i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 6:42:13 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

A battlefield was a battlefield, even in this early stage; the two sides starring off against each other. He was together with the rest of his Hammerlocke group, though calling them ‘his’ in any capacity only made him grimace which relaxed into a snarl, his singular golden eye washed over the battlefield, his arm on the shoulder of his Urshifu. ”Hey, Qing, let’s get started.”
As everyone else began, as attacks soared over the battlefield. Kouji looked at the Dynamax band on his arm, and at his now modified walking stick, courtesy of , the blacksmith of Hammerlocke had really aided them in many ways. Maybe if they got out, he’d buy him a drink.
But that same band began to glow, and so did his pokemon, Urshifu began glow a bright pink before the energy coalesced around the two of them, shooting upwards; Kouji made sure to keep a tight grip on his shoulder until the transformation was complete. A strong pose, it’s eyes began to glow with a white energy as he struck a pose, rage was rolling off it in waves; and it showed; it wasn’t excitement, nor anticipation. It was the rage of a beast chained, and now it could finally fight.
”Get me closer, we’re going for the one those slowking looking guys, use Wicked-Blow.” But there was a difference between the old version, and it’s present version, as the wicked dark energies formed around it's fist turned a bright red before he threw it forward, a blast in the shape of a fist that sought to make its way through the encroaching army.
”Should be fine, with this leg, I ain’t gonna tangle up close with no pokemon anyway. Ceaseless Edge.” Kouji said as he took the sheath that turned his cane from a sword, and swung it, a dark wave that sent shards out into the battlefield.




-Some thoughts on the battlefield, and patting Urshifu(Qing) on the shoulder[break]
-Urshifu dynamaxes and uses G-max One Blow on the Galarian Slowking and it’s army[break]
-Kouji uses his weapon to use Ceaseless Edge[break]




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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 6:56:03 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

There was much she still wanted to say at the end of it all. Standing upon the battlefield as all hell broke loose, she was sure she still had so much more left to say at the end of it all. After all, it had been a long twenty years.

Though she had not come from there, the city of Motostoke had become a second home and the people she had been around had been like a second family.

Yes, there was truly much left to say.

But the time for that had passed.

At this point, she had to be satisfied with the last words she had left behind at this point. They stood at the precipice, at the final battle. Such was clearly evident as armies and giants crossed paths and attacks.

The woman held out the staff before her and invoked it--the flames of purgatory that threatened to consume all it touched. If a battlefield was going to be Hell, then she wanted to have some measure of control over it.

Moreover, Tiamat stood, many times bigger than its usual size. There was no reason to stand on ceremony as she had used the newly created Dynamax Bands that had been distributed around.

No command was necessary for the giant dragon by Elaine's side. All it had to do was expel its great flames towards the giant threat before them.

  • Elaine's outfit, Pre-timeskip
  • Post-timeskip FC: Devola-Nier Replicant
  • Elaine's weapon staff with a hidden blade, imbued with Inferno (Visual-Staff of Agni from Kubera)
  • Elaine uses her weapon's Inferno on the poison army and the Slowbro
  • Elaine Dynamaxes Flygon who uses Fire Blast --> Max Flare on Rillaboom
  • A bit of a phoned in post


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bel, lyle
june 21
rustboro city
SPECTRA co-captain
the renegade who had it made
180 posts
Belial Stone DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @belial
Belial Stone
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 7:51:23 GMT
Belial Stone Avatar


Now this was what was waiting for. This was what he felt he'd been put on this earth to do, despite being born into an affluent family. And, though NECROZOMA's previous attack had struck a considerable blow to the ATLAS BRIGADE, he still had a dedicated group of men and women following him.

Though he'd lost his HISUIAN SAMUROTT to old age over the years, Belial had made a new friend in in return. Thanks to him, the old mercenary captain could expand his influence between cities and even partake in some lucrative endeavors. Now that the time for war had come at last, and the heroic ZAMAZENTA was summoned to lead them into it, he would not hesitate a single second.

Rushing into the fray atop BEREGISO the URSALUNA, draws his BLADE as they close in on the GALARIAN SLOWKING. Then, in an instance of EXTREME SPEED, he disappears in the blink of an eye. He reappears just as quickly behind the GALARIAN SLOWKING to try and strike it down from behind.

Using that same impressive speed to create some distance afterward, he watches as his URSALUNA bulldozed its way through some of the poisoned Pokémon and smirks. The DYNAMAX BAND around his wrist glows as he summons its power and raises his blade to the sky. Then, in an electrifying and larger-than-life display, the URSALUNA undergoes a stunning DYNAMAX transformation.

Large enough to contend with the CINDERACE now, the bear charges forward before rising on its hind legs and crashing back down with a ferocious MAX QUAKE.





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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 14:36:18 GMT
ana fell Avatar


rusted shield (MOTOSTOKE)

There was a part of her that believed-- foolishly, of course, but so often is the nature of the thing-- that if she just wanted enough, if she played her cards right, if she hoped and she asked and she prayed, that they could stay-- that she could stay. That, maybe, they would be given a choice.
The human mind has a way of maneuvering around obstacles in a way that defies explanation. So when she said goodbye to her princesses and donned her armor and headed for the front, she was amazed at how focused she felt. The crippling blow of losing everything she’d worked so hard for was safely hidden behind the massive threat that reared up in front of her.
Taking the battlefield alongside , , @elizabeth, and all the comrades in arms she’d (sometimes, begrudgingly) befriended over the years was, while terrifying, a balm to the other hurts that lurked so threateningly close to the surface. As they squared off and selected targets, the strange particulates drifting down from above imbued her Iron Valiant with supernatural energy.
Great strides ate up the battlefield as the Paradox knight drove straight for the Inteleon with leaf blade aiming to strike through its heart. Below the Inteleon and Iron Valiant great swathes of forest grew and burst out of the ground, making a tiny, Grass-type grove around the lizard.






i know im late sorry [break]
short post is short. Cyg takes the battlefield and maxes Iron Valiant who uses leaf blade --> MAX OVERGROWTH on Inteleon. [break]
still has hammer of justice w/ hyper beam




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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
315 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 16:05:41 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



Twenty years passed in a world that didn't exist. The world seemed to be healing, but the future waiting just beyond the horizon seemed dark. A calm before the storm, the dream holding its breath in anticipation for the final act.[break][break]

Alba was thankful for that respite. As the waves of poison receded behind the curtain, the roads cleared, and the cities began to move between each other again. And for the first time in two decades, he saw the face of the man he had been pouring his heart out to. Twenty years had passed. People had grown up and out of his orphanage, and between and the older kids, he could afford to spend a few days having dalliances every now and then. But he and were too tied up in their lives to move, and so fleeting meetings is how they spent their time together.[break][break]

The world was dying. The sky turning red was almost like a ray of hope; not because it was the sign of better times, but because it was a sign. Better to have an ending to defy than to slowly wither away, powerless against the barren earth. Their enemy took on a physical form; something that dwarfed them, but something killable. The Skeleton and the Black Knight dance in the apocalyptic sky, as the book is turned to its final page.[break][break]

"Let's give life to this dying dream… my old friend." Alba held his arm up to the sky, the air turning to static as the waiting energy that surrounded him kicked into gear, turning his partner into a titan. The land around him became a mirror of his Ballonlea home, a vengeful forest appearing with every step as Whimsicott uses Max Overgrowth.[break][break]

At the end of this battle, his second home would disappear in an instant. Reality would snap back into place; all the lives he'd taken care of would cease to be. But did anyone truly know what dreams were? Maybe somewhere, in the infinite misty void, those children would continue to grow in a world free from extinction.[break][break]

He'd cling onto that hope as the hammer swung, bringing with it the force of mountains.



Farewell, mask.[break]
Another 10 years pass bc I missed last round SORRY[break]
He was mostly just tired and gay though[break]
Beating up the Slowbro/Slowking army with Max Overgrowth and Gravity

[break][break]@shield gang lets GOOO



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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 16:46:33 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar

All things considered, time had been kind to the kingdom of Ballonlea. For all the ways distraught hardened the man now reforged by his own resolve, kindness had swept his heart, allowing simple pleasures to ease the burden of survival.

"C'mon son. Block left, then move right. Again."

The gruff instructions were padded with love. Again, the youth poised himself for the additional attempt, first blocking left, then slanting his weight toward his right.

The accomplishment is all but highlighted by the crisp clanging of his wooden sword striking the side of the dummy.

"That's it. Give it another try."

Just as the young striker pushed out another attempt, the melodious voice of came ranging through, greeting the two boys -- or, as Oliver always abruptly put, "two men" -- with some refreshment. Lia was close behind, of course, clinging to her mother's garments as she always does. In her hand was a small platter of sweets.

"A visit from the queen herself? What an honor."

The knight does a mockish bow before relenting to his wife's idyllic smile. He hooked a quick finger below her chin, angling herself just high enough to reach his lowered lips. A rugged smile brushed against her soft lips, and like salt warding off ice, the ferocious blight infesting his heart trickled off.

"Thank you," his soothed heart breathed.

The children, as always, made gagging sounds out of this display of affection. Oliver went even as far as scolding his mother for interrupting their practice.

Life in Ballonlea was like this - serene, simple. It would make any man balk at the mere question of regret. How could he, under any circumstances, hold something as scandalous as regret?

But, for Felix, it was easy.


The day came faster than anyone would've anticipated. Felix was out patrolling the city's border when the first wave of fright came crashing through the townsfolk.

Trepidation tightened his chest, poured out through his temples, and vibrated throughout his body with every proper lunged forward by his mudsdale.

It only eased after his arms were secured around hershoulders.

"You're safe."

His head nestled into the crook of 's neck, breathing her in.

Then, a beat later, he pulled away, horror still clouding his vision.

"And the kids?"

They were already placed away, hiding out in their rooms where the royal guard could continue their duties.

That confirmation was all the consolement he needed.

Actions blurred into one another, becoming all but one sweep of mixed emotion and muddled colors. His sword was grabbed, his armor donned, his men commanded. Ballonlea had prepared for this day, as any city would, and so certainty solidified every command that slipped through his heavy breaths. Up and down, his chest heaved.

Then his wife looked up upon him and his world came to a pleasant halt.

Tranquility grazed his lips, and for what felt like the last night, he lightly brushed back her voluminous pink curls.

"Stop acting like this is it."

His voice was a rolling tide. Steadfast, cool, loyal to it's moon.

"I love you, Luka. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise."

A soft pause grants enough time to steal away one more kiss.

"But thank you, too. For being my happiness."

Together, their armies pulsated forward, splitting off into the three routes. Up above, the crimson skies roared over their heads.

" ! !"

Felix's voice barely overshadowed the clamour all around. He pushed through, budging between squawking walls of me, all tremouring before their own demise.

"Do what you need to do. I've got your backs covered."

To the king's command, the converged armies charged outward, surging with the ferocity only humans can display. Those that led their cries carried the burden of the first siege of attacks, while those near it's rear, as Felix was, maintained controll of the field through the ability of reaction.

Felix's iron valiant, now emboldened by its dynamax form, was no different than the other pokemon staking it's claim along the field. It stroke what neares it's peripherals, scarlet blades glimmering below the bleeding sun.

Felix joined in, of course. Together, the two focused on the sludge ridden armies, blending PHANTOM FORCE-empowered attacks with SPIRIT BREAK.

-kissa Luka
- goes rillaboom route
- uses weapon + dynamaxes iron valiant to use max spirit break on da army



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October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
187 posts
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TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 22:09:53 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar
The fateful day had arrived; the Winter Solstice. The day the dream must end. There was a certain sadness to the idea of it all ending. He had lived a life, even if it wasn’t truly “real”; he had still lived in this dream.[break][break]

His thoughts were interrupted by the death knell from on high, a spindly serpent descending from the heavens through a pillar of strange light. The Skeleton, that’s what they called it, enemy of the Black Knight. That skeletal monstrosity turned the sky an unnatural shade of purple-pink as the Knight and Skeleton engage in aerial combat.[break][break]

The statue of Zamazenta shatters with a howl, revealing the specter of the shield-bearing dog. It beckons the people of Hammerlocke; the kings, the peasants, the adventurers… all are called to war by the heroic Zamazenta. The Hero Dog lets loose another howl and darts away, leaving a trail for all those to follow it into battle. Kaname offered his goodbyes to those who stayed behind to maintain the hospital, gathered his supplies and hand bell, and marched to war.[break][break]

Arriving in Wedgehurst, Kaname was met with a shocking sight. Multiple armies formed poison, headed by Slowbro and Slowkings; worse still, were the Gigantamax Pokémon marching at the back of the army. Kaname swallowed hard, knowing those towering Pokémon could easily wreck havoc if left unchecked. The best he could do would be to support his peers with his bell and Pokémon.[break][break]

Kaname produced a pokeball and released his Swalot onto the field, urging the wrinkled and aged poison type to empower ’s Gigantamaxed Urshifu right as it began an attack. The corpulent, wrinkled body of the rippled as his hands came together and it issued a cheer at the Urshifu, giving it a HELPING HAND to tear through the army with its attack. Meanwhile, Kaname rang his bell thrice, droplets of LIFE DEW began to rain down on those nearby in preparation of any retaliation to come.[break][break]



+ TL;DR: Kaname & Swalot take to the field! Swalot uses Helping Hand on ’s Urshifu’s G-Max One Blow. Kaname uses the Bell of Life Dew in advance to set up healing for when the return fire happens. [break]
+No longer masked. He’s just a doctor now



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he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
421 posts
Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 23:15:53 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
The ‘Day of Reckoning’ had finally arrived.

Even though he only had four Pokémon going into what he guessed was the ‘endgame’ of everything, he didn’t regret it at all.

By this point he’d started a small collection of notes from across all the cities, and had found someone to ‘maintain’ it once they were gone—hopefully the beginnings of a library in Hammerlocke.

He’d made sure to collect all the tales he’d told, all the information about the surviving locations into several clearly-labelled notebooks. Hopefully his ‘apprentice’ would keep up the tradition of collecting tales and writing them down for posterity for the future.

(In a way, he hoped he’d rubbed off enough on the people living there.)

Never mind if he’d grown so much older… this was it.

Time to charge on ahead. Even if he didn’t have a Flying-type to carry him into battle, at least he had his Absol to ride on into the warzone.

“Let’s go.”

Knowing that using that was going to be futile, he instead focused on the Absol’s horn, glowing with malevolent energy as she swung around violently with Night Slash—while he took aim at the nearest cluster of enemies and letting loose with the blight of a Tri-Attack from his magical ‘tome’.


+ Hammerlocke squad lesgo
+ Jack ended up starting the first ‘library’ in Hammerlocke, hopefully instilling a tradition to record information for posterity when they leave
+ it’s judgement day, binches
+ Absol used Night Slash on generic opposing hordes of noxious goopy monsters
+ Jack is providing covering fire with his Tri-Attack tome
+ +20 timeskip FC is Van Hohenheim from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (yes, the HOT one)

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2023 11:00:43 GMT



"you ready?"[break][break]

it is not he talks to—he knows his king has been itching for a fight on this scale for a while now—but it is virizion, the sword of justice he rekindled his connection with years ago.[break][break]

with a familiar grin, he nods, sticking his hand out to the side to ready himself.[break][break]


they descend upon the battlefield, SACRED SWORD at the ready as they mow down the opposition. they will do whatever it takes to win.[break][break]

but, more importantly, they will ensure their survival.[break][break]


- matias wields sketch!greatsword[break]
- matias & VIRIZION join on the battlefied[break]
- VIRIZION using SACRED SWORD on the army[break]
- MATIAS last hitting the army[break]


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december 10
lacunosa, unova
pokemon researcher
43 height
43 height
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TAG WITH @sergeidachev
sergei dachev
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2023 22:39:33 GMT
sergei dachev Avatar
SERGEI CANNOT EVEN TELL ANYMORE IF IT'S DAY OR NIGHT, the familiar sight of the magenta light has erupted from the earth and everything is engulfed in sinister ambience.

has reminded him that this day would eventually come. Compared to the redhead, it is him that holds the information of the myth close to his heart. After all, it is his job to keep the lore intact among the people.

But today, at this moment, Sergei is far from his beloved. When the Skeleton emerges with the light, drawing with it the Black Knight they have encountered from before, he knows there is no time now to dillydally over trivial stuff. Despite him wondering where his boyfriend is now, he is pulled by his troops upon orders of the general.

Their first priority: the safety of their people.

Sergei rushes first towards the Academy. He does not find , but his apprentices are all tucked in their own corners hoping to be rescued. "Evacuate the premises immediately. Those who are on the Night Watch or the King's army, follow me."

He then passed by his home, but is also nowhere to be found. Perhaps, all his beloved may have already been on the frontlines. He smiles because he knows is strong himself. There is nothing to do now but to join the battlefield.

Looking from the battlement of Hammerlocke, the walking army of poison is nerve-wracking. How Pokemons can be formed from sludge is a great mystery for Sergei, something that he needs to study should the war be over. At this point, Sergei knows the war cannot be survived if there is no hope.

And so he will be the beacon of hope.

Watching the first of the people to engage in the battle, Sergei follows suit. He is riding his Roaring Moon when the glimmer from Eternatus rains over Enigma, urging its transformation into the gigantic dragon that it is now. The dragon roars, MAX WYRMWIND gathering the gale around one of the poison army general Slowking and the mob of sludge around it. A vortex of purple energy forms, overpowering the enemies with the dragon's might.

The redhead stands from the back of his dynamaxed Enigma, concentrating his power over his broadsword. The move CLANGOROUS SOUL for Sergei is a ritual: after cutting himself with the edge of his blade, only then from feeding it with blood does he feel the surge of power in his body. He tears a piece of cloth from his body and wraps it in his wounded hand, before lifting his sword, bringing it into his back, and jumping towards the Inteleon to deliver a deathly blow on his own.


- SERGEI is commanded with the Night Watch to evacuate civilians; goes to the Academy first to save his apprentices
- SERGEI checks his house with but does not find him there
- SERGEI joins the battlefield
- ROARING MOON is out on the field and is SERGEI's ride; ROARING MOON dynamaxes
- SERGEI uses CLANGOROUS SOUL; increasing his stats and jumping from the ROARING MOON into the INTELEON to deliver a deathly blow

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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,477 posts
part of
TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2023 22:44:10 GMT
[attr="class","char-words"]the battlefield offers a comfort he hadn't realized he needed. king grimaces at the feeling, shaking his head of the idle thoughts. his smile perks slightly at the sight ahead, admiring the massively sized pokemon that littered this soon-to-be graveyard. the stench of death might've permeated, but witnessing a kaiju battle? that majesty couldn't be stolen from him.
to his right, king regards the lucario with a quirked, coy smile. "fer once buddy, ye get ta be bigger than me." the lucario chuffs at the easy jab and king chuckles.
"let's get to it then."
dynamax consumes the fighting-type. the jackal grows, and grows, lording over the battlefield like the great god anubis. though he carries no scale, he renders judgement to his enemies all the same. in-between his paws a sphere of blue energy condenses and from king's vantage point, it was like witnessing the birth of a star.
an aura sphere consumes troughs of enemies, a solar flare of devastation as it scorches and rends the earth.
king did not relish in the death of those unlucky enough to be caught in its wake, real or not, but he did celebrate his partner's strength.
one way or another, this reality would end today. but at least they'd go down swinging.



gigantmax lucario[break]lucario uses aura sphere[break]ESVY81bc[break][break]


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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
part of
TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2023 4:01:11 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

It was like something out of a fairy tale, but he presumed this entire scenario was a fairy tale in some way wasn't it? Either way it didn't matter, with his trusty partners by his side he ascended into the sky along with everyone else. Though when he saw the three army's in front of him, he just made an annoyed 'tch' sound. However this wasn't going to be the same as last time. He, and everyone else had their unique weapons now, and so wielding his glaive he summoned forth his Cinderace, and using his newly forged Dynamax Band, he would Gigantimax it.

Now standing before him was Infernum but it was the size of a large building, and it was standing on a giant fireball.

"Infernum blast them into bits!" He gave the order, and his Cinderace used it's signature move. G-Max Fireball, and it kicked the giant fireball with all of it's might towards the Rillaboom. Amor hoped that the type advantage would give some help to blast through the shield of the giant monkey, even as he dove into the army of poison blobs, and used Glaive Rush.


Amor Gigantamax's his Cinderace!
Cinderace uses G-Max Fireball on the Rillaboom!
Amor uses his weapon's ability Glaive Rush to tear into the army!
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,632 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2023 6:28:54 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Final Fantasy XVI OST - Battle Theme


THE ARMIES OF BALLONLEA, CIRCHESTER, HAMMERLOCKE AND MOTOSTOKE collide with the baneful brethren of their enemies.[break][break]

At the command of each kingdom's royalty, the ILLUSORY ZAMAZENTA & THEIR TOWNSPEOPLE rush toward the armies that bulge and swell like festering festoons. It is a deafening crescendo of Pokemon and trainers alike.[break][break]

This march of fate is met with the thunderous drums of war, clashing swords and anguished cries. All around our heroes, battles erupt into furious storms. Though our heroes have faced peril before, a war of this scale has never been experienced before.[break][break]

And with new experiences, comes new heartaches.

In your next post, please REFERENCE AN NPC (PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED OR NEW) that your character is familiar with FALLING IN BATTLE.

EN ROUTE TO THE GIGANTAMAXED RILLABOOM, a convoy comprised of , , , and charge into the pestilent army.[break][break]

The opposing army lurches toward them, dripping sewage and waste from their sagging limbs. Aftering sharing a glance with , announces their charge. His DYNAMAXED ROARING MOON soars downward as a MAX QUAKE scrambles the army. Poison Pokemon are tossed into the air like toys as catches them with his DUAL BLADES OF BITTER BLADE.[break][break]

Alongside is atop his DRAGAPULT. The dragon summons DRACO METEORS that spear through the enemy troops. As the sullied earth trembles from the impact, the townspeople rush into the space created. Their weapons and Pokemon lunge at those made vulnerable.[break][break]

's IRON VALIANT DYNAMAXES too, its lithe robotic body now a towering killing machine. Its MAX SPIRIT BREAK crashes into the toxic troops, tearing them apart into puddles. Any survivors are quickly dealt with by a GLAIVE RUSH executed by his fellow Rocket, .[break][break]

Experienced in the battlefield, reveals his mastery over the remnants of his power. His HEALING SCALES cut through the putrid Pokemon like butter before softening into graceful petals of restoration when they grace an ally's skin. His MEGA ORBEETLE uses a G-MAX GRAVITAS, plunging the advance of some of the enemy platoons into a slow march.[break][break]

While 's MUSHARNA is still unable to decipher the future, its FUTURE SIGHT descends like mortars. The PSYCHIC-TYPE ENERGY crashes upon MUK, SWALOT, AND OTHER SLUDGE-MADE MINIONS as she heals enemies away. In contrast, 's rushes in ruthlessly, slicing any that stand in her way. She thrusts her FLAMBERGE OF INFERNO unto the ground, engulfing the area around her in FLAMES. Those caught in it are immediately incinerated, wafting a bitter stench toward the heavens.[break][break]

Ahead, 's RAYQUAZA DYNAMAXES. A gargantuan shadow, serpentine in shape, falls upon the enemy as DRACO METEORS crash into noxious ranks. As the enemy scatters about, 's DYNAMAX LUCARIO fires AURA SPHERE AFTER AURA SPHERE like a turret. Each strike obliterates a sludge monster into mere droplets.[break][break]

Inspired by , leaps into action with their supportive partner, TOGEKISS. SAFEGUARDS wreathe their allies, presenting POISON from settling into their blood. Those who are unfortunate enough to be poisoned are subsequently healed and granted brief sanctuary by the wave of their STAFF OF HEAL BELL.[break][break]

As the chiming of 's staff rings throughout the plain, 's TOME OF TRI-ATTACK fires missiles of elemental energy against the malodorous minions before him. His ABSOL leaps about with NIGHT SLASHES while 's CLUB OF ICE BEAM stalls a portion of the army's advance with an icy wall. Those halted are pummeled to the floor by 's HAMMER OF GRAVITY. They pop like pimples as they flatten to the earth.[break][break]

While 's GALVANTULA electrifies several poison enemies, and his VIRIZION cleave and sever the polluted creatures with their blades. Poison sprays from each disconnected limb as they ruthlessly fight for their way home.


OTHERS FOCUS ON THE SLOWKING AND SLOWBRO GENERALS. Below and between the lethal explosions and artillery of the GIGANTAMAX POKEMON AHEAD, our heroes manage to break through to the THESE BANEFUL BRIGADIERS. They belch and croon, waving their limbs like necromantic wizards, while the one GALARIAN SLOWBRO fires with its SHELL SIDE ARM.[break][break]

@sergei's ROARING MOON snarls and summons a MAX WYRMWIND against one GALARIAN SLOWKING GENERAL. As the draconic energy swirls about, tossing inferior enemies into the air, the SLOWKING spews sludge from its horns. The festering liquid strike some of the brave townsfolk, immediately killing them. Before more can fall, 's CROBAT fires a DARK PULSE to distract it. Its trainer continues to fight despite the departure of her daughter into the chaos of war.[break][break]

With immense strength, the behemoth swings his pilfered GIGATON HAMMER. It crushes the SLOWKING'S STOMACH, spewing a geyser of poison from its concaved gut as his XERNEAS absorbs energy to empower itself with a GEOMANCY. The sheer strength of the swing launches the SLOWKING. Under the glow of his patron's boon, the SLOWKING is seen by and .[break][break]

Ever the supporter, and his SWALOT ensure 's attacks make purchase. His SWALOT uses HELPING HAND on 's URSHIFU. As the SLOWKING arcs toward the DYNAMAXED bear, its muscular arm winds up. A G-MAX ONE BLOW smashes into the GENERAL and obliterates a swathe of the army behind it like they were swatted bugs. The chiming of 's HANDBELL OF LIFE DEW summons droplets that swiftly suck up the spraying poison lest they hinder his ally.[break][break]

Toward another SLOWKING GENERAL, dives in close. Her BLACK METAL ARM strikes it with a DIRE CLAW. The crystal on its head-shell cracks, allowing 's PAINTBRUSH OF PSYCHIC to seize control of its body. She attempts to hurl it into the air—but it manages to break free, descending back to the earth with the billowing of its cape.[break][break]

However, 's DECIDUEYE makes use of its precise aim. It fires a Z-MOVE NEVER ENDING NIGHTMARE from its spectral bow to brutalize the SLOWKING upon landing.[break][break]

After being severely hindered, the SLOWKING can not react when darts in for the kill. His MIGHTYENA lunges for the GALARIAN SLOWKING with its Z-MOVE: MUTINY MATRIX.[break][break]

Drawing upon the strength of the Pokemon around it, the SLOWKING is brutalized by claw and fang before being plunged through the heart with 's ZWEIHANDER OF SKETCH.[break][break]

The IRON LADY OF THE FORGE, charges into the battle with her master-crafted weaponry. Her WAR HAMMER OF FLAME CHARGE swings with brilliant flame to crush several enemies as her GOLETT uses EARTHQUAKE. The GALARIAN SLOWBRO moans, firing back projectiles of poison from its arm; however, , on the SACRED ASH RAIKOU lent to him by 's powers, blitzkriegs in with incredible, hair-raising speed. As he speeds into the fray on his mount, his SWORD OF ELECTRO BALL plunges through the compromised SLOWBRO.[break][break]

The kill is too fast to discern by ordinary eyes. Like a defeated samurai after the swiftest slice of a sword, the GENERAL falls. Its limbs fidget and twitch, spilling poison as the electricity continues to course through its sludge form.


AFTER THE GENERALS FALL, GALAR'S KINGDOMS ADVANCE FURTHER. Ahead, the NECROZMA AND ETERNATUS continue to engage in their duel. Their monstrous forms entwine, each movement desperate and primal. Claws run down plating and rib, unleashing crackling energies forged eons ago.[break][break]

On top of the SACRED ASH SUICUNE provided by , launches herself into battle with her RAICHU. As she clears the way with her SWORD OF SACRED SWORD, her RAICHU DYNAMAXES. As it supersizes, a MAX LIGHTNING smashes into the GIGANTAMAX INTELEON'S SHIELD. 's DYNAMAXED IRON VALIANT assists too, its MAX OVERGROWTH crashing into the splintering bulwark. However, 's DYNAMAXED RALTS finally smashes the shield apart with its MAX MINDSTORM.[break][break]


With the chiming of HEAL BELLS, 's DYNAMAX CLEFABLE bombards the GIGANTAMAX INTELEON ATOP ITS TOWER with a MAX STARFALL. In retaliation, the sniper fires piercing SNIPE SHOTS. Those struck are immediately killed, as some of the townspeople discover. manages to use her VAMBRACES OF PHANTOM FORCE to avoid these shots; although the distance is far too great to teleport all the way to the INTELEON, when she finally makes it, her IRON VALIANT is able to contribute with a CLOSE COMBAT against the enemy's tail.[break][break]

The GIGANTAMAX INTELEON begins to teeter. 's GALARIAN ARTICUNO DYNAMAXES to capitalize on its imbalance. A MAX MINDSTORM forces the INTELEON TO TOPPLE, while 's DYNAMAXED GENESECT forces it to the ground with a MAX LIGHTNING.[break][break]

On the ground, the INTELEON attempts to slither away. However, a G-MAX TERROR AND SHADOW TAG from 's GIGANTAMAX GENGAR prevent it from escaping. Brutally injured, it fires SNIPE SHOTS haphazardly. With 's DYNAMAX ELECTIVIRE, and her DYNAMAX VENUSAUR move to execute it. A G-MAX VINE LASH & MAX LIGHTNING descend upon the injured Pokemon as if they were javelins of divine judgement. Combined with a spell from 's MAGE STAFF OF BITTER MALICE, the INTELEON is SLAIN.[break][break]

THE GIGANTAMAX RILLABOOM DEFIES ITS ENEMIES with the fierce drumming of its wooden instrument. As the deep bass of its drumming rumbles throughout the battlefield, vines tear apart our heroes' allies and their Pokemon.[break][break]

As clobbers encroaching enemies with her fists, her GIGANTAMAX CORVIKNIGHT uses G-MAX WIND RAGE to tear a segment of shield away from the ape. is quick to follow up. Her DYNAMAX FLYGON soars above the battlefield, its wings crooning a sweet melody as they flap. A MAX FLARE crashes onto cracking shield before being joined by 's DYNAMAX CERULEDGE and its own MAX FLARE. The shield shatters, and a HARSH SUNLIGHT emerges to grace the field with searing heat.[break][break]

From the sky, and her DYNAMAX ROARING MOON unleash another MAX FLARE. The empowered flames burn the RILLABOOM'S FLESH—but more importantly, they burn its drum set to a crisp. Below, reaches . His ASTROLOGIAN GLOBE OF BLIZZARD rotates like a beautiful music box, casting BLIZZARD to freeze enemies around them. His SLITHER WING protects with its MAX FLUTTERBY while BEHEEYEM DYNAMAXES.[break][break]

A MAX MINDSTORM slams into the shrieking RILLABOOM who ravages the earth with further vines. As cleaves apart enemies with his SWORD OF BITTER BLADE, supports him with his SWORD OF FUTURE SIGHT to clear his path and to help avoid the vines.[break][break]

's LAPRAS GIGANTAMAXES under the RAIN summoned by his TRIDENT. As the ice freezes the RILLABOOM'S FEET to the earth, an AURORA VEIL protects and his GIGANTAMAX CINDERACE. The inventors of this memory's version of football (or soccer) fight in tandem. With an athletic stride, the two kick a G-MAX FIREBALL AND CLOSE COMBAT ball onto the staggered ape, forcing it to the ground with a terrible crash.[break][break]

As covers the area with his ARROWS OF MYSTICAL FIRE, his GIGANTAMAX CHARIZARD unleashes the final crematory flames of a MAX FLARE. Again, bolstered by the HARSH SUNLIGHT, the GIGANTAMAX RILLABOOM stands no chance. It is swiftly burned to ash, any residual sludge boiling where the ape once stood.[break][break]

SHRIEKING, THE GIGANTAMAX CINDERACE is a deadly foe. Fireballs crash into the earth, engulfing the poor peasantry in unextinguishable flames. 's JIGGLYPUFF DYNAMAXES. Its large rotund body slams onto the earth as a MAX STARFALL crashes onto its shield. follows suit. His DYNAMAX ROTOM sparks and fidgets as it launches a MAX GEYSER at the shield too, causing it to splinter. Finally, 's DYNAMAX GRENINJA breaks the remainder of the barricade with its MAX GEYSER too. As it breaks apart, DYNAMAX PARTICLES scatter alongside wisps of steam.[break][break]

is fast to capitalize on the exposed rabbit. With his URSALUNA DYNAMAXED, the two rush forth with a MAX QUAKE. The earth rumbles beneath the GIGANTAMAX CINDERACE'S pyro ball podium, extinguishing a portion of it and forcing the CINDERACE to clumsily stagger in place.[break][break]

In retaliation, the CINDERACE launches balls of flame; however, our heroes are not deterred. and have their avian Pokemon join together. As the CINDERACE is held somewhat in place by 's SHADOW HOLD KNUCKLES, a MAX GEYSER and MAX AISTREAM from their SHADOW LUGIA & GALARIAN ARTICUNO crash into the CINDERACE to prevent it from effectively fighting back.[break][break]

RAINS BEGIN TO FALL and each large droplet that strikes the CINDERACE'S FIERY BALL causes it to sizzle loudly like the lit fuse of a dynamite stick. Under the rain, the CINDERACE is severely weakened. offers it the mercy of death. With her DYNAMAXED JELLICENT, she fires a MAX GEYSER through the rains and executes their gargantuan enemy in a relentless deluge.

By the end of the battle, the following trainers will have their listed Pokemon fainted or withdrawn for the remainder of the raid:[break][break]

- Iron Valiant[break]
- Dragapult[break]
- Lucario[break]
- Absol[break]
- Virizion[break]
- Jigglypuff[break]
- Rotom[break]
- Greninja[break]
- Ursaluna[break]
- Whimsicott[break]
- Roaring Moon[break]
- Hydreigon[break]
- Iron Valiant[break]
- Iron Valiant[break]
- Corviknight[break]
- Ceruledge[break]
- Flygon[break]
- Cinderace


THE ILLUSORY ZAMAZENTA continue to run. Their paws leave an ethereal light in their wake like firefly spirits. They run toward the NECROZMA & ETERNATUS—but continue past them. They rush through POSTWICK and disappear into the SLUMBERING WEALD behind the ravaged town.[break][break]

Eventually, the ETERNATUS begins to overpower the NECROZMA. With an otherworldly roar, the skeletal dragon forces THE BLACK KNIGHT toward the earth; perhaps, the ETERNATUS does not want its enemy to be so close to the skies. The two collide into POSTWICK's homes, crushing their abandoned structures as they resume their savage bout. The two creatures fight without taking notice of your presence. As they court each other violently against the stained earth, our heroes must make a choice:


IN THIS PENULTIMATE ROUND, your characters must decide whether to AID THE NECROZMA or AID THE ETERNATUS. Characters can also choose to ABSTAIN.[break][break]

Depending on which of the two Pokemon receives the most aid, the characters will be provided with a vision of WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED should the NECROZMA WON or the ETERNATUS WON. In other words, they get to decide the true ending of this story.[break][break]

This battle has occurred in this site's setting before, but has never been seen or written. The "canon" outcome will be revealed in the next post; however, the "non-canon" outcome may provide equally interesting information as well.[break][break]

Please include your character's choice in your TL;DR. You DO NOT NEED TO ROLL this post.

Far off in the distance, the sound of a faint howl can be heard.


BELOW ARE THE DEVELOPING STORIES OF EACH CITY. Please click on the SPOILER tag to reveal them.[break][break]

From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant Venusaur didst appeareth,[break]
bringing vine and pollen to our Ballonlea.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Star Wardens seek wisdom in constellations above,[break]
Unlocking cosmic secrets, boundless knowledge to behove.[break]
Football's birth, a game bringing the medicine of joy:[break]
Physics' ailments healed by the natural world’s toys.[break]
A school's doors open wide, minds thirsty for study.[break]
Psychedelic mushrooms sprout, nature's colorful art,[break]
While young hearts are nurtured in an orphanage of letter-writing heart.[break]
But amidst progress, tragedy strikes in cruel descent,[break]
A Pokémon Center, once thriving, now shattered in lament[break]
The Kingdom of Arts now fortified by the royal guard[break]
Steel smithed and adorned by the scarred.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
and protect our kingdom with psychic mind,[break]
a rousing speech inspires by angelic rains,[break]
while claws and sludge art quell'd before teen[break]
falls upon our realm again, but fret not shouldst[break]
we incur did wind once more, the hero's bath[break]
returns to glory by a queen of dragons,[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant kingler didst appeareth,[break]
bringing brine and froth to Circhester.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

A Survey Corp emerges, protectors of us all.[break]
Some study the stars' celestial tapestry, divinations made to enthrall.[break]
In the streets of justice, knuckles are held with brutal hands,[break]
As dragons soar the skies to hold order and seek the homeland.[break]
A response team assembled, swift aid their decree.[break]
An orphanage provided, for the young lost to The Black Knight’s violent spree.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to recup'rate our wounded, our walls, and minds.[break]
a dragon scout carves deep trenches[break]
while lightning and spells stomp hands of noxious stenches[break]
the townsfolk art did inspire by two strange men[break]
while the vault returns to its former glory again[break]
what m're shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Charizard did appear,[break]
bringing hellish flame to old Hammerlocke.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Glowing ore is elucidated as defenses are raised,[break]
while bodyguards venture into poison's deep unphased.[break]
A city reborn, transformed to adventurer's delight,[break]
Thriving with quests, its spirit alight.[break]
Storytellers weave tales, magic in their words.[break]
As a bathhouse beckons, a haven for the weary herd.[break]
A Master Blacksmith's forge is ablaze with skill and might,[break]
With gentle tolls of handbell, healing echoes bright.[break]
What more shall beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
acting as earthen bulwarks for our town to survive.[break]
Violent women slayeth the hands at our throats[break]
while a mistress of the forge builds cotes[break]
for our wingless people as the bleeding train[break]
is severed from its track.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Garbod'r didst appeareth,[break]
bringing stench and sludge to Motostoke's sph're.[break]
Our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Prophecy's riddles unfold, entwined in a mad tower with poison's haze,[break]
Glowing ore tinkered upon, its power carefully appraised.[break]
Training camps arise, wielders sharpen their might,[break]
While the kingdom sharpens the mind; knowledge's flame is made bright.[break]
Travelling in our policed Motostoke is made with ease,[break]
Smithing's hammer strikes, creations born of fire and steam’s breeze,[break]
Our courier's path unfurls, messages on swift steed,[break]
As an orphanage is made for the young ones so desperate in need.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Through the passage of ten years, time's relentless flow,[break]
Our heroes evolved, their knowledge and strength did grow.[break]
They unlocked the secret, the power to dynamax,[break]
Harnessing cosmic energy, one birthed from the primordial past.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JULY 2ND - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

has missed two rounds and has been ejected from the event.[break][break]

, , , , , , , will be ejected from the event if they miss one more round.[break][break]

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2023 7:23:52 GMT
mint frost Avatar





The fight is vicious. He hears the multiple explosions ring out across the battlefield and the screams of the poor bastards stuck in the mess of acidic sludge and caught in the unfortunate area too close to the DYNAMAXED monsters. [break][break]

But the armies push forward ,and the kingdoms in turn merge together as one massive wave of power to take out the GENRALS and their FRONT LINERS. He watched the beasts slain as giants fall. Their deaths echoe and reverberate on the field and Mint doesn't hold back from shouting at each one of their demises. [break][break]

He joins up with his DYNAMAXED Slither Wing, riding at her side as they push towards the main event. Neither of those things were a good sign, in his eyes, but but he figured if they could kill one, the other would then be weakened enough for the armies to kill it. "I say we help it take out the Skeleton!" he shouted to his partner, grinning at the ancient pokemon as she shrieking in agreement. [break][break]

She began to glow with power, preparing a MAX FLARE aimed at the ETERNATUS. His ASTROLOGIAN GLOBE OF BLIZZARD, pulses as if recharging. The good thing about it is that it was an attack that could just freeze over everything. "Weaken it." he ordered the floating globe as it pulsed decisively once more before released another BLIZZARD towards the two monsters currently fighting before him.



@any rocket | floating weapon. |20 year time skip DRIP [break][break]

- DYANAMAXED Carbonara the Slither Wing used NAX FLARE on ETERNATUS
- Mint used his ASTROLOGIAN GLOBE OF BLIZZARD to blast both cause fuck them


it's a highway, highway to the dark [break]
and a neon medusa's got your heart .

[newclass=".neonmint"] --color: #48cbf0; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body u"] font:11px Roboto; letter-spacing:2px; border-bottom:1px dotted; text-decoration:none; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body b"] color:var(--color); font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body i"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint"] width: 490px; margin: 0px auto; min-height: 500px; background: #171718; padding-bottom:20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .top"] background-image: url(; height: 300px; margin-left: 20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .colorbar"] height:20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body"] background:#222; margin: 20px 30px 20px; padding:30px; font:12px 'Roboto'; text-align:justify; color:#eee; border-radius:0px 20px 20px 20px; text-transform:lowercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox"] background:#222; font:11px 'Consolas'; padding:20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; color:#eee; text-align:center; letter-spacing:2px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox b"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox i"] border-bottom:1px solid var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox"] text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #333; padding-top:10px; margin-top:20px; font:10px/12px 'Poppins'; margin-bottom:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox .title"] font:bold 15px 'Poppins'; color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint a"] color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font:bold 13px/11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty"] text-align:center; width:400px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty img"] margin-left:-20px; margin-top:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body .iconimage"] float: left; margin: 8px 15px 5px 1px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; [/newclass]

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2023 22:42:24 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Two decades ago, Hideo would never have considered fighting to kill; now it's a necessity, with little room for mercy in a war against a horde that seeks to take his life and the lives of those he cares about.

Battle is hardly an unfamiliar endeavor, but this was one of the few times Hideo wasn't on the defense. He cleaves through poison Pokemon and vines alike atop Glastrier, receiving cover from and his Pokemon. It's a chaotic clash, and the only way Hideo knows what's where is from his Beheeyem's assistance.

He cannot save everyone; many of the soldiers from Ballonlea were students of his at one point or another. His only way to know who falls and when is from his Beheeyem, who declines to inform him of anything that could cause a distraction in the middle of the fray.

In time, the enemy generals have fallen, leaving them with a small reprieve. His Beheeyem informs him of what's left: The Black Knight and The Skeleton battling each other, as Zamazenta ran past them into a forest.

It was too strange a discrepancy to not notice; why didn't Zamazenta try to fight them?

It bore investigation. Hideo intended to have his Beheeyem follow, ignoring both battlers, but several words popped in his head - Uxie speaking to him.

Choose One

A vague message, but one he gets quickly: choose to attack either The Black Knight or The Skeleton. He has no love for either of them: The Black Knight stole the lives of several of his Pokemon decades ago and many villagers a decade ago, yet The Skeleton's forces had been assailing Ballonlea since he'd come here.

Between the two, Hideo chooses the one whose scars still rested in his heart.

"Elga, go for The Black Knight," he ordered. His voice had no way to reach his Beheeyem - but his Beheeyem didn't need to hear it.

Another Max Mindstorm was fired off by the massive Beheeyem, this time setting the Necrozma for right in the middle.

Hideo himself set his focus on the Zamazenta, noticing the howl heard among the battle. "Glastrier, we'll go see what our friend's run into the forest for," he said, patting his mount on the side.

He'd ride out of the fight, towards the Slumbering Weald, ready to cut down any poisom Pokemon that tried to get in his way.

Hideo's isn't uncomfortable killing the poisonous pokemon
Initially wants to abstain. Uxie calls him a dweeb and tells him to choose one.
Has his Beheeyem use Max Mindstorm against the Necrozma (effectively aiding Eternatus)
Hideo rides towards where Zamazenta ran off to (Slumbering Weald) atop Glastrier

The Salac supply earns a well-deserved rest.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP