i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 4:16:37 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

There was a thousand thoughts as he was aided by an ally, as Qing’s fist tore through the army, but even then, even as his Urshifu began to shrink slowly, as he found his own feet touching the ground, he patted the shoulder of his pokemon, and brought out his ace. ”Atta boy, but it’s time to take a break.” His coarse, even tone that didn’t rise even in the slightest. He looked over his shoulder, over at Kaname offering a singular nod.
But his eyes were forward again, his eyes on the darkened knight, and not at the large dragonic creature. He looked at his pokeball, and then threw it forward to release Absol, the band on his wrist began to glow as his pokemon began to mega evolve. He watched the mane grow out, Absol grew larger, and his horn did as well.
He climbed onto the back of his evolved pokemon, a small hobble as he patted the top of his head. ”Charge. Let’s go.” Cutting through what remained of the army, being cut down by the rest, it was a charge that he needed to get through. The many surrounding them seemed to push them back, a difficult fight.
But Kouji wasn’t someone that liked having a debt to someone, a truth that applied to him from the day he came into this world. The black knight, whatever that pokemon was, had offered them a lot, he didn’t know which side was worth backing. But, at the same time, just as it had done things for him, it had done just as much for everyone else. A debt repaid, and he’d repay it.
The debt of supporting those he hated, everyone else.
”Use Night Slash.” He ordered from the back of his pokemon yet at the same time he swung his own sword, a ceaseless edge.



-Switched out Urshifu for Absol[break]
-Absol Mega Evolves[break]
-Absol and Kouji go for Necrozma with night slash and ceaseless edge[break]




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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 4:25:08 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


There had been a time that Elisabeth had feared war, drunkenly confessing of her own sense of inadequacy to in Howling at the Moon. Back then, she'd no gods and no strength to commend her. She had been so keenly aware of her own weakness then, clinging to shadows as she watched the true monsters clash in battle.[break][break]

That time of hiding had long fled her.[break][break]

Bodies fell and collapsed around her, leaving the pungent scent of blood and viscera thick in the air. ETERNATUS and NECROZMA both feuded overhead, vicious in their display of power. It was the former of the two that most incited Elisabeth's anger and invited the attention of her GIGANTAMAX VENUSAUR'S MAX VINE LASH, for daring to entrap her in Motostoke for a decade's time; it had stolen away her freedom, denying her from...[break][break]

From what, exactly? She couldn't remember, some days, what drew her back to Hoenn. She'd known, once, but that memory was hazy now.[break][break]

Those fragments came back in scattered pieces: A pact with TAPU FINI, her soul bound to the mermaid's to fulfill a vengeance unfed. A pact with WO-CHIEN, to enact a grudge that would force the world to atone for her suffering.[break][break]

Had those reasons to live always felt so hollow, as they did now? When had this resistance to escape built itself in her?[break][break]

"She holds us back," a voice whispered in her mind suddenly, and Elisabeth felt an unsettling chill crawl across her skin. "You've let her hold us back."[break][break]

"But we will remedy that."

The girl was a pinpoint in the distance, soaring on a feathered Pokemon as her hair fluttered behind her like a banner of gold. Arrows shot forth from her bow, gleaming with poison-tipped heads, as she shouted for reinforcements. Her voice called Elisabeth's attention suddenly, alarmingly familiar in a way that defied logic and reason.[break][break]

"She's not supposed to be here," Elisabeth whispered, only for a thought to enter her mind, unbidden: "Our powers are not freely given."[break][break]

Down below, far below where the girl and her Talonflame battled, the crown of gleamed where he had been besieged by enemies. 's arrows whizzed past to defend the false king, followed by the arrows of the girl overhead; neither the courier nor the man in his charge seemed to notice the body that plummeted from the sky, weathering the blows that had once been meant for the king of Motostoke to bear.[break][break]

The girl fell in the way most people fell in war: without fanfare and with no mourning to accompany her descent. Death was, always, a pitiless and unceremonious thing. It came swiftly, without warning and without reason. No one would catch her, when she fell, or cry over her body. War didn't allow for sentimentality.[break][break]

Elisabeth witnessed this in an instant, and no scream could undo the immediacy of what had been done.[break][break]

She stared at the battlefield in front of her, its fields wreathed in a blood-red haze, as BITTER MALICE struck at whatever friend or foe dared to come too close. Furious thorns twisted and danced around her in a protective barrier, rising with the fury and the bitterness that built inside her with every rebuke that whispered in her mind:[break][break]

"For too long, shadows have blinded us. Look ahead. Look to what is yet to come."

"This world cannot claim us in its ruination. Our destiny lies elsewhere."



- Imply that Wo-chien intentionally undid the vines on Elisa's tower to trick Lisette/Barnababy into escaping to her doom, cuz the snail is a little shit.[break]
- Lisette is a secondary source of the arrows that defended from falling, but when saves Caleb, Lisette falls to the enemies behind them both.[break]
- Wo-chien tells Elisabeth they have MORE IMPORTANT THINGS AHEAD IN HOENN and anyway this girl wasn't real lol.[break]
- Elisabeth angrily hides herself in thorns and lashes out at anyone stupid enough to get close with her BITTER MALICE staff.



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June 22nd
Anistar City, Kalos
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lucette
Lucette Castellane
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 4:46:32 GMT
Lucette Castellane Avatar

Watching the three Gigantamax Pokemon fall by the combined efforts of every attack from all of the cities’ royalty and heroes, Lucette returns her Greninja back to his Pokeball since he faints in front of her from the attack after he has doused the Cinderace with Max Geyser. Watching the battle between the Black Knight and the Skeleton clashing against each other, she saw the eldest of her children, her son with dark hair, give her a nod when he fights against the poison army. [break][break]

She sends out Emiko the Mawile as the steel type Pokemon fights her share of the poisonous Pokemon until one of them tries to attack the pink-haired woman. Lucette watches her son jump in front of her as the scythe-like arms of the poisonous Scyther cut through his chest. Running over to cradle the young man in her arms, the woman cries for him and gets resolved to avenge his death.[break][break]

“Emiko, use Crunch on the Skeleton. Now.” Her command gives the Mawile a reason to help avenge the young man since she has enjoyed his company for a while. Her other head goes over to Crunch down onto the giant floating poison dragon’s body even if she was a lot smaller than how big that thing was.

@rustedshield [break][break]


- Lucette watches her son die in protecting her.[break]
- She grieves for him.[break]
- She gets her Mawile to use Crunch on the Skeleton, therefore, she chooses to let the Black Knight win.[break]
- Weapon: Shortsword of Water Pulse



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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 5:12:52 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

'Do what you need to do. I've got your backs covered.'

[break][break] Decades had passed. Their bodies weathered, their bones and muscles aching with the brutal training that they had both undergone throughout the years. But if there was one thing that Jayden could rely on, it would be . The shield to his sword. Violet eyes flickered to the Royal Captain, nodding briefly, before he plunged himself into the fray.

[break][break] Easily, his swords slashed down onto the armies to demolish anything in their path.

[break][break] Together.

[break][break] "Felix! Mint! Behind you!"

[break][break] Twenty years strong, CERBERUS would persist.

[break][break] Glancing to his side, the Ballonea's King shares a look to his husband just as comets crash down beyond them. was just as strong, just as reliable — he would have rathered no one by his side as they rushed into battle.

[break][break] "Fern —" he starts, but before he can finish his sentence, his words die on empty air.

[break][break] 'Maritza? Aisling?'

[break][break] He would recognize his son's silver-dipped hair anywhere, and there would be no one in Ballonea so young and reckless to doubt the King's rule other than his own daughter. Panic rises in his chest but before he can confirm his fears, the crowd of poisonous beasts close in on them once more. His Roaring Moon roars, slashing down on the toxic troops. But when they sink into the sludge, there is no sight of his children oncemore.

[break][break] Only the sight of other fallen children. Jayden recognizes them too — members of the orphanage and academy — who'd wanted nothing more than to fight. A sudden HATRED fills the King then — eyes snapping towards the two legendaries that scour overhead.

[break][break] A scene of death and destruction. Just like Kanto. Except this was worse. This was pointless.

[break][break] When opens up portals with their daggers, Jayden leaps in after his husband to get closer down the field. In the sky, he sees on his Charizard plunge into the heart of the conflict. The scene is almost bittersweet, bringing him back to a memory that makes him feel twenty years young, watching plunge into . Sootopolis. Hoenn. Necrozoma.

[break][break] With a flash of light, his Roaring Moon is replaced with his Nilhilego.

[break][break] "Help King Harcourt pin it down!" he orders, and a FRENZY PLANT explodes from the Ultra Beast towards the skeletal dragon. Thick vines explode from the earth, stretching out towards the sky where the two pokemon lay in combat, in an attempt to pull the Eternatus down.

[break][break] With a fleeting glance towards , Jayden directs his attention towards the intense confrontation between the two monsters feuding in the sky. How ironic that they would stand here today, when twenty years ago he had been at the dragon queen's throat.

[break][break] Gripping one of his blades tightly, Ballonea's King swiftly hurls it like a piercing glaive through the moonlit sky, aiming directly for Eternatus.




— location BALLONEA [break]
• sees some orphanage children die and is sadga before filled with HATE [break]
• jayden runs with into their phantom force portals to get closer [break]
• jayden attacks ETERNATUS to AID NECROZOMA — attacks by throwing one of his BITTER BLADE swords at it's eyes + his Nilhilego tries to pin Eternatus in place with FRENZY PLANT.[break]
• jayden darts ahead beneath the two feuding pokemon in the remains of postwick, slashing down enemies with his swords as he goes


[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]


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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 6:13:56 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



As the war rages on, bile rises in Luka’s stomach.[break][break]

She thought she’d be used to it by now, could stomach the suffering and loss that comes with living in a place like this. But it seems that some things never change, and her heart hadn’t managed to harden completely.[break][break]

Nevertheless, she persists. She grits her teeth and wipes blood off her cheek and keeps riding— Spectrier, at least, has no problems keeping pace with her husband.[break][break]

, and fight together valiantly and while she’s more adept a battler now than she ever was in Hoenn, she still can’t stomach committing so much violence. Her role, as the Queen of Ballonlea and protector of its people, is far better suited to healing.[break][break]

And when 's Iron Valiant falls, she's right there to help her husband. With just a touch of her staff, a revival blessing is granted to the paradox pokemon— a knight as stalwart as the man fighting alongside them.[break][break]

She descends upon other fallen troops like an angel, her Clefable’s life dew showering relief upon their wounded. But there is very little time to attend to them, and the revival blessing provided by her staff can only do so much. Some it heals, but others are too far gone and their life flickers out like a stub of candle.[break][break]

Behind her falls a man whose firstborn child she’d christened only a month ago. To her side she sees the body of a knight who’d stood valiantly by her side before Felix came into her life. All around her lie the bodies of those she’d sworn to defend as Queen, and their losses cut worse than teeth or claws— a kind of poison all its own.[break][break]

And as they charge closer and closer to the penultimate battle, the grief in her stomach boils over into anger. She feels it towards Necrozma and Eternatus both, and she knows that while others have chosen their sides, she could never bring herself to aid either of them.[break][break]

But sitting back on her haunches doesn’t feel right either.[break][break]

With a nudge of her heels, her Spectrier takes off at a gallop, carrying her closer and closer to the fighting. It’s a reckless, stupid idea to get between two titans, but if she can do even the smallest thing to try and end this war, it’ll be worth it.[break][break]

Sugar’s ribbon-like feelers stretch as long as they’re able to and glow a soft pink, as though blessing the war-torn battlefield with the first kiss of spring. They stretch towards Necrozma and Eternatus The aura they exude is calming and serene; out of place amongst all the chaos and strife around them.[break][break]

Resplendent Ribbons:[break]
Sylveon exudes a calming aura from its ribbons to affect nearby opponents. Those affected are unable to use offensive or status moves for a brief period of time.[break][break]

Her z-move might not be enough to quell the fighting for any significant amount of time, but it may be just enough to allow either side to take advantage and strike. To Luka, it matters not.[break][break]

Looking behind her, at Felix’s receding form, she smiles and presses on, charging towards Zamazenta and whatever lies beyond in the Slumbering Weld.[break][break]

- revives 's iron valiant with revival blessing staff[break]
- chooses to abstain, however uses sylveon's z-move against eternatus AND necrozma[break]
- follows zamazenta into the slumbering weld


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
421 posts
Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 6:34:49 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
He thought his bad luck had come to an end, however that was sadly not so…

“Cordy!” he yelped as he felt his Absol buckle under his weight as the noxious fumes of the battlefield wafted all around them. After he was unceremoniously tossed to the ground, he quickly recalled the Absol, not wishing to bring further harm down on her.

Now that he was back on his own two feet, he sighed.

“Now, what—” he sighed, before realizing that the two large Pokémon were duking it out in the distance, before the truth sank in that one of them was the so-called ‘light eater’, that he’d heard of in tales back home at Alola.

The rumored snatcher of brightness, said to supposedly live in the ‘space between worlds’ (now even that was a fantastical notion, even for someone like himself).

He had to slap himself a few times, before resigning himself to head in the direction where the two were battling it out—never mind if he was alone, with no Pokémon companion. Just as he’d made some headway, someone crossed paths with him, wielding a sword that looked suspiciously like—

“Sergei, is that you?!” he exclaimed, rushing over in time to see that the sword-wielding person that had been cut down was not the redhead he was looking for, however bore an uncanny resemblance.

For a few moments he felt his heart leap into his throat. Holy shit, where the fuck was the actual redhead—

“Fuck, fuck, fuck… don’t lose your head now!” he hissed, holding one hand to the side of his head before looking around and then seeing the ‘light eater’ again…

“Oh, fuck you.”

He then sent out his Gardevoir, who blinked at the carnage before pointing at the Necrozma.

“Hit it as best as you can!”

Thankfully he hadn’t done the ‘pop the Pokémon to giant-size’ amidst everyone throwing all their attacks in the chaos of the battle; it was literally now or never.

Crossing his fingers mentally, he then took a deep breath and Dynamaxed his Gardevoir, who suddenly popped to several sizes much larger than normal.

And off went the gigantic Gardevoir, throwing a Dazzling Gleam which transformed into a Max Starfall at the Necrozma… no way was he going to have that beast rampage back where they came from.

+ Absol gets knocked out! what is this luck?!
+ an NPC who looked suspiciously like gets cut down in front of him YIKES
+ swaps Absol for Gardevoir
+ Dynamaxing Gardevoir this round! Dazzling Gleam transforms into Max Starfall aimed at the Eternatus!
+ Jack is helping Necrozma
+ Jack is providing covering fire with his Tri-Attack tome
+ +20 timeskip FC is Van Hohenheim from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (yes, the HOT one)

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February 2/14
Nimbasa City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
26 posts
Rhydia Ver DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rhydia
Rhydia Ver
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 6:59:27 GMT
Rhydia Ver Avatar

’Seris, you’ve grown so much so soon… you’re making your mother feel like an old lady, you know?’ Rhydia uttered those words half heartedly at the dinner table that only they were allowed to use, speaking to the child whom she brought into the world 15 years before. Her very own flesh and blood, the only ‘human’ thing she felt like she ever produced.[break][break]

’That’s not true. You don’t feel a day older than 30, do you mother?’ Just like a parent knew their child, children tended to understand their parents rather well if they communicated with one another. For Seris Ver, Crown Prince of Ballonlea, understanding people was part of his duties as a member of the royal family. A king who did not understand the hearts of men was no king at all, or so he was taught.[break][break]

Seris’ Mother, Rhydia Ver, was an eccentric and truly bizarre woman. She was not born a noble, nor did she come any substantial wealth to gain that title. She became one of three royals through merits alone, standing beside the peasantry of Ballonlea twenty years ago at the dawn of the Fantasy Kingdom’s establishment.[break][break]

Without her aid, as well as the aid of King and , Ballonlea may have been destroyed in the battle that rallied the peasantry into establishing a monarchy in the first place.[break][break]

The tale of the King and Queens was one fit for heroes, yet… just a look in his Mother’s eyes was always enough to tell Seris that she could never be a hero. The stories she told, the art she created, the kingdom she established and even the simplest gaze into her eyes told him- her own flesh and blood- that that woman would never properly be human enough to be a hero.[break][break]

Her eyes that only saw people as backdrops on a canvas could never connect with the hearts the laid behind them. She’d merely observe and twist and bend and break and snap them however best fit her muse, professing that to be her love, exclaiming that they were more beautiful that way, when their insides were laid bare and their ugliness made the world more beautiful by contrast.[break][break]

He loved that part of her, because he was just as twisted- no, more. He loved the part of her that just couldn’t be part of this world- that couldn’t see it as a reality any other time but during a calamity. His own mother, his own birth giver looked at him like a thing to be used all the time and he could tell…[break][break]

—but when everything looked like it was falling apart, and a calamity loomed overhead, she always developed a beautiful and human smile that reached her eyes, as if her true self was hidden behind a deception that required the world to crumble before she would reveal it.[break][break]

”Hm~ Thirty-One, actually.”[break][break]

After all, she truly did feel as if the last change in her life was his birth.[break][break]

Charging through that battlefield with his sword drawn, Seris felt alive. He felt as if he was truly a person living in his world, fighting a calamity for the sake of the people he would one day rule. As the Black Knight and the Skeleton relentlessly clashed with one another, the people like Rhyd- like his Mother worked in tandem with their Pokémon to thin the herd and slay the beasts that led the Skeleton’s armies.[break][break]

At one point he turned to see if she was alright, a moment’s worry overtaking him somehow.[break][break]

She was focused, working hard for the sake of her people, all without a smile on her face. Despite the calamity present, it hadn’t stirred her heart, leaving her exterior just as alien and distant as it usually was in his eyes. The Queen of Fantasy scarcely had time for grim realities like this one, the battlefield was tragic, but it was the stars that burned brightly and disappeared that made those canvases in her mind worth painting.[break][break]

Just as he thought that, just as he understood the alien logic she operated off of, his heart is pierced by sludge. In an instant, the rising star Seris Ver was destroyed from the inside, and collapsed. A single second’s lapse in judgement proved fatal, as was normal for a battlefield.[break][break]

However… he was fine with this outcome. Even as his vision blurred and numerous medics cleared a path forwards towards him alongside his Mother, he wasn’t ashamed of how he went out.[break][break]

”Mother… I… I-”[break][break]

”Shh… don’t speak. I understand.” She whispered to him despite the roar of battle, speaking as if there was nothing but the two of them in the Wild Area.[break][break]

Her hand ruffled his hair and cupped his cheek, staying in place even as the crimson fluid leaking from his lips stained her skin red. ”Rest, Seris. We’ll start your painting lessons in the morning…”[break][break]

He couldn’t see her face as she spoke, as his vision was already fading.[break][break]

”Then… I’ll close my eyes for a while… see you when the… dreams… end…”[break][break]

He gained clarity in his last moments, his eyes giving him one last look of the woman who birthed him, of the inhuman Queen of Fantasy who could only smile at tragedies.[break][break]

He wondered before if she even truly loved him. Not as an art piece, but as a son. Even at his young age, he wondered if he alone was important enough to her to be more than part of a grander canvas.[break][break]

Looking up at her like that, it was him who was left smiling as he breathed his last.[break][break]

How couldn’t he smile? His last moments were spent looking up at his mother wearing a smile that reached her eyes.[break][break]

He was enough for her… even in this world, he was real to her.[break][break]

”Of course Seris… I’ll see you again when the dreams end…”[break][break]

She watches many unleash their frustrations upon the Skeleton when the opportunity arises. She sees her people unleash their negativity upon the soaring beast that took so much away from them, viewing it as a greater, supreme evil than the Black Knight.[break][break]

Waving her brush through the air, she paints a new reality into place atop the Black Knight, infinity energy coalescing in a single place to attempt to crush it with PSYCHIC.[break][break]

She doesn’t hate the Black Knight, honestly. Without it, she would’ve never realized she loved parts of her current world enough to fight to the death for. Violent as it was and lethal as it had been, it was a beautiful piece of extraterrestrial art, a wondrous splash of color upon a drab canvas.[break][break]

—but the Black Knight failed to meet her standards as a splash of color. It merely changed the piece, it didn’t dominate and overwrite it utterly like the Skeleton.[break][break]

Despite all it did, the Skeleton gave to Rhydia a gift unlike any other, it provided to her with perspective, a gaze at a wholly unique piece within another. Necrozma had given her a calamity, yes, but…[break][break]

Watching the life leave her own blood, her own son… holding him within her arms as he faded into his own endless dream was… it was just sublime! She couldn’t describe it as anything worse than a true disaster, a nightmare within a dream that she didn’t ever want to wake up from![break][break]

Nothing could compare to that profound loss! Not even her own mother’s color was so beautiful! She could only dream of delivering a Master Stroke so immaculate, so steeped in tragedy that it turned the entire hellscape around her into a fantasyland she could frolic within for another forty years if need be![break][break]

Ahh… she was shivering, her body was positively fucking trembling! It was like every nerve ending and pleasure receptor from her toes to the tip of her head had gone haywire all at once.[break][break]

”Max Darkness, Clair! Please! Add a final stroke and end this all!”She screamed out her order, mania finally bursting forth from the floodgates she’d so barely managed to keep locked ever since she last saw her own Mother. Why even bother conceal it? This high was something that simply couldn’t be topped… this fantasy truly had surpassed reality.

Pokémon + Tagging/TLDR Here[break][break]

TL;DR - Backstory about Rhydia’s Son[break]
-Rhydia attacks NECROZMA with her brush.[break]
- HISUIAN ZOROARK attacks NECROZMA as well.[break]
- Rhydia’s Son Seris dies, just so his Mother would smile genuinely for him again..


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bel, lyle
june 21
rustboro city
SPECTRA co-captain
the renegade who had it made
180 posts
Belial Stone DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @belial
Belial Stone
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 9:06:15 GMT
Belial Stone Avatar
They help defeat one of the generals, but it comes at a cost. Despite his DYNAMAXED form, BEREGISO is swarmed by the armies of POISONED POKEMON shortly thereafter. The large bear moans as it is bitten and clawed relentlessly from every angle, desperately lifting itself onto both feet.

Skidding to a stop from his EXTREME SPEED, clicks his tongue with annoyance before turning to find his first officer and releasing a sharp whistle. "HAMMERHEAD! SEND YOUR FORCES TO HELP BEREGISO!" He commands, pointing his blade at the large bear.

"But sir! We're dealing with our own!"


Though the man had been successfully fending off a gang of POISONED SNEASEL, he turns away to follow the order given. Unfortunately, that minute opening is all the Sneasel need to pounce upon him relentlessly and claw him to bits. The rest of the ATLAS BRIGADE regard the sight in horror for a moment, and a few even freeze in place before being killed themselves. Others break rank to save their skins.

And, in the chaos of it all, BEREGISO succumbs.


The bear is recalled into its Heavy Ball an inch from death. A SCYTHER attempts to swoop in and strike Belial down just in that moment, but he dispatches it with effortless and merciless EXTREME SPEED. As its severed limbs fall to the ground in a pile, the mercenary captain summons his MIENSHAO.

"It's you and me now, CHAI. Just like the old days, huh?" He smirks.

Though they watch as the ZAMAZENTA disappears into the SLUMBERING WEALD, they also see an opportunity to make legend by striking ETERNATUS down.

And they do just so. His MIENSHAO charges an AURA SPHERE before firing it off towards the celestial dragon. Her master, in the meantime, closes the distance with EXTREME SPEED before attempting to sever one of its claws.



⚜️ summons MIENSHAO!

⚜️ uses his BLADE of EXTREME SPEED to try and SEVER a CLAW from ETERNATUS!


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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
315 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 11:26:13 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



War doesn't care about loss. Its fundamental nature is to take and ruin, but it works as a ruthless machine, not a caring artist. It tramples underfoot, and marches onwards.[break][break]

The dogs have called all people to war. If someone can pick up a sword or spear, they are asked to march onwards for the sake of saving the world. Both the outsiders who shaped the destiny of this dream, and the citizens who filled it with life go to war against a venomous horde.[break][break]

Alba Evovae has watched over twenty years of children with no home to go to. They have grown and matured, leaving to make their own homes. There is something to be said about seeing a child you yourself have raised turn into an adult in their own right.[break][break]

When tides of death came for Ballonlea, he fought them off. When the Black Knight came for Ballonlea, he fought it off. A vanguard of heroes beat back villainy; was it out of debt for them, or a sense of duty, that those familiar faces appeared in the crowd?[break][break]

There is something to be said about seeing a child you yourself have raised disappear in a single instant. Her determined face is there, then there is her silhouette, powerless against a scorching ray that swallows her whole. Did the Black Knight even notice? No, he doubted that. She just happened to be in the way of an attack as she tried to fight off the gods that had ruined her world.[break][break]

Alba Evovae scorns both the Skeleton and the Black Knight. In a perfect world, they both devour each other, leaving nothing behind. But he would sooner die than turn away from this conflict, and simple, personal emotion wins out in the end. He runs, and his hammer swings, aiming to turn black crystal into a billion shards. Maybe they'll make a nice window out of its corpse.



Farewell, mask.[break]
Watches one of the old orphanage kids die[break]
Attacking with his Hammer of Gravity[break]
Aiding Eternatus

[break][break]@shield gang lets GOOO



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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 11:26:58 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar

War sieged their troops. All at once, life was a hard won battle between the aimless gait of noxious sludge and those still gripping well onto their hopes and dreams.

For all that he was before galar, and for all that was at that moment, even Felix felt the vibrancy of life within his very fingertips. It rumbled from the deepest pits of his stomach to the very greatsword the gleened in his calloused hands.


For all the years they placed into their new lives, for all the love, sweat, and tears that they poured into it, all of it was supposedly for naught. Hoenn was to be their future yet again, and for what? Because these legends determined it so?

Surely, parts of him was relieved for the news of this battle - it meant a chance of returning to those he'd lost so many years ago. But, at the same time, these realizations were all bathed in pool of thick, bittersweet honey. For all the relief that spared his heart, anger came. White fury that screamed, loud: why. Why were they doomed to play the marriottnets to their show?

"GALLADE." The general's harsh command barely cut through the flurry of battle cries. "SACRED SWORD!"

Together, their blades forged a new form of attack. With the slice of his phantom force-infused blade, the GREATSWORD created a rift in which the force of the fighting type's SACRED sword could travel, hitting the SKELETAL BEAST in a place less guarded.


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October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
187 posts
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TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 12:15:35 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar
The tide of battle ebbs and flows with great velocity. As the combined armies strike hard and fast, they tear through the enemy’s forces and strike down the generals and Gigantamax pokemon alike with calculated precision. Things are shifting in their favor, but this is still war and it is a grizzly, grim affair. Kaname takes note of his fellow soldiers, continuing to ring his handbell of life dew; fine droplets of healing water raining down over the friendly combatants to keep them in the fight.[break][break]

A sudden yelp causes Kaname to jerk his head toward its source; a broad shouldered man with an ax lay bleeding beside a deceased Nidoking. Kaname recognized the man as a regular to his clinic and member of the Adventurer’s Guild, his name was Thomas, and rushed over to him. As he got closer, he could see the extent of the man’s injuries, they were… grizzly, to say the least. No amount of Life Dew or first aid would be enough to save Thomas. So Kaname took the dying man’s hand and whispered something to him before ringing the bell, coaxing cool waters to wash over the adventurer and ease his passing.[break][break]

As Thomas passes, Kaname is reminded that war is hell and that this is the fate of all men, to die. It was a cold thought, but one that eased his own suffering and prevented him from dwelling on every lost life he encountered. There is no time for mourning in the heat of battle. [break][break]

Even the armies of their enemy shattered and their Gigantamax Pokémon brought low, the Black Knight and Skeleton still fought on. Colliding with one and other in a violently aerial display, the great skeletal serpent begins to overpower the Pokémon called the Black Knight. The Skeleton was far too dangerous to let continue, the poisonous army it had gathered could be rebuilt… the skeletal being had to go. So he pulled back his sleeve and activated the band upon his wrist, his Swalot swelling and growing to massive size until it was a towering, corpulent monstrosity. “Target the Skeleton with everything you’ve got!” His Swalot nodded vigorously and inhaled before expelling massive shards of ice from its mouth, aiming for ETERNATUS. [break][break]



+ TL;DR: Kaname tends to a dying Thomas the Adventurter (prompt) and then Dynamaxes Swalot and uses Max Hailstorm on ETERNATUS
+No longer masked. He’s just a doctor now



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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 13:15:01 GMT

perhaps she's gone crazy. [break][break]

perhaps she's insane. [break][break]

what little of her mind remains is whittled down, watching the skeletal beast ascend to the heavens - the black pieces of its bones taper off its body, as does the darkness fall from the black knights'. it's at this moment, marisol doesn't care for the grudge she holds against it throughout the events of the ultra beast war - nor does she carry this grudge of the poison that's sunk its fangs into the lungs and bones of many. [break][break]

she can only stare in awe. [break][break]

her clefable stares in concern. [break][break]

but people are attacking the skeleton - why? why must they get in the way of the beast that only wishes to taint this world, as is? surely, she thinks, it must be necessary? perhaps the time with toxins has eaten away at her head - she was meant to save the people. twenty years ago, yes, perhaps, she would hold those same sentiments--[break][break]

maybe she's more like her father than she thinks she is. [break][break]

her frenzy and admiration is cut short at the familiar lock of gold on the field. if she's honest - she's surprised. she's caught off guard, watching as the figure falls to the ground, and as the familiar face of a helpful little girl falls lifeless. there's a twang she feels in her heart, but no tears fall, no. no, they don't fall, and instead her lips curl into a smile (as the twang in her heart thumps, thumps and pumps the blood that ran cold to light up her face in the adrenaline that follows).[break][break]

and so, she thinks, it can rot - with the skeleton's poison to taint this accursed memory and everyone in it. has she gone insane? yes, perhaps she has. perhaps she's too far gone. [break][break]

"necrosis!" a woman smiles, wearing a witch-like grin. ah yes, that's right, the child is oblivious to its trainer's fraying mind. it's the intensity in her bright gaze that activates an old-time technology, and the pendant kept upon her neck glows such a sinister purple that resonates with the gaseous ghost. [break][break]

she'll kill the other one. [break][break]

"shoot it down!" [break][break]

the doctor gives the order, and the gengar follows - albeit slightly unnerved at his trainer's sudden glee. an orb of shadow forms in front of its mouth, and the newly formed mega gengar launches a speedy, powerful shadow ball at the black knight. [break][break]

she watches, and the ringing of the bell stops amidst the battle. ah yes, this was what she was missing. [break][break]

she missed the smell of blood.




  • location: motostoke
  • petra dies trying to be a field medic; marisol doesn't realize she's grieving.
  • fuck u necrozma
  • aiding ETERNATUS
  • weapon: heal bell spear
  • timeskip face: ranni the witch

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@rustedshield @motostoke

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 18:07:22 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar
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His King’s Shield slammed down with a clamor, catching a few of note within its field of protection. Good. Good, good…[break][break]

A blazing hazel shifted betwixt those dwelling within his defenses, watching them eagerly and ever vigilantly before the ring upon his finger flared and dwindled within its power, prompting the selfsame shield he’d initially procured to dissipate within his wake. Glancing quickly between the scene around him, he began to move with little time to waste, a flash enveloping his Electivire as he began to return to his normal size, and—in a secondary flash—found himself with traded places with his ever-vigilant and loyal Noivern. [break][break]

With a hand shot up into the air, his fingers found purchase upon one of the bands strewn against the harness he’d prepared for the draken beast, his feet gliding briefly along the earth beneath him as he hauled himself atop Orion’s back. They soared across the dimming skies above as the trainer, himself, continuously surveyed the fields beneath him and all the gruesome sights to behold.[break][break]

Though fleeting, some familiar faces had caught his sight— both vaguely and not so much. To say he’d remained within his lonesome within the two decades spent within the dream realm he’d been forced to call home would be inaccurate, to say the least; the teams similar to the ones within Hoenn having crossed paths with him and offering them a means to fill the gaps he’d lost in the meantime. Workers turned friends; friends turned family. He knew they were somewhere amidst the chaos, for they, too, had made their intent to fight as boldly as he had before arrival.[break][break]

So when he captured sight of those selfsame faces in the crowd by chance, he would be more than compelled to turn to their aid.[break][break]

A whistle—familiar, tried, and true—pierced the very air around him and his beast, prompting the latter to yell a screeching cry before snapping around within his flight, immediately scoping in towards the very group his trainer pointed towards before careening down. For a second time, the ring upon his finger ignited briefly before manifesting another King’s Shield to crash down amidst the armies beneath him; a simple declaration of aid to the team that stayed so valiantly and loyally alongside him all those years.[break][break]

For some, however, the help couldn’t have come later.[break][break]

The sight of Toxic Spikes appeared within the same moment, their ire clattering viciously against the barrier while a fleeting few had managed to sneak beneath it before its solidification. Those few spikes pierced through, effectively impaling the closer of the group and leaving those behind them in nothing short of shock.[break][break]

A nearly breathless, ”No…” had lift his lips at the impact, and with little pause, he’d immediately leapt from Noivern-back when close enough, immediately cutting through the spikes that remained and calling for those properly defended to take the bodies and abscond— to which they, after some degree of shock and fear, had managed to pull through and abide. He watched as the trails of blood and toxins stained the paths they embarked upon, gritting his teeth and standing his ground long enough for them to properly return to safety.[break][break]

Just long enough. Once the remaining’s safety was ensured to the best of his ability, the image of the shield diminished once more, and he immediately hauled himself atop Orion’s back a second time. His gaze then turned to the clashing beasts above for a brief moment, though immediately found it stolen by the hound that sprinted with purpose through the clearing.[break][break]

He’d only given The Skeleton and The Black Knight another, fleeting glare before sounding another whistle to send his Noivern chasing after the regal creature.

[attr="class","ooc"] notes @rustedshield[break]
timeskip fc: pierro from genshin impact[break]
electivire is recalled[break]
noivern is sent out
leonidas uses king's shield to defend some of his nameless npc's friends[break]
—some friends are saved; others are impaled by toxic spikes[break]
—after making sure his living crew makes it out, leonidas abstains from attacking[break]
leonidas, alongside noivern follow in zamazenta's trail[break]
crafted: ring of protection (king's shield)[break]
total salacs: x4




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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
part of
Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 0:50:10 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
Despite valiant efforts, Crux’ fight is a short one; a single attack is all he can muster before he’s overtaken and plummets to the ground, unable to fight any longer. Kyrenai recalls her Hydreigon with a soft thank you muttered against its pokéball, her eyes soon lingering upon the destruction her fires have wrought.

The fickle smile playing on her lips should’ve acted as a warning as she regarded the flames, pleased by the display.

A pleasure she’s soon snapped out of when a familiar voice calls out among the clashing foes; Godfrey, her protégé and successor, waves at his mentor and former boss, quickly approaching. A most strange, yet happy reunion between the two occurs, and together they press on to advance upon the Necrozma and Eternatus.

Postwick, they realize just as quickly that lives will be lost here. Starting with Godfrey’s; so rapidly torn from her hands that Kyrenai does not even get the chance to aid him. Pinned to the ground, the giant black shard leaves the man’s chest and pleas nothing more than a guttural mess.

Her spiked helmet hits the ground as she falls to her knees. The assassin’s hands desperately search for a way to stop the bleeding, but to no avail; the wail that follows when the last of Godfrey’s life fades away is drowned by the roar of battle.

It only fuels her rage.

In this moment she seeks not the strength of her pokémon; instead she rises, flamberge in hand to avenge her fallen charge. She never gets the chance.

Something tears through Kyrenai’s back, sharp and rough and murderous; then bursts through her chest. Crimson eyes meet the talon protruding from her chest, brutally piercing her. It lifts her slightly before dropping her to her knees, leaving her body in disarray as coldness settles into her limbs. Like her, they will soon prove worthless; but where her legs have already given up her grip still holds true as carmine puddles at her knees.

A strange sense of solace falls over her as she feels her lungs stutter.

She’s not afraid of death, but she’d imagined her end differently. A smile crosses her lips.

One final time.

Bloodstained lips curl before they whisper a sweet nothingness; a blazing Inferno flares forth one final time, fueled by the assassin’s dying breath. Its target? The Necrozma that dared harm her protégé; at least she would meet him again, albeit sooner than expected.


Darkness is all she sees. The pain, courtesy of the gaping hole in her chest, has dulled to an annoying itch, and the cold that has settled in her veins lessens by the minute.


A murmur stirs her from the soundless void. Warmth slowly invades her iced limbs.


The murmur grows louder.


The darkness becomes a mess of colorful flashes, brighter with every passing second. Movements in the distance irk her.


For a moment Kyrenai thinks she can feel her hands again; something heavy lays within them, but she cannot seem to lift it, let alone move her arm. Somehow she can hear herself hissing ever so silently as she concludes;

The void does not want her, either.

- Inferno-style Flamberge || Kyrenai's armor
- Somehow pleased of the destruction her Inferno makes
- Is reunited with Godfrey
- Godfrey falls to Necrozma
- Kyrenai rages, gets pierced in the chest
- With her dying breath unleashes a last Inferno on Necrozma
- Is revived by 's power
- Revival effects are somehow slowed; is mentally aware of what's happening around her but cannot react


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 2:58:40 GMT



they cleave through what they can, going from enemy to enemy with no rest or break because doing anything less would risk the safety of their own forces.[break][break]

"do you see him?"[break][break]

he calls over the sound of virizion's SACRED SWORD cutting through poisonous globs. the sword of justice shakes her head before leaping off to the side.[break][break]

they slide to a stop.[break][break]

the brief sight of a familiar dark-haired boy makes his heart sink.[break][break]


except it isn't. it's a trick of his mind to pull out his greatest weakness in the thick of the battle. distracted, he is left open and vulnerable. he does not see the attack strike virizion until it's too late.[break][break]


an EARTH SPIKE erupts, piercing through their assailant to melt them to the ground. he slides off the sword of justice, quickly tending to her wounds.[break][break]

"rest. we'll be okay for now."[break][break]

after resting his forehead against virizion's, the sword of justice is recalled to safety.[break][break]




relief fills him even if their reunion is kept brief. urgency overwhelms him along with duty, stilling him by his king's side.[break][break]

as his PRIMAL ENERGY is channeled, his pinky finds kyle's for a fleeting moment.[break][break]

"i'll be right behind you."[break][break]

a pokeball cracks open, summoning a DROUGHT as GROUDON emerges.[break][break]

PRECIPICE BLADES erupt, traveling the distance to find NECROZMA.[break][break]

- matias wields sketch!greatsword[break]
- matias lets channel his PRIMAL ENERGY[break]
- matias uses SKETCH on ETERNATUS[break]


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP