i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 19:53:34 GMT
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-- Pierce sees the Beast Ball capture the Blacephalon since that was his primary goal earlier in the stage.
-- He calls out Scizor from its pokeball who then proceeds to use Bullet Punch to zip itself over to the Beast Ball.
-- Rather than actually punch the Beast Ball though it uses its claw to try to clamp onto it.
-- Dragapult brings Pierce closer towards the Scizor while protecting him and Morpeko from the acid rain.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 20:52:22 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

The results of his latest assault had been satisfactory. It forced him to take notice of the other contenders in this chaos, including another Dragapult nearby. Even with so much going on, the masked man was quick to spot the unusual pokéball soaring through the air in an arc that ended with the Ultra Beast. Even while it shook, he snapped his fingers and pointed to it. "Mephisto, Lock-On." The spectral dragon rumbled in its throat, heeding the command and narrowing its yellow eyes on the target with great concentration1. It had formed a link. Wherever the ball went to next, the ghostly dragon would pursue.

"Phantom Force."

It was then, as the others were landing attacks and being struck, that Remiel's Solrock swiftly arrived to him from the ruined beyond. He wasted no time in telepathically ordering it to capture the ball, specifying it to polish itself further and pry it away from anyone's reach with Psychic once it was in range. As his Dragapult descended into the ghostly realm with his trainer on its back, Remy saw that the gelatinous goop that had consumed Dahlia Goode became inflated like a grotesque tumor. But, by the time it had exploded, he was already out of view and, seemingly, out of this plane of existence.

Solrock, in the meantime, was forced to fare with the acid rain as it tried to use its thoroughly enhanced speed to its advantage2. Shooting towards the mysterious ball that had captured the Ultra Beast like a meteor, it would then attempt to snag it away from anyone and anything with a powerful pull from its Psychic, carrying it along with it into the sky3. Whether it was successful in clearing an open shot for Dragapult or not, the spectral dragon in question would then swiftly reemerge out of a shadowy portal with Remy on its back— just below the strange blue ball.

Without a moment's hesitation, and using its hardened wings like a battering ram to push anyone way, it would gulp down the ball with one snap of its wide mouth before immediately creating some distance between itself and any other contenders that could follow4.

1 Dragapult uses Lock-On on the Beast Ball, then disappears into a shadowy portal with Remiel!
2 Solrock uses Rock Polish to zoom towards the Beast Ball at six times its normal speed now, doing its best to avoid the acid rain!
3 Solrock uses Psychic to pry the Beast Ball away from anyone!
4 Dragapult re-emerges without warning via Phantom Force in an attempt to EAT the ball and escape!


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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2020 21:23:27 GMT
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[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

the peace of mind wrought by strangulation was ripped away as her name was called, olivia's azure eyes snapping open as she sat up. her throat felt as if barbed wire had been shoved down it and when she turned to the source of the voice, not even able to speak, she remembered where she was. what was going on. the gentlest of nods was what she offered to to confirm her own safety before she hurried a look at the scene before her: at . a weak whistle, the pitch off given the condition of her throat, was all olivia could manage - but it was enough.

her jellicent had summoned a preemptive ominous wind to shield his mistress from the poisonous rain, and at olivia's whistling orders, dropped down so she could take cover within the safety provided by her fellow council member. relatively safe, olivia pointed at the dahlia fusion and snapped. like a whip, the jellicent's tentacles cracked through the air and enwrapped themselves with the remaining appendages of the ultra beast to wring out the commissioner.

more importantly, however, was that it busied the beast for chione to repeat his previous attack. the mega sharpedo aqua jetted towards the 'head' of the monster and used his psychic fangs to rip an opening through its shell. olivia watched as and an odd gaseous pokemon teleported to the scene. "good, they know it's dahlia", olivia thought. though she saw no sign of the other beast - had they defeated it when she had been rendered unconscious?

she turned to orion and under the safety of his swampert's protection, croaked, "wha... about... the bomb?" she swallowed and turned to look towards the light house, the action straining her bruised neck.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-spinner"]

+ olivia wakes up!
+ jellicent uses ominous wind to send acid rain towards the sea!
+ jellicent drops olivia off with .
+ jellicent uses wring out to constrict the dahlia-nihilego's tentacles [CURSED BODY ACTIVATES]!
+ mega sharpedo uses aqua jet [ENHANCED BY SPEEDBOOST] + psychic fang [EHANCED BY STRONGJAW] to tear an opening for cosmog to get dahlia!
+ olivia ask about the new year's bomb!

+ gJO7Ol6K

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 20, 2020 6:09:39 GMT
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There was peace, momentarily, as a strange looking pokeball was launched into the air. To think, it as a pokemon--[break][break]

But what sick and twitsted creature could so casually kill others on its own accord? She didn't understand and, still in the stages of grief of denial and anger, she didn't bother to try. it appeared that her two remaining pokemon could understand her, yet at the same time hoped that their trainer could calm herself down (it reminded them of darker times, where she would attack and whine. Where she would dash in recklessly without a care in the world - and they would be the first victims to follow). As such, her metagross was the first to take notice of a cloud growing overhead.[break][break]

... No, it was less of a cloud. [break][break]

And they were also the first one to notice some sort of liquid falling from above. Their eyes widen, and their first instinct was to reach a metal arm out to grab the trainer and secure her, before floating back down closer to the ground. Nicole squeaks as she's brought down, as does the other steel pokemon. "Alpha--" she squeals, before the large pokemon lowers her down behind a familiar person's protect. Having recognized the young man, the metagross gives a nod in acknowledgement and gratitude, then proceeded to hover overhead to act as an umbrella, still under the protection of 's pokemon. [break][break]

Nicole would have done the same, had her eyes not been fixated on the pokeball. If it were a pokemon, though she couldn't bring back her gardevoir, she could try to make it up to others (assuming she remembers about this event later on; she hopes that she remembers). "Theta!" she shouts, holding her arm out for the togedemaru to perch on. "Alpha, launch Theta out! Theta, Zing Zap and get that ball!" [break][break]

With those words, though giving the trainer an exasperated glare, the metagross complies and grabs the little steel pokemon with its claw. It revs its mechanical arm, then proceeded to launch the pokemon with the speed of a bullet punch into the air. At the same time, the togetdemaru, upon exiting the protect, began to whirl up into a ball and picked up electricity that would sear through the rain, evaporating it into a harmless mist before it could even tough the hard body. [break][break]

Nicole watched, quietly. If it worked, then her togedemaru could grab it. On the other hand, if it didn't, she trusted it to use spiky shield to protect itself on ground. But on the worst case...[break][break]

"Balder!" She recalls, solely from the moment. "Please, help Theta! I-I couldn't bear it if I lost another..." Now finally taking the offer of his help, though crude a time it may have been.


- the poison will roll off steel types right[break]
- metagross brings nicole down to safe ground under 's protect[break]
- metagross is also floating above nicole's head to protect her using magnet rise[break]
- calls for and solgaleo to help her get that GOD DAMN BEAST THAT KILLED HER GARDEVOIR HOW DARE.[break]
- and to back up the togedemaru, who's yeeted by metagross through the acid rain to get the beast ball[break]
- togedemaru using zing zap and using the electricity around it to evaporate the rain on its trip to the ball. Will use Spiky Shield if failed.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 20, 2020 15:26:24 GMT
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Eden, who has consecutively watched the commissioner get turned into some sort of freaking tentacle monster - ew - and then watched a minefield detonate, likely killing anyone in their path, has zero motivation left for this situation.

But, she's got a mission to complete, so here she is, climbing underneath some rubble in order to release her ampharos. She's still got an identity to hide, so she tugs a ripped ballcap over her head, tucking her hair underneath of it.

As she releases Sigma, he steps out into the carnage, and she points to the tentacle-Dahlia, before giving him his orders.

Sigma aims a dragon pulse right for the commissioner, while Eden searches the carnage for since she's lost him in the confusion.

- eden conceals herself behind rubble.
- eden releases her shiny ampharos, sigma.
- sigma uses dragon pulse on the dahlia-blob-thing.
- boomboom.

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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
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It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2020 18:30:50 GMT
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It seemed that ball was everything was cracked up to be, the successful capture of the creature gaining a smile from Marie. But said smile would quickly fade, seeing as the bomb placed on the creatures arrival was still present and ever ticking closer to its destination.

She sucked her teeth in annoyance as she watched others go for the pokeball, stopping to weigh her options for a moment before deciding on her next course of action: take out the commissioner.

She quickly moved to sit herself under a pillar of rubble as the acid rain fell, pulling out a phone and delivering a mass notice to any rockets she could in a matter of seconds.

Attention all Rockets within or nearby the Slateport Night Market, Admin Marie here to tell you to get off your asses and secure the ball with the beast in it by any means necessary. That is all.

And with that she give a loud whistle calling attention to location, the two pokemon she had released making their way towards her as quickly as possible, the Umbreon carefully ducking through shambled stalls, and the Salazzle (hopefully) not finding too much trouble navigating through the acrid rain that showered from above.

Once the two had properly grouped up, Marie returned the Umbreon, switching it out for her Joltik, the small insect already readying itself for its debut, using Agilityto express its eagerness to follow whatever orders had been given.

Guava, try and get that thing off of the commissioner, please. I don’t care what you do, just make her vulnerable. Pomelo, sit in the shade, preferably away from the rain, and wait for the right time to strike. When you see an opening jump in and use Cross Poison on the commissioner... And both of you, aim to kill.

She spoke in a sweet voice, one the two pokemon obeyed with ease: the Joltik going to lie in wait within rubble as the Salazzle began running to and fro, the Nasty Plot concocted between the pokemon and her trainer giving a boost of power to the Dragon Pulse’s launched at the possessed pokehumon.

- sits under some rubble to hide from the rain and returns umbreon

- sends out an admin trademarked message to rockets within the area ( @bean2) to get the ball no matter what

- sets up joltik to launch at Dahlia for the kill whenever an opening presents itself and salazzle to keep attacking at Dahlia

- Joltik used Agility - Salazzle use Nasty Plot/Salazzle used Dragon Pulse


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2020 3:39:25 GMT
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A flurry of activity happened all at once and it took Ruby quite a bit to try and process it. Everyone here was attacking the beast and the strange new one with all of their strength. Everyone was desperate to survive, to put it down, to keep the city safe. It would have been inspiring if it wasn't just everyone's adrenaline-fueled rush to survive. It seemed to even be working! The bomb was getting smaller and smaller, the beast... or more accurately, two beasts now were being beaten up, everything was going great. And for a moment, Ruby even held onto some kind of hope that they could do something.

That hope didn't last long. The bombs behind them explode, leaving absolute devastation in their wake... but at least nobody was injured even further because of them. And then the unspeakable happens. Someone captures the first beast within a ball... and Ruby can hear her heart pounding within her chest. The second's tick by, her eyes glued to the bomb... and it doesn't go away. It's a terrifying realization. A psychic message from Grace translating for Astral confirms the worst... The bomb is going to blow.

Ruby gulps heavily, shaking as she reached out to grab one of Whisper's tentacles in her hand to try and steady herself. The bomb was going to explode, nobody could stop it. Hopefully, at this point it was small enough that it could be... She honestly didn't know what to do about it. With a shaky voice, Ruby spoke out to her Gardevoir. "T-tell people... We can't be the only ones to know. A-anyone who can help, just..." Ruby began to break down through her fear, struggling to cope and clutched to Whisper's side as the tears continued to fall.

Grace takes one look at her crying trainer and closes her eyes. Sending out a telepathic signal to anyone nearby. It wasn't precisely in words, but just a concept pushed into their thoughts. The future had been seen, the bomb will explode. Astral the Gothorita seemed intent to continue looking at the future, taking it up as her role, trying to be of some use.

None of her pokemon seem to try and inform Ruby of the acid, poisonous rain or the terrifying beast overhead with a woman trapped inside it. She's already struggling to hold anything together. The two smaller Pokemon move beneath Whisper's new massive hat. The silent mega-pokemon stared up at the sky as the acid-rain began to fall didn't flinch in the face of danger. Determined to keep Ruby safe, no matter the cost, Whisper fired a psychic blast off into the sky right above her, determined to push away the acid with intense mental force.

Grace the Gardevoir, was admittedly a bit overcome as well. Taking shelter under Whisper's hat, she poured her psychic strength and used Wish, planning to hopefully heal Whisper from whatever malady might occur from this rather terrifying goop.


notes: Ruby's terrified, and on the verge of a break down. Grace sent a telepathic message to, and . Astral the Gothorita is still trying to foresee the future, Whisper is using Psychic to attempt to blast back any acid rain, and maybe magic bounce. Grace follows up with Wish on Whisper, to hopefully heal her should she get hurt.

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October 19
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I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2020 7:40:27 GMT
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So much is happening at once that Adrian can hardly be expected to take it all in. Another beast enters the foray just as the other leaves it, siphoned away into a pokeball that disappears against the canvas of darkened skies. Too bad.

Burns begin to form on their bare skin as the rain turns to acid, eating away at flesh and fabric alike. Where it struck it left sores, and the sores became lesions, afflicting those who were struck by it.

The rain had outlived its usefulness, it would seem.

"Howitzer, Sunny Day!" Adrian's marshalling her over towards an old acquaintance () and the barrier he's forming in the chaos of it all. There is next to no shelter for them to cower beneath save for what their pokemon can provide them, and Adrian's are without any protection.

"Got any plans?!" There was almost nothing he could do about the situation, helpless as Furor, himself and Howitzer were pelted by the relentless rain. And yet Rover gave almost no reaction, perhaps using its sludge-like ooze to act as a counter-agent against the rain. He had a thought.

Perhaps not quite the most advisable remedy, Adrian decided to exploit the situational use of sunny day: "Rover, grow, and don't you dare stop growing!" Rover nodded in agreement. It kept growing and growing until it towered over the trainers, rising to such a height that even Furor might hide beneath its massive petals were it to coil around them. It just might come to that...

[Insert Dynamaxing Vileplume here.]

Adrian can't help but feel overtaken by a sense of helplessness, knowing they are far from escaping their current plight. He fishes out a bauble from his time at the Aurorus Ball, ogling it and the charm bracelet he'd won himself earlier, hoping that either might bring him luck enough to survive the night...

Furor and Arcanine stir restlessly, the former's movements graceful yet aggressive as it writhes.


tl;dr Arcanine uses Sunny Day!
(Setup and improving vision for League.)

Vileplume uses Growth!
(Growing into an umbrella or canopy.)

Gyarados used Dragon Dance!
(It's just being restless... or is it a buildup to something more? Find out next episode...)
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 0:00:54 GMT
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Isra does not need to be told to go after the captured creature, though Dahlia had been her primary target originally this becomes a priority fast. Dahlia could always be killed another day. this was something else entirely.

Because something plays over and over again in her head now, as the rain pours down around them. The explosive on the light house hasn't disappeared. It looms in the distance.

It hadn't carried the weight then that it did now.

"Survival rate: zero"

"Survival rate: eight percent."

She wonders what their survival rate today is, and the prospect that it might be nothing at all makes her grin beneath the illusion. A whistle and a gesture towards the sky refocuses the effort of her Gardevoir above them as the acid rain melts holes in the ground bellow. The pokemon creates a wall of psychic energy above, the slight slope of it meant to deter rain from sneaking in by attack. The snap of her fingers and gesturing to her other two to pick up the pace isn't lost. Zoroark and Noivern together focus their energies, speed increasing with the agility they have trained to attain.

The fox pokemon focuses on her illusion and staying under the protection of the Gardevoir on the noivern's back. Closing the gap and when it becomes apparent others may be making a move for the ball her snapping fingers alert the Noivern to summon up a whirlwin to dislodge the ball from its position, the whipping winds coming off her wings looking to pick it up and throw it into the air away from the other's.

"Now" There is a blip in her protective bubble as the Gardevoir teleports to the location of the ball, hoping to grab it and teleport back before the rain makes contact.

It's a momentary risk, but one she's willing to take.

>>Noivern: Agility x2
>>Zoroark: Agility x1
>>Zoroark continues to use illusion and follow the (low flying) bat
>>Noivern uses whirlwind to try and pick up the beast ball and prevent others from reaching it through the winds
>>Gardevoir uses psychic to create a small dome over her/her pokemon to avoid the rain
>>At the last second Gardevoir teleports to the ball, tries to grab it and teleport back to put up the protective bubble again
>>Gardevoir will teleport back to isra regardless of whether or not she gets the ball


13 is my fav number but now is a bad time for that rng F U
Using salac berry

i hate my luck

[newclass=.isratalk b]color: #8e4e5d;[/newclass]·
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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 15:35:15 GMT
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Even though things were basically going to all bat shit hell around him, Alexei was still within the tunnel vision—his continually rising panic had blotted out most of everything. He knew that the Hurricane was a stretch, and was horrified to see that his attempt had actually just…knocked the damned thing around without any purchase whatsoever.

Okay, scratch that, it’s useless, he thought as he took note of what was going on. A little something catches his attention—and he notices that there are a lot of people chasing after it. What was that thing? Shaking his head, he decided not to join the insanity, because there were so many people already chasing after it—why would he add onto the ruckus that was going down over there, anyway?

He then returned his attention to the black squid-like thing, and looked up in time… only to see that there’s something horrifying starting to come down. The noxious stench hits him way before he recognizes what it is.

It’s a massive downpour of acidic rain. The stench was terrifying, to say the least. From this distance, mid-air, he could already feel the hairs on the back of his neck rising up. Alarm bells continued to go off in his head, only these were much louder than the ones already warning him that everyone in the area was in danger and that they were probably going to die.

Speaking of die…

His eyes widen to the point they almost pop out of their sockets as the noxious smell gets stronger. Knowing he only has moments to think, he makes a split-second decision…even if it’s against his better judgment. Popping a Dusk Ball open, he bit his lip as he watched a cackling Sableye emerge from the beam of red light. The hairs on the back of his neck prickle even more, but there’s no more time to worry about his fear of ghost-types.

“Loki. I—look. Please. Use Detect and protect us!” he managed to stammer out, looking up at the incoming wave of noxious rain. Even the Pidgeot looked up and let out a caw of alarm, but the Sableye glared at it and faced it head-on. Wasting no time, the dual-type began to whip up a protective barrier—an attempt to deflect the incoming noxious downpour.

“Fly! Get away from the—“ he blurted in the Pidgeot’s direction when his mind was assaulted with visions. All of them…leading to one thing.

An ending worthy of a supernova explosion.

The horrific sight causes him to stop dead, his mind unable to fully comprehend the magnitude of what was going to happen. As if by instinct, he turns around and looks towards the lighthouse—and the sight on the thing horrifies him.

The fucking bomb is still there.

Why is it still there?! Why isn’t anyone doing anything about it?!

He knows he’s too far away from everyone else to yell at them to do something about the incendiary sphere that’s still attached to the lighthouse, but he has to try.

Well, either that or get blasted to cinders. But of course he’s not going to allow that to happen. Patting the avian he’s currently riding on, he points at the incoming rain.

“Idun. Try to blow the poison rain away! Let's try another Hurricane!” he urged, although there was doubt in his voice. He didn’t know if it was going to work. But he certainly hoped it would.

All the while, as the Pidgeot attempted to blast the acid rain away with another attempt at Hurricane, he hung on for dear life. He was also thinking…

…who had sent that vision? It was still seared into his eyeballs…


• Alex is stunned the Hurricane just blew the black squid…thing… around
• at least the strange ball (Beast Ball) was sent skyward. And then there's so many people trying to grab it! The heck!
• (nope he's not going to join the chaos)
• instead he turns around in mid-air, just in time to see the poisonous rain start coming down. And it's bad news.
• (he has an OH SHIT WE'RE GOING TO DIE moment)
• against his better judgment, he sends out his Sableye. Still unnerved but he has to swallow the fear down!
• “Loki. I—look. Please. Use Detect and protect us!” He says, pointing at the purple rain
• Sableye cackles and attempts to use Detect, summoning a shield to protect Alexei and his Pidgeot while still mid-air
• just as he's about to clear out of the area, receives the “vision”.
• starts trembling like fuck
• looks back over his shoulder to the lighthouse. WHY IS THE BOMB BALL STILL THERE?!
• gulps. Hopes this shit is going to work.
• “Idun. Try to blow the poison rain away! Let's try another Hurricane!”
• Pidgeot attempts to use Hurricane to blow the noxious weather away from where everyone is to a deserted part of the night market
• is puzzled, who sent that terrifying vision of the future?!


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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 16:17:12 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar

Explosions. Screaming. Cancerous growths straight out of her nightmares. She wished that she could only have to deal with one of those things at any given moment, but it just wasn’t that kind of night.

Oh well. At least she wasn’t spending the night alone. Now, if she could make it through the night alive…

Frankie’s prey vanished into the beast ball, quelling its rage – momentarily. It didn’t take long for it to cast its eyes upon another Ultra Beast. Annie saw the makings of another Tri-Attack forming before it; a quick “Frankie, back!” stopped it short of firing the attack. It had been so blinded by its next target that it’d failed to notice, or chosen to ignore, globs of sickly rain adding to their troubles.

Weeks of training saved it from its own disobedience, and it rushed back to its trainer’s side. Fear threatened to set into her mind. Willpower wouldn’t let it. If she stopped to be afraid, then she’d join the dead within seconds. Instead she turned to her Yanmega. “Ancient Power, now! Block the attack!” Clumps of rocks and earth left from other Pokemon’s attacks were drawn towards the oversized dragonfly, but instead of flying towards a target, Buzz forced the debris to stay afloat above the trio.

That should have been enough for a few seconds of ‘peace’, but Annie could only wish to be that happy. She wasn’t sure how exactly to describe what she saw. A vision, a flash of images, thoughts, feelings, something really weird that she wasn’t used to, and had just decided that she didn’t like... And that was before she parsed the message it was sending her. She glanced at the space where the bomb had once been. Or rather, where she'd assumed - hoped - it had once been. To her horror, she realised that it was still there, still primed.

The bomb was going to blow, and they were going to die. Shit.

The wave of fear came rushing back, threatening to consume her. The clown had torn a Pokemon to shreds as a game. If a giant version of its bomb was set to detonate…

No. She was Annie Mei. She’d survived Kanto, Rocket, poverty, homelessness, a swarm of very angry Tyranitars, and a sushi roll that was, in hindsight, probably a few days out of date. She hadn’t come that far to lose to a dumb ball.

If she had to die, it’d have to be to something way cooler.

Anxiety was forced to the side-lines once again – she could freak out about what was happening when it wasn’t threatening her life. Her eyes scanned the field, searching for aid… Only to see that almost everybody around her was scrambling for the ball. The beast ball, as opposed to the death ball. Anger forced its way into her heart, or maybe it was frustration. Or determination. Or arrogance. Another thing to figure out later.

It was no secret to those that knew her that she was a small girl with a big voice. That little skill of voices would serve her surprisingly well. She brought her hands to her mouth, took a deep-breath in, and yelled: “Wrong ball, dumbasses!” Would an insult get their attention? Was she even thinking straight enough for that to have been her plan? “Get those wings flapping and those psychic-types moving! We need to get that bomb-“ One hand pointed a finger towards the lighthouse bomb. “-into space, now, or it doesn’t matter who has the ball! It’s about to blow!

Gemini was returned to the stage, its gem still flashing colours Annie had come to recognise as danger. Under better circumstances, she would have stopped to comfort her friend. Instead, she shook the arm pointing at the bomb. “Get it up, out, into the sky, into the stars! Honestly, I don’t care about the specifics right now!” Try as she might, she couldn’t help concern creeping into her voice. Fortunately, it wouldn’t be enough to frighten her alien friend (more than it already was, anyway). It attempted to lead the charge, using Psychic on the bomb to hoist it into the air. Alone, it was unlikely to do much, but if other Pokemon pitched in…


TL;DR: Type: Null stops its UB rampage to take cover from the rain with Annie and Yanmega under the latter's Ancient Power. The message sent by 's Pokemon prompts Annie to yell to everybody nearby to focus on the bomb. She proposes that they should take the bomb and push it somewhere else. Her Starmie starts the effort with a Psychic.


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 16:37:56 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar


They had managed to hit the thing, and it even began to shrink in turn. A clear indicator they were damaging it. If they could hit it, if they could damage it... They could kill it. Josh and Fawkes had arrived just in time to see the Light Screen go down from a Scizor using Brick Break, and Josh goes in for the attack...

Then suddenly a ball strikes the creature, sucking it in before clicking. It was a Pokemon after all then? He wasn't so sure, what wild Pokemon was capable of that? While he was used to dealing with Pokemon lashing out... No wild Pokemon had ever, in his years, taken this much clear sadistic joy in dealing death. He didn't consider for even a moment going for the Poke Ball that had captured the thing. If the thing was dealt with, that was all that he cared about. He had no interest in seeing that thing again.

But the bomb on the lighthouse still needed to be dealt with.

"Oi!" Josh called out toward any Trainers nearby. "If nobody has any ideas for disarming that bomb, we should do all we can to negate the explosion!"

But before Josh could do much to put that plan into effect, something would suddenly shoot into the sky. Some kind of... He didn't know how to describe it. It was like a monster met man. Was it another Pokemon? No... Something about it seemed off. Something even more monstrous than the thing from earlier. Whatever it was though, it launched an attack that came down on all of them. Some kind of acid rain. Those around him began to take strides against it, with one Trainer using Sunny Day to improve their vision. This allowed him to spot a Trainer's Dogedemaru using Zing Zap, seeming to be trying to evaporate the acid rainfall. Now, if he recalled right about Togedemaru...

Seeing an opportunity, Josh pointed toward it. "Lightning, use Thunderbolt on Togedemaru!" Josh called to Lightning. Perhaps the Raichu would have hesitated a long time ago, but Lightning had learned to trust his Trainer, even if a command seemed ridiculous. "Rai... CHUUUU!" It cried out as it launched a Thunderbolt at Togedemaru. The attack arced through the air, adding more electricity for Togedemaru to work with before striking the Pokemon. It did no damage, instead the electricity was absorbed into its body thanks to the Togedemaru's Lightning Rod ability, just as Josh had predicted.

He wanted to do more, but for now he needed to focus on protecting his Pokemon and himself if they were to continue working at this. Ordering for Fawkes to land below, he would recall the Charizard back to its Pokeball before bringing Dunamus back out. "Protect!" He called to Dunamus, who would use Protect to shield itself as well as Josh and Lightning from the acid rain, with the bunch hoping to weather the storm before continuing their assault.


- Josh decides to ignore the Beast Ball, not wanting to see the creature again anytime soon
- Josh calls to other nearby Trainers: "If nobody has any ideas for disarming that bomb, we should do all we can to negate the explosion!"
- Raichu uses Thunderbolt on @nicole's Togedemaru - adds more electricity for it to use for evaporating the rain and activates Lightning Rod to buff it.
- Josh lands, recalls Charizard, sends out Swampert
- Swampert uses Protect, shields itself, Josh and Raichu from acid rain

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 18:50:01 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Direct hit.

As the other attacks failed to penetrate the Light Screen, Thomas wasn't surprised. His prior questions were answered by the familiar sight and sound of the Psychic wall shattering like glass, the frustrated stamping of the clown indicating that the maneuver got under its skin. Thomas grinned at the creature, half-tempted to flip it an obscene gesture. Ultimately refraining from doing so, Thomas would instead focus on readying the counterattack.

Ultimately, as he heard the Jellyfish-like beast scream, it dawned on him. The voice belonged to the Commissioner, much to his horror. In that moment, his focus was diverted. Rather than targeting the clown, the powerful Z-Move would instead slam into the jellyfish containing the Commissioner, compounding into his horror. Ultimately, the attack did very little, as a coating of jelly-like substance forms to protect her body. Thomas was almost relieved to see this take place.

Thomas notices that the Blacephalon gets sucked into another Pokeball. This time, it is a design he had never seen, one that seemed to have a far greater effect on the other worldly creature, as opposed to the normal one from earlier. But more importantly, despite the fact that the Blacephalon was captured, the bomb it planted on the Lighthouse did not disappear. It was still a threat to be dealt with.

As the shower of acid rain formed, Kalameet would begin to focus, creating a canopy from Earth Power in an attempt to shield himself, his master, and his comrade. The three would hunker down under the canopy, hoping that it would either be reinforced, or that they would get lucky, and manage to avoid the caustic acid coming down on them.

That was when Thomas remembered what Balder's Pokemon attempted to do earlier. "Balder, do you think your partner could summon a portal, and get that bomb away from here? Maybe one that goes to space, if possible?", he'd call out to the Alolan.


notes: Thomas grins as Brick Break shatters the Light Screen
Thomas notices that Dahlia is the Mother Beast, is horrified
Thomas notices the Blacephalon getting captured in a strange-looking Pokeball, and that the bomb doesn't dissipate.
Hydreigon uses Earth Power, attempting to create a canopy of earth, with Thomas, Scizor, and Hydreigon all taking cover
Thomas hears Annie calling out to the group, agrees that there are too many people on the Beast Ball
Thomas shouts to Balder to have his Solgaleo attempt to whisk the bomb off with a portal

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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
185 height
185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 19:35:24 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

One moment the clown is there and the next it's case aside like a common Pokemon in a capsule. She saw the ball - oddly-shaped, but distinctly modeled after a Pokeball - fly in and presumably secure the beast inside. [break][break]

Automatically, her head snaps toward the time bomb ascending the lighthouse, and she feels her heartbeat in the cavity of her chest when she sees that it is still there. [break][break]

Gaze swinging wildly from the woman who is - or once was? - Dahlia Goode, Persephone wrangles the desperation from her voice.
"The bomb-" she begins to call out, but cuts herself off when the corrupted commissioner demands attention again. [break][break]

Persephone can recognise an attack's tell without knowing what it will be. She sees the commissioner - the beast? - soar into the air, sees the embedded parts of her grow like a sick parasite. [break][break]

"Do it again - protect us!" she implores the Reuniclus as it repeats the same choreography, summoning the PROTECT and LIGHT SCREEN barriers around themselves and those in their vicinity once more. [break][break]

Without the clown about, the Drifblim's PHANTOM FORCE won't land, but the Pokemon recognises the absence of a target and rematerialises beside its trainer. [break][break][break]

» again covers her e4 colleagues (if possible) + those in the immediate vicinity with reuniclus' LIGHT SCREEN and herself with PROTECT[break]
» drifblim reappears beside her having been unable to land its PHANTOM FORCE[break]
» protecting from the acid rain while watching the time bomb ig[break][break]


There are still things unseen: the lonely sea, the sky

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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lane
Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 21:39:40 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

character iconThe scientist's attention moves from the mine field that was once Slateport to the create in the air. Was it a pokemon, was it a plane? Squinting it takes him a moment to make out what he was seeing, and it was stomach-churning. It was a sick amalgamation of of human and pokemon.

The acid comes barreling down across the city. Concrete and even fleeing pokemon & people have the acid tear through them. Their dying screams only add to the chaos that ensued.

Hastily Lucas returns rampardos. "Badb, protect us!" Navy light cascades across the Aegislash's shield. Shuddering aegislash collects the entirety of its strength into the King's shield. Raised to take care of its patients to the bitter end Machoke throws itself across Lucas Lane's body in a meager attempt to preserve his life.

-return rampardos
-aegislash hovers above Lucas & machoke and uses king's shield to protect against acid
-machoke covers Lucas Lane's body with its own

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