i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 3:56:33 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

without time to react to the realization they’d come here for nothing, a rain of ruthless attacks poured over their heads—but death, surprisingly, did not come, latios, kyogre, and hoopa be damned, thanks to
valerian the sylveon. lulu glanced at it in awe, before her rage at everything else erupted.[break][break]
“holy fucking shit!” she spun, fists clenched.[break][break]
her glare immediately found kyogre’s whalish body hovering over the meteoroid in space. after a blink, her face turned ugly behind her dark visor.[break][break]
”dross! you bitch—!” was she league now? surely not.[break][break]
a crack began to form in the mineral. with a glance towards it, she quickly calculated: if the meteoroid was perhaps made of mostly this mineral, it was quite possibly splitting in half, which probably didn’t bode well for anyone. not to mention, the physics of their surroundings were beginning to change…[break][break]
but then, of course, there was deoxys—the second, only this one was different; but it was also angry, just like the first. and, conveniently, it seemed to steal nearly mostly everyone’s attention.[break][break]
she called over comms, ”we don’t have time to fight! the meteor may be cracking in half! we need to leave!”[break][break]
as the meteor beam swept across the terrain, she returned her metagross. ”darkrai!” already on it, her patron drew a protect over her company.


  • is pissed cus mineral won't chip, also rain of attacks lmao wtf
  • notices splitting mineral
  • warns over comms meteor may split in half, no time to fight
  • metagross returned, darkrai uses protect against deoxys' meteor beam

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai" style="opacity:1"]
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[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 5:45:37 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



For a moment, Luka feels a pang of satisfaction. The mineral doesn't chip, and her attempts at defense seem to have actually worked. But this isn't cause for gloating or celebration. It's important, she reminds herself, to stay on her guard— Rocket isn't the only enemy they have to contend against.[break][break]

confirms the appearance of the dark triad, and Luka can only hope that 's yelling into the comms means that she's managed to escape from one of the assassins. As things stand, there's no way she can try to help the other woman.[break][break]

There's not even time to think about it, really. For right above the meteor comes a flash of light and a deafening burst of sound. Luka only has a moment to flinch and duck as a Minior explodes nearby, and despite her attempts to flee she's caught within the radius of the blast.[break][break]

The force sends her flying back, protected only by the reinforced spacesuit leant to her by the League. Her ears are ringing and pain ricochets around her skull as she falls into space rock and rubble, tossed aside like a limp ragdoll. She can only hope that her shouts of surprise and pain haven't registered over the comms radio as well.[break][break]

Her vision is spotted and her head pounds, but at least her survival instinct is still intact. Luka manages to pick herself up after a few seconds, wincing

Ume is battered and bruised, only floating a few inches off the ground. The damage around them is immense, and her fellow Leaguers have taken the brunt of it. Luka curls her arms around her wounded tapir and pulls them to safety, releasing her Clefable instead. "Cupcake!" she shouts, her usual kindness replaced by urgency, "Use life dew!"[break][break]

A torrent of healing rain showers down on the group impacted by the explosion; at least, those in close proximity. If they're lucky, it should help to heal , , , and , along with herself.[break][break]

And the life dew continues to fall, Luka runs. She can see the Deoxys emerging out of her periphery and figures that, yeah, she absolutely needs to get out of the way. Several other Leaguers have the same idea, sprinting to safety behind 's downed ship.[break][break]

Is there enough room for her behind it? She can only hope so as she dives for cover, praying that it'll be enough to protect herself and the group from the incoming meteor beam.[break][break]

Her wounded Musharna is returned, as is her Clefable once life dew does it's work. She doesn't want to risk any of her precious partners getting hurt! Though in the shuffle of love balls one slips through the cracks— her shadow togepi manages to burst out, stubborn little thing that she is. In the face of danger, her shadow luck ability activates, sealing the fate of one unfortunate victim.


- AAAAAA?[break]
- ouchies from 's explosion[break]
- clefable uses life dew on , , , and their pokemon[break]
- running to hide behind the ship too![break]
- using togepi's shadow luck ability on . new roll total is 84[break]
- spacesuit[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 5:55:44 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




Let me take the skin

from your bones



The results of his explosion, mining the mineral - the League. All of it evaporated when the meteor split to reveal a second Deoxys. Killian couldn't peel his eyes away from the creature as he drifted back to the ground. [break][break]


And so vastly different from his own.[break][break]

The one bonded to Killian's spacesuit squirmed in elation, its cry vibrating inside his mind. Had it thought itself alone? Now more than ever, Killian wished it could speak and answer the questions piled high like a mountain. [break][break]

's brutal yell yanked Killian from his trance.[break][break]

"Oscar, stand down!" he shouted over the coms, "None of you will harm it before I've talked with it." but it was too late. Rocket and League alike had begun their attack on a creature freshly born.[break][break]

The underboss ran forward several feet before launching himself in Space-Deoxys' direction. A Poke Ball emerged from the biomass of his palm, and he hurled it ahead of himself. "Protect!" Killian ordered the spawning Beheeyem.[break][break]

Psychic power expanding, it attempted to conjure a bubble around Space-Deoxys. Hopefully, that would protect it and everyone else from harm.[break][break]

"woah, that’s wild. that one looks just like yours."[break][break]

Killian looked up as he landed near his destination. He'd seen that golden ring before, back in Sootopolis. He frowned. "Beat it, councilmen. I'm busy." [break][break]

He had another alien to collect.[break][break]




  • Killian's Space Suit
  • Deoxys is happy to see another of its kind.
  • Killian ordered everyone to stand down.
  • Released Beheeyem to use PROTECT on Space-Deoxys.
  • Told to get lost.
  • Used x3 Salacs



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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,586 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 7:02:35 GMT
noah faber Avatar

's call out directs him to the northern stretch. with neck craned, footwear struggling to take hold of space-rock, the gym leader witnesses their newest threat.[break][break]

and so swiftly, the breath leaves him. noah is surrounded by titans. the monstrosity () by the original sighted vein, 's kyogre, displaced into space by the defiance of fate, and now another force clothed in glimmering gem-faces.[break][break]

"i'll sure as hell try!" noah shouts back at through his earpiece. "fong, WHIRLWIND!"[break][break]

it's a swift maneuver. the hariyama spins a gale in place, quickly whisking noah and itself in an erratic spin toward the air. as they land, noah gasps as he skids clumsily with his partner.[break][break]

"careful, lars!" he says to the head ranger. "the meteoroid's picking up speed!"[break][break]

at this speed, any dramatic flight risks being cast off the rock.


[attr="class","ooc"] HgM1TkSH[break][break]
TL;DR uses WHIRLWIND to try and whisk out of the METEOR BEAM's sweep.[break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-machamp"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-hariyama"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-medicham"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-chesnaught"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-haunter"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 7:10:00 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar
”Holy fuck, man—”

It was all he could say, really, as everything unfolded so quickly amidst the chaos. Although he’d expected to accomplish what he did (or rather, expected his Golurk to accomplish what she did. what a bastard, riding on the coattails of others…), the aftermath of it all had been nothing short of—... Well, it hadn’t exactly been much of a shock per say, because that would’ve implied that he was at the mercy of the chaos. Surprise in all of its simple, basic descriptions would fit the bill a bit better.

Damn, was he surprised.

Surprised as the meteor had quite literally begun to split its crust; surprised as the flakes and chunks of ice and rock, alike, shattered into the air the way they did; surprised as a whole ass thing literally birthed itself from the rock that he and everyone were so desperate to occupy. He’d only barely began to light back down onto the meteor, itself, after jumping from his Pokemon’s back, before he immediately began to turn to catch a better look of the crystalline beast.

…And then it began to charge up something.
What was that something? Honestly, he didn’t know, and he didn’t care to find out.

And so, after a quick glance to the two people he’d been originally tasked with accompanying—and how they seemed to be fucking scattering in the midst of it all—he took it all as the nail on the coffin to act on his original hunches. What with the bigass Pokemon charging what seemed to be a bigass death beam, and all.

With a roar of a call, he garnered the attention of his Golurk once more, grabbing onto her as she careened by and ordering a Protect for the two of them as he quickly ushered the two of them into a crevice, just as almost everyone around him sought to do.



  • look, ma, we're about to fuckin' d i e !
  • andrasta (golurk) grabs cain and flies them to the nearest crevice, using protect to shield them
  • basically just hunkering down in case deoxys ends up being cute enough to vaporize everyone tbh

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 7:49:27 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

In the wake of the METEOR BEAM the law-bender came to with an abrupt sit-up.

Like a corpse come to life.

An apt comparison as he largely felt like a dead man.

His body was heavy, and yet, numb. Breathing wasn't much of a problem before but it sure as shit was a bit of trouble of now. Long sustained breaths and calm thinking would keep his lungs fixed with oxygen.

-and some burned carbons as well.

His suit was singed and smoking, and the skybound pokébomber was gone, although not long gone.

Some kind of shiny variant of whatever bombed him came out of the meteor it seemed.

"Han!" Ugh, even his voice hurt.

The distortion-Typlosion laid on his side, responding with his pokecry. The burns on his back fur was a clear indication Hanzo tackled his trainer and used his own body to shield the vigilante as best he could.

It burned him worse than the explosion that his Emotional Support Pokemon was so wounded in one instant. Hanzo was supposed to be getting the redhead through the turbulent times but it was Sénon getting Hanzo hurt, and critically.

He really wasn't doing too well up here.

If there was no sample to collect (aside from what came out of the fractured meteor), then it was time to evacuate.

But even if everyone else had given up on the idea of doing a little mining. The vigilante still had one more method for mineral gathering.
() ---> ()

"Plan Z." With a nod in response, a psychic flash of her eyes and an uplift of her arms, Gardevoir pushed his plans forward as he staggered to his feet.

A vainglorious solar star was born over Meteno and Crimsen himself centered underneath it. Ready to make his next move.

Gardevoir used Sunny Day!

● tags: @meteno

● notes:

H!typlosion shielded Crimsen from explosion!
Crimsen is still pretty banged up tho

Crimsen swapped H!Typlosion for Gardevoir!
Gardevoir used Sunny Day!


() () () () () ()

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 3:03:55 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]
99943 METENO



🎼 Decisive Battle! (Steven) | Pokémon Masters EX


THE NEW DEOXYS STARTLES THE UNOWN ASSASSIN TOO. would be able to witness the cold surprise on her face: the draining of color from skin.[break][break]

"what?! no. that shouldn't be here... it shouldn't be able to do that!"[break][break][break]

As 's MILOTIC called upon, Dr. Holo's UNOWN-K swiftly comes to her side. She grabs on to the blinking glyph and as as she TELEPORTS away from beam and brine, her appearance shifts too. Long white hair. Tight black uniform emblazoned with the symbol of the DRK TRIAD. Before she can, though, 's LATIOS is able to PLUCK some of her WHITE HAIR...[break][break]

The incoming METEOR BEAM strikes 's MILOTIC, immediately KNOCKING IT OUT with an explosive burst. Space-rock shrapnel continues to coalesce between the METENO-DEOXY'S HANDS. As METEOR BEAM is channeled, on top of the METENO-DEOXY's head, a CRYSTALLINE CROWN THAT RESEMBLES A GRECIAN TEMPLE AND CIRCHESTER-PILLARS forms.[break][break]

The attack is contested by 's PYROAR and its NOBLE ROAR. Bravely, the lion's cry resonates across the entirety of the space rock; however, the METEOR BEAM rushes right through 's ARTICUNO'S SHEER COLD and strikes the PYROAR. With a wail, the Pokemon is launched and is immediately FAINTED.[break][break]

Valiantly, forces her newly revealed friend, , to the rocky ground. Her HYDREIGON defends them, but is caught in the METEOR BEAM. Upon collision, an explosive plume of cosmic power flushes outward from where the dragon once stood; however, would be quick to realize that 's MEGA EVOLVED MAWILE and its HYPER BEAM have managed to save her HYDREIGON.[break][break]

With the warning, 's SCEPTILE's DETECT allows the Pokemon and its trainer to evade; however, the METEOR BEAM continues to swing. It catches the SCEPTILE by the tail, detonating cosmic energy against its body to KNOCK IT OUT. Similarly, manages to TELEPORT with his MAGNEZONE toward the original site of the mineral vein's exposure. Nevertheless, the METEOR BEAM persists and catches the MAGNEZONE after its warping or in the middle of it, causing it to FAINT too.[break][break]

Thanks to his Pokemon and the intervention of others, manages to reach the initial site of the mineral vein too. soon follows despite her GARCHOMP's fall, the attacks from , and providing her time and liberty to near her peer. But the METEOR BEAM soon follows after the two. 's ARAQUANID is summoned onto the rocky field, a MIRROR COAT forged to defend itself and its trainer successfully- but just barely. Meanwhile, 's DRAGAPULT is caught. There is no place to hide and the METEOR BEAM collides with its spectral shape to DOWN IT.[break][break]

This close to the METENO-DEOXYS, the boyfriends and are in grave danger. After all, their crash on the triangular rock—whatever is left of it, that is—helped instigate the alien's awakening.[break][break]

While 's UMBREON uses HELPING HAND, 's LUCARIO attempts to combat the incoming beam with a powerful AURA SPHERE. Briefly, the beams collide, resisting each other; however, the CRYSTALLINE METENO-DEOXYS overpowers the canine.[break][break]

The HELPING HAND grants the trainers and UMBREON time and space to move; however, the LUCARIO is taken by the METEOR BEAM. The canine is launched and FAINTS. Nearby, would be able to witness the destruction in the safety of a crevice. His GOLURK manages to PROTECT him from the METENO-DEOXY's attack, the cosmic energies wafting across and away the protective barrier.


OTHERS FARE MUCH BETTER, OR FIND OPPORTUNITIES TO SABOTAGE THEIR OPPONENTS. runs for cover like , the HAIL and AURORA VEIL following his trustworthy ABOMASNOW. A sharp flurry of RAZOR LEAF swings toward dangling on a HOOPA HOOP. Others impede 's ARTICUNO's SHEER COLD, encrusting their verdant blades in ice. Before they can land on the ex-councilman, 's SHADOW TOGEPI emerges onto the field.[break][break]

Swirling, dark energies manifest around the eggshell Pokemon. Suddenly, and his Pokemon feels the world of possibility shift. Just slightly to the left or right. The RAZOR LEAF attack slides away from and scatters into the atmosphere. At the same time, the last wet remnants of LIFE DEW helps rejuvenate , , and and their Pokemon as the PR pinkette evades the METENO-DEOXY's onslaught.[break][break]

As the LIFE DEW refreshes the scorched skin from 's MINIOR, 's URSHIFU heroically saves the married couple from NAUTICA. The bear is swift, taking them behind 's landed ship as the METEOR BEAM shrieks across.[break][break]

and her GALLADE cast PROTECT. slips in behind the protective barrier; this close, he'd be able to feel the immense BOLDNESS of the Head Professor and her Pokemon. The defensive barrier, emboldened by the INCREASED DEFENSES thanks to her SYGNA SUIT, is able to protect them from the METEOR BEAM with ease. The two are unscathed.[break][break]

Nearby, is able to avoid the cosmic sweep. Flipping in mid-air like a kung-fu artist, he demonstrates his unique martial arts style: one that takes advantage of his shorter stature, the teamwork between his body and his Pokemon partner. He lands safely, but barely. Further away, in his vigilante form, is able to avoid the METEOR BEAM too. A combination of skill and luck, he calls upon his GARDEVOIR, taking the opportunity to prepare for what comes next.[break][break]

Driven by his concern for , continues to clash with on SALAMENCE. The dragon weaves through the air skillfully as the METEOR BEAM arrives. 's HEATRAN endures the METEOR BEAM, and is able to shrug off the powerful blast. Croaking with the power of Hoenn's mantle, the HEATRAN summons STEALTH ROCKS around and his mount.[break][break]

While flees, the METEOR BEAM continues to move, clipping the SALAMENCE's WING. It wails in pain as its body is rocked, forcing the dragon to careen through sharp STEALTH ROCKS before plummeting toward the meteoroid floor. The dragon has not fainted; however, it has been hurt.[break][break]

voices her concerns over the meteoroid's constitution, worried that it may split. When the METEOR BEAM surges toward her, her DARKRAI conjures a PROTECT to help stave off the attack. However, slowly but surely, the PROTECT begins to crack. The pressure builds and as her colleague, , struggles to contend with the high powers and stakes, her TOGEKISS taps into the realm of possibilities. It uses METRONOME.[break][break]

Suddenly, the TOGEKISS opens its maw. With wings spread, a powerful BEAK BLAST is released immediately. holds onto her Pokemon tightly, the space rock within her pocket a hot reminder of what is at stake as the chance attack collides with the METEOR BEAM. After a harrowing tug-of-war, diverts the alien's attack away from DARKRAI's crumbling PROTECT.[break][break]


THE METEOR BEAM SUBSIDES. In the brief aftermath, 's SHADOW BISHARP lunges for the alien after ensuring its trainer is safe. Its EXTREME SPEED transforms it a hair-raising blur, but its sharp blades clash with 's BEHEEYEM'S PROTECT. The SHADOW BISHARP is forced back, much to the frustration of itself and the GMH CEO.[break][break]

This close to their new threat, both and would be able to notice the alien's odd nature. It seems to look straight through them, staring at figures or scenes unseen. On its TERA CROWN, angular shapes reminiscent to that of eyes seem to stare too. Unfortunately, for 's DEOXY, its counterpart does not return the pleasantries.[break][break]

Suddenly, the METENO-DEOXYS begins to glimmer. Its crown disintegrates into its body before another one takes its place. This time, an IMPISH FACE WITH WHAT APPEARS TO BE MISCHIEVOUS SPARKLE crowns its oblong head, and a darker hue spreads across its body.[break][break]

By , , and , DR. HOLO reappears. Long-haired and in her tight-fitted black clothes, she pulls the black fabric from her lips to reveal her face. "change of my plans, my lovelies. i'm warping this mineral vein away." She is unaware that is someone she had corresponded with over email; however, she does recognize from the impromptu interrogation he and had conducted.[break][break]

Her UNOWN-K swings in beside her as she places her fingers to her ear. She attempts to communicate with her allies... However, her peer at MT. PYRE does not seem to be radioing back. Frustrated, she barks: "i'm warping this anomaly of a meteoroid and anyone else who dares interfere with me."[break][break]

In the resulting aftermath of Pokemon attacks, primordial titans, alien attacks, mega evolution and the constant swell of infinity energy from and 's SYGNA SUITS, and would be able to notice the slightest scratch on the mineral vein... An energy swells from it like a mist.[break][break]

By chance, 's MIGHTYENA is able to SNATCH the effects of DEOXY's IMMINENT ATTACK and the leaking MINERAL VEIN. In doing so, the canine breaks the floodgates right open. An unfettered deluge of mysterious energy cascades over the meteoroid and into the Pokemon of every trainer.[break][break]

The Champion's MIGHTYENA begins to TERASTALLIZE.


FOR THIS ROUND, all of your characters can choose one Pokemon to TERASTALLIZE. You must choose ONE TYPE to TERASTALLIZE your Pokemon to. Once done so, your Pokemon's TYPING will shift to YOUR CHOSEN TERA TYPE.[break][break]

Attacks that share the same typing as your TERASTAL POKEMON'S original typings or their TERA TYPE will have an increase in power.[break][break]

You can have a TERA CROWN or opt out of one.[break][break]

All of your Pokemon will gain temporary access to the move, TERA BLAST.

"no!" Dr. Holo teleports with her UNOWN-K, holding on to it like a buoy as it begins to summon other UNOWN.[break][break]

They manifest from nothing, peeling away from the invisible membranes of reality as they outline the exposed crystalline field. As space rock begins to lift and tear around the MINERAL VEIN's SHAPE, everyone would be able to see that the MINERAL VEIN ONLY CONSTITUTES A PORTION OF THE WHOLE METEOROID. Several UNOWN float around her in a cyclone, attempting to DEFEND HER AT ALL COSTS.[break][break]

It is clear DR. HOLO, UNOWN ASSASSIN is attempting to warp away the mineral source, while allowing the rest of the meteoroid to strike Hoenn.


IN THIS CALLBACK TO DR. HOLO'S FIRST APPEARANCE AT THE STAR SOIREE, your characters can stop her from warping the mineral vein away.[break][break]

To succeed in stopping her, some characters and their Pokemon must engage with her ICly and/or fulfill the prompts present within the constellation template below this post. HOVER OVER THE SPARKLING POINTS to reveal the prompts. Include which prompts you have fulfilled in your TL;DR.[break][break]

One character fulfilling a prompt will fulfill for everyone else. For example, if a prompt says, "USE THE MOVE TERA BLAST 3X", the character using TERA BLAST will fulfill the prompt once, leaving other characters to fulfill the prompt for the two remaining times.


IN THE EARS OF THE LEAGUE, The Commissioner's voice comes through.[break][break]

"we're readying our primal points for firing. quick, you need to be off the meteoroid when we fire, or else you'll be teleported too." She says.[break][break]

Through the clouds, everyone would be able to now discern the familiar shape of the HOENN REGION. Around the meteoroid, flames begin to trail as violent flags, charring the crust.[break][break]

"primal points will be fired in... five minutes." A digitized voice commences a countdown, announcing intervals of 30 seconds... until the last minute, where it would count every single second.[break][break]

TEAM ROCKET would also be able to intuit that the primal points are about to be fired. After all, the region below is growing by the second, the familiar peak of MT. CHIMNEY smoking away.[break][break]

The METENO-DEOXYS begins to gather energies for a TERA BLAST; psychically, 's DEOXYS would begin to hear its alarming, repetitive feelings:

๒ɭครՇ ค ฬคץ ๒คςк ђ๏๓є... ๒ɭครՇ ค ฬคץ ๒คςк ђ๏๓є... ๒ɭครՇ ค ฬคץ ๒คςк ђ๏๓є... ςคภ ﻮ๏ ђ๏๓є... คɭ๓๏รՇ ђ๏๓є... קคгค๔เรє...



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 3:04:05 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","hoennstarconstellation"]STOP THE DRK TRIAD







[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]OBJECTIVE 1

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Stop Dr. Holo from warping the mineral vein away.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]USE THE MOVE, TERA BLAST 3X.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]OBJECTIVE 2

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Stop Dr. Holo from warping the mineral vein away.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]TAG ANOTHER CHARACTER IN THE RAID 5X.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]OBJECTIVE 3

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Stop Dr. Holo from warping the mineral vein away.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]REFERENCE THE VIEW OF HOENN 3X.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]OBJECTIVE 4

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Stop Dr. Holo from warping the mineral vein away.

[attr="class","hoennstarreward"]DEF/ATK/ENGAGE WITH METENO-DEOXYS 3X.









IN THIS CALLBACK TO DR. HOLO'S FIRST APPEARANCE AT THE STAR SOIREE, your characters can stop her from warping the mineral vein away.[break][break]

To succeed in stopping her, some characters and their Pokemon must engage with her ICly and/or fulfill the prompts present within the constellation template below this post. HOVER OVER THE SPARKLING POINTS to reveal the prompts. Include which prompts you have fulfilled in your TL;DR.[break][break]

One character fulfilling a prompt will fulfill for everyone else. For example, if a prompt says, "USE THE MOVE TERA BLAST 3X", the character using TERA BLAST will fulfill the prompt once, leaving other characters to fulfill the prompt for the two remaining times.
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 11:58:17 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
As the Rocket associate voiced her frustrations, Andrea couldn’t help but rub the back of her helmeted head sheepishly. “Well… The meteors weren’t supposed to hit you, just the scary black Pokémon that attacked us first.” She responded to her irate friend, although, seeing how her excuse didn’t hold much weight and she still felt guilty, she hung her head down and added. “Sorry…”

A more eloquent apology would have to wait until their lives were not in imminent danger. Chomper was nearly engulfed by the crystalline alien’s attack, but luckily, a Hyper Beam courtesy of ’s Mega-evolved Mawile saved the dragon in the nick of time. “T-that was a close one! Thanks!” Andrea gave a thumbs up at the other woman, although now she felt doubly guilty for having attacked her. Stupid space helmets making everyone look like an enemy!

In the midst of all the chaos, Meteno was plummeting ever closer to Hoenn. The view of the tropical region was better defined now, outlines of familiar landmarks like Mt. Chimney and Sootopolis City beginning to form.

That beautiful, yet foreboding view was blotted out by a swiveling tornado of floating eyeballs. The young PokéManiac immediately recognized their distinct shape. “Unown! The real enemy!” She declared, recalling ’s warning about the evil Unown-wielding assassins, as well as her own experiences in the Tea Room.

“Let’s get them, Chomper… Chomper?!” Much to the girl’s dumbstruck awe, the deluge of mysterious energy had caused her partner to undergo a peculiar, never-before-seen transformation: The dragon’s body was now coated in a lustrous sheen - not unlike their spatial enemy - while an oversized, funnily-shaped gem stood on top of his middle head like it was Crazy Hat Day (the other two heads didn’t get cool hats, because the universe hated them).

Andrea noted how Chomper’s skin shone as if made of metal, or more aptly, STEEL. Could it be that he had changed typing? Another Pokémon-related mystery to solve! “I have no idea what’s happening, but I’m not gonna let those people destroy our region! Chomper, use… something!”

The Terastallized Hydreigon resonated with its trainer’s feelings, firing an attack that unbeknownst to her was called Tera Blast. The wave of energy fired from the dragon’s middle mouth threatened to tear through the Unown formation, but would it be enough on its own?
//hydreigon has become STEEL TYPE
//hydreigon fires a TERA BLAST at the Unown swarm
//used 1 salac berry
//fulfilled prompts:


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 15:12:07 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As King slammed against the protect of , its eyes widened with fury. Who would dare prevent its approach? As it was pushed backward, the enraged shadow warrior let out a metallic growl. This transgression should not go unpunished! Fortunately that call was not up to King.

Oscar peeked from behind his ruined ship, and upon seeing Killian engaging with the enemy Deoxys he would let out a low groan. If he wanted that Deoxys, he would have to go through Killian--and Oscar did not feel optimistic about that matchup. At the very least, it was a waste of resources.  "Ohhhh----fine." Deflated, Oscar would pull out King's pokeball and recall it before the angry shadow pokemon could retaliate against either Deoxys.

Oscar left the safety of his shipwreck, forcing himself to look away from the Deoxys. That was not his fight anymore, but he and Killian shall have business to discuss later. If they live through this. Oscar turned his attention back toward the mineral, which was currently being swarmed by Unknown. He did not see that coming, but then again he had not been paying attention to anything else beside the Deoxys. They seemed to be threatening and though, so to Oscar that was enough to consider them antagonistic. 

Oscar released Genesect once more, who immediately braced itself for combat. Oscar was about to order another Techno Blast, when something very unusual occurred. Energy radiated from the central mineral, sending shockwaves across the meteor's surface. Oscar twitched as the surge approached, but once nothing happened he would gradually relax. Genesect seemed to be more susceptible to the energy, and it would quickly take on a new form that Oscar had never seen before.

Encased in crystals, Genesect would flex its metallic body as a giant knife grew around its head. Genesect roared as its crown imbued it with a strange power, and as nothing negative seemed to be happening Oscar would embrace the boost with glee. Pointing toward the center of the Unknown, which seemed to be some sort of ninja (weird but okay), Oscar would finally give his command. "Genesect, Techno Blast!"

Genesect would charge its cannon like normal, but when it would unleash its power a completely new beam would emerge. From its cannon emerged a blast of pure silver light, cascading with a strength it had never displayed before. Neither Oscar nor Genesect knew it, but this attack was actually Tera Blast! The beam ripped across the meteor, hopefully taking out as many Unknown as possible and sending that ninja straight to hell.

Because fuck 'em.


--Oscar withdraws Shadow Bisharp and leaves the Deoxys to Killian to handle.
--Oscar sends out Genesect, who Terastallizes into a pure Steel type.
--Genesect uses a Steel type Tera Blast on Dr. Holo and her Unknown. Tera Blast is empowered by Genesect's Tera Form and Steel Worker.
--2/3 Tera Blasts, 4/5 Character Tags
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 17:15:36 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Give it five minutes, sunshine, then it can join the meteor in paying Sea Hoenn a visit.” In response to 's disdain for alien life, his reply comes out finely cut and cold. He was intimately familiar with his wife's scars.

Slipping off Johnny's muscular shoulder after she'd expertly whisked himself and Skyler to safety, Angelo gratefully pats the Urshifu's arm before turning to his Decidueye. Subconsciously he pockets the WHITE HAIRS. Maybe would like to do some tests on them later. See what makes the Drk Triad tick. 

Was that weird? No time to think about it. His attention turns back towards the mineral vein.

"just a single one? not an entire army?" 's voice had crackled doubtfully in his ear.

You can ask her yourself, if you like.

For Dr Holo, now garbed in her Drk Triad attire, suddenly materialises right on top of the mineral vein. Straight into the line of sight of the people that had the precious resource surrounded.

Into their line of fire.  

Where did Dr Holo say she got her PHD again?

Beyond her, Hoenn inches closer and closer. Even though it's visage becomes distorted somewhat from the burning atmosphere of the plummeting Meteno 99943, Angelo can recognise the shapes and familiar placements of the islands he'd passionately traversed.

So many still yet to travel and explore.  

Rocket could be dealt with later. First, they had to make sure there was a later to begin with. 

Returning his Decidueye, Angelo summons another. Only the pokémon that emerges does not look exactly as he'd grown accustomed to. 

Curled antenna and tiny BUG wings had sprouted from the top of the Dragapult's triangular, flat skull. There, on its head, sits a crown crafted of gemstones, refracting with a million different smoothly cut edges that spreads down to the tip of its spectral tail.

Delta hovers silently over his shoulder, his Dreepy chittering reassurance. Angelo nods.

Stop her. Don't let her off this rock.

From the hollows of its horns, clouds of INFESTATION leak out from the Dragapult. Countless flecks of sharp, buzzing energy intermingling with the swarm of Unown as the Dragapult's power INFILTRATES their masses, attempting to swarm and submerge DR HOLO

You're not planning on leaving already, are you, Doctor?



- ig i'll keep dr holo's hair??
- DRAGAPULT becomes BUG type
- DRAGAPULT uses INFESTATION on DR HOLO so she can't teleport/flee
- where do you think you're going?! >3 


[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Thirty One
November 13
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 17:17:56 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Digging didn't work, Blasting didn't work. The mineral vein seemed impenetrable from the outside applying force inward.

The last attempt would be one to collect a mineral sample by applying force from the inside, out.

So. Plan-Z.

It started with an outpouring of solar energy via SUNNY DAY
and then it followed up with an empowered GRASSY alteration of the TERRAIN.

In the off-chance he was attacked setting this up he wanted to keep the next pokemon fresh from battle damage. When no one came it gave him the proverbial green light to advance his ploy.

With a quick flash one Grass-type was swapped for another. Psychic Out, Dark In.
() ---> ()

As the red lights free-formed into the Rogue Monkey the vigilante took a passing gaze down at the region's landmass. His eyes were drawn to the black and red blot that was the tip of Mt. Chimney. The Commissioner called it; they were almost out of time.

He wanted to go after the clever prick that bombed him. ( ) He wanted to take a crack at talking-down that crystal alien pokemon. He wanted to take down the reported member of the Dark Triad, unown swirling about them as a barrier.

He couldn't do all of them.

Once formed Zarude stood vigilant under the conjured sun. Its LEAF GUARD activated. Quickly it snatched up its trainer and jumped, landing on the mineral vein with a distance-closing leap.

-On the Vein-

Once back on his own two feet Crimsen would notice the stray matter misting from the vein began to react to the mythical monkey's nose, triggering a sneeze. From there the crystal matter crawled over its fur and the skin underneath like a bad case of eczema.

Only, the simian didn't seem irritated at all, it seemed to be brimming with power, a living gemstone.

If they handled this fast enough, maybe there would be time to get in on the fighting after all.

He likened himself to a sitting duck before the host of unown until swooped in to block the good doctor's escape. ("You're not planning on leaving already, are you, Doctor?")

Zarude put its hands to the vein and Crimsen spoke the necessary imagery into its head by referencing the flower that grows through concrete.

The task set forth articulated in basic terms Zarude could put its new power behind. "We need this ore!"

It threw back its head, primed, and Crimsen could say less.

Zarude used Grassy Terrain!

● tags: @meteno
● notes:

Sunny day: 1/5
Grassy Terrain: 0/5

Crimsen referenced the view of hoenn!
Crimsen tagged other characters!

Crimsen swapped Gardevoir for zarude!
Zarude TERASTALLIZEd to tera(grass)-Type!

Zarude used Grassy Terrain,
to break off a piece of the mineral vein!

Grassy Terrain boosted by

1. Sunny Day
2. Matching original-type & Move-type (Grass)
3. Matching Tera-type & Move-type (Grass)

1 salac used

() () () () () ()

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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2022 11:05:12 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his mightyena starts to change form, akin to a crystallized form like the deoxys. he stares in awe until a voice prompts him.

"i can't. she's all bundled up like that," he tells .

it's easy to ignore her now when they have something else to turn their attention to. besides, it's not like she'd give them a clear answer.

at the very least, they've been given a new resource to work with. he's already certain people will act with violence, whether it's towards the drk triad, or rocket, or the deoxys. he just needs a few handful that won't.

and comes up to mind.

turning to the head scientist beside him, he gives her a heads up. "you're with me, right, eva?" in a typical kyle fashion, he doesn't give her the context before tapping in on his radio to give everyone connected to league's comms a message.

"five minutes. we can probably chip away at the meteor before that's over with this new stuff, i think. "

the same power that swept across everyone was now on their hands. what kyle originally planned to just be a solo assault with his pokemon is now an opportunity to be something bigger, so they might as well try.

despite the thin oxygen, kyle takes off the radio and pulls it out. he mouths an order to his pokemon and a howl sounds, which is then fed to the league comms system.


the user howls loudly to raise the spirit of itself and allies. this raises their ATTACK and SPECIAL ATTACK. this effect will be stronger on pokemon that SUBMIT to the user as their ALPHA.

pokemon with the SUBMISSIVE status cannot attack the user. this status effect lasts until they are returned.

enemy pokemon will be INTIMIDATED, lowering their ATTACK and SPECIAL ATTACK.

he doesn't let himself get distracted from the big picture. rocket and the drk triad can take the mineral vein if they can accomplish what they wanted to accomplish, and some.

take off chunks of the meteor. disintegrate whatever piece of earth they can. shaving off a portion of it was still not going to ensure the safety of whichever land it's going to demolish, but it does help tip the scales in their favor.

"anyone down for it?" he asks through his radio.

  • dr holo doesnt seem to be in the mood to talk
  • kyle tries to get people to attack the meteor
  • 5 minutes in heaven with the meteor
  • mightyena howl boosts are broadcasted in league comms


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march 11th
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2022 8:46:38 GMT

[attr="class","title"]THEO BECKETT




FLASH FIRE absorbs the FLAMETHROWER, keeping the councilman safe from the fiery maws of the salamence. and while theo plans on pursuing the fleeing silph, the METEOR BEAM clips salamence's wing, cutting their fight short as they descend to the surface of the meteoroid.[break][break]

even before the dust clears, salamence has been recalled, and theo spends a moment observing the situation. the view of hoenn comes into sight, and he he tenses, frowning as he watches behind darkrai's PROTECT. even when the METEOR BEAM passes, no relief comes because the situation is grim.[break][break]

they are running out of time.[break][break]

"head scientist flint is right. we need to leave, but—"[break][break]

the energy source shines beneath him as he calls out his bronzong. it TERASTALLIZES, crystals forming a TERA CROWN that seems to empower it. the effect will have to be pondered over later. right now, his attention is on DR. HOLO as many attacks flutter in.[break][break]

and his dragapult seem to be the main threat.[break][break]

"—we cannot allow the league to capture the doctor!"[break][break]

but theo is patient. he waits, watching the attacks from and fly past him to target the doctor and her unowns.[break][break]

when the time is right, he'll click his tongue, and his TERASTALLIZED BRONZONG will use an empowered PSYCHIC to try and wrap around the isolated DR. HOLO to fling her towards him.[break][break]




ONE SALAC used [x].[break]
SALAMENCE is swapped for BRONZONG.[break]
tells TEAM ROCKET they need to get off this meteoroid.[break]
also tells TEAM ROCKET they need to stop the league from capturing DR. HOLO.[break]
BRONZONG will wait until AFTER the attacks for DR. HOLO happen before using PSYCHIC to try and fling her towards theo.[break]
BRONZONG's PSYCHIC should be EMPOWERED pog.[break]


reference the view of hoenn.[break]
tag another character in the raid.[break][break][break]



[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by

Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2022 20:36:44 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

Lulu Flint Avatar
”we don’t have time to fight! the meteor may be cracking in half! we need to leave!”

[break]Fan-freaking-tastic, as if this mission couldn't get any more screwed up. "How are we supposed to leave with that thing firing lasers at us?!" she shouted into the mic. Not to mention the League still present...

Killian Decker Avatar
"None of you will harm it before I've talked with it."

[break]Ruby gritted her teeth in frustration. This thing was trying to kill them, and Decker wanted her to just sit there and take it while he and his alien tried to talk it out? She didn't have time to snark at him, though (and it probably would have been a bad idea to sass an underboss, anyway). She had to protect herself from the oncoming Meteor Beam. Her heart thudded in her chest as the attack was fired off, sweeping over the entire meteoroid and everyone on it. It didn't matter if they were Rocket, League, or whatever else; everyone was fair game for this Deoxys.

[break][break]Just before it swept over her and Arachne, the Araquanid's water bubble expanded over her whole body, shining with a rainbow aura. The Meteor Beam bounced harmlessly off and back toward its attacker, though Ruby couldn't tell if it'd actually hit from here. Ruby sighed in relief. That had been way too close.

[break][break]"How's the talking going?" she asked over the comms. Ah, there was the sass.

[break][break]Some unknown person in a tight black outfit teleported nearby. "Uh, who the hell is that?" Ruby asked. She was surrounded by Unown, and several others peeled into existence around the exposed mineral vein. The meteoroid crumbled and tore around the vein's shape, making Ruby and Arachne stumble for balance. Flames trailed the hurtling meteoroid as it grew closer and closer to its target.

[break][break]Yeah, they needed to get off this stupid rock already.

[break][break]She looked down toward Earth and saw Hoenn's shape growing closer and closer. She could see the way land masses and islands rose from the sea, including the northeastern island that held her hometown of Mossdeep. She swallowed around a lump in her throat. Heights had never bothered her before, but this? This was something different. Something much more deadly and final and... melancholy. She really should have been down there with Jade. Instead, she was fighting to stand on this death rock while a Deoxys shot lasers at them. Had anyone even put a dent in the stupid mineral yet?

[break][break]Suddenly, from a single scratch that Ruby couldn't even see in the mineral, energy poured out to cover the meteoroid and everyone on it. Ruby grunted and covered her face with her arm, only to feel the energy wash seemingly harmlessly over her. She lowered her arm and gaped at Arachne, whose body now shone faceted crystalline like the Deoxys. A black sheen blanketed her body, seeming to originate from the shining crown on her head from which a dark crescent moon emerged. Ruby had no idea what this was, but it felt like power. And she needed all the power she could get right now.

[break][break]The Deoxys, whose crown had changed color and shape, began gathering energy for another attack. Dammit! "Arachne, Mirror Coat again!"

[break][break]For once, Arachne ignored her trainer's order. Oh, she fully intended to protect Ruby from the oncoming attack, but not in the way she'd expected. This strange new energy surged through her, and shadows began to gather around her Tera Crown. Then, it shot out in a shadowy Tera Blast toward the Deoxys, aiming to intercept its own attack.

[break][break]"Holy shit," Ruby muttered. She couldn't even be angry that Arachne had disobeyed her.





  • some sass for and
  • mirror coat worked, phew
  • asks who the heck dr. holo is
  • arachne terastallizes into the dark type and uses tera beam to intercept meteno-deoxys's incoming attack
  • prompts: tagged a person, referenced the view, used tera blast, and interacted with meteno-deoxys


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