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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
processed shop
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2023 6:46:13 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

2X colbur berry - replacing 2x grepa berry in the garden (100 PD)


be sure to visit the pretty petal flower shop near rustboro!

1X tamato berry
3X grepa berry
1X grass pokemon evolution - momo sakai's grovyle evolves into sceptile!
all berry yields go to / garden link


do come again!

## PD
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
underwater [sw]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 4:27:00 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


solo wild: water / flying / dragon

tentacruel points a single tentacle in the direction of the source of the noise: a wild archeops, fluttering over the water, reaching its talons into the water to snatch up tiny magikarps. [break][break]

mika glances at chiyo who seems to look at her curiously, as though to ask her trainer: do we want to bring this one home with us? [break][break]

and the ranger considers. she has no shortage of flying-type pokemon, but... this one is a fossil pokemon, isn't it? these ones have a certainty rarity among them, even if they're not that rare in retrospect. still, seeing a pokemon like that all the way out here in the water routes must mean something. it means that this isn't a chance that comes along often in life. [break][break]

mika has learned to capitalize on such moments, slowly and gradually. she nods at her empoleon, and the empoleon signals to the other water-types around mika, as well. [break][break]

in a beautiful deluge of water attacks, mika's pokemon corner the archeops, and send the wild pokemon falling into the ocean. before it can reach the treacherous waves, however, mika tosses a poke ball in its direction, and swims out to retrieve it after it snaps close without resistance. "okay," she says to her other pokemon. "let's head back now." [break][break]



catching archeops! [break]



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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
underwater [sw]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 0:52:51 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


solo wild: water / flying / dragon

mika resurfaces from the water with a gasp. around her, the waves are scintillating with afternoon sunlight, her eyes as bright as the gold on the horizon. as she drinks in the sight of abundant nature surrounding them, their pokemon also resurface from their deep dive, as well. [break][break]

teo the walrein, fisk the arctovish, ishmael the tentacruel, and... [break][break]

splash! a crowned head crests over the water, large and elegant. proud. [break][break]

chiyo the empoleon. it still feels unreal that mika's pokemon are able to evolve — that she's doing her job not just as their trainer, but as their friend and helping them reach their maximum potential. the emperor penguin pokemon swims closer to mika, and supports her with its newfound strength and power. the ranger laughs, and pats chiyo's shoulder affectionately. "i see you're enjoying yourself, too! but don't get too carried away, there's a reason we're here—" [break][break]

and her walrein makes a loud whining noise. mika turns their head to look in the new direction: looks like the wild pokemon are out sooner than she'd thought. [break][break]



♪(^∇^*) [break]



[newclass=.mikanakayama]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.3px;line-height:17px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
processed shop
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 0:40:21 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

2X colbur berry (100 PD) - replacing 2X grepa berry in the garden


do come again!

100 PD
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
same as always
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2023 23:36:45 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

sometimes mika wonders if they aren't fighting a losing battle. denying julie, returning to ranger duties, playing the part of a cold and logical ex-lover. the feelings for julie haven't disappeared or lessened over time — it's just been harder to acknowledge their existence, their place in mika's heart. [break][break]

because if she still loves julie, why does she keep her at arm's length? why does she play this song and dance of reluctance, when the answer is so loud and clear within? part of mika wonders if surviving hoenn's horrors hadn't left her crueler, somehow — that after glimpsing death, she'd forgotten how to truly enjoy life, in turn. [break][break]

and when julie says that mika is a lifesaver, mika almost wants to protest. you're the one who makes life brighter, mika thinks. julie had been the one to color mika's dull world in all sorts of colors when they first met. and even now, the ranger looks for her in everything, in the bright rosy pinks and golds of the world, in the shades of sunlight that warm mika to the bone. "it's nothing," they finally say. "and you're right. i'll call you when i'm free." [break][break]

which might be sooner than either of them imagine. if there's one person that mika can always make time for, it's julie. when she thinks of meeting up with her, no matter how far flung in the future that might be, mika doesn't struggle picking a time or place like she does for other people. she doesn't dread the occasion to come, accepting it like some sort of trick of fate. [break][break]

if anything, they're looking forward to this, despite their initial hesitation. when's the last time mika really enjoyed a day off, anyway? they're hard-pressed to remember. "hehe, as long as you and your pokemon enjoy them." she'll be just as ready for lavaridge, too. "you know, ami and ruru are getting so big. hard to believe how small they were when we first got them..." nostalgia tints their voice now, coloring it out to the edges. they've really spent years of their life together, in a way, haven't they? [break][break]

maybe there's still more years to come, after all. "don't worry, jules. you're not twisting my arm — it'll be fun and relaxing, after all." and they smile back at her, the slightest bit of relief filling their lungs at the sight of someone so beloved and familiar. regardless of what had happened to drive them apart, mika finds that the same charms and simple ways bring them back together, slowly but surely. [break][break]

same as always. [break][break]

+ | YURI TIME!!!!



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
processed shop
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2023 4:40:09 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X water-type evolution mission reward from fire force (chiyo the prinplup evolves into empoleon! chiyo has forgotten fury attack, and learned aqua jet instead!)


do come again!

00 PD
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
he don't bite [trade]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 10:10:07 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


"thank you for the eelektross, i'll take good care of it. i hope you and mimikyu get along, as well."

FROM [break]


FROM [break]


[newclass=.gunstrade]font:12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
chasing that feeling
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 4:47:04 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



the moment the dream continues into something resembling a game, mika knows she's out of her own depth. she's experienced some of this strangeness in dreams and distortions before, and has always tolerated it because it's easier to do that than to fight against her fate. [break][break]

but it feels different when she's no longer in control of said dream. before, mika's dreams seemed to bend to her will, and she lived out her fantasies for only a moment, facing the one she loves and telling her all the things she could never say. now? now, every scene in this dream world shifts with uncontrollable speed, colors and sensations blurring together imperceptibly so. one moment, the king tells a tale of conquest and fates, the next, a loud cry from outside draws the attention of her annihilape, the creature bounding out the door before mika can stop it. [break][break]

the king bestows upon her, and the other players in the hall, a strange dream ball each, telling them to take it with them on their journey. [break][break]

take this with me? she holds the pink capture capsule in one hand, blinking slowly. something this cute would better suit someone else, but... mika remembers that there's no time to waste, as the countdown has already started. a loud, blaring sound catches her off guard, and new information presents itself in a flurry of light and lines. it reads: [break][break]


ABILITY NAME: blue me, red you[break][break]

items and surroundings that are helpful to the objective or the player overall are highlighted in blue. however, non-helpful entities of the same nature are highlighted in red instead.[break]

[newclass=.rbynote]border-width: 9px 9px 9px 9px;border-style:solid;border-image: url('') 9 9 9 9 repeat repeat;padding:6px 8px;color:#232323;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;letter-spacing:1px; margin-top:20px;background:#aaa;background-clip: padding-box;[/newclass] [break][break]

at that moment, mika's vision changes, and every object and value darkens around her, as though her eyes have become radars, instead. almost everything from the castle walls to the tall trees to the dirt roads are highlighted a bright red color, straining against her sight. however, she spots a few blue spots, instead, and looks down to see that the dream ball in her hand is also highlighted in blue. [break][break]

a distant cry shatters the sky and garners mika's attention. outside of the castle, into the depths of this kingdom, mika runs towards a forest, whose trees are spindly and leaf-less, more like bones sticking out of the ground than any plant life. among these skeletal groves, she follows a trail of footsteps dyed in helpful blue, ignoring anything else that even gleams of red. [break][break]

eventually, she finds a familiar face. it's kirai, her annihilape, who'd run out on her before. "what are you doing here?" she asks. "let's go back..." [break][break]

the annihilape stands still for a time. it doesn't move an inch, not even at mika's insistence. a deep black and purple miasma surrounds its body, eyes unblinking and hands curled up into fists. mika's breath catches in her throat. [break][break]

something's wrong. before she can react, kirai leaps onto his trainer, fists baring down on her. mika doesn't scream, only puts up her arms to block her face, the dream ball clicking open in the midst of their physical altercation. in a flash of light, the dream ball captures kirai the annihilape, and his weight disappears from this (dream) reality. [break][break]

mika falls to the ground, no longer being assaulted by her own pokemon, but not understanding what had just happened, either. she doesn't realize that the wind stops blowing and the sun stops shining, everything held in breathless suspension as a pop-up displays in her radar-vision. [break][break]



Warning! Doing so will take away power that can help you protect the ones you care about. [break][break]

Continue? [break]

[newclass=.rbynote]border-width: 9px 9px 9px 9px;border-style:solid;border-image: url('') 9 9 9 9 repeat repeat;padding:6px 8px;color:#232323;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;letter-spacing:1px; margin-top:20px;background:#aaa;background-clip: padding-box;[/newclass] [break][break]




Warning! Doing so will keep you from reaching their true potential in lieu of brute force. [break][break]

Continue? [break]

[newclass=.rbynote]border-width: 9px 9px 9px 9px;border-style:solid;border-image: url('') 9 9 9 9 repeat repeat;padding:6px 8px;color:#232323;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;letter-spacing:1px; margin-top:20px;background:#aaa;background-clip: padding-box;[/newclass] [break][break]

mika stares at the words floating in front of her. these messages are talking about kirai, aren't they? her gaze shifts to the dream ball in her hands. it feels heavy with her pokemon's weight. sure, it had attacked her just now, but she senses there's more to its behavior than its typical latent aggression. perhaps kirai had been scared, confused, or hurt by something in his time out here alone. mika wouldn't try to "fix" something about her pokemon without yet ascertaining if it had even been broken in the first place. [break][break]

she decides to keep kirai the way he is, selecting the second option. the moment she does, the world lulls back into motion, and mika exhales. [break][break]

she certainly had her work cut out for her.



• word count: 670



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
sunset [sz]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 0:06:28 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

"over there," mika says as their entire team is heading back towards the entrance of the safari zone. "you're the one i've been looking for." [break][break]

the larvesta inching its way across a nearby tree branch doesn't seem to understand that the ranger is looking right at her. that's fine, though, because mika doesn't need it to understand. she just needs it to grow. [break][break]

she sends forth komainu, and the blue wolf returns with the larvesta in its mouth, holding the fuzzy larvae by the scruff. mika praises her lycanroc, then catches the larvesta with little to no interference. [break][break]

"let's go home now," she says to her pokemon. they all follow her, and mika holds three new safari balls close to her heart, a trio of new comrades to help her make hoenn a better place. [break][break]

bit-by-bit. [break][break]


+ catching larvesta!



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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
processed shop
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 23:57:14 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

please display all awards!

catch a shiny pokemon or shiny swap a pokemon into its shiny form.
(mika's shiny-dusk lycanroc comes from a custom pokemon ticket so please ignore this award if that's not the same as catching a shiny pokemon out in the wild!)

let at least 25 pokemon go free by not fighting or attempting to capture them in wild threads.
(capture threads: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | in total i count 29 pokemon that are applicable towards this award!)

harvest at least 10 berries.
(garden link)

own a shadow pokemon.
(shadow annihilape obtained from the dream drop distance event!)

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
straight from the underground [dw]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 21:05:32 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



mika blinked, surprised that her guess had been anywhere near accurate. "oh, that's amazing. i can't imagine living such an exciting lifestyle, but i'm guessing you must've seen the most incredible sights, in that case." there were certainly many treasures in the hoenn region, between all the strange occurrences and land shifting, no doubt endless riches awaited the bold and brave. [break][break]

"as for me, i love nature, so i'm often exploring the wilds, anyway. and i've had a few 'treasure hunts,' if you can call it that." mostly it had been excursions with other rangers and trainers, like or , mika surprisingly enjoying herself each time. puzzles, dungeons, treasure maps, wild pokemon, traps... it was all very fun and exciting, that's for sure. [break][break]

"ha, you've got a point. some pokemon are weaker. now i can't help but wonder about treasure, though... maybe we'll find something here, after all." she gave a thumbs-up when it seemed that mar's clobbopus had bested the wild perrserker, at least enough for mar to throw a poke ball in its direction. after a satisfying snap, mika realized they hadn't been paying much attention, and a scared toedscool in the background ran far away from where the two women were. no matter — onward they went, deeper into the tunnel! [break][break]



skipping both toedscool and perrserker! [break]




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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 20:57:19 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

at the moment rowan's phione moved through the air, summoning an aqua ring, mika stared wide-eyed at the intruding flamethrower attacks, those barrels of fire that dissipated into steam after hitting the water barrier. she glanced over her shoulder, tossing a "thank you," hurriedly over their back. she would've burned if it hadn't been for ranger wrynn's awareness. she planned to make up for that kindness tenfold. [break][break]

the torkoals were discouraged by the sudden onset of water-type pokemon around them. good, mika thought. let's wear you all down until the extraction unit comes. as rowan dealt with the stray, she ordered her prinplup and walrein to flank the group of torkoal, and continue the onslaught of brine and surf. [break][break]

ultimate, as hard shells cooled and fiery smoke cleared, mika felt confident for the first time that she was doing the right thing. the torkoals seemed dazed and tired after the flurry of attacks. she turned to rowan and asked, "is this sufficient enough? i think the torkoals are tired out now, but..."






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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
SKY: Xenon and Mika
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 20:44:57 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar



"better late than never!" mika retorts, face flushed with excitement and nervousness, both. but xenon raises a fair question: why should she give up the freedom she has to join the league that has, objectively, more constraints than team rocket? mika thinks about her own sense of freedom, then says, "not many can claim they've made waves in both rocket and league. and those that do are always hounded by their past affairs. you look like you're above all that, so you could do great things there," which is an astute claim, but not one rooted in sincerity. mika just wants to survive this encounter, and if exchanging barbs helps keep her and her pokemon alive for even a second more, she'll do it. [break][break]

but her opponent doesn't let up. the iron jugulis seems to thrive in these dire conditions, and electricity from its futuristic body begins to emanate, moving with increased speed and power. naturally, mika's hydreigon will only get more tired as the battle goes on. [break][break]

so when the barrage of flash cannons come hurtling their way, mika holds on tightly, yelping as the movement of a blast of steel-imbued power strikes her hydreigon straight on — the dragon staggering in the air, screeching out of pain. in a last bid to keep themselves in the game, mika silently grits her teeth, and hydreigon lets out a hyper voice, sound waves blasting from the triple heads, air rippling with static all around them. [break][break]



10 MP per IC post in a RT Battle/Mission.[break]




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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
All Hands! [M/O]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 20:01:39 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

soon enough, it seemed most of the damage had been controlled. mika's pokemon smothered out the last remains of any stubborn embers, and she made it a point to have talonflame (without its usual flames, of course) flap its wings to blow away any harmful ash from the remaining plant life that managed to survive the initial scorch. [break][break]

then yuina returned with the pokemon in tow, and mika praised her arctovish and walrein for their job well-done, confident they'd done all they could in their time away from their trainer. [break][break]

instead, her attention turned towards yuina, and the skewer in her hands that had been evidence of the fire's origin. a campfire left unattended or put out improperly, the result of human error. mika's chest ached with sympathy and disappointment. this could have all been avoided, but instead, a good chunk of littleroot town's natural beauty and farmland had been razed with fire. on the bright side, they stopped the flames from spreading any further beyond the city's limits. at least they could celebrate that. [break][break]

"i see," mika relented. "in that case, we had better report this back to hq. i can also check one last time for any anomalies, if that's needed." she nodded once, then said, "at the risk of sounding like a greenhorn, i'll say this: i'm thankful to have had your guidance and help in this situation, yuina. i hope i can become a ranger of your resourcefulness and repute one day, as well." [break][break]



mission: fire force



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP