i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,404 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 4:39:43 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin, too, sees fit to return 's greeting with a bird of his own. He's grinning with the rude gesture, clearly unoffended. An amused glance is spared for when he sees the Admin doing the same.

"Great minds," he snickers.

Their party is crashed by someone very drunk, and Gavin's lips purse with the effort to withhold laughter during Mars' introduction. Typical Rocket. Either grim and serious, or equivalent to a frat house. You never knew which side you were going to get.

"A pleasure, Prescott."

What a way to meet your boss.

"Are you here to take bets with the rest of us, then? Who's your favourite?"

Probably not that one, he thinks, wrinkling his nose at the sight of poor . They didn't make them like they used to, did they? Kanto was a long ways off.
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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,687 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 6:45:35 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

she nodded. she had seen some of raicorp’s technology in action at the science fair. infinity industries, while near to her, was involved in many more things than she was ever aware of.

the mention of silph co. boiled her blood. she didn’t scowl like she had at or at the mention, but something in her face twitched painfully.

”i’m eager to have a look,” she said, entering the control room and observing the tasks fulfilled. her expression soured more when she turned from , and she hid it in a heavy sip of her tequila.
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played by


Fix, Mr. Fixer, Mr. Fix
December 17
Mahogany Town
5 height
5 height
I can fix that.
20 posts
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TAG WITH @thefixer
The Fixer
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 9:43:12 GMT
The Fixer Avatar

The Fixer had been doing the problem-solving gig for quite a while now, with jobs big and small, in locations far-flung, exotic, and as mundane as one could imagine. Throughout all that, he had noticed a peculiar trend in his clients and their designated targets - People absolutely loved acronyms. Just couldn't get enough of them. They bent themselves into pretzels shoehorning a vaguely appropriate series of kinda-sorta comprehensible words together, just so they could have a cool acronym. S.P.E.A.R. or G.L.A.I.V.E. or B.A.D.A.S.S. or something similar, and it was painfully apparent that they had picked the acronym first and worked backwards, rather than the other way around. Usually, anyway. He found it rather charming, in a way - A little bit of whimsy in an otherwise grim business, and he was the last person to begrudge someone trying to bring a bit of colour to the bleak business he often participated in. The latest in the long line of acronyms he had been attached temporarily to, or possibly would be, was S.P.E.C.T.R.A, which he couldn't decide whether it made him think of a car or a ghost, and so he elected to solve his conundrum via fusion - Ghost car. Which was, admittedly, pretty awesome. He'd like to see a ghost car someday. Maybe even drive one, if that was a thing that could be done. [break] [break]

Such were his idle thoughts as he went over his last series of gear checks, a routine that had so long ago become second nature to him that his hands and brain worked largely on auto-pilot, leaving him free to let his thoughts drift while they worked. Rough pads of calloused skin rasped over the enormous sidearm he favoured, methodically testing and searching for any tell-tale signs of necessary repair or misalignment, and finding none, moved on to the large calibre rifle. This new iteration of Rocket was impressive, admittedly - Moreso than its predecessor had been, when he had worked with them during the Kanto subjugation. Smarter, more subtle, and infinitely more likely to succeed by virtue of those two qualities alone. It certainly didn't hurt that they appeared to have an endless supply of money, or close enough to it. This submarine base they had going was nothing to sneeze at, and it wasn't just for show - He'd checked. The personnel seemed both disciplined and sufficiently kitted out in an ample supply of quality gear, and there was no shortage of high-end tech on display. [break] [break]

An excellent example of such was the arena that the participants had been instructed to assemble within. The Fixer studied the pristine area as the scanner swept over his form, the light reflecting off the curved, glossy black plating of his combat plating. He ignored the little, cheerful ping of his helmet's ID chip being successfully picked up by the scanner, instead allowing his gaze to drift up to the observation decks above, where it lingered for a long moment. A faint twitch at the corner of his mouth was, as all his expressions, lost beneath the sleek cover of his helmet. 'An arena indeed. Are we to turn and face our venerated Caesars and cry 'We who are about to die salute you!'?' How very civilised this barbarism was. With a slight, courteous inclination to the figures behind the glass, the Fixer turned his attention to the other participants. [break] [break]

The heads up display projected onto his view of the surroundings shifted and flickered as it processed the information fed to it through the helmet's sensors, assigning tags to the individuals in the crowd and alerting him to the presence of pokemon and their associated weaknesses and traits - Though it came up with errors for two that seemed to be owned by a white haired male. That gave the Fixer pause. It was rare to have his database come up short for a pokemon, let alone two at once. What the fuck were those things? Concerning. He had to hope that he could learn enough about them in this little exercise to do some homework after, and devise a tactical doctrine tailored to each. Not knowing a pokemon's capabilities made him distinctly uncomfortable. Who knew what they could do, after all? Their trainer, presumably, but he didn't, and if you didn't know, you couldn't prepare, and if you couldn't prepare, life got so much harder. [break] [break]

Case in point, the young man and his freshly made puddle of vomit. No sick bag, presumably no preventative medicines taken to assuage an ill stomach, or whatever plagued him. Maybe nerves. He had that look about him. The Fixer had been there, once, many a moon ago, and he felt a rare pang of pity for the boy. Heavy, plated boots hit the grated floor without any attempt at subtlety or stealth as the geared-up mercenary made his way through the crowd to stand to one side of , armoured fingers snapping open a pouch at his waist and extracting a small white disc, which smelled strongly of fresh, potent mint, which he offered to the younger man in a decidedly casual manner. The voice that emanated from the helmet could not, in any conceivable world, be mistaken for a person's natural speech. Deep and reverberating, it was obviously filtered through some sort of audio modulator, resulting in something that sounded like a demon had had a particularly throaty lovechild with a voice synthesiser. "Mint?" [break] [break]






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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 16:04:33 GMT
it's only polite to return the finger guns to — a face he's come to recognize as rocket's cutest boy.

it's a good thing @elliott interrupts when he does because cian was just on his way over to flirt with said cutest boy, and gods only know what would do to him.

"won't be much of a shit show. i got this shit in the bag."

as should be expected from the league's finest minor league gym leader.

"it's good to see you here, man."

++ participating


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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 17:38:51 GMT
ana fell Avatar

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]trouble tracks[break]me down

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]in the troubled parts of town


More and more Rockets were making an appearance, like ants swarming out of their sinking hill. It was an apt metaphor given their location and Cyg mentally self-fived herself for the analogy. A shortish green-- no, blue-- fuck, was she colorblind? A person with funky hair gave her and there rest of the general crowd a polite wave. He introduced himself as and it fit. “Definitely not just you,” Cyg confirmed, happy she wasn’t the only one a bit freaked out. [break][break]

Hope bossman doesn’t see me eat it today, he said, and Cyg had flashbacks to the first time she met . At a shitty carnival wearing a slutty outfit and tripping in the mud. “Been there, done that,” she said, quietly. Then, louder: “Do they serve drinks here? A snack table? Rocket logo bottled water? A vending machine?” [break][break]

made a noise like he maybe was thinking about pretending to remember her. “”S fine,” she said, of both the forgetting and the sunburn, waving it off. It was fine. It was nice to be conspicuous, especially in a place like this. [break][break]

One day she would be a face they would never forget. For good or ill, she supposed. To quote the immortal poet Viggo Mortensen: today was not that day. [break][break]

Cyg didn’t recognize outright, but she did recognize the giant, metal beast beside him. Genesect. The smell of the ocean and the burning of the salt in her eyes was a vivid flashback. She watched him and his crony, Priam-- or maybe it was the other way around?-- flock towards , who looked like he was struggling to breathe. Relatable, given she was riding the swells and valleys or her own nerve-induced nausea like a canoe on a capnograph. [break][break]

Unlike , she didn’t have anything of use to offer the poor kid, and she worried that more people flocking into his orbit would make things worse.

[break]participating !

[attr="class","llppromisedtag"] S.P.E.C.T.R.A


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[newclass=.CYGNE .llppromised]--promisedAccent:#C6A6E5;[/newclass]
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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 17:49:12 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar
razor-sharp teeth, i bite bullets.
Fellow Rocket Beast, joined the group shortly after she made her appearance and she nodded in greeting towards him as she sipped lightly on her drink. Seemed he shared similar sentiments as her own as he mentioned making bets as well before putting his money on Frost.

"I do hope he's stronger than he is smart, at least where common sense is concerned." Gavin scoffs. "Nearly shot him the other day when I found him snooping around in Choi's office, but apparently he was told to." Serena hid a small smirk behind the rim of her glass as golden hues spied Frost down below. That sounded like just the sort of mischief would find himself in.

"Not eager to clash with the rest of them?" Gavin said as he turned towards her. Serena flashed him a knowing smirk before she shrugged lightly. "I'm always down for some friendly competition, you know this." she said before turning her attention back towards the participants. "Sadly I won't be able to throw it down with the best of them this time." she said with a chuckle. "I've been asked to serve as a proctor for this event instead."

Just as Mars was about to disclose who his choice was it seemed all of their attention was whisked away by the rather colorful display of the bird from down below. Glancing to the side of her she saw the fellow admin and underboss return the obscene gesture in kind. "Great minds," Gavin commented with a grin.

"What the fuck? Remy? Mars? What are you two doing here? You should've found me sooner!" A very loud voice among the small bustle of chatter was what tore her eyes from the participants below to the new arrival. The woman sauntered over to find a seat as she stared at Mars with familiarity.

"Summer, I didn’t know you’d be acting as a proctor today.” Mars responded to the new arrival. Summer. Serena believed she heard Mars mention her at least once before. "Summer, this Underboss Merlino. Gavin, this is a very drunk Summer Prescott.” Prescott. That also sounded familiar.

If she could recall there was a sort of summer bash that was held at their place a few months past. She hadn't attended due to her busy schedule but she was beginning to put two and two together. It seemed Miss Prescott was already thoroughly enjoying herself. Serena chuckled softly imagining she would've been in the same boat had she acted on her impulses at the bar.

"A pleasure, Prescott." Cordial as ever, Gavin greets her smoothly. "Are you here to take bets with the rest of us, then? Who's your favourite?" he asked and Serena turned her focus on their conversation entirely. She was always down to see what other people were thinking. Who knew when such perspectives could help her out later.

, , , , ,
outfit ● observation deck - proctor
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october 1st
castelia city, unova
do not perceive me
50 height
50 height
co było, nie wróci
180 posts
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TAG WITH @izydor
Izydor Baranowski
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 17:55:09 GMT
Izydor Baranowski Avatar

This whole thing made him feel sick.[break][break]

Even despite time having gone past and his ribs being majority healed by now, there was still a weakness in his side that he'd bandaged up tight and covered with layers in an attempt to push it down and away. Weakness was the one thing he hated the most about himself, and was the one thing that he couldn't show above anything else in a situation like this.[break][break]

He wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Izzy was no smart type, and the word examination worried him slightly, but if this involved fighting, he might do well. He didn't like to fight, but he was good at it. Talented or not, Izzy took every memory of going home with someone else's brains on his knuckles back with him. This wasn't healthy, to get involved in something like this.[break][break]

But it might mean further rocket work, which meant more money. He'd made it this far, gotten away from home, gotten his own place. Without pushing himself further like this, the life he built could fall between his fingers, and Izzy couldn't let that happen.[break][break]

He balls his fists a little, position taken at the centre, other people around him joking and laughing with one another. would surely be here, keeping keen watch. What about ? ? Even someone like ? The whole situation worries him - what the fuck are they gonna be made to do? And why is everyone watching like they're about to be fed to the lions?

[attr="class","izrigidtag"]@ spectra



participating POG


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 18:34:26 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar was not sure what he was expecting when he approached , but it was not him losing his lunch. Oscar's kind smile turned into a grimace as the poor grunt spewed chunks into a conveniently placed garbage can, prompting a long wince from the beast. "That's unfortunate."

Even Genesect was taken aback, stepping a bit behind Oscar as the young man wretched. Oscar looked to Priam, "Well he certainly looks juicy now. Or perhaps chunky." Oscar looked around, immediately becoming aware of how much attention this would draw to the already nervous stranger. Oscar sighed, approaching Klaus from behind against his better judgement.

The poor vomiting soul already had pitying company, but Oscar still opted to do his part to try and make this experience less traumatizing. "Um, there--there. It's okay um--big cat. Just let it out. Take a second to breathe." Oscar hesitantly gave Klaus a pat on the back, a gesture Genesect found curious. It marched over, mimicking its master's movement. Genesect looked to Oscar for approval, and Oscar could not help but hold back a snicker as he gave Genesect a pat on the head.

Genesect patted Oscar's head in kind, causing him to frown. "Alright now you're just taking the piss."
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 18:53:50 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

So happens be that from up in the control room, Mars too notices ’s sudden need to puke his guts out (literally), and as fate would have it, it also happens be that it was Mars himself who told the lighthouse keeper he should make it to the SPECTRA exams today. Why? Well, for one, he’s of the mentality that all Rocket members should develop their combat skills, and for another…
”Ha! Classic.
He had thought it could be amusing, and clearly he hadn’t been wrong in this assumption of his.
So, what does Admin Del Mar do?
Well, obviously he brings his phone out and takes a picture! Zoomed in as much as possible on the lovely sight of holding onto a trash can for dear life.
And what does he do after that?
He searches through his contacts for the one that’s listed as “LIGHTHOUSE” and sends the picture to Klaus himself without even following it up with a text.
Obviously, just in case he wants a souvenir or something.
Mars? Intimidating new recruits he's familiar with as a reminder that he's watching their progress? Never.



Control room | Proctor[break]
Open to interaction ♡


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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 19:47:42 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar

Idle conversations continued to encircle the typically anti-social man, forcing him to notice new faces from across the organization. Some, like , garnered interest, while others, , soured his opinion of the org. But what caught his attention the most weren't these faces, but rather, the pair of glowing golden eyes that had been lurking near the outskirts of the arena throughout all this time.

Turning, Felix gave Mint a firm pat on the shoulder. "I'll be back." Barnaby received a similar notice, but with a different source of communication: a chin jut towards the direction he was planning on moving to. Hopefully there was still some time before the exam started, he thought, knowing how flimsy could be... He had to make sure he could keep a proper eye on him.

On his way towards the shroud, Felix took some time to sniff out the incoming wave of faces. He gave , @eliott, and an amicable nod; and a simple "good luck"; a questionable look. It wasn't much, compared the boisterous methods and employed to garner attention, but it was more than he'd typically do.

The closer he came to the pair of eyes, the more it began to take shape, growing a set of paws and a snot. 'A stray luxray?' He originally questioned, but a clear image soon presented himself: a small girl riding the luxray. And, again, his image of the organization withered.

"...Hello." Typically, one might compare Felix to a scarecrow; purposely large and scary, meant to shoo pesky hindrances away. But, when it came to children, a rarity would always occur. Unbeknownst to even himself, the ANVIL general's expression would soften, and his tone would subside into a brotherly concern. "Can I ask what you're here for?"

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 21:12:20 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It's fascinating, getting to observe the others without having to interact with them herself. Some are naturally confident, voting to lead the conversations whilst others try so hard to hide their nerves behind aimless talk. One way or another, they all find their own solution around their situation and hope to maintain some sort of good image in front of the observers up high.
Her attention is drawn in by the odd one out, the Genesect that seems ever so friendly. After hearing all the horror stories floating around and developing a rather horrifying mental image of it, she realises that its actions are a far cry from the beast that had once terrorised their submarine. Had it hit its head recently? Had its wires connected wrongly? She's a little tempted to approach it and attempt to make friends but Reiner's sudden tensing up distracts her from that thought.
First, a wave from ... the fact he'd noticed her makes her a little nervous, but she gives a weak smile back nonetheless. Next makes her tense up herself, her fingers gently gripping at Reiner's mane as she looks back at the stranger.
"SPECTRA...? Or is this the secret Sunday knitting club?"


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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 21:34:10 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Summer gave a narrowed gaze at Mars as he replied to her, seeming too calm and cool to see her just burst into the room like that? Where was the fun in that, Mars? Literally hadn't seen each other in months, and this is how you greeted her?

Of course, if the situation was different, she would have greeted him rather cooly herself. But, here she was. Brash and loud, demanding attention from her friend.

"The hell kind of smooth acting is this? No, 'oh Arceus, Summer, I've missed you so much my dearest friend in the entire world?' Some bullshit right there," she said, pointing an accusing finger at Mars.

However, her ruby gaze dragged over to Mr. Merlino, who was introduced to her. So, this was him.

"I've heard about you. Finally can put a face to the name. Not what I imagined," she said with a snicker to herself.

However, betting wasn't something she'd considered. Summer did have her daddy's money, though. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to wager a few bets and see if she'd win. Her drunken mind shouted that it was a great idea.

"I don't really know any of these people. A lot of them don't look interesting to me. But that one," she said, leaning over to point a finger down at .

"Something's gonna happen to him. I'm gonna bet money on that. Too busy flirting to pay attention to his surroundings."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 22:12:31 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Elliott snorted, smirking.

"Bold words. You think I can't take you out even though I'm not a gym leader? Watch me."

He'd prove to him, and the ones watching, that he was going to be a potent force in Rocket. Someone worth watching, despite being a pretty face on billboards and magazines.

Though he was quick to flip off as he walked by, sticking out his tongue as well.

"I won't beat you up first, though. Maybe I'll save your precious face for later," he shot back at Cian, grinning.
& & spectra
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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 22:46:40 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
Felix smiled.

Her intentions were obvious, written across her features in bold permanent ink. It was cute. And, given his positions, such cute innocence was a rarity in his life, found only in his brother and that wandering stray Meowth that patrolled his neighborhood.

Taking a knee, he gingerly ensured the tense pokemon that he was harmless by holding up his hands in front of him. Then, when if it was deemed safe, he'd reach over and give the small girl a pat on the head. "Wrong room." He teased, "Try next door."

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2022 23:14:08 GMT
mint frost Avatar

“Kay! Don’t be a stranger.” Mint chirped as took his leave. He sounded as boring as ever, but he’s glad he at least took the time to reply. His eyes moved to as she spoke up and he let out a laugh. “I’ve had nonstop jitters since last night.” He explained before shrugging. “My pokemon on the other hand were so serious as breakfast this morning, Quiet too. Probably just really excited.” He added. He found himself glancing around between phrases as stragglers trickled in, one more and more anxious than the last. Was this really as scary as had warned? He expected some tough shit, but should he be worried? Especially if people more capable than him were. [break][break]

@elliott ’s rude gesture made him grimace, making a mental note to ruffle his hair hard if he got the chance. He should look as unseemly as he acted. He turned back to nodding at him lightly. “Bee’s kinda cute. Short for...?” he asked with a tilt of his head before looking back at the others as he tried to follow the conversation he’d joined. His attention moved back to Felix wondering what the fuck he was doing over in the corner. He also did his best to avoid looking or even acknowledging ’s vomit. Someone else could take care of that for them.


+ so many taggs [break][break]




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP