i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 5th
ex-gym leader
143 height
143 height
255 posts
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TAG WITH @glitch
glitch maverick
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 18:05:31 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar

It was another day and yet another one of his mass badge competitions. It was more fun to do this as a group than it was for the one on one battles. At least that was how he figured it. With his competitors lining up and getting ready to go it was all he could do to not be super excited. From his chair he waved as they came in, staying comfortably seated for obvious reasons. With a dreepy on his shoulder helping to look over the proceedings. "Hello and welcome! Normally I would stand and greet you but given the status of myself I'll be staying seated." Of course it wasn't a secret anymomre that he'd lost a leg but that wasn't the point!

"It's good to see some familiar faces but how about you guys introduce yourselves and your pokemon this round? Then we can get into the fun of it all."

This round is simple and not scored! Simply post one post introducing yourself and your Pokemon to the others. You don't have to get fancy and you don't have to feel pressured to do anything wild! Just be yourself and have fun. Judging will start next round. If you don't post an intro you will be disqualified as if you never showed up.

introductions will END on september 30th at 11:59 pm central
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 23:22:58 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo had known that Glitch was injured by Meltans during that Cycling Road incident, but he wasn't aware of the full extent of said injuries until relatively recently; it was hard to miss when so many discussions about him were about being out of commission due to injuries. He even heard rumors that Glitch had to get a prosthetic.

Hideo had made sure to arrive nice and early; he was quite serious about getting every badge, and he wasn't going to put that at risk by being late. After that, it was just a matter of waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Once prompted, Hideo started his introduction. He raised a hand, waving to everyone - a motion his Ambipom mimicked with one of her tail-hands. "I'm Hideo Kino," he said, eyes closed as he faced towards where he heard Glitch. "I'm glad to hear you're doing alright! I signed up for this challenge as soon as I heard about it, 'cause I'm planning to get to the Elite Four someday!" Hopefully within a year, but he was willing to take longer if needed; he was enjoying his freedom quite well.

"This here is Pom," he said, motioning to the waving Ambipom, "I've had her for almost four years now, ever since she was just an Aipom. Used to hang on my shoulder all the time, but now she weighs a lot more now so now she can't fit." He felt his Ambipom pat his belly, getting what she was implying. "I'm not saying you're fat! You're more than a meter tall now!"

They shared mutual grins: it was all in good jest.

"'sides, now I got my other Pokemon on my shoulder." He pointed to the Meowstic on his shoulder, the comparatively-smaller Pokemon offering a more dignified paw-twisting wave. "This is Miles. He's a newer one, but he's just as handy as Pom!" Not literally-speaking, of course.

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August 10
Hau'oli City, Alola
Travelling Dancer
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
104 posts
Eylyssa Kay DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eylyssa
Eylyssa Kay
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 7:15:04 GMT
Eylyssa Kay Avatar


Lyssa will do anything within the legal means to boost her images and fame. She doesn't limit herself to dancing to boost her fame but she decides to collect gym badges and her first stop to reach her goal is the Precision Badge at Mossdeep City. As she is still relatively new to Hoenn Region and not really up-to-date with the news that happened around the region yet when she noticed the Gym Leader is sitting on a chair and incapable to stand made her a little bit curious. Lyssa thought that she came to the place early but she found another man already waiting even before she arrives. Instead of trying to greet him, she decides to wait for other first and try to get to know all of them in one go through the introduction.

Once prompted, the man known Hideo starts to introduce himself alongside his pokemon. Their relationship between the trainer and the pokemon can be seen through their playful interaction which made Lyssa chuckle for a bit. Once he finished, Lyssa walks forward and start to introduce herself, "Well then, I will be next. I am Eylyssa Kay but you can call me Lyssa. You may be have seen me dancing in various cities but I love to travel around - So, if you happen to meet me on the road; Don't be afraid to greet me" Lyssa gives out a graceful smile. A sudden nudge can be felt on her jeans, Agni looks at her with anticipation "This Scorbunny over here has been with me since I was a wee baby. I call him Agni. While this Lopunny is his sister since she becomes my pokemon at the same time as Agni - Her name is Thalia" Lyssa introduces both of her pokemon. Agni quickly jumps to Lyssa's shoulder while Lyssa bows. "Thalia, Agni, why don't you do the usual greeting?"

With Lyssa shrugs her shoulder up, Agni jumps to the sky using her shoulder as a propeller. Thalia doesn't get left behind as she jumps and twirl like a swan and gently land to the ground while catching Agni that has been somersaulting on the air. Once they land, both of them cries their name happily.

NOTES: Something

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october 8th
lilycove captain
334 height
334 height
lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
1,438 posts
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TAG WITH @lance
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2021 10:09:31 GMT
wearing a front-facing baby carrier with a porygon2 inside it, lance gives the others a friendly wave and a charming smile, dipping his head slightly as he introduces himself.

"lance vollans! i'm in charge of the rangers in lilycove. it's lovely to meet you all."

beep, boop!

"oh. this is jelmo, and this is..."

he looks around him only to see his shedinja appearing out of its PHANTOM FORCE right above his head, floating into existence.

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2021 18:02:35 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Oh goodness.[break][break]
Despite having spent the entire morning trying to hype herself up for this, there's no helping the rush of nerves that overtake Luka the moment she steps up to introduce herself. It's her first time taking on a gym challenge- a proper gym challenge, anyways. Though her battle with at the star tournament is one she won't soon forget, this kind of challenge simply feels different. More formal, higher stakes. Her training with and advice from she carries with her, but is she really ready for this?[break][break]
Only one way to find out. "H-hello,"she greets eventually, shakily waving at her fellow contestants. "Erm, my name is Luka! It's a pleasure to see all your lovely faces!" Some she recognizes, most she doesn't. In the back of her mind, she wishes Sebastian were here.[break][break]

Her Growlithe gently nudges the side of her leg, lest he be forgotten. Luka giggles and crouches down to pet the pooch, with her Musharna hovering almost protectively over the two. Their presence grounds her, reminds her that she needs to calm down and do her best for their sakes. Though nerves still claw at her throat she swallows them down and tries to will the tremble in her voice away. [break][break]

"Gosh, don't worry! I'd never forget you. This is Brulee," she says, and the Growlithe yips his approval. "And my other friend is Plum. We, um...w-we'll do our best! Thank you very much for this opportunity!"


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 20:23:24 GMT
When his turn comes for introductions, Derek offers a small wave to the group and gym leader. "Derek Hoffman." A hand reaches for two pokeballs, releasing them before him in anticipation of the challenge that lied ahead.

"This little guy is Ghaul." The Tyrunt turns it's head begrudgingly towards the trainer for being referred to as small. "And the one flexing it's muscles there is Randal." Even during a gym challenge, he couldn't take anything but his strength seriously. It wasn't often Randal had such a big group to show off for.

Observing the others and noticing a couple familiar faces, Derek felt confident they would be able to get the job done.

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played by


The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2021 0:00:39 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

Zac was back, with Greg, Lulu, and the first half of a Precision Badge.

"Howzit going everyone! Name's Zac Ramsay!" He said, looking around. He barely knew any of the new faces, and that filled him with excitement. Greg hooted from on top of Lulu's shaggy head as Zac did a quick tour of the room, shaking hands. 

"Great to meet you all. Anyway this is Greg the Grookey, and Lulu the Mamoswine. They're both seasoned garden diggers, top-tier fossilators, and they each have a Certificate III in Paleontological Revivification from the TAFE in Lavaridge." Zac proudly held up the two framed certificates.

"After we accidentally tried to revive fake fossils last contest we went out and got a bit of education but we're back, and we're ready for action!"

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2021 2:31:50 GMT
mint frost Avatar

He’s not exactly sure what he’s doing or how he’s supposed to do it, but this late in the game Mint is all about winging it. Fake it till you make it and all that. He was at least dressed for the part. A little fancier than what one may have required for this kind of event, but he was nervous. And when Mint got nervous, he messed with his outfit. “Hello everyone~!” he greeted in a sing songy voice. “I’m Mint, Mint Frost and I’ll be participating today with these two.” He explained as he plucked 2 pokeballs off his waist. In a flash, two large pokemon we rereleased and stood before him. “The Luxray here is Cacio, and the Aggron is Bucatini. They’re very excited to see you!” They were not excited to see anyone. Both seemed to glare at the other and almost shifted protectively in front of Mint.



+ @precision badge peeps [break][break]




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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,396 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 5:47:33 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

it was unusual to see in his natural habitat, and not within the constrains of rocket, but perhaps this is where he belonged. he and jayden were not particularly close, but the thing that tied them together was a mutual loyalty for their organization — or maybe, only barely, for glitch.

[break][break] but they had more in common than that. ambition, maybe, since jayden was standing on his stage today.

[break][break] his violet gaze follows the gym leader as he speaks to the crowd. steady. jayden is wearing nothing but a simple black shirt and pants, a casual formal attire. today, he isn't jayden, lifelong member of rocket, but michail volkov, heir to his father's late pharmacutical company.

[break][break] he steps forward. "i am michail volkov," he introduces himself. just as he does so, his lunatone levitates above him, the shimmer of MOONLIGHT causing the pokemon to glow. "behind me is menuo. and in front of me is irmin." the krokorok closes his jaws with a loud snap, bearing his teeth into a sinister grin.

[break][break] his gaze slides over to the people he recognizes — , , - and he wonders how prepared they are for this competition. were they experts with fossil hunting?

[break][break] "excavations aren't really my strong suit, but i'll try my best. thank you." with a polite nod, he dips his head and steps back into the crowd.

[attr="class","ooc"] @all [break]


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june 5th
ex-gym leader
143 height
143 height
255 posts
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TAG WITH @glitch
glitch maverick
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 14:24:48 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar

Now that everyone was here they could get started! After all that was the point of this whole thing. To get these people some gym badges! "Well! Now that that's over with!" He pressed a button to reveal the excavation zones. They were the same as last time of course. High cave walls, under the water and of course a hole in the ground. But he was sure they would figure it out on what they wanted to do. "All you need to do is find three pieces of fossil! A head, a middle, and a tail! One, two three!" That's all then needed to do at least. "You can continue digging until time is up regardless of how many pieces you find. Just in case something happens." And that something could be anything really.

For this round rolls ARE required.
  • Head Piece: Roll 1-30
  • Body Piece: Roll 31-60
  • Tail Piece: Roll 61-90
  • Nothing: Roll 91-100

Mod posts will come in to mess with your fossils and disrupt your digging occasionally. Feel free to move about the areas and dig as much as you can.

round 1 will END on october 30th at 11:59 pm central

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2021 14:59:09 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo could recognize a couple familiar voices among the other competitors; , that dancer lady he’d met in the woods, was here. He could also recognize , whose podcasts he listened to frequently. Guess he was gonna have some good competition for this.

And with introductions out of the way, it was time to start!

..though the truth was Hideo wasn’t really suited for this kind of competition at all; a scavenger hunt was a lot easier for people who could see, especially if you needed to dig for something. More so when time was not on his side.

Fortunately, that’s where his Pokemon came in.

Pom? You know what to do.” A wide grin flashed onto his Ambipom’s face as she sprinted around, one tail-hand dragging along the ground as she searched for changes in the ground - any random lumps, any ground that was disturbed. Or if she were just lucky and found a piece sticking out for her to Pickup.

With the other tail-hand, she held on to her trainer, guiding him around, the boy doing his best not to trip.

The Meowstic, meanwhile, retained his seat on Hideo’s shoulder. But he wasn’t just lounging around; he was keeping an eye out for everyone else. Not that foul play was encouraged, but this was a competition; always the chance someone would try something funny.

Or maybe he could find the chance to pull something himself.

Head obtained

Pieces possessed:
Head: 1
Body: 0
Tail: 0
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2021 21:19:06 GMT
mint frost Avatar

“Mischa?! Hello!!” Mint yelled, waving over at the familiar face, grinning happily. He was more than happy to see the guy, considering he always found him in the strangest of places. It was always surprising but never terrible. He then turned to see the familiar, Kalosian pinkette and waved to her as well. “Good luck you two!” [break][break]

“This sounds like fun!” Mint chirped, more excited about the activity than the prospect of getting the badge. His pokemon look at him as he rushed over to look at the nearest areas. There’s the water that he’s more than eager to shove his hands in. However, Cacio and Bucatini look hesitant. So, he pointed to a wall and the pair move together. He was familiar with this kind of fossil scavenging anyway from the few times he’s scuttled underground for fun. He immediately began running his hands over the walls while Cacio flexed his claws, raking over a spot near him. Bucatini did the same. “Oh! Hit here, lads!” he said backing up from the wall as he felt a sizeable bump. “We gotta work quick I want a set to take home!” he added with a small laugh as the Aggron smashed its arm around the spot as directed. Chips of rock and dirt fell to the ground. [break][break]



+ + mentions [break][break]


HEAD | 0
BODY | 0
TAIL | 1




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played by

Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2021 23:28:46 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
With Pom on searching duty and Miles on security, Hideo was left with probably one of the more vital roles: actually carrying the pieces. He felt Pom push one into his hand, having pulled it straight out of the ground when she noticed the bump. “Oh, good find!” Hideo exclaimed, trying to discern what kind of piece it was. He knew he needed a head, a body, and a tail, then get them-

Before he could finish that thought, he once again found himself being pulled along by his Ambipom, forced to hold on tight to the piece so it didn’t fly out of his hand. She once again began to survey the ground, looking for any disturbance that she could search through. “Tell me when you’re gonna run!” Hideo scolded, only receiving a wide smile he couldn’t see from his Ambipom.

His Meowstic still kept an eye out, taking notice to going at the walls with a Luxray and an Aggron - and managing to find a tail. He took note of them being quick to act, as well as the fact there really were pieces stored in the walls; could be a good spot to look if the ground pieces were exhausted, or too difficult to find.

Head piece gained

Pieces possessed:
Head: 2
Body: 0
Tail: 0
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2021 0:06:51 GMT
mint frost Avatar

Bucatini carves out just enough to reveal bone, and Mint set to work burshing away the extra dirty and pinking at the edges carefully before feeling confident enough to retrieve a tail. It came out with a crack, momentarily giving Mint a surge of panic before checking over the fossil. “It’s safe!” he exclaimed, looking at his pokemon before Cacio began pawing at a thicker bump near the ground. “Oh, yes, yes! Get in there Cacio if you think it’s in there!” he said, encouraging the feral cat to begin attacking at the wall with his claws. [break][break]

As he waited for Cacio to finish up, his eyes began to wander to see how the other contestants were doing. “Oh, are you going for two sets as well?” he asked as his pokemon worked. He waved at the Meowstic. “I am too! I figured we could keep one as a souvenir. I don’t really do gym challenges too much.” But this one had sounded like fun, and far be it for Mint not to try something new every once in a while. [break][break]



+ + mentions [break][break]


HEAD | 1 [break]
BODY | 0 [break]
TAIL | 1 [break]




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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2021 0:20:21 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Another suspicious mound of dirt, another find, and another piece deposited not-very-neatly into Hideo’s hands. Hideo wasn’t sure exactly what pieces he was getting, but he could tell by the shape and size of this one that it was definitely the same kind as the one he’d already gotten. Well, didn’t hurt to have extra just in case he lost one. Or for a trade - nothing explicitly said they couldn’t do that.

Hideo heard another competitor speak - a guy whose voice he didn’t immediately recognize. “Wait, we get to keep any extras?” Hideo asked. “I wasn’t planning to, but if we really get to keep one with us, then heck yeah I’ll make two!” To think, he could get a badge and a fossil!

Maybe even more than one, if he were lucky enough.

Hideo’s Meowstic was a little more cautious about their conversation partner, though he did wave back. After seeing ’s success at finding a different part, he squeaked at the Ambipom. Pom heard it loud and clear, this time rushing over to the walls, her tail-hands probing the walls for any parts that seemed to stick out.

As usual, Hideo was taken along for the ride, doing his best to hold on to his pieces.

Tail piece found

Pieces possessed:
Head: 2
Body: 0
Tail: 1
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