i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2020 7:27:29 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

In the depths of their spur of the moment trench, the blast of fire and shrapnel passed overhead harmlessly. Remiel had hardly even felt the heat, although the ringing in his ears certainly let him know how severe the explosion had been. Once the last of the flames above them subsided, leaving nothing but the sounds of destruction and despair in its wake, the pair looked up. The smoke made it hard to see anything beyond the hole. But, after clambering onto Psamathe's back and patting her side, Remiel made his Flygon leave the safety of their cover anyway to pay witness to the ruin.

The scope of the being's power became all too clear as the smoke slowly dissipated. Though his Flygon had much better eye protection than he had, the mask still helped keep most of the smoldering fumes out of his eyes. It was a shock, of course, to be inhaling such the strong smell of burnt wood and... flesh? Especially after the pleasant fragrances that had been carried around freely in the area by the cool breeze only minutes prior. But Remiel had been through something similar before. He was far more insulted than he was disgusted.

"We'll give it a taste of its own medicine..."

He muttered to himself and Psamathe, unclipping a luxury ball from his belt and tossing it into the hole below to summon his Solrock1. Watching as the bizarre clown formed another explosive ball, the masked youth quickly relayed his command. "Stay here. Rock Polish until I return, understood?" The Solrock, of course, was as hard to read as himself— with the added disadvantage of not being able to speak. But it made an echoed groan which proved to be enough. He tapped the sides of Psamathe with his heels and they rose upward in a twirl after he made his next command2:

"Dragon Dance!"

With the Ultra Beast apparently feeding its creation with strange residue, Remiel could tell he needed to get to the lighthouse and stop the timer from setting off the attached explosive somehow. But, unfortunately, there was yet another bomb he needed to be worried about. One that was suddenly thrown directly at him. Remiel was shocked mid-flight when he realized it. Holding on firmly to his Flygon with hands and feet, he used all the training he'd received at the Hammerlocke gym to ride his dragon and bid it to do as ordered.

"Rrgh! Whack it away!"

It was a life or death moment. He could feel it like the cold touch of a wizened hag on his shoulder. He hadn't been expecting such a brazen move. He'd been foolish. Foolish! But there was no time to curse himself for it now. With a deftly executed pirouette, Psamathe spun and whipped her tail at the incoming ball. Dragon Dance's boost paid off in her reaction time, and a sigh of relief escaped the Galarian native's lips as he watched the severed head fly off towards some other unfortunate soul nearby. Despite all the other survivors Remy now spotted from his airborne vantage point.

Solrock, in the meantime, continued to remain in the dug out trench as ordered. Its body twitched and cracked, shedding pieces of itself and becoming smoother in the process3. A patient polish.

1 Remy sends out Solrock!
2 Flygon used Dragon Dance, right before Remy redirects the hot potato to !
3 Solrock stays in the safety of the trench and uses Rock Polish!

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2020 7:57:23 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


His hearing comes back muffled, as if he's underwater. He registers screaming, panic, the crash of boulders from the erected barrier into the earth. The heat from the blast is intense, choking, and the ranger coughs as he gets to his feet in the aftermath.

He is not alone: some are strangers, others familiar, all united in the aftermath of an explosion.

"I-I don't know," he replies, to exclamations from Pierce and an unfamiliar girl taking shelter with her Hatterene. The ordinarily composed ranger is shaken by the attack, but he forces himself to pull it together. It's the first time his job has put him in serious danger, but that's what he'd signed up for, wasn't it?

The clown-like honk might have been comical under any other circumstances. Instead, it is an eerie prologue to the creature's next action: Orion watches as corpses fuel an ever-expanding ball that's thrown in the direction of the lighthouse, the alien being mimicking an explosion.

If that explodes, we'll all die.

"I don't know what it is," he repeats, steadier than before. His throat is dry, but he won't go down without a fight. "But if we don't stop it, it'll kill us all."

"Schism!" His Swampert lets out a rumbling cry, seemingly unharmed by the blast. "We're going after that thing!"

Getting closer to the clown would also mean getting closer to the lighthouse; Orion resolves to think on his feet, offering a brief nod to those he's with before clambering aboard his Swampert. The sturdy dual-type does his best to navigate the piles of wreckage and scattered bodies as they charge headfirst toward the danger.

When Orion thinks they're close enough, he leaps off his Pokemon's back toward the nearest source of cover.

"Hydro Pump!"

Having seen the wave of explosive fire, Orion thinks to counter it with its natural foe. Swampert braces itself against the ground but still slides back from the force of the HYDRO PUMP it shoots from its maw.

- decides to chase the ultra-beast
- orion takes cover nearby as his swampert uses hydro pump on blacephalon

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2020 22:32:42 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

After the explosion, Thomas' hearing began to return, at first muffled and distorted. He looked up at the Hydreigon, who's actions protected them from the flying debris and shrapnel coming their way. Thomas would pet the dragon's main head. "Thank you.", he told the Hydreigon, who got off of him, allowing the trainer to get back to his feet. After getting back to his feet, he would look around, to observe the carnage that ensued at the hands of the bomb that went off.

Thomas stares down the culprit, the mysterious clown creature. As it dances, Thomas stares on, the Dark Gym Leader frozen in a combination of fear and awe. Just what in the name of Xerneas was this creature, exactly? As the creature summoned an even larger bomb, and tossed it towards the Lighthouse, Thomas' eyes widened. The creature's gestures were immediately understood, prompting Thomas to get back onto his Hydreigon, and fly after the ball, with others.

As they flew towards the Lighthouse, another ball came pursuing them. As another trainer's Flygon swatted it away, causing it to veer in their direction, Kalameet wasted no time in trying to get it away from them. As soon as it was close enough, the Hydreigon swung his tail as hard as he could at the thing, swatting it away from them, and unfortunately towards some other unfortunate soul.

notes: Thomas gets back on Kalameet, and flies off towards the lighthouse
Sees the ball coming towards himself and Kalameet
Hydreigon uses his tail to swat the ball away, accidentally knocking it towards Knox Prescott

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 0:13:59 GMT
Deleted Avatar


was it over? [break][break]

clearly not, because she could still hear the explosions from where she stood. it wasn't long until her figure was was shaded with a giant, ball-like head. it got larger, and larger, and larger - until it almost pushed her back to her rear trying to find where it ends. she coughs through the charred air, holding the cloth of her sweater over her mouth and nose. she glances up to her metagross, who didn't seem to have a problem breathing. not that it had to that often, she supposed. she takes a glance down to the steel mouse, now at nicole's feet. though instead of glaring up in fear, she could see the glimmer of pure admiration. it seems like the little thing mistook the bomb for a giant pokemon, which wasn't far from the dot. [break][break]

but at the same time, she sighs. now wasn't the time. she gives her two pokemon a look, then throwing out a third pokeball to let out her gardevoir. the humanoid fairy didn't seem all that impressed with how there were trainers now playing hot potato with a bomb. [break][break]

nicole on the other hand, was trying to figure out how to get the damn thing away without hurting anyone-- wait, wouldn't the bomb not hurt as much if there were water? So if they pushed it to the ocean, or far into the sky, they wouldn't have to worry too much about the explosion. probably. [break][break]

"if anyone knows rain dance, please use it..!" she calls out through the chaos, hoping that someone would be able to hear her. she gives a glance to the gardevoir. "psychic on the smaller bomb, and please throw it--" she frantically looks around, then points out to the empty sea "out there! quickly as you can!" [break][break]

the gardevoir's eyes began to glow their blue, attempting to take control of the ball before it can get too close to and, hopefully, chuck it out to the sea after a good throw and release.


- someone use rain dance god dammit [break]
- gardevoir uses psychic on the hot potato before it reaches [break]
- gardevoir does a football YEET with the bomb into the sea with psychic[break]
- hot potato's going in 's direction though

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 3:42:42 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

What the world sees and what happens are two different things.

(she gestures to her zoroark, they have practiced this kind of thing many times and the pokemon should have no problem spinning the tale.)

A small girl and the pokemon her mother has loaned her to keep her safe land atop a charred stall, the burnt wood soon begins to crack beneath her weight as she looks up at the monstrous clown like pokemon before them all. The effects of the explosion, the aftermath of destroyed stalls and flying debris bring a slow look of horror to the small child's face.

Marie begins to cry as the stall buckles beneath her. "Lulu? Wh-what's happening?" she turns to the gardevoir, the only other pokemon anyone will see when the stall breaks and her gardevoir uses it's psychic to lower her safely to the ground.

(Isra lands on her feet and stands in the remains of the stall, watching as the bulk of the crowd runs for safety but a fair few stay behind. There are always heroes in moments like these and she would do well to avoid them if she can. She continues to give silent direction to the zoroark at her heels, the hand gestures guiding her through the store.)

"We- we have to get home, we have to check on ma!" but ma lives in slateport and she might be looking for marie, so the brave little girl stands up despite her tears and gets herself together, wrapping her sniffles up with neat little bows so she can make it out of the broken and burning remains of the stall.

She makes a run for it, trying to get past the creature that is hounding them all, a small girl watches in horror as something gets bounced around by the adults and she tries to find cover from it in other broken stalls along the way. She'll slowly but surely try to make her way through market.

(Isra watches much closer from her cover, she's not here to act in hast and make mistakes. She'll let the heroes be heroes and until then, bide her time and find a location of opportunity to take advantage of.

>>for no one in particular
>>Illusion is still up!
>>Little marie is running through the messed up stalls trying to use them as cover while she gets through the market!
>>Isra is buying time, watching the potato/ultra beast

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2020 7:40:02 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Only after the roaring inferno subsided did Adrian emerge from the coils of his Gyarados, finding himself in a momentary stupor as he accounted the devastation. If not for the Blacephalon's continued rampage and the prompt response of nearby trainers, he might never have moved an inch.

Furor is hampered by its wounds, the surface of its skin dried and unhealthy, with patches of seared flesh where the blaze did its worse. It wasn't enough that Gyarados was out of the count yet, but it was enough to drive Adrian to withdraw his prize pokemon, even if it was arguably his best option. It deserved a moment's respite...

Adrian released his Arcanine, Howitzer, in a flash of white-and-red that he quickly climbed atop during the aftermath, allowing him a moment to mount his pokemon and appraise the situation. Through the chaos he could see trainers frantically discarding one of the ultra beast's party favors, considering himself lucky to be far removed from such a circumstance. But even more pressing was the time ball making its annual decent, now replaced by a doppelganger whose countdown might bring about the end of Slateport and them.

They have to stop it before it could think to...

But the lighthouse was so very, very far away...

And their true enemy is still before them, and has proven itself more than capable of producing myriad detachable explosives from its cranium.

It is the most preeminent threat, to be certain.

Howitzer's majesty can be heard in the ambiance all across the battlefield: Howling into the night sky, she inspires a primal desire in all pokemon, her regal lament a call to arms for those so moved to action against their quarry, Blacephalon.

Digging his heels into Howitzer's sides, her extreme speed swiftly carries him as if on wings, allowing him to arrive at Orion's side after recognizing him and his fight against the Blacephalon. "Cheers," he offers to them in familiarity, quickly turning to the Blacephalon.

Arriving in a whir of movement, Howitzer takes a moment to fixate on the curiously flamboyant pokemon that is the cause of their latest calamity, a snarl ripping through the air as she proffers a pointed warning to their foe: Would it care to find out which was worse, her bark or her bite?

All the while the cinders of the wreckage give credence to the rain caused by his Gyarados, the smoke beginning to feed into the cloud system, causing the drizzle to more than maintain itself.

tl;dr Withdrew Gyarados, for obvious reasons.

Send out Arcanine, Adrian mounts up.

Arcanine's Howl buffs anyone pursuant of the Ultra Beast, more specifically those closest to Adrian as he moves to confront the Blacephalon. Extreme Speed would've been against an immune target anyways, so using it to rush around. Snarl should technically damage the Ultra Beast, but more specifically it's meant to deter/prevent the Blacephalon from mustering its full strength.

Gyarados' Rain Dance continues to build up incrementally, causing a steadily increasing drizzle as a flammagenitus cloud begins to form from the accumulation of smoke due to Mind Blown.

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
175 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 1:09:58 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


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the thundering applause of the explosion was deafened by the voice on the other end of the call. it was dahlia. instinct takes over as she brings a gloved hand to cover her exposed mouth. the look of utter shock in her eyes is undeniable, easily replacing the fear that had been painted in those azure orbs moments before. then just like that, static filled her ear and olivia slipped her phone into her coat pocket. her ocean eyes were as wide as the sea as she watched the scene unfurl before her behind the safety of her kingler's protect.

they had to act. she, had to act - yet could she do this alone? she looked up to balder and then to the mighty lion of legend, beast of the sun in all his holy light. in another time, another place, olivia would have been struck with awe; yet now, as the secondary bomb came hurtling towards them, she acted. "quick shot." she ordered, rising from her crouched position. her kingler acted quick, unnaturally so as the white glow of agility enveloped his body. he zigzagged in an orange blur before launching forward in the air to strike the bomb like a volleyball with a mighty crabhammer. olivia began barking orders, hoping her voice could be heard over whirlwind of destruction, as the bomb was sent flying towards and . "elite four, your priority are the civilians! get them away and those bombs as far out as possible! all other league personnel, pursue the beast!"

it was then that she turned to face balder, grabbing him by his forearm and pulling him close. her soft spoken words were like a chill against his cheek, the mistress of the sea outshined by this avatar of the sun, as she whispered, "balder, you must trust me - we need to get to that light house before anyone, anything else. we must. this is our top priority." the silver haired woman pulled away from him then, turning her attention to the legendary before her.

as custom dictated, engraved in her brain from years of study, she offered a deep curtsy to the lion. olivia's voice took on a singsong quality, melodic yet ominous given the circumstances, as she began, "oh he who heralds the sun and brings forth the light of which we must all sustain from - i ask thee to grant us your blessing." olivia dipped her head, braided moonbeams hanging before her, azure eyes downcast as she went on, "the life by which your light guides is in peril, mighty solgaleo, and we must act with haste." she looked up, facing the legendary eye to eye - her own deep blue pleading for aide, as she asked, "you who traveled from beyond the stars to illuminate the emptiness of space, i implore thee, grant us thy speed; lend us thy aide."

to those nearby, this particular scene would look odd if not outright ridiculous: the brash councilwoman curtsying and pleading to a pokemon?

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-spinner"]

+ olivia is shook by her phone call!
+ kingler used agility! (SPD +2)
+ kingler used crabhammer!
+ olivia gives orders for the elite four ( ) to handle the bomb!
+ hot potato sent towards !
+ olivia ask balder for help!
+ olivia pleads to solgaleo!

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the volatile
August 15th
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tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 8:27:37 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar





In the collision, Bailey Cooper was wretched from her Scoliopeed's grasp.[break][break]

Her body hit the concrete, rolling across the ground in a fashion that had become all too familiar to her. The hard, gritty, and unforgiving surface of the street felt as if it was pushing up against her with each rotation, stabbing into her exposed flesh—another series of scrapes and cuts that would bleed and eventually scab.[break][break]

It stung. Her mind processed this pain the same way it processed the adrenaline. Hot—she thought—as memories of countless endeavors seared to the surface of her mind. It was like auto-pilot—like letting the body respond before the brain could react. She took her sense of self and shoved it into the trunk of a car, and then lodged her foot to the gas pedal.[break][break]

It was why she was able to recover mid-turn, mid-toss, and let her elbows drag as she spun and tried to return back to her feet.[break][break]

Scoliopeed was withdrawn the moment a hand was free.[break][break]

And when her head was raised, she could see the chaos—could hear the screams and the broil of the fire that wretched through the New Years Celebration. The maimed bodies were visible, even as they tried to shrink away from the bouncing beast.[break][break]

People were going to die. Just like Regirock. Just like Slateport. Just like the Space Center. Just like Mossdeep. A hyper beam was what pierced her mind with its hot, furious light as those thoughts burned through her. “Fuck!” [break][break]

But not if she could be fast enough. Just for once. Just for fucking once—![break][break]

The desire to win propelled her to her feet, launching her like a springboard. To action. To the fight. To the dance that she had skirted oh-so-many times before.[break][break]

One more fandango with a “space pokemon,” or whatever official name the League had dreamed up for these invaders. Who fucking cared? [break][break]

She had coined her name first.[break][break]

It was the job of the Elite Four to protect the region. It was the job of the Elite Four to hold the line. To the boundaries, where they could skirt with the enemy—the most dangerous job, but also the most indispensable, despite the risk of life that came with wearing this bloodied mantle.[break][break]

Let the experienced handle the threat. Let their skill be the decisive factor that would turn the tide.[break][break]

But it seemed as though someone misunderstood this simple concept—someone misunderstood the fire of a burning victory star that had no time to waste.[break][break]

Bailey Cooper spared a glance—one that sang of past violence and past trials that she had routinely overcome. It was a moment of eye-contact that was only broken by the sight of the explosive that was propelled right towards her. An insult. Who would throw a live explosive to someone recovering from a fall, and then shout orders as if they had not placed them in a disadvantageous position?[break][break]

Bailey was not the brightest, but even she knew that was stupid.[break][break]

Protect the civilians? That was the job of every other trainer here.[break][break]

Bailey Cooper had the real job, and it was not at the whim of the Council. It was beyond that.[break][break]

“I know where I'm needed,” and her eyes focused back to the dancing pantomime and the sight of its growing head atop the lighthouse—an explosive that would assuredly cause immeasurable damage.[break][break]

The visage of a hyper beam cutting through Mossdeep reemerged—she knew what these creatures were capable of.[break][break]

She ran. She pushed forward with the same fire that raised her from the ground, and let her feet beat down against the concrete as she ran to a feverish pitch. It had to be stopped.[break][break]

And as for the floating ball that was launched her way? A capsule burst from her waist, and from it came a monstrosity of a pokemon that only she could control.[break][break]

A shadow pokemon—the first of its kind. The tainted red flesh of the Krookodile materialized from its pokeball with a presence that seemed to speak of its taint.[break][break]

His reddened hand was raised, pulsing with malevolent energy as he gleefully sought the ball.[break][break]

And fucking spiked it. Payback.[break][break]

The ball would shudder from a force that no normal pokemon could hope to inflict, and was sent spiraling right to .[break][break]


Her eyes only looked back to her fellow Elite Four members, just to confirm if they would follow her charge. In the next moment, she would hop-jump in the air, letting her shadow pokemon grasp her by the waist— “like I'm a cheerleader, Gator.”[break][break]

That same thunderous strength would be used to toss Bailey upward. Another series of spins, Another head-rush as the nausea made her organs clench and leap to her throat.[break][break]

Gator the Krookodile was quickly withdrawn—if you have a way to quickly bring your pokemon back to your position, then why not abuse it?[break][break]

It was hard to tell the difference between the earth and the sky while mid-spin, so she let the light and the heat of the inferno that consumed the night market be her indicator.[break][break]

Another pokeball. Her fall would be halted by a pair of spindly appendages that would snag her arm, hoisting her mid-air and stopping her before she could make her descent.[break][break]

Vikavolt hold her steady, beating its wings at a furious pace. From up high, she had a vantage point that let her see where the ultra beast was heading—and how to intercept it. If this was a race, then Bailey would refuse to lose it.[break][break]

Agility was used as they raced to the lighthouse. It was not extreme speed, but it would have to make due.[break][break]

tldr: spiked the ball back to . Currently trying to intercept the ultra beast using vikavolt and its move agility.


the event


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 9:06:21 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

In the midst of many trainers and Pokémon (including the legendary Solgaleo) there was a lot to take notice of after the ball had been redirected. Unable to keep still, Flygon buzzed around swiftly as Remiel observed the efforts of those who stood. Some focused on keeping the roaming explosive away, others focused their efforts on reaching the lighthouse or attacking the culprit. With the cover of a steadily growing gray cloud in the sky, Remiel prompted his Flygon to fly into it with a tap from his heels. "Dragon Dance, up. Yip yip!"1

They spiraled upward a little faster than they had done before, concealed by the dark amalgamation of smoke and cloud and unfettered by the drizzle. Once they broke past it enough to spot the glowing light from the orb attached to the top of the lighthouse, Remiel would grip onto the grooves of Psamathe's shoulder blades before gripping his legs tightly against her sides.

"Let's go!"

Spurred on by its draconic spirit, the dragon shot forward towards the armed lighthouse with the dark cloud under its belly2. With the red covers shielding its eyes, it saw it clearly. Remy, in the meantime, kept his gaze downward in an attempt to try and spot the Ultra Beast past the canvas of grey— or an incoming attack.

Surviving was paramount, so stopping that ball from dropping was priority. If the Ultra Beast was allowed to continue feeding that ball, however, or if it caught notice of him and Psamathe, Remiel would not hesitate to fight back. After all, stopping the creature through violence or capture, though not a guarantee, could prove to be another solution for the ticking time bomb that loomed overhead. The uncertainty could be fatal.

Back in the trench they'd abandoned, the Solrock suddenly stopped polishing itself without a sound3. It seemed, though it understood Remy's initial command, it had not, in fact, understand his request to keep on doing so. But it at least remained where it had been left, concealed from onlookers and any potential explosion. Eerily silent and expressionless.

1 Flygon used Dragon Dance with Remy on its back, and the two were concealed by the cloud!
2 Remy and Flygon try and close the distance between themselves and the lighthouse!
3 Uncommanded, Solrock stops polishing itself and waits.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 9:26:50 GMT
Deleted Avatar


Adrenaline boils over, blood pumping straight into his heart. His ears are left ringing muffling the screams all around him - a byproduct of the massive explosion that nearly charred away at his entire being. He turns back expectantly to the ranger, but he’s just as lost as he is within the chaos. His brain hasn’t even registered the burnt remains riddled with wooden shrapnel that lay underneath the debris.

Confusion begins to flood in, but the adrenaline keeps his mind alert causing him to curse loudly. He pushes himself up from the ground with gritted teeth and frustration. Back on his feet he finally notices the clown’s protruding head, the ball expanding yet again. His eyes widen in shock as the concept of death sinks in.

”You gotta be kidding me, mate.” he says, exasperated at the thought of having to chase such a beast, but he’d already fought against a gigantic pokemon before. ”Damn it all, let’s go Farasma!”

He tosses out his pokeball, summoning the phantasmal dragon and he latches his hand onto its plane-like head as it jetisens into flight, chasing after Orion and his Swampert. Trailing closely behind, he drops down upon seeing Orion dive for cover as the Swampert blasted away a giant ray of water.

Pierce quickly joins Orion as he turns to the Drakloak. ”Phantom Force!”

The Drakloak, continuing its flight after the clown suddenly begins to sink into the ground, diving deep within the shadows. Using the Hydro Pump as a distraction and an optimal chance, it suddenly emerges in front from beneath the earth and strikes at it with its tail.

As this happens, he begins digging around his bag and pulls out a spare pokeball. Filled with doubt he lets out a massive groan as he briefly pops out of the cover and tosses it the clown.

”You wanna play with balls! Play with this!”

tldr; pierce chases after orion with his drakloak.
drakloak uses phantom force on the blacephalon alongside the swampert's hydro pump.
pierce also throws a pokeball at the clown.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 14:49:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


the dust was thick. the smell of charred bodies was thick. the cuts on his arm and hyah's body were thick. the warm duffle back under his arms was thick.

despite the explosion ending the ringing in his ears was still present. cupping one hand to the side of his head kazimir patted hyah's body to stir the pokemon back up. as he did he took a look at their surroundings, their yakisoba place completely trashed, the clown throwing its newly grew head towards the lighthouse, really onto the pole that held the ball to signal in the new years. kazi watched as it slowly ticked down, probably to this whole city's demise if no body found a way to stop it.

already people were either making their way there, or doing what they could against the extraterrestrial clown and the sick game of hot potato it was playing with the survivors as it pranced along towards the light house to set off the first bomb. "c'mon buddy. we gotta go, we all do." two more lights surrounded him as slitty and taiyo appeared, both of them taken aback at the hellish scene around them all. "beef up guys! and cover me."

the solrock and staryu floated around kazimir in a circle and their bodies became to glow as little stars around them appeared and danced with them, a display of their cosmic power granting them a greater boon. slitty floated above the group, slashing at air in a swords dance that only it knew. all the while kazimir quickly changed into something despite the large crack that showed off an eye full of rage at clowns today.

"ikuze!" kazimir wrapped an arm around the solrocks protrusions and let it lift him up a foot above the ground and charged off ahead. slitty and hyah both floating right behind him. "hyah! don't let that ball near anyone else!" with that the staryu quickly floated over to where an olivia abbiati was pleading with the legendary lion and floating up to in front of her just in time to meet the ball coming her way with a light screen, the bomb bouncing off of the rectangle and its trajectory heading straight for 's location.

"taiyo, lock 'em down! slitty! get slitting!" the honedge began to fly parallel to the ground as it made its way towards the clown, as it did the shadow under began to morph and quickly shoot out, beating out the honedge for striking at the clown with a shadow sneak. meanwhile with a loud hum taiyo's eyes began to glow and its body gave off an aura that split apart into several rocks that rained down around the clown, a rock slide meant to keep it from advancing as the rocks fell all around it to form a small wall. kazimir and his solrock floated up to the strange creature to inspect their work. "your pretty bad at your job y'know. clowns are supposed to make people laugh, not scream in terror buddy."

    + solrock and staryu use cosmic power to boost defense
    + honedge uses swords dance to boost offense
    + staryu uses light screen to protect and send the bomb to
    + honedge uses shadow sneak on blacephalon
    + solrock uses rock slide on blacephalon
    + kazimir uses taunt on blacephalon


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Employee at the Stray
189 height
189 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 15:13:51 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
The smoke cleared. Her head, much less so. Commands and greetings from a knightly friend. Shields and barriers being thrown up all around them. The monstrosity, alive – no worse for wear, even. Dozens of children and Pokemon that were too slow, too unlucky, laying lifeless on the ground. Dead. Gone. Probably. Maybe. It was hard to tell.

A child like her thrived when surrounded by the unexpected, but this was a far cry from the mischief she usually called life. It would have overwhelmed her, shut her down, if adrenaline hadn’t stepped in and purged her mind. The corpses? Weren’t there. The fire? Not a problem. All that mattered were the immediate threats to their lives. The beast and its bombs.

Judging by everybody else’s reactions, she wasn’t alone. Her eyes darted around, following the ball as each trainer tried to escape its imminent wrath. Of particular note was the so called Elite Four member: while most others desperately shot the head somewhere, anywhere away from them, there was no mistaking her Pokemon’s aim as anything other than a targeted strike. A petty, cruel targeted strike at that. It was appalling, especially from the supposed ‘best of them’, and if they didn’t have slightly bigger fish to fry, she would have made those thoughts known. Until a better chance presented itself, all she could do was remember how an Elite acted in trying times.

But alas, they all had other priorities, and so she had to settle for a brief look of dismay. While it came uncomfortably close to her, the ball was deflected, leaving her and her Pokemon to focus on the big bad. Her gaze shifted to the nearby knight. “Yep-yeah, terrible time to meet and all.” She didn’t sound enthused about the small talk at all – but really, could he blame her? “I’m gonna try and pin that frick down so we can blast it to hell. Gemini!” The Starmie’s gem blinked yellow in acknowledgement. “Use Psychic to stop that clown freak!” The star took to the air and glowed blue; if it was successful, so would the beast. The attack was anything but, for it didn’t aim to strike – just to halt it, slow it, do something that could leave it vulnerable to the other attacks.

“And Frankie, get it with a Tri-Attack!” Her silent shield rushed out from behind her, past Balder and Solgaleo. In one mighty leap, it stood atop their earthen shield, giving it a clear shot at its target. Well, as clear as things were going to get with the fire, smoke, and general nightmare continuing around them. A triangle of fire, ice and sparks formed in front of the Type: Null’s helmet, and from its center, a beam fired to strike the clown. They’d be lucky if it hit, but it was likely for naught.

TL;DR: -1 respect for . She tells @creepy her plan. Her Starmie uses Psychic to try and keep Blacephalon still. Her Type: Null uses Tri-Attack on Blacephalon.


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 17:06:46 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his heart races, processing noah's actions as danger in the heat of the moment. he breaths heavy, calming down when his eyes meet noah's face. a smirk comes to his face as he takes noah's grip off of him.

"you really want to kill me that badly?"

the happi he wore for the festival gets torn, but it was the least of his worries for the evening. the rest of the prizes they won were still on his grip, but it's getting clear that they were going to be a burden. he lets go off his merch and settles to the side before getting up from his position with one decisive jump.

"don't worry about me," kyle speaks. his eye were not on neither the bodyguard nor , but on a far off direction. "i'm not fragile."

he quickly takes a pokeball from a holster he wears outside the traditional festival clothing, opening it from his hand instead of throwing it in the air. a manectric comes out, ready for any action in a moment's notice.


the manectric notices what kyle was monitoring. she raises her rump, ready to play. she waits for the ball to reach them, coating herself in electricity, before tackling the ball in an angle that sends it way beyond their location.

it's going to get back to the ground, homing in to , but kyle already moves on to his business.

"stormy, you can handle things from here, right?" they've talked about this before, and she already knows of kyle's priorities when it comes to disasters. this wasn't like before when he thrived alone. "noah..." he'd bark an order again, but realizes he doesn't really have any connection with the league. "...do what you want." he shrugs afterwards.

he takes his phone out, dialing 's number and puts the device on his ear. a finger blocks the other. he already knows mateo's going to be too excited dealing with whatever creature has taken over the festival, with noelle probably close by. he'd be more surprised if the two weren't at the festival.

his legs were already moving somewhere deeper in the ruckus, his pokemon following closely. "where are you at? i'll regroup with you guys, m'kay?" whether noelle gives him an answer or not, he breaks into a sprint right afterwards.

