i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
175 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 3:51:23 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


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olivia winced as she felt the heat of the explosion graze her back, shrapnel flying everywhere yet she was safe; her kingler's last act or protection catching any stray debris before it fainted unceremoniously. she watched the mystic dragon fell from the sky and her heart sank. her own pokemon, if she were to lose one... a deep scowl graced her face as she recalled her crab pokemon. with that done she stepped over the threshold of the light house, into the unknown.

what awaited her was all too familiar. wet, dank, and terrifying - and in the middle of it all, as olivia took a tentative step forward was none other than . olivia was shocked, the silver tongued sea snake unable to speak a word, unaware she was being watched. even worse was she cacooned in some kind of tentacle slime? absolutely disgusting. then suddenly, the commissioner jolts back to life. "dahlia?" olivia manages to ask before those crystal clear blue eyes of the goode woman meet the abbiati witch's stormy gaze, and a single word is muttered. it had no meaning, now, and olivia sneaked in a "wha-" before the light of consciousness fades from her eyes and her body goes limp.

just as quickly as it was over, the commissioner rose from her trance and a tentacle lashed out and wrapped itself around olivia's throat. her ocean eyes dart from tentacle to tentacle, the heads of men and women decorating each like a twisted yule time tree topper. then the shebeast gave forth a shrill scream and bursted forth form the lighthouse with olivia in towe. "dah- dahlia, stop." she chokes out as the beast flies towards the clown. she croaks, "i can help yo-" before the tentacle tightens, olivia becoming the sole focus of the freak.

her fingers desperately reached for the two pokeballs belted at her waist, eyes downcast as she tried to do the impossible. her own pokeon looked up at her through their spherical prisons and recognized her desperation. she is so close, yet so far. her pokemon both slam into the red and white walls of the container to no avail. miraculously, a single finger flirted by the release button of both; which was all her sharpedo and jellicent needed to burst forth in stark white light.

immediately, her sharpedo blast into action with an aqua jet enhanced by its natural speed boosting abilities and the rain. chione sensed his mistress's plea and with the last of her will and strength, olivia coughed out, "psych." the sharpedo knew what he needed to do, and the chained jewel on his fin began to glow with aquamarine light as the sapphire set ring on olivia's finger mimicked it in a dazzling light that swarmed around the mid air shark. chione the sharpedo mega evolved.

rocketing towards the base of the tentacle which held olivia, chione crunched down on the limb with glowing pink psychic fangs empowered by its strong jaw. this attack was more than a mere bite, however, as it attempted to sever whatever psychic connection existed between the commissioner and the parasite. the last thing olivia saw was the bulbous blue head of her jellicent rise from underneath her.

the jellicent floated eerily, its own tentacles writhing with rage and fury. its giant bubble body would provide a landing surface for olivia as it raised two phantasmal stingers. the ocean water begins to bubble all around the lighthouse before rushing towards the jelly fish pokemon and immediately being spurted out at the dahlia fusion, aiming to hurtle it into the clown pokemon - easily soaking both in its torrential water spout as the rain fell to further empower the attack.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-spinner"]

+ olivia recalls her ko'd kingler!
+ feels bad man at the death of flygon!
+ slips into the front door of light house!
+ shocked to see dahlia!
+ blackwell??
+ tries to converse with dahlia!
+ choked!
+ sharpedo & jellicent burst from ball(s)!
+ sharpedo mega evolves!
+ sharpedo uses aqua jet [boosted by SPEED BOOST and RAIN] and psychic fang [boosted by STRONG JAW] on tentacle holding olivia!
+ jellicent tries to catch olivia and uses water spout [boosted by RAIN] (x2) on both ultra beast!

+ TX8C|3_h

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 4:06:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


a lot was going on. even as kazimir could feel the weight of his blade cutting across the clown the rumble of explosions cut through the air and shook his body with their vibrations as bodies began to hit the ground. were they people or pokemon? the thought process couldn't be finished as he felt other attacks whizz past him and strike the clown. the thing looked like it took a large hit as it reeled back and threw another bomb at its feet, blowing back it and kazimir who managed to roll across the ground to where his staryu's body managed to stop him from going too far.

"damn, that thing is pretty tough...thanks hyah. you too slitty." perhaps it was a bit too early for thanks as he saw the clown get closer and closer to the lighthouse and produce some kind of barrier in front of itself. "what the- oh crap!" looking around kazimir caught the sight of hte mines placed down earlier making their way to the clown, which was definitely not a good sign.

also what wasn't a good sign was some kind of tentacle monster coming out of the lighthouse wailing like a banshee and holding someone in its grasps. "aw double crap." as if one monster was bad enough. rising to his feet he twirled the honedge in a dance of swords to raise its cutting power as he quickly devised a plan of action in his mind. beating the clown was important, but saving a life was even more important.

"HYAH! GET US UP TO THAT OCTOPUS. TAIYO! waste this clown." the solrock took no hesitation as it obeyed its trainer and released the beam of solar energy it was charging right at the clown's barrier to take it down. the staryu let out a chirp as the gem on its face began to glow and a blue aura surrounded kazimir and his honedge, its psychic power taking hold of them as it was prepared to launch them into the air towards the tentacle monster.

wait a minute.

"hold up, i think i changed my mi-IIIIIIIIIIIIND!

pokenger was launched into the air with a scream, his plan already set in motion despite any second thoughts he was having mid-flight. as he approached the beast he had a second to notice that it looked like there was a person inside the monster as slitty's body glowed white instead of black, a sacred sword that was reserved to deliver justice to those that deserved it. kazi knew he couldn't have any hesitation now as he swung at the beast's arms holding the other lady in its grasp.

    + solrock uses solar beam on blacephalon
    + honedge uses swords dance to power up again (x2 swords dance used now)
    + staryu uses psychic to launch kazimir at
    + pokenger (kazimir/honedge) uses sacred sword on to free



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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 4:39:58 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


Orion watches in horror as the deflected mine hits its mark; lifting a hand to shield his eyes from the sudden flare of light-and-flame, he feels heat and guilt wash over him in equal measure. His warning had come too late.

There's little time to dwell on it, however, as Hydreigon carries both he and ever-closer to the lighthouse.

What follows is horrific.

Wide eyes stare, full of confusion and dread. Dahlia emerges from the lighthouse... only it's not really Dahlia, it's an abomination that inhabits her skin. It's really Olivia she's choking, though, and Orion's not exactly fond of Abiatti but there's no way he's going to let personal feelings get in the way of saving a life.

There's nothing he can do about the barrier, but maybe he can do something about this.

"Hold on, Annie."

He instructs his Hydreigon to fly low, that his passenger might be able to disembark should she choose, then rise back into the air with or without her. Orion clings to its middle neck as it swoops into firing range of not-Dahlia, hopefully out of reach of the other monstrous tentacles. He's about to instruct his Hydreigon to fire off an attack when several things happen at once: 's Pokemon burst from their balls, her Sharpedo transforms, and an absolute madman by the name of is launched into the air, Sacred-Sword first.


Hydreigon growls beneath him and it rattles his bones, but the ferocious beast is his to command, and obeys his will.

Orion tosses a Pokeball, releasing his Alolan Marowak onto the ground below. She is less reckless than his dragon, her aim more precise, and so it is to her that he calls: "Aim for the tentacle!"

Spectra spins her bone around in deft hands, a mimicry of a swords dance, then holds it steady and focuses her energy. With narrowed eyes, the determined dual-type would throw the bonemarang directly at the eerie tentacle, aiming for the weakest point she could find.


- tells to hold on as they fly toward the UB/Dahlia/Olivia
- flies low enough that Annie can hop off if she wants to!
- flies back up and prepares an attack, but switches course upon seeing the absolute mad lad that is launched toward his foe
- sends out Alolan Marowak, who uses a combination of swords dance and focus energy to hone in on her target before throwing a bonemarang at the tentacle holding

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 6:06:52 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar

the kimono he'd worn for today's festival was torn and battered, residuals of soot and burn marks from the explosion were found upon missing parts of his clothing. venasaur unwrapped his vines from mateo's waist, allowing him a moment to gather himself. for a brief second mateo stared toward the scene in which he'd lost a pokemon. sceptile emerged by his side, the grass-type watching its trainer motionless. a slap was heard, sceptile would bring the trainer out of his daze. holding his face, mateo murmured, "sceptile..." there was no time to mourn for the dead. sceptile uttered its name repeatedly in an attempt to convey this thought, the trainer would have time to shed tears later.

"right..i hear you!" in the midst of composing himself. he'd stand to dust himself and turn toward , and with a cheesy grin, "thanks!" mateo expressed his gratitude, a temporary facade currently worn. a quick pat from the palm of his hand was placed atop of noelle's head and with his other hand he'd pat 's shoulder. "alright," a slight tone of anger was hidden within his next statement, brows furrowed, "let's just do what we do best. break shit, plan on the go, and hope for the best." just from their position he could see doing just that, "like that!" mateo desired nothing more than payback.

from their position the clown began to conduct a strange action, and that wasn't all. mateo saw something foreign hovering next to the creature with a person in their grasp. "it's one thing after another, the hell---" it was then that "pokenger" () was seen lunging toward the ultra beast's new comrade. "isn't that the weirdo who's been on the news prancing around in tights?" when did he get here?

"anyway, arcanine!" running to meet up with , and taking the lead before and . once there, with a simple toss of his final pokeball, he'd call out kyle the arcanine, "use dragon pulse! sceptile, mimic: dragon pulse!" a duo pulse of dragon energy was then hurdled toward the ultra beast. "we're here to back you up!" he shouted toward .


notes: - fuck dragocess
- met up with kyle and noelle
- saw that weirdo in tights flying to fight
- sceptile and arcanine use dragon pulse on the ultra beast
- met up with and


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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
151 height
151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 6:33:21 GMT
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The explosion was simply background noise, as well as the casualties that had come with it; said cacophony of anguish going wholly unnoticed. Marie’s attention stayed on the task she had assigned herself: entering the lighthouse.

It would take a moment for her to enter, a window left half opened creating a less than easy entrance for her to climb into.

For the first thing to greet her to be a freshly jellied commissioner though, that was unexpected. Though not exactly surprising, Marie simply taking the showcase as it had presented itself.

So this is where you’ve been?” She questioned with a sneer- managing to get out her comment before the councilwoman was snatched up and promptly escorted from the premises.

Marie couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight, a hand moving to cover her mouth coyly as they burst through the lighthouse door.

Though her giggles would soon fade as a Gardevoir presented itself, a ball in hand, Marie taking it then pondering for only a moment.

From her point of view she was given two options, ensure the assassination of the commissioner by using this ball on whatever it was that wrapped itself around her, or stop this ball creature from its dirty deeds.

The obvious choice was the latter.

What use was a dead commissioner when she couldn’t revel in the accomplishment when all was said and done after all.

She raises her hand into the air and to the side then snaps, the sound not loud by any means but catching the attention of the Salazzle, its eyes sharpening as it turned to its master- the woman standing within the shadows of the lighthouse and peeking through the opening made by the now-possessed commissioner. Her hand falls down and she points to the two women: Olivia and Dahlia, nodding her head quietly.

The Salazzle shifted its attention from
her trainer to the two she had pointed out, its daggered eyes locked onto the commissioner. There would only be a moment before the pokemon closed the distance between it and her target, a corrosive liquid launching from the Salazzle’s tail and seeping through the jellied mass, Toxic seeking the woman's skin through her congealed armor, a Venoshock following it up in an attempt to strengthen the poison.

As her Salazzle worked Marie began to make her way towards the Blacephalon, keeping herself hidden within the ruins of the night market. She waits, patiently eyeing and awaiting for her to make a move, the pokemon in her possession seeming to be the only thing that had made a dent in this creature.

She watched as men flew and pokemon showered it in attacks- her own Umbreon included- but she stayed her hand, awaiting for the right move to be made. And when it was, the ball flew, its aim, the weakened Blacephalon.

- blah blah blah Salazzle used Toxic on Nihiliah (Salazzle has the ability Corrosion) as an attempt to poison Dahlia the uses Venoshock to make it more effrective

- sets up all stealth like to catch the ball fucker and throws the beast ball when it looks weak enough/whenever Annie's dumbass dog thing hits that bitch


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twenty five
february 24
let us live, since we must die
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TAG WITH @knox
knox prescott
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 16:03:54 GMT
knox prescott Avatar
[attr="class","knoxpost"]ash fills his nose. he coughs and pulls himself from the wreckage of splintered wood. colorful banners lay torn to shreds, half-burnt from the explosions. captain eyes him with concern, but when it's clear he's only walking away with a couple of bruises, she turns her attention back to their surroundings. 

and knox sees hadly in the distance, running towards the tower. the ball from that creature's head still careens towards the lighthouse and he swears under his breath. 

captain makes a noise and he follows her gaze. his heart freezes, because the commissioner is there holding olivia abbiati in a choking grasp. or what was the commissioner. 

remember your orders. 

his mind races. this could be the perfect moment. in the open, attacking the commissioner because she's been corrupted. it wouldn't be outright murder. people might praise him for what he's done. and he'll still have done rocket's bidding. 

and what of eden? 

she can handle herself.

true, but he thinks it because of selfish reasons. 

blue pops out of her ball at his command and he orders both his pokemon to stand side by side. and then they run, closing the distance, knox calculating how much space his partners will need to pull off their attack with higher accuracy.

he stops, panting, and gives them his word. blue skids forward and blasts a hydro pump from her jaws, tail slamming down on the ground to stabilize her as she's forced backward from the torrent of water. captain leaps above her, curls her body, and executes a thunderbolt as the water travels towards its mark.

knox runs towards the commissioner
blue uses hydro pump on dahlia!
captain uses thunderbolt on dahlia!

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 16:06:53 GMT
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he ducks at stormy's prompt. the explosion demolishes the dragonite before them. kyle cringes at himself for thinking that at least it's not the dragonite mateo had since his early beginnings.

the scene gets him hot. his heart beat rises and a nervous smile forms in his expression amid the forming apocalypse. the touch on his shoulder drags him back to reality, calming him down and getting his head leveled.

kyle grumbles at the suggestion proposed by and at 's agreement. "that's probably not the best way to deal with this," he turns his head to survey his surroundings afterwards, "but i like that call."

slateport was already demolished once. what's another instance?

one quick glance at the battlefield and kyle gets into action. he switches his manectric for his dragalge as he comes closer to the center of the action, turns around and surveys the bombs homing closer to them. "hydro pump," he orders once he's sure that no one else was behind him.

a ray of pressurized water hits through multiple bombs in an arc behind them, detonating them all at once to prevent them from closing in on the people on the front lines. he thinks water helps lessening the damage, but kyle doesn't have a physics degree or something to help him prove the point of the idea in his head.

and with that, it lessens the things he has to take note of in battle.

he pumps his fist in the air, towards the mess. he turns to both and who he came with, somewhat expecting them to get ahead of him by now. "ikuze!" he shouts, like the weeb that he is.


  • reluctantly agrees with the plan
  • detonates mines from a distance with hydro pump
  • he's gonna get fired for destroying the city i bet

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 16:51:16 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

The minefield was terrifying, but Astral lead them through safe and sound. The Lighthouse was within reach, and yet Whisper held Ruby back from simply rushing in. Something wasn't right. Terrifying emotions were echoing practically across the entire city, but something there unnerved even Whisper. It would eventually reveal itself, being the possessed Commissioner. Once again, Ruby didn't know what to do. There was so much going on, everyone was attacking these strange beasts to try and save themselves...

Ruby glanced at the ball dropping, it was almost to the bottom. And yet, it seemed to be shrinking with every hit. The girl instantly made up her mind, despite the tears already starting to fall from her eyes. If they couldn't stop the bomb, then it was their duty to make sure it was as small as possible. They could save the region, even if it meant they might not live. The thought was terrifying, but she refused to be a passive casualty in this conflict. Her fear and sadness slowly turning into anger, Ruby stared down Blacephalon as he seemed to be forming a Light Screen. Her tear-covered face twisted into an angry scowl.

Astral the Gothorita seemed to just look at Whisper, the two of them communicating psychically. Whisper's own anger just seemed to react to Ruby's, building and building until she actually let out a cry, floating off the ground slightly. Ruby quickly sent out Grace her Gardevoir as well, quickly speaking to it with a shaky tone to her voice. "Grace, Astral, support her! Please!" The two nodded their heads, quickly taking their place right by Whisper's sides.

Astral continued to use Future Sight, searching for an opening, some sign of weakness, or perhaps just a way to stop the bombs from colliding between them. Meanwhile, Grace suddenly twirled in the rain, an aura of water seemed to spin out away from her, using Life Dew to heal any nearby allies and even attempt to put out some fires at the same time. However, Whisper continued staring dead ahead, silent as they always seemed to be.

"P-please..." Ruby shook in the rain, the combination of the cold water soaking her to her bones directly conflicted with the rubble, flames and active bombs still all around them. Her hand instinctively went to the necklace her mother had given her, no idea if she'd ever see her again. However, to Ruby's own surprise, the necklace itself seemed to react to Ruby's touch.

A strange aura seemed to surround Whisper as she physically changed. Growing not only in size but in strength as well, Ruby only stared in shock as Whisper let out a terrifying shriek, floating up above the ground with her new three tentacles swaying in the air. The Raging Goddess was pure anger, her face twisted with a wild smirk.


Ruby's natural instinct was to laugh, despite everything. Even now, Whisper was full of surprises. There seemed to be no limit to what she could do. "Whisper!" Ruby shouted as loud as she could, pointing at the Blachepalon with focused intent. "Put him down!" The psychic energies that had already been swirling around the Hatterene quickly grew in brightness as Whisper attacked with all of her mental might. Using Psychic, a huge torrent of mental energy was fired at the clown, attempting to overpower straight through whatever screen he was trying to build.


notes: Ruby's determined to at least make the explosion smaller, even if they can't survive. Astral uses Future Sight once more, looking for the best possible outcome. Grace uses Life Dew, to heal any nearby allies and attempt to displace some flames. Whisper Mega-Evolves and blasts Blacephalon with Psychic+Calm Mindx2 in an attempt to pierce straight through the light screen.

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 17:09:01 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Though Thomas and Kalameet would successfully navigate the minefield without a hitch on their part, the sounds of explosions, and the lives they claimed would not miss the Gym Leader's ears. Silently, Thomas would mourn the losses of the Pokemon taken by the Blacephalon, and swear vengeance upon the mysterious creature, who seemed to be taking sadistic glee in what it was doing. Thomas would take notice to the diminishing size of the bomb as trainers attacked the clown in retaliation.

Eventually, the Blacephalon would erect a Light Screen, which would begin to suck in the mines towards it. Thomas didn't know what the purpose of this was, but considering what he had seen from the mysterious clown before, he knew it was no good. Even worse, a mysterious, tentacled creature would emerge from the Lighthouse, holding Councilwoman Abbati in its grasp.

"The fuck is that!?", Thomas called out, eyes wide with shock.

Though the group would attack the Light Screen, in an attempt to bring it down, Thomas had a means of dealing with it. He just hoped that this creature's Light Screen wasn't somehow exempt from it.

Thomas would toss out one of his two remaining Pokeballs, containing Ripper the Scizor. "Ripper, Brick Break!", Thomas called out to the Scizor, pointing towards the Light Screen. With a vicious grin, Ripper would dash towards the Light Screen, a pincer raised above his head, before leaping at the psychic barrier, and slamming his pincer down with a concentrated strike. The bloodthirsty insect would let out a disturbing cry that would clue those paying attention in on its violent disposition.

"Kalameet, let's waste this fucker! Draconian Wrath!"

With a cry of affirmation, Kalameet would take aim at the other side, before all three heads would charge a Dark Pulse, that would concentrate together to form the shape of his center head, expanding in size, before rocketing across the battlefield.


notes: Thomas attempts to have Scizor use Brick Break on the Light Screen
Thomas attempts to use Kalameet's Z-move, Draconian Wrath on Blacephalon
3 Salac Berries wasted

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 21:47:56 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

Isra cannot say she enjoys the scene that unfolds before her, eyes focused on the beast that threatens everything with equal focus to the one that appears with bodies in hand. This is growing into more and more of a mess and she remembers now why she hates these kinds of operations.

Too many heads and too many hands and barely any one of them knows what they are really doing.

The woman gestures to her pokemon on the ground, its illusion will cover the release of her Gardevoir. They have a chance and she plans to take it.

"Sisi! It's headed for ma! We have to stop it!" a little girl cries and the noivern gets the idea, seeking to close in on the beast her agility further her speed as she seeks to pierce the barrier with a roaring boomburst after boomburst. She does not expect to do damage so much as distract it.

It lets them get close enough for the other half to do their job. "Lu, direct the bombs to our other friend as much as you can. Teleport us out of here if we need it." the gardevoir acknowledges her, the psychic energies already swirling as she seeks to intercept the flying bombs and alter their trajectory towards the second beast, towards the commissioner.

>>Zoroark still using illusion on isra! Illusion also makes her gardevoir go unseen
>>Noivern uses agility!
>>Noivern attacks the clown with Boomburst to distract it (noivern has infiltrator)
>>Gardevoir is released again
>>Gardevoir tries to use psychic to nudge the flying bombs at dahlia and the other ub


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2020 22:04:11 GMT
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She's drenched. Soaked to the bone in rainwater, in sweat, in the adrenaline that courses through her veins as she looks up at the veil of power the Blacephalon has now constructed. In its rage it had put up a barrier between it and them, a glowing, billowing green defense that boasted its power. [break][break]

Her thick hair sticks to her cheeks and she wipes it away in exasperation as she glances at Kyle, then at Noah. It's as if she can hear the time ticking down, that dramatic click reverberating in her mind and body as the slowly shrinking ball ticks ever closer to their annihilation.[break][break]

Through the roar of the rain and the whizzing of the mines as they fly back into the light screen and dissolve, she can hear the rapidly beating wings of Bailey's Vikavolt as it carries her towards the danger. She's in the thick of the fight. [break][break]

Mateo orders his Arcanine and Sceptile to aid her with their own dragon pulses, and Kyle turns around to prevent several mines from ever reaching their destination.[break][break]

Wadjet bellows from above, as if she's anxious to stop this once and for all the same as them. With a steady breath, Stormy reaches for her remaining pokeballs, only for one of them to react violently in the presence of the ultra beasts. [break][break]

It breaks from her palm and splits open, and a raging and confused Type: Null appears in a second of blinding light. Stormy readjusts the two new swords attached to her back, the Doublade's eyes blinking slowly.[break][break]


Stormy reaches out as her tortured Pokemon howls, it's voice hollow and unnatural. It seems to only have one goal, one target, as it disregards Stormy's call to charge for the Blacephalon. [break][break]

The woman whistles for her Charizard, who swoops down to gather the woman as she readjusts herself on the back of the beast, and she watches with a weight in her chest as the Null leaps, executing a powerful


towards the clown.[break][break]

Her knees squeeze together into Wadjet's sides as she urges the Pokemon to take her closer. It was time to fight, time to do her job and protect the city. [break][break]

Wadjet performs yet another

dragon dance

while Stormy holds on. The Doublade strapped to her back glows and settles back as it uses

iron defense

. [break][break]

She sees her opening as she witnesses 's Scizor perform a

brick break

on the light screen wall. She fully intends to make her way through it and get to the other side. However, Wadjet, upon nearing the barrier, lashes out with a boosted

dragon claw

in tandem with Stormy's

sacred sword



- follows kyle, mateo, bailey's lead to fuck shit up and do whatever it takes.[break]
- her type: null reacts to the presence of the ultra beasts and releases itself to fight.[break]
- it uses


on the blacephalon[break]
- stormy mounts wadjet and wields her doublade. they fly towards blacephalon and thomas' brick break opening[break]
- wadjet uses

dragon dance


dragon claw

while doublade uses

iron defense


sacred sword




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2020 23:05:40 GMT
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but right now was a bad time to mourn. [break][break]

especially with the death going around; she couldn't risk another one of her pokemon to get hurt (she doesn't know what she would do if she lost more of them, the same way she lost epil). her metagross does its best, attempting to avoid the string of deaths that follow suit, and keeping their trainer safe for the meantime whilst in the air. in the meantime, the togedemaru, though emotionally wounded, musters and steels themselves to give another spiky shield to protect the trainer through all the chaos. [break][break]

the blasts come forth, and nicole was left flinching and hanging onto her pokemon for some form of comfort. her metagross responds in kind, by carefully traversing through the mines in an attempt to distance themselves away from them.


- trying to avoid the death oh no[break]
- togedemaru uses spiky shield to shield herself and her pokemon from blasts and debris[break]
- metagross rises higher and navigates, carefully[break]
- nicole getting the heck away from the bombs


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[newclass=.nicole i] color: #f0cb09; font-style: italic; [/newclass]
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2020 3:22:45 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Everyone finds safe passage to the lighthouse — just some more than others. Fernando makes it relatively unscathed and turns his attention to the series of events unfolding before him. Those present divide themselves between the two obvious actions: engaging the Ultra Beast or attacking the deformed Commissioner. With so many hands handling both tasks, Fernando takes the moment to catch his breath and resort to his own ace.

Keeping some space between his current position and everyone else, Fernando releases his other two Pokemon: Tapu Fini and Salamence. Although their compatibility is far from ideal, Fernando can use them to stall for time while he has his legendary Pokemon assess the situation. When dealing with something unknown, his greatest wildcard is something equally foreign. Perhaps the Tapu's CALM MIND can decipher something about the Ultra Beast — whether it can sense the other Pokemon's power, discern anything from the large bomb descending from the light house, or anything else would prove invaluable. As to how much, if anything at all, it knows, Fernando's clueless.

The unsightly spectacle of being dragged away is concerning but Fernando doesn't value her life over his own. Should she perish then the world will move on, with nothing of importance gone. The same goes for but from a reasonable distance, he's unable to make out her features from her grotesque transformation. His only concern is the looming threat of the New Year's ball and the hazardous mines around him.

He relies on SACRED SWORD to cut those farther away while FLAMETHROWER provides a buffer zone to preemptively ignite any that roam dangerously too close. What they aim to do is carve out a pocket of safety around them, inadvertently shielding those that also happen to be between himself and the magnetizing LIGHT SCREEN. Both Pokemon prioritize their own safety over eliminating the most bombs that they can, prone to PROTECT or KING'S SHIELD should their attacks falter.

— Stops short of the lighthouse. Too many people are gathered up and avoiding friendly fire.
— Brings out Salamence / Tapu Fini. Aegislash is still out.
— Refers to Tapu Fini before making his next action. Seeing if Legendary Pokemon can feel out what to do, like if the ball should be attacked, any weird energies, etc.
— Aegislash and Salamence trigger the bombs behind Fernando that are being sucked in. They will use their protective moves if they trigger one too close.


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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2020 4:12:59 GMT
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For a brief moment the rain stops, blown away by the fire above. The spectral dragon weaves around the explosions at great speed, but the explosions are starting to catch up. He can feel the wispy hands tremble as fear starts to overtake it. The Galar trainer certainly never expected to get caught up in such a trying ordeal.

Another explosion rings off in the distance. He can see the charred remains of the Dragonite lying against the ground, limpless and without movement. His eyes scrunch for a moment and he turns away, all of his bluster disappearing as the adrenaline pumping into his veins slowly disappear.

The Drakloak glances down at Pierce, realizing how in danger the two are. It’s not fast enough. It needs to go faster if it wants to keep its trainer alive. The shaking stops and its eyes glimmer with determination as it continues to jet closer to the light house. Its body is overtaken by white, its shape changing as a response to its strong desires.

Pierce’s eyes widen in shock as his dragon takes on a different form, its body now larger than before and with two Dreepy’s sitting in their own container. He clenches his teeth, grinding them together as he steels himself. ”Farasma…” he quietly whispers.

Its speed increases even faster as its eyes lock onto the jolly clown. The Dreepy’s jetisan out of their bays bypassing the green barrier that protects it, piercing them with its DRAGON DARTS

While the Dragapult focuses onto the clown, he looks upwards to see the figure floating above it. Its grotesque appearance nearly causes him to vomit as he soon realizes that the figure above is some sort of amalgamation between man and beast. Its tendrils are elongated choking what appears to be a person. He darts around to see others trying to free the woman from the monster’s grasps.

Taking this opportunity, he summons his Morpeko from its ball, catching it before it can fall to the ground. ”Chumlee, gonna need you to do me a favor. Use BULLET SEED onto that thing right there!” His finger pointing directly at the monstrosity that is Dahlia. Nodding to him, its cheeks puff up and it begins to spit seeds rapidly at her.


-- Drakloak evolves into a Dragapult and uses Dragon Darts onto the Blacephalon.
-- Pierce calls out his Morpeko and it shoots bullet seeds at Dahlia to distract her from the Sacred Swords coming down.

[newclass=.pierce] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; [/newclass]

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the crown prince
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hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2020 4:40:03 GMT
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As he descended through a cloud of smog and rain, the masked individual had the scarcity of a moment to comprehend the series of events that lead him here. There was the heroic yet uncalled for sacrifice from his Flygon, whose swan song he could still hear echoing throughout, despite the cacophony of noise. Then there was the white-haired woman who, whether Rocket or not, appeared to have no honest regard for the life of other people or Pokémon. Remiel held no grudge for the death of Psamathe. She had done her job and given her life for it. But for endangering his life, the woman would come to regret acting so freely with her physical identity exposed.

In another reality, this might have been where his story ended: with his body unceremoniously hitting the pavement in front of the lighthouse doors. But the Remiel Calcifet in that reality deserved to die for not thinking ahead. Instead, the spectral dragon he had summoned before— locked onto his position and sensing his trainer's peril— emerged out from a shadowy portal engulfed in a thin blue energy and moved swiftly to intercept the black-haired prince1. Landing atop the large Dragapult's flat head crouched on one knee, Remiel gripped the sides of it for balance as it swooped upward and stopped just above the lighthouse entrance as its doors burst open2. He stood as they observed.

The darkness inside him sneered at the sight of the white-haired woman and the infamous commissioner, a target he had been instructed to eliminate by Team Rocket prior. As far as Remiel was concerned, this was fate serving him two birds with one stone. As easy as it would have been to focus whole-heartedly into such a rapid-fire revenge and satisfaction, however, the threat of the Ultra Beast and the lighthouse timer could not be ignored. The new year, and death, was nigh.

Assessing his surroundings, he could see that the situation had certainly evolved into quite the scramble. A young lad had catapulted himself towards the white-haired woman and the monstrous commissioner. Others attempted to free the woman from her punishment or direct their attacks towards the shielded Ultra Beast. Curiously enough, one shaggy-haired individual set his Pokémon to detonate the mines behind them, explosively forming a clear path amidst the ruins of the festival. He predicted a lot more to come, and fast. So Remy was quick in channeling his thoughts as best he could, hoping his Solrock's psychic connection with his mind was on-air and ready to receive. "Rock Polish, then come to me."

From the trench he'd taken shelter in minutes ago, the Solrock hummed to life and arose. Its body, already polished to a degree, twitched and shed even more of its rugged pieces. Then, with an uncanny speed and levitation, the mysterious entity zoomed straight through the newly opened path3. It would cross the distance soon.

But his action wasn't over. As the wind ruffled the fabric of his black jacket and the rain cascaded down his mask and hood, Remiel snapped his fingers and pointed to command his Dragapult's attention towards Blacephalon and the tentacled commissioner. "Dragon Darts." Mephisto makes a rumble in his throat, something of an excited chuckle. Remy, in the meantime, drops back down on knee and braces himself with his hands against the edge of his dragon's head as it aims the Dreepy in both of its cannons. With a loud snap of a sound that leaves the lad's ears ringing, they're fired4.

Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist. Even Aurora Veil or Substitute. These Dreepy were convicted to slipping past any defenses to explode on target.

1 Dragapult uses Agility!
2 Dragapult emerges from the shadows and catches Remy mid-fall!
3 Solrock picks up on Remiel's command and uses Rock Polish before navigating towards him, traversing the newly opened path created by Kyle.
4 Dragapult uses Dragon Darts! Enhanced by the INFILTRATOR ability, these explosive Dreepy target Dahlia Goode and Blacephalon at mach speed!


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