i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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genni, gen
twenty three
august 10th
aspertia city, unova
ghost, poison, & steel
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
329 posts
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TAG WITH @genesis
genesis aria fox
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 16:55:29 GMT
genesis aria fox Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Genesis charged into the fray, throwing her fist into anything that stood in her way. And as she moved through the field literally fighting with her own two fist, green eyes already spotted fallen allies who braved on ahead of the main force. However, this wasn’t that time to drawl on it. Or else, she would be next.[break][break]

Within a blink in an eye, several pokemon suddenly became big as buildings. And within that mix, her own steel and flying type screeched to the high heavens. Several pokemon attack the grass type, showering it with all types of attack. Her corviknight, crashing into the creature with all her might. Despite the bombardement of attacks onto the rillaboom, it refused to go down without a fight. It retaliates back with its own forces. Unfortunately, it manages knock out her bird.[break][break]

The rocket member curses, using her very own rage to effectively knock out a pokemon with one punch. In the moment of brief pause as the generals fall, Genesis recalled her bird safely into its sphere. Green orbs lifted to see the illusory zamazenta charged through them and push onto the next fight, disappearing from view as the black knight and skeleton coming into full view.[break][break]

People charge, attacking the two with all their power. And while many believe that the skeleton is at fault, others attack the black knight. Smiling, Genesis plucks a sphere out. Within seconds, another one of her pokemon materializes onto the battlefield. The GHOLDENGO snickered, eyeing the two beast and taking in the scene. “Attack the black one with SHADOW BALL!” Without hesitation, ghost and steel type took in a deep breath. A sphere of dark energy form in its mouth, only to fire the ball of ghostly energy at NECROZMA.[break][break]


for @teamrocket at route 120.[break]
team ballonlea. quick reply. gholdengo uses shadow ball on necrozma.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 18:30:39 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Mugen was a chimeric beast, an apex predator reconstructed into a war machine. Far from the peace that Isaac had tried his hardest to foster, this was what the Genesect had been born for. With the Inteleon knocked from his perch, now the Genesect could turn his attention to the army at large. Its fist slammed into the ground, a Max Quake erupting from the site of impact and tearing a fissure into the army. From there, he dove into the exposed flank, relentlessly punishing that opening it with a Max Steelstrike.[break][break]

Isaac could never hope to catch up to his Genesect, but he wasn't shying away from the front lines, either. He stood at the front of the mixed Galarian armies, his Light Screen continuing to turn away attack after attack. Whatever the wall of light couldn't stop, his sturdy shield was able to turn aside. When they made it out of this mess alive, he'd have to treat to a royal feast for her invaluable efforts.[break][break]

Provided Calyrex would be kind enough to give them one last day together.[break][break]

Gritting his teeth, Isaac shook the thought and redoubled his efforts. It didn't matter that he was leaving. It didn't matter that this Galar was a memory. It didn't matter that, live or die, he would never see how his efforts paid off. Galar had been his home for 20 years, and he would do his damndest to see it off safely.[break][break]

Each swing of his blade was for one of Galar's fallen heroes. Each bash of his shield was for a Pokemon that fainted in the line of duty. Each war cry was for a friend, displaced from their home, fighting for their chance to take their lives back. As the offense pushed forward, 's sword dripped with blood and toxic ichor, each drop a sign of bittersweet triumph and glorious vengeance.[break][break]

In an ideal world, they could do this all day. But what set the mortals apart from the gods were their limits.[break][break]

Isaac's swings grew heavy. The edge of his blade dulled. The radiant light of his Aegis started to flicker and fade, Isaac needing to hold it skyward so the black ore could absorb the sun's rays. Bodies on both sides were beginning to pile up, but when half of them were berserk monsters and half were people with hopes, dreams, and lives, it was hard to see the losses as equivalent.[break][break]

Smoking and sputtering, Mugen burst from the horde in an explosive Flame Charge. His chassis was cracked, his headlights were flickering, and his rigid, mechanical posture was starting to sag. "You too, eh, buddy?" Isaac asked, dashing past Mugen to bash a poisoned Pokemon to the ground with his Aegis. The Genesect wheeled around, splattering it with a Techno Blast. Trainer and Pokemon weakly leaned against each other. "You fought hard. Return."[break][break]

In a flash of red light, the Genesect returned to his Pokeball . . . and the Pokemon he blasted came charging out, having not been quite as dead as Isaac hoped.[break][break]

His guard was down. His arms were heavy. The Pokemon's looming shadow, miasma cloud, and hellish screech overwhelmed him on all sides. For a second, Isaac saw his life flash before his eyes.[break][break]

Then he felt a rough hand on his shoulder.[break][break]

Atticus, captain of his royal guard, had intervened on the edge of disaster. His blade sunk into the hostile Pokemon's wound just as its claw pierced straight through his armor. Their death rattles blended into one as monster and man slumped to the ground. Desperately, Isaac separated them, turning his captain, friend, and confident over to look him in the eye. "Atticus, please! Why did you . . . you can't . . ."[break][break]

A weak smile spread across Atticus' face. In lieu of any last words, he reached up to give Isaac a gentle pat on the shoulder. With that last touch, he fell limp in Isaac's arms.[break][break]

His fighting spirit redoubled, and there was no better time for his wrath.[break][break]

The enemy commanders and generals had been toppled. The people of Galar had broken ranks through their armies. Now, with their hated children defeated, the twin legendary threats descending into Postwick to continue their feud. Their war, just as much against each other as they were against Galar, crushed buildings and ended lives without a care in the world. The illusory Zamazenta ran into the Slumbering Weald, leaving the Galarians to their fates. Despite being so injured and so weary, they would need to finish this fight themselves.[break][break]

Would Isaac choose to stand against Eternatus? He was the god that had spelled Galar's doom. He was why, for the past 15 years Arceus knows how much longer, they were forced to struggle against invasions of corrupted beasts. He was why they starved and toiled, forced to sustain themselves on the remnants of tainted lands. Were he to survive, the land Isaac had grown to love would never be free.[break][break]

But then there was Necrozma. If Eternatus was the scourge of Isaac's new home, Necrozma was the scourge of his old. He'd appeared in Hoenn time and time again, claiming lives and spreading ruination wherever he went. Were he to consume Eternatus' power, who knew how much havoc he would be able to wreak in the present day?[break][break]

Which home would Isaac fight for?[break][break]

He'd already prepared for Necrozma. Releasing Ogrelord from his Pokeball, Isaac held his Dynamax Band to the sky. It was going to take all the power left in that band, but in a pulse of red light Ogrelord started to grow. With longer limbs, a more elegant body, and a menacing red glow, the Grimmsnarl stood at the ready. He looked towards Isaac, nodded, and charged off towards the Necrozma.[break][break]

The light predator would be met with the full force of a black hole, shadowy gales erupting out to assail it from all sides. With any luck, Ogrelord's G-Max Snooze would slow its assault.[break][break]

Yet while Ogrelord charged Necrozma, Isaac made a beeline towards Eternatus. Whenever it tried to strike next, he would hold his Aegis high, letting the energy from their brawl infuse the shield and kick his Light Screen back into gear. Were Isaac to have his way, he would see both of these mad gods put in their place. He wasn't alone in his planning, either. had the same idea, their Pokemon bombarding Necrozma while they stood as Galar's sword and shield. As he stood firm, he turned her way, shooting her a smile and a nod.[break][break]

Could he have his cake and eat it too? Maybe if he had two cakes.[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
A lot of battle preamble that doesn't quite matter, just me fleshing out the timeskip between the two posts.[break]
Atticus, Isaac's captain of the royal guard and confidant, falls in battle protecting him.[break]
Isaac switches Genesect for Grimmsnarl, Dynamaxing it and sending it after Necrozma with a G-Max Snooze.[break]
At the same time, he uses his aegis to interrupt Eternatus' attacks with a Light Screen.[break]
Isaac has chosen to ruin both legendaries' days, because Isaac ain't about choosing lesser evils.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
816 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 20:38:14 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar


The opposition falls, and Genevieve looks to the horizon of their duel. Venus returns to her smaller state, shrinking and landing in Genny's arms. Wander merely watches on as well, as the duo look towards the duel happening within the skies. Zamizenta runs, and leaves them all here.[break][break]

Genny pulls back another arrow, hazel eyes focused primarily upon the fight, looking between the Skeleton and the Black Knight. The arrow is notched, pulled back and readied to fire.[break][break]

Venus was too tired to keep going. She was just a Ralts. Wander was just a little Rockruff. So it falls to her to fire it. With deadly focus, she looks at the duel of the titans before them. And she takes a breath in.[break][break]


The lightning overdrive arrow fires out, spreading out into its volley, intending to bury both the Skeleton and the Black Knight in one fell swoop, a volley meant to bury them both. How many people had to die, illusory or not? How many Pokemon had to fall for them? Others fire to aid one, or the other. Both the conflict they have here, so many died.[break][break]

Maybe it was nihilism. She just wanted them both gone.[break][break]

With that, as she sits down with her Pokemon, her last two with her, she begins to pet and ruffle their heads.[break][break]

It's a fairy tale. Maybe, they could finally have their happy ending.



- Venus the Ralts returns to normal size. Wander the Rockruff and her watch as Genny prepares an Overdrive volley.[break]
- Hating both of them, Genny fires it to strike both.[break]
- Screw their couch, screw their lawn, screw Necrozma and Eternatus, my homies hate Necrozma and Eternatus.



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April 1
Tackle Shop Manager
Got My Wingman
Ace's Basses
34 height
34 height
Someone's always criticizing. You might as well do what the fuck you want.
252 posts
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TAG WITH @maddmckenna
Madeline McKenna
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2023 22:40:50 GMT
Madeline McKenna Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]With the attack hitting its mark—and the Slowkings striking back—the Crobat dove into the fray. This wasn’t enough to stop a psychic beam from punching a hole into its kite-like membrane. He tilted slightly, allowing his trainer to slide from his back to the ground. With a shriek, he crashed, tumbling head over its wings. When he rose, it was obvious he was exhausted from hours on the battlefield. “Thanks.” Maddie smiled at the tired bat.

A blast of red light took him to recuperation.

With their lower limbs trapped in a mire of quicksand, the creatures around here made for easy pickings. Still, even after hundreds had fallen beneath her halberd, the ginger hated the feeling of killing. The way blood splattered against her hand. How little she felt at this point. After two decades, the guilt faded into a sense of resignation.

She told herself it was a mercy killing as she swung. The Empoleon’s head flopped to the muck below with a squelch. Its fins reached for its now orphaned spinal column, hesitating as it found nothing. With a thump it toppled into a pile beside its empty, gaping skull. “Sorry, bud.” The redhead shrugged. “It was you or me.” And, so far, her luck had been pretty good.

A black bird screeched above, her daughter’s bow taking out another aerial enemy. The poison and corruption made the airborne ones clumsy. She would have cheered, but that’d just give the little punk ideas.

The fighting continued for some time. The Crobat was replaced with an Ampharos until a Graveller almost smashed it to a pulp. She then switched him out for the Blastoise that had freed the spring. While they fought back to back, Madd’s eye caught on a familiar scrap of fabric in the distance. It belonged to the third musketeer of her and Ger’s friend group. As she and her Stoudland took down the corrupted Meganium before them, Madd's eyes caught on a stone.

A Conkelldur thought to be downed was raising to its feet. It brought its pillar—stained with blood and acid—with it. A Conkelldur rose its pillar above the blonde’s head. “Hilda!” Madd screamed in warning. She staggered forward, waving her spear. “Move—!” But the woman turned to face the shout instead. The woman lifted a hand to wave. Saw the shadow too late.

SPLAT! Madeline’s stomach flipped. She retched a week’s worth of meals into the grass. Her turtle gently patted her back. With cheeks flushed with embarrassment, Madd lifted her eyes to the sky. But, instead of blue, she just saw twisted, damnable purple.

The Titans above smashed into the ground, tangled up like some S&M session gone wrong. It’s time we finish this. With gritted teeth, the woman waved her black weapon at the pair. Sand Tomb softened the ground below them. Hopefully, that’d hold them in place long enough for them to treat them like the chubby kid from Lord of the Flies.

With a pop, her Obstagoon joined her. “Ready, Yakky?” The oaf nodded, resembling a bobblehead. “Dynamax!” With a roar, the Obstagoon grew to a gargantuan beast, his shadow eclipsing the ground beneath him.

He pointed between the two with a frown. Which one?

Eternatus had poisoned this land and brought horrors down upon them. He’d given them the power to Dynamax. Under his poison, she’d lost dozens of friends. Necrozma, meanwhile, was a mind-controlling menace. He controlled minds. Something the redhead despised. Both had tried to curry her favor with toys and treats.

Neither of them would get it. “Both.”

This struck Yakky as hilarious. Leave it to her to be the one with common sense. He snarled defiantly at the twisted monsters before him. Thick muscles bunched as he unleashed a MAX KNUCKLE.




  • Sees daughter providing aerial support
  • Kills an Empoleon via decapitation
  • Watches a friend get turned to mush by a Conkelldur's rock
  • Uses Sand Tomb to try and sink the Titans
  • Obstagoon Dynamaxes and uses MAX KNUCKLE on BOTH (Abstains from choosing)


TAG GOES HERE[newclass=.samjer] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain] margin: 0 auto; width:350px;background-color:#272727;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjermain b] color: #AF6D28; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain i] color: #D89654; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #D49736; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 10px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjerpoke] width:440px;height:60px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat; border-top: 6px solid #CC7D2F;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px; background-color: #191919;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertop] width:440px;height:50px;background-color: #CC7D2F;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]·
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 1:49:02 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