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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 19:12:21 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


As the explosion subsided, Balder patted Solgaleo's mane, making the Wide Guard vanish. The protection had been a success. No one that stood behind them got harmed by the blast and the flying debris. Thomas' pokemon and the other Swampert also offered a good protection, and the others that were too far were able to protect themselves. As the protection faded, a familiar voice rose up behind him. The Alolan Gym Leader turned around to notice a challenger he had at his gym: Annie Mei. She was asking what they should do and what was that thing. Beside her was Fernando and an unknown beautiful lady.[break][break]

"What we need to do is the same as usual: Prioritize people's safety and make sure there's no mor destruction. As for the identity of that thing... Hard to say. It's the first time I saw such a creature. But one thing is certain: It's not from this world. So Annie, it's time to put in practice the skills I helped you build up during your gym challenge. Do your best, stay safe and try to help us calm things down!"[break][break]

No dead people, only wounded individuals. There was at least some good news in this tragedy. Deciding to assist a few of the civilians out there, Balder decided to call forth a new companion: Chosuke, his Alolan Raichu. Emerging from the pokeball in a multiple of sparks and flashes, the surfing mouse smiled as he saw his trainer. But then, he saw the chaos around him, and the smile vanished.[break][break]

"I know Chosuke, I promised you some night surfing and festivities, but we got a situation on our hands. Can you assist anyone that's trying to escape? Show them the way to the exit of Slateport, and assist anyone that's unable to move with your psychic powers." The creature nodded before beginning to surf in the air, trying to find any civilians that were lost or needed help. As Balder was about to get on top of Leo and rush towards the invader, the clown began to create another one of its explosive toys.[break][break]

Much bigger then the previous one, one could even say as big as the moon, the globe was slowly floating downwards, located just over the Lighthouse. Balder turned his head to stare at the Blacephalon, who proceeded to emulate that, if the ball touches the peak of the lighthouse... boom. And judging from the previous explosion, this one could be quite dangerous. And much bigger too. Maybe escaping the city wouldn't be enough at this point.[break][break]

To had more to the stress, the creature sent a tracking orb after people. In panic, people began to toss it around to get rid of it, but it always found a new target. And thus, it came towards Balder. But just before it collided, a Kingler smashed the ball towards Bailey, member of the elite 4. A pokemon he was somewhat familiar with, as it belonged to Olivia. As Balder facepalmed from the action of the Kingler, Olivia began to shoot orders to everyone, until she moved in towards Balder and whispered they needed to get to the lightouse and that he should listen to her if he trusted her. And then she started pleading to Leo about how she needed his assistance. Uncomfortable, the lion turned towards Balder, wondering what they should do. The ALolan Avenger's face was slowly turning red from the anger.[break][break]

"Trust you? You litterally sent a floating bomb towards one of the elite four and then ordered her to assist the civilians. If that ball didn't get deflected to somebody else, your choice would've put not only one of our strongest asset, but many civilians in danger! Especially since I could've possible handled that explosion with my hardened body! Plus, you tell people to chase after the beast, yet you want just you and me to go to the lighthouse? Clearly, it's not to stop that explosion! You got something else in mind, and I'm not helping you until you explain it. I'll do as I want, as the other inviduals here should."[break][break]

Hopefully she would explain herself, otherwise Balder was ready to act accordingly. Possibly even denounce her to the council and have her removed, as this was definitely the worst idea the lady ever had. What could've happened to make her fall so much?


[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO
[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY
Replies to 's questions and tells her what to do[break]
Summons Chosuke who asissts people in escaping.[break]
Balder is enraged and chastises Olivia for her actions and choice.
0000 WORDS FOR @event [break]

[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!








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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2020 22:34:38 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Protect would keep them from the blast and they were lucky enough to be unharmed with the other debris and objects being thrown around. Josh didn't know much of what was going on, but he knew that this clown thing, whether it be Pokemon or some kind of other monster... Was a serious threat. His expression indicated calm, even if he was panicking deep down. He kept his cool, laser focused on what was in front of him. They needed to stop this thing before it hurt anyone else. Josh watched the scene with the thing starting to bring a growing ball to its staff, and he wasn't hesitating and letting it throw anymore explosives.

He needed to stop it, and he needed to stop it now.

"Let's go" He spoke firmly toward the Raichu and Swampert as he took off at a run, the other two Pokemon carrying themselves behind him. He needed to get in close. If he could do so, he could get in some attacks, maybe take it down... Or at the least keep it from attacking further until backup arrived. He noticed though, that it seemed to be heading for the lighthouse... And an idea hit him. If he could get to the lighthouse, it would give him the leverage to attack from above.

With that, he started to take off toward the lighthouse. He noticed something beginning to head toward others... But he hoped they could handle themselves. He needed to stop this thing, and soon. He knew he couldn't stop, as much as he wanted to.

-Josh, Raichu and Swampert bolted in the direction of the lighthouse.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing