i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2020 2:23:20 GMT
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As Knox calls out to her, Eden's face drains of colour. The damage is devastating, and now people are just... tossing around an exploding ball of doom, purposely sabotaging each other.

She takes a deep breath and scoops up Hyperia, making a mad dash for Knox. Her ankles are scraped by wreckage, and her head is pounding, but she makes sure to get to him, grabbing him by the shoulders tightly.

"We have to..." She wipes her face, because she's scared. This isn't a normal situation people would have to deal with. It's serious, people could die. And yet...

Eden grabs his hand, pointing. "We should go, Knox. We should go." Eden starts pulling him towards the lighthouse.  


tldr calls to knox
goes to knox
lowkey freaking out inside, nbd
watching the chaos
making her way to the tower

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2020 3:58:39 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

Little marie gasps from where she has taken cover in the debris of another broken down stall, watching the sky with a false sense of horror as dictated by the zoroark's illusions. The bomb explodes and something else entirely settles over the area, a dissonance of urgency and solemn silence in the rain.

(And Isra is mesmerized, finding the sight something to behold. There is a presence in this that she can't quite name and it makes her bristle with energy. She tamps it down, quiets her instincts that she has been feeding too strongly and watches the playing field more closely. A child finds purchase against the beast and it is that action she anchors herself to.)

"Oh-Oh no! Uhm-uh!" Marie looks over her shoulder at her own gardevoir with her horror stricken face but the gardevoir only eyes the sky above, knowing that there is nothing more to be done. Whatever has begun to take place here is but the beginning of something they are not ready for and it is evident in the pokemon's features. With a nod she returns the pokemon to her pokeball.

(Isra silently scolds the bleeding heart that crumbles so fast. She's tried to train it out of her but it seems to persist no matter how hard she tries.)

She reaches for the last of her pokeballs a pokemon that she hopes will take them where they need to go. The growing minefield is a trap they must make it through carefully, they cannot lose track of the beast. "Sisi! We need to get home!" The noivern's entry is vocal and rumbling as she waits for her trainer to take her place at her back. "Be careful!"

(a hand gesture instructs the noivern to stay low to the ground, the zoroark will follow them on the ground, tracking them and keeping focus on the illusion)

The noivern lives up to her reputation, seeking to circle the minefield and keep close to the beast, watching carefully as the rest make their moves.

>>still looks liek a small child
>>riding a noivern, trying to stay close to the battle but out of direct involvement


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2020 7:18:43 GMT
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he just wants to check on noelle and mateo. bringing two other people with him to do such a mundane task was unnecessary. "fff-" knowing how stubborn the two were, he knows its more effort talking them down from it than fighting the unknown beast. "-ine."

kyle lets his manectric overtake him, barking a short, concise command. "manectric, mateo scent. got it?" trained as trackers, majority of his pokemon has been conditioned to take people's scents into memory. tana only knows a handful of scents, mateo being one of them.

he watches every disaster happen in his peripheral, not wanting to get distracted from the main task. once he sees both noelle and mateo, he knows he doesn't need to ask for what they were planning to do. one was someone who constantly tests himself and the other was a cheerleader. he can only think of one ending with the variables he has.

raising a hand as he waves, he calls for them. "so, what's your plan? anything about it being safe?" the guesses the answer to be no, but he supposed it wouldn't hurt to ask.



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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
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333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2020 7:36:06 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar

flying upon dragocess. mateo, on their way to bailey, would come to bump into a bomb. the timer started and there was no time. so, though unintentional for mateo, he'd order for dragocess to chuck the bomb away, "dammit, toss it!"

notes: wow.



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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2020 8:04:48 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar

and without hesitation, dragocess the dragonite would come to see another person flying right alongside them, it was . the bomb would no longer be their problem, but orion and hydreigon's. dragocess would toss the ticking time bomb their way.

notes: hi, because the rng hates me. have this bomb, .



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2020 10:09:17 GMT
Deleted Avatar
It was rather hard to NOT notice the large man roaring in sync with with an enormous, sparkling Legendary Pokemon. The tear in space time the was brought into existence, showing a close up image of the distant Lighthouse told Nathaniel all that he needed to know about what Balder was intending, a great plan all told. But as the old saying goes "No plan survives contact with the enemy." Nathaniel had decided to call Tyranitar over with a quick command, speed being the winning factor it seemed tonight, jumping up onto Tyranitar's back, gaining purchase his his right side whilst still hanging from his partner to ensure a quick dismount if it was needed. The image of the lighthouse ahead of him shimmered almost as soon as he entered the wormhole, soon to be replaced with a visage of destruction much the same as they had just left behind. There was nothing to it now, the only way through this night would be forward.

When Nathaniel and Tyranitar lumbered out of the wormhole he spotted Balder consoling a young woman, over what he couldn't rightly say, but the haunted expression she wore was a telling sign. Still, as poor as it might seem, Nathaniel put it from his mind. The scene before them was a strange one. A plethora of colored balls littered the ground and air between them and the lighthouse. Nathaniel didn't need to put much thought into it to realize just what he was staring at. A bloody minefield. Balder seemed ready to lead the charge, now finished speaking with the young woman who released a hulking Metagross to carry her through the explosive field. Balder himself mounted Solgaleo once more and marched off carefully into the Minefield. There was the barest of hesitation from Nathaniel before Tyranitar looked him in the eyes, a silent nod given was all he needed. His partner wanted to forge ahead as well, how could Nathaniel deny him that chance?

"Better toughen up again just in case buddy." said Nathaniel, tapping Tyranitar's shoulder. His large partner nodded, a brief look of concentraction passing over Tyranitar's face before Nathaniel could actually feel the armored plates that made up his friend's body seem all that much more dense and protective, the result of a second application of Iron Defense.

Still clung to Tyranitar's side, the pair waded into the mess ahead of them, catching up to come alongside Balder, at least, as close as the mine enabled. Nathaniel glanced over at older man briefly.

"We need to make sure we don't miss any civilians trapped in all this." he said, gesturing his arm out around him.

"If the fighting sets any of these mines off...." he explained, his meaning clear.

"This thing needs to die, but not at the cost of raising the body count." he said, grim determination setting into his tone.

- Climbed onto Tyranitar's side and had both use the Wormhole provided by Balder and Solgaleo.
- Had Tyranitar use a second Iron Defense, STRONK CHONKER
- Tyranitar and Nathaniel both CAREFULLY began to trek through the minefield.
- Nathaniel spoke with briefly.


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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2020 15:49:54 GMT
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With Annie and Orion astride his back, the Hydreigon flies through the minefield with focus and intent. There is only one goal, and that goal is to reach the Ultra Beast and end it.

Though the dragon is careful to weave through the aerial threat, it cannot account for the actions of another: Nidhogg lets out a rippling roar that Orion feels in his bones as a mine is lobbed in their direction. Orion scarcely has time to react before Nidhogg releases a pulse of draconic energy to blast the ticking bomb away from their location...

...and straight at .

Not realising the direction from which the mine had initially flown, Orion raises his voice to call across the clamor of battle. "MATEO, WATCH OUT!"

- so i goofed and posted with the wrong account initially; the 'roll' above is an image, here is the full screenshot of my previous post as gavin for further evidence!
- got the go ahead to do this, thank you shiv!
- trying to hit the bomb back at
- orion notices and tries to call out a warning
- i'm so sorry

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2020 1:26:17 GMT
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He felt it.

The loss of life. He didn't know how, but he sensed it as the explosion rocked the square. His eyes widened, brown irises shrinking as his mouth hung open and he found himself stopping as he clutched his chest. He was going to be sick. Perhaps it was the psychic typing that did it, but its death was felt, and Josh was having a very difficult time suppressing the urge to vomit. His hands went to his throat as he swallowed bile back down, gagging lightly as he then brought his hands to his face. Sweat and tears covered his face, and he did his best to wipe them away but nothing was going to stop the puffy eyes and cheeks that had become visible.

Hurt turns to rage. But his moment's hesitation keeps him from running straight into the horde of mines that the monster had brought about. Recalling Dunamus, he brings out another Pokeball.

"Fawkes. Let's do this."

Josh brings out his Charizard, and he and Lightning hop on its back. Suppressing his anger best he can, the blonde motions for Fawkes to get some air, before the Fire/Flying Type then closes its wings and zips through the mid-air portion of the minefield, using the closed wings to create a smaller target as it divebombs, able to better avoid the bombs with less of a hit range. Once the bombs are out of sight, Josh motions for Fawkes to fly forward full speed toward the creature.

Josh's anger finally gets the best of him, enraged eyes depict one that does not care about the fact he'd never seen this thing before, his curiosity and even a desire to catch it... Is overriden by a desire to kill it. Josh grabs his wrist and brings a palm down on his other knuckle... Prepared to use Mega Evolution and wipe the thing out.

But it was not to be. His Keystone had gotten lost in the move, and Josh hadn't thought he would need it, so his search for it had not been a priority. Boy, had he been wrong. Pushing down his frustrations, he supposed all he could do was... Do this the hard way.

His gaze fiercened as his eyes locked on their target. No mines left... Just a clear shot now.

"Flamethrower. No quarter."




- Josh senses the loss of @nicole 's Gardevoir and mourns
- Josh recalls Swampert, brings out Charizard
- Josh and Raichu fly on Charizard's back to navigate through the minefield
- Charizard uses Flamethrower on Ultra Beast once they are clear of mines, with the Trainer instructing it not to hold back whatsoever

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2020 3:07:57 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
weaving through the sky filled with dangerous, floating bombs, noelle quickly realized that the bulky, large size of gyarados wasn't the best for this. "watch your tail," she warned the serpentine creature, who grumbled softly, straining her body. the dragon-esque pokemon only lowered to the ground at the wave of her trainers hand as the familiar sight of a certain dog trainer ( ) came into view.

his question of a plan was met with a slight shrug of her shoulders, "uh...beat it up?...Dragon clan style?" Granted, only three of them were here currently. two of them had gone home. who knew where adam was and morgan....bless his heart? 

it was at that moment that she heard an explosion from just behind her, and she noticed the lack of by her side. eyes slowly widening with alarm, her attention on kyle is completely replaced by concern, "mateo?!" unsure what to do, but knowing it'd be suicide to rush into the minefield thicket, she instead released her venusaur. "get him out!" a vine extended from the grassy, bloomed bulb on its back, extending into the explosion in search of the dragon master to pull him back into safety.

her hand rests on blissey's pokeball, just in case. 
- flies towards the tower
- meets with kyle & pitches a plan
- notices mateo's explosion, has venusaur extend a vine to try and pull mateo to safety. 
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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2020 5:33:32 GMT
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"hey, wait up! c'mon! agh, you can't just leave!" or maybe he could.

noah hollers from behind, his legs flailing with the upward strikes of his syllables. his unfezant sets him down on to his scrambling crabominable. as his legs slide over his furry crab's shoulders, noah bites his tongue. in the heat of disaster, he knows he can't trespass on to grounds he is not meant to tread on.

after all, he has no gym badges to name.

fighting a frown, he calls out to stormy, "do you see those?" noah stares straight ahead at the looming spheres, their whirring hues like malfunctioning lightbulbs.

"i'll get my unfezant to speed us up, stormy. just be careful- i need you alive so i can kick your ass after, haha." noah pauses stiffly, clearing his throat of coughed butterfly scales. "jokes! by the way."

noah's unfezant claps its wings together, feathers building up subtle winds behind and with TAILWIND. he recalls his crabominable in to its ball, unwilling to risk the crustacean due to its bulky body.

with increased speeds, noah weaves himself between the bombs himself. yet, his eyes train themselves on 's congregation, the winds of worry sifting against his face.


- shouts at kyle & stormy
- unfezant uses TAILWIND; crabominable sent back into ball
- weaves through minefield

ny raid

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2020 6:03:43 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar





Revenge was not what burned.[break][break]

What burned was the ruins that she remembered all too clearly—rising towers of smoke and decay, where buildings were hallowed and left to stand like charred, twisted monoliths. Someone that was a public figure would fail to understand it, as they had never been so dirtied, so scarred, as to watch an entire city laid to waste with a single god-shattering glance.[break][break]

Freya Morningstar had witnessed it, but Bailey was skeptical to the extent of her involvement. After all, when Bailey Cooper had been engulfed in flames, standing before the Guzzlord, hadn't the council woman been a safe distance away? Attacking from afar, and trying to stay out of harm's way?[break][break]

Bailey had been there all along; right in its sights, right on the ground, right in the thick of the fight.[break][break]

This clown had to be stopped—would one call it revenge if they twisted a man's wrist for holding a gun to their head? For disarming an assailant with a knife?[break][break]

No, because that would be stupid—more stupid than the assumption that the Elite Four rested in a hierarchy that left them subjects to the orders of others.[break][break]

There was only one prerogative that the Elite Four was supposed to hold in their hearts, and that was the desire to protect the region. They had to uphold it.[break][break]

They had to throw themselves into the fray, as they were the strongest.[break][break]

She had fought these creatures, and she would fight once again. A third battle to add to her growing experience, and this clown-like creature seemed more akin in strength to the translucent jellyfish that had attacked her in the depths of the Space Center.[break][break]

That meant it could be stopped. It was not like the Guzzlord, where the dying wish of a Legendary was what won the fight.[break][break]

Her eyes drift back to the sight of and knew that the rest would follow. It's time.[break][break]

When the minefield was deployed, she opted for an aggressive approach. acrobatics was what she ordered to her vikavolt as they zig-zagged through the array of brightly colored bombs that dispersed like balloons.[break][break]

And it was the hasty approach that allowed for them to slip through, just barely missing one of the deployed explosives by a hair's breath.[break][break]

zap cannon was what followed after.[break][break]

tldr: used acrobatics to move through the bombs, then zap canon to attack.[break][break]



the event


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
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1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2020 15:15:18 GMT
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Stormy's eyebrows furrow together and her teeth clench in irritation at the extended slur of Kyle's response. He's this close to turning them away, but he relents. Not that it would have stopped Stormy from following him anyway. It was more than likely he was heading for the rest of the Elite Four, and under these circumstances, it made more sense for her to follow him to that powerful group of trainers than attempt to do anything alone.[break][break]

If three is a crowd, then five or six must be a jaw-dropping party, right?[break][break]

The man barks an order to his Manectric to find Mateo and Stormy glances up at Wadjet as the continues to follow from above. She seems distracted and agitated as bombs litter the ground and sky, and she's attempting to steer clear of the danger. There are a few dangerously close calls, and then Noah's


adds just enough wind to propel her forward, narrowly missing death by a hair.[break][break]

"Don't worry, Noah. Nothing gets me going like a life or death situation. You'll get your gym battle!"[break][break]

She winks, before following his sprint as they zig-zag through the minefield with the aid of his Unfezant. [break][break]

The rumble of unease in the air is cut short, however, as they encounter a hot-potato in the sky between Mateo and Orion Lykos. [break][break]


Stormy gasps, covering her head and praying no one got splashed with the aftermath of their struggle.[break][break]


- continues following kyle[break]
- narrowly misses death thanks to noah's unfezant[break]
- shouts for everyone to duck thanks to a hot potato above their heads[break][break]



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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2020 15:24:31 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

There was so much going on, Ruby hardly knew what to do about it all. She stared in horror as people feebly attempting to attack the nightmarish clown, seemingly to absolutely no avail. Even the one attack that seemed to even hurt it probably didn't hurt it even that bad. Still clinging to Whisper, the young girl kept breathing slowly, trying to force herself to calm down, to think everything through.

It seemed nobody else knew what they were doing either, which was both relieving and worrying at the same time. Everyone seemed to be heading towards the Lighthouse, instead of running away... Which meant either everyone was definitely braver than she was or running away just seemed like a surefire way to not survive. The sudden introductions of bombs in the path made by the beast, however, certainly scared her. She could handle getting hurt, or so at least she told herself that.

Glancing up at Whisper, the two of them both seemed to have the same thought. If anything happened to the other, they'd never live it down. Nodding slowly, the girl reached into her bag and pulled out another one of her Pokeballs. Astral the Gothorita quickly forming, the psychic Pokemon only had a few seconds to examine the horrific scene before them before they were spoken to.

"Astral," Ruby spoke out loud, forcing herself to be as confident as she could, ignoring the fires burning the city around them. "F-find us a way through. Help us find the path t-towards victory." Immediately, Astral looked up at the stars and nodded her head. Their eyes suddenly glowing, they used the move Future Sight and began to lead Whisper and her trainer straight through the minefield with hopefully not a single scratch.


notes: Ruby's trying her best to calm down and think rationally. Astral the Gothorita uses Future Sight to foresee the future and lead her trainer through the minefield.


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august 12th
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2020 23:56:51 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]fuck this yolo yeets across the field

what's the worst that could happen?

Everyone shares the same destination but their path proves hazardous with the ricocheting attacks. Their goal may be the same — stopping Slateport's destruction at all costs — but to what end? Their goal may be mutual but it's only in name.

No one wants to die. No one wants to meet a premature end and it shows when they face the flamboyant balloons that promise anything but a comedic demise. Safety comes first and often at the expense of others. Fernando watches as several of the explosives are deflected into someone else's direction and he keeps his Aegislash close. Its KING'S SHIELD may not hold against it completely but any banister to buffer between him and the blast is a welcome one.

Everyone sprawls out in their approach and Fernando is no different. The route he takes gives him enough room to avoid collision should someone else trip off a bomb but close enough to interfere where he sees fit.

— Cautiously navigates his way through the mine field toward the lighthouse.
— Aegislash leads and acts as a protective shield.
— Watches as others throw attacks toward each other.


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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 2:53:10 GMT
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[attr="class","ihead"]DRAGON'S DANCE WITH DEATH

EXPLOSIONS ROCK THE BATTLEFIELD. as the clown conducts its fiery circus, your trainers brave the harrowing expanse of mines. some bombs explode when knocked into each other; others, detonate from contact with rubble. under the caress of rain from 's gyarados' RAIN DANCE, many make it to the ringmaster's podium before the lighthouse.[break][break]

however, more casualties follow after @nicole's gardevoir. 's flygon is able to deflect the incoming bomb away from its trainer- but not quite away from itself. as the explosion engulfs the dragon's lithe, verdant body, everyone would be able to hear the sad sound of its wings flapping one last time. a swan song. as the notes fade like wisps of sand, the desert spirit arcs backward, taking the brunt of the force before collapsing on to the festival floor in a motionless heap of scales. perhaps, his dragapult, wading in its ghostly shadows, can sense its passing through the umbral veil.[break][break][break]


's dragonite suffers a similar fate. as the deflagration blooms forth, dragocess shields their owner from the ensuing blast by rolling to her side. the explosion catapults them on to the ground as cries of his name clamor above the high-pitched ringing resonating in 's ears. underneath the rubble, the charred body of his beloved partner lies without a stir. with a seraphim's softness, the vines of 's venusaur soon snake through the debris and wrap themselves around his body for retrieval.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]BLACEPHALON'S BULWARK

the heavy steps of @creepy's tyranitar, clad with IRON DEFENSE cause mini tremors with each step. they dwarf the tiny clacking of 's gait before she flies on her noivern, for her illusion is complete in both physicality and sound. as rain beads against its scales, 's gyarados rejuvenates itself as its battle-worn peers seek purchase with their attacks. a heroic cry announces leap as he slice across the clown's body with his honedge, while GUNK SHOTS and SNARLS distract the beast. the THUNDER WAVE fails to have an effect, the electrical shackles falling off its thin limbs.[break][break]

as the ultra beast suffers, the bomb planted atop the lighthouse begins to diminish further in size; however, the ball is almost halfway down its mast. the new year is coming.[break][break]


the assault forces the blacephalon to retreat momentarily. it hurls one of its heads on to the ground, causing an explosion that hurls it backwards, closer to the lighthouse. bowing once more, the blacephalon raises its arms as it straightens its back. it digs its high-heels into the earth as a large LIGHT SCREEN materializes before it with a dramatic green sheen; like an unhinged mr. mime, the blacephalon pretends as if it is creating a vast wall.[break][break]


the mines on the lighthouse structure begin to rattle dramatically. they too, glimmer with a green sheen. they fly toward the LIGHT SCREEN. some make it successfully as the wall absorbs them, while others fail to make the journey, exploding on jutting pieces of wreckage. they are not the only mines to shift, however.[break][break]

the remaining bombs behind you quake, as if being drawn by a nearby magnet. it is clear that they too, want to be sucked into the LIGHT SCREEN. curiously, the LIGHT SCREEN seems to be charging up... as if it were becoming unstable... and you are in the way of the head-mines who desire to return to it.[break][break]

's gothorita would be able to discern one thread from the future; should they fail to hurt the blacephalon or distract it from charging the wall, the LIGHT SCREEN will explode, sandwiching everyone between itself and the bombs.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]INSIDE THE LIGHT HOUSE

TWO ARE ABLE TO SNEAK IN TO THE LIGHTHOUSE FIRST. and find themselves entering from different entrances. a door. a window. perhaps, a a basement's bulkhead. nevertheless, they slip into the dark of the first floor. for a moment, they see nothing of importance. just a spiraling staircase, windows to the outside, storage crates... but something stirs in the darkness.[break][break]


the whites of two eyes reveal themselves alongside the murmurs of some snake-like sound. sloppy, wet, and surrounding the spire's walls. should or lean in closer, they would be able to see , encased in a gelatinous cap with eight tentacles wriggling from suspended white swings. for a moment, she seems lucid. her eyes bright with recognition of 's face. she manages to utter one remnant: "blackwell."[break][break]

the light fades, and like a fading firework, her stare dulls.[break][break]

suddenly, she stirs back to life. one tentacle reaches for 's neck, tightening quick. four other tentacles rise from her body, the head of a sullen, emaciated lighthouse worker under each grasp. her jaw drops. a terrible scream lunges from the pit of her throat, and she bursts through the lighthouse door with in her grasp. , , @creepy, and @bean2 are close and are the first to see 's transformed condition before everyone else.[break][break]


soars close to the clown, and as the commissioner floats in the air, you may be able to discern that she does not notice anything else. she is wholly concentrated on , one of her tentacles still attempting to strangle the councilwoman.[break][break]

in the darkness, an escort gardevoir rematerializes. she hands an odd spherical device. with a cryptic nod, she pats the BEAST BALL in 's palm carefully before disappearing.[break][break]

currently, everyone is near or can be close to the lighthouse. the blacephalon is behind a LIGHT SCREEN, while the commissioner floats near it. the new year time ball descends further.[break][break][break]

although you can take whatever action you please,[break]three scenes present themselves to you:[break][break]
1. the blacephalon with a charging light screen that is attracting mines to it[break][break]
2. the corrupted commissioner choking [break][break]
3. the lighthouse & the bomb.

what will you do?

mod roll:



below are several guidelines and notes you must follow and consider for the raid. please pm if you have any other questions. these guidelines will be trimmed or omitted for future mod posts in this event.[break][break][break]

you must ROLL for this round as you perform your actions; this round, rolls won't determine the absolute outcome of your actions.[break][break]

please include a tl;dr of your character's actions; however, if any of your posts remain only as tl;drs by the end of the event (i.e. there is no actual written post), you will receive no rewards.[break][break]

furthermore, if you have a "tl;dr only post" in the previous round and make another "tl;dr only post" that is unedited by the next mod post, you will automatically fail your action with dire consequences.[break][break][break]

the next mod post will be on on 1/19, 12:00AM PST..

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