A titan is toppled.[break][break]

The thrill of a victory surges within him. Temp is old, his joints sore, hair almost gray at this point... but they had done it! He and his allies had taken down the Cinderance![break][break]

Yet, and yet, when they are on the ground it is replaced with an icy cold spike as he stares into the wreckage it had wrought.[break][break]

So many people he had fought and laughed and cried and raised were little more than bloody splatters on the ground. Yet one spoke most of all, a body he couldn't find in all the chaos. Diot. Dot. Their Little Dottie.[break][break]

Temp is almost fifty at this point. Yet, as trauma likens to do, he is eight years old again and the storm has taken his mother and sister from him. He chokes on the grief as panic fills his chest, breaths sudden and heavy. He can't hear the battle, can't see it, can only see a mix of rushing water and the pink viscera splattered on the ground.[break][break]

Frigid lands with a soft grace, much unlike her adopted mother. She wraps her long feathered tail around Temp, her own version of a hug.[break][break]


It echoes softly in the mind. Temp is so startled his gaze snaps up to the bird. It's so quick, so quiet, he's isn't even sure it happened at all.[break][break]

A fat tear drops down his face.[break][break]

Lugia had already departed and in the chaos he had lost sight of . Temp assumes he is on Lugia's back. Gritting his teeth, Temp sniffs back his pain and tears. He could mourn for loss later. With a new-found resolve to stop this, he climbs back onto Frigid and grips her reins tight. They follow swiftly, lavender wings beating to catch up with the shadow legend.[break][break]

Lugia offers a storm and so does Frigid.[break][break]

A Freezing Glare aimed at the Skeleton turns into a Max Mindstorm. The psychic energy they rushes from her makes the head ache in tandem with the pulses.[break][break]

Yet, still yet, Temp just tries to focus all his grief and rage into his partner, as if that can enhance her attack.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]@ tag



🔗 G Articuno is Out! She is Dynamaxed![break]
🔗 Cinderace's fast ass crushes some of the people that Temp helped train, including some fo the aduult kids from the orphanage he helped raise over the years. Diot was part of the group, but it is unclear if she was killed or not.[break]
🔗 Temp has a hot fresh PTSD moment but is snapped out of it by Frigid (G Articuno)[break]
🔗 She helps resolve him to follow after Lugia. They are attacking Eternatus[break]
🔗 G Articuno uses Freezing Glare, which turns into a Max Mindstorm on Eternatus. Max Mindstorm causes a Psychic Terrain.


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]····NyUoF3w8
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 2:04:16 GMT

Familiar faces fell all around as he thundered across the battlefield — nameless members of the peasantry he'd seen in his journeys across the realm over his twenty years as courier.[break][break]

Their deaths meant nothing to him. He'd forged no bonds there, knowing that this space was simply a skewed remembrance they'd been forced into by supernatural means. It was a prison, not a home worth fighting for.[break][break]

Still, they'd need the expendable masses to fight this poisoned army. Their key to return to Hoenn was a hero's tale — a victory. Barnaby was more than happy to sacrifice those around him to make it happen.[break][break]

Save for a select few, perhaps. In the distance another familiar face materialized from the masses. , surrounded by multiple enemies who threatened to overtake him. Barnaby could have ridden past and let Caleb succumb to his fate — broken whatever connection they'd created in favor of his return to reality.[break][break]

But he didn't. There was still a deeply-set sentimentality there for the false king of Motostoke. A deft hand and several arrows plunged into the monsters' hearts saw rescued in the nick of time.[break][break]

Before Barnaby forged ahead into the fray, their gazes met for one brief moment... the look carried an unspoken gravity behind it. Whispers of a twenty-year plot pulled at Barnaby's memory as he stared into those stormy eyes. [break][break]

He'd saved Caleb this time, hence...[break][break]

Your life belongs to me now.

He was gone as quickly as he'd come, his attention now focused on THE BLACK KNIGHT and THE SKELETON overhead. Following the likes of and , Barnaby decided to side with NECROZMA. The enemy that you know, etc.[break][break]

He ordered his GIGANTAMAX CHARIZARD to release a MAX WYRMWIND on ETERNATUS. Simultaneously, he loosed several arrows into the body of the great SKELETON, aiming for the swirling sphere of energy within its ribcage.


motostoke gang[break]
• unmasked now[break]
• saves [break]
• sides with NECROZMA[break]
• shoots arrows at sphere within ETERNATUS' ribcage[break]
weapon: recurve bow of MYSTICAL FIRE[break]


[newclass=.barnaby-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 2:18:37 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


Well played.

"Rest now. It'll be over soon." He muttered softly the young man resting on his lap, watching the life drain out of him in silence, holding his hand until his grip went lax.

As death claimed the youth, Doug gently let him down onto the soil, before rising to his feet.

"Goodbye, Al." He muttered, before turning look over the battlefield.

The enemy army had been overtaken by their forces— at great costs to the peasantry.

Not them, however. Each of them was going strong— 20 years of warfare, and not a single loss on their part.

He wondered if it was possible for anything here to kill them at this point. Perhaps memories couldn't really touch them?

"... Where's Zamacenta?" Doug asked his Orbeetle as he stared at the warring gods besides the rest of the heroes.

He didn't have much to offer to the battle between Necrozma and Eternatus. And he didn't think the ending mattered, either.

His Orbeetle's gaze shifted towards him prompting the youth meet its gaze in turn, nodding.

"Take me there. We're not letting the Cat jump our ticket out of here." He said simply, hopping atop his Mega Orbeetle before setting off towards the Slumbering Weald.

-Watches young man die; he was Albert, some kid he's been healing scrapes for since he was a toddler. Sad.

-Decides he doesn't care who wins between the two gods. Zamacenta is more important. ABSTAINING.

-Follows into the slumbering weald atop his Mega Orbeetle to make sure Chien Pao doesn't get the jump on Zammie.

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 2:43:20 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







"Alright Xerneas. It's time!" he calls out as he had been planning this the entire time. Both of these creatures were locked in combat the entire time, both beings who could end his otherwise eternal life and ruin his goal of escaping death. The poison symbolized a substance that evolved to destroy him, the other symbolized one that could steal away his eternal life for itself. Both were opponents he had to be wary of. [break][break]

However to bryan, the choice was easy. He locks eyes with Necrozma. If Eternatus's poison could evolve and grow to adapt to his healing, he could evolve and grow to match it as well, Xerneas, could. However if his abilities were stolen he would have no chance to fight back. Boosted by the power of his GEOMANCY, Bryan grabs xerneas's pokeball and begins to DYNAMAX XERNEAS as the pokemon began to swell in size and grow in strength from the DYNERGY. "Make his life draw to a close Xerneas! Max Starfall!" [break][break]

A star begins to plummet from the sky and lands on Necrozma directly as a series of other stars crashes around him creating a MISTY TERRAIN, protecting the others from future possible status afflictions. He pushes forward however, getting closer to Necrozma to land a delayed GIGATON HAMMER as it would be lagging a bit due to the move's sideffects.


notes about this post

.TLDR [break]
. Bryan decides to attack Necrozma since he knows it has the ability to steal his powers and as revenge therapy.[break]
.Dynamaxs Xerneas and uses the GEOMANCY boost to further strengthen his MAX STARFALL ON NECROZMA. [break]
.Doesn't use gigaton hammer yet since he has to recover but he positions himself to use it again right after he's able to on necrozma.


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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 2:47:27 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

This was war. As unfortunate as the circumstances were, the bloodshed that was the reality of the situation. As death seemed to pick off at the many people around her, Elaine stood as she watched the lumbering titan blocking their path being felled.

Of course, it was hardly without cost. Though Tiamat had gained titanic stength, she fell back having taken the attacks of the enemy as well.

She calmly held out her Pokeball and returned Tiamat to it.

There was no panic nor fear nor anxiety.

All Elaine felt was gratitude that her Pokemon had not suffered worse.

You're pretty calm about this.

Elaine turned her head to her side to see her past self standing by her side again, arms crossed and looking off into the expanse of hell before them.

"I feel strangely at peace, especially now that I can hear you again. I gained strength and now I stand here. I never figured out the answer to what you asked 20 years ago...but this is fine too."'re not a crying child anymore. Shame. She pointed up to the clash in the sky. There remains one thing to do. Choose. What will you do here about those two. Will you help one to fell the other?

"No." Elaine shook her head as she took out another Pokeball. "I won't simply choose one."

From within that Pokeball, she released Ginga--a Pokemon she had been with since she was a child.

"That is folly. There is no reason to side with evil."

From within her pocket, she took out a notebook and pen. Though the two objects looked like they had been worn by the ravages of time, the stone atop the pen was as pristine as ever. As it glowed, the metallic beast changed form.

"So I shall help crush them both. With pure power."

Riding atop the Metagross the two of them charged forth, once again leaving the phantom behind.

It sounds to me like you found the answer all the same after all.

Without another second, the phantom of her past self disappeared into the aether, never to be seen again in that memory.

  • Elaine's outfit, Pre-timeskip
  • Post-timeskip FC: Devola-Nier Replicant
  • Elaine's weapon staff with a hidden blade, imbued with Inferno (Visual-Staff of Agni from Kubera)
  • Elaine returns Flygon and sends out Metagross
  • Elaine has a few choice words with her past self
  • Elaine Mega Evolves Metagross and charges both Necrozma and Eternatus (Meteor Mash)
  • だが断る-Elaine abstains from choosing one

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March 14
Shalour City, Kalos
Fashion Designer
My fire isn't just for show—it's the blaze that will burn down anyone who dares to stand in my way
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TAG WITH @mirabella
Mirabella Fontaine
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 2:58:40 GMT
Mirabella Fontaine Avatar

The first stage of the battle has been with triumph. Eunice was quite pleased with the slaughter it wasn't the anyone of the pokemon they fought could be saved. Death was the only means of relief for them. The galarian Articuno seemed contemplated their next move while Mirabella managed to killed a few more of those diseased poison pokemon only for one to get the upper hand of her. She might have if not for the knight who took the hit for her. [break][break] It's him! Her daughter's father after so many years of either of them spoke much less looked in the same direction. He saved her life the was poison was killing him. Mirabella leaned down to his level and took his helmet. "Is...she....mine?" The man asked in a weak voice. What a foolish. "Who else could it be? She has your eyes, know eyes?"[break][break] He let out a breath for a moment his face seemed pained with regret. He would get the child or maybe the woman who birth into the world. He would get make admits for the wrong doings with the family. However he saved the mother who started in all. As he skin grew paler he accept his fate mummed this last few words. "And may she have her mother fire for all time."[break][break] With the knight passed with peaceful on his face. Mirabella said nothing she left either happiness nor enjoy just emptiness. The battle was far from over even. Both monsters has take something to dear too. No what side other took she could attack literally in a fit of angry with the power her lance took muster threw it at necrozma while Eunice's eyes glowed before shoot a freezing blast from their eyes.


-The stage is over the Mirabella and Eunice are ready for the next or so Mirabella. She almost died to a posion type pokemon but is saved by the father. In a twisted it's the father of her child in his dying breath he asks her was that child which comfirms. After a moment of sadness for what he loss and could have been the knight dies in peace leaving Mirabella empty feeling empty. She abstain as both cost the life of someone dear! She threw her triple-axel lance at necrozma while her galarian articuno using freezing glare on eternatus. [break][break]Cf4nenhw[break][break]



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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 3:03:33 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

[attr="class","fernpost"]The dragapult’s meteors find their mark, quashing opponents as they surge forward in the roaring moon’s wake. But Cecilia is an old dragon, and soon she droops in the air. Energy spent. Fern drops into a free fall as he recalls her, throwing knives in hand. They fly in opposite directions— one directly below and the other further down the field to open two ends of a portal. Their ceruledge is sent out shortly after, and she hurtles into the space rip alongside them.[break][break]

As they drop, they glance back to see their husband following in behind. They nod at him before bursting out of the second half of the PHANTOM FORCE. Hacking and slashing side by side with Macha.[break][break]

A shout lifts above the din around them. Just as recognizes the silver flash of Aisling’s hair, so too does Fern hone in on Maritza’s cry. They turn to find the pair of them, back to back. Aisling holds his twin sister by the arm as she tries to shake him loose. Fern turns and sees her beloved sparring coach fall in the thick of battle. For a moment, the thought still comes to them— does only Aoife listen to me??[break][break]

They know that their younger daughter is headstrong, though. And likely talked her brother into coming with her. It pains them, though, for her to learn the difficult way that there is no true reward in this. No real glory as her teacher is trampled under the feet of any remaining forces who don’t care about what they are trodding on.[break][break]

Would that they could gather them up, and whisk them away from this, but there is no time for it. They are too far out and forced to reluctantly trust on the skills both have learned in their fifteen years to keep them upright. Breathing.[break][break]

As the clash between two behemoths comes crashing down on Postwick, a bitter snarl rises in their throat. Their ceruledge stands at the ready and they send it hurtling forward to aid necrozma. Arms outstretched in a charged FLARE BLITZ, it gathers flame as it plunges its fiery arms into whatever weak point it can find on the eternatus’ bony body.[break][break]

For this to be over. For this place to be safe for the children they’ve raised, if they won’t be there to see it through themself. They seek out violet eyes in the thick of those clamoring to assist or prevent the duel, and surely, they find their way back to their husband’s side.[break][break]

Til’ the bitter end of it all.


+ withdraws dragapult as her energy diminishes[break]
+ fern throws his daggers, opening a PHANTOM FORCE portal to travel further down the field[break]
+ sends out his ceruledge[break]
+ finds his way back to jayden from the ground[break]
+ witnesses maritza’s sparring trainer get got[break]
+ sides with necrozma—he and ceruledge attack ETERNATUS with FLARE BLITZ




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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 3:11:32 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar


This time, Caleb and fought together, side-by-side until they were inevitably separated by the needs of their people and the intensity of the battle. Caleb did not fear for Isaac as he might once have: Isaac had grown into both a formidable warrior and someone Caleb now trusted to value his own life. Gone was the overprotective older brother: just brothers, on equal footing. Now and forever.[break][break]
"With me!" He called valiantly to those who followed him, rushing the enemy with the storm at his back. Lyra bellowed, her AURORA VEIL continuing to protect those within Caleb's immediate vicinity.[break][break]
When the enemy generals began to fall, the people of Motostoke cheered in triumph. Caleb tried to rally them together - back into position - this wasn't over yet, there were still so many toxic monsters chaotically swiping at them from all sides...but his efforts were failing.[break][break]
A woman screamed.[break][break]
The king whipped around, only to watch the familiar face of Mary, the peasant woman who had handed him his crown nearly twenty years ago, twist in agony. With a panic, he realized too late that she was too far away, beyond Lyra's protection. The kindly middle-aged woman fell, dropping her sword - a sword had forged, like so many others - her body slumping to the cold ground.[break][break]
So many dead, and for what? Was it not Caleb's fault? Once again, he felt the familiar, vile guilt he had carried for the majority of his life settle atop his heart. As their king, he should have been able to protect them. Should have been able to --[break][break]
Something sharp slashed across his leg, and Caleb stumbled, falling to one knee. In his moment of distraction, he had been surrounded by several feral creatures, claws dripping with blood. Caleb leveled his trident, gritting his teeth in pain and frustration. He was outnumbered: with so many surrounding him, not even Lyra's AURORA VEIL could prevent his death.[break][break]
The decisive thump of an arrow took the first monster in the heart. A second arrow speared another. Three, four, five more arrows. Someone had come to his rescue.[break][break]
His gaze met brilliant, gleaming sapphires and he stared, awed, as his savior galloped past on the back of a familiar Spectrier. For a moment, time froze as Caleb and locked eyes. The emotion behind Barnaby's expression was complex, as nuanced as their relationship had been from the start. Something akin to affection that teased at possession; something that bound the two men together inexorably.[break][break]
You belong to me.[break][break]
"Yes," Caleb breathed, agreeing with the sentiment. And then Barnaby was gone, and Caleb was alone, surrounded by corpses.[break][break]
With a renewed vigor, Caleb struggled to his feet, then turned to Lyra.[break][break]
"Heal them," he all but begged her. He didn't need to specify who. He could not save everyone, could not bring back the fallen, but he could continue to do what he did best: try and make up for his mistakes.[break][break]
Ignoring the illusory dog that bounded towards the Black Knight and Skeleton as they clashed, Caleb and Lyra instead focused on Motostoke's remaining army. With a shimmer, the GIGANTAMAXED Lapras sent a shower of LIFE DEW onto those who still struggled to survive. Caleb hoped it would be enough to matter. Enough to save even one more person.[break][break]
To hell with angry Gods. The king was tired, and his people deserved better.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD


Caleb is wearing medieval clothing and a crown[break]
Caleb is in MOTOSTOKE[break]
Caleb fights on the front lines with and the royal guard, but inevitably gets separated from them[break]
Caleb watches the death of MARY (NPC), the woman who had handed him his crown on his very first day in Motostoke some twenty years ago; this causes him to almost get overrun by enemies[break]
Gets saved by ; the two lock eyes and Caleb realizes how much he has grown to love this man...[break]
GIGANTAMAX Lapras uses LIFE DEW and attempts to heal all of Caleb's injured allies (Caleb ABSTAINS from aiding Necrozma or Eternatus)[break]
AURORA VEIL is in effect and it is RAINING near Caleb.



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 3:53:35 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Amor watched as his Cinderace crashed to the ground, and slowly reverted to it's normal size. Retrieving it's pokeball, and returning it, he was forced to stand still as his attack enervated himself, and he was something of a sitting duck at the moment. Glaive Rush was powerful, but it had a drawback, and it was this drawback that was about to cost him dearly as a swarm of poison peons quickly descended upon him, and he figured he was about to meet his feet. That was until he saw a familiar flair of hair, on the back of a Dragonite land in front of him, and destroy the Poison Pokemon, protecting him. It was Marcus, and Amor was both proud, and furious.

"Boy what are you doing here!? Where are your siblings?" He quickly chastised his son, who just turned back to face him with a smile.

"They are safe, but it looks like I arrived in just the nick of time." The red haired boy stated with a chuckle, and then began to buy enough time for Amor to recover. All he could do was watch as his kid fought bravely to defend him, and slowly he got the feeling back in his body. It was this sluggishness though that caused him to not notice an attack behind him. Marcus however saw it, and reacted in time throwing himself between the assailant, and Amor. Taking a direct hit, his chest was punctured by a grimy poisonous claw that was quickly cleaved in half by his Glaive.

MARCUS!" He roared as Draco appeared beside him to fight alongside his son's Dragonite. Holding his son in his arms, Amor felt himself break a little. He wondered what he had done wrong to deserve this. Azelf's prophecy flashed into his mind once more, the final line.

The Fourth Shall Bring You Ruin....

Was he doomed to suffer at the hands of this skeletal dragon? Was this just to be his life? He felt the tears flowing down his face.

"Take him to the others." He gave the order to Marcus's Dragonite who obeyed while wailing in grief. "Draco....Let's go." His faithful dragon roared in anger, and a sheet of crystalline aura surrounded the dragon as it became a Steel Type, and Amor hopped on to it's back. There would be time for reflection later, but for now he would avenge his son. Holding his Glaive steadily, he was going to pierce the Skeleton through it's heart.

"Draco, Extremespeed." If they were going fast enough they would smash right through the creature, and as they sped forth, Amor activated Glaive Rush alongside his dragons Extreme Speed. Together they would become a spear that could pierce anything.

He felt all of his emotions crashing into him at once, all of his grief, and rage, but he had to bottle it up. His son protected him at the cost of his own life, and he would avenge him at the very least.

Amor's son Marcus dies
Amor summons Dragonite after Cinderace faints!
Dragonite Terastalizes into Steel Type
Dragonite, and Amor use a combo attack of Extreme Speed, and Glaive Rush to become a spear that will pierce the heart of Eternatus!

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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,477 posts
part of
TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 4:01:55 GMT
[attr="class","char-words"]Lucario returns to his orb, satisfied but exhausted from his transformation. King's own strength surges beneath the power-up punch unfused weapon, but the thrill of battle wanes as the death tolls mount up.
He passes by the corpse of pokemon, and human alike, feeling numb to it all. He wasn't particularly close with any of them - exile will do that to a man - but the loss of life would put any man off ease. he looks to the to and by default , noting their position, their desire to protect, to escape. king chuckles to himself.
admittedly, he didn't have a dog in this fight. but, if the two women closest to him felt they did, he couldn't let them down. "well," he starts, looking to the pokemon at his side, "let's give 'em hell." the machamp pounds a fist into one of his other palms.
"that one," king says, aiming his finger at the disgusting skeletal dragon. "pree' sure we want that fucker dead."
dynamax consumes his pokemon again and the large machamp's roar of challenge shakes the world. his vital throw would normally be impressive, but now? he was essentially throwing a continental shelf at something (not actually).
king whistles in appreciation. that'll hurt like a mother fucker.



[break]dynamax again![break]machamp throws a large fuckin' canyon at the eternatus[break]gotta support his girls[break][break]Atg_q0gC


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August 18
Nimbasa City
Pokeleague Soccer Player
10 height
10 height
38 posts
Lucas Holden DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @clown
Lucas Holden
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 4:11:03 GMT
Lucas Holden Avatar
A colossal explosion follows, and a massive leaf ape falls in turn. Lucas gives his longtime partner a high-five as the max energy dissipates, turning to his usual size. The conflagration in the background provides a dramatic backdrop as many of their adversaries fell by the wayside.
It wasn't over, however. The army of poisoned Pokemon was the opening act for two divinities to take into the skies. He recognized the form of the Black Knight in one of them, but the others awakened the fight or flight instinct inside him.
The visage of the skeletal dragon is foreboding, but Lucas didn't need words to recognize the miasma surrounding its form. They had been fighting the same influence for more than half his lifespan.
Lucas glances at his partner on his side, wordlessly conveying if he wants to take this destiny. Zico, surprisingly, shakes his head.
"Guess it's not the place of us mortals, huh?"
He looks up to see Carmen flying close to the battle in the skies, her movements resolute. She uses her speed to maneuver the dragon's massive frame before taking on the residual space-time energies left behind by those shedding their gigantic forms. The majestic visage of the Galarian legendary bird once more graces the skies.
"It's been fun."
The bird turns her gaze at the dragon, glaring at him enough to freeze space around him.



+ Dynamaxes his Galarian Articuno[break]
+ Galarian Articuno uses Freezing Glare at Eternatus[break]
+ Revenge for her mother or something[break]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP