i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2023 23:52:15 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Thunder rumbles, rain lashing down from the heavens to soak his skin and slick hair into his eyes. The rush he feels as the Cinderace topples beneath the combined might of his allies makes him feel young again, and he turns to his husband with a grin that borders on feral.[break][break]

"We've still got it, love."[break][break]

Shadows pull back like claws retracting, though MIASMA lingers.[break][break]

But Cillian's wild bloodlust is curbed, the grin faltering on his lips as the toppling giant crashes down upon a bulk of their fighting force. People he'd trained with. People he knew — and one among them more than the rest.[break][break]


He staggers forward through blood and muck, stopped short when Lugia's tail crashes down like a guillotine before him. The earth shakes as she lands, men scattering like ants to avoid being crushed beneath her weight.[break][break]

There is no time.[break][break]

Mighty though their armies were, the gods above cared little for their squabbles. The one they called the BLACK KNIGHT, whom he knew as NECROZMA and as his enemy, grapples with its own age-old nemesis in the SKELETON.[break][break]

Lugia's hatred burns through him, bolstering his own fury at his daughter's uncertain fate. He knows Lugia's intent as her red eyes narrow upon Necrozma's jagged form, driven to the earth by its skeletal foe.[break][break]


She turns the force of her furious gaze upon him, but Cillian gathers the willpower to stand his ground.[break][break]

"Better the enemy we know," he says aloud. He knows not where is positioned on the field of battle, but the thought of the Beast alone clues Cillian's patron in. There is a touch of old sorrow as he thinks of , as well. "We've driven it off twice now. We can do it again. But if we want that thing dead..." He turns to look at the SKELETON. "... we might need its help."[break][break]

Each of the spikes on the leviathan's tail is larger than Cillian himself, great gouges carved in the earth where she lashes that tail in anger. He is dwarfed by her shadow, but trusts her not to harm him.[break][break]

A temporary alliance. It feels more command than consent.[break][break]

Cillian nods. "Temporary."[break][break]

With a huff of contempt, the Guardian of the Seas takes flight. The great gales of wind from her wings force Cillian to crouch to keep his balance, the air shimmering pink as it gathers around her. Her SPRINGTIDE STORM, empowered by the DYNAMAX BAND, becomes a MAX STARFALL that spreads rose fog over the battlefield, mingling with the purple-black miasma where it collides around her avatar.[break][break]

Cillian does not follow. He lashes out at those around him, instead, tendrils of shadow strangling their grounded foes as grief whelms.

[attr="class","tag"]RUSTED SHIELD



WEAPON: Knuckles tipped with claws. (SHADOW HOLD)[break]
Cillian recognizes his daughter among a group he'd helped train; her fate is uncertain as the toppled Cinderace crushes part of that group.[break]
Cillian convinces Lugia to AID NECROZMA in order to take down the 'Skeleton'. Better the enemy you know than the one you don't, in his logic.[break]
She uses MAX STARFALL against ETERNATUS, which sets up MISTY TERRAIN.[break]
Cil channels his grief and anger against remnants of the poisoned army, lashing out with his SHADOW HOLD claws.


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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2023 0:44:18 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver's War Club of Ice Beam slowed down the army enough for others to finish them off. Even his Galvantuala had some fun shocking them to the ground. The generals fell quickly, but not without casualties. Oliver bore witness to his apprentice and his apprentice's Dragonair getting overwhelmed, overextending themselves and not keeping their awareness up. By the time help arrived, they were gone. With a heavy heart and hard blink, he returned his electric spider. With a single call, his Galarian Articuno came flying by, picking him up. With a shine on his wrist band, the Galarian Articuno grows in size.

Much as he hated it, he had to side with the Lugia Avatar's () though process. They didn't know this enemy, and Necrozma was known. The Skeleton must fall! As awful as Necrozma was, the other one gave him worse vibes. So, he orderd the Dynamaxed Galarian Articuno to use Max Mindstorm on the skeletal being. It was time to end this, one way or another!


Ollie's apprentice and his apprentice's dragonair dies.
Returns Galvantula, summons Galarian Articuno and takes flight.
Galarian Articuno Dynamaxes, uses Max Mindstorm on Eternatus

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2023 3:33:11 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Come back with your shield or on it.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]In the unexpected respite after the Galarian generals were downed and the Gigantamax Pokemon had been overcome, Aurelie slumped a little where she stood, panting for breath as the adrenaline of battle slowly faded. She honestly hadn't anticipated that the trainers' and armies' coordinated attack, powerful and impressive though it was, would actually work. Yet, as she looked around with her own eye, the red-haired smith could see for herself that the GALARIAN SLOWKING and SLOWBRO had been obliterated and the CINDERACE, RILLABOOM, and INTELEON slain, with the ZAMAZENTA disappearing off somewhere into the fog-filled forest.

"I can't believe we actually did it," she gasped, shaking her head in awe.

The soldier beside her flicked up the visor of his helm and turned toward her, nodding vigorously in agreement. "I can't either, Aurelie!" he exclaimed exultantly. "But we did it! We won!"

With a start, the red-haired smith recognized the man as a journeyman smith who had worked alongside her in the smithy and manufactory for a few years. "J-Jonas?" Aurelie stammered hesitantly, placing a name to the sweaty, bearded man. A smile crept across her face.

"I didn't know you were fighting, but I'm glad you're okay," she replied. "After all, you gotta stay alive so you can make your own engagement ring for your future fiancée someday, right?"

The man blushed. For some reason, at one point Jonas had become so smitten with her that he'd asked her to work on a beautiful ring for him and then promptly went down on one knee to propose marriage with the very ring she'd just handed to him. Aurelie always felt as though, despite her many effusive and heartfelt apologies afterward, he'd still never entirely forgiven her for immediately bursting into outright laughter at the question.

At least, they'd still managed to stay friends despite his gaucherie and her thoughtless reaction, thankfully.

"If I ever do, it'll be a much better ring than you'd ev..." Jonas' protest trailed off as he looked up somewhere behind Aurelie. His expression changed from lighthearted embarrassment to open-mouthed alarm in an instant. Suddenly, he reached forward and shoved her to one side, shouting, "Get out of the way!"

Too surprised to react, Aurelie stumbled and fell to the ground. The sound of a deafening collision thundered in the distance, and huge pieces of rubble, torn loose from Postwick's abandoned houses, flew toward them. As she watched in horror and disbelief, several pieces of rubble struck Jonas with sickening crunching noises, crushing his head and chest. With agonizing slowness, the dying man crumpled into a heap, blood pooling from his open mouth and many wounds as he took his last breaths.

Clambering to her feet and breathing fast with panic, Aurelie swung around toward the threat and raised her war hammer. Her gaze was immediately transfixed by the sight of the ETERNATUS and NECROZMA still fighting each other relentlessly, taking no notice of her or the man they'd just killed through collateral damage. The blood pounded in her ears as her fingers crept toward the spot on her shoulder where Jonas had pushed her out of the way of the incoming rubble.

Then, to her growing shock, Aurelie noticed out of the corner of her eye other trainers walking forward and instructing their Pokemon to help either the ETERNATUS or the NECROZMA. From what she could see, the trainers weren't being controlled or compelled, either. They seemingly chose freely to help one or the other for their own reasons.

NECROZMA, the dark shadow that had menaced them before and nearly destroyed Motostoke at one point... Or ETERNATUS, still churning with poisonous energies akin to the sludge infecting the poison Pokemon... Aurelie swallowed as she looked at the clashing Legendaries and then the corpse of her erstwhile friend and colleague at her feet.

"No," she whispered. Then, more strongly, thinking of the Rocket Sootopolis summit, she declared, "No. No! Fuck this. The last time I was told to vote between multiple evils, I chose not to vote at all. This time, I'm choosing no between two evils again. No! No to any of this."

Beckoning to her GOLETT, Aurelie hefted her war hammer with a white-knuckled grip. With an effort, she turned her back on the riveting battle going on within Postwick's ruins. "Come on, Argile," she said to her faithful Pokemon trotting quickly behind her. Her voice caught on a hysterical sob of mingled grief and guilt, before quickly steadying itself.

"We're going back Wedgehurst," she told her Pokemon, recalling the name of the town outside which the battle was taking place. "We're going to reinforce its defenses and tell the non-combatant citizens within its walls to take shelter. Whichever of these monsters wins, we don't want them to turn around and ravage yet another town afterward, after all."

- Chats with an old friend who once proposed to her in a cringy way, before he suddenly pushes her out of the way
- Her friend is struck by flying rubble thrown up by the duel between ETERNATUS and NECROZMA while she watches in horror (completes prompt REFERENCE AN NPC (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED OR NEW) that your character is familiar with FALLING IN BATTLE, with many thanks to for the idea!)
- Devastated and seeing the destruction being wrought, Aurelie ABSTAINS and returns to Wedgehurst to reinforce its defenses and tell its citizens to seek shelter from the ongoing Legendary clash

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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february 3rd
malie city
senior ranger
5’2” height
5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2023 3:51:48 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



He kept an eye on how Song was holding up even while he fired arrows at the army. He was relieved when the Jigglypuff managed to damage the barrier that the Cinderace had up. However the relief didn’t last long. And that was because the dual type was knocked out making him sigh. Returning his Pokémon he decided to survey what was happening before making a decision.
The young man only had Royal he could send out. So he didn’t want to be too hasty and send him out only to have him be knocked out as well. It was best to wait and see how things played out right now. Besides the others seemed to be holding their own for now. And it wasn’t like he hadn’t helped out.
Since he was watching he saw one of the Pokémon in the army move towards a Mason one of the people he had gotten to know since getting stuck in the memory. Someone who had forced him to always improve himself since being stuck in the memory. So he didn’t waste anytime and was already fitting stringing an arrow and firing it towards the Pokémon. His arrow made its mark but not in time to save someone he considered a friend from being struck down. Someone who had been a friendly rival towards him.
He closed his eyes taking a minute to grieve before opening his eyes. Seeing that they had cleared the way towards Necrozma and Eternatus he got down from his perch and started making his way towards the two Pokémon. Stopping a good distance away he took in what everyone was doing. Seeing attack the Necrozma he couldn’t help but front.
”Really don’t like either of them, but the skeleton has been a pain in the butt longer than Necrozma has. And has been causing deaths for longer. So yeah to me the skeleton is the bigger threat,” he said to those already present. It was also because he considered to be a good friend of his and part of him felt like he had to explain himself.
With that said he released Royal from his pokeball. He then directed the normal type to use slash on Eternatus. While his partner was doing that he started firing arrows of bitter malice at Eternatus while keeping a safe distance. Royal like his trainer was also being cautious the he had to rely on how agile he was.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Jigglypuff gets knocked out [break] Returns Jigglypuff [break] Decides to watch for awhile [break] Tries to save Mason (npc) from getting killed but fails [break] Decides to aid Necrozma [break] Sends out Glameow [break] Directs Glameow to use slash on Eternatus [break] Fires bitter malice arrows at Eternatus.



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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2023 17:15:31 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
twenty years of this - exhaustive battles, endless research, leads to nowhere. her obsession with returning home has nearly killed her. the weathered lines on her face are drawn and permanent; whatever fire in her eyes has blackened, poisoned like the rest of this soured world. 

she had come alive in glimpses, privy, at the end, only to and .

twenty years and calyrex's words are still burned into memory. every letter smeared on her city's walls. every possible answer to this unsolvable riddle.

all of this waiting and all of this energy around her, beneath her, roaring and pulsing and screeching in the rush of battle, and again she is alive. their fire is explosive and devastating. 

around them, hundreds are fighting. soldiers of her own making ride dragons of kirimu's ilk, fighting a war that will end this accursed memory. that will only seek to end them. she feels little, as some are cut down beneath her. 

one of her best is sprayed with poison. half of him is melted instantly. armor crumples and the scales of the moon he rides upon shrivel and hiss. both rider and tame go down screaming. 

create stories that will be everlasting. ones that will be sung in every tavern in the land... this will help awaken our hero dog and put an end to this memory for you to... leave!

the skeleton...falling stars...which of your stories...will you prefer?

the morningstars are made for war. their dragons are bred, raised, and tamed to command a battlefield. and yet, as kirimu's body strains with dynamax energy, freya is paralyzed. behemoths ravage each other in the air. rayquaza, impossibly huge, assaults the fabled skeleton of the realm. 

but beneath them, past the sludge and blood-soaked earth, the mirage of their hero fades.

they waited, with a patience they had no choice but to learn, for their zamazenta to summon its strength for this final battle. to clash, as it had hundreds of years ago, with this terrifying skeleton of the skies. and now? in their hour of need, it turns its back on them and runs.

heat flushes her cheeks. she is all at once reminded of every single one of her failings. every moment she's ever turned, and ran.

it is here, in this moment, that she abandons her hope to return. here, finally, that she accepts this place as her new home. her gaze shifts from postwick's woodland and up, into the sky, settling on the miles-long serpent. and the rider on their back.

she will not let them down. 

comets explode from kirimu's maw; shimmering trails of heat blister behind them as they arc towards the skeletal dragon. 

freya watches her soldiers fall in battle
dynamaxed roaring moon uses draco meteor on eternatus.
freya is madge at zamazenta
i changed my mind teehee

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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2023 21:23:02 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Confidence surged through her like the waves she rode into battle as Akero's Safeguards and 's Heal Bell staff protected them from the poison and healed whatever got through. Her Sacred Sword cut clean through the poison-borne Pokémon that stood between her and the Inteleon, giving Sparkie the opening she needed to use her Max Lightning. Yet their protection and strength didn't stop some of the brave townsfolk from falling to a Slowking's sludge. It didn't poison them; instead, it killed them instantly, bypassing both Safeguard and Heal Bell. Julia focused on pushing forward, just like she always had.

[break][break]Despite the beating it had taken, the Inteleon was still able to retaliate with piercing Snipe Shots. Julia followed where its "gun" was aimed and would have stopped in her tracks if not for her mount.

[break][break]"Conrad!" she shouted desperately. She tried to steer Suicune toward him, praying she'd be fast enough to intercept the attack...

[break][break]Something else stopped it first. Conrad fell to one side, and the Snipe Shot hit something—someone—else. Watery blood exploded from the wound that pierced their entire body. She didn't even need to see their face to know who it was.

[break][break]"Emil!" Julia's voice was nearly a shriek as she called for her husband. Suicune ran over to his fallen form, and Julia hopped off to take him into her arms. An optimistic part of her, one that had outlasted twenty years of strife, hoped he could be saved. Yet he was completely limp and unmoving in her grasp. There was a hole in his chest. And when Julia turned his face toward her, she saw his eyes were open yet unseeing.


[break][break]She had seen more than her fair share of death over the decades. Losing a member of the Adventurer's Guild always hurt, but it had gotten easier to cope with over time. But this... this made her feel like she was the one with the hole in her chest where her heart should have been. Where had she gone wrong? She had helped train Emil into the warrior he was, yet that hadn't been enough to save him. If she had only been faster on Suicune...!


[break][break]With a gasp, Julia was thrust back into reality and the cacophonous clashes surrounding her. Some of the remaining poison foot soldiers were closing in on them. Conrad slashed at them with his sword and blocked their attacks with his shield, and that was when Julia felt her heart return to her. She wouldn't lose him, too.

[break][break]Heedless of the tears gathered in her eyes, she leapt into the fray and slashed through a line of mooks, causing them to splatter into nothing but goop. The army was on its last legs, its generals fallen and its Dynamaxed support nearing the same fate. Julia quickly swiped the back of her fist over her face. Mourning could come later. There was still a battle to fight and people to protect.

[break][break]"Let's go," she said, hardening her voice with twenty years of experience.

[break][break]Conrad took one last look at his father's body, then nodded solemnly. "All right."

[break][break]They both mounted Suicune and raced with the rest of Galar's army toward where Necrozma and Eternatus clashed. The illusory Zamazenta ran ahead of them and... went right past them into the Slumbering Weald? What?

[break][break]Behind her, there was a flash of light, and Sparkie began to shrink back down to her normal size. She blinked a few times, tilted her head, and let out a puzzled squeak. Well, that wasn't good.

[break][break]When she looked back at Eternatus and Necrozma, an age-old memory flashed through her head:

The Prophecy said:
To side with The Black Knight or The Skeleton, their path to confront.

[break]It was so clear in her mind's eye that it was like the words were written right in front of her. Why did she have to choose, though? Eternatus had tainted the land with swathes of poison and sent armies after their cities, and Necrozma had attacked and nearly destroyed their new homes. Not to mention what Necrozma had done back in... Hoenn. Right. Julia had nearly forgotten about her true home.

[break][break]No matter how she looked at it, they were both too dangerous to let run loose. The heck with the prophecy. She knew what she had to do.

[break][break]"Stay here, Conrad," she said, looking back at him. He looked like he might protest, but for once, he was silent, instead just nodding and dismounting Suicune.

[break][break]"Be careful, Mum," he said.

[break][break]Julia smiled. "I will be." She wouldn't let her beloved son lose both parents in one day.

[break][break]That didn't mean she was going to hold back, though. Her Dynamax Band still thrummed with energy taken from the Dynamax Particles broken off of the Dynamaxed enemies' shields. Things like Mega Evolution and Z-Moves were so powerful that they usually couldn't be used in succession, even by different Pokémon, but Julia still recalled Sparkie and grabbed Chester's Poké Ball. This had to work. It just had to.

[break][break]She focused on funneling the energy in her Dynamax Band to Chester's Poké Ball. The Ball began to grow and grow until Julia had to hold the heavy thing in both hands. Yes! With a grin, she tossed it into the fray. Chester was already huge when he emerged, but he got bigger and bigger until he was properly Dynamaxed, then let out an ear-piercing triple screech.

[break][break]Once he was done (and Julia had uncovered her ears), Julia shouted, "Hit Necrozma with a Lunge!"

[break][break]Green Bug-type energy appeared around Chester and formed into illusory butterflies. They fluttered around him as he raced forward, leaving huge footprints in his wake, and lunged at Necrozma with Max Flutterby. Julia, meanwhile, drew her sword and directed Suicune toward Eternatus. With a leap, her mount got her close enough to use Sacred Sword on the skeletal dragon.

[break][break]In the distance, there was a faint howl. Surely, Zamazenta would return to them soon.




  • Julia's husband dies protecting their son from Inteleon's Snipe Shots, but there's no time to mourn in the midst of battle
  • Raichu-A un-Dynamaxes
  • Julia remembers the prophecy but decides that both Eternatus and Necrozma are too dangerous to let run loose
  • Dynamaxes Dodrio to turn Lunge into Max Flutterby on Necrozma
  • Uses her Sacred Sword against Eternatus
  • Basically abstaining



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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 2:15:04 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Zev stood overlooking the battlefield, the black crystals that armored him still protruding from his left fist in the form of a longbow. Below him lay countless corpses torn asunder by war. The stench of death rolled in on the wind, yet he did not flinch — not at the sight, not at the smell.[break][break]

Instead, he raised his gaze toward Postwick. Ahead, Necrozma and the Skeleton warred. Their furious cries resounded in his ears.[break][break]

Something within Zev stirred. A kinship. A fury.[break][break]

His Gengar disappeared back into a Pokéball, while his Charizard emerged from another. Once more, his Dynamax band flashed. The Flame Pokémon grew enormous, large enough that she could carry Zev in her clawed hand.[break][break]

"Bring me to Necrozma," he commanded.[break][break]

Cradling him carefully, she spread her wings and flew toward the end.[break][break]

Ten years ago, when the Pokémon known as the Black Knight attacked Hammerlocke, Zev had tried to parlay with it. He'd stood atop one of the city's outer walls and shouted at it to stand down. To ally with him. It had destroyed that wall and would have killed him, had his armor not protected him from the fall.[break][break]

Afterward, he'd learned that Necrozma's attack on Hammerlocke had not been a unique event. Others had appeared, one at each city. And so he'd dismissed the failure as an obvious outcome; after all, their enemy that day had not been the real Necrozma.[break][break]

But only one Necrozma fought the Skeleton now. He could not know if it was the real one — if anything was truly real in this world — but that was not going to stop him from speaking with it.[break][break]

"Necrozma!" Zev roared over the din of battle. Whether the Pokémon acknowledged him or not didn't matter. "You want to win? I'll help you win! Meet me in the other world! I'll hunt you down if I have to!"[break][break]

The crystals covering Zev retreated from his head, revealing his face. His eyes burned with a ravenous hunger.[break][break]

For the power he thought was his. For the victory that would surely come.[break][break]

"Remember my face and my name! I'm , the Black Hand!"[break][break]

Then he turned toward the Skeleton, the great abomination that adorned the tapestries in Hammerlocke. He pulled back the string of light of his longbow and unleashed LIGHT OF RUIN upon Eternatus, at the same time his Charizard let loose a plume of G-MAX WILDFIRE.

[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted shield


Zev is wearing black tactical gear + mask medieval clothes[break]
Gengar returns to his Pokeball; Charizard joins the battle and DYNAMAXES[break]
Charizard brings Zev to Postwick, where he addresses Necrozma, choosing to aid it[break]
Zev uses the LONGBOW OF LIGHT OF RUIN on Eternatus[break]
Charizard uses G-MAX WILDFIRE on Eternatus



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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 2:25:56 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Caught in the crossfire, Akero was struck - and sent falling. El was quick to recall him before he could hit the ground though - a hue of pain crossing their expression. "You did good," they whispered against the pokeball - placing it back on their belt, and considering who they'd bring out next. "Rest, Akero."

But, this was not the end of painful sights. Glancing out into the combat beyond, El could see it - people that they had healed themself, that they had closely worked with, that they had watched get back up onto one's feet - struck down by the poison horde. Their breath hitched with shock at the sight - eyes growing wet with tears...

... No more. They couldn't let anyone else fall.

"Great Maccao!" At El's call, a dracozolt emerged - Maccao letting out an eager screech all the whilst. Wasting no time, they hopped onto the electric raptor's back - between the spines, one of which a hand gripped tight at. With a prod of the heel, El commanded Maccao onwards - charging into the fray.

Though the foes were thinning out, the fighting was still ongoing - though El's gaze was on the feuding Legendaries beyond. The prophecy stated that they had to make a choice. To side against one or the other, to put an end to this eternal dream. And of the two evils, only one was in the constellations that El gazed to, that they studied.


Though they felt that striking down Eternatus would put an end to the fighting all the sooner, Necrozma was the one that the stars depicted being fought against. And in a time like this, they desired to put their trust in the stars.

Sliding down from Maccao's back, El swung their staff forth in another Heal Bell, to support their allies and push back the poison army that'd otherwise threaten them. And pointing to the Black Knight, they had but one command. "Bolt Beak!"

Maccao shrieked with excitement at the prospect of a fight, as if they completely missed the mood in the room (or the scale of the foe they were prepared to 1v1 if need be.) Propelling themself forwards with a mix of their powerful legs and equally muscular tail, they would attempt to strike at Necrozma with their beak - wreathed in electricity all the whilst!

Hopefully, El thought to themself, they were making the right choice.
- Akero is KO'd and recalled
- El witnesses past/former patients falling in battle, and is greatly pained at the sight.
- Not wanting to see anyone else die, they send out Dracozolt and ride into battle.
- El uses Heal Bell to protect combatants + force back the poison army.
- They have Dracozolt target Necrozma with Bolt Beak, wanting to put their trust in the stars and the ★CMa constellation
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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 8:29:16 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

The sound of clashing steel hitting poisonous sludge bellowed like a tidal wave over the battlefield. Only to be pushed away when cataclysmic explosions of Dynamaxed Pokémon attacks fell upon towering enemy-monsters.

Attacks thrown haphazardly, with not a care in the world for the depris it sent flying. Fireballs fell from the enemy, engulfing peasantry and warriors alike. Gerald watched as some of his men fell to the fire, shrieking in pain before the poisonous beasts consumed them.

Gerald recognized the faces. Among them was the face of the dissenter, the one that had questioned marching to war at the sight of the enemy.

Gerald took comfort in knowing he had not lied. Like those of his subordinates still alive he allowed the deaths to fuel his righteous fury. The fury allowed him to swing his heavy warhammer again and again, taking down enemy beasts and creating STONE EDGE paths from which the enemy had no choice but to be funneled through.

Fighting through the waves was tiring though, even for a man such as Gerald whose tale boasted of a near titanic strength. By the time he rejoined with his Decidueye and reached Postwick, and the sight of Necrozma wrestling with Eternatus, he was fairly spent.

Still, there was more fighting to be done. Gerald took a deep breath and readied himself once more. Grip tightening around the handle of his warhammer. They needed to end both of these monsters, unfortunately they seemed equally matched and Gerald was not certain that the Galarian forces could outlast the poisonous army long enough. Gerald saw only two choices presented before him.

Risk being overwhelmed by the armies or help one of those monsters.

The choice was simple: Help.

There was one giant monster before him, to which he could attribute all of these years of fighting, all of these years of pain and death.

Eternatus and its Poison.

The choice was simple. He would aid Necrozma against their common enemy.

He returned Decidueye to its Pokéball. The Poisonous nature of the enemy made it a bad matchup for the grassy-archer. In its place came a Kecleon the small Green Pokémon gazed upon the struggle.

“We tare taking that one down first!“ Gerald pointed toward Eternatus.

Kecleon nodded.

Together trainer and Pokémon took a stance, from their position they each readied their respective attack. Gerald would swing his warhammer into the ground and let STONE EDGE burst from the ground at Eternatus. Kecleon would gather both of its hands at the right, forming an almost gun-like shape with its tiny fingers before letting the wavey beam of pink PSYBEAM fly at the Eternatus.


- Gerald sees his subordinates die. He uses the anger as fuel to continue the fight.
- Fights his way through the army to Postwick.
- Decides to side with: Necrozma
- Recalls Decidueye and summons Kecleon.
- Kecleon uses PSYBEAM on Eternatus
- Gerald uses his Weapon to fire STONE EDGE at Eternatus.

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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
886 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 11:50:00 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
He is almost taken from behind by a monster. Mere moments before a hand swipes him up, he is pushed out of his way. A blonde-haired man smiles at Hitoshi as he takes the blow in his sensei's place.[break]
"The hell d'you think you're doin?!" Hitoshi screams, both at this nameless blonde and at Jubei, who has fallen far ahead on the battlefield. "Dontcha wanna go back to Circhester?"[break]
"Yeah." The man says, smiling in the midst of all the chaos. Blood drools out of the corner of his lips. "I do. But after hearing you not shut up about that girl for going on fifteen years...just doesn't seem right for you to die here before you can see her again."[break]
Grabbing the man, yanking him free, Hitoshi starts hacking a path back towards the friendly lines. Someone there can heal him. This dog can only destroy. He can't kill. He can't soothe. Such things are not for swords.[break]
"Save yer breath. Medic! MEDIC!" He bellows like metal under a blacksmith's hammer.[break]
"You're a good guy, sensei. Say hey to her for me." His candle flickers out. Hitoshi hates himself for not remembering the man's name. They'd known each other for so long, but that knowledge leaves him feeling empty. Laying the man on the ground, Hitoshi closes his eyes.[break]
"Sorry." His voice is gloomy as he picks up his sword, pulling out a ball and recalling Jubei's corpse into storage. Hitoshi can only pray that he'll be alright once they're out of here.[break]
All there is to do now is make a choice. Two monsters fight in the skies above. The dog senses what he sensed so long ago: these creatures are threats. He doesn't know how, but he knows neither can be allowed to live.[break]
Best to pick one and start from there. It is utterly random which one is struck. The blade is indiscriminate. When his burning blade and his Kingambit's kowtow cleave strike Necrozma, it is arbitrary. He will try to strike the other one soon enough.

Ceruledge faints
A guy dies protecting Hitoshi
Hitoshi feels guilty he can't remember the man's name
Hitoshi resolves to finish this.
Aiding: Eternatus
Attacks Necrozma with his own bitter blade and Kingambit's Kowtow Cleave
Kingambit has a boost from supreme overlord.
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 12:44:05 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

She had not expected this to feel so…good. People were dying around her. But most of them were NPCs. That term she had learned from someone over the years, but it described them well. Not just the peasants of yore that they had come here to ‘protect’ (for what good that was doing them now), no. Those were potentially not real. But what really differentiated them from someone like a random redhead with a club that seemed like he was from Hoenn () ? To her, nothing meaningful. She did not know him. Sure, she could get to know him. But that was true for billions of people. In her life, she was the player. And unless she actually got to interact with someone meaningfully, they would simply be NPCs. Was that just her way of dealing with the realization of mortality she had developed over these past years, or was it just a sign that something was gravely wrong with her?
Violet did not know. She did not care, either. Life was life. Seeking answers to questions that did not exist just made it worse. Those past few years had taught her to believe what she could actually verify and to cherish those she actually cared about. So, she would live like that. Still though, given the wave of elation that came over her when Jellicent directly and imminently felled one of the opposing commanders probably spoke to one of those theories more than another.
Not that Vio cared much, in the moment. This was something she achieved. Did not matter that she had not done it solo or anything like that. But that was her call and her work paying off. It just felt good, truly. Especially coupled with the armies slowly faltering after that stroke and three others.
General attention swiftly moved over towards the fighting legendaries in the sky. The prophecy indicated that they would have to choose. Hence, Violet looked up at them, intently, still filled by the joys of success. And she made a purely emotional call, one she only decided to make up a proper reasoning after. “It seems like the dragon holds a slight advantage. Helping the weaker take that out will make it easier to subjugate that one,” she spoke out aloud to anyone who still cared about what she had to say in the middle of all this. Then, she pointed her blade at Eternatus ahead. It looked like a dragon, so she did not try water again. “Max Phantasm, now,” she ordered it.
Solely based on the notion that the black of the skeletal knight was such a fascinating sight.

+ muses about NPCs, picking as a random example of someone she doesn't know (literally randomly picked by me), relishes in Jellicent's win, aids Necromaza for purely aesthetical reasons, Jellicent Max Phantasms Eternatus.



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april 15
mauville city
47 height
47 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 15:05:34 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
The enemy Pokemon had begun to fall under the relentless assault of the kingdom's of Galar. The Rillaboom, Cinderace, and Inteleon were striking back desperately as they began to succumb to the the giant attacks of their own Dynamaxed Pokemon. It was unfortunate that these death throes managed to find successful targets, one being Colton's own Rotom. The Dynamax energy began to leave Arti's body and it shrank down to normal size before collapsing to the ground. It's efforts had not been in vain, at least, as the Rotom's Max Geyser had helped in breaking the Cinderace's shield. The battle seemed to be winding down almost as quickly as it had begun and Colton was beginning to lift Arti's Pokeball up to call it back when a familiar voice pierced through the din of battle.

His eyes went wide when he saw Victoria run over to his Rotom, calling the Pokemon's name out.

Victoria was a young girl that had become in psuedo-apprentice in the past years, a bright young mind with a willingness to learn everything Colton could teach her. She had great promise and a passion unlike any other, even to the point that she wanted to come along and observe the participate in the battle so she could see Dynamax used to its fullest potential. Colton had forbidden it, simply because it was too dangerous and yet, it seemed she had snuck along so observe out of sight, only to jump out of hiding when Arti had been injured.

Time seemed to slow, Colton's body beginning to move itself towards Victoria and Arti. Out of the corner of his eye, he could an oozing purple mass making its way to the young girl. He reached down to his belt, pulling Twoey's Pokeball from his waist and releasing her out in a flash of white. Words left, his mouth, a command to attack, but he couldn't hear what he said. All his attention was placed on Victoria as she lifted Arti up and began to run towards him, worry over the Rotom clear on her face. She hadn't seen the sludge, didn't watch it rise up like a toxic tidal wave.

And, then, she was gone.

Twoey's IRON HEAD, landed, but it didn't stop the remnant of poison as it slithered off into the brush. Arti's body tumbled to the ground, unaware of what had occured as Colton sank to his knees. His shield slipped off his arm, clattering to the ground as he stared blankly where Victoria had been only seconds before. The rest of the world had ceased to exist, leaving Colton alone with the hollowness in his chest.

- Colton fails to save a young girl he'd been teaching, leaving him to shellshocked to attack either Necrozma or Eternatus

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 15:24:10 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
In the white light, a hand reaches through
A double-edged blade cuts your heart in two

the fight only led to casualties. multiple voices sharing condolences with each other can be heard, and more than that, those of anguish and vengeance. only one question rings in his head: were any of them his people?

he has grown attached to them as a whole but one name comes to mind.silas, the young boy he's taken in. he has a good head over his shoulders, but arceus knows if he'd take their words to stay away. unfortunately, kyle has his priorities in check.

he shouldn't care, but he does. like disposable units in a tactical rpg, attachment is made once time was invested.

Waking dreams fade away,
Embrace the brand-new day


he calls for the man who has been by his side for the longest time, . he manages to find him amid the crowd in no time thanks to his mightyena, who gets recalled the moment the reunion happens.

"let me show you what we can do."

the man once known for his blatant destruction will now be made to be an instrument of life. he clasps his hands, subsequently tapping into his affinity with primal energy as he channels the influence of ho-oh.

kyle can revive others and pokemon from death

kyle's emerging hero complex has progressed into an ability to UPLIFT THE SPIRITS of willing people around him.

in a limited area around him, kyle can choose pokemon and allies to REGENERATE HEALTH OVER TIME in the midst of battle

"one more!" he shouts, his voice empowering the fallen in more ways than one as he raises his weapon in the air. "for the glory of galar!"

he turns to matias, and in a softer voice, he tells him, "it's time to look cool for me, m'kay?" he tugs his pinky with his before running off with another pokemon.

Sing with me a song of birthrights and love
The light scatters to the sky above

"well said, brother!"

it was a passing comment to , though none more can be said after for he stands atop his solgaleo. he wounds himself on the side with his blade, beads of scarlet tainting his sword. he may as well be a ruined king for experiencing joy in the situation.

he cannot die, he told him. though he intends to keep the promise, the wording meant a loophole with acting rash can be exploited.

the solgaleo leaps high up into the air before pouncing back down at the eternatus. he goes for the double boss ko condition, starting with the one that his pokemon could actually hurt.

sunsteel strike. solgaleo takes in the light as it slams down with the force of a meteor. dark crystals around its body start to refract light, like an armor of glass prism, scorching the eternatus on impact.

Dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone
Lost in thoughts all alone

kyle jumps down, his body experiencing all sorts of external factors from attacks that have targeted the eternatus as well as he makes his strike. he had always wanted to do this, to jump down a moving object and pierce through a large target from above with a weapon.

he's never really used its ability before, but like every game, it's when the final boss fight rolls around where one empties out their inventory and goes all out.

sketch. he's not sure which one to take, but his mind comes to necrozma. it ultimately wouldn't matter, for kyle would have had taken out a trump card that would have drowned its effects nevertheless.

when in a pinch, close to death, or when killed, kyle can SUMMON A CALAMITY (an cataclysmic field of flame, thunder and rain) that scorches a large area around him.

his solgaleo would make sure he'll get a clean getaway. after all, the completionist in him wouldn't allow himself to only take one of them down, regardless of what the prophecy says.

  • sygna suit deactivated
  • finds matias with mightyena's help
  • borrows matias' primal energy
  • revives the army
  • gets the army to fight a second time
  • switches mightyena for solgaleo
  • rides solgaleo to battle
  • solgaleo uses sunsteel strike at eternatus
  • kyle uses sketch @ necrozma
  • kyle strikes eternatus from above with his weapon
  • kyle activates aftermath
  • solgaleo brings kyle away
  • raikou > josh + suicune > julia
  • kyle wields sketch!zweihander



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,875 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 16:10:08 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh felt euphoric.

After years of intense training, the Master of Faster got to do what he wanted to do: defend the land from evil by riding the fastest Pokémon on land into battle. With a whiplash-inducing slide that flicked Josh about the thundercloud, he got to see the Slowking's upper body slide off its lower. What a sharp and clean cut the LIGHTNING SWORD was capable of making. He felt empowered. While not an Avatar himself, he sure felt like one.

His attack was not without loss, though; the ELECTRO BALL's wide explosion was just as destructive to allies as it was to enemies. Among the swaths of poison-covered fallen soldiers and knights were several covered in electrical burns so extensive that it made many of their bodies unrecognizable. One of the few that Josh recognized was Rosa, the Knight-Captain that rode Suicune alongside him while he was in training. She had pushed him to his limits in training his body for what he would put it through today.

There was no time to mourn, though.

With the Black Knight and the Skeleton clashing violently above Galar's skies, it brought horrific memories of Hoenn back into Josh's mind: the Dawn of the Darkest Day. While he was not a direct participant in that bloodbath, he had heard reports from many. A single LIGHT THAT BURNS THE SKY had killed thousands of Pokémon. Even people. Perhaps even Arceus Himself would have shuddered in the wake of such a destructive show of power. There was only one thing left for Josh to do.

Do what he could to end this battle.

The rider gently pat the white tuft of fur in front of him. "You got one more in you, Raikou?" Josh asked, electric blade in hand. With a purr that rattled every fiber of his being, the Stadium Leader had his answer as a storm cloud formed not far above the battling legendary Pokémon. With a jab at the Beast's sides, the two were off. The acceleration was strong, pushing Josh back to the natural cantle formed at the base of his mount's thundercloud. Even so, it took Raikou quite a bit of time to get up to top speed. It was not from the electric tiger being slow to speed up; its top speed was just that high.

Once they were up to speed, a howling gale surrounding the two from the speed they circled south Galar at, Josh grabbed the outer tufts of Raikou's thundercloud and flicked them as though they were reins. Responding in kind, the Beast made a heroic leap. The ground rushed away from Josh and Raikou in an amazing view of the devastation beneath. When the Beast's jump was about to peak, Josh felt his mount's back suddenly push into him. The rear of the thundercloud had conjoined with the thundercloud above.

Twenty-year-old memories of when he had done this back on Hoenn crowded out much of his other thoughts. It was that glorious moment with 's Sacred Ash Raikou that led to what would be Galar's glorious triumph over the Black Knight. This kind of speed had paralyzed Josh before. Not today, though. Not after the rigorous training he had to go through to be seated where he was. Raikou floated toward the part of the thundercloud above Necrozma, Josh's hair standing on end as he felt an electric surge run through his mount's tail. He had been used to current running through him from his other electric ride Pokémon. It was both their unique talents that made the devastating combination attack to come possible. "Now, Raikou!"

Josh was about to ride the lightning.

With a bellow indistinguishable from a thunderclap, Beast and rider were wreathed in bright, yellow lightning. One hand grasping his LIGHTNING SWORD tightly and the other buried in yellow fur, the two left the thundercloud at the speed of a lightning strike. As the living THUNDERBOLT raced toward Necrozma, so did an ELECTRO BALL from the sword of the Knight of Thunder. The skin beneath his inert Sygna Suit wavered, his peripheral vision a blinding yellow. Only silence reached the man's ears mid-strike, though he would experience momentary deafness when the wake of his own charge's sound waves caught up to him.

Had his younger self been able to experience this, he would have been in heaven.

Weapon: Lightning Sword of ELECTRO BALL

- Sygna Suit INERT
- Josh's ELECTRO BALL kills one of his trainers in a friendly fire incident.
- The battle between the Skeleton and Black Knight brings back memories of the Dawn of the Darkest Day, even though Josh did not participate in it.
- Raikou lets Josh ride the lightning, attacking Necrozma with a THUNDERBOLT and ELECTRO BALL combination.
- Siding with ETERNATUS

{WC: 732}
{PC: 9}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Mastema         Togekiss          Good
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 16:19:14 GMT
ana fell Avatar


rusted shield (MOTOSTOKE)

Cyg uses the thrill of the fight to drown out the worries gathering like ghosts at the back of her mind. Her hammer is her cleansing fury and she’s thrashing and crashing and wrecking through oozing creatures that splatter satisfactorily beneath the maul.
Rose fights valiantly-- as her name would suggest-- but she takes a glanching shot off her sword arm that knocks her askew; the ichor gunks up her mechanisms and she is slow to recover, allowing for sharp strikes in quick succession to her chestplate. She crumples to one knee, knocked out of Max form and shrinking down to her normal size.
Sima is out in the blink of an eye, and Cyg is astride her, taking to the air in the span of a breath. They zip low over the battlefield, recalling Rose safely into her Pokeball, before charging forward at the two behemoths locked in combat.
She sees Necrozma and her mind goes red, swallowed by anger and caught in visions of its last visit to Motostoke; the people she’d lost, the threat it posed.
Sima launches a dark pulse at the beast as Cyg twists her wrist and initiates the hammer’s change; she moves up high on her dragon’s necks, holding the hammer in both hands like a sniper, and firing a hyper beam straight for Necrozma’s head.






it's raining so im hoping my headache goes away. [break]
short post is short. Valiant is KO'd, Iron Jugulis is called out. Uses DARK PULSE on Necrozma (unwittingly aiding Eternatus) [break]
also uses weapon-bound hyper beam on Necrozma.




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