i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 26
sunyshore, sinnoh
ranger, photojournalist
Artemis Chary
2 height
2 height
my god, i’m so lonely
34 posts
reve zajac DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @reve
reve zajac
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 3:17:27 GMT
reve zajac Avatar
Reve pauses, feeling the pressure on his dress. He turns to look at the source and is met with the sight of a ninetales. He’s amused — he's fond of the creatures, this one reminds him almost of Sniff back at home.

He watches the creature as he taps away, and when he turns back to look at them and yip, Reve furrows his brow. “Hey there, little friend. Are you talking to me?” He asks. Then, upon remembering the ninetales can’t in fact answer him, he shrugs.

“Yeah, okay. Why not?” It’s not like he has much else better to do. Maybe just this once wouldn’t pass up an opportunity, excuse to get away from standing off to the sides, just for a moment. If he hated it, he could always leave.

He begins to follow Gelato, to the outside. For a moment, he catches a glimpse of a cat-like creature. He continues to follow the fox pokémon, just to recognize Solaris standing not far from them. He grins — this must mean @artemis is nearby.

They try to ignore how their heart beats a little faster at that thought, and how their face flushes slightly. Hopefully, this means he wouldn’t be without the company of another person here much longer. He waves to Solaris, continuing to follow the ninetales to wherever he may be leading them.

He thinks, somewhere in the crowd, he sees a flick of purple hair, and he can’t help the smile spreading across his face.

post 2 - For @artemis and  

tl;dr: reve meets gelatto! and begins to be led away from the wall where he was previously standing.
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papichulo grippin' culo
october 14
castelia city, unova
personal trainer
he looks up
grinning like a devil
6'0" height
6'0" height
it's like we go through the same shit every night
468 posts
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TAG WITH @andres
andres buenaventura
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 3:25:12 GMT
andres buenaventura Avatar

If Summer intimidated him, Andres didn’t show it smiling in his typical carefree sort of way and tilting his head at the woman. “I don’t think it’s this entire party’s business, but you’re appearance has made itself known.” He said with another laugh. “Ah-! Wait….perhaps….was it your first time attempting something so risqué, Miss Su-” His teasing is halted by a single slap that’s only dulled by the roar of the party and music accompanying it. Andres just barely has time to blink, lifting a hand to rub his face as his acquaintance is partially hidden by the lucky batter himself. [break][break]

“Was that necessary?” he asked, brows knitting together as he frowned in confusion. He didn’t look upset, far from it. He’d simply been pointing out the obvious. It wasn’t his fault they didn’t know how to hide it better. Yes, it was absolutely necessary. That’s the immediate answer he’s given as the short young man gives him a half maker right under the ribs. He can see the windup, but he’s not particularly sure how to respond if at all. Andres hadn’t picked a fighting since sophomore year of college. He didn’t have it in him to try a chokehold. Plus, he’d look as messy as the couple he was harassing. Didn’t want that. [break][break]

So, he just stood there, albeit tensing his ribs as he took the punch. Pain radiated out and he grunted in pain. That was real. What’s not is how he carefully fell back down, crumpling to the ground. A leftover of his high school days. “Ughhh…so hard…so painfull….” He groaned from the ground, though very carefully as he tried not to throw his really nice suit all over the dirty ground. He’s about to turn around and pluck a nose hair for a little bit of dramatic flair with the eyes, before he heard a familiar voice. The prince himself offering his aid? Were Andres a fair maiden he would’ve blushed. “A-Artie! I’d never.” He assured his date, sniffling slightly for theatrics. “I was just looking for you when I met this love pair. They’re practically glued to each other.” He explained as he pulled himself up and dusted himself off. “I’m a little jealous~” he added smiling down at his date, but also very clearly stepping away from Casey before he tried a real haymaker for his jaw instead.


+ + + post 6 [break][break]

- takes it lie ka champ cause he aint no BITCH [break]
- absolutely takes a dive, the move of his people [break]
- yeah he is still harassing them [break]
- and yes, absolutly flirting with artie while doing it [break]
- bold as hell [break]



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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 3:39:06 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Summer was ready to open her mouth, spit out more venom and a few expletive words when Casey took charge and punched Andres. Right in the fucking chest.

Oh my god, if she didn't love him before, she felt like she did now.

Her mouth hung open in shock, not even looking at Andres but locked on Casey after what had happened. Did he just protect her? Get angry over another man's comment about her? Was he... jealous? Or just fed up? She couldn't tell.

But she knew that she found him a million times more attractive now than she had before, and that had been a significant amount before. Was that possible?

If she were not held down by gravity, she would absolutely float away right now. Summer reached forward, grabbing his arm, about to say something. But they were interrupted by another man coming to pick up Andres. It seemed like a good point to walk away, and she did, hoping Casey would follow.

As soon as they were gone from the other men, she turned, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him down. She gave him a kiss because she couldn't help it.

"I'm... sorry. I didn't mean to get so worked up back there. Gods, I just kissed you after you punched a man," she said, everything hitting her at once. "I need to sit down..."

- referenced gravity

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lana, rue
september 1
littleroot town
forever alone
38 height
38 height
'Cause you don't belong where you don't belong Yeah, I don't belong
180 posts
ruslan skye DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruslan
ruslan skye
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 3:46:36 GMT
ruslan skye Avatar

Perhaps he had said something awkward. The lack of response is enough to indicate as much. Though he understood at the very least the man was listening to him. He bit the inside of his lip not wanting to say anything. Not about how this felt like a hug, or how much he enjoyed said weird hug. IT felt like a gesture of mid comfort but…he liked it more than he should’ve. Once again, he’s reminded that those had also been scarce before. But he’s nervous, and this is a job. And the last thing he wants is that kind of affection confusing him when he’s getting used to his job, or worse: destroying his already weak resolve when it came time to negotiate his terms and conditions. [break][break]

If Lana is anything, it’s patient. He doesn’t rush Victor, leaning against him once more and looking up at the night sky. He mulled it over for a moment, sighing quietly as he tried to put together something insightful. It eluded him. Form what he’d gathered the man was just…he dind’t know what he was yet. He’d assumed lonely or desperate, but Victor seemed more put together than that. “So this w-was…j-just another date t-then?” Like the Sauna too, and he supposed the aftermath of the casino. Perhaps this fell on his shoulders as well. “S…Should I t-take you s-somewhere next, t-then?” McDonalds. No.


+ hehehe post #16

tl'dr [break][break]

- OOF BUDDY lets discuss our jobs[break]
- making conversation [break]



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 4:30:13 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Did you find any? Well, at least any that looked familiar?” he thought out loud, looking over in the same direction as the bluenette.

Once upon a time, way back then, Alexei had an interest in the stars as well. While that had faded over time, though—fact of the matter was that the bluenette was enjoying it.

So he wondered if he could get back into it once again.

“Hey, look, it’s starting,” he pointed out, tracing the beginning of the paths of the meteors—the other Miniors that hadn’t fallen to the ground, maybe—as they began streaking across the skies.

“Oh, hey—Mattie,” he muttered quietly.

“What—what are you going to wish for? I—I mean, you don’t have to tell me…” he added.

Because there are so many things I want to wish for… one of them being, well… he thought to himself as he considered what he wanted to wish for.

There were so many things, but there was really just—one thing he wanted…

I wish this game of chicken really did result into something more.

• this idiot is drowning in the Nile, someone save his ass
• #ALLthehomo
• made a wish [prompt]
• being very fucking gay with Mattie rn
his outfit


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casey, baby boy
September 24th
Fallarbor Town
ask him.
rest assured, he's still ripped
285 posts
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TAG WITH @casey
Casey Fincher
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 4:41:10 GMT
Casey Fincher Avatar

Just a mess. A mess. A hair-raising aside left his ears hot. Jealousy? Protection? These were just two things under the umbrella of possessiveness. The disgusting underbelly of his "i fight for my friends" thing. He just stood there for a second, watching Andres curl up and flop, like a stuntman on wires. "..."

He was a little shaken, for a moment. He'd spent the entire night sobbing that he couldn't step up and help people that mattered to him, only to take out that impotent feeling on someone who'd probably never fought before. A knot tied itself in his stomach.

His knuckles were red from their sudden use, an attempted liver-shot that missed its mark. He wished that he didn't feel like he had to do that. That he was normal, and not ruled by his emotions.

A dazzling young man intervened on his behalf. This would suffice. Summer then saw fit to lead him away.

Casey trailed across the floor after her, biting his lip and looking embarrassed. "...Summer, did I--" Words failed him yet again. He was cut off by her pulling him down by the head and kissing him, not unlike when she pulled on his necktie as if it were a leash. His cheeks and nose turned beet-red, and he ran a hand through her hair.

She admitted that she was also caught up in the moment. That she needed to sit down. Egad! His eyes lit up, and he tried to lead her by the hand of his she held, towards the doorway of the ballroom. Now to change the subject entirely, and try harder to be mature. "...We need to go get your Absol, before I forget."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 5:38:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar
artemis really, truly didn’t know how this night could get any better. it feels almost too good to be true, and there’s still that little whisper in the back of his mind telling him that it is. that there's no way this could be happening without something going wrong, not reasonably. it’s too perfect, feels too much like it’s come out of some sort of dream. he tries not to think about that now, still trying to take in the sight of mint and the litleonids in the sky above them, hoping that just this once his wish will come true. he wants to say he deserves a fairytale ending- thinks mint does, after everything he must have been through, but he’s not so sure about himself.

and then mint’s crying, or close to it, and the realization is enough to shake him out of his thoughts. worry floods him, and he moves to let go of them carefully, like he’s not used to this. and he isn’t; not anymore, with how long it’s been and how much mint’s changed. how much artemis himself has changed. it doesn’t stop him from hiding his concern, and from trying to look desperately for his espeon once he realizes she’s disappeared during the waltz. ‘are you sure? we can sit down or something if you want?’

he’s almost nervous about the idea of getting away from the crowd. there’s still so much to be talked about, and artemis isn’t entirely sure he’s ready for any of it. especially not in a place like this, and not when he had been considering the idea of this being like a fairytale just a few seconds before. he knows it will have to happen, eventually, but he doesn’t want it to be now; really hopes it doesn’t end up being now.

solaris hadn’t gone far from her trainer, instead trying to find somewhere a little quieter for the time being. it hadn’t taken long, though, for reve to pass by, following a familiar ninetales through the crowd. with a shake of one paw, she got up with a stretch, beginning to follow the photojournalist in turn.

- thinks this moment is too perfect to be true.
- whoops it is. artemis is worried about mint so now he's offering to sit down somewhere instead of dancing.
- solaris follows reve when she spots him following gelato.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,804 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 5:45:23 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

Her cheeks take on a subtle flush of deeper pink with his compliment. It’s something she should expect, but it’s still rather flattering coming from him.

“Well, did a fantastic job,” On another notes, Matias has a PR person?! Damn, the professors need a PR person to dazzle up their job . . . perhaps they’d get more funding.

“Nah, someone just kinda . . sent it over,” perhaps her PR person? Did she have one of those? There was something about it in the AQUA Initiative contract but she figured that was just for the important people like the actual avatars, “Are you excited for the meteor shower? I don’t think I’ve ever watched one before . . . should we watch from outside or in here or . . .?”

12th post
Dress: link
Hair: link

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,413 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 6:13:57 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","lyrics"]MY HEARTS IN SPADES

[attr="class","name"]MICHAIL VOLKOV



as anyone on hoenn would know, there are plenty of things to worry about if you would let yourself. so much had happened after the war — the half-hearted fall of his father's pharmaceutical empire, the loan sharks that picked at the resulting pieces like roaches in a darkened room, the threat of jayden himself drowning into a metaphorical nothingness. then there had been everything after had saved him — the new rocket agenda, the shattering of a heart that he didn't know he had, and the pieces that were slowly being formed back together.

[break][break] changes upon changes, a near-death experience, a sudden promotion.

[break][break] there was a lot to think about — and yet, staring into the galaxy that was eyes, jayden found himself thinking of nothing.

[break][break] it was a first, for him.

[break][break] tonight was a night of many firsts - it seemed. his steps are wooden after hers, a pinnochio to her puppet-maker. somehow he is able to make it through without stepping on her toes, and as his lay firmly in hers, they lead each other across the dance floor.

[break][break] "midnight?" he asks her, head tilted to the side in curiosity. there is something bemused glittering in amethyst eyes. things like fairy tales and childhood fable's are something unknown to jayden. the significance, unsurprisingly, is lost on him. "do you have somewhere to be?"

[break][break] 'what about you?'

[break][break] a question is fired back at him, and he considers it. this is not the first gala that jayden has ever been to, but most of the functions that his parents had led him to had never required him to dance. instead, it was his job as dmitri's son to look proper and suited, listening to his father as he spoke to the company benefactors. he wonders briefly if his brother knew how to dance. perhaps alexei — he seemed the most likely.

[break][break] there is a flash of a hidden memory that comes suddenly — red satin and black sprawling across a dance floor, his mother and father twirling elegantly across it. a young mischa standing at the edge of a crowded room, standing straight and tall. stiff. awkward. sad?

[break][break] when he comes to, it is like someone - something - else has taken over him. he realizes a bit belatedly that he had taken the lead for the dance, twirling and dipping her just as the constellations race across the glittering night sky.

[break][break] he pulls her up again, a small tug, and gravity does the rest. dr. holo's voice finishes echoing across the garden.

[break][break] 'make a wish, everyone! what do you desire? what do you dream?'

[break][break] what did he dream?

+ tldr jayden gets lost in thought and dips luka (#10)

[break][break] mentions gravity


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he/she (genderfluid)
November 17
Driftveil City
45 height
45 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
272 posts
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TAG WITH @cardamombliss
Cardamom Bliss
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 6:15:45 GMT
Cardamom Bliss Avatar
[attr="class","woo2"]Hold on, what's the rush

Cardamom let out a slight gasp as the stars started truly falling, basking for a moment in the sight of them being pulled to earth by the force of gravity. It was truly breathtaking to experience, and she was glad that she was with so many friends while seeing it. She smiled a bit at Hideo's wish, and even more at Eris'.[break][break]
"Now that's a wish I'd share," she said with a smile. "But so that I'm not plagarizing, I'll wish that my family's bakery can become famous for making the best treats in all the world!" She reached over to pat Hideo's head gently. "Now you're a Champion I'd follow anywhere," she added. "Me, I'd just be happy with getting all the gym badges. Maybe one champ battle for fun, hm?"[break][break]
tl;dr: 15/11, make a wish, reference gravity, use the word "breathtaking"

[attr="class","woo5"]pronouns; she/her



[attr="class","copyright"]new york station

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,631 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 6:47:00 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]

Oh right leave it to him to not understand the hints going on that all this was meant to be another time. Though it seems like the newly wedded couple wants some time alone as they go to start dance and leave them. leaving as well probably wanting something else to do, this place seemed more like their scene. [break][break]

Razz looks back to the slightly younger man as he mentions wanting to go outside before the lights turn out. "Makes sense, its not like we're going to have a good view in here anyways," he comments not noticing the way the other stiffened at the very idea of darkness. Though pauses when and join them. While he knows his ex-boss well the other he isn't as familiar with. [break][break]

“Do, uh, do you know these guys?”

"Hmm uhh yeah, Jamison this is , Head Ranger," Razz formally introduces though he does tilt his head at the other, "Don't know her though," he states bluntly not thinking it would offend. It was just facts. "We were just about to go out to see the shower," the younger ranger points to outside, "did you want to come?"

+ [break]

[break]post #7
[break]outfits Salem in White and Sabrina in Blue, Razz but with his usual Bandana



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april 13th
231 height
231 height
Diamond sparrow, my moonlight majesty, come flying back to me.
928 posts
part of
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 10:49:17 GMT
danny already knew the consequences of his actions; he had just been waiting for them to catch up to him.

he's silent through all of it, through all the words that come his way, because what is there to say to them? he knows he fucked up. this is his mistake and it's his to experience alone.

the gravity of the situation weighs heavy on his shoulders.

by the end, he sighs, looking away.

"i'll be fine."

whatever punishment will come his way, he can take it. he must.

a thought lingers in the back of his mind, driving him to say:

"and i don't need you to protect me. tell your mentor what you have to."

heading out of the ballroom with
prompt: make a reference to gravity
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 14:06:27 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

That the radiant tails of comets curve across the velvety night sky above their heads matters not at all to one Skyler Dross, whose focus seldom drifts from where her hand is pressed to Angelo's chest. Dr. Holo's announcement, strange as it might be, falls on deaf ears, surging into the aether to the chorus of 'ooh's and 'ahh's - going equally unheard. 

Reality takes a tumble in the span of time between heartbeats, and Skyler doesn't even think to catch herself. Not when Angelo's lips burn psalms against her skin and ocean blue lays itself bare before her. Uncharted waters yawning wide open ahead of her, should she be bold enough to sail them.

Her breath catches in her throat, hostage to a quickly crumbling resolution.


Skyler isn't quite sure if she utters his name like a plea or like a warning, or an odd mix of both. Fingers dig into the fabric of Angelo's shirt, stuck between the desire to pull him closer and the need to keep him at a distance. Teetering on the edge until gravity inevitably takes over.

In the end, they're both too greedy.

"You're a pain in the butt." Not quite a confession, but as she tilts her head to welcome his affections, gold whispering over her shoulder from the motion, he'd find her gaze deliberately unclouded. 

Do not wander where I cannot go, Angel. 

She's barely aware of the thought as she draws him closer to her, Angelo's bottle of whisky tumbling off into the darkness below - curved glass catching the breathtaking sight of the meteor shower before splintering into a hundred different shards. 

I love you.


- use the word 'breathtaking'
- make a reference to gravity
- make a wish

[newclass=.skycaptain] [/newclass]
[newclass=.skycaptain b] color: #6592A0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skycaptain i] color: #6592A0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skycaptain u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #6592A0;[/newclass]
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,459 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 16:02:48 GMT
someone sent it over? does eva have a pr person as well? figures.

"yeah! i don't think i've ever watched one either."

when the song finally comes to an end, matias smiles, then leans in to dip eva into a kiss. when he finally pulls away, he chuckles, then slips his hand into hers before tugging them along towards the balcony.

"let's head outside. i think it'll be nicer there."

dancing with
26th post
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played by


November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,148 posts
part of
TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2021 16:16:32 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar
Summer would do almost anything to hang onto that moment of holding Casey there, feeling his fingers in her hair. But when they had separated, she began to wonder if she should have not done that in the first place.

Did she ruin what good that could have come from this relationship?

She wondered, even as he took her hand and stated that they should find her pokemon. She swallowed, letting him lead her away as she felt like she was being pulled down into mud.

"O-okay." It was a simple, nervous reply, and she kept her gaze averted and almost at the ground the entire time. Because Frigg would come up to her.

Which she did, trotting up to her with a questioning look in her eye. The Absol looked between her and Casey.

She seemed to notice Summer's awkwardness and hesitancy.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing