i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 6:01:45 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed




[attr="class","postbox"] The attack, as much as the Cursed wills it so, does not strike. [break][break]

Jayden is not alone in having a family to protect. Hatred and resentment yield to love and protection as members of the League converge around her. [break][break]

A brilliant blue flash unveils the MELOETTA shard, gracefully dancing into view to shield the vulnerable child. Hatred crystallizes in the form of ice, attempting to trap her in a deadly, shimmering noose. [break][break]

"The key to our freedom?" he hisses. "You are foolish to think you can trust her." [break][break]

"HER - " [break][break]

His eyes snap to the sight of on the floor, her soft, childish voice ringing out like a bell, calling to the human part of him. [break][break]

'I'm sorry,' she says. [break][break]

SORRY. [break][break]

had said sorry. had said sorry. said sorry. Everyone always said sorry, but it never changed the fact that they had left him in the first place. [break][break]


Ice crystallizes around his palm, ready to unleash another beam, but the sudden whip of wind from and surge of debris from MELOETTA and catches him off guard. Before he can react, however, suddenly a SPATIAL SHIELD appears in front of him, reminding him of . [break][break]

He blinks. What was he doing? [break][break]

"I'm - " [break][break]

"CROSS! HELP US." [break][break]

At that moment, 's voice pierces the air — a command as sharp as a blade. Immediately, Jayden is anchored back to the present. Despite his patron's unforgiving grip, the chains of ruin lose their bite in this shattered cell. Time away from Chien Pao had allowed the fractured pieces of his heart to mend, giving way to stronger desires. [break][break]

The desire to protect. The desire to obey. [break][break]

Yet, Chien Pao's greed is boundless. It relishes in the resentment simmering within and licks its lips, easily discarding that foolish child who knows nothing but foolish love. [break][break]

There are greater pools of hatred to siphon from now. [break][break]

Hatred bleeds. It pours into the feeding pit without discriminations — from human sources like and , but also from the seething rage of the Loyal Three and their captor Cyllora. [break][break]

Dragged there by his brother, Jayden immediately sprints into the fray. Ice catalyzes around his palms as he targets Ogidogi, launching swords of ice at the towering creature. At the same time, Chien Pao terastallizes with newfound power. It leaps forward, standing beside its Ruinous sibling, with gleaming white fangs. Frost-blue eyes glitter with greed and power as it fixes it's attention on the strongest creature in the room. [break][break]

Frost materializes in the air, coalescing into an ICICLE CRASH is aimed at OKIDOGI. [break][break]



[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] gets protected from 's attacks by 's SPATIAL SHIELDS [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] is distracted from by and [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] chien pao indulges in all the yummy yummy hatred/anger in the room and FIRE TERASTALLIZES next to WO CHIEN, using ICICLE CRASH on OKIDOGI [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] also jayden is UNMASKED [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 8:40:19 GMT
Ettie Avatar
As joins Ettie, the young wildchild helps pull her up onto Anne's back. Even after losing her toxic chain abilities, she was a bit stronger than one might expect of a young girl her size - she wouldn't be winning any boxing matches, but she had the muscles one would expect of someone suited to the wilds.

The brief scuffle that causes brings agitation from the pack, barking and snarling - but just as quickly as it happened, the attempted assassination is deflected and people begin to scatter.

Unwilling to put Cass or any of the un-reunited pokemon in harms way, Ettie spurs the pack away from the fighting.

The reunions that Ettie facilitates warm her heart, though. As she approaches a fallen , Ettie watches as his pokemon gather around him - and she speaks gently. "Not time for rest," Meaningfully, her gaze glances up through the collapsed ceiling to the floors above. "Predators coming."

Then there's , who has a tearful reunion - and the gratitude is met with a nod. "Mhmm! Ettie always help friend!" She chirps proudly, smiling - although, she adds "Stay with pack. Not safe yet." with a nod towards above.

And even if is more muted in regards to the reunions, Ettie still meets the other's gaze with a warm smile. "Be safe."

With time, as the trail of pokemon following her pack dwindles, splitting off to their respective trainers... Ettie notes the Rookidee that points to - and following after it, soon comes to a stop by , , and . "Friends!" She chirps happily - even if some of the injuries are concerning, rest is not an option yet. Ettie will simply need to help protect them the best she can.

But that being said, as Thea directs her pokemon... Ettie nods approvingly. "Friend is good pack leader." She speaks. Watching out for each other like that was good.

Though, then comes the Never-Rot's ensemble - and with it, comes danger. As the three Dynamaxed wardens descend upon the battlefield though, to face against the pokemon that her fellow prisoners have dynamaxed - including that of 's Necrozma... Something shifts in Ettie's expression, her gaze growing more distant as she - for a moment - sees not a dog, bird, and monkey... But a rabbit, chameleon, and gorilla.

The clash of a skeletal dragon and ebon-black knight, poison seeping into the earth around her...

... With zero hesitation, Ettie snarls, spurring Anne forward. The pack follows with in a hunting formation, prepared to bring down these titans before them.

In the heat of the strange orichalcum sun that brought forth, Apex in particular is affected, Protosynthesis filling his veins with vigor, mighty crest beginning to spark with flames! Flames that erupt in a dazzling display with a roar as he charges ahead of the pack, to slam into none other than Munkidori in a Temper Flare!
- Ettie pulls up onto Anne's back with her. Friend! :3
- going after briefly agitates the pack - but as the attempt is thwarted and people scatter, Ettie decides to veer away to keep Cass and the un-reunited pokemon out of harms way.
- As Ettie reunites 's pokemon with him, she gently warns him that it isn't time for rest - that predators are coming.
- Ettie responds to 's gratitude that she always helps her friends - but also tells Elise to stay with her pack (pokemon), as it's not safe yet.
- Ettie meets 's gaze with a warm smile and tells her to be safe.
- As the pokemon following Ettie dwindles with each reunion, and as Cass points out a certain Rookidee, Ettie follows it to meet up with , , and .
- Is concerned by the healing injuries, but still greets everyone positively and simply resolves that she'll protect them.
- Approves of directing and looking after her pokemon - says she's a good packleader.
- When the Never-Rot and its ensemble arrive, a mix of both the dynamaxed Loyal Three and the sight of 's Necrozma briefly brings Ettie's mind to her fragmented memories of Goodbye Galar; particularly of the final fight. Agitated, she spurs her pack to charge into the fray.
- Gouging Fire - boosted by Protosynthesis from 's orichalcum sun (not the +1 bonus for clarification) - targets Munkidori with Temper Flare
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August 17th
Alto Mare
Time is money. You are a waste of both.
32 posts
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TAG WITH @leonsettentrione
Leon Settentrioné
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 19:32:10 GMT
Leon Settentrioné Avatar

"I'm not a child, Leon."

The words stuck in his mind, drawing his eyes back to his wife. Was that what she thought? It was utterly foolish in his eyes, but there was the chance she saw something he didn't. Was he really not treating her as she deserved? His brow furrowed, but his voice was cut off. Unfortunately it seemed there was no time to address the matter; the pursuers had caught up with them.

Leon tried to move away with Aubre, away from the danger descending on them, the chaos being unleaded at the front, and the lunacy raging around them. It was easier said than done, however, as he felt her feet dig in. He looked back at the fight with frustration, knowing they needed to get away but unable to make her see what he thought simpler reason. And as if her obstinance were not enough of an issue as it was, the pack of mangy mutts around them had decided to throw out their own flea bitten hounds.

His eyes flitted about the room, trying to find somewhere, anywhere that he could take her to safety. But all he could find was bedlam; and the iridescent swirl of colors through the windows. His mind spun rapidly, trying to come up with any sort of plan, but there was little and else to work with. Eventually he settled on the only possible thing he could grasp, and hoped that he was not in error. But just as he lighted on this one, tenuous opportunity, they were both struck by the flying confections being rocketed out by the thing above. Leon hissed as the force of it drew blood, the filthy mush smearing across his jaw and already beginning to seep into the room.

Frustration with the situation mounting, he grasped Aubre by the shoulders and gave her a sharp jerk to get her attention. "Questa non è la collina su cui morire, Aubre. Mikaela ci sta aspettando, dobbiamo andare." Trusting that being reminded of their daughter would shake his wife out of her terror induced stupor he turned again, eyes scanning once more before dragging her along. Rather than towards the battle or the adjacent room with the aliens, he moved to one of the walls opposite the window. The outer walls of the vessel were sure to be ice cold from the contact with the void outside. The inner bulkheads, however, should be relatively warm. All he needed to do was find the proper place, and then Tiberius could rip through the metal and provide them a means of egress. He just hoped he wasn't wrong, and that his luck noticeably improved over what it had been the last week. That much, at least, he felt he was owed after all they'd had to deal with.

For now the aforementioned Bisharp held its ground, attempting to block or deflect any of the projectiles coming towards the Swampert, but even he could only move so fast and a few of the shots inevitably slipped past. Deciding on a more offensive posture he turned to lash out at the Munkidori, determining it to be both the most immediate threat and the easiest target. As he charged towards it, bladed arms wreathed in darkness, it collapsed under the onslaught. Already committed to his path and unwilling to waste the opportunity, Tiberius instead pivoted his charge. He now leapt from the floor, directly at the bird and its accessory, the blade on his head slamming into the barrier that shrouded it with full force.
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

*Leon is hurt
*Leon is getting fed up with these monkey fighting wardens in this Monday to Friday prison ship.
*Tries to shake Aubre out of it
*Also tries to find an interior bulkhead so they can break through to another part of the ship
*With its simian target neutralized Tiberius (Bisharp) instead uses Iron Head on the Fezandipiti
*Holy shit this post is terrible I am so sorry

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
817 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 19:50:25 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

The kiss pulled her into was still warm upon her lips, and her heart still beat stronger than ever. Her eyes burned aflame, as she stood amidst allies and enemies. The Dynamax steel wall that she threw, her eyes focus on the monsters around her: between the Guzzlord, Lugia, Ceruledge, Moltres, and Necrozma, it felt as though an Aggron was the only one not like the other. Genny doesn't let it bother her anymore.[break][break]

Nor does she feel anything towards the turning of , who she locks eyes with for just a moment. She will defend Hoenn. From the Megalopolan threat as well as Rocket.[break][break]

She brightens up a lot more when responds in kind, wanting exactly what she wanted. Genny can no longer let a tear move down her face. She has to stand strong, proud. "One day, Desi. I promise you. We will.." She sets her gaze ahead again.[break][break]

When the trio appears, Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti. They stand as goliaths, dynamaxed themselves, a mask on each of their faces. The masks looked ugly on them. Nothing like the cute Ogrepon that had pulled out of this, and she takes a step forward. This would be a battle of titans.[break][break]

The blast of mochi does nothing to Ajax due to his Steel typing, but the same couldn't be said for Genny, one shot of mochi finds her chest, and explodes on impact, the redhead falls back.[break][break]

"I am SICK and TIRED of mochi," she retaliates, fury mounting like the raging flame she was. "Ajax. Confirmation! Spike." The Dynamaxed metal monster roars out, two large arms moving to smash the ground, and unleash the skewering of MAX STEELSPIKE on OKIDOGI.[break][break]

She turns to , eyes bloodshot from the poison coarsing into her veins once again.[break][break]

"To freedom," even if it means they have to be put into the ground. Warrior eyes peer out.[break][break]


, , , , , , , [break][break]


- Breaking Free - DYNAMAX BARRIER: 3/3[break]
- kiss was cute. Genny's going hard. Even amongst the monsters on the field, she swears to defend Hoenn.[break]
- Gives shifty eyes to . Knowing. She'll pick a fight one of these days, she's no longer just a sweet innocent babagrill[break]
- helps her to brighten up, and as the goliaths come forth, the battle of titans begins. AND MEGALOPOLAN POISON HER. AGAIN[break]
- Genny is so done. Immediate MAX STEELSPIKE to OKIDOGI. But she wants to end that mochi-firing asshole.[break]
- To freedom. No matter the cost.



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July 19th
Fortree City
student (private school)
Single (not looking)
163cm height
163cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
190 posts
Knight Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @knight
Knight Naito
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 21:16:27 GMT
Knight Naito Avatar

Something soft landed on his skin. Knight had his eyes closed for a moment and there was a perfect moment of calm. It felt like he was about to slip into a deep sleep...[break][break]

And then a renewed sense of energy and life flowed through him.[break][break]

When he opened his eyes, Kay noticed that the sharp pain in his chest was gone -- and the aches from his limbs had subsided. He was still a little stiff but it was easier to move now. He knew that.[break][break]

He would have to find who healed him and thank them somehow.[break][break]

Perrin returned with a happy chirp and Knight pet the bird as he landed on his shoulder. His smile grew when he noticed Cass approaching, with Thea right there too. He gave them both a bright laugh and opened his arms for a hug, "I'm so glad to see you both!"[break][break]

He heard a cry and turned to see Ettie, relief washing over him at the sight of the younger trainer, "You made it! Nice one~" If she wanted to, Kay held up his hand for a high five for them.[break][break]

But, of course, this wasn't the time or place for a happy reunion. There would be time for that later.[break][break]

Now they had to deal with... Those three.[break][break]

A shared look between friends and Knight nodded. Jon produced a wonderful sludge bomb and Zeus helped to toss it towards Fitz, "Use your giant leak like a bat, whack that sludge bomb with all your might towards our target." Knight instructed with an excited bounce. Ouch.[break][break]

"Use Brutal Swing, now!" Fitzwilliam didn't need told twice. He stepped up like an ace batter ready to get a home run. The sludge bomb made contact with his leek and Fitzwilliam swung hard, aiming towards Munkidori.[break][break]

Knight let out a cheer, "Go, go, Brutal Sludge Toss!" and then did the pose! It's a super cool trio pose, okay?[break][break]

Would it be enough to defeat these cruel wardens and their barriers? Knight could see people around them joining in and doing their best to pitch in.[break][break]

Alright, enough baseball analogies.[break][break]

"Get ready for a second round..." Knight muttered, staying close to his friends and their mons.[break][break]





is healed (mostly). still stiff/sore.[break]
trio is reunited and it feels so good! kay tries to hug them c:[break]
gets fitzwilliam to use brutal swing to send their combo attack towards munkidori! part of the three hit combo attack by jon, zeus & fitz (approved by shiv!)[break]
offers ettie a high five if she wants!



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[newclass=".knight .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
437 posts
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 21:38:02 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
In the face of chaos, terror, poison, and overwhelming odds, and for the first time in two and a half years-- Grigori faultered. He looked to the sky with despair, and fell against Pumpkin. Shred and Howard had once again combined. Annalise had recognized him, but even she coudl muster the focus toward the threat that loomed. Even Jayden, despite his attempted murder, had people to support him.

Grigori was alone. By his own doing. That made it sting all the more.

Except for one. Pumpkin stared at her trainer, and grumbled.



"Kingambit! Kinga-kinga--"

"--worthless maggot!" She screamed as she trudged past her trainer. "A sitting stone gathers moss and supports nothing but bottom feeders! The strong live by doing, and the weak subsit by hoping they go unrecognized!"

"Hide behind your mask, foolish man, but you will be no better than the bullies that threaten to eliminate us all from existence! Mere nothings that pray nothing stops them-- for that would show just how weak they are."

Everyone else had set them up for success. Her acquantainces, Doug and Gouging Fire (not really anything, but it was there sometimes and didn't step on her toes), launched their amazing Signature Kill Attack towards the Okidogi. Thus, there was only one place for her to aim her strike. One blow to secure victory against a common foe.

"March fowards, with your heads high, honorable ones! For I am your leader, and a leader. NEVER. FALTERS!"

As the Okidogi raised its Cornerstone mask, to strike her down, she went first. The Sucker Punch struck the mask straight in the center, among the cracks that sunk deep into its make. A strike to secure a future that nobody could possibly predict. 

For that is what the strong do, and the weak could never. And Grigori was weak.

 - Grigori enters despair mode like a goose
 - Fuck it, Pumpkin Main Character Time
 - Laments her trainer, even if he can't understand her
 - Promises to win the fight
 - Takes command of the Pokemon side of the trainers, as she is a Kingambit and that's their whole thing
 - Sucker Punch the Okidogi to (hopefully) Secure Victory

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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 22:11:02 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


As if there wasn't enough trouble already, now the three wardens had Dynamaxed in unison, all with masks that hide their leader from behind them. As much as Noel would like to turn all his attention to , it seemed as though he wouldn't get his chance at revenge at this moment. The two had a common enemy, one that didn't care for faction differences or their fates. Once this obstacle was rid of however, he'd be sure take down any Rocket in the vicinity.[break][break]

With the size difference of these loyal three and his Shaymin, it would take a miracle for it to normally do any amount of damage to their almost impenetrable-looking mask. Thankfully, they had just the power boost they needed. The little hedgehog looks back to its trainer and the two nod together, signaling that they were primed and ready.[break][break]

"Shaymin go! Hit them with all you've got!"[break][break]

The grass-type lets out a battle shout as a myriad of colors spew out from its mouth. A Stellar typed Tera Blast that is shot at the closest target to them. The gigantic Munkidori is subject to this attack, flinching in either pain or annoyance. While their efforts was only able to slightly crack their mask, hopefully with the support of all those around them, they'd be able to fell these titans.

Attacking Munkidori with a Stellar Type Tera Blast!

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 22:23:41 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


Made the landing

To , prior to the healing'ing:
"Not weird, Lucy, just different. They're, uh... they're from another world. Got it?"

He hunched over, hands falling to his knees as he panted, deep, raspy breaths welling up in his chest as he swiped thick beads of poisonous sweat off his brow.

"I... am a magic man, Lucy." He said between pants, chuckling at her question as he forced himself upright, pushing his palms against his lower back. "Let's go with that. And... Yeah. Yeah. Think I'm good now."

He didn't usually need to release so many scales in such wide reaching bursts... but it felt good to be able to heal again, even if it felt like he had just sprinted a mile.

No time to linger on that, though—

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Doug said at Lucia's frankly reasonable questioning, giving her an easy smile and a tired shrug. "Doctors don't choose their patients, Lucy. That's what the Hippopotas Oath means."

Not that he had ever been sworn to the thing.

"You're right, though— We gotta go back to the kids." He said, finally collecting all of his breath before turning his gaze up. "Lele—"

Tapu Lele hovered above, her gaze locked onto the ceiling as the thrumming came louder and louder— and finally became a booming crash.

With a yelp, Doug moved to try and cover Lucia, debris flying towards them and getting repelled by invisible force. He didn't have a moment to mutter his thanks at his matron—

Trouble had come crashing through.

"Oh come on—!" He groaned at the gargantuan wardens and their shiny new masks. If the little punter could become such a menace with one, what were they to expect from those now huge bastards?

"Bring out your strongest pokemon, Lucy." Doug instructed his little student, still standing in front of her as Tapu Lele's frame shimmered above, her gaze shifting from one masked entity to the other.

Of course she had some business with them and their 'never rot'.

"Fight and run. Got it?" He said, holding out his hand to her, his eyes narrowing at their opponents.

Where's ? He wondered, eyes drifting ever so slightly. Is she okay?

Shit. Hopefully, she would be going back to the kids as well.

"Let's go!" He said, nodding at Lucia before beginning to run, his hand reaching for his hip and snatching a glimmering orb. "Lele—!"

He raised it in the air, bright light rays bending around his palm, energy pooling into the tera-orb as his matron over head.

His hand swung, throwing the orb at her, her own arm moving to snatch it out of the air.

A surge of light and a thick, rippling dust cloud followed before a glimmering, crystallized Tapu Lele came flying through, punching a hole through the curtain of dust as she zoomed in towards the bird-looking titan, arm cocked and overflowing with psychic force, and swung at its masked face.


-chatting with while gathering his wits.
-oh fug.jpg
-Stellar Terra'ing Tapu Lele.
-Stellar Tapu Lele used Psychic punches Fezandipiti.

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played by


December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 23:19:07 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
Kyrenai nods at her newfound ally and turns towards the newly-dubbed Lousy Three, each one become even more of a threat than they once were. ”Vanguard it is.” In their dynamaxed forms they are even more formidable, and although several have followed their lead, it's not a power she possesses, thus her options are limited.

Okidogi. The one she'd love to beat to a pulp.

Munkidori. A monkey with the brain of a genius. Something she'd call her brother, if they'd be on better terms.

Fezendipiti. With its charming mask, urging her forth, into the fray. Towards her death.

Silly, overpowering beasts.

Of course she would love to dance this tango of death.

Spreading poison lingers but does not seem to touch her this time, so it becomes her dancefloor instead. The sword on her hip ripples as her hands rest upon its hilt, her eyes upon the Megalopolian general and its purple mochi friend behind the three. ”Talasa, go all out my friend… Hydro Pump the monkey.”

A simple order the Carracosta adheres to; water seems to gather from every orifice until it has gathered enough to rain down aquatic violence upon them. At , Kyrenai is brief, but in the eye of imminent destruction the smile on her lips looks almost serene as she gives the woman a short glance. ”I'll be counting on you, too.”


- Pls I don't wanna be poisoned again ;-;
Edit: Yaaaay!
- Kyrenai @fezendipity; will gladly meet her death
- Throwing some shade on her bro
- Carracosta uses Hydro Pump on Munkidori
- Leaves the support to

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,688 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 0:03:34 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

her face twisted in confusion at the megalopolan's explanation about the clones.[break][break]

“… you don’t make friends with poipole?” perhaps she should have trusted penrose even less. a thought for later.[break][break]

she felt an incredible urge to retrieve her houndooms clone, unsure if it would be as cursed as her own. what would they do to him, if he misbehaved?[break][break]

alas, there was no time. gods roared in the pit, board set, pieces moving. with RAGE burning in her eyes, she released the megalopolan and snarled at the rest, “you cloned the wrong dog.”[break][break]

with that, she left the secluded room through the flurry of ’s petals. her SYGNA SUIT activated, bones of silver flashing across dark cloth under the strange, harsh sunlight, and more stars through the window.[break][break]

ultra space. they were on a ship – and apparently, it had made it much further than the last attempt.[break][break]

her eyes lingered on the sight for a worried, captivated moment before the descent of dynamaxed wardens with other enemies demanded her attention.[break][break]

there was no time to place herself amongst family and allies, as much as their giants made them stick out. rather, she found herself amongst some of the league. ADVENTURERS donning their own sygna suits.[break][break]

”dragon girl. sheriff.”[break][break]

she was more familiar with than , but acquainted with both nonetheless. she gave neither any eye contact, instead glaring dead ahead at their mutual enemies, and pointing when she saw an opening.[break][break]

”DARK PULSE!”[break][break]

rings of familiar magenta flung outward from between the many teeth of her dog, aimed for the munkidori’s TEAL MASK.[break][break]


∙ leaves secluded room, enters pit[break]
SYGNA SUIT active: RAGE increases houndoom's strength, lowers defense[break]
∙ stands with and , 3X ADVENTURER: RASH increases defense (other themes are scientist, team rocket)[break]
∙ houndoom uses DARK PULSE on TEAL MASK/MUNKIDORI (+2 DMG for sygna)

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 0:10:33 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar

Sending Kloa forward, an attempt to snatch the child back from the woman that was running away with them, Yuina hadn't realized that she had blinked and was nearly on the ground, clutched in Kloa's claws... The Zoroark rushed back towards Yuina before she toppled over entirely, at least the child was safe in the end... But Yuina stammered and shuttered at the impossibly disorienting feeling that over took her in that moment.[break]
"Wh-what? What happened," she breathed, standing upright again with Kloa's help, looking around and realizing that no one else seemed to have been affected... She bristled, the hairs on her arms stood on end, and then the ticking started all over again... Like it had just finished its cycle to end up right back where it started... That was the time loop, setting back to its chosen point in time...[break][break]
Yuina could only dwell on it so long, the very foundations of the ship began to quake, their captors would be upon them soon... Yuina grabbed what she found of her things, taking up her Pokeballs, her devices, a sunflower yellow ribbon, and threw on her sygna suit. If ever there was a time to make sure that she could do the most of what she and her Pokemon were capable of... And as the stray remnants of 's flurry of petals brushed through the room, Yuina breathed easier, the magenta haze fading that much more. She was so tired of being torn between what the chain wanted her to want and what she wanted... She wanted the intrusive thoughts to stop...[break][break]
Keeping close with , Yuina made sure that her Pokemon were contained within their Pokeballs again save for Daikenki. She could hardly contain herself knowing that she had him back, having thought she'd lost him, knowing that never again in her lifetime or any other lifetime would she be able to find a bond like him again... And where she didn't have the right moment to be able to express her immense gratitude at knowing he was alright, she felt the surge of her Sygna Suit at the well of her emotions linked to his... And she could feel his intense ache at seeing her again in kind... They were bonded, and now linked, sharing in their combined strength and emotions...[break][break]
"Genny, I'm so glad you're alright, I've missed you so much, both of you," Yuina returned as she and came to find amidst the smallest, quickest moment that they had before they were faced with their last stand. It was... bitter sweet, that they were all together again after being forced apart all this time, but that it had to be here... Yuina ached knowing that so many of her friends had had to go through the terrors that were thrust upon them. And they were still far from over...[break][break]
Dynamax energy surged from every direction, rocking the entire foundation of the ship, some of their own Pokemon took on the energy, and Yuina watched send forward her Aggron in the same incredible display as she had shown from their match together in the early spring. The wardens too all displayed the same energy to match however... And the battle for their lives and for their freedom truly began.[break][break]
Yuina's Sygna Suit flowed with energy, reaching out to Daikenki as she focused on the Samurott, but she found herself fueled by those around her, a particularly strong pull towards , and , and she found a woman () that she wasn't familiar with, all surging with a similar infinity energy. Attacks volleyed through the air, Pokemon rushed forward, and the impossibly gargantuan blows of some of the Dynamaxed Pokemon shook the very foundation they stood on... Would this threaten the integrity of the ship?[break]
Yuina sent Daikenki forward, and the Samurott bore both of his Seamitars from their sheaths, striking MUNKIDORI with a CEASELESS EDGE, but she scanned around, she had to find... Where was he?[break][break]
Barely catching a glimpse of , knowing he was there, Yuina lost all focus again as she faltered, gritting her teeth as the pang of time looping overtook her yet again. She stumbled, catching herself on a piece of debris just beside her, breathing heavy, hair standing on end... And when she tried to blink away the disorienting feeling, trying to find anything to focus on, trying to focus on him... Yuina found on the ground.[break][break]
It didn't matter what attacks volleyed through the air or what was in her way, Yuina broke out into a dead sprint in his direction. She didn't know what happened to him, but to know that he was on the ground, even with Lele back at his side, was he okay? She worried that with how weak their bodies had become with what they'd endured... But just a little bit longer... If they could hold out just a little bit longer... This would be over soon... Right?





- Daikenki the H!Samurott is active[break]
- Time loop super not fun... It doesn't feel good, lets not do that again[break]
- Yuina grabs her things, and puts on her Sygna Suit[break]
- Time loop can wait, there's a bigger threat at hand with three big bigger bads[break]
- SYGNA SUITED UP LFG! Syncing with , , with the ADVENTURER THEME[break]
- Daikenki attacks Munkidori with a Ceaseless Edge, +1 bonus for sygna suit![break]
- Not poisoned[break]
- Yikes... Time loop again, disorienting and disconcerting still[break]
- Doug is on the ground? Actually not good, Yuina makes a beeline for his direction[break]



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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
315 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 0:43:00 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



Inaction breeds invincibility. What does a simple observer have to fear from flying rocks and broken bones? Alba simply slips down the hole, floating all the way, his aching body ever-grateful for the respite.[break][break]

And as his eyes adjust to the darkness, he sees his Pokémon, amongst others he doesn’t care about, all floating in tubes as if this was some shoddy laboratory. There is not enough time to ponder how to burn this room to the ground, as willpower comes forth to free the prisoners of this penitentiary. ‘Freedom’ shrivels up and dies; he picks up his mask after it clatters to the ground, examining it with a morbid hybrid of distaste and curiosity.[break][break]

Even as his Pokémon bound over in joyous reunion — he summons the bare minimum needed to coo and fawn over them — Alba still mourns that loss. That suffocation that had seemed so unbearable for so long, but had brought with it a tiny, infinitesimal taste of the night sky.[break][break]

brings the sun; brings the moon. Together, that twilight drowns out all the stars he thought he could see. Clutching that Key Stone buried deep in his bundle of clothes, Alba Evovae makes a wish.[break][break]

Let me be free. Even if the sun swallows me whole, let me burn forever.[break][break]

And there is an answer. The air ripples with psychic energy as Gardevoir picks up on its (it, even here, even now) trainer’s heart, gown billowing as its gaze turns towards Munkidori. That jailer, that warden, that malformed beast with an insufferable face… That spite, that venom, those foreign emotions would serve as kindling for the assault.



Formerly in the Dummy Ward![break]
Stargazer: The power granted to someone who wishes to selfishly look down on the world. Lets Alba launch himself through the air, and helps him semi-automatically avoid attacks. Those stars were nothing but fool’s gold, shining dimly with stolen light.[break]
Mega Evolving Gardevoir, bungo blasting Munkidori with Psychic





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December 25
Cascarrafa, Paldea
0 height
0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
214 posts
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TAG WITH @lucia
Lucia Aldrete
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 1:08:30 GMT
Lucia Aldrete Avatar
"Th-That was you?"

Lucia was quick to go over to Doug as he crumbled into ax exhausted, panting mess. Whatever he had just done had certainly drained a lot of his energy. She did her best to comfort him while stuck in a broken heap like this, using her hand to stroke his back while the child watched him slowly get back up on his feet.

Could all doctors could do something like that? Maybe that was like, after a year of teaching...

His answers given about whether or not it was a good idea to be healing Rocket and League without taking their intentions into account was somewhat worrying, but Lucia trusted him. "The Hipopota what?" she asked, then just went along with his determined goal of finding and once more. The aspiring protege of Doug nodded her head in a quiet agreement until...

That sound. It was faint at first, but growing louder the longer they stayed in place. Lucia's head swung all around.

"Do you hear that?" she looked up towards the ceiling as the Tapu Lele above them. Was it making all that noise? Her confusion had grown just as rapidly as the thundering noises before something crashed through. Doug covered her from any debris, but the force had pushed the two of them back.

A cloud of dust obscured view of everybody else within the area. Yet inside of the dust were three distinct shapes, each having not looked too happy about the prison break that was occurring. She raised her head behind Doug's shielding body and flinched a little at the ferocious gaze of the canine keeper.

"What?! I thought we got away from them! What's with the masks?"

Her lone Pokemon behind her, Hero the Dunsparce, slithered out in front of her. He brushed his tail against her leg to try and pull herself out of the mental funk that she had been stuck in for a while. She knelt down to squeeze the snake once out of a need for comfort. There wasn't else much to do like this. The ground floor was the end of the line for them.

Nothing left to do but give them hell.

Doug's order had cleared her head of any remaining insecurities enough. Blue eyes traveled down to the hand offered to her as Lucia steeled herself for the fight ahead. "Ready, Hero?" The Dunsparce chirped in agreement and swung back to the challengers. "Give 'em hell, Hero!"

The Dunsparce pumped himself up in size, the drill tail swelling up to outrageous sizes while the fierce sounds of a drill whirling around came from the yellow colored creature. Once a reasonable size, Hero launched his tail at the Monkidori, using HYPER DRILL!


- Comforts Doug after his healing trick
- Wants to meet up with and
- Surprised by the trio's appearance and hides behind Doug
- She summons forth her courage and faces up to the enemies
- Hero uses HYPER DRILL at Monkidori!

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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 1:31:57 GMT
fern delaney Avatar
[attr="class","pilots fernie"]

feel your dirty face[break]oh, don’t it leave that filthy taste?



It seems as if their partner snaps out of his furious daze. Fern breathes a sigh of relief, only to feel the sweep of Chien Pao’s influence again. A surge of malevolence so present it, it twists their own emotions up and nearly coaxes them into their own fit of rage.[break][break]

“Jayden!” Fern howls after him as he dives into the fray, following the call of ’s summons. They are tempted to follow, but the radiation of that overwhelming hatred gives them pause. In the background, where it is not so stifling, they watch instead to see what their patron might do. How it sizes up against the three who emerge with the intention of bartering them all back into place once more.[break][break]

They recognize the wellspring mask of course; wonder now if it colors the perspective of the one who dons it.[break][break]

fezandipiti is the prettiest[break][break]

The shrill sound of laughter and mockery rings in Fern’s ears. When presented with such a favorable form of retribution, why not pay the bird back in kind? As fezandipiti shows itself with its mask and poorly stitched wing, Fern points and spurs Tapu Koko on. “There’s your opening!”[break][break]

The GUARDIAN OF ALOLA does its due diligence and comes down own their energy with the bright wrath of nature. Though not as large as the dynamaxed pokemon that surrounds it, the guardian still swings out with hands of lightning and fury—its own payback for being held captive in a tube, toxic chained into submission.[break][break]


With its attack launched, the z-energy that had coalesced around Tapu Koko dissipates, leaving it diminutive as it had first been. Mask pull away from its face, it darts back to Fern’s side and hovers around them. Electricity crackles under the admin’s feet—the preemptive flare of an ELECTRIC TERRAIN held back. But their patron revels in the static electricity they kick off, feeding into their shared chaos as they look for the next opening.


+ feels ’s influential hate vibes, calls after him as he takes off[break]
+ hangs back and concentrates on the aim of Tapu koko’s attack[break]
+ team chaos for koko-puffs is in fight mode now[break]
+ tapu koko holdover attack from last post, using z-move: guardian of alola to attack fezandipiti[break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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miss monroe
june 7th
verdanturf town
ranger / daycare asst.
cadet / nurse
we came, we saw
we complicated...
5'11" height
5'11" height
mirror on the wall, tell me all the ways to stay away.
133 posts
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TAG WITH @noble
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 1:51:08 GMT

"of course." petra utters towards before moving to confront the three masked threats that had come crashing down alongside the presumed leader of the megalopolans. one of them anyway, as cyllora is quick to name what petra can only assume to be their predecessors - some or all of which belonging to megalopolan generals/etc from some of the past few conflicts with their kind.

lacking the finesse of a genuine trainer and that practiced hand, petra is unable to switch her pokemon out in time to avoid the mochi barrage. fortunately for them both, they seem to be on the edge of the attack's reach, and do not suffer as much as some of the others.

due to the others that acted first, and acted with certainty, petra was able to assess the implied weakness among the mayhem. when it was finally summoned before her, the raging bolt quickly let loose towards the FEZANDIPITI'S WELLSPRING MASK with the ZAP CANNON being commanded of it.


- Lacking finesse, Petra is unable to switch out her Blissey before the mochi attack.
- Petra switches her injured Blissey for Raging Bolt.
- Raging Bolt attacks Fezandipiti/Wellspring Mask with ZAP CANNON.


[attr="class","bottom"]PP: WEAKLING WARD[break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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