i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2022 3:30:42 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Deep impacts
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]When quietly appeared at her side and gave her a small, supportive smile, Aurelie smiled back at her and impulsively clasped her hand for a moment in a gesture meant to convey her unspoken thanks for the solidarity. When wandered over to her other side, Aurelie gave her a friendly wink and made as if to kiss her cheek in Kalosian fashion, before settling for a quick handshake. Having both of them alongside her—two very different women, but competent and dependable in their own ways—both surprised and exhilarated Aurelie, just to know she had such worthy comrades on her side.

A good thing, too, because the rest of the meeting—though fascinating and impressive in its bombastic show of power and ambition—was not inspiring confidence, let alone joy, in Aurelie. Head Scientist 's admission of Rocket's unsuccessful contingency or alternative plans to deal with the meteor was disheartening. But at least Rocket's scientists had tried, which was all she could ask, especially with something as esoteric as interdimensional teleportation.

And then this plan to simply trust in the League's plan—and trust in it enough to even attack a primal point, in the blind faith that the League's plan was infallible enough to work as planned even if Rocket introduced all kinds of setbacks and delays...? She shook her head incredulously and frowned in resolute disapproval. It made no sense to badmouth the League in public, rely on them in private, and sabotage them all at once. Even if Rocket was all about opportunity and profit, surely the greatest opportunity and prize of all was life itself—which hardly seemed guaranteed from the League's shaky-sounding plan.

Aurelie found herself nodding in agreement when and voiced their objections. She wasn't angry enough yet—or brave enough, honestly—to speak up, but she was disappointed. Musing aloud to herself, in a low voice just loud enough to reach her comrades on either side, Aurelie muttered, "I can't go along with this. I just can't. You'd think that, with all of Hoenn equally in danger, we should at least refrain from ordinary squabbles and power grabs. Attacking like this seems like such a bad idea."

If the prospect of a primal point attack was just to be a distraction, she wondered suddenly, was it really meant to be a distraction for the League? Or for Rocket?

Crossing her arms, the red-haired smith grimaced and shook her head again. She ostentatiously kept her hands away from her Poke Balls. Voting would make her feel like she even somewhat supported some part of this plan, and she simply couldn't. She wasn't enough of an interdimensional scientist to trust the League's plan, and she'd trust it even less if Rocket insisted on messing with that plan for the sake of enriching themselves from the very thing threatening to kill them.

"Nope, nope, nope," she mumbled. "Staying out of this. I'll go where they order me, but I don't have to like it."


- Quietly disapproves of Rocket's plan to attack primal points and launch an invasion
- Abstains from voting

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2022 6:48:10 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar

A lot more opinions were voiced and Serena agreed with some and disagreed with other's but that was all well and good considering the floor had been opened for discussion. Blowing up the meteor wasn't so bad of an idea. They wouldn't get to get anything from the meteor itself but at least they would avoid the impact. [break][break]

Even Walsh himself agreed that he believed in the League's plan to protect Hoenn from this calamity. It was of sound logic and made the most sense. They were sworn to protect this land and they wouldn't risk their own lives in the process. However, what came next from Walsh was completely unexpected.[break][break]

"so let us use the league's enthusiasm to our advantage as underboss has propounded. let us capitalize and mobilize." The Rocket Boss says. "first, an unknown material has been identified on the meteoroid according to reports from mossdeep space center. utilizing propulsion technologies developed by head scientist flint, we will send operatives to the meteoroid as it enters the atmosphere to mine this material. any advantage of knowledge, of resource, will pay dividends in the aftermath."[break][break]

Holy shit so they were going to space? That was pretty fucking metal if you really thought about it. And it solved the issues of reaping the benefits of the meteor. Walsh continued, "to provide time for the dispatched, we'll launch an operation against a key primal point to force the league to use a reserve primal point, and if lucky enough, we will secure a primal crystal to sea hoenn."[break][break]

Wait a minute. Hadn't Walsh said he trusted the league and their plan for Hoenn? And now they were going to disrupt it? Serena's brows furrowed. But he had also said it was to buy time for the people mining the meteoroid. Well now that made a bit more sense. Who knows what the League would do if they found out some of Rocket's people were on the meteor but still. Serena couldn't help but feel a little nervous interfering with the thing that was supposed to protect them all from sudden doom. [break][break]

"i will ask you all to decide which key primal point to siege by calling out your pokémon." as each of the primal point locations were revealed Serena's frown deepened. And now they all needed to vote for which one to ruin? But the surprises weren't over yet. "but that is not all. rocket beast and i have discussed an eventual takeover of littleroot town. to spread league resources thin, we will commence an operation there at the same time. a precursor for what is to come,"[break][break]

Now Serena was down for action just as much as the next person. Rocket gaining more territory wasn't a bad thing in her mind. After all things with Sootopolis worked out pretty well for them. But Serena was only concerned that this could potentially mean they were putting too much on their plate. An assault on Littleroot at the same time as a siege on the primal points which was a distraction from the real goal which was to mine the meteor before it touched down and killed them all. [break][break]

"Hmm," Serena hummed as she thought to herself. Rocket was capable this she knew very well but she couldn't help but feel uneasy about all of this. Either way, it wasn't her job to think too much but to just do her job. But it seemed there were other's who also shared her concerns. Namely and . They were the more vocal that was for sure. [break][break]

"there is no real sabotage." Walsh answered. "they have set primal points in every single city and town in the region for reserves. the league's plan should still proceed." Well if that's the case then surely one primal point location being messed with wouldn't hurt anything in the end. [break][break]

Then the votes began to pour in. Serena watched as her fellow colleagues began to cast their votes also mentioning their reasons for doing so. So far Mt. Pyre made the most sense to her as well because it would be easiest to bolster their forces there and if needed to retreat they could do so easily. But the appeal of Granite Cave wasn't bad either. [break][break]

It was of sound logic that collapsing the cave and fighting in tight corners would serve to put the League in a predicament. But she had to say she still was leaning more towards Mt. Pyre. Serena pointed and her shadow mime jr. bounced up to go join the other pokémon near the Mt. Pyre selection.[break][break]

Serena listened as the Rocket leaders discussed their opinions and theories of the whole thing. But what she didn't like or agree with was underboss 's take on this whole thing. "it's about sending a message." was it? Rocket has already solidified itself as being a force to be reckoned with, was there any more reason to drive the nail in the coffin? [break][break]

"whether we manage to take and hold littleroot is inconsequential. what is the true goal of our attack, gallagher? what message does our attack on littleroot send? fear. that we are a force to be reckoned with and not one to be ignored." Again, rocket had already solidified that position in the past there was no need to stress it. [break][break]

"it is why we should no longer care about public opinion. why we should stop hiding behind masks." Serena's frown deepened. Now this was in direct conflict with one of her current operations with and Serena didn't appreciate that. "I'm not sure if I agree with that." Serena spoke up for the first time in a while. What the underboss was saying was very remnant of the Kantonian rocket variety and if Serena was honest she was in no desire to return to their roots. Look how well that worked out the last time. [break][break]

"Diplomacy is what has led us this far in the first place. The common saying 'if it's not broke don't fix it' applies here I believe. Besides there's still benefits to Rocket not bearing it's fangs right now. If we can still reap those benefits shouldn't we make sure to exhaust it all before switching tactics?"[break][break]

It was a fair question in her opinion. Once Rocket went back to their roots they would miss out on the opportunity to capitalize on the general public's view of them and instead become everything the league said they were. "Sootopolis is already evidence that continuing the course as we have been can bear good fruit."[break][break]

Serena continued, "If we take advantage of the populaces growing uneasiness, sow seeds of doubt into them about the competency of the league and their intentions, I believe we can take control of the narrative and drive them out." Ambitious sure, but the voice of the people also wasn't to be trifled with. It could be a powerful tool in Rocket's arsenal if utilized correctly, as seen in countless points throughout history. [break][break]

"Just some food for thought."




🌟 Lots to react to. Serena has some doubts about the plan but still decides to stick with and see it through. She places her vote with the Mt. Pyre gang. [break]
🌟 Voices her disagreement with Rocket aligning themselves to the Kanto Rocket ways once more and offers they stay the diplomatic course. Manipulate and control from the shadows till they can choke and squeeze the land dry free of the League's influence. Turn their people against them and all that.[break]
🌟 outfit[break]
🌟 TOP3! Gang Gang <3


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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2022 9:09:20 GMT

somewhere among the sea of faces is their father, probably stuck next to someone sucking their ass in hopes of ascending the rocket ladder. he feels no sympathy for what might follow this meeting.[break][break]

"dunno. but fuck what he thinks."[break][break]

when asked to vote, cian's cacturne steps forward, following cian's gesture to end up at the option that is most populated: MOUNT PYRE.[break][break]

"just pick what everyone else is. i doubt we'll be enough to sway their votes."[break][break]

as long as it isn't petalburg. he'd hate to have contributed to sending forces towards .[break][break]

- observing[break]
- votes for MT. PYRE


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[newclass=".selfinsert .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2022 13:06:38 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Dynergy is indeed a resource that they can't comfortably say that they're able to produce nor control. And when Walsh explains his rationale in believing the League's plan, she finds herself going along with the flow too. He is right - When it comes to survival, there's not many reasons to believe that the League would shoot themselves in the foot but she can't help but wonder if they truly know what the region is about to face.[break][break]

If they wish to disturb the peace in Littleroot and spread resources thin, then Mt Pyre sticks out to her as the best choice. Not only because of its proximity to Sootopolis but also for a strange possibility that bothers her. With the whole other Groudon rampage that they'd experienced, there might just be a chance that something strange related to Primal energy and universal distortions could repeat once more. And while part of her wants to say that they could take advantage of chaos, the other part knows that she just wants to be prepared for any horrible possibilities.[break][break]

"I think the gym leader of Petalburg is pretty capable, and so are the rangers stationed there. It's also pretty close to Littleroot so we'd get kinda... crushed? Collapsed on?" Her words are twisted into a question as she lacks the vocabulary for warfare strategies and the like. The memories of working with flashes through her mind and for a moment, she feels bad for even considering an attack on Petalburg.[break][break]

With a toss up of her pokeball, she calls upon her Shadow Togekiss to stand for her thoughts, her left hand still placed on Reiner's shoulder as he sticks close.[break][break]

"Mt Pyre is located away from most cities, so maybe they won't be able to send as many rangers as they'd like to stop our advances? That and well, we won't really risk putting civilians in danger and getting them to hate us as much for getting them involved?"


tl;dr -[break]
- Choosing MT PYRE to avoid involving civilians and making them madge at Rocket in the process[break]
- Wants to avoid clashing with cos she kind of likes him...[break]
- That and maybe there might be more funky stuff like a groudon rampage part 2 electric boogaloo at Mt Pyre...
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a transfer of power 3

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 1:48:31 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"] 'galar...' his eyes flick over to . though it isn't the first time that jayden had read over the article, he can't help but wonder what their ambassador has to say about it.

[break][break] there's no time to comment on it — there are more important things on their plate. if there is any surprise on their leader's proclamations, it doesn't show on jayden's face. the admin's face remains perfectly impassive, even as others come to speak to voice their concerns.

[break][break] when suggests taking a reserve primal point, jayden shakes his head. he agrees with and . "i agree with underboss merlino and admin fiorelli. taking a reserve point won't nearly have the same impact as taking one of their main ones, especially when they have others in reserves."

[break][break] many discuss the elements of littleroot and it's application in terms of takeover. some like discusses the benefits of a land takeover - especially for those who cannot traverse water easily - and others like explain the difficulty in defending it as a stronghold, jayden can't help but frown.

[break][break] there is a glaring contradiction here - one that they can't ignore.

[break][break] "what is the purpose of littleroot, though?" he asks. "if it's to send a message and provide a distraction," he says, stepping forward. "then what is the point in wearing a disguise as someone else? since we are already public to the region, it provides a much stronger influence and impact by appearing as we are."

[break][break] "like suggests, littleroot and petalburg are too close to each other to provide an impactful distraction. league forces would come from the same locations to aid both cities, due to it's close proximity."

[break][break] "not to mention, taking littleroot in such an aggressive way would make a diplomatic win at pacifidlog impossible. what kind of message would we send if we attack one city, and charm another?"

[break][break] he folds his arms. "an inconsistent one."

[break][break] reaching into his pokeball, he releases the shiny duskull that gave him nearly a year ago. it floats over to one of the grunts, standing on the pendulum.

[break][break] "my vote is for mt. pyre."

[break][break] as many others have said, it is close enough to sootopolis that it would lend them strength and far enough from littleroot that it would force the league to split their forces.



jayden asks what the "point" of littleroot is? is it a message? is it to attack? is it to establish a foothold? [break]
he also votes for MT. PYRE


[attr="class","title"]TRANSFER OF POWER PT. 3


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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 3:01:18 GMT
Every professed opinion and strategic plot was cataloged into the folds of Barnaby's memory. As he listened to the myriad voices, any change in his even expression was miniscule; in fact, Barnaby seemed relatively unfazed as he too leaned toward and replied:

"Great question. Why risk it when the consequence of League failure is region-wide devastation?"

Hearing 's clarification caused an eyebrow to arch ever-so-slightly. Rather than assuage his worries, it only added to them.

"they have set primal points in every single city and town in the region for reserves. the league's plan should still proceed."


There was no guarantee that ROCKET's disturbance wouldn't postpone the League's plan enough for it to buckle in on itself. Such an operation risked the lives of everyone in the region and seemed too much of a gamble for Barnaby's liking.

His concerns were echoed by . He expressed their shared sentiment well enough that Barnaby didn't feel compelled to vocally agree. The voice of an underboss surely held enough weight to get the point across.

As for the proposed siege, he was indifferent about its location. Walsh's plans for Littleroot already seemed fixed in his mind. While 's logic concerning the capture of a coastal city made sense, so did 's interjection about XERNEAS' ability to maneuver on land and the Legendary's influence on their offensive power. 's point about the longevity of their foothold if they were to take Littleroot was also valid.

In the end, it seemed to Barnaby that the location didn't matter if their main goal was to distract in preparation for mining the meteoroid, as professed.

Scientific progress at the cost of public opinion. Was it worth it?

In answer, 's voice rose above the tumult, his inflection icy and direct. Again, 's response spoke more to Barnaby's logic, with proclaiming the benefits of a tempered approach. , too, appeared to agree to some extent, at least where Pacifidlog Town was concerned.

"I agree with . If the public perceives Rocket to be interfering with the only plan to deal with an apocalyptic threat to our region, it could be damaging for future PR efforts."

Littleroot aside. At least the siege wasn't directly aimed at decelerating the League's attempts at teleporting the meteoroid.

"This is a turning point, in essence. Are we saying we no longer care about the public perception of Rocket? Or are we saying that the perception we have built up isn't strong enough to maintain going forward?"

Ultimately, expansion of ROCKET's influence was paramount to their collective goal. The means to that end seemed to differ widely, however, between the members themselves.

With his piece expressed, Barnaby released his Shadow STEELIX to join those clustered around the Petalburg grunt.

outfit check
• using ROCKET persona (BEE + black hair)
• we're baddies but do we have to look super bad?
• voting for petalburg primal point
UNOWN-A floating above him
NINETALES beside him
• standing beside zev & summer
• open to interaction
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 19:13:46 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex’s smile twitches slightly at the rather apathetic look from . No. She wouldn’t get over it. Between the three Quinn siblings (, , and ), they’ve all stabbed her in the back at least once. She’ll never give them that opportunity again. She threads with caution, not naïve to their power and strength, avoiding them whenever possible. She can find a sense of respect for them if she digs down deep, very deep, but that doesn’t mean she has to like them.

Her trust for Rocket wears thin, especially now amongst the rumble of voices and criticisms.

This is all fucking insane.

Put people on a meteor? That’s, what, traveling 1,000 km/hr (probably much faster). By the time it hits the whatever-sphere, it would be on Hoenn in 0.2 seconds. Without the power to slow down time, this seems impossible, dangerous, and reckless.

The Beast stands firmly planted with her arms crossed over her chest, gaze flitting back and forth between the many voices giving their opinion. Her neutral look does falter when suggests taking Mossdeep. Her frown is telling, of course that messes with a plan to steal data. It would be a strong hold, but that is an important site for the League, a priority. They would never let Rocket stay. The retaliation would likely be strong. It’s closet to Ever Grande, after all. Did everyone forget about the strength it took to take Sootopolis? The League wouldn’t let that happen again.

Amongst the bickering, many seemed to keep forgetting that the Primal Point is meant to be a loss. It’s just a distraction. No matter where they sieged the Primal Point, they aren’t meant to win. It should be a location where it is difficult to defend, and even more difficult for League reinforcements to show up quickly.

“For what it’s worth, I think it will be most difficult for the League to defend and get reinforcements to MOUNT PYRE, giving us more time. However, no matter where we attack will only buy us what . . . a couple minute before they regroup? Surely that’s not enough time for them to mine the meteor,” she motions towards the scientists and volunteers for the positively psychotic plan, “They’ll be expecting something whether it’s us or the Dark Triad. They’ll be ready to flip a switch – fast. Unless . . . you have a way to slow down time, I don’t see the point of such a risk. I can see a benefit of mining the meteor after it hits. Minimal risk, the League accomplishes their goal wiping out an enemy, and that leaves less competition for us. All we have to do is find a way to get there,” If they can figure out how to get to the meteor in time and mine it, they can definitely figure out how to get to Sea!Hoenn, “And if you can’t? The League knows how . . . and we know exactly where to find that information,” The SHADOW GARDEVOIR remains hovered beside the Beast. Instead, she releases a Dusknoir that follows the pointed finger towards the grunt that represents MT. PYRE.

+ Lex thinks this is reckless and too big of a risk
+ The woman is just set on stealing something
+ Votes Mt. PYRE because it’s hardest to get to

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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 21:03:39 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

Ruby's cheeks were dusted red at 's aborted cheek kiss that turned into a quick handshake. Had she winked, too? It was hard to tell with the eyepatch and all. Ruby didn't say anything, but her confusion was likely written all over her face; she just hoped it was too dark in this artificial sandstorm for Aurelie to see too many details. Belatedly, she remembered that some parts of the world used kisses on the cheek as friendly greetings. That was probably what Aurelie had been aiming for, yeah.

[break][break]"Yeah, this plan's fucking crazy," Ruby whispered, having regained her composure. She didn't know if their leader was that sure of all these pieces fitting together or just insane.

[break][break]She watched as the votes came in, mouth twisting into a grimace at how popular Mt. Pyre had gotten. Aurelie was right that they'd have to follow orders but not like it, but that didn't mean Ruby couldn't try to make those orders more bearable. She raised her voice: "You're all forgetting something: Mt. Pyre is a graveyard. Do you really wanna deal with the League and a bunch of pissed-off ghosts?"

[break][break]Her hand hovered over Arachne's Poké Ball as she looked between two voting points. She liked 's idea of causing a cave-in at Granite Cave, but unless a lot of other people were on board, its one-and-a-half votes wouldn't stack up to Mt. Pyre's twelve or so. Opinions on attacking Petalburg seemed mixed. Some seemed to think that it would spread the League's resources even thinner, but others predicted that the close proximity to the Littleroot siege would give the League the advantage. Ruby found herself agreeing with the former group. If they wanted more resources for one area, they'd have to draw from others, right? An attack on two separate fronts would just mean the League could pull from two separate reinforcement pools. But sticking to one region would mean that region would have to use more resources or draw from others, which could take time. That was how Ruby saw it, at least. With that settled in her mind, she sent her Araquanid to stand by the Petalburg grunt.

[break][break]Quite a few other people were bringing up Rocket's public image. "How many people actually trust us, though?" she asked. Efforts were being made to sway Pacifidlog to Rocket's side, but would they actually work, even without these attacks? Ruby didn't have much faith in that, but she also wasn't a diplomat.




  • confused and a bit flustered by 's greeting
  • quietly agrees that yep, this plan is nucking futs
  • reminds people that mt. pyre is a graveyard, which could mean pissed-off spirits
  • wants to vote for granite but chooses petalburg to stand against the mt. pyre votes
  • isn't sure how much the general public trusts rocket, diplomacy or not


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 21:49:23 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Just take the space rock and put it somewhere else.[break][break][break][break]

It kind of felt like a big deal to be a part of this meeting. Lyra not only was new to Team Rocket, but she had hardly left Sootopolis since arriving-- Despite being a lowly grunt, she was here, listening to the real-deals spew off plans on how to deal with the meteor. She hadn't met or gotten to know any of these people yet, though that one guy... Right, Isaac. At least there was a face here she recognized a bit more personally. For the most part Lyra kept her mouth shut and listened-- to the best she could. Ideas rattled off left and right, the talk of Primal points and Violet's earlier mention of Hoopa caught her interest and attention. Still, Lyra herself didn't have much new to add to the conversation. Still, she could say her peace on a Primal Point...[break][break]

Surely this meant she wouldn't say something stupid, ignorant, or obnoxious in front of her employers, right? [break][break]

Right? [break][break]

Let's hope not.[break][break]

"Mt. Pyre is a high point." Lyra said, rather plainly, stepping in the direction of the mountain's representative. Of course she was always thinking in scales of altitude and flight-- a mountain was an advantage point regardless of where it's stationed, how it's looked at... That's how she saw it, at least. Riddled with ghosts or not, it was the obvious choice between the options presented. "I haven't been in Hoenn long, but with the current state of things, the people of Hoenn need to look up to Rocket. It's our name they'll remember when they meteor is taken care of, one way or another. It only makes sense we set our sights literally higher." The girl shoved her hands into the pocket of her jumpsuit, looking around at a few stander-bys. "It just doesn't make sense to me to invade some po-dunk town that barely has anything to offer." She shrugged, referring to Litteroot. "We're better than that."

[attr="class","ooc"] OOC: Mentions | | Anyone interested in replying [break][break]TLDR Notes: - Lyra votes for Mossdeep/Mt. Pyre [break] - Talks smack about Littleroot [break]

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 23:06:46 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
With her arms crossed, Elisabeth's fingers began to tap at her sides with mild impatience.

Why do they still think they can change his mind?

It was, to some degree, admirable. She agreed with many of the disagreements voiced aloud, and had felt relieved in the hearing of them.

That dialogue was wearing thin, however.

If 's plan itself didn't reveal they were working for a megalomaniac intent on seizing whatever opportunity there was to be found, consequences be damned, then nothing else would.

There were two options here: stay the course, or get off here, while it had yet to become something unrecognizable.

She'd already picked her poison a long time ago.

"If I may."

Elisabeth's voice was calm, cool, and polite as she smoothly interrupted.

"I agree with that we are at an impasse. I both understand the preference for utilizing diplomacy expressed by those such as Beast and , and Underboss 's desire for us to capitalize on the power of fear. The former is a long and arduous battle, one that can be lost in a precious instant, but that holds a more resounding victory. Some of the actions that are proposed here and now would capsize the former's efforts for a long time to come."

Her eyes cut to 's, acknowledging him with a nod of her head.

"Fear does not hold the same risk, in that regard. Acts of terror only increase that hold on a populace. All the actions proposed here would certainly do so: threatening the League's plan, attacking Littleroot, and so on."

Here her gaze slid back to the rest of the forum, taking a moment to assess several faces before speaking again.

"Let's discuss optics, then. As we well know, Hoenn is a region with a long memory. Many still hold us accountable for the actions of Silas's era, regardless of how fair those claims stand now. They remember what happened to . They remember what happened to ."

And though she did not say it, not here in front of the eyes of so many who held this act so personally close, she knew: they will remember what happened to .

"They paint us as the cruel dictators of Sootopolis. There are even ignorant masses who blame us for what happened on the Darkest Day, and the League is not above swaying the public to such opinions, regardless of their truth. We are their scapegoat, whether we truly do ill or no."

Team Rocket was too valuable for the League to discard in that regard. So long as Rocket was feared, the League always had a purpose for its civilians. The League defended them against the unknown, unspeakable brutality of a terrorist organisation.

Fear worked for them, too.

"There is a reason so many of us operate in the shadows, choosing to wear guises when we walk outside of Sootopolis while hiding our affiliation. It is because Team Rocket is already feared. We are already hunted. We understand the consequences if we are known, in the light of day, for who we really are."

That was the value of a mask: knowing you could live your life in a world where Team Rocket had yet to conquer.

"The battle for optics is not over, nor is it even remotely won. Sootopolis was a battle, yes, and that battle was a victory. But let us not forget we faced opposition in the taking of Sootopolis, too."

The severity that had characterised her words softened here, relaxing into her next point.

"That all being said, if we wish to wield terror, conquering Littleroot is not strictly necessary to achieve that end. For example, arson or bioterrorism efforts would accomplish the same result without wasting as much manpower and resources. The fact we are focusing on Littleroot tells me that this goal is, in fact, not fear at all. It is dominion, is it not?"

She looked to , an eyebrow lifted.

"In which case, which path to dominion with Littleroot has the longer-lasting success? I would argue that we can achieve it with fear, but we will need to maintain it with diplomacy, as we have done here in Sootopolis. Is it not possible that we can have a similar two-pronged approach, here?"

  • Thinks everyone is wasting time trying to change a foregone conclusion, cuz ain't changing his mind.
  • Agrees with that a decision needs to be made here about Rocket's approach, but...
  • Points out the diplomacy option is difficult, but more rewarding as seen in Sootopolis. However, Rocket is far from being in the public's good graces.
  • Acknowledges the merits of 's fear-based approach, as Rocket is already feared.
  • Doesn't think the purpose of Littleroot is fear, because we could just do a bunch of terrorist acts, like arson, instead!
  • Believes the goal with Littleroot is dominion, and that requires a two-pronged approach: conquer with fear, maintain with diplomacy.

Transfer of Power 3 ✿ Outfit ✿ Everyone
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 23:37:34 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”We can trust the League’s plan.” Mars reiterates ’s own words, almost verbatim.
”We are relying on this plan.”
He looks at the crowd. He scans their faces. Unbeknownst to them, he sees them through the eyes of every Unown present. It doesn’t help with the mild headache that has taken hold of his mind, and his mood sours. From a distance, golden eyes fix on .
”It’s the only plan to deal with the apocalyptic threat to our region.” It’s Barnaby’s own words that he repeats now, his tone levelled yet stern. Mars is proud of him at that moment, even if most people would never be aware of it.
”We can benefit greatly from it, yes. We can take advantage of it, yes. We should do as much. But, if the public sees Team Rocket interrupting this only plan, what message do you think that sends to the region?” He looks at the crowd, as if expecting an answer. The question is obviously rhetorical. That we’re fools. That we’re selfish. That we don’t care about Hoenn’s wellbeing. That we’re so blinded by our immediate needs that we’d let this whole region go to hell for the sake of it."
"Do you think that’s the kind of leadership they want? Do you think that’s the kind of leadership they’d respect? Do you think they’d be afraid? No.”
Martín del Mar is a man who has made the public love him, but that is not what he’s telling Team Rocket to do. He wants them to not be foolish, he wants them to be the kind of organisation that can be respected to the point that no one dares oppose them. Ruling by fear is not the problem.
”They fear us at this moment, yes, but the grand majority of them don’t respect us, and they most certainly never will if we act foolishly. Don’t kid yourselves.” For a second there, his gaze fixes on before returning to the larger group. The Unown-! behind him continues to stare at her. ”If they don't respect us, they will always oppose us. So if we’re going to take Hoenn, we have to do so with true strength. We have to outsmart our opponent at every turn. We can’t act blindly. We can’t attack just for the sake of attacking. Use diplomacy when needed. Attack when needed. Know when to make the right choice.
He agrees with 's own words. An Unown-I approaches and Mars gives it a simple nod before it moves towards the grunt representing PETALBURG. It had been 's choice that convinced him.
”We’re here to conquer, not to just keep fighting for the sole sake of fighting. Show us that you’re capable of it.”



[break]■ Reiterates why attacking the PRIMAL POINT would look bad and why they should disguise themselves (they'll be seen as selfish fools who don't care for the wellbeing of the region, and won't be respected or truly feared)
[break]■ Explains that they have to act smart instead of just doing blind attacks
[break]■ You can benefit without being foolish.
[break]■ Chooses PETALBURG.


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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2022 0:05:29 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

So was going to assume Zev an idiot instead of understanding the true concern behind his words? Fine. The hitman took note of 's shared sentiment and turned his attention to the opinions of the others around him.[break][break]

When shared his thoughts, suggesting the more advantageous Fallarbor over Littleroot, Zev met the younger man's gaze and gave him a single nod. Not because Fallarbor was necessarily a better target, in the end, but because by speaking up, Isaac was no longer a mere observer, but a player of the game.[break][break]

made a good point about choosing to steal the primal crystal of Granite Cave over the one in Petalburg City, while argued for Mt. Pyre with logic and reason. Zev found himself reconsidering his initial suggestion as he regarded the young women standing next to each other, but ultimately decided against changing his mind.[break][break]

"While each location obviously has its unique challenges, the more we talk, the more I think it ultimately doesn't matter which primal crystal we steal," he said matter-of-factly.[break][break]

Sometimes, a vote was not any real democracy in action, but simply a way to make people believe they had a choice in the matter. The result was still the same, in the end.[break][break]

"Theoretically, a small team of highly skilled operatives can infiltrate even a populated and well-guarded location like Petalburg City, grab the crystal, and leave before being noticed. The more people involved, the more difficult it would be to maintain a stealthy advantage. That should free up the bulk of fighters to go to Littleroot — or wherever Mr. Walsh thinks is best."[break][break]

Zev himself did not care whether the criminal syndicate thought Littleroot was the best option or not. When suggested Mossdeep as an alternative, however, Zev's gaze traveled to Walsh's face to read his reaction — if he showed any at all. Mossdeep would be more advantageous to obtain, true, but it was well defended.[break][break]

Mentally, Zev prepared a contingency plan of his own if Rocket's boss decided Mossdeep would be a better target for their attack.[break][break]

As the subject of conversation switched to optics, Zev fell silent beside his associates. Let the underbosses and admins debate Rocket's approach to their takeover of the region. He was merely a weapon for striking down other people's enemies. Propaganda was not his game to play.




+ Open to interactions![break]
+ Standing with Barnaby and Summer[break]
+ Believes that the vote for primal point ultimately doesn't matter because any small, highly skilled heist team should have no problem regardless of location[break]
+ Doesn't actually care what town/city is attacked and will let the important people discuss optics

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2022 0:51:34 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

”they’re all so short-sighted.”[break][break]

she had been unsure if darkrai could hear the thoughts in her head, but like she had on that day when it had bestowed its avatarship, she willed silent words towards it.[break][break]

”tell me if i’m on the right path, darkrai, please. will i fail? will you bar us from your world in the end?”[break][break]

while team rocket’s varied attempts to reach ultra space continued and commenced, she would become increasingly committed to her alternative. would it be a foolish waste of such precious time amidst dimensional threats?[break][break]

as far as the debate went, she couldn’t wrap her head around a siege over grains of sand when they had not yet taken their first step across the greater sandbox. she didn’t want war. not this close to a new home on the mainland. not over practically nothing in the grand scheme—but unlike last time, she would not speak up about looking to the future in the great beyond, because she’d learned better.[break][break]

she had to wonder, though: would the real dark triad simply swoop in, and sabotage the reserve once they were done? was that the real plan, ?[break][break]

she stayed quiet for , , , because they all stood on the steps below their master–and she was not exempt from that rule. she would cross her fingers that these ideas did not kill them all.[break][break]

with the change of her eldest brother’s vote, a nod commanded her houndoom to switch places, and stand beside the representative for mt pyre. petalburg would likely be outvoted. she could see no point in disagreeing with him.[break][break]

perhaps it had been silly to assume that they would focus their sights higher this time.
  • talkin to darkrai with her mind, maybe
  • switches to mt. pyre cause
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-houndoom"]

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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2022 1:39:53 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
The opinions of the masses continued to clash against each other. It was tiring. Frankly, as long no harm befell Petalburg, there was no reason for him to further argue. He's said his piece, and so have they -- all that was left was for Walsh to make a decision.

When eventually spoke up, directly airing out his sharp thoughts of the admin, Felix listened, nodding as he always does. Then the others rolled in, airing countering points, or as did, questions towards the overall objective of the organization's mission. Again, Felix didn't care. He was paid to fulfill orders, and he'll do just that -- beyond Petalburg, the location didn't matter. It never did.


Felix's position begged to differ. The same it had before, when he first spoke out.

"I agree with ."

The voice is solid. Firm.

A pair of dull, golden eyes whisked themselves to the fellow admin, but only for a moment, as tightly wounded thread tugged them back to the crowd -- the onlookers, the people.

"But this inconsistency goes beyond this conversation."

Turning, he looked to face the , brows furrowed and lips curled. To be loved, to be feared, to be respected -- it was all the same. What mattered most wasn't the words themselves, but the person speaking them to him.

"Sir," The admin nodded his head at his superior, showing his respect before continuing. "What are your thoughts on this? Where does Rocket stand?"

From his recollections, 's words were always vague. Open to interpretations. Before this might've been the organization's strong suit, as people could make of it as they will, but here, between the artillery of opposing forces, its negatives were beginning to become glaringly obvious.

Why worry themselves with something as insignificant as respect when fear is in its place? Why deal with optics, when their image is already seared into the minds of the countless affected by Sootopolis' hostile takeover, or by 's operation in Littleroot? Why hide behind disguises when they're already deemed a terrorist organization by the eyes of every media outlet within the region, and a danger to most citizens? And aren't they?

An organization filled with criminals looking to fulfill their own selfless desires -- that was the description he was given when he first joined under ANVIL's banner, and that was the description, from what he knew, most people knew them to be.

Why work so hard to change that, when victory through the means and spoke of seemed so much simpler and so much easier to defend against?

But, at the end of the day, their opinions mattered little compared to the one in charge of his payroll.

- keeps MT PYRE vote
- basically just asks walsh his opinion, because there's just a lot of inconsistency within the upper brass, and seeks CLARIFCATION 


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2022 3:04:14 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
[attr="class","adrianwtw"]For Adrian it was every bit as conflicting as it was troubling. Interfering in the League's plans would invite casualties, wherever they were. But in Petalburg? Foretree? The number would be higher, environmental impact would be substantial... And then there was the archaeological losses to consider at both Granite Cave and the Desert.[break][break]

The mural in Granite Cave? The mausoleums of Mount Pyre? The elusive Desert Ruins themselves, housing ancient secrets they had unwittingly rediscovered? What might be damaged during their confrontation, what might be lost?[break][break]

No, Mount Pyre was never really an answer, not for him...[break][break]

To avoid involving innocents, and to avoid any unnecessary ecological damage, he supposed that THE DESERT was the preferred location to raid, at least by his judgement. It was unlikely they would share his concerns, however...

He should be grateful then for the democratic process. Howitzer brushes up along his side at that point, perhaps sensing his unease, as dependable and loyal a dog as ever. She does not know what troubles him, but she can try comforting him. Running his fingers through her lush mane, an inaudible command is rendered, and she begins the slow trot forward towards the grunt representing...[break][break]

[attr="class","adrianwttag"]... THE DESERT


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