i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 21st
wyndon, calar
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6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
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Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 7:15:58 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar
Unscathed, surprisingly enough. As he and his own found swift refuge beneath the natural cracks and curves of the meteorite, the Rocket had made quick work of attempting to take his new surroundings—however temporary they may have proven to be—in for processing. His chest heaved as swiftly as it lowered as the breaths of his most recent venture caught up to him, though the momentary fatigue hadn’t ailed him enough to begin turning back towards the selfsame direction he’d come from. From behind the barrier his Golurk had affixed before them, he lifted himself enough to peer through the bottom borders of it.

Naturally, he only found himself blinded as the Tera Blast unleashed itself from the crystalline beast afar.

And so he’d whipped back beneath the crevice for a brief reprise, grimacing with a click of the tongue as the afterimage of the attack left traces within his line of sight— and all while the sheer remnants of energy whirled against him from around the barrier in a gale. A low, hissing, ”For fuck’s sake, mate…” escaped his lips in an almost annoyed hiss as the selfsame traces began to dwindle—gradually—from his eyes, revealing to him the background of home, far in the distance, playing as a mere backdrop to the chaos occurring.

Not quite the biggest of worries, though he did have to admit— he hadn’t been interested in dying on this damned rock.

Especially given how the scent of sheer death reeked strong and mighty amidst the rock, itself, and that white-haired woman that just so happened to appear out of nowhere, and those new, shimmering forms that not only the beast in the sky seemed to take, but others’ Pokemon, as well. Too many things happening at once; too many unknown and uncalled things. Far be it for him to be a thinker, but in a literal matter of life and death, even he knew not to preach to the choir for long.

His gaze shifted towards his companion once more, and then towards the mineral veins nearby. He’d, of course, seen both Rocket and League chip away to no avail no large amount of time beforehand, but he couldn’t help but to think of a last ditch effort, even within what was supposed to be a strict escape. With a quick jab at the back of the golem’s frame to garner her attention, he called out a quick, Earthquake! Try to chip a piece of the edge of then get us the fuck away…!”

A command that was followed through without so much as a missed beat, of course— but one he’d found himself at the mercy of as even his own Pokemon began to illuminate and crystalize even beneath him as she jetted the two of them across the meteor’s surface. He’d only managed to begin registering what had started to happen before a similar energy to many of the creatures upon the surface coalesced, and he’d only barely seen the crown to form above her head (what even was that, too? it looked like a piece of ground, if he had to guess?) before firing off another Tera Blast towards the mineral vein, and—by extension—the very same woman that made her sudden appearances..

A slew of curses left his lips as he hung on, momentarily blinded once more, while Andrasta scavenged the bits of impacted rock and debris as swiftly as she could before engaging her ghastly thrusters once more, beginning to bring both trainer and careening towards the nearest, functional Rocket carrier.



  • look at all these chickens this fuckin carnage, bro
  • after hearing the comms, cain just decides to Fuck Off(tm)
  • he and andrasta (golurk) make a last ditch effort to chip off some of the mineral before bailing to the nearest rocket aircraft
  • to do the above, andrasta (golurk) begins to terrastallize (ground), firing off a tera blast at the mineral and dr. holo
  • x2 salacs used to no avail sadge
  • FULFILLED PROMPTS: used tera blast, referenced view of hoenn

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 7:58:02 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar




As time grows thin the villain shows their true face, as if this were some sort of animated story. That didn't bother Pryde any as he is forced to recall his Magnezone to it's pokeball as they were caught on the tail end of its teleport by the Deoxys. Its downfall mattered little as it did it's job, got him closer to the vain to allow him the chance to try and mine the sample dear old Walsh wanted. [break][break]

Pryde calls on his shadow Riolu next before strange things begin to occur. From the Unown swarming the other doctor, to most of the pokemon beginning to crystalize in an odd manor. His Riolu no different as it takes in the energy, "There is little time," Pryde orders and he whistles an order. Whether it be it's want to please it's master, the energy of the new TERASTALLIZATION or even just the energy infecting it's Pokerus, a white light engulfs him and the Riolu evolves as it was charging a AURA SPHERE in order to strike the meteorite to try and break a piece of it for the Rocket Scientist to study later.

FVIgNm0U [break]

[break]+ Suit References [X] [X] [X]
[break]+ Magazone is knocked out
[break]+ Pryde recalls Magazone for Riolu
[break]+ Riolu is filled with Terrization energy and evolves and becomes FIGHTING Terra
[break]+ Lucario uses AURA SPHERE on the mineral to try and breka piece
[break]+ 2 Salac

[break][break]+ plz forgive any mistakes, im on fumes with dayquil


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 7:59:48 GMT



MANIPUALTING HIS OPPONENT’S AIRSPACE allows a tactical withdrawal. the unintentional assistance of the foreign DEOXYS only adds to his board strength. it allows him to escape with impunity. and, like a rattata caught pillaging someone’s kitchen pantry, he scurries away from the unwanted attention posthaste.

the sooner he becomes another pebble among these countless rocks, the better. rats are meant to fester after all. scheme and reassess, pricking at the back of everyone’s mind but unaddressed as priorities shift.

once he realizes has given up pursuing, fernando takes the chance to recall his heatran. the spectacle of DR. HOLO and TERASTALLZATION captures the focus of everyone else. it leaves him free to recollect himself as he navigates his next options.

the voice of over his comm adds another avenue of approach. its far from fernando’s ideal but given the context, they have little hope. all these months of preaching ‘METENO first’ has culminated into the great irony of whether or not fernando follows his own advice.

awooo,” echoes his ZYGARDE as it responds to the muffled HOWL OF THE WOLF PACK. radio static and interference makes the application of its ability questionable but the bleeding spirals of crystalline shards prove too cumbersome to ignore. this odd energy seems to stem from the MINERAL VEIN, serving as a conduit as the ZYGARDE attempts to inject its own influence in a contortion of energy.

manipulation of its home—it’s territory—was one thing. but here, to what extent does it bear any domain? as the LAND’S WRATH starts to bubble, so too does the pokemon’s purpose in keeping balance. to protect the very ecosystem they live in, this meteor must not strike.

glorious purpose surges from the pokemon’s GROUNDED CRYSTALS. green light splashes from its pooled paws.

which leaves fernando very little agency in all of this. humans are always dependent on pokemon. he can do more than to relay orders and wait for them to be obeyed. alone, he can do little against DR. HOLO or her UNOWN. the only weapon or tool he has on him are his pokemon and their pokeballs.

so, like earlier, he utilizes the greatest asset SILPH CO. has ever contributed to civilization. he pools an empty POKEBALL and aims it at the DEOXYS.

all that practice at SPLASHFEST is about to show its results.

- successfully flees from .
- waits until everyone is distracted to catch a breather.
- returns HEATRAN.
- follow's 's suggestion.
- ZYGARDE 10% uses LAND'S WRATH to split some of the exposed MINERAL VEIN and METENO.
- fernando aims and throws a POKEBALL at DEFENSE DEOXYS at an opportune time.


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 8:40:05 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]
99943 METENO



🎼 Decisive Battle! (Steven) | Pokémon Masters EX


THE RAW, DANGEROUS AND UNREFINED ENERGY OF TERASTALLIZATION is enough to overwhelm the preexisting forces of Hoenn. Mega evolution. Z-moves. For now, the energy of TERASTALLIZATION can coexist. With this newfound power, many attempt to subdue the threat to the north. The METENO-DEOXYS, however, seems distracted. Its eyes are glazed, perhaps imagining the target of its charging TERA BLAST...[break][break]

However, and his DEOXYS attempt to communicate with the METENO-DEOXYS. Although the aliens can not speak, they can convey psychic feelings. Vague, but resonant. Briefly, METENO-DEOXYS seems to have a moment of lucidity; however, its crystalline carapace shimmers before the alien falls back into its drone-like state. The METENO-DEOXYS continues to repeatedly pulse its desires for "home" like the rickety rods of a lie detector.[break][break]

However, the brief peace is broken. 's ARTICUNO uses it's Z-MOVE: THE END OF THE WORLD, wafting its TERASTALIZED wings. The first gasp of frigid air touches the METENO-DEOXYS, but before the rest of the Z-move can land, 's DEOXYS' ELECTRIC TERA BLAST is swiftly launched toward the brunt of the attack. The Z-MOVE and empowered TERA BLAST collide, blossoming into a violent detonation that ROCKS THE ENTIRE METEOROID.

"four minutes."

The new alien snaps to upon being attacked. In a frenzy, the ROCK-TYPE TERA BLAST is loosed. It crashes with 's Pokemon's DARK-TYPE TERA BLAST. Briefly, they resist each other before the METENO-DEOXY'S attack is diverted with help from 's FIRE-TYPE TERASTALLIZED TOGEKISS. The TERA BLAST is sent toward Dr. Holo's barricade of UNOWN, forcing several to scatter in intense flame.[break][break]

Angrily, the METENO-DEOXYS produces TERA BLASTS in rapid succession, its amorphous body shifting violently as it channels the TERASTAL ENERGY contained within itself. In the onslaught, 's UMBREON and 's LUCARIO, fall victim to these attacks and FAINT WITH GRIEVOUS INJURIES.[break][break]

When 's MIME JR. and 's MEGA MAWILE cast their empowered ELECTRIC-TYPE ATTACKS in retaliation, the METENO-DEOXYS' TERA CROWN shifts to a GROUND TERA TYPE. The crackling of thunderbolts is nullified by muddy gem, its crystalline body reformatting continuously with morbid elemental metamorphosis. In retaliation, the METENO-DEOXYS rushes forth across the meteoroid face against those firing hostile attacks.[break][break]

Angrily, the METENO-DEOXYS maintains its GROUND TERA CROWN as it clashes with 's DOUBLADE. A TERA BLAST connects with the Z-MOVE: CORKSCREW CLASH; the Z-MOVE forces the METENO-DEOXYS back, one of its arms marred by the impact. With an unearthly shriek, the METENO-DEOXYS butts heads with 's MEGA EVOLVED MAWILE. The IRON HEAD clashes with its shifted TERA CROWN, which now sports a DEOXYS-HUED FIST.[break][break]

Bouncing back, it attempts to catapult TERA BLASTS at and , but the harmed arm from 's DOUBLADE has slowed it. , in a reckless dash atop of his FLYING TERA-TYPE MANECTRIC blitzkriegs toward the alien with a Z-MOVE: HYPERSONIC PLASMA CHARGE. The METENO-DEOXYS cries in pain, carried a distance back toward its original position near by the sheer speed of the attack.[break][break]

The METENO-DEOXYS attempts to solidify its defenses in response; however, the SURPLUS OF TERASTALLIZATION ENERGY appears to be impeding its faculties of control. As it stares at with menacing gaze, the TERA CROWN recrystallizes into ROCK to strike the FLYING-TYPE TERASTALLIZED MANECTRIC down for good— but 's ABOMASNOW strikes with a powerful WATER-TYPE TERA BLAST that explodes against the alien in a dramatic shower of glittery energy.[break][break]

As the confetti bomb of TERASTAL ENERGY fades, would be able to see the METENO-DEOXYS reduce itself to its CORE. The meteoroid continues to speed toward the earth— and if or his Pokemon attempt to grab the core, they would find that their prized possession is knocked just out of reach. The culprit? SILPH CO.'s world changing invention of the pokeball and the SPLASHFEST trained arm of .[break][break]

As the absorbable core flies, it is at risk of being lost to the grand expanse of the atmosphere...

"three minutes."


SEVERAL ATTEMPT TO SEIZE THE DRK TRIAD MEMBER. As the unusual phenomenon of TERASTALLIZATION spreads across the bodies of the League's Pokemon, Dr. Holo's summoned UNOWN act quickly. Their blinking barricade fires HIDDEN POWER after HIDDEN POWER, their deadly beams scorching the meteoroid's face.[break][break]

's GROUND-TYPE TERASTALLIZED GOLURK crashes into the bulwark of UNOWN. Several of the blinking creatures are cast away, but one fires a SUPER-EFFECTIVE HIDDEN POWER as retaliation. Despite its small size, the trained UNOWN of the DRK Triad manage to faint the GOLURK in one hit.[break][break]

TERASTALLIZED IN STEEL, 's glimmering HYDREIGON fires a TERA BLAST from its maw. A shimmering blast of energy strikes the phalanx of UNOWN; quickly, she would notice that this mysterious power is strangely effective. Despite her surge of anxieties, joins too. Her CHARIZARD, shining in obsidian hues, throws a TERA BLAST that detonates into a startling spray of glimmer that is cut through by 's STEEL-TYPE TERASTALLIZED GENESECT. The empowered STEELWORKER TERA BLAST swerves toward Dr. Holo as UNOWN swarm to protect her.[break][break]

The UNOWN are blasted apart. They're launched in frantic corkscrews. In midst the chaos, a BOLD darts in. Her GALLADE shines in the miraculous pink hues of a Fairy Tera-type. A TERA BLAST explodes against the wall of UNOWN, masking 's DRAGAPULT's INCOMING INFESTATION. She seizes Dr. Holo, her body made durable with the INFINITY ENERGY OF HER SYGNA SUIT.[break][break]

"what are you doing?! you don't understand what you're inviting!"[break][break]

The BUG TERA-TYPE DRAGAPULT is able to weave its attack through the UNOWN thanks to its ability, INFILTRATOR. The INFESTATION swarms around the DRK Triad assassin and holds her in place, shackling her to the meteoroid itself. Although and attempts to bring the Mossdeep Impostor toward them with a HELPING HAND BOOSTED PSYCHIC, the BRONZONG AND POIPOLE would find that their attempts, though intensely felt by , are resisted. The durability conferred unto due to her SYGNA SUIT, combined with 's INTERVENTION holds her in place.[break][break]

"two minutes."

The UNOWN around Dr. Holo fade back into the invisible veils of reality until only her UNOWN-K remains.[break][break]


99943 METENO

THERE IS LITTLE TIME LEFT. As Hoenn's familiar mountain ranges, cities and seas become more distinct, sets his objectives on the region killer. He summons his SHADOW MIGHTYENA who croons the closest to the moon it may ever be. HOWL OF THE WOLF PACK emboldens those who attempt to break apart the meteoroid with a chilling adrenaline.[break][break]

attempts to break off a piece of the MINERAL VEIN, but again, it is an impenetrable resource. One that is impossible to break apart by normal means. The GRASS-TYPE TERASTALLIZED ZARUDE manages to break apart the meteoroid in part, lifting chunks of stone that burn up in the air behind him.[break][break]

Similarly, 's WATER-TYPE TERASTALLIZED URSHIFU attempts to strike the crystal formation with the added boost of its trainer's AVATAR POWERS. The water jet brings further force to the bear's attack—but the mineral vein is impossible to dent once more. Thankfully, the surrounding space rock breaks apart and sizzles into fiery wisps; however, an UNOWN from Dr. Holo manages to land a hit on her URSHIFU. The Legendary does not faint, but it is forced to a knee.[break][break]

faces similar circumstances. As he avoids being narrowly hit by the UNOWN of Dr. Holo, his FIGHTING-TYPE TERASTALLIZED RIOLU strikes the mineral vein, only to chip off more of the meteoroid.[break][break]

Hearing 's call, TERASTALLIZES HER BLAZIKEN INTO THE GROUND TERA TYPE. The fiery avian slams its foot into the meteoroid. Strengthened by the SHADOW MIGHTYENA, a brutal fissure crawls across the meteoroid. Beside her, and his DARK-TYPE TERASTALLIZED URSHIFU arrive. A WICKED BLOW slams into the rock face, creating a vulnerable crater. Finally, 's ZYGARDE 10%, shimmering in earthy tones, carves into the meteoroid further with LAND'S WRATH. Thanks to the three's efforts, they watch as a sizable chunk of 99943 METENO lifts away into the atmosphere to burn into dust.[break][break]

"one minute until firing. get out of there now!" The Commissioner shouts.[break][break]

As the seconds pass, Team Rocket & the League may attempt their escape. Whether it is by Pokemon or ship, the trainers would find that their choices are limited, for fainted Pokemon and damaged vessels hinder their proper landing back to Hoenn.[break][break]

DR. HOLO angrily resists any attempts to take her away; however, some may try to take her—though her disruptive UNOWN-K may make that possibility unlikely.


AS TRAINERS ATTEMPT TO FLEE THE METEOROID, they would feel the swift winds against their skin. This high above the region, they see the land and seas they fight upon, the land and seas they explore in, and the land and seas they find home in. Their treasured Hoenn awaits its fate. Below, the PRIMAL POINTS are fired.[break][break]

One is fired from the DESERT. Another is fired from GRANITE CAVE. In the boundary between PETALBURG CITY and PETALBURG WOODS, a Primal Point is activated too. From the north in FORTREE CITY, another beam of PRIMAL ENERGY shoots forth. Lastly, a beam from MT. PYRE joins the ascending shafts of PRIMAL ENERGY— and perhaps, one from LITTLEROOT TOWN too...[break][break]

99943 METENO IS STRUCK. A BLINDING LIGHT blooms in the sky, radiant and true. Quickly, it consumes the shape of the meteoroid. Smothers it in brilliance and within the blink of an eye, the 99943 METENO is gone.[break][break]

But something has gone wrong. For even the League has not accounted properly for the ANOMALY present on the meteoroid. However, did they have any other choice? When confronted with the unpredictable and the unknown, how could the League or even Team Rocket prepare when the DRK Triad was surprised too?[break][break]

The beams shot by the PRIMAL POINTS strike something else. They hit a large chunk of TERASTALLIZED CRYSTAL: the entirety of the mineral vein, for it has not been warped. Its size is big enough to cause alarm. Though it is no region destroyer, an impact in the sea or on land would surely create deadly consequences.[break][break]

The TERASTAL ENERGY interacts with PRIMAL ENERGY oddly. As if it were immune, the PRIMAL ENERGY BEAMS ricochet back toward their original PRIMAL POINTS and...

Everyone is stuck between this Terastal chunk and a hard place. Strangled by the lack of time. The TERASTALLIZED CRYSTAL speeds towards Hoenn with frightening determination.[break][break]


A cry like thunder erupts from the earth as a green serpentine dragon soars into the heavens. Newly recovered, a RAYQUAZA shoots into the heavens like an emerald sword. Its MIKADO ORGAN activates, expending what little energy it has recovered thanks to and 's assistance. As long tendrils of energy trail away from its jutting jaw, its long, gilded body straightens into an arrow.[break][break]

It flies straight into the massive TERASTALLIZED CRYSTAL CHUNK—and smashes it apart with DRAGON ASCENT. Chunks of TERASTALLIZED CRYSTALS collide into the region. They land in the woods. The desert. The rivers and seas. They pierce through cave ceilings and encrust beach sands. They adorn mountains and stab evacuated cities and towns.


The MEGA RAYQUAZA catches and her Pokemon during their descent. As everyone plummets toward the Hoenn region, the Sky High Pokemon breathes haggardly. Its tail hasn't recovered in full, its energy not entirely replenished... and yet, as it reverts slowly back to its original form, it lowers its forehead toward the HEAD PROFESSOR, beckoning for her to brace her hand upon it...[break][break]


The PRIMAL POINTS explode in a massive eruption. An ear-shattering rumble roars across the region as the INVISIBLE DOME around Hoenn breaks apart. Where the PRIMAL POINTS once were are torn rifts to other wild worlds. They emit mysterious mists... fog that clouds threats and dangers inside...[break][break]

The strings and branes of dimension and universe have been squashed for far too long. Like tectonic plates, the immense pressure of unvierses and dimensional boundaries being pressed together finally gives way thanks to the PRIMAL POINTS. The squished universes spring back like a slinky or a cruel Gimmighoul-in-the-Box.[break][break]

From above, those still in the air would see the consequence of this. Below, the Hoenn region fidgets and glitches in sporadic ways. Overlapped on top of what they see as Hoenn are translucent layers of other universes. Briefly, they see the phantom images of another world's KANTO. JOHTO and its towers. The VALLEY WINDWORKS of SINNOH and the CELESTIAL TOWER of UNOVA. The KALOSIAN POWER PLANT, HOKULANI OBSERVATORY, WYNDON. And finally, PALDEA'S MESAGOZA among other destinations.[break][break]

Along with the landscapes of other regions, POKEMON from alternate regions, alternate timelines, and alternate universes can be seen displaced into our world. They stumble across Hoenn's frantically shifting landscape, attempting to gain footing as the tangled knot of universes unravels in full.[break][break]

Finally, the dimensional and universal shifting ceases. Just in time for everyone to land on a stretch of grassland.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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march 11th
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 10:21:08 GMT

[attr="class","title"]THEO BECKETT




even with the added HELPING HAND from 's poipole, their PSYCHIC hold isn't enough to pry dr. holo away from the surface of the meteor. and though the option to persist is there, he is quick to realize that they have officially run out of time.[break][break]

he reaches a hand for , urging her, and others to escape.[break][break]

"we need to go!"[break][break]

the bronzong disappears back into its pokeball only to be replaced by the injured naganadel. it roars and shrieks but its obedience shows in the way it hovers, allowing theo to mount it once more.[break][break]

and like before, they ascend, drifting up until they're off the meteor right as the meteor is struck.[break][break]

it disappears, leaving behind a large chunk of TERASTALLIZED CRYSTAL that could easily end hoenn just the same. so, as he follows after it, desperation bleeds into his actions as he tugs his naganadel. the ultra beast readies an attack.[break][break]

but there is no need for them to fire it.[break][break]


even in the thick of the chaotic explosions that follow, he does not miss the way rayquaza catches . what follows that need not be seen.[break][break]

in his descent, he attempts to catch a TERASTAL CRYSTAL SHARD.[break][break]

eventually, they hit the stretch of grassland. though adrenaline still pumps, his shoulders slump, and he reaches up to take off his helmet before taking a breath of fresh air.[break][break]

they have survived.[break][break]




3 salacs used [x] [x] [x][break]
notices RAYQUAZA catching :eyes:[break]
descends with his INJURED NAGANADEL.[break]
tries to catch a TERASTAL CRYSTAL SHARD.[break]
takes a moment to decompress after they land v_v[break][break]



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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 11:19:38 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Empowered by this newly-discovered phenomenon, the League’s Pokémon fired elementally charged beams left and right. Even Team Rocket joined the good fight, because at this point, if they were all going to die, they might as well go down with style! Some mad lads and lasses elected to attack the meteoroid itself in the hopes of destroying it.

“Why didn’t I think of that? It was so obvious! Chomper, do that twinkly-sparkly attack again!” Andrea ordered her Terastallized Hydreigon, who fired another Tera Blast straight at Meteno’s crumbling surface. Blowing up the meteoroid while they were still on it was probably not the brightest idea, but she was so hyped it didn’t even cross her mind.

As the clash of differently named energies made the ground unstable, it finally dawned on her that they needed to skedaddle. “We’d better get a-WAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!” The girl’s sentence ended in an elongated wail, as the ground beneath her feet collapsed. In the blink of an eye, she was violently separated from her partner and began free-falling, descending way too fast for her fatigued Hydreigon to close the distance.

While plummeting to her death, the young PokéManiac witnessed an amazing sight: At Hoenn’s darkest hour, a serpentine dragon ascended to the skies, blowing what was left of the massive space rock to smithereens. Its emerald hue was a telltale clue of the creature’s identity. Everyone who grew up in Fallarbor - the historic home of the Draconid tribe - had heard tales of the legendary Rayquaza, but to see the great dragon god in person was another thing altogether.

“Hooray! Hoenn is saved! Thank you, Lord Rayquaza!” The airborne Andrea cheered at the top of her lungs. She marveled at the breathtaking spectacle of the gigantic chunk of crystal giving way to a rain of shiny particles, instinctively reaching out her hand to catch one, like a child trying to take hold of a snowflake. She stared in sheer awe as multiple universes coexisted for a brief moment in time, something she’d never thought was possible.

Only then did Andrea remember that her life was in grave peril, her amazement instantly turning into abject terror. Her helmet fell off her head, allowing her long, orange hair to flutter with the roaring wind. She flailed her limbs helplessly, being too shaken up to even attempt to reach for her Pokéball belt. “I don’t wanna die! I don’t wanna die! HEEEEEEEEELP!!!” She cried.
//while still terastallized, hydreigon fires a TERA BLAST at what is left of the meteoroid before the PRIMAL POINTS are fired
//andrea is falling to her death ( help pls)
//while falling to her death, she attempts to catch a TERASTAL CRYSTAL SHARD


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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 12:46:23 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar

he’s almost back to the MASH when the meteor shakes violently from the clash of z-moves and terastyling. he loses his footing and falls onto his stomach, only years of practice from getting knocked down stopping him from hitting his face.

covered in space dust, he rolls over in time to watch the deoxys shrink to its core. watches that core begin to float towards the edges of METENO’s latent gravity.

"that!” he shrieks, as hagakure floats to him, "grab that!”

the doublade goes to do what its been told, attempting to securely wrapt the core in its pink ribbon.

the hitting of the primal energy beams causes kepler to lose his footing AGAIN and this time he lands on his ass. in a panic he recalls hagakure (hopefully with her deoxys orb in hand) and releases Pluto once more. The Beheeyem-- instinctively more used to outerspafe shenanigans-- scoops him around the middle and splits.

Kepler is carried like an unruly child as the meteor disapparates. He makes grabby hands at the fragmented minerals as he hopes to god his many cameras record the tesselation of the Hoenn region below.

Treasure obtained, he orders Pluto to “Find !” Bracing one hand on the Beheeyem’s mantle to lift himself. Pluto does so, locating the bodyguard with an affirmative beep and flashing of green lights. It swoops down to offer a hand not falling to earth, if she needs it.


kepler's doublade attempts to grab the deoxys core
recalls doublade (hopefully w core) and switches out beheeyem
beheeyem grabs him, goes airborne
kepler tries to grab a crystal
looks to go help ruby

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 15:07:05 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




Don't let it take the skin

from your bones



All they got was a moment. A few fleeting seconds of calm before whatever sinister force clouding Meteno-Deoxys' mind yanked its clarity away. [break][break]

"No, dammit!"[break][break]


Killian frowned, anger burning in his chest. If this hadn't been a battlefield, if people listened - he could have helped it. Reasoned with it. That fact alone is enough to drive him over the edge as the meteor juddered beneath him. [break][break]

The thrusters on his spacesuit sputtered to life upon feeling him shake. He lifted a few feet off the ground, eyes on the fading fireworks of Terastal Energy. Amongst the sputtering sparks, Killian spotted it. A glimmer of hope to salvage this mess.[break][break]

Meteno-Deoxys' core.[break][break]

"Deoxys, the core." he ordered. [break][break]

The alien screeched and darted toward the core, fury fueling its movement. Its tentacles twisted into a hand and extended like a Stretch Armstrong toy once near the crystal nucleus. Only for a Poke Ball, of all things, knock it out of reach.[break][break]


Killian's head snapped in the direction the ball came from. Who'd dare? , of course. It's amazing he even made that throw with his missing eye. And in space, no less. [break][break]

Gah. Killian didn't have time to deal with Hoenn's most influential douchebag. "Teleport and the nab the core." before someone else attempted to steal what was theirs.[break][break]

Psychic energy rippled around Deoxys, and it blinked out of existence. A fraction of a second later, it would reappear (hopefully) next to the core. Regardless of proximity, Deoxys stood in opposition to 's Doublade.[break][break]


Immense PRESSURE bore down like gravity near the core as Deoxys morphed. Biomass plashes forth from its torso, bridging the gaps between body and limbs. The grotesque net of flesh lunged at Doublade, attempting to absorb it and the heart of Deoxys' fallen kin.[break][break]

Below, Killian did like those falling alongside him and tried to snatch any chunks of Tera Crystal within reach. Though, he'd admit to being a bit distracted. Rayquaza saving the day, seemingly drawn to , raised questions and concerns.[break][break]




  • Internal Conflict.Exe
  • Orders Deoxys to retrieve Meteno-Deoxys core.
  • Killian glares at for knocking the core away but leaves him alone.
  • Deoxys TELEPORTS to the core.
  • PRESSURE hones in on 's Doublade and Deoxys tries to ABSORB DOUBLADE AND THE CORE.
  • Attempts to nab a Tera Crystal during the freefall.



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 19:51:17 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Genesect's Tera Blast was lost in the barrage of attacks that assaulted the unknown wielding woman. Oscar expected her to be certified space dust, but as the actual space dust cleared she would be found to be very much still alive with only one unknown remaining. Oscar cursed, resolved to finish her off when a bright light from behind drew away his attention.

Oscar had been so caught up in the developing threats on the meteor, that he did not realize how close Hoenn was becoming. By now the primal points had been set off, and the meteor was about to be teleported into another dimension! Oscar yelped, panicking as he realized how utterly fucked he was. This was it, it was too late to get off the ride now! In a few short moments, the meteor and everyone on it would be splattered across another dimension's surface...

Or perhaps not? As the light of the Primal Points dissipated, Oscar found himself losing his balance and falling downward. Then he kept falling, and as he slowly refocused himself he realized that everyone that had been on the meteor was now freefalling alongside shards of the mysterious mineral!

Oscar was relieved, his chances of splattering had just significantly decreased--but there would be no time to rest. That ninja woman was now more vulnerable than ever, and Oscar was not about to let such a valuable potential asset get away. Spinning like a top, Oscar would attempt and fail multiple times to point toward the woman, eventually giving up and electing to call out his order instead.

"Genesect! The ninja! Get 'em!"

Genesect had already stabled itself with a proper skydiving stance, and so it was easily able to manuver its cannon toward the woman and let loose an electrified net in an attempted to capture her (Electro Web). By now Oscar was able to stabilize as well, and he quickly gave his second order. "Alright, magnet rise and glide us over there."

Genesect shook its head, attempting to pantomime that it was incapable of doing more than one move per post. Oscar did not understand this meta tomfoolery, but since Genesect was not immediately following his orders he assumed something was wrong. He gulped, and his heart plummeted into his stomach as he suddenly realized he might actually die. Hopefully one of his fellow Rockets could nab the ninja, Oscar was now too busy hoping not to succumb to gravity.

Oscar's autotuned voice would soon be heard over Rocket comms. "Hey if someone has a moment, Genesect and I need a ride." He downplayed the urgency, because pretending to be calm was the only thing keeping him from freaking the fuck out! As he fell, Oscar took note of the crystal shards falling around him and would make an attempt to grab one. If he was going to die, he would do so with the prize he came for in hand.

Good luck Oscar.


--Oscar and Genesect are falling.
--Genesect attempts to capture Dr. Holo in an Electro Web.
--Oscar and Genesect need help not splattering on the ground.
--Oscar tries to catch a mineral shard so he can at least die having accomplished what he came for.
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November 10
Gym Challenger
Rocket Elite
Nicodemus Unken
107 height
107 height
Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
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TAG WITH @galaxy
Matt Vice
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 20:44:02 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar
Matt watched on as Dagger took on the beam. Trying to blast it back with his Aura Sphere- howling as formed the blast into a sword of energy, slicing and dashing meteors- before the canine realized he wouldn't be able to keep this up and protect his family. Turning his back to the beams, with the help of Tekka's Helping Hand, the canine would shift his Aura Sphere to shoving his family (harmlessly) out of the way. Instead it seemed he ended up hurting Tekka as he shoved her out of the way.

A pained apologetic look was shot to the Umbreon. But they knew what they needed to do. Protect their family! He would give her a sage nod, to let her take care of getting Nico out of the way, while focused on getting Matt out of the way-

His trainer was stunned there. Watching the destruction of the new pokemon. It was so intense, Matt did not think this would happen here...

Dagger sped forward, shoving himself in front of Matt. The two red-eyed companions locked eyes, Dagger giving a brief nod before the beams hit his back, launching the canine far across the meteor. Matt screamed in agony, watching his friend fall to what looked like an almost life-less heap on the ground. Fists clenched, as he ran for Dagger.

As he ran, a meteor managed to smack him in the back. Shrieking in pain, he growled. He was far more determined to get to Dagger to get him covered, to make sure he didn't lose his friend up here.

Rage started to tingle in him, but it was pointless rage. Rage at this entire situation- this fighting- it pissed him off. Shaking his head, he ran over towards Dagger, returning him to his ball. "I'm sorry, brother.... Thank you." He whispered to the ball, giving it the gentlest of kisses to the top.

Clenching his fist, a glance given to the alien above them. Seeing it readying another attack, but the rockets were commanded to stand down. Kissing his teeth, he would leave it alone. But they were in the most danger being this close too it. He and Nico needed to get farther away.

As he saw Hoenn getting closer and closer, Matt knew they were out of time. They failed. But right now... he just had to focus on saving the one person who meant the entire world to him, before he became flattened by the world he was trying protect.

Pulling out Nana's pokemon, the shiny Arcanine exploded out of the pokeball. Matt forced himself up on top of her, groaning in pain from his back. Didn't matter. They had to get OFF!

Running for Nico, he would reach out to grab a hold of him and sling his fiancé up on top of Nana's back and behind him. "Hold on and Do Not Let Go." He ordered, hoping Nico just followed his command. "Extreme Speed! Kick us off the rock and into the sky!" Nana howled, as her body suddenly went crystalline- some odd crown formed above her head.

Legs blurred as she began taking off- going for a piece of jutted meteor, running towards it faster and faster the arcanine ran, before she kicked off the rock. Sending the trio into the air, the speed kicking them off far enough they were now free falling. Matt quickly turned, barely able to keep his grip on Nana from the fall.

"Hold on!" He yelled at Nico, as he returned Nana from under their legs. Soon he re-released Oto, the shiny avian cawed and fly around, quickly going to go under them to catch the two lovers before they would plummet to the earth. Hopefully Oto was able to handle his own landing.

As they fell, Matt saw shards- haphazardly trying to grab one as they fell.

time to yeet
hopefully the ground won't hurt?? please be nice rolls
Tera Nana into a normal type for better extreme speed
Trying to grab shard
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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 20:58:26 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Somehow, by sheer luck or perhaps divine intervention, Eva manages to not perish after successfully tackling Dr. Holo to the ground. The women struggle against the meteor’s surface, rolling and cursing at each other through clenched teeth. Ultimately, the INFINITY ENERGY coursing across the Professor’s body sinks into her core, giving her the resilience to pin the woman to the ground once and for all.


"what are you doing?! you don't understand what you're inviting!"


“I don’t think you do either!” she snaps quickly in response. Behind the shining visor of her helmet, her brows furrow intensely, emerald hues burning holes into the dark triad assassin, “Hoenn will always survive,” it’s a BOLD promise, but one she believes whole-heartedly. The Hoenn people are fierce, unrelenting, and obviously willing to do what it takes to save their region – evident by the sheer number that invaded the meteor, stood up to Dr. Holo’s conspirators on Mt. Pyre and in Litteroot. Rocket or League – it didn’t matter. The Dark Triad would not seal Hoenn’s fate for them. Hoenians would be given the opportunity to forge their own future if Eva Morales had anything to say about it.


Two minutes.


The vortex of Unown disappears and Eva can see the people scrambling to get off the meteor as soon as possible, “Time to go,” she grunts, hoisting Dr. Holo to her feet. The professors tight grip on her rival is loosened by the sharp numbing pain that burned through her ribs. She falls to a knee, gripping her side where the UNOWN K’s HIDDEN POWER tore through flesh and bone.


A second attempt to assassinate the doctor is blocked by the body of her Gallade that rushes to shield her with his own body. Their BOLD partnership keeps the Gallade conscious – but barely.


“one minute until firing. get out of there now!”


Eva doesn’t register it, and neither does the barely conscious Gallade. The dual type does manage to grab her and leap into the air, just in time for the world to flash white as PRIMAL BEAMS literally ripped the ground out from underneath them, leaving nothing but an amethyst vein of energy and their limp, nearly unconscious forms tumbling through the sky.


She feels herself falling. It’s a familiar one. It makes her think of and their adventures amongst the clouds. This time he’s not there to catch her. She dwells for a moment on how lucky she was to find him again, and how thankful she is to know what it felt like to be truly loved. Each shaky, painful breath coaxes her closer to unconsciousness. A weak hand flails at her side, trying to grab the pokeball of her Salamence or Aerodactyl but she’s too weak to fight the wind.


Eva barely registers the flash of green that courses across her vision before the DRAGON ASCENT smashes the crystalline structure to smithereens. The tears that well up in her eyes aren’t for herself, but for the joy she feels knowing that Hoenn will live to fight another day. Within that conclusion, she finds peace and accepts her fate by closing her eyes and letting her consciousness slip away.


In that moment, she’s jolted awake by the sudden stop, pain shooting up her side enough to elicit a squeal of discomfort. They’re still falling, but it’s controlled. The firm grip of the Gallade clings to her SYGNA SUIT while the other hand grips one of the elongated spines of the dragon’s dorsum. The psychic-type’s consciousness melds with hers, impressing on her a wild sense of urgency to stay with him. A cloud of LIFE DEW pours over the Gallade, Eva, and Rayquaza.


Strength returns, pain is eased, and the shinning yellow eyes of the emerald serpent peer down at her expectantly. She removes her helmet to better see, letting it carelessly fall into oblivion. Now, the stream of tears doesn’t stop. It flows freely, overwhelmed by the notion that Hoenn’s safe (for now), she’s alive, and Rayquaza chose them. Her blind faith in hope has been rewarded.


“Thank you,” she whispers, reaching up to place a flat palm against the serpent’s forehead.




+ Long, fully of drama and angst cause we love that here[break]
+ Eva gets pew pewed by Unown K[break]
+ Falling to her death, emotions and drama[break]
+ The “I told you so” realization[break]
+ She boops the snoot



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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2022 8:24:59 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
minutes are all the span yet it feels like seconds.

the deoxys, retaliates to those attacking it only for it to be blown to smithereens- poor bastard. the meteor chunks off followed by being transported as planned. what left is annihilated by rayquaza, the memento mori of 99943 meteno now but a fine mist sprinkled amongst the atmosphere- poor bastard. and everyone that once had boots on surface were now tossed into a freefall.

as he falls, a hoop settles in his palm, hoopa eyeing kim as a bottle produced itself from the pocket dimension. as amber eyes settle on the decanter, the hoopa gives a smug grin, placing a hand on the bottle as it conversed with kim.

y’know, i can help out a whole lot better if you would kindly unbind me.

whispered the devil into his ear, the imp easily keeping pace with his descent.

though every fiber in his being was screaming otherwise kim relents, gripping the bottle in his palm enough for the outer shell to crack then give way to a greater explosion of purple vapor.

yeeeeeeeees~” it hums in a pleased tone, before unsheathing each of its six arms into a stretch.


FULL FUCKING POWER BABY!” it screams into the atmosphere before lying into a resting slaking position- idly floating kim as others continued to careen further to the surface.

cool right? i’m big, powerful, and taller than you. now you’re the little guy.” hoopa says as its fingers pull off kim’s space helmet then proceed to squish his cheeks.

kim feels nothing but regret at his own actions purely off the fact that he’s not his little buddy anymore but it passes as he pushes the giants hand away.

yea yea, lets get to work before everybody becomes a stain on some building, tree or other third thing in hoenn.

after blowing a raspberry, the hoopa takes kim in one of the hands not propping its head up while sending off the other four with a HYPERSPACE FURY, the hands popping in and out of hoops, grabbing those in freefall- without a way to properly save themselves- and setting them on the land below.

as the hands extend from the hoops, a voice speaks up from league comms, kim's voice speaking into the ears of those that cared to listen. "attention league personnel. if you see a weird blueish hand coming out of a ring don't be scared of it, don't fight it, it's gonna grab you and put you on solid ground. please don't hurt my guy, he's just trying to help."

in the time between grabbing folks up the hands stopped here and there to pick up a few goodies that caught hoopas eye, mainly a few of those shards for its own personal horde.

the only order it was given was to detain the dark triad doctor, an order that was followed for seconds at a time as one of the hands battled unknown and other forces that blocked a proper grip on the person of interest. hoopa didn't pay much attention to it considering it had been tasked with everything else it currently had its hands full with, so it was less than concerned with fulfilling this task as it was others. but hey, if i could, it would.

ღ returned mime jr as he started falling
ღ let the voices win (again) and broke hoopas bottle unbinding hoopa
ღ before hoopa began scooping kim sent out an all call to league (because he only has access to league comms, rocket can be scared shitless idgaf) and told them not to hurt the hands about to grab them - they're cool 
ღ u!hoopa used HYPERSPACE FURY to grab anyone league or rocket that doesn't have a proper way to land and sets them onto solid ground
ღ hoopa grabbed some of those shards for its own personal horde- kim might get one but that's up to hoopa to decide
ღ hoopa is also trying to grab dr. evil but if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out, its got its hands full

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2022 14:37:46 GMT
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for a moment, kyle wonders if he's in the wrong. has he grown too idealistic? he starts to form doubts, until he gets a response for his wanted ad.

answers his call for help immediately with her blaziken. follows up before seals the deal with his zygarde. a hopeful smile forms in his expression, ready to follow up by switching his mightyena for a smeargle.

"thanks," he mentions over comms. they did their part. still, he can't shake the hypotheticals off of his head.

would she have actually do the job of sending the meteor the drk triad left for them away had people not interfered? would the beams not have deflected had they let dr. holo take the mineral vein? what was she implying with her last statement?

it's the other outcome that will be left unvisited. there's no faulting people for playing it safe given the drk triad's reputation, though perhaps it's also just kyle giving dr. holo too much benefit of the doubt.

for now, he freefalls to the ground as he watches the smeargle sketch the dragon ascent. he's not there to save , but after his resolve of being stronger after sootopolis, kyle has peace of mind about his safe descent.

the moment for self-reflection is interrupted by a shard of the mineral flying across his face. he tries to grab one, staring at the piece, until it reminds him of his solgaleo's crystalline armor, it's connection to ultra space, and then, ultimately bringing his thoughts to the conclusion they learned from the cloud.

high above the sky, outside of the dome, kyle is free to test out his hypotheses with new conditions once more. safety is an afterthought with guaranteeing it. solgaleo replaces his smeargle as his eyes dart towards and , who he had only realized were nearby with the former's greeting to him.

"remember terminal six?" he asks them both, who were present with him at that time. "want to see if that holds true still?"

kyle tries to get the solgaleo to react with the crystals, knowing that they, in some form, augment a pokemon's abilities. multiple realities merged together in front of their eyes, as per the present terminal foretold. wormholes connecting to each should be accessible now since they're seeing these.

the connection between the avatar and the parasite that once leeched off of his energy prompts the solgaleo to show what kyle wanted to check upon on: a window to sea!hoenn.

  • switches mightyena for smeargle to follow up on previous attempts before time ran out
  • thanks luka/noah/fern
  • smeargle sketches dragon ascent while they freefall
  • sees terastral shards falling front of him. attempts to grab one.
  • shard reminds him of solgaleo. switches out smeargle for solgaleo.
  • solgaleo terastallizes to psychic
  • makes chitchat with sky/angelo to reminisce cyberchase
  • solgaleo tries to open a wormhole
  • kim's hoopa is the backup plan to land safely


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 21:25:53 GMT
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"Two minutes."

Johnny falls to a knee with a pained grunt that doesn't escape Skyler's notice. A step to the side puts the captain between the legendary and the swirling mass of Unown, her mouth pulled into a fiercely protective snarl.

She knows not to let the Unown from her sight, but a swift glance is all she needs to assess the situation. Her hand reaches towards the battle-worn Urshifu, squeezing slightly before the hulking mass disappears into a pokeball.

"One minute."

Her eyes cut past everyone else to find , entirely confident in the pilot's ability to flee safely. She can't be bothered with Dr. Holo or any of the Rockets - and though greediness rears its ugly head for a sliver of a second, it ultimately loses the battle to survival.

Primal beams hit the meteor and Skyler finds herself free falling. Beneath her, the region she's come to love unfolds into cerulean and emerald. And then, right before her horrified eyes, it heaves and ripples and hiccups into different realities.

Her thoughts immediately go to her parents. Her family. Dorado. Sammy. The Sotally Tober. Lilycove.

Beneath her, the colossal shape of Kyogre materializes, catching her midfall. AQUA RINGS envelop the legendary and anyone else in the vicinity, providing healing and a safe haven for anyone still free-falling.

A tether of awareness stretches taut then, and Skyler's gaze is inevitably drawn to and the familiar sight of Rayquaza - a far cry from the withered serpent the captain had helped save in that hellish tundra realm.

Unbidden, tension shivers up the curve of her spine, setting her jaw. As if in response, a guttural rumble rattles through the leviathan. She isn't quite certain if the antagonism that feeds into her bloodstream is imagined. If it is hers or Kyogre's. 

Maybe it doesn't really matter, not when it echoes like war drums in the captain's ears.

It nearly distracts her from reaching for one of the crystal fragments. Her treasure hunter instincts snap to attention just in time to attempt to grab one.

"I'm up for it if you are, boss," she tells through the comms, unaware of his plans but willing to fuck around and find out. 

What could go wrong?


- Skyler protects Urshifu from further harm with her body, then recalls her
- Very confident in 's piloting skills
- Time to free fall
- Kyogre is out and flying (floating?) Skyler to safety
- Kyogre uses AQUA RINGS to heal anyone in the vicinity
- Feel free to use Kyogre as a landing pad
- oh hullo Rayquaza, old friend foe who knows
- Skyler tries to catch one of the crystal fragments
- idk what you're up to , but skyler's in

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 22:02:41 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Angelo's last sight of DR HOLO before the meteor splinters and crumbles is of her trapped by the INFESTATION he'd set upon her. Shackled to the very astral body that she'd been so determined to see destroy the region - the world - that he called home.

She could join it at the bottom of Sea Hoenn's depths.

Dragapult is returned without releasing the remnants of INFESTATION and Angelo turns away, leaving the doctor to and Hoopa's whims.

Instead, his gaze gravitates towards , only to find her looking back.

Don't forget, you promised me a nap.

There's a smile in his voice as if it were an encouraging tug on her hand, before willingly, the pilot jumps into the free fall. Giving himself over to the enveloping wind as he would the familiar, coaxing comfort of a lover's embrace.

Angelo knows his wife will join him on the ground, just as sure as he knows he'll be there to catch him.

Latios's mental link is felt before he sees him, reassurance preluding a blur of white and blue. Gloved fingers catch hold of the legendary dragon's feathers as the Eon pokémon sweeps him up on his back. Safe. 

Together, they swiftly soar past and the Rayquaza he'd last seen at the Sootopolis lighthouse, deleted from their world in the glow of a vaporising beam. 

Hidden beneath the dark tint of his helmet visor, Angelo's brow furrows, considering the possibility of incoming turbulence.

His attention is pulled away when the world below begins to warp. Images of other spaces, unknown and familiar, dappling over Hoenn like splats of paint flicked onto a canvas. 

A spike of concern chills Angelo to the core for what they might find changed - what the price may be for daring to defy their alleged fate - once they return home to those they love.

Past the windows of alternative worlds, huge chunks of the mineral plummet towards the earth like miniature Meteno's, threatening to crush whatever or whoever got in its path. Be it in the sky or on the ground.

He can feel worry flare within his companion for the region in which it had fought and died to protect, so very long ago. But unlike then, when Latios's attempts left only a trail of scorn and blame, Angelo now stands with him.

'Go on. You've got this.'

Continuing to fly towards the verdant fields below with determined resolve, Latios's eyes glow, PSYCHIC energy gathering around the larger pieces of mineral to slow their fall.

Their lagging speed allows Angelo to reach out and attempt to snatch hold of a shimmering, fist-sized cluster as they accelerate past. Catching stardust. 

Why not? No time like the present,” his voice feeds back into 's helmet after scarcely a beat, Latios slowing to match their speed. “Go for it, champ.



- dr holo is still infested, leaves her to
- dragapult is returned
- lets go get that nap
- latios is flying angelo down to the surface
- :PES_Hmmm: at and RayRay
- latios uses psychic on the large mineral chunks nearby to slow their descent for safety
- also so angelo can try to catch a tera rock
- sure whats the worst that could happen

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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