i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 0:11:35 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]Rowan nodded at the explanation that offered in regards to Littleroot Town. "Now that we've contracted and her crew to work on the project, I can spare even more of our own resources to the taking of Littleroot Town. We'll be ready at your call, sir." Addressing the Rocket Boss directly felt strange, considering he'd never done so before, but there was a certain pride in knowing he was worthy enough to do so. [break][break]

Unlike some of the others, Rowan was able to see the sense in taking Littleroot Town. "A foothold on the mainland would be invaluable to Team Rocket. If we were to gain control of Littleroot Town it would provide a staging ground for the larger expansion of our influence. As it stands right now, we're handicapping ourselves by limiting our operations to coastal towns and islands." The words were primarily directed towards and , though he didn't expect them to necessarily agree. [break][break]

"Not to mention, with the League distracted in Littleroot, perhaps their focus will be pulled from Petalburg." A hand directed his Phione to float over to the section that represented selecting Petalburg City and Woods. "A redirection of their forces could potentially allow our operation in Petalburg to be relatively unimpeded." Assuming Walsh intended them to take place within a short time of each other.


Rowan agreed with using his SEA MAUVILLE forces.[break]
Attempted to explain the reasoning for taking LITTLEROOT TOWN. [break]
Selected PETALBURG CITY & WOODS.[break]


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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
5'6" height
5'6" height
when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
757 posts
giada morgan DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @giada
giada morgan
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 2:33:56 GMT
giada morgan Avatar
[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]she arrives late, head empty, and a teeny tiny bit drunk... ready to run the set?

the meeting is already well underway. she elbows out a little path through the crowd but mostly stays out of the way.

the important people are sharing opinions and she gets none considering she barely made the event at all...

she does, however, listen enough to hear the gist: league bad, space good, attack?

no, that's not quite right.

fuck, maybe she should've come earlier...

she spots among the crowd and, with only a lot of embarrassment, ducks away before he can notice her. that encounter ended terribly! hide! it lands her in unknown territory, left to scramble to find a new spot before finally, painfully, paying attention.

and this is probably a dumb question but she asks anyway, cheeks flushed and head tilted with confusion.

"hey, sorry uh i'm new to this whole space thing but mining a meteor seems like a tiny ass window of time before impact, or uh teleportation? definitely missed that memo... anywho! are there safety measures in place for that sort of shit?"

probably, knowing the people she's around... maybe she should've kept her mouth shut?

"oh! uh, hitting mt pyre sounds fun! let's do that."


- late as usual
- dumb question for walsh? maybe?
- selecting mt pyre

[newclass=.giada] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.giada b] color: #A22041; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 2:35:48 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
A lot of words are exchanged during the remainder of the meeting. Some, he chose to key in on, curious to hear the organization's thoughts on the current developments of their science department, and others were generally left ignored. One, in particular, caused him to turn.


Why was she traveling with Jayden? The thought made his stomach twist in on itself. Was this a regular occurrence, or a one-off meeting that he could ultimately ignore? Either way, the mercenary knew better than to reveal these thoughts, and so, he returned his gaze forward, silent and stoic, as the conversation moved forward.

Space, time -- the ramblings of both Rocket's head scientists and their department as a whole made him remember those clawing words spoke to him back on that spear pillar, months before the barrier overtook the region. So entangled by the very idea of reaching Palkia, he wondered if Rocket's new ambitions would come to clash against the league's head scientist.

Eventually, Walsh moved forward to share his piece, voicing his agreeance with with entrusting the league to move forward with their public plans. Then, to Felix's surprise, he mentioned three additional plans.

Primal capture.
Meteor research.
Littleroot siege.

Many were quick with voicing their opinions and placing their vote. Felix would be, too, had he not disagreed with the majority of the casted votes. "Wouldn't a Petalburg operation be susceptible to an attack from Rustboro, endangering the entire operation from succeeding? I'd like to remind everyone, as of late, Rustboro's enforcements have been steadily increasing. "

A note he had gathered through his connection to ANVIL. Continuing, the admin cast his gaze to , who had been the first to vocally place his vote.

"Just as you mentioned how its proximity would allow us to divide our forces between Petalburg and Littleroot, the league would have the opportunity to do the same. With Rustboro nearby, they would only need to allow their reinforcements to defend before sending Petalburg's to Littleroot, should their commissioner make the call."

Not to mention the fact that if, say, the commissioner deemed securing Littleroot more important, they could easily urge both squadrons down to Littleroot the moment the reports come in. How would they fair against the enforcement of two major cities, he wondered.

For those reasons, he pushed his vote in for MT. PYRE instead. A primal node located close to Sootopolis.

At that moment, another voice ( ) raised over the crowd, calling to his attention as quickly as 's had.

"I don't agree."

He shook his head, frowning.

"Littleroot would be difficult to defend. It's far from our main forces, and the league could easily pincer us from Dewford, Slateport, and Olde town."

A public move against . Not the best thing to do as a newly promoted admin, but alas, Felix knew better than to swallow his words. Turning back to his superior, brows furrowed, he continued voicing his opinion, apologetic yet firm.

"Apologies, sir, but I suggest we look toward an island City instead of Littleroot. Strengthen our hold on the oceanic routes. "

With Sootopolis still scrambling to provide reinforcements to their defenses, he wondered how the others thought now would be the time to secure a bigger city than Littleroot. So far from their main site of operations, too. Because, at the end of the day, they didn't need a useless foothold, they needed strength. Control over Hoenn's eastern cities.

"Pacifidlog, Mossdeep, or Dewford would be my suggestions. They'd be easier to secure, closer to our main forces, and provide an entryway to a regional city in the near future."

Like Lilycove. Stationed close to both Sootopolis and Mossdeep, it'd be the ideal city to swallow first.

Finally, he finished himself off with one last question: "I disagree with the notion that these coastal cities would be handicapping our advancements; would it not be better to move slow, yet effectively, than to make a haste decision?"

Either way, he'll offer his assistance to the siege.
- disagrees w petalburg votes
- votes for mt pyre
- disagrees with Littleroot
- prefers a island city
- sry walsh


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 3:59:47 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Opportunistic. Arrogant. Reckless. Self-interested.

That was how appeared to Elisabeth, in this moment, and the Rocket that he represented.

The ice in Elisabeth's glare sharpened, but she held her tongue; she'd learned a long time ago not to confront powerful men on the absurdity of their ideas. These were the shadows she had chosen to surround herself in, and the safety they provided came at a cost. So be it, then. She'd humor him.

Others were not so bound by caution. in particular gave voice to her doubts, and she met the molten gold of his eyes with a brief flicker of appreciation, one that she offered to , , and in kind.

To be reaffirmed by those she considered sensible was relieving. Their view of Rocket and hers remained aligned, at least.

However, Elisabeth did not share their idealism that speaking out further would result in anything productive. Walsh had already declared disinterest in providing contingencies for the League's plan. Similar risk-averse thinking now would not appeal to him.

"If we are resolved on striking Littleroot," the admin said instead, "I would emphasize the siege tactics of our planning over purely relying on brute force. It is a small inland location, easily isolated due to its minimal roadways. Affecting things like the food and water supply would be a significant blow to their operations, and lessen the manpower needed to subdue them. Short-term, for that reason, Littleroot is a more easily acquired target than some others."

Unethical, certainly. But all war was.

At this juncture, she let out a single sigh, considering the merits of voicing her secondary concern aloud, before approaching delicately:

"Long-term, however, Littleroot's distance from Sootopolis and our other operations may prove to make it difficult to maintain as a site of operations. It splits our attention in two, and by extension, weakens our presence in Sootopolis. Are we not concerned that in due time, the League will retaliate, and this division will leave us susceptible to such retaliation? We still haven't fully recovered from the events of the Darkest Day."

Offense could be a fine enough source of defense, but only temporarily.

"As for voting..."

Choosing Petalburg, the place where she had made her civilian home and place of residence, felt like a betrayal of sorts. The points made regarding its proximity were compelling, but it was 's point that ultimately won her over.

Elisabeth released an ARIADOS, which scuttled to the grunt who represented MT. PYRE.

"Our overall goal with the sabotage of the Primal Point is to distract the League. We are best able to accomplish that if we approach from a place of power. If we are closer to Sootopolis, then we manage that goal more efficiently. We must prioritize. Our main objective with the sabotage is to obtain time to mine the meteor, is it not? Littleroot is a secondary concern."

Unlike others, she would not voice where she would be directed as of yet.

More information would be needed before Elisabeth committed herself elsewhere.

  • Thinks Walsh is RECKLESS AF but ain't saying that shit aloud. Appreciates and the homies for doing so for her.
  • Says if we are going for Littleroot let's emphasize siege tactics: affect roadways, food supplies, etc.
  • Mentions that Littleroot is the best option short-term, but would be hard to maintain long-term due to splitting their forces.
  • Reminds everyone that Sootopolis is still in a weakened state after DotDD and we will be weakening those forces further.
  • Votes Mt. Pyre because she agrees with , being closer to Sootopolis strengthens the success of that venture.
  • Is asking for confirmation that the priority is mining the meteor over success at Littleroot, because that informed her Mt. Pyre vote.

Transfer of Power 3 ✿ Outfit ✿ Everyone
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 6:06:52 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]Rowan listened as spoke in contrary to his own arguments, absorbing the admin's words and perspective. There was some points in which he agreed, but there was one suggestion that Rowan was compelled to speak upon. "I don't think we need to force a takeover of Pacifidlog Town." A hand gestured towards , acknowledging his brother-in-law. "Temp has garnered the trust of the people there during his tenure as Gym Leader." There was also his own Minor Gym, but it was too new to rely upon.[break][break]

"I've suggested to before that we could potentially win the people of Pacifidlog Town over with humanitarian effort. Now that the dome has stretched resources thin, we could step in as benefactors where the League is failing them. No blood drawn, no conflict." That was the important part to him, making sure that no lives were unnecessarily lost.
A quick aside about PACIFIDLOG TOWN.


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 7:07:50 GMT
mint frost Avatar




"Our priority mission seems to be mining the meteor, so stealing a reserve point instead of one a main wouldn't help our space team, ." Mint said, turning to look over at the blonde. Despite his tone he took a moment to flash a friendly grin in 'hello!' and offered a small wave before putting his attention back to many, manythe voices of the meeting. [break][break]

When raises concern for the safety of the meteor mission, his eyes move to and hoping for an answer. Then spoke and he found himself nodding in agreement, eyes flicking between and the admin. "If we aim to distract the League by attacking a main primal point, why would we pick the one right next to our potential siege location? If they have so many reserves they could easily pivot to snuff out Littleroot." [break][break]

"Pushing Mossdeep sounds fun. Plus, it's closest to us, and, if all goes well, close enough to protect." He looked over at who had mentioned stealing info beforehand. Mossdeep Space Center would've probably been a target. "Sorry if that kills your heist planes though." he said with a nervous laugh at the beast. "Anyway, it's probably easier to grab at the coasts and work our way in. The mainland foothold can come later. The main job is the meteor, right?" He reached for a pokeball and released a pink and blue zigzagoon that quickly scurried between people's legs as he darted out towards the grunt Mint gestured at. Zabaglione barked at the My. Pyre grunt, demanding attention much like its owner. Like , he found himself shooting puppy eyes at the Head Scientists before asking, "If you need me to track down something shiny on that meteor, Dr. Flint, I got you~"

tagged ▸ ooc a lotta tags sadge [break]
- hard AGREEGEE with felix [break]
- thinks mosspyre plan is sick [break]
- puppy eyes for miss lulu to go to space [break]
- votes for mt. pyre




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June 6th
Circhester, Galar
Xenobiology / Toxicology
Elite / Researcher
Sweet, little, unforgettable thing
493 posts
Ceri Glynn DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ceri
Ceri Glynn
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 13:23:17 GMT
Ceri Glynn Avatar

They’re all insane. Each and every one of them. Galar is in shambles, Hoenn could be destroyed in a matter of months, and yet here they all are talking about plans for the future. What if there’s no future?
The notion that her life might end so soon, before she achieves most things she wishes to achieve, is as terrifying as it is infuriating, and Ceri does her best to keep those feelings hidden. Her hands are closed to fists, she takes a deep breath, and then she presses her lips together. Those around her are ignored. She barely pays attention to what had said to her, even if usually astrophysics talk would interest her. She barely even hears and , and while she usually would happily introduce herself, she ignores @naomi as well. She’ll make it up to them all later.
Is this what Team Rocket wants of her? Ruthlessness? To not care about the world around her and only be concerned with how she may be able to benefit?
She looks at , wondering if this is what he wants as well. If this makes him happy.
When she does as much, her gaze falls upon for a moment.
Right. How could she have forgotten?
Ruthlessness is in this blood of theirs.
”I have a question.” Ceri finds herself raising a hand without any hesitation. ”Is the primal point in GRANITE CAVE within the cave itself? If so, isn’t it the most logical choice? We can reach the cave via the sub or SEA MAUVILLE, and since it’s a cavern, fighting within it probably won't suit most of the League’s more powerful pokémon… close quarters and all, you know? Most legendaries are kinda big. Plus… It would be easy to hit them with all we have, take the PRIMAL CRYSTAL, teleport away, and then distract them by making the cavern collapse.”
Had she just suggested needlessly taking lives for the sake of a distraction and a quick and effective attack? Yes, yes she had.
Collapsing Granite Cave shouldn’t be difficult with enough preparation and firepower, which Team Rocket doubtlessly has.
”Granite Cave is also super close to Littleroot, if we’re still attacking there and if we want people involved in both operations to support each other like that one guy said.” She means . Sorry, Zev, Ceri doesn’t know your name. ”Like… A few minutes by water or air, which make it much easier to go unnoticed than travelling on land. We could even station the sub between Granite and Littleroot. Slateport can only reinforce one of the two locations unless they want to spread themselves thin, and I doubt Dewford itself has a lot of manpower.”
It’s logical, isn’t it?
”Preparing would be good in both cases… Ah, I don’t mind staying to help with preparations, but it would be nice to be able to study whatever may be recovered from the meteor. Especially lifeforms.”
In her talk of attack plans, she had almost forgotten about the meteor.
Who is she? What the hell has Team Rocket done to her?
Domino, her Salandit, is released and set to stand by the grunt representing GRANITE CAVE.



♡ OUTFIT[break]
[break]■ Suggests choosing GRANITE CAVE due to access, combat in close quarters, and the fact that they can just COLLAPSE THE CAVE ON THE LEAGUE after taking the PRIMAL CRYSTAL
[break]■ Mentions how close GRANITE CAVE is to Littleroot
[break]■ Mentions she doesn't mind helping with preparations for attacks but she'd like to study what they find on the meteor
[break]■ Choosing GRANITE CAVE


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 13:52:32 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar's eyes lit up when Mister Walsh mentioned that Rocket would be aiming to mine the meteor. He clapped his hands together and nearly hopped with glee, Walsh was speaking his language! There was a great deal to discuss, so Oscar waited for an appropriate moment to let his voice be heard.

"In regards to the meteor, I am all in! Genesect has already been training for a space mission, I believe it would be a perfect candidate for mining whatever awaits us on that rock."

A grunt by the name of brought up a decent point, and Oscar would indeed bring her concerns to the forefront of the meteor discussion. "However, before we can get too excited I think an excellent observation has been made. That meteor is going to be way too fast to simply land on. How are we going to get onto the meteor's surface safely?"

Oscar snapped his fingers quickly after proposing his question, "Oh, real quick I agree with . One hundred percent. If we are going to take a city, an island like Sootopolis would likely be the easiest to conquer. Thus Mossdeep seems like a solid target." Almost as an after thought, Oscar would point to the Mt. Pyre sign. He was more invested in the meteor, but would cast his vote for a primal point nevertheless. None of the options stood out to him, but people he liked were voting for Mt. Pyre and he wanted to support them. Oscar's Shadow Ariados would dismiss her Camouflage , appearing out of thin air to scuttle toward the Mt. Pyre group.

--Oscar wants to discuss getting onto the meteor.
--Oscar thinks Mossdeep is a better target than Littleroot.
--Oscar votes for the Mt. Pyre primal point.
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 17:28:39 GMT

the location of the primal point attack matters little to theo. what they look to gain from that operation pales to littleroot even if some may not understand.[break][break]

out of everyone in the room, he does not expect to have the loudest voice. the most logical voice. but what felix lacks can only be gained through experience. it's why after some time, theo finally speaks up again.[break][break]

"it's about sending a message."[break][break]

he takes a single step forward, gaze fixed on .[break][break]

"whether we manage to take and hold littleroot is inconsequential. what is the true goal of our attack, gallagher? what message does our attack on littleroot send?"[break][break]

his gaze shifts out at the sea of rocket.[break][break]

"power. fear. that we are a force to be reckoned with and not one to be ignored."[break][break]

he looks at and , recounting their thoughts on pacifidlog.[break][break]

"it is why we should no longer care about public opinion."[break][break]

then at , commenting on the idea to pose as the dark triad.[break][break]

"why we should stop hiding behind masks."[break][break]

then back at .[break][break]

"the coastal cities and towns will follow. mossdeep will prove the most challenging but it is a challenge we will face together."[break][break]

- suggests rocket should just be the baddies[break]
- states that the true purpose of littleroot is to send a message[break]
- suggests a more aggressive approach to rocket's expansion, starting with littleroot, then the coastal cities & towns


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-naganadel"]

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[newclass=".deadinside .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 18:24:54 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

So many people here, an overwhelming amount of voices and opinions. Had she not vowed to herself to no longer be a coward, she would’ve snuck out at the earliest convenience. But she stayed, if only to hear the words of their esteemed leader.

Mild shock appeared on her face as he spoke of trusting the League Plan. She had for some reason or another expected him to be more radical. But perhaps that was merely a misguided notion she had picked up along the way.

And then it came. The grand goal, the mission to aim for. Her shock faded into obscurity. As the Rocket boss took the villainous role fittingly. Only for him to once more go against expectations by democratically electing their next siege target.

A sigh escaped her as this rollercoaster just kept on going. She took a moment to gather herself then summoned her Haunter. “Retnauh, go over there.” She pointed towards the Petalburg City & Woods grunt. She had no basis for this choice, she was just interacting with the choices given to her, and praying she was doing the right thing.

The Haunter lazily floated over there, levitating just above the poor grunt. Its tongue dangling back and forth dangerously close to the face of the poor unfortunate person, with each back and forth it came closer and closer. Clearly, the Haunter was teasing the Grunt.

As for the matter of Littleroot town. She decided not to voice her concerns. If it meant that the ambitious eyes of Team Rocket would stay away from Ever Grande City, where her family lived, then she could turn a blind eye to the pain of Littleroot Town.

LOCATION: Sootopolis
- Has some emotions
- Stays quiet on the matter of Littleroot Town.


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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 21:55:19 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

Ruby crossed her arms as she listened to 's reasoning. "Who says they'd even accept our help, anyway?" she asked. Sure, they shared the same goal of, you know, not dying to a meteor, but it was the aftermath that Ruby was more worried about. Once they were no longer in danger, did the League really want to have that knife pressed to their throat? And what would they demand in return if they did accept Rocket's help?

[break][break]There was movement in her peripheral as pushed his way through the crowd to stand next to her. He didn't say anything, which didn't surprise Ruby at all. She gave him a curt nod of acknowledgement and went back to paying attention to the meeting.

[break][break]Just in time, too, since their leader was speaking now. He was right that Ruby was surprised that he trusted the League's plan, but his flowery language held a good point. The League was trying just as hard to not die as Rocket was, and underestimating them was a bad idea. This Maldacena person was apparently a member of the Dark Triad who was sabotaging his organization to see what would happen after the meteor was driven away. And the Big Boss wanted to follow suit by sabotaging the League's efforts for Rocket's own ends.

[break][break]They would lay siege to one of the Primal Points that the League was setting up to teleport the meteoroid away, thus giving Rocket time to mine the meteoroid for minerals and information. Not only that, but they'd also be launching an operation in Littleroot to spread the League thin. Ruby's eyebrows raised at this ballsy plan. If it had been anyone else suggesting it, Ruby would have called them crazy. But this was Declan Walsh, and Ruby liked having her head attached firmly to her neck, so she kept quiet.

[break][break] caught her attention with her agreement, and Ruby nodded back. She wondered if this woman had any family members she was thinking of. Or maybe she was just one of the few sane people in Rocket who thought that kids shouldn't be joining them.

[break][break]Others had either the guts or the dumbassery to speak against their leader's plan. Given that was one of them, Ruby figured it was a bit of both. Luckily for them, Walsh calmly clarified. Ruby wondered who would actually volunteer to be sent up to the meteor, but it seemed that some people actually wanted to get up close and personal with the giant rock threatening to squash them all like insignificant little pests. Weirdos.

[break][break]Military tactics and strategies and all that were beyond her. Ruby had always left others to do the brainy work while she swept in to take out whatever targets were in her way. A lot of good points were being floated around; she'd have to think about her vote for a minute. She knew one thing for sure, though: She wasn't voting for Mt. Pyre. She was not fucking around with ghosts again.




  • still doesn't think 's plan will work
  • acknowledges 's presence
  • thinks the plan is fucking stupid but doesn't say anything
  • nod to for being cool
  • abstains from voting for now because strategizing is hard


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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 22:59:33 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

’s suggestion was sound. steal more data. always steal more data. the beast’s glare was met with cool amber eyes. they were never going to get past that, were they?[break][break]
there were some who questioned the use of their time—quite fairly. stakes were high, and she felt pressure bear down on her in the wake of failure. though not close with , she was momentarily comforted only by the fact that her colleague was standing beside her.[break][break]
’s idea to reverse dynergy earned a curious look. ’s argument didn’t draw her attention from the idea, however valid. to ’s question about further possibilities with infinity energy, lulu could at least repeat herself simply enough: ”no.” but even that might’ve been lost beneath the crowd.[break][break]
hoopa. lunala. Ultra wormholes. unfortunately, overwhelming questions and opinions left no space to respond to any further. ’s voice soon enough projected over all.[break][break]
it was hard not to suddenly smile at the mention of her technologies and their mission, but she did her best to maintain her rbf. she refrained from immediately looking to her brothers and , their relation still secret. her eyes might’ve passed back to , then, if not for the twist his opportunism had made at her core. for whatever reason, she had not expected to agree with him—especially not before the league’s operation. not only did it remind her of who they all were, but it raised old suspicions.[break][break]
who was among them. or rather, what?[break][break]
’s initial voice of reason was like a hopeless wave passing over her shoulder that she was too numb to feel from the shock, before she attempted to mentally navigate the debate over takeover strategies.[break][break]
why focus their sights on another piece of hoenn when they knew what else was out there now? she’d attempted to turn ’s attention to the great beyond before, and she knew there was no point in trying to do so now. perhaps there was a darker reason than they knew for his willfully overlooking it.[break][break]
nods were given to and for their contributions. she was mostly quiet. her expertise lied in science, not war. not siege tactics.[break][break]
to mint’s offer, she nodded as she had to the others, adding, ”i know you do, mint.”[break][break]
offering genesect for the meteor mission was no surprise, but it still made her anxious, however intrigued she was to find out how it might fare in space.[break][break]
when she could find no more words worth speaking, she reluctantly reached for a pokéball, while darkrai remained close beside her. what released from the light was a descendent of the shadow alakazam had gifted her during the previous rocket meeting.[break][break]
she pointed towards the grunt representing petalburg, where her brothers’ dhelmise and phione lingered, and the houndoom went to join them.
  • picks petalburg cause fam
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-houndoom"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
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637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2022 23:59:35 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







He stands silent allowing for those around him to deliberate and argue about whether or not to go for mossdeep, or some of the other coastal towns that are closer to littleroot. [break][break]

"As said. A foothold on the mainland would set up us for a better expansion. Not to mention," he says looking over towards Xerneas and Lugia. The deer's gaze permanently fixed on Bryan before slowly closing his eyes as they had also discussed in length this plan and it's implications.[break][break]

"Not all of our assists thrive in the sea, I would be useless fighting at sea or places with very little vegetation like mossdeep, pacifidlog or Dewford. Where in a town surrounded by forest, Xerneas and my pokemon would have a much bigger advantage." he explains to . "On top of that, the town is most often forgotten by the league due to it's distance from everything else. Even only having one major roadway into town via oldale. In addition, with Lugia being able to help us on sea we would have an evacuation route secured via the sea.

He smiles a bit when suggest Petalburg for a location. "I too vote for petalburg." He would love to have more control of petalburg or at least sow seeds of distaste with the league there.[break][break]

"I'd also love to take those I've trained one on one with me to petalburg if they wish to join me." he comments.


notes about this post

Notes go here

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2022 1:20:38 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin does not flinch from the shadowed gaze of , though the back of his neck prickles as their eyes meet. He holds eye contact for a moment before inclining his head in acceptance of words spoken.

"Understood, sir."

Anxieties are assuaged by the knowledge that the League's plans have strong contingencies in place. Though voices like that of suggest the assault of one of these reserves, Gavin thinks he has come to understand Walsh's intent.

"If we were to attack one of their reserves, there would be no reason for them to retaliate. We want to draw their attention, to delay their warp of the meteor long enough for our extraction team to get what they're after."

At least, that is what he believes is the point.

's suggestion of Triad disguises catches his attention. He finds himself glancing to the boss as the idea is proposed, wondering. Would a member of the Triad be opposed to such a scheme? Will Walsh?

Voices belonging to , as well as admins and cause him to reconsider his stance on Petalburg, but he does not yet change his vote, for 's aggressive stance commands his full attention. Amber eyes narrow.

"Must we always resort to the violence of Kanto to make them follow?" This time, the shake of his head is sharp. He looks to Walsh. "We mustn't be bloodthirsty without reason. Words you spoke to me, once. Pacifidlog is not an enemy to be crushed beneath our might. With the right persuasive voices, they might be a willing addition to our cause." With a sweeping gesture of his arm toward Lugia, miasma swirls. His attention returns briefly to Theo, then sweeps over the others gathered under the steps. "I have no qualms with being known. Being feared. But to force violence where we might instead find cooperation is an approach of a bygone era."

His gaze finds Walsh one final time.

"Opportunity should be given for a peaceful surrender, but should it be refused..." The shadows of Kanto will never leave him. He is an enforcer at heart, a weapon forged in the flames of war. "Where there is reason, I will not hesitate."

He clicks his tongue, and with a gesture, the SHADOW DHELMISE shifts. MT. PYRE.

"Proximity to Sootopolis and the basis of our strength is an advantage other places lack. I would favour Mossdeep, as well, but makes an excellent point about our varied specialties."

- Points out that attacking a reserve point wouldn't delay the plan long enough for the meteor, and that's likely why we're attacking a main one
- Gavin's choice has been swayed to MT PYRE due to proximity
- Would be in favour of Mossdeep, but acknowledges Bryan's logic about differing strengths and accepts the LITTLEROOT approach
- Speaks out against a return to outright ruthlessness; offers the opinion that diplomacy should be a first approach, and violence a final resort
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2022 2:45:05 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Some of the reasons behind Littleroot were sound. But others just didn't add up. As much as Isaac wanted to nod, move on, and stay in line, he knew every good plan needed to be put to the fire. Besides, his objections to Littleroot were nothing unique, and the reasons given hadn't addressed everyone's concerns.

"But where do we go from Littleroot?" he asked. "I don't have a doubt in my mind that we can take the town. But unless we can rig up an entire fortress in a few weeks, it'll be just as easy for the League to take it back. Our attack will damage what few defenses the town might have. It's surrounded by enemies on all sides; Slateport from the east and Dewford to the west, most notably. But if push came to shove, reinforcements from Rustboro and Mauville can come a lot faster than reinforcements from Slateport. Even Petalburg might get in on the action, especially if us grabbing for the Primal Point gets them on high alert."[break][break]

"Let's say we do manage to keep hold of it. How do we use it best? It's a footprint on land, sure. But it's a teeny-tiny footprint surrounded by far bigger competition. Could it really hold enough of us to springboard an invasion? And that's before we consider how many people there hate us. We might be the ones on the receiving end of a guerilla war, and that's not gonna make staging efforts any stabler.[break][break]

"We could try and strip it of it's resources, then run for it. But that seems like a waste of our first strike on the mainland. Littleroot's not exactly the resource capital of the region. At best, I feel like we'd be sending a message. But maybe that shouldn't be a message we send until we're ready to go toe to toe with the League. A long term sacrifice for a short term fright sounds like a bad bargain to me."[break][break]

Maybe the higher ups already thought of the answers to these questions. But if Isaac was going to buy into the plan, he needed to know before he committed. "Even if we do commit, I think 's onto something. If we go into Petalburg, we need to commit even more resources to city battles in west Hoenn. And Rustboro's right there to face our efforts head on. Granite Cave's too cramped for the League to break out its biggest guns or flood us in numbers, and I'd rather deal with Dewford reinforcements than Rustboro ones."[break][break]

"Besides, if we can't nab the point, we can force the League to use it either way. A retreat in Petalburg's lost resources for little gain. A retreat in Granite Cave is something we can cover with a cave-in, and maybe bust up the Primal Point in the process. We might not get what we want, but we still buy the space crew time and force them to fire up their reserves."[break][break]

Isaac had heard enough. He released what appeared to be a Honedge, taking it in his hand and throwing it skyward. It sailed in a beautiful arc, hurtling right towards the feet of the Rocket representing Granite Cave. And then, just before hitting the ground, it divided; it was a Doublade all along! One of the twinned blades embedded itself in the ground before the Granite Cave representative. The other stuck in the ground before the Mt. Pyre representative.[break][break]

"I don't think we should commit to an answer on the Point until we know where we're staging this invasion," Isaac said. "Lots of people seem sold on Mossdeep; close to reinforcements, plenty of tech, depriving the League of their space base. It'd be a much harder grab than Littleroot, but it might be one we can hold onto better. But if we change gears to Mossdeep, and our votes for Petalburg stay valid, I think we're going into the worst of both worlds. There's no chance in hell we pull off a job that big on each half of Hoenn. So if you do change your minds on the invasion site, please give us a recount on the vote as well."[break][break]

The shadowy sandstorm reflected in the polished facets of each of Isaac's blades. It was a gutsy play, to be sure. But hopefully it was one that would pay off. "If we're committing to Littleroot, my vote's for Granite Cave. And if we're changing gears to Mossdeep, I vote Mt. Pyre for much the same reasons. Lighter defenses, better distance from our enemies, and closer proximity to our target. And, like Granite Cave, we have a built-in exit strategy. There's no way our fighting doesn't attract Something, and if we're quick on our feet that Something can be the League's problem instead of ours."[break][break]

Okay. That was maybe enough words for the next millennium. Isaac's heart pounded with anxiety as he resolved himself to hush his butt for the remainder of the meeting. Or, y'know, until someone else said something he needed clarification on. So Isaac was bad at making promises to himself. Sue him.[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac questions the Littleroot plan on two fronts; holding strategies, and how to make use of it.[break]
Isaac agrees with Ceri's Granite Cave plan.[break]
He decides to be a little shit and vote via an if-then statement.[break]
If invading Littleroot, Isaac votes Granite Cave. If invading Mossdeep, Isaac votes Mt. Pyre.[break]
Isaac asks that, so long as the invasion site is up for debate, the Primal Point vote waits.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP