their hair almost made them think of their home near Fortree. As if the things they experienced up to now had never happened.

Yet, much like the cool and crisp air that filled El's lungs as they sucked in a breath, bits and pieces of those twenty years washed over their mind. Feelings, knowledge, memories - not all of it complete, yet enough for them to know that it had been real. Or, at least, some semblance of real - it was hard to put a word to it, when it all took place in the abstract of a memory, yet was still something that their flesh-and-blood body had experienced for two whole decades.

Slowly, carefully - with Bibidi's help - El would get up onto their feet. They would brush as much of the mud and slush off of their clothes as they could - only to blink, as something in one of their pockets chimed. The sound - as it turned out - was from a handful of metallic rings clinking together, ones that belonged to a staff once upon a time.

They couldn't help but look to the rings - turning each one over in their hand.. Before they couldn't help a brief shiver at the cold against their skin, from the rain and melted snow soaking through their clothes. Their initial thought was that it was probably time to go - to warm back up, and try to sort through these strange memories and thoughts that felt almost foreign in their head...

... But there were people here. People that were probably still injured, from the conflict between the legendaries. And someone that they were hoping to find, amidst the scattered individuals that were waking as well. When their gaze came across a familiar masked individual, El would watch Blackjack - no, Isaac - from where they stood, watching to see if he was okay, or if he was hurt at all.

And if Isaac's gaze met El's own, well... They'd simply give him a loving smile, and a little nod - not wanting to blow their brother's cover, despite how much they desired to run to him and embrace him a second time. How much they desired to simply run away with him, and leave this conflict behind for greener, peaceful, pastures.

But it'd be okay, a small voice at the back of their head whispered. This wouldn't be the last they'd see of one another, after all.

"Come on, Bibidi." El spoke as they finally turned their attentions away from Isaac - reaching for Akero's ball on their belt, as they began walking along. "Let's see if there's anyone who needs some help." Be they League or Rocket, El would provide healing and aid alike for those they came across.

It was their duty as a cleric, after all...
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2023 3:08:09 GMT
ana fell Avatar


rusted shield (MOTOSTOKE)


Like watching a tragedy unfold in real time-- something that never could happen to you, suddenly, now, it is, and everything you thought you knew is coming apart at the seams.
She thought, wholeheartedly, she’d either die before they returned to Real Hoenn, or it would just never come to pass.
A noise of anger and anguish screams from her as the Necrozma rises, valiant, victorious; fills her with a rage unlike any she’d touched before, and she’d been plenty mad. Before anything can happen, though, Zamazenta rushes in and puts the big kebosh on that.
And then everything is fading. The armor on her back. The hammer in her hands. She leans down and holds tight to Sima’s main neck as the dragon brings her in for a landing, as though she’s scared to lose her, too. She hides her face in metal alloy and tastes salt and blood.
There is less crying than she expected, but the woman that slides to the ground and lands in the churned dirt is not the same woman who got on this dragon. Her legs shake and the world around her wavers, as she chokes down a sob and clings to Sima like she’ll fall apart, seeds on the wind… because she just might. It was all too much. Too much to parse, faded in the wind; whole lifetimes, just gone.
As the Hero Duo’s howl rings out across the land, something jabs at Cyg’s chest. She pulls back to find one of her smithy emblems-- the Autobot insignia-- and peels it off, holding it in the palm of her hand. Everything ripples-- her body rejects what it’s being presented with, the smallness and lessness and weakness of her frame. A dysphoria crawls up her bones as she hurls the fragment of metal away and climbs back up on Sima, driving her up and away, somewhere private, so she can come apart in peace.








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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2023 12:49:46 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Necrozma struck a devastating blow upon the Skeleton, its screech of triumph a mirror to the swell of victory within Zev's chest. He watched Eternatus struggle from the hand of his Dynamaxed Charizard, and for a moment, he felt the conquest was his, not Necrozma's.[break][break]

But said victory was short-lived, for the Hero of Many Battles emerged at last from the Slumbering Weald. Zamazenta's howl cut through the tense air.[break][break]

Zev looked up just in time to see the Pokémon of legend smash into Necrozma with BEHEMOTH BASH. The sky lit up with fire and light as explosions rocked the alien's body. Zev tensed, prepared to fight anew, though he knew this event was scripted to happen.[break][break]

But a rift opened up at that moment to whisk Necrozma to safety, Eternatus clutched in its grasp. It would live to fight another day. Perhaps both would, he thought grimly.[break][break]

The realm breathed a collective sigh of relief. Cheers rose up among the gathered armies while loved ones embraced each other. Zev did not join them. He alighted from his Charizard as she returned to her normal size. His eyes watched the graying horizon.[break][break]

A pressing urgency overtook Zev as the fabric of reality unraveled. He turned, his blue gaze scanning the battlefield. A glint of metal on the ground caught his eye; the familiar shape of it drew his attention.[break][break]

Crouching, he picked up a pair of dog tags attached to a broken chain.[break][break]

'King of the Day', they said.[break][break]

Zev shot to his feet, the trepidation in him skyrocketing. "Kyle!" he began to shout.[break][break]

Then he blinked, and it was like waking up from a dream. A light rain pattered against the mask that covered his face. The snow-covered land that spread before him contrasted sharply with Hoenn's late spring humidity.[break][break]

Disoriented, Zev shook his head to clear it of fog. Only then did he notice he held something in his fist — something small and metal, the rounded edge of it digging into his flesh.[break][break]

Uncurling his fingers, he found a pair of dog tags attached to a broken chain.[break][break]

'King of the Day', they said.[break][break]

"What the fuck is this?" Zev muttered under his breath. Next to him, his Charizard rumbled a response that explained nothing.[break][break]

As strange as the discovery was, however, he felt compelled to keep it. So he pocketed the dog tags and climbed onto his Pokémon's back.[break][break]

"Let's get out of here," he said, feeling a persistent weariness, the kind that lingered after waking up from an exhausting dream. The two Ruinous Beasts were gone, while Zacian and Zamazenta departed, their howls on the wind. The battle had ended.[break][break]

It was time to go home.

[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted shield


Zev is wearing black tactical gear + mask[break]
Charizard's DYNAMAX ends[break]
Zev finds 's dog tags on the ground and starts to panic[break]
Back in Hoenn, Zev discovers he's holding Kyle's dog tags and is confused, doesn't remember anything[break]
Decides to go home, as the battle is clearly over



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2023 15:55:34 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Skies shriek and vision flickers, gaps in unreality coloured in with memory.[break][break]

Mental fog lifts alongside the pink-and-black haze that surrounds Cillian. That which he'd been denying for years comes into sharp relief as he kneels next to the body of a fallen soldier and realizes that they wear the face of a man he'd killed in Kanto.[break][break]

This has never been real. He'd known, but he hadn't wanted to accept.[break][break]

She wasn't real, but the grief that tears through him at the loss of his daughter is as concrete as anything.[break][break]

He doesn't find a body. There is only a feather, silver beneath the blood and dirt that covers it. The bird, her mount, is nowhere to be seen. Though this inspires a brief hope that she might have survived, there is not time enough to search.[break][break]

As others bid their goodbyes to each other, to new friends and children and fragments of a past not their own, Cillian stumbles through the battlefield until his knees give out. It is there, clutching the feather so tight that it cuts into an already scarred palm, that Shadow Lugia finds him.[break][break]

Through his overwhelming grief, he can feel her elation.[break][break]

They were going home.[break][break][break][break]

Rainfall soaks his skin, mingling with the tears that slide silent down his cheeks. When Cillian opens his eyes, it is not to look upon a fading battlefield but a scarred snowscape of twenty years ago.[break][break]

His palm aches, and he opens it to see a silver feather.[break][break]

His claws are gone. His crown is gone. His daughter, his freedom, his life. Only a feather remains as proof that it had happened at all.[break][break]

Up, Harbinger.[break][break]

Though firm with command, the weight of her deep, corrupted voice is a strange comfort in a fracturing mind. His knees don't ache as he remembers; he is young again, and strong, no hints of white in damp blond hair.[break][break]

Remember who you are she says, but what Cillian remembers is not who, but what.[break][break]

Rocket. Underboss. Subservient.[break][break]

There is none of the anger he expects to feel upon being stripped of what freedom the memory had granted. There is only a hollow sense of loss, a dull acceptance that settles as steadily as the falling rain.[break][break]

He wants nothing more than to find and hold him through their shared grief, but the shackles of duty bind him anew.[break][break]

He taps his earpiece.[break][break]

"Rocket. Into the tomb. We have beasts to hunt."

[attr="class","tag"]RUSTED SHIELD



As everyone says their goodbyes, Cillian searches for his daughter's body. He doesn't find her, but finds a SILVER CORVIKNIGHT FEATHER that lingers even as the memory itself fades.[break]
Reality check sees him ORDER ROCKET TO ENTER THE TOMB, so he is among those to explore it.[break]


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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,169 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2023 1:43:15 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

they are not abandoned. and more importantly, they are victorious. their skeletal foe is felled. freya's dragons exult in their heroism. her warriors raise bows while they bellow and thrum alongside their beasts and so she joins too, but her hum tapers as necrozma's dark shape lingers over the toxic dragon's fetal form. 

intervention spares them and through her euphoria, she still realizes, for now. necrozma and its prize escape. 

and with the battle won, truly won, she orders kirimu to the ground. she steps over bodies of the fallen. others, from her time and not, hold each other. collapse on the blood-soaked ground. rayquaza circles the air above them, a comforting presence, and in their shadow freya looks for her salvation. 

by the time she finds him on the field, their world is already coming apart. and there are tears in her eyes as she grips his arms, kissing him roughly, and saying, again and again, "it's over, it's over, it's over. we're going back."

i promised i'd bring you back.

the grass is soft on her back. drops of water trickle from her lashes as she blinks. the trees above her are blurry and she looks up at them in puzzlement, astonished to see flora so vibrant. but then the oddity of it slips away and she sits up, shedding the arms encircled around her.

the look of adoration she gives to king's sleeping form is quickly whisked away when she realizes where they are. others are staggering up. league and rocket alike. 

she searches, suddenly, for that anger she had felt before. and finds none. only a long exhale of relief and a heavy weight of exhaustion she cannot fathom.

"king, we have to go," she murmurs.

she searches quickly for , but fragments are pressing and every time she reaches for one of them, they fall through the cracks. there will be time to process later
notable; freya wakes up in king's arms and they leave together in the confusion

freya brings back a fragment of her cracked crown
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2023 2:18:33 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]

Forgetting came as easily as breathing to Elisabeth.[break][break]

The cracks in her psyche had already long been filled in and smoothed over by the designs of two divinities, their influence left as starkly visible as the gold of Johtoian kintsugi art. Those grooves had been left behind by another's influence, long before their arrival; although that cruel man had been buried for a year's time, his impact on the woman they'd chosen remained.[break][break]

She'd long questioned her own grasp of reality, before she'd ever first stepped foot in Hoenn. That had been the inheritance her late husband had given her.[break][break]

But even as Galarian memories scattered and faded like shriveled leaves on the wind, some things inevitably remained. There were things that the body remembered, and things that the mind could not make sense of, but knew to be familiar.[break][break]

This was what she remembered of those decades, kept pressed in a scrapbook that she had no memory of ever receiving:


A series of pressed dandelion flowers, inscribed on a page that noted its giver as the 'King of the Day.' Though the scent of the fresh flowers was faint, it brought to mind the image of a garden on the cusp of spring.

This was what she remembered of :
A smiling face, fresh flowers that bloomed out of season, and a reminder that kindness could still exist in the most unexpected places.[break][break]


A fragmented series of letters, all faded and illegible over the years, crinkled and yellowed with age.

This was what she remembered of , , and :
They had found hope in the world, when she was blind to all but sorrow, rage, and despair. They were not as empty as she was, no matter how much she'd tried to believe otherwise.[break][break]


A series of childish doodles, lovingly scribbled and scrawled by small hands that eagerly smudged and drew outside the lines. In it, a picture of a grumpy witch standing with smiling small children took shape.

This was what she remembered of , , and the children they bore:
Those two were destined for happiness, no matter the darkness that laid ahead. They were not like her. They would rise above whatever it was that had claimed her and left her broken.[break][break]


An artful sketch of a crowned man, staring up at a tower he had no business intruding upon, drawn by a careful and studied hand that was not Elisabeth's own.

This was what she remembered of :

There would always be someone who wanted to take what little happiness she had; there would always be someone to remind her that she was not enough for those she loved, that there was always someone better ready and willing to take her place.[break][break]


A glossy black feather from a Corvisquire, having been designed for an arrowhead. The unmistakable scent of sandalwood and lavender clung to it, familiar in a way that left her nostalgic.

This was what she remembered of :
Though he would fly from her, no matter how far or how long he strayed from her side, her oiseau would always return to her. Even if she didn't understand why. Even if she didn't deserve that small mercy.[break][break]


A shorn lock of golden hair, tied with a pink baby's ribbon as if designating a mother's sentimental memento.

This was what she remembered of the only daughter she'd ever known, and lost:
Our capacity to love and be loved is never fully lost. And we do not always get to decide who we love, or who we grieve.[break][break]


Mortality had its limitations, but the gods possessed no such constraints. Tapu Fini and Wo-chien both reveled in their return to Hoenn, liberated at last from the confines of a false age of idleness.[break][break]

The piscine deity, distant as she was in the shadows, thrummed with pleasure at being so close now to her prey of choice -- returned to the same reality as him, alive in his same plane of existence. Balance, for her, had been struck again.[break][break]

Wo-chien's ochre eyes, however, betrayed an unsettling focus as they regarded the silhouette of the dark-haired woman departing these ruins.[break][break]

"We were careless, in that world. We trusted that things would unfold as we desired. We became complacent."

The enemy of resentment was not pain, nor violence, nor isolation. No, all those things fed that seed of spite, allowing it to blossom into hateful thorns and briars; that first decade had been a gluttonous one, feeding them with enough suffering to fuel Wo-chien to untold heights.[break][break]

The Ruinous Beast had forgotten, as all gods do, the simplicity of what could make mortals undone.[break][break]

Love and contentment alone possessed the power to break its curse.[break][break]

"We will not allow ourselves to be deceived so easily, next time."

  • Elisabeth doesn't really remember anything tbh.
  • Which means that Elisabeth definitely doesn't remember having a kid, or telling that she was the Tapu Fini Avatar, or Kylisa Day.
  • HOWEVER, she remembers vague emotional connections with certain people and certain feelings she believes to be true.
  • Has a scrapbook that she received from in Hammerlocke with various mementos left inside, ostensibly because she got sentimental before the Winter Solstice.
  • Meanwhile, Wo-chien and Tapu Fini remember EVERYTHING. Tapu Fini is pogged out that we're back in the same place as , the OG Avatar Goldenchild, and Wo-chien is pissy that it almost lost control over Elisa in Galar during the Barnababy arc.
  • Wo-chien quietly promises not to lose Elisa's resentment to contentment/love again. :pogwochien:

[attr="class","ooc"] [break][break]


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2023 3:15:32 GMT




the absence of a DROUGHT above is concerning enough. he looks around for the land titan only to feel a strong warmth emanating from within his pocket.[break][break]

his next immediate concern strikes like a match.[break][break]


but their son is nowhere to be found.[break][break]

quickly, the once-healed cracks in his mind begin to shatter once again.[break][break]

he rushes over to .[break][break]

"portal us back—portal us back now!"[break][break]

- matias brings back a RING he planned on proposing to with


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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
886 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2023 8:32:58 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
He's back where he's supposed to be. Motions practiced for twenty years play out. Hitoshi jumps to his feet, tossing out his Kingambit on one side and Kleavor on the other. With blade in hand, he surveys the surroundings, looking for the Sword of Ruin. It is nowhere in sight. Much as he suspected when ruminating in an illusory dojo, it inspected them and left. Cursing, he recalls his Pokemon. There's no point to being here. Under a weeping sky, he has only one desire.[break]As much as his heart resonates with 's order, the dog leaves. He does not join in any hunt. He does not try to further antagonize the League, even if that is his job. All he does is rush to Slateport. Hitoshi has his place, and it is not here.

Hitoshi jumps up expecting to scrap with Chien-Pao.
Sees Chien-Pao is gone.
Promptly say "fuck this shit, I'm out" and goes to find Yumi.
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2023 13:54:40 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Goodbye, Galar.

It's fading away.

The world was beginning to blur around the edges. His consciousness was beginning to fade. They... they were going back. He could feel it.

Did he want to? After 20 years— After living most of his life in Galar, did he wish to go back?


"... Right." He muttered, slowly turning to bring his eyes to the people of Galar.

He didn't think he had grown as close to them as the others. He had no spouse— no lover. No best friend. And yet—

His scales began to spread— far and wide. Reaching to all that had been injured in their war.

"It's... been a pleasure, guys." He said, smiling at the familiar people of Ballonlea, raising a hand. "This is the last time magic will take care of those injuries, so... Take care of each other from here on, okay?"

Was there a 'here on' for them...? He hoped so. He didn't want them to fade away.

But the world was disappearing around them nonetheless. His hold on his consciousness was weakening.

His eyes slid shut.

He's not quick to wake up.

It isn't until the first droplet of rain that he's stirred from his sleep.

He's confused and off balance in the beginning. His body feels... oddly great. Stronger. Less pains wrack at him as he rises to his feet— and stumbles.

He feels better than ever, yet still finds himself feeling... off. Staring at his hand, he noted old, familiar scars on his forearm.

He also noted the fact that he was missing many of them.

Not just that. His hand... it had callouses— just nowhere near enough. He had spent nearly 15 years sculpting— his hand had been almost as rough and solid as the wood and stone he worked on.

Just in general, his skin was in terribly good shape. Too good, really. The wear and tear of 15 years in a medieval warzone had seemingly vanished; regained a youthful quality it had long lost—

"Colonel!" An vaguely familiar voice called to him.

Turning his attention towards it, his face blanked as he saw a face had fought hard for 20 years to remember rushing towards him.

"... Lt. Cromwell?" He asked as the young woman crouched besides him. She was saying stuff. Lots of it—

She was asking what had happened. Saying they had lost contact after the ruinous beasts unleashed a terrible attack. That gaping fissures now surrounded the collapsed ruins—

All John Sullivan could think of, however, was how she hadn't aged a day.

And turning his gaze back to his own hand, he finally realized what he had been trying to avoid:

Neither had he.

"Oh..." He uttered.

Which meant that neither had anyone else.

Which meant...


Old friends had become older enemies.

The drive home was an awkward, silent affair.

He couldn't recall the way home. He could barely remember where he was right now. All he knew was that it was somewhere in Hoenn.

He couldn't recall the name of the man besides him either. He had been friendly with him at some point— he assumed so at least, from how he addressed his superior officer when he had approached.

The landscape flew by while he stared out the window head against the glass. He didn't recognize a single thing— he wasn't sure he would have even if there had been any landmarks at tall.

The motion sickness wasn't helping his memory jog one bit either.

"Ugh..." He groaned, rubbing his temples.

"Tired, Colonel?" The soldier besides him asked. "Feel free to lean back and rest, sir. We're still a few hours away from Mauville."

"Y-yeah. That sounds good." He said, looking around for... however it was that the seat could be leaned back. How was it...? Eventually, from the deep depths of his younger body's muscle memory, his body leaned to the side and shoved his hand between door and seat, finding a lever. "Right."

As he reclined back into his seat, his eyes fluttered shut, and he tried to settle his weight... only to feel something hard poke at his side from within his jacket.

"Hnghr..." He grumbled under his breath. Shoving his arm into his several pockets, the youth finally found whatever it was, his hand curling around tightly... which made him freeze.

A sensation both foreign and familiar settled in him as his grip softened ever so slightly, slowly pulling the tool out of his pocket and staring at it.

"Huh? Did you switch your knife, Colonel?"

He had been wondering how much, if anything, of what they had experienced was real...

And now he was staring at his old carving knife, identical to the one in his memories down to the last scratch.

A small, tentative smile tugged at his lips.

"Yeah. I think I am."

-Doug heals the peasants one last time, tells them from here on out they'll have to take care of themselves without magic. Lucky he gave them the tools to do so.

-We're going BAAACK.

-We're back. Doug literally remembers as much as is possible in as much detail as is possible— has a hard time remebering anything Hoenn related though.

-Takes a while to realize they haven't aged a day. Realizes some of his 20 year long friendships have become even older enmities. F*ck, man.

-Begins to wonder if any of it was real or if he they just dreamed it up.

-Gets a drive home from one of his soldiers. Can't remember his name or face.

-Tries to rest, feels something in his jacket.

-Finds his old Carving knife.

-Realizes it was all real.

-He makes a decision.
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,586 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2023 13:56:36 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
death did not come to him.

kyle lies on the ground, eyes staring up at the night sky. one hand holds the ball containing his trusted solgaleo. as much as he'd want to try out things, he cannot bring himself to jeopardize the chance to get home.

the smeargle stands beside the fallen king. kyle's fail safe to know whether the memory was nothing but their imagination or a reality itself. the move used by the hero of many battles has been engraved in its head, and it'll be up to the future kyle to take it as it was.

it did work during darkrai's region-wide nightmare.

another experiment was planned to have been done for this day, but just had to say something to him. he clutches the knife given to him, unused 'til the end.

A burdened heart sinks into the ground
A veil falls away without a sound
Not day nor night, wrong nor right
For truth and peace you fight

his hand tries to feel for an accessory around his neck, finding dog tags missing on his person. he would laugh, but he knows he can name least two names beating themselves up for it should they find it.

relief comes with a voice calling out to him. "...hey."

the casual response comes with the arrival of . he sees panic in his eyes. it differs this time compared to the paranoia he had always displayed before. it lures him in, enough for him to give his solgaleo's ball for his smeargle to hold.

a sudden yank brings matias to the ground with him.

"stay with me for a while, m'kay. i've got something to say. i-"

Sing with me a song of silence and blood
The rain falls, but can't wash away the mud
Within my ancient heart dwells madness and pride
Can no one hear my cry

there never was a definite conclusion to their relationship.

while one story finishes, another is left in limbo by the author. kyle himself was familiar with it happening, especially with novels discontinued by their authors due to funding, or even fanfics being left alone because of time constraints.

he is left with a mixture of emotions in his heart. frustration of not being able to do everything on his agenda, relief that it's finally over, sorrow over forgotten relationships, guilt.

"oi," he finds himself snapping his fingers on a dazed . "wake up. i need you to escort any personnel that might not be able to act accordingly. cave stuff is your forte, right?"

he had always given instructions to him, but it feels more natural now than before. there was something with a weapon at hand that gives him false confidence, much like a character in an rpg.

perhaps he just inherited strength from the person the knife on his hand connects him to.

  • sygna suit deactivated
  • attempted suicide with zev's knife for science
  • fluff stuff with matyle day
  • kyle brings with him the knife



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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
816 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2023 22:21:41 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

The battle rages on between the Black Knight and the Skeleton, and even if her hopes were they would both fall, the Knight Necrozma stands tall. Strong. It's frustrating. Absolutely bitter, and as she watches the victor stand tall. Their hunger continues, and it's all Genny can do to not notch two arrows out, readying the Overdrive... but the dog comes.[break][break]

Zamizenta. The hero. Hazel eyes would have once been filled with light at his return, but all they can do now is stare on. They were saved. As she moves to put the bow away, moving to pet both Venus and Wander...[break][break]

And then... they're home.[break][break]

The cracked visage of the world around them comes to an end, and they are back. Genny holds true one thing, something immensely important to her. An arrowhead. Ancient and old, she uses it to cut her longer hair, before turning on a heel. She doesn't forget the time from before. As she slices away the longer, orange hair, and lets it fall into the rain and mud, she looks forward, ready to complete the mission.[break][break]

"Cadet Cromwell. Heading into the cave system. Will retrieve what I can and bring it back for recovery." There's a cold, deadpan voice from her. Hazel eyes just filled with... nothing. No love. Nothing.[break][break]

She walks into the cave.



- We're so back. Genny uses her memento, a broken, rusted arrowhead, to cut off her long orange hair.[break]
- Comms back to the higher-ups. She was going to head in and recover what she could from the cave.[break]
- She's... not okay right now.



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