i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
117 posts
Roze Falkner DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @roze
Roze Falkner
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 21:28:13 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #333333; width: 475px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #7c5d83;[/newclass]

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I stumble many times,
[break]I might just get hurt,


Roze had been most surely kept away as the Okidogi had thrown its tantrum before making its escape, a look of worry on her face—the creature had suffered quite a horrifying blow yet, it had shrugged it off despite that. There'd been a touch of concern from Roze's side, even if the creature had been their enemy, perhaps they'd gone too far, yet, having not been present for the affairs the other two had been a part of, there was no way for Roze to fathom its fortitude nor its cruelty.[break][break]

Not until, words echoed in her mind, most certainly not thoughts of her own, new information, the only hint Roze had that she hadn't gone crazy a knowing look from the presumed psychic-type that seemed to be tied to the young man she'd been acquainted with.[break][break]

There was a part of her that felt glad they hadn't outright snuffed out a life, yet, it was strange and haunting to hear that this mysterious chain perpetuated its life.[break][break]

"A little worse for wear, but nothing serious," Roze had replied to Andrea, she'd looked over their small group and their pokémon, returning her Quaquaval to his ball with a soft smile his way. With a soft dulcet whistle, she'd released her Clefairy from her ball, giving a quick voiceless request which the Clefairy had happily answered, offering a soothing Life Dew to help assuage any injuries.[break][break]

Yet, the mystery girl and her strange little friend had hurried off to chase the revenant dog, Roze had stayed back with Hideo, though she'd called out, "don't do anything dangerous!" to Andrea before she'd disappeared amongst the poisoned sands.


Location: F3[break]
TL;DR Roze and her Quaquaval kept away from Okidogi's Stomping Tantrum. She switches out to Clefairy to heal up any injuries with Life Dew. She calls out to Andrea to stay safe.

But I keep on running.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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played by


October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 0:11:08 GMT
shiv Avatar






FOR THIS FLASH RAID, heavy moderation will not occur unless required. There may be instances where the thread "freezes" for several characters to interact, etc. Below is a list of summarized actions from the participating characters, including some resolutions of actions.


[attr="class","prompt0"] remains unconscious. However, and her SWAMPERT protect him from the BOOMBURST. Before they land, her DRAGONITE uses a HURRICANE to soften their fall, but still injures herself as she shields . As she tends to his wounds, her SWAMPERT uses HYDRO PUMP to contest the FEZANDIPITI's MOONBLAST.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s TREVENANT protects its trainer, , and their Pokemon by erecting another HORN LEECH BARRIER. The branches also help keep them safe from the TOXIC SANDSTORM.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is UNCHARMED, and as she falls, her STARMIE ALLY SWITCHES with her to prevent her trainer from incurring injuries. As a result, the STARMIE's CORE fractures—and worse injury is avoided thanks to 's DRAGONITE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] clings onto the feathers: the only PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of THE LOYAL THREE'S RESURRECTION. Impressed with , she asks DIANCIE to protect them. The MOONBLAST and HYDRO PUMP from 's SWAMPERT successfully nullify the FEZANDIPITI's MOONBLAST in a stunning explosion of light and water.

[attr="class","prompt0"], as Pamplemousse, enters a fury as MUNKIDORI escapes. He flies with TOGEKISS, the SAFEGUARD protecting them from being poisoned by the SANDSTORM. He loses his way, but reunites with .

[attr="class","prompt0"] avoid the STOMPING TANTRUM from OKIDOGI. She calls upon her CLEFAIRY to use LIFE DEW to heal those around her. As departs, she tells her to be safe.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s UXIE avoids the STOMPING TANTRUM too; however, as the UXIE guesses what is responsible for their resurrection, the Lake Guardian may also recall 's ZANGOOSE & ELGYEM's involvement in the breaking of their effigies. Perhaps, more exist in the region as contingency plans for their contingency plans.

[attr="class","prompt0"] chases after the OKIDOGI on her SALAMENCE. As the poison begins to settle in her system, her OGERPON joins in the chase...

[attr="class","prompt0"] keeps her AZELF from giving chase to the MUNKIDORI. The Lake Guardian uses SAFEGUARD, and for awhile, they are able to stave off the poisons. But eventually, the SAFEGUARD will fade.

[attr="class","prompt0"] and ride on his TYRANTRUM. Her CALYREX SHARD uses AROMATHERAPY to provide momentary relief from the TOXIC SANDSTORM. However, the poison becomes too much...

[attr="class","prompt0"] avoids 's grapple and claws him with her poison nails. However, 's INCINEROAR is able to strike her successfully in midst the grating SANDSTORM. 's HISUIAN ZOROARK manages to strike 's INCINEROAR with a SHADOW CLAW.

[attr="class","prompt0"] engages ULYSSES MONROE and his MEGA AERODACTYL. Her MEGA BLASTOISE uses G-MAX CANNONADE to successfully strike the MEGA AERODACTYL. Spouts of water continue to erupt around their battlefield. However, the LIGHT SCREEN from ' CHIKORITA grants them further durability.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is interrupted by UYLSSES MONROE's MEGA AERODACTYL's ROCK SLIDE—and the collateral damage from 's BLASTOISE knocks his INCINEROAR out. 's TERRAKION shields from other sources of damage and takes stock of the encroaching TEAM ROCKET GRUNTS, including the wild card, .

[attr="class","prompt0"]If desired, and TERRAKION can knock out 's HISUIAN ZOROARK immediately afterward (consult with Madda).
[attr="class","prompt0"]' CHIKORITA uses AROMATHERAPY, stalling the effects of POISON on himself, and ULYSSES MONROE for a pivotal period.

[attr="class","prompt0"] manages to stab , but his arm breaks in the process. departs and ambushes ULYSSES MONROE, , and . His LUCARIO COPYCATS a ROCK SLIDE and every trainer and their Pokemon is struck in the crossfire. However, a persisting REFLECT from ' CHIKORITA grants the Rockets better durability.

[attr="class","prompt0"]On GLASTRIER, and attempt to pursue , but loses track of him when they encounter the battle between ULYSSES MONROE, , , , , and .

[attr="class","prompt0"] switches in his CLAYDOL to PROTECT against the TOXIC SANDSTORM, keeping him, , and their Pokemon safe for a little while longer.

[attr="class","prompt0"]In the nick of time, catches . However, he falls off his GOUGING FIRE before being caught by his NAGANADEL. Together, directs his ULTRA BEAST to give them a ride toward the crack in REGIROCK's BODY.

[attr="class","prompt0"] switches in his BRAVIARY and leaps off the REGICE. The augmented bird uses OBLIVION WING as suppressive fire; however, syncs with his GLALIE. Empowered by a SYGNA SUIT, the GLALIE counters the OBLIVION WING with a SHEER COLD to protect .

[attr="class","prompt0"] recalls his BLACEPHALON and sends out his GHOLDENGO. The GHOLDENGO uses MAKE IT RAIN and coins begin to shower down from the REGICE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] and engage in dialogue about to reach a mutual understanding. He calls upon his GENESECT and boards it. The GENESECT uses LOCK-ON in preparation.

[attr="class","prompt0"] stays his hand from . His IRON THORNS uses Z-MOVE: HYPER MASER ARRAY on the REGIROCK. An ELECTRIC TERRAIN is summoned around the REGIROCK as it reverts. Lasers strike the Giant and confer an ELECTRIC-TYPE WEAKNESS onto it.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is forced to PROTECT themself and as the MAKE IT RAIN from 's GHOLDENGO showers down. After weathering a few coins, it METAL BURSTS the rest away.

[attr="class","prompt0"] switches in his WHIRLIPEDE. It PROTECTS, staving off the effects of the TOXIC SANDSTORM from for a little while longer as he wields a pokeball.

[attr="class","prompt0"]After his fight with , finds himself by REGIROCK. He encounters an MOTHER BEAST NIHILEGO and taunts her. As is preoccupied with stopping , his DRACOVISH leaps forth to land a FISHIOUS REND on her.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s LEGENDARY MARK will react to 's MOTHER BEAST NIHILEGO FORM.

[attr="class","prompt0"]However, 's special PSYCHIC TERRAIN, which slows and applies damage over time to those within it, may allow to successfully retaliate against the DRACOVISH afterward.

[attr="class","prompt0"] witnesses reaching for a pokeball. She lashes out with a NIHILEGO TENDRIL. attempts to throw his pokeball, but the tentacle impales his hand and shatters the capsule. He becomes POISONED and as blood sprays from the wound, he pulls away from the tendril before leaping to the REGIROCK.

[attr="class","prompt0"]However, 's TAPU LELE attempts to keep and the REGI STATUE from entering the Giant with a potent PSYCHIC. Surrounded by the man's PSYCHIC TERRAIN, movement grows sluggish here. As he is torn apart by 's scales, will feel his velocity decrease as he nears the REGIROCK's open heart.

[attr="class","prompt0"] orders TEAM ROCKET to kill the REGIROCK. Her TAPU FINI slams the REGIROCK with a MOONBLAST, while , should he desire, can also let loose a potent, SUPER-EFFECTIVE ZAP CANNON thanks to 's IRON THORNS' Z-MOVE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is struck by 's GRUDGE-EMPOWERED SCALE(S). 's newfound strength is able to tear through her barrier of thorns to break her leg, forcing a horrible scream from her throat.

[attr="class","prompt0"]As or after leaps, he is encouraged by 's MESPRIT. Debris, smoke and explosions rock the shrinking REGIROCK, but he maintains some composure thanks to the Lake Guardian. Although sends her MESPRIT in order to handle the REGIROCK dilemma, she unknowingly assists what she currently hates most... And with a calm mind, attempts to leap toward crack in hopes of placing the REGI STATUE inside of the Giant....


IN THE TOXIC SANDSTORM, , , and give chase to the fleeing LOYAL THREE. Eventually, they spot their figures in the shifting sands. Their eyes glow menacingly and for a moment, and OGERPON swear they can see PECHARUNT and its subjugating chains hovering above them. However, it is but a metaphorical illusion. Even when cast into ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS' DARKNESS, the foul pecha exerts its influence beyond the bounds of ULTRA SPACE...[break][break]

THE LOYAL THREE disappear entirely. Again, their fates will intertwine with those they have fought and toyed with. There are more people to break. More s to force into PAMPLEMOUSSES, more s to force into weary healers.[break][break]

As ULYSSES MONROE, , , , and are joined by , and , the Kanto Rocket Boss laughs uproariously. "look at us! we're a spectacle to all! everyone wants a piece of our kantonian pie!" However, his smile fades. He glares at and beneath the brim of his hat, the AERODACTYLITE gleaming ominously on the band. "you two had your fill today, but the next time you face me and my rockets, you will be irreparably crushed and your bones will be the sands of our inevitable storm... gahahaha!"[break][break]

All around, Kanto's Rocket reinforcements continue to flood into the city en masse despite the TOXIC SANDSTORM. Eerily, the sounds of the League have hushed. The number of voices calling for Petalburg's defenses have been whittled down and the remaining survivors call for retreat, for survival, for aid. Among these voices, there is no ...[break][break]

NEARBY, ANOTHER DRAMA TRANSPIRES. leaps toward the REGIROCK. Although it feels like the world is conspiring against him, he can only see REGIROCK and its missing heart. As he lands, slowed and accosted by all, the archaeologist lunges for the crack in the Giant's body and realizes the distance and time is not enough. As thoughts of failure compete with MESPRIT's easing, he throws the REGI STATUE, stained with the man's blood, into the steadily shrinking hole...[break][break]

The REGI STATUE soars, almost in slow-motion thanks to 's interference. However, as it lands into the tightening crevasse, it becomes stuck. But new bonds and a fated story years in the making coalesce into providence. 's POKEBALL strikes the REGI STATUE, the lingering energy of his LEGENDARY MARK scrapes upon it and forces the capsule into the crack before it shrivels too small.[break][break]

For a moment, nothing seems to occur. But inactivity is an illusion. Inside the REGIROCK's aching cavity, the REGI STATUE begins to pulse and contort, stones shifting like dials and squeezing hands. The statue is a blueprint taught by the forefather and as such, carries the will and memory of it. And memory is enough to reconstruct what is missing: the REGIROCK's heart. As the statue resculpts itself inside the Giant, the crevasse completely seals. Stones from the Giant join with the statue: a stem cell of memory, a cure for a fearful mind.[break][break]

But the REGIROCK has also adopted another into its family. 's blood forever joins the echelons of ancient rock that comprise REGIROCK's BODY. And for this reason, the REGIROCK becomes loyal to him. Despite its petrous contusions, the REGIROCK remains resolute in the face of danger. It remembers and may attack her (should Scarlet desire).[break][break]



may add REGIROCK to his Personal Computer. He can choose his moveset like a GACHAPON POKEMON. This Giant is also able to use DYNAMAX CANNON.

This will not be the only blood that stains stone. Another waits in SOOTOPOLIS.[break][break]

MEANWHILE, Team Rocket reinforcements move into the city like a plague. ULYSSES MONROE will witness "Rocket's" new acquisition, and with damning authority, will order and his REGIROCK to lay siege to Petalburg to secure the city for Rocket.[break][break]

A harrowing gauntlet awaits those caught within the city's perimeter. The League must fight their way out before it's too late.[break][break]

"you're surrounded! i'll give you to the count three to run!" Ulysses lifts three fingers, folding them with each number uttered. "one... two..."[break][break]

Team Rocket does not wait for three. With a swift gesture and a laugh, the Kantonian Rockets who know Monroe's playbook descend upon those before him.[break][break]

THE FOLLOWING TRAINERS AND/OR THEIR POKEMON will eventually be POISONED by the SANDSTORM in the round. Feel free to incorporate the effects of the poison in your post:


YOU MUST ROLL in this round. However, SALAC BERRIES can not be used. This is a FIXED POINT IN TIME.



ATTACHED BELOW is an updated map of Petalburg City and Route 104.[break][break]

(click and drag to a separate tab for full image)[break][break]

credit for rocket sprites: click here




THIS IS A RAID EVENT where characters post every round, attempting actions and/or responding to prompts or scenarios present within provided MODERATOR POSTS. Oftentimes, characters must make use of the ROLL command, which can determine the success of actions and/or create narrative tension.

This event is "DEATH-ENABLED". However, one should not worry too much about Pokemon or characters dying. Depending on player action, these high stakes can potentially be navigated without loss. Regardless, players can collaborate with me if they would like to craft dramatic moments like sacrifices, if it is able to be integrated into the event well.[break][break]

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to take advantage of this event to connect with new characters and to step out of your comfort zones. These events often act as a springboard for a variety of plots in its aftermath, with consequences that impact the wider site narrative and/or setting.[break][break]

Considering 's current health, this event will likely be SHORT, HAVE QUICKER TURNAROUNDS & HAVE LESS DETAILED MODERATOR POSTS. It is up to you to develop your stories, your dramatic moments, and more in response to the scenario presented.[break][break]

The plan is to conclude this event by the END OF AUGUST.[break][break]

Do note that this is A ROCKET VS LEAGUE faction-based event.



  • you can POST MORE THAN ONCE this round.
  • [break]
  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.
  • [break]




PLEASE POST BY AUGUST 24TH, 11:59PM PST[break][break]

, and have missed ONE ROUND.[break][break]
and have missed TWO ROUNDS and will receive diminished rewards.

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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
part of
TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 1:18:30 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
His body was collapsing.

Turning to rubble.

His blood wet ancient stone, the primordial bones of the world as he threw the effigy of a god that had long since abandoned the world to its eternal slumber. It was odd. He felt calm. Serene. Ting-Lu's fear didn't rot his mind, nor did his rage blind him to the complete contempt boiling in his soul.

Was this how felt when she threw that Pokeball? Serene? It was so easy to imagine her perfectly posed for a moment like this. She had beaten him to her triumph, and he had finally caught up. His eye never left its carved surface, four of its five dots glowing with inner light. A marker for his triumph, a memory of a creator.

There would be no need for that, now.

"What was your expression? How did you feel?" He whispered as Dynergy swirled around him, leaking into his suit once again. "Did you feel, even for a moment, that you had succeeded?"

He disappeared into the red and purple storm as Regirock shrunk. His blood pumped through a new heart formed from the memory of the old. Yesterday would always be replicated today, and it would be replicated tomorrow.

Mesprit had guided his actions. A god had brought him to this moment. Human triumph had been soiled once again by a deity. Howard had not won. Mesprit had. had not allowed him to fail. If he knew that, Howard would have screamed in rage at the stripping of this vital moment.

Instead, he fell alongside Regirock in a thunderous crash, the stone giant protecting its blood brother in its embrace as it struck the earth. Howard was still dying. Poison pumped through his body. Dynergy still seared his flesh, but now...

⠗⠕⠽⠁⠇. The giant's pattern flashed red. ⠏⠗⠑⠎⠑⠗⠧⠑.

Bathing in Eternatus's blood could change reality. Time wavered and space failed to function. Pain and misery and rage soaked into the toxic sandstorm.

⠗⠕⠽⠁⠇. ⠃⠗⠕⠞⠓⠑⠗. In the distance, Regice's pattern flashed red. ⠏⠗⠑⠧⠑⠝⠞ ⠗⠥⠊⠝.

He could do those things. Necrozma. Eternatus. Tera Crystals. The DRK Triad. They would all disappear in the face of humanity's will. They would win, and the bones of fallen gods would become the foundation of paradise.

Tapu Lele and Tapu Fini were unreliable guardians. They would be killed and replaced with stone and ice and steel. He should have known to doubt them as soon as had been blessed with the power of a 'protector of the land'.

When showed his face...

Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. As the sand cleared, he emerged from behind Regirock. He felt older. More weary. His arms bled red energy. For a moment, the sand cleared. Howard smiled from behind his mask as he found her. Monroe clattered into his communicator, but the admin did not respond immediately.

Slowly, he plucked at his radio. "Understood. Give me a minute."

His smile widened.

"Tsubaki." and flickered through the storm, though he suspected that other members of the League were hiding behind violet sands. He coughed up a wad of reddish-purple blood, which splattered against the inside of his helmet. His hand trembled from the tendril impaled into it. "You tried to shatter my dream? You? No wonder you were the villain in Galar. Elisabeth. Jayden. Penelope."

He spoke the last name with a hiss.

"They were all secondary to you. Even deep down in his heart, Navy despises you just as much as I do."

"That's fine, though. You have my condolences." Regice looked down from its distant perch, seven suns blaring as it charged up a Max Snowfall. A nameless corpse was crushed as Regirock marched forward. "After all..."

A Dynamax Cannon fired towards Dewford's Gym Leader. The ground quickly covered in a viscous hoarfrost.

" died during the battle."

Exchange with Regirock/Regice as he falls. Still dying.
oooooo dynergy shift ooo
Regirock/Regice are both out (SHIV SPECIAL PERM SMILE)
Finds Tsubaki to kick her ass, other leaguers can intervene if they wish. Sees Isaac in the fog
Regirock uses Dynamax Cannon, Regice uses Max Snowfall

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played by


she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 4:13:54 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
I won't lay a hand on her.

How funny that those muffled words are what come to mind as the world falls under a spell of frost. If he saw her in this very moment, would he dare to falter? If he knew she would stand in the way of his grand ambition, would he still be able to repeat that very promise?[break][break]

You believed he could stop this.

Because he promised to always be her friend. Because he spoke with such certainty of the world he envisioned. Because he had at least attempted to fix his mistakes back in Dewford. Because he would move continents to ensure a better future for the children.[break][break]

The beam that fires is the same shade at that which had nearly obliterated her back in the forest, something that confirms all that she had been desperately praying against. A feverish pink surrounds her, scalds her with a wave of sorrow that tells her of the end. There is nothing left to be reasoned with, for in his pursuit of giving creations a heart, he had lost his very own.[break][break]

And she weeps.[break][break]

But her tears too turn to frost.


He will never hear her in the throes of battle, nor over the screams of his own mind. He is lost and she has no way of reaching him, nor pulling him out.[break][break]

"Momma, watch over me."[break][break]

She is no longer the child she once was. That kid that had everything ripped away from her and been unable to fight back as they took even more. That girl who had watched as they continued to reap the world and remained silent as they stole from others too.[break][break]

"Give me strength. Because there is a friend I must stop."[break][break]

A small, tentative step. Another that sets her heart on course. The sand will not blind her, the cracks of the earth will not trip her up. She is moving, faster and faster towards the titan that towers above all. Anger burns in the pit of her belly, guilt churns and wriggles in the back of her throat -[break][break]

You shouldn't be here.
This isn't your fight.

You don't belong.

And her love is surely sick, leaking and bleeding as she reaches for weathered stone. How else will she make this worse? What else will she lose in her stubbornness? She hears the voices that surround her, but none of them are as loud as the words that speaks; Knives in her body, twisting till she hurts.[break][break]

It was a mistake to help him. It was a mistake to think he could... no, would stop this pointless battle. It was a mistake to let him slip right through her fingers. And even now, she dares to make another mistake, her heart infected by needless sentiment as it forges a chain to restrain Regirock instead of him.[break][break]

[attr="class","eris103"]tile L-3
[attr="class","eris103"]battle of petalburg


Tl;dr -[break]
- her greatest sin was being a child[break]
- mesprit senses shit about to go down, teleports away from Howard to Protect Eris[break]
- they move towards Regirock[break]
- it's time to correct her mistake. red chain that rock

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 5:04:16 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



She was moving.[break][break]

No, no, no, no, no.[break][break]

There, presiding over it all, He sat. Not , who by now had faded into Isaac's periphery. Any advice he had to say was swallowed up in winds only Isaac could hear howl. Not Ulysses, either, nor the thundering footsteps of the men that marched into a town he once love. He expected that of them, agony as it was.[break][break]

No. It was , a man Isaac knew could be better, should be better, tried so hard to inspire to be better. Now he sat atop a throne of relics, adding them to his collection instead of stopping their madness. Why? So he could go out of his way to turn history into a weapon, using the very fate he bemoaned to condemn to execution?[break][break]

Without an ounce of strength in his body, Isaac forced himself to move.[break][break]

He didn't mind the Max Snowfall. The cold didn't bother him anymore. In fact, he embraced it, not even flinching as his skin turned blue and his eyes grow bloodshot. The shards of bladelike hail were a problem, but Akane took it upon herself to handle what her trainer couldn't. She shielded him from the worst with her fortresslike body, all as he siphoned the ice and snow with a single-minded furor.[break][break]

As she fell, Isaac rose. He stole the remnants of Regice's frosts, using them to raise a barrier of ice before Baki. Just as Akane shielded them from the Max Snowfall, he shielded her from the Dynamax Cannon. It was like poetry; time and time again, Isaac showed his face, denying Howard and the Regis their right of conquest.[break][break]

When the ice exploded into shrapnel, Isaac met Howard through unrecognizable eyes. His frostbitten skin held its blue hue. The winds rippled around his body, causing his hair and clothes to writhe as if they were alive. Permafrost remained stuck over his wounds as if it were an adhesive bandage, faintly sparkling with the essence of life. In some ways, he resembled his patron more than ever. In others, he looked like a monster.

Without a word, he set a Pokeball on the ground. Then, without so much as a word, he took one step, two steps, then three. He was gone in a flash, only emerging from the winds to tackle Howard to the ground with the furor of a wild beast. Even his words, little more than a strained whisper, echoed along the northern winds for the world to hear.[break][break]

"How fucking dare you?"[break][break]

A very confused, very alarmed Knuckles broke from her Pokeball. Left behind and surrounded by carnage, the poor thing could do little more than surge forward to brace the fallen Akane. Her trainer's aura was unreadable. Her home was in ruins. As she reached out for something, anything, she found but a single presence to anchor herself towards.[break][break]

Looking towards , Knuckles awaited her orders.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac is not okay.[break]
He risks life and limb protecting Baki from the Regis' twin strike, his Iron Thorns fainting from taking the portion of the attacks he couldn't bend or block head-on.[break]
With blue frostbite and white permafrost, Isaac looks eerily Suicunesque.[break]
In Akane's stead Knuckles the Lucario emerges, looking to El for guidance.[break]
Isaac is beyond guidance, flash-stepping for Howard like a man possessed.

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tangaroa
Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 5:17:12 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
What a surprise. It seemed the untalented admin was able to pocket another deity in their pocket, as the man somewhat grumbled underneath his breath. It was going to be harder destroying Gods and extracting them of their sources, if Team Rocket kept collecting them all. He placed the ball away, as soon as Howard seemed to have calmed the Scion of Rock. With a yell in the background, from the Kanto Rocket leader giving warning for the leaguers to run. The Alolan raised an eyebrow, as his twisted demeanor seemed to return. "Run? Where are they going to go?!" Hunu asked aloud, practically declaring there was no victory in running as he rushed forward.

A presence of energy washed over Hunu as he was already near the Regirock, in his path was another "Chosen". A grin formed upon his lips as the psychic type began to channel their potential into creating a chain, but what was the point in trying to restrain something when you could just kill it. Death, was the best tranquilizer. Like a canon, Hunu's Whirlipede violently spun and burst forward in a violent bolt. Sending itself up debris and directed toward the Mesprit, the Poison Type attempted to interrupt the Legendary Pokemon with Fury Cutter before they were able to restrain the Regirock. In attempt to slice into the psychic pokemon, and send it flying back to their Avatar.

The twisted Kahuna cackled by Regirock's side, both hands raised in the air. His muscles pulsed, his heart bashed against his chest with violent anticipation. He couldn't help but scream out in his native tongue; "No'u keia au!!"



Hunu wants all the smoke
Whirlipede attempts to interrupt the chaining of Regirock with Fury Cutter on Mesprit
Hunu yelling out in his native tongue
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 6:47:45 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
and approached him. The Liberator's first Pokémon fell before the frozen advance, and the range from Regirock's Max Stonefall was dusted with ice and snow that Isaac did not form into a makeshift bulwark.

"You-" The admin wasn't prepared for the two-pronged assault that followed. Flashing chains took the stone giant to its knees, its pattern flashing violently as it raged against Mesprit's shackles. "ERIS! ISAAC!"

The wind whispered in his ear, murmuring of treason and betrayal.

"Come on, Isaac! Do what you should've done at the Island Cave! At Oldale! At Dewford! Now, we're here! Look around you! It's time to fulfill your obligations to the League and STEP OVER MY CORPSE!"

and would despise this senseless conflict, and yet it had to occur. In the flickering magenta of the storm, he saw Isaac's little sister, Chu-e's reason for living. Lenore's daughter. The League's childish, foolish innocence.


Dynergy swirled around Regirock as it raged against Mesprit's feeble chain. Links of crystal and divine metal began to fray and crack like glass. Howard knew Eris better than most. He knew how she felt. On the battlefield where Pokemon reigned supreme, a child could match an adult with ease.

But Eris Halla was not meant for the battlefield.


The chains snapped and shattered. Regirock rose, releasing a mechanical groan as it did so. Its pattern flashed as it Locked On to the Liberator. Yellow dots flashed red as Isaac crashed into Admin Fox. The two went sprawling, the admin falling to his back.

His communicator clicked to an open channel.

"I will give you until the count of three to retreat, Isaac." Howard blinked once, not knowing that Monroe had just issued the same ultimatum. His breathing rattled and his hand refused to close as poison pumped into his body. He seized slightly. "Otherwise, I will level everything here. I'll salt the earth and make sure nothing grows again. Your monuments will be stripped. Petalburg will become our kingdom."

A deep breath.

"I will keep my word." Part of his face flickered from behind the mask. Older. Wearier.


Regirock/Regice (Dynamaxed) are both out (Shiv approved)
Howard gets jumped by Isaac/Eris, Isaac gets to him
Regirock breaks the Red Chain, Eris lacks conviction LOL
Regirock is using LOCK ON on Isaac
Offers an ultimatum to the League on an OPEN CHANNEL

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 7:29:22 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Poison goes where poison's welcome ...

One moment of inattention is all that it takes. A Safeguard breaks, and poison pushes into their systems once more. It's an almost familiar feeling, and she shakes her head. However, there's something else coming. Azelf warns her, as it, too, is affected by the poisonous sandstorm, that more and more people have arrived.

Bad people.

"Sorry," she exhales through laboured breaths, trying to slow her heartbeat, slow her breathing, slow the poison as she fumbles for one of her pokéballs. Effie appears, and is immediately alarmed. "We need to get out-" What they should've done before. She feels her hands trembling as her vision blurs as she buries one hand into warm plumage. Hot tears mix with sand and poison, further burning her skin - she can only hope that these won't leave purple stains on her face forever as she hastily smears it across her face with a sandy arm. Gods, she can't make a single good decision today, can she? There's no room for anything except the need to leave immediately.

No room for worry, as she's only reduced to one singular feeling.

"Please ... Please leave, too. We can- We can figure something out together. Later."

But the Pixie doesn't even react, as it's been severely weakened by the poison, too. She pulls it close as she mounts her Talonflame, burying her face into her. Her tears are dried as they fall, as Effie takes to the skies with Tailwind, keeping the poisonous sandstorm at bay as she's able. Cass doesn't see the overwhelming amount of Rockets from birdseye view, but Effie is more than aware and tries to fly even faster.

tl;dr M4 to N1?
- cass & azelf are poisoned pepehands
- azelf warns cass of the incoming rockets, cass pleads that they'll leave together
- calls for effie, azelf too out of it to reply
- cass gets onto effie who uses tailwind as protection against the sandstorm as well as to zoom out of there fast
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 7:45:59 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]Filled with thoughts on what must be done, yet lacking the conviction to commit to any of the decisions she is presented. She has never needed Munkidori to show her just how easily her power is overturned, nor how brittle her heart makes her in the face of familiar foes. Instead, she is caught staring at Howard as he yells back at her, taking aim at her brother with a warning of certain death.[break][break]

Do something.[break][break]

Stop him.

Being near Mesprit is like sensing everything, all at once. The weakness she mistakes for kindness and shelters. The pangs of fears and crushing weight of despair. The hurt and betrayal that coats every grain of sand. The high of rage and euphoria induced by the hunt -[break][break]

An Expanding Force greets the incoming Whirlipede and attempts to toss it back at their trainer, eyes the shade of tainted ichor snapping to the man that dares to oppose them. With all their patience spent on dealing with Eris, they simply do not have any more to spare for other souls. Mixed within that attack is a sliver of their power, one that seeks to throw 's emotions into disarray.
[attr="class","eris103"]tile L-3
[attr="class","eris103"]battle of petalburg


Tl;dr -[break]
- red chain snapped, her hesitation is the toxic to her chain LOL[break]
- nothing has changed, she hasn't gotten any stronger than before[break]
- Mesprit senses the attack and attempts to knock Whirlipede back with Expanding Force[break]
- Mesprit is pissed, attempting to fuck up 's emotions

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,043 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 11:25:28 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

“You…” At the sight of the reunited Loyal Three and the evocation of their master, the dragon maiden bared her fangs. Even Ogerpon snarled behind its giant, crystalline mask. Uxie’s warning resonated in their minds: As long as the Toxic Chain continued to exist, so would those scoundrels.
Speaking of toxicity, Andrea could feel the effects of the poison worsening, making her vision blur. Even so, she spotted a face she could recognize anywhere: . How many more of her friends were trapped in the warfront? She hated that she felt powerless to protect them.
Had Chomper been alive, her Sygna Suit would have been active. Had Chomper been alive, she could have healed herself. Had Chomper been alive, he would have made quick work of those Rockets. Had Chomper been alive… But he wasn’t.
“Elise! Everyone! We can’t win this! Get on Meatloaf’s back!” Had Chomper been alive, he never would have agreed with them retreating. Andrea herself did not feel good about it, but she needed to survive. She had to live, otherwise his sacrifice would have been for nothing.
In one final burst of Terastal power, the masked Oni conjured a massive Frenzy Plant to keep the approaching horde at bay. Afterwards, her Teal Mask shrunk back to normal size, and she hopped onto the Salamence’s back along with anyone else who may have wanted to use the pseudo-legendary as their getaway vehicle.
As the azure drake soared ever higher, its rider would spare one last, melancholy glance at the unfathomable ruin and devastation the war had left behind. The people of Petalburg had never harmed a single soul. They did not deserve such a fate.
On that day, evil had won. The Loyal Three had won. Ulysses Monroe had won. had won. had won. The wicked were always rewarded, while innocents suffered.



- Continued from TFW PRELUDE: PETALBURG SCENARIO B-4[break]
- Ogerpon uses Frenzy Plant on the horde of Rocket NPCs[break]
- Ogerpon de-Terastallizes and hops onto the Salamence's back[break]
- Andrea retreats on her Salamence ( and are free to hop on too if their players desire)



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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 13:16:40 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Isaac could practically feel the intensity of Regirock's glare as its multiple eyes Locked On to him. Did Howard think they'd be settling this score with Pokemon? With gods, even?[break][break]

How cute.[break][break]

"There you are with that destiny bullshit again. Telling me how much it matters, I matter, while stabbing me in the back." The words came out in breathless clumps, each punctuated by another punch. It was as if Isaac needed to strike Howard to keep his heart pumping. The sweat of exertion rolled down his frostbitten body with each one, stopping at his knuckles and freezing into a jagged clump. At times, it was less like punching and more like the raking of a beast's claws.[break][break]

He had no idea how Howard fared as a physical fighter. Frankly, he had no idea how he was even faring. 's lessons had become muscle memory by now, even for the grief-stricken beast that Isaac had become. He'd finally been molded into what the man had wanted, and it was only after godhood had hollowed him from a shell of a man to a void thar resembled one. Ironic.[break][break]

Perhaps that mix of confidence and unrestrained hatred was why, instead of grounding and pounding until it was done, Isaac aimes to pull Howard to his feet. At their respective heights, it would have been a comical visual in any other case. Instead, Isaac snarled in Howard's face, breath so cold it left clouds of vapors.[break][break]

"You all must think I'm the biggest dumbass alive."[break][break]

The Isle. Oldale. Dewford. How many times could he and Howard continue this song and dance? If Petalburg, too, fell to the ambitions of the gutless, craven man he kept enabling, Isaac would never forgive himself.[break][break]

But it wasn't just for Howard, was it? He hoped heard it. Arceus knew she was always watching, literally bending reality to her whim while acting helpless all the while. Maybe if he was lucky, would be with her. She deserved it. From one coward to another, he did, too.[break][break]

He hoped heard it, saying to Isaac's face that they were equal as his people bombed hospitals and reduced an entire city to rubble. He hoped heard it, even if time and space themselves had to collpase just to give her a glimpse. , , @kayden, who acted entitled to his allegiance even as Rocket continued to fester.[break][break]

Everyone who told him to his face that he mattered, he was loved, while they broke his sister and tortured his brother in ways he could barely comprehend and reduced his best friend to a husk and burned his home and put his world on the knife's edge of annihilation.[break][break]

Maybe he should have let kill him. It'd spare him being reborn into this hell.

TAG [break]
NOTES — notes go here

[newclass=".isaac2"] --color:#c4c067; [/newclass]
[newclass=".isaac2"] margin: 0px auto; background-color: #111; min-height: 500px; width: 450px; margin: 0px auto; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom:20px; } .isaac2 .textbox a, .isaac2 .textbox i { color:var(--color); } .isaac2 .textbox b { font:bold 13px/10px 'Poppins'; color:var(--color); } .topimage { background-image: url(; height: 250px; width: 400px; background-size: cover; background-position:50% 20%; margin: 0px auto; } .isaac2 .textbox { line-height: 15px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-size: 12px; font-family: roboto; color: #d6d6d6; margin: 20px auto 0px; text-align: justify; padding-bottom: 20px; background:#1E1E1E; padding:30px 50px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; } .isaac2 .oocbox { border-top: 3px solid #333; padding-top: 10px; width: 260px; margin: 20px auto 0px; text-align:left; [/newclass]
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,061 posts
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 14:30:26 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


' Mesprit would suddenly receive a telepathic touch.

Not words, but a feeling.

Something akin to...

'lol, watch this.'

While drama occurred, Tapu Lele popped up behind her avatar, tapping his head.


There was a loud pop as Tapu Lele seemingly pulled the glow out of her avatar as if it were a blanket, the young man fully revealed as his eyes rolled back into his skull, and he collapsed forward unto his knees with a gasp.

Held in Tapu Lele's palm was a glowing, brimming orb, the deity staring at it with a 'hmm' before casually reaching in and pulling out a dark, shifting looking haze from it, looking a little disgusted with it before waving it off as one would a pungent odor.

The orb glowed ever so brightly without the contaminants, drawing a delighted coo from her.

Glancing over at her sister, then at , she winked playfully.

Then her shell suddenly snapped shut, the both her and the orb disappearing within.

The overflowing misery that had empowered a rampaging, clueless avatar was now in his matron's possession.

The Psychic terrain around them began to grow, reaching as far as the energy would allow as the z-crystal embedded within the doctor's dog-tags began to glow.

Tapu lele's shell trembled erratically in place, jolting and bulging cartoonishly as if bursting at the seams with power, the many tattoos and marking etched on her own shell beginning to gleam a bright white.


Nature's Mockery

allows tapu lele to copy and immediately use another pokemon's attack or terrain to comical effect.

And suddenly— The terrain changed. Before, the terrain was weird. Now, it was... misty.

Very, very misty. So thickly misty, it was almost like a children's book rendition of what mist would be. Thick, bulbous, shapely clouds began to appear all over the terrain, blocking large blotches of sight.

Tapu Fini would recognize this as her sister's childish imitations, much like a child playing pretend with their parent's job.

But were the thick clouds as harmless as they looked?

Those rockets who found themselves within them may suddenly feel the urge... to play a little prank on their nearby comrades.

Just a tiny, little, playful...

Shank in the ribs.


-Tapu Lele yoinks the energy kindly accumulated by her avatar to try something out.
-Tells bestie Mesprit to hold her bear.
-Z-move, nature's mockery, allows her to imitate a terrain or move from a nearby enemy or ally. In this case, she's imitating her sister's misty terrain.
-If possible, I'd like to make nearby rockets (or at least, weak willed npc rockets) start "berserking" and turn on each other, "must protect Tapu Lele", but like, while laughing their asses off too.


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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tangaroa
Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 14:50:50 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
A familiar voice, rang through the man's ears as he grinned.. almost in slow motion as he watched his Whirlipede was violently blasted away with the usage of psychic potential. He felt the same voice, plague his ears, over and over. For a moment, he felt.. anguish. It was hers. Her voice that continued to spin in his mind.. it felt like another life time ago. Something he wished, wanted to leave him alone for the rest of his days and not remember that time. Another voice echoed, overwhelming his anguish into pure rage, Arceus forbid. It was his. His teeth grinded against each other in that small moment, before the overwhelming disposition of grace and exhilaration filled his body. Just as quickly it faded, as did his reasoning for fighting the Mesprit and who wielded such a legendary. Hunu felt everything wash away, it was almost like he was at peace a bit.. holding out his capsule, he returned the poison type to their sphere and began to walk away.

Every step he took, felt weightless, like he had nothing behind his mind. What drove him again? The Mercenary for Hire couldn't quite put it on his finger, exactly what he was fighting for. What pushed him to fight in this perpetual struggle of just and immoral, where was he heading? Toward the answer of it all. The statues that overhung over Petalburg drew his attention, the sounds of combat was drowned out as he focused on every crunch. The taste of blood, graced their tongue between the crevices.. he felt his hands shake and before he could truly realize the answer he was seeking for.

The oversized Kahuna, twisted their back leg, following through with the torque as he used their overwhelming mass into a swing. "Three." A straight, directed toward a Leaguer's jaw! A sucker-punch, as he intended to strike Issac off of . The banished Mercenary, stood as a wall blocking off the leaguer from continuing their assault on.. who was he to Hunu again? Why was he saving him? No. He wasn't? His hate for Legendary Pokémon was gone, his half assed connection with Howard didn't evict an emotion from the trainer. No. It was a simple answer.

He was doing what he was paid to do, crack skulls. "This city, is a powder keg. We've ignited it to set start to a new, Hoenn. History will forget you.. they always do." Slowly, the supposed bodyguard for Howard began to approach . "Come, let's see how you use those hands, boy."


Hunu emotions out of whack
Hunu wanders away and leaves Eris despite his previous hate
Hunu does what he's paid to do, act as an enforcer
Hunu takes a swing at Isaac and declares time is up, and is ready to throw hands
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,870 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 15:13:23 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


Even Charles’ Aromatherapy wasn’t enough to ward off the poison from the sandstorm. She’d watch in concern as the poison takes hold of her beloved and the Galarian royal begins to quiver in fear of her beloved's poisoned state. The Munkidori is seen in the sandstorm, but now, the simian retreats much to the displeasure of her and her shard.[break][break]

There were more things to worry about. The descending Rockets that were on her, her knight, and even and Pon… Petalburg City had fallen, as much as Elise would hate to admit it. The city was no longer under the League’s control now and Rocket had won. The Loyal Three won…with their help.[break][break]

In spite of the height and build difference between the royal princess and her knight, she tries to get him off his Tyrantrum’s back. “I need you to come with me and get on Meatloaf’s back. You are in no condition to ride Carnelia right now.” Elise does all she can to help carry her poisoned red-headed knight onto the back on Andrea’s Salamence, she’s thankful that Andrea is nice enough to be on the back of the flying dragon.[break][break]

“Thank you, Andrea.” Elise thanks her girlygang friend after she gets on Meatloaf herself and the Calyrex shard holds onto the princess' back. “And Charles, keep using Aromatherapy on him. It's urgent that we keep him on stable condition until I can treat him.” When she gives the order to her Calyrex shard, his crown glows light green as the green fragrance surrounds the red-headed knight in keeping the effects of poison at bay.[break][break]

After all, the moment that he got poisoned again was the memory of her knight getting poisoned the first time around the incident with the Blood Moon Ursaluna and the Megalopolans. [break][break]

She will not rest until Cadeyrn can get better from the poison.[break][break]





Location: -[break]
♔ Elise carries Cadeyrn over to Andrea and Meatloaf the Salamence. (Sorry Carnelia)[break]
♔ She rides onto Meatloaf the Salamence with a poisoned Cadeyrn in tow.[break]
♔ Charles the Calyrex shard uses Aromatherapy on Cadeyrn to stave off the effects of poison on him.



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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 15:31:21 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"yeah, it's kinda obvious," he answers .

despite the win, a somber smile graces his expression. he lands with his braviary to assist the rocket admin, but someone else had already beaten him to it.

his face turns away when lunges at suicune's avatar, landing on on the ground. their eyes meet, and with a shrug of his shoulders, peers away. things cannot be said while under rocket's providence, verbal or otherwise, and he was not in a position to lie perfectly with his gestures as he always did.

"the sooner you accept it, the better for everyone involved. it's just that obvious!" he was gagged with the words he can say, but hoping that can understand what he wants to say when already spelled it out seemed bleak. "how 'bout we leave that cipher that as your homework before good ol' regi boss here gets angy?"

he looks up and murmurs words to his pokemon. braviary fires off another oblivion wing as a signal, barely missing the mesprit. priam tries to catch ' stare, hoping that she's different, before he reiterates 's suggestion.

"leave." a homophone.

after all, only functions when direct threat of someone he deems innocent is involved. isn't the only one in the vicinity that lacks the same patience as the admin does.

  • lands near regi crowd
  • wanted to support howard, but is late
  • yaps to isaac
  • oblivion wing warning shot near mesprit


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP