i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 20:38:52 GMT
mint frost Avatar




The strange energy the METENO DEOXYS was using seemed to spread and infect all the pokemon on the meteoroid. Mint's eyes go back towards the crystal, frustrated nobody had managed to chip off any of the crystals. Just what was wrong with this thing? His blood is pumping in his ears, eyes wide and wild at the action before him as he tried to keep up and insert himself somewhere useful. [break][break]

"Eat shit you sentient glitter bomb!" he cheered with a laugh as he watched Straciatella manage to blast the damn thing into pieces. It's beautiful, but the sinking feeling in his stomach and the sight of Hoenn underneath is enough to distract him from what would normally be a very proud moment for his partner. The Abomasnow doesn't stop moving, which is good for Mint following. Wherever she went after all, her protection came with her, and Mint would rather be right under his pokemon. Seemed like the safest place here after all. [break][break]

He spotted 's Doulblade rushing over to something big and bright glinting and falling. Was there something left form that thing? It's probably important- and probably better for Rocket to keep than let it fall to League hands. Or worse, it fell and disappeared into the ocean. "Cover them, and any other Rocket moving into that area, Tella!" he ordered. Though he's bit blind to the limited time they had, already letting out his Tropius and hoping on. "This is your bread and butter baby, don't let me down." he said as the dual type sped up, hovering Mint around the action so he could retrieve his Abomasnow once her duty was done. [break][break]


In an attempt to give cover, she blasted out once more another BLIZZARD attack, boosted by HAIL, as she tried to make a wall near the core. She's returned once her work is done, and Agretti began to pull away form the remaining meteor. He's already focused onto new objectives, like Dr. Holo, and how strange HANDS?? were appeared around the air space. He hadn't seen , but the hands seemed to avoid him. Probably because he could fly. He saw a burst. Despite the flash of the Primal Points there's still a huge chuck of meteor falling, but before he can really make a game plan Rayquaza zooms forth, catching Hoenn's own Head Scientist , and destroying the weird mineral in the process. [break][break]

"Frost moving in, we're gathering up anything we can!" he said over barely functional comms as Agretti swerved in closer to the glittery debris. Then there's a reply, and it's not exactly what he's expecting. Halfway through grabbing at whatever shrapnel he can he heard GMH's own CEO speak up. His eyes dart around and lock onto , the sickly Beast making a final play for the DRK Triad scientist. And falling. "Agretti!?" he shouted, steering the flying type over closer. Oscar is first, of course. Mint takes a chance on how twig like the man was and held out his arms to catch his superior, gripping tightly to whatever he could grab. Next is the Genesect, once the man is secured. Agretti heaves and strains, plunging down and diving for the robot. vines erupt from his sides wrapping around the thing and palm frond wings flap HARD to slow down their descent. "It's gonna be rough!" he warned. [break][break]


tagged ▸ mostly sorry im super sneepy [break][break]
- HAIL (5/5) [break]
- AURORA VEIL (5/5) [break]
- Straciatella the Abomasnow uses BLIZZARD to cover Rockets going for the core [break]
- Mint gets on Agretti the Tropius [break]
- Mint returns Straciatella the Abomasnow after HOPEFULLY?? core retrieval by Rocket [break]
- Mint focuses on gathering tera crystals [break]
- Swaps gears to catch Oscar [break]
- Agretti the Tropius tries his best to slow descent of both trainers + Genesect




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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
569 posts
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 21:50:17 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar




"Yeeeess," Pryde gives a positive cheer for once to his pokemon as the ore below them cracks. Pryde would attempt to take some of the cracked shards and store them within a compartment within his robotic arm before he looks up. The League's Beam on it's way to do the job and it was time to go. Though he knows with the damage his vessel sustained in coming here that was no longer the option in leave. Sucks to be the men and women knocked out in the ship as he recalls his now lucario for his Jellicent. [break][break]

Admittedly there is a curiosity in traveling via 's odd hoop pokemon, however Pryde would never risk the possibility of capture. He has spent his time behind bars and he doesn't plan on going back any time soon so while riding his jellyfish pokemon to float off with enough force to leave the meteorite. The ghost pokemon does what it can to hold tight to it's master while they descend upon hoenn. The earth flashes and different regions seem to come to view. [break][break]

A small rage builds at the sight of Kalos, his home region. Nothing would bring him greater joy if all this carnage could happen there rather than Hoenn. Though this was why he did what he could for Rocket, for eventually they'll bring enough chaos to all regions, Kalos included, he just had to by his time. For now the beam finally strikes and its as if fireworks go off as more samples seem to try and break off and fall. Pryde would give the order to try and gather more samples as that was the primary goal of doing all this in the first place. Before they would reach the ground the Jellecent would fire off a WHIRLPOOL down to slow their fall. [break][break]

And if nothing else, there was a reason why Pryde choose such a soft pokemon to land with.

JXRuGQOn [break]

[break]+ Suit References [X] [X] [X]
[break]+ Pryde would attempt to take samples while on the Meteor
[break]+ Recalls Lucario for Jellicent
[break]+ Jellicent floats away from the meteor back to Hoenn
[break]+ Would attempt to group another Sample
[break]+ Would soften the landing with WHIRLPOOL


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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 2:27:31 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It was a combined effort. Though she and Titania only played a minimal role in the elimination of the threat before them, it was significant enough. The threat before her had been eliminated. And it wasn't just that. The chaos that had enraptured everyone on the meteorite's surface had almost seemed to be directed in different directions as the different threats were made to abate one by one.

Titania landed next to Elaine without taking a scratch and for the first time since this endeavor began, neither she nor her Pokemon were none the worse for wear. At least, that was how it was for the time being.

Before the ground broke up beneath her and flew apart with great force.

Once again, Elaine had been thrown off into freefall. She had been lucky enough to grab hold of the still Mega-Evolved Titania, but it was clear what was going on the moment her feet lost hold of any solid footing.

Gravity would pull them in and at the end of a fall that would feel like it would stretch for eternity to her, the two of them would be nothing more than flesh, blood, and guts painted across the grassland beneath them.

I can't allow this.

The detective grit her teeth as she looked down and reached her free, pained hand to one of her Pokeballs.

I'm sick and tired of this! I'm not a fighter. I shouldn't even be on this mission. I don't want to die like this!

"Tiamat!" She cried out while unleashing the Flygon from its Pokeball. As it appeared, she carefully landed, mounting its back while keeping hold of Titania in her good arm.

They could break their fall. There was atmospheric air beneath them. So this could still work.

"Use Boomburst beneath us! Break our fall!"

As she gazed beneath herself, she saw a single glint in her periphery--a fragment of the crystal. As if she was hypnotized by it, Elaine turned her head as she reached out to her side with her injured arm, aiming to enclose it within her grasp.

  • Elaine's spacesuit
  • Elaine grabs Mawile as they fall
  • Elaine releases Flygon and orders it to use Boomburst beneath them to dampen the fall
  • Elaine mounts Flygon midair while she makes the order
  • Elaine reaches out for a crystal fragment
  • The rug of success can be pulled out beneath you in an instant

Elaine and Team Status

Elaine: Left Arm and Chest injured, extent unknown
Ginga (Metagross)-Critically Injured
Titania (Mawile)-Good Condition-Mega
Tiamat (Flygon)-Good Condition
Nephthys (Milotic)-Out of commission
Astrape (Luxray)-Good Condition
Asteria (Absol)-Good Condition


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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 9:52:09 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

the league’s head professor was shot, and the unown which had been defending dr. holo were leaving in those final seconds, except for the one—but that was manageable.[break][break]

locked onto her final opportunity, lulu ignored the order to leave, taking those last precious seconds.[break][break]


with the dark triad out there, today would only be the beginning of their new hell. they would be fighting the apocalypse forever, shackled to the cloud.[break][break]

in tune with its patron’s desperation, darkrai’s claw reached out, shadows pouring to overtake the lone unown-k.[break][break]

[ darkrai can land a guaranteed sleep on one pokemon or human once per thread ][break][break]

meanwhile, lulu lunged for dr. holo again. this time, ducking into her shadow, she reappeared from behind to slip an arm around her neck, to lock her in a chokehold—a move she had once practiced with .[break][break]

if she made it that far, she’d squeeze, attempting to incapacitate her. darkrai would do its best to carry them both down either way. if they ended up freefalling, perhaps ’s hoopa would give them a hand. of course, darkrai would favor lulu in the case it couldn't carry both.[break][break]

she’d be in the air, somehow, with or without a captive, perhaps witnessing the warp, the dragon slithering through the sky towards them, the explosion, her mortality, if she wasn’t too preoccupied. eventually, she’d probably end up on the ground.


  • fuck it, takin dr holo round 2
  • darkrai uses one guaranteed sleep on unown-k
  • lulu uses avatar power to slip into dr holo's shuadow, attempts to put her in a violent chokehold
  • darkrai attempts to carry them down, will try to save lulu if comes down to it but also hoopa hand?

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 11:13:38 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Mamma mia.

Why couldn’t shit ever go their way, at least once?!

He huffed, making sure to turn off his microphone because damn it, he had a lot of choice words to say regarding the current situation. Much as he wanted to scream at the saboteurs to stuff their pie holes and stay out of this, there were more pressing matters to deal with.

One of which involved rescuing a couple of people and giving them a safe landing!

‘Can you grab the idiota?’

‘Which one? I know what you’re thinking, but there’s two of them!’

‘The one who came with us! I’ll get the other one!’

‘Are you crazy?!’

‘Trust me, this time.’

Lars then concentrated, before willing the ‘wings’ into existence and streaking across the space in an attempt to catch himself. Meanwhile, the Iceborne Mirage would seek out , wherever the other was falling—and attempt to grab him (and whatever else Pokémon he had out) on their back.

“Whoa!” he yelled, thankful he’d turned his microphone off as chunks of the meteorite began pelting everyone—he could only bite back a grimace at the sight of the other primal pints firing—and then rebounding…

Oh, boy.

I better give the other kid a vacation! he thought as he soared on the downdrafts, using the ‘wings’ like a glider (thank hell his passenger was lighter) while Articuno followed, only blinking slightly at the shit that was happening as everyone fell through the skies.

Thank goodness the two of them had wings, otherwise they would all end up like pancakes!

“No way Ro’s going to let Chomper die, you know?!” he exclaimed her way as they soared through the skies, before passing through a golden hoop and literally coming to a crash-landing a few moments later as they skidded across a stretch of grass.

“You’re crazy!” he exclaimed her way. “Why didn’t you contact me, I could’ve saved you a lot of time and trouble going up into space?!”

He then looked around, seeing that the Mirage themselves had also come out through another one of the golden ‘rings’, cutting their travel time downward significantly.


With some finesse, they lowered themselves down to allow their unceremonious passengers the chance to slide down toward the blessed, solid ground.


cue SPACE MAN by Sam Ryder
if only he could scream in Italian Alto Marean, he would!
• Lars and Articuno agree to go grab their respective ‘passengers’
the wings of ice manifest and Lars takes flight once they’re able to
• Lars then goes to try and catch Andrea, with Articuno grabbing little Josh as everyone started falling downward
‘hold onto your underwear this is going to be a bumpy ride!’
• the two pass through golden hoops someway down, shortening their trip as they come to a stop on the ground

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 18:35:43 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Apparently, hers was not the only Mega-Mawhile in play today. That was weird. But she put it aside, for the time being, even though her Pokemon seemed to take more interest there. To Violet, it was more important that her own one suddenly had become an electric type and unleashed an awesome attack, only for that to just poof away meaninglessly.
That was quite anticlimactically. At least her little part of the ongoing pandemonium was. And, frankly, given everything that was happening all around them, she couldn’t do all that much more than focus on what she could do and what was happening within her sphere of influence. It was enough for a grunt. Though she fashioned herself more important, few others did. Being a bit-player was usually what kept her relatively safe in general, but the more often it happened in the face of all these super powerful beings, the more irked she got at it.
Kind of felt like nothing she did here made any real difference. If it didn’t, then why was she here? Angrily, she decided to just screw it all and once more order her Mawhile to attack – only for some kind of weird, blue hand suddenly appearing and grabbing her, not exactly something hostile as far as she could tell, but still something clearly meant to take her out of the action regardless.
At least she got first row seats to the madness that ensued after, but she still stewed in annoyance as she watched the primal points doing their thing and things started breaking apart. “Mawhile, gobble up whatever you can of the Mineral Vein and return!” That was just about the best course of action she could think of right then. It was her original purpose, after all. But she wanted to keep her Mawile safe, too, so she would not take too many risks there. This already felt like a personal failure anyway.

+ grabbed by Hoopa and whisked away, frustrated, also tells mawhile to gobble up some mineral just in case



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,922 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 18:55:50 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
A cascade of Z-Moves struck the Deoxys, but Josh had no time to celebrate. Even at the reduced speed from the environment he was in, HYPERSONIC PLASMA CHARGE was still far faster than he had ever gone before. He had to stay focused, lest he be ripped from the saddle by the force of even the most shallow turn the Manectric would make. Despite his efforts, he would be forcibly ejected by the Deoxys and its shifting Tera Crown, a TERA BLAST instantly knocking out the winged canine.

Not too long after they peaked, Meteno 99943 shattered into many pieces on impact with Rayquaza's Dragon Ascent and the beams fired from the Primal Points. Shawn, his second-in-command at Mauville Gym, had done his difficult task of timing Blitz's HYPERSONIC PLASMA CHARGE with the split second timing needed. The racer was in awe at the emerald serpent's display of power and speed as sat astride the majestic Pokémon. He knew Raikou was blistering fast. This, though... this had to be on a whole different level.

With the gravity of the meteor gone, there was nothing pulling on him except for the planet beneath. Josh was in free fall. He withdrew Saber and instinctively reached for Resheph's Poké Ball, only to remember it was broken. He had no other flying Pokémon that could survive in the upper atmosphere, and Hoenn's surface was pulling him toward the surface at speeds that would make him no more than a pancake. After surviving all of that, there was no way he was going to let something as simple as a fall do him in!

Luckily, ' Articuno was there to pick him up. His life had been saved by a living legend. While the Ice-type was brutally fast, the descent was surprisingly graceful and smooth, the Mirage having almost sublime control over its deceleration. It was somehow far faster, yet also far smoother, then any of his other Pokémon could fly. The most odd part of the whole thing was when he rode the legendary Pokémon with Alex, the PRESSURE of its Aura was almost crushing. This time, though, not so much. It was there, but it was something he could handle. Was this what it was like being a solo passenger on the back of a legendary Pokémon?

Mid-descent, Josh asked Articuno to fly in a way so that he could try to snag one of the falling Tera Shards for himself. Provided the Mirage was willing to entertain the request, he would reach for one with his right hand, his left buried in feathers that would have frozen his hand if it weren't for his protective suit. Regardless of the outcome, the two would touch down without further incident. Josh rolled off Articuno's back and into the soft, grassy plain below him. "Lars...thank you..." Josh deeply sighed, looking like he was about to pass out at any moment.



- Josh withdraws his Manectric after being forcibly ejected from the saddle after Deoxys' TERA BLAST.
- Josh witnesses riding Rayquaza and is mindblown at how fast the emerald serpent is.
- 's Articuno catches Josh and brings him safely to the ground.
- Mid-freefall, Josh attempts to grab a piece of the falling crystal.
- Josh profusely thanks , the racer looking like he could pass out at any moment.

{WC: 492}
{PC: 5}

Salacs in Inventory: 4

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Saber          Manectric       KO
Aslan          Pyroar          KO

Twilight       Absol           Good
Resheph        Dragonair       KO
Janus          Espeon          Good
Bladestorm     Skarmory        Good
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 20:59:11 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


Four minutes.[break][break]
The attack that blasted forth from Trillium wasn’t the expected FIRE BLAST.[break][break]
Nomi’s mouth hung open in awe as she watched the fiery crystalized beam of energy slam into a darker - and yet similarly crystalized - beam of energy emerging from the Meteno-Deoxys. With a burst of crackling power, the darker energy was diverted directly into the Unown circling around the white-haired woman - just as Nomi intended. A victorious thrill ran through her at the sight of the scattering Unown: she’d been able to help after all![break][break]
Three minutes.[break][break]
"We have to get out of here," Nomi gasped aloud, the reality of their predicament settling in. The League was going to fire the primal points and they had to be off the meteor when they did, or they’d be teleported to a different reality - or worse - killed.[break][break]
For half a second, Nomi entertained the idea of allowing herself to be teleported. What would it be like? Where would she really go? What would she be able to discover...?[break][break]
No, not like this. This was far too risky. And anyway, she had so much to do still, to bring back to her friends, and to the others that were fighting below - fighting for her to come home with a grand discovery.[break][break]
And whatever had happened to all of the Pokémon on Meteno - that beautiful and strange crystallization - it was absolutely something grand. Something important.[break][break]
"Fly, Trill! Fly back to Hoenn!" She gripped onto his feathery - no longer crystallized - body as tightly as she could. She felt him flap his wings desperately, carrying them forward with a burst of speed.[break][break]
Two minutes[break][break]
As they passed by both and , who were trying to apprehend the white-haired woman, mistress of the Unown, Nomi had an idea. She pointed at the head scientist - a woman she hoped would survive this ordeal so that Nomi could continue learning from her - and directed Trillium’s attention to the altercation.[break][break]
"Help Lulu," she commanded. The Togekiss nodded and placed a sparkling SAFEGUARD around Lulu and Darkrai, just as the dark-haired woman grabbed the white-haired woman in a tight, menacing chokehold. Hopefully such protection would ensure that the white-haired woman couldn’t use any last resort techniques to subdue or fight off Lulu and her patron. Nomi tried to meet Lulu’s gaze for just a second, and then she and Trillium passed by in a blur of hasty retreat.[break][break]
One minute.[break][break]
Nomi and Trillium raced as quickly as they could into the atmosphere, down down down back towards Hoenn: specks of green and brown and blue rising to meet them. Nomi twisted around on her Pokémon’s back, trying to get a glimpse of the meteor and as she did, a flash of searing light nearly blinded her. Nomi had to close her eyes for a moment, it was so bright, a distinct after-image of the giant space rock imprinted behind her lids, within her mind. When she snapped her eyes open again, the meteor was gone...the League’s plan had been a success.[break][break]
Or had it? A massive sparkling vein of mineral still rocketed towards the planet, unhindered, unaffected. But before it could cause any damage to the living beings below, a Rayquaza soared down and smashed it to pieces. Nomi had not thought this day could get any more remarkable and yet, a mythological creature of legend had just saved their region - their reality - from unimaginable devastation. It even seemed to be helping some of the people attempting to fall back down to Hoenn, catching a blond woman Nomi did not know in its outstretched, serpantine arm...[break][break]
Cold, rushing wind whipped Nomi’s pink hair back as she and her Pokémon descended. Down down down. As they flew, Nomi noticed that it seemed to be raining...hailing? was the destroyed mineral vein, now shattered into thousands of smaller pieces. On instinct, Nomi stretched out her arm, straining to stay atop her Togekiss as she made an attempt to catch one of the TERASTAL CRYSTAL SHARDS. She had to get one. They were the secret to the transformations she had witnessed on Meteno. They were the breakthrough Rocket had hoped to make in space.[break][break]
Nomi might not be anybody special, but that didn’t matter.[break][break]
She just wanted to be somebody her parents would have been proud of, somebody who didn’t give up on her dreams. As her fingertips brushed the edge of one of the crystals, desperately trying to fold around it, grasping it, she thought: I am that person. They’d be proud of me.[break][break]

Togekiss uses SAFEGUARD


+ After getting over the shock of seeing a TERA BLAST for the first time, Nomi recognizes that it’s time to go. She holds on tight to her Togekiss (Trillium) and asks him to fly them down to safety.[break]
+ As they pass by , Nomi notices her attempt to capture Dr. Holo. Nomi urges Trillium to help the head scientist succeed.[break]
+ Trillium the Togekiss uses a SAFEGUARD on Lulu and Darkrai to help them resist any nefarious last-second attempts Dr. Holo might make to escape.[break]
+ As Nomi and Trillium fly back down to Hoenn, Nomi watches in awe as Rayquaza saves the region from destruction.[break]
+ When the TERASTALLIZED CRYSTAL CHUNK shatters, Nomi attempts to catch a TERASTAL CRYSTAL SHARD[break]
+ Using three Salac Berries

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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 21:58:55 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

When she had a moment to breathe, she remembered that she was supposed to be 's bodyguard for the day. They'd gotten separated on their way to the mineral thanks to the League's attacks, but now that they were closer to each other, Ruby should probably make sure he was okay, too.

[break][break]She turned around just in time to see his Dragapult turn to dust and disappear. Well, crap.

kepler brueshaber Avatar
“Isn’t that what we want?”

[break]"Not while we're still on it," Ruby said, voice surprisingly level. Though now that she had a brief moment to actually think about it, wouldn't their efforts be better spent on trying to escape instead of engaging with the assassin? Hell, that was Ruby's goal here: She fully intended to obey and not harm the Deoxys, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try to protect herself and whoever else she could so they could escape!

[break][break]Ruby and Arachne grunted and chittered, respectively, as the clash between Articuno and Decker's Deoxys rocked the whole meteor. Luckily, being as close to the ground as they were meant they didn't have to correct too much for balance, leaving Arachne free to use her Tera Blast, combined with 's Togekiss's own, to divert the wild Deoxys's attack toward Dr. Holo and her shield of Unown. Despite the setbacks and panic, Ruby grinned at that. Take that, weird ninja lady.

[break][break]Her little moment of victory shattered at Arachne's alarmed cry, though. The wild Deoxys rushed forward toward its attackers. Ruby could only cover her head and duck as it flew over her and right at . She quickly raised her head, jaw clenched. No way was she screwing up as a bodyguard again; her pride was already wounded at not being able to prevent the Dragapult's death. Much to her surprise, Kepler's Doublade clashed with the alien and even managed to wound one of its arms.

[break][break]"Huh. Not bad." It didn't help her pride at all, but it was still an impressive sight.

[break][break]More and more attacks were launched at the wild Deoxys, many sparkling with this mysterious Terastal energy so that the final blow looked like a glitter bomb. When the blast cleared, only the alien's core was left behind. Ruby turned toward the other threat, Dr. Holo, and saw her being restrained by both a League person and an Infestation. For a moment, she wondered if Rocket would want her captured, instead.

[break][break]But the heated air whipping past her reminded her that there were more urgent matters, like not being on the remains of the meteoroid when it got warped away. She didn't know how much time they had, but she assumed it wasn't much, especially when ran past her and toward his pod. She recalled Arachne back into her Poké Ball and ran after him. Her helmet's visor reflected light from below. Ruby turned her head.


[break][break]The Primal Energy struck 99943 Meteno. The rocky surface beneath Ruby's feet vanished, causing her to stumble mid-step and fall on her front. She slid across the shiny mineral vein... and realized that its presence was really, really bad. The meteoroid itself was gone, but its payload was still there—and big enough to cause a lot of damage down below.

[break][break]Ruby looked down to see the beams of Primal Energy, deflected by the mineral vein, rushing back toward the region. Then, there was the sound of something like thunder. Ruby thought maybe that was from the Primal Points until a green serpentine dragon sliced the heavens. Her eyes widened. That was Rayquaza... and it was flying right at the mineral. Ruby groped for Delphi's Poké Ball and only just managed to hit the button as Rayquaza crashed into the mineral, shattering it into countless pieces and leaving Ruby free falling toward Earth.

[break][break]"Fly, Delphi, fly!" Ruby shouted at the glow of white energy taking the Garchomp's shape. The Dragon-type growled weakly, still feeling the sting of her earlier crash landing and the attacks she'd endured. "Come on, come on, we're gonna die if you don't!"

[break][break]She had no choice but to watch the scenery below, approaching so fast that Ruby felt her guts pushing up to her throat. It didn't help that the region was fidgeting and glitching and being overlapped by translucent layers of other regions. For a moment, she thought she saw a slice of Orre.

[break][break]A brown "hand" with three colored nubs for fingers reached out to her. She followed it with her eyes to the body of Beheeyem carrying . She stared for a moment, surprised. But she didn't have time to sort out her thoughts on this role reversal. She wasn't sure if the Beheeyem could carry both of them. She needed Delphi.


[break][break]The Garchomp finally snapped to attention and folded her body, wings spread to slow her descent. Ruby reached over and pulled herself onto Delphi's back and clung tight. Arceus, Delphi was going to be pissed after this. Something shiny flew past her. Oh, to hell with it; if Ruby had to risk her life up here, she was at least taking home a souvenir! She grabbed at one of the falling crystals.





  • interacting with
  • the meteoroid vanishes, and then the mineral gets shattered, leaving ruby falling
  • kepler tries to help, but ruby gets her garchomp to fly her down
  • grabs at one of the crystals because screw it


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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
90 posts
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TAG WITH @nicodemus
nicodemus unken
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 2:22:31 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar
As dreaded, violence exploded all around them. Though Nico and Matthew didn't take part in the fight, the Deoxys they had awoken was promptly bombarded with attacks- alongside it bombarding all of them as well. The last thing he wanted was to attack this Pokemon they had disturbed, yet there was little choice in what they could do regardless. The space Pokemon unleashed wave after wave of attack before the duo could react in time, and before Nico could see or say a word... A mutual understanding ran through both Tekka and Dagger. Even as one of Dagger's empowered Aura Sphere's managed to clip the fox.

She growled in pain and irritation, shaking off the hit and focusing her glare not on Dagger, but on the Deoxys. While her trainer could pity the creature, Tekka only felt threatened. No spite or resentment was thrown toward the Lucario as she met his eyes, a realization passing through her yellow hues as she fixed her gaze on Nico. With no way left to protect him, she was out of options.

Assured that Dagger would take care of Matthew, Tekka sped back to Nico in a flash, the blond still stunned by the dazzling, overbearing battles going on around them. A smirk graced her muzzle, irritation seeping away as an uncharacteristic, loud purr came from the fox, getting Nico's attention just as she leaped in his way.

Then it happened.

The move collided with Tekka, Nico was horrified to see his once-wild and seemingly unstoppable alpha 'mon thrown to the side, dangerously wounded.

She was the only reason he was alive in that moment.

The dreadfully horrible slow-motion scene ended abruptly, and Nico snapped back to reality as he urgently took out her Pokeball, recalling the K/O'd dark-type. "Tekka, I..." No time for thoughts or words, as the meteor was practically splitting apart around them. The space all around was blowing up. It was insanity how Nico could count legendaries all over, not to mention the crystalizing Pokemon firing off attacks from all sides!

Fortunately, it was easy enough to focus on Matthew. The ever-faithful fiance had brought out Nana literally beneath their feet, and they sped away from the chaos before attempting to fly away on Matthew's Pidgeot. For Nico's part, he'd send out Juvon, the fuzzy Pikachu bursting out and immediately latching onto his trainer's space suit, clinging tightly. "Ready your Light Screen!" Nico ordered, as the electric-type ready'd a Light Screen to block the next special attack.

Several voices had called through his communication link. Though Nico had remained muted on the channel the entire time, he heard the countdown, and even the subsequent advice to not be afraid of a literal hand reaching out to grab them. "The fu- THE FUCK-" The blond latched tightly onto Matt's back when he saw 's Hoopa's hand, just as instructed. Nico proceeded to freak out at the sight, just as NOT instructed.

Despite all the chaos though, a brilliant display unveiled for them to see. Rayquaza's attack had blown the crystal apart, and though they all may have gotten swept out up in the fray, pieces still came to surge by. An instinctive Pokeball tossing arm reached out to try and catch a piece.

- Nico's Umbreon faints (failed on remembering deadline RIIIIP)
- Nico gets on 's Pidgeot to get off the meteor.
- Nico brings out his Pikachu to use Light Screen.
- told him not to panic when a hand appears. Nico panics when a hand appears. A+ reaction time.

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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
part of
TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 5:23:08 GMT

the order is given[break][break]

and chaos breaks loose. the meteor is divided between people looking to protect the rock, and people trying to exploit it before its demise. she still doesn't understand what the point of this struggle was, really. she doesn't understand, but as long as no one is gravely injured, that's alright. [break][break]

she doesn't have a way to flee, and the crystallized charizard seems to be slightly confused with everything that was happening as he slowly begins to revert back to his usual sheen. the atmosphere is approaching quickly, and she hops onto the back of the charizard - only for the blast to go through, sending both trainer and pokemon through the sky. "hang on!" she calls out to the dragon pokemon, whose wings attempt to withstand the turbulence that came with the impact of the primal points. [break][break]

in the air, she keeps one hand on the charizard who desperately tries to keep the trainer stable - and the other hand catches the gleam of a crystal that falls from the meteorite, and she attempts to reach out, and clasp it between her fingers and in her hands (and who can blame her for trying amidst the chaos? if she was going to fall from such a great height, she'd like to bring something home to show to the kids. maybe she can turn it into a necklace, or a bracelet, if she's feeling cute. it's a trophy she can wear). [break][break]

unfortunately, she can't even confirm if it's in her hand before the sound of 's voice calls over the communications, warning her about the blue hand that reaches out of a sudden rip in space that grabs her as suddenly as her hand had tried with the crystal. a gasp escapes her lips, and her charizard tries to struggle - until he is calmed by sheba's soothing. [break][break]

she'll be okay - they'll both be okay - but she didn't want to die before she finished her business on hoenn. that's why she came up here after all, isn't that right? [break][break]

the next moment, she finds herself hitting the ground; charizard softens the blow, and a groan comes from the draconic fire pokemon who groans, and lets out a huff. "ugh.. are you alright?" she asks, sitting herself up on the dragon, who also grunts. he's sore, but he's alive. good. when she looks around, they're at a clearing, and many others who were suddenly grabbed by the djinn's hand were seemingly transported around the same area. [break][break]

and when she comes to, she's staring up at the sky, watching the slower image of a meteor that was close to crashing into hoenn, scattering its remains, sprinkling it across the region. [break][break]

what will happen from now on?



- taking 's hoopa to hop to safety ty bb[break]
- sheba lands w charizard, oof[break]
- tried to grab a shard before the hoopa hand grabbed them, may rngesus be kind



99943 meteno

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,586 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 6:16:46 GMT
noah faber Avatar

"don't mention it!" noah replies to .[break][break]

there is no time to reenter a spacecraft. the risk is too much too, noah surmises. after all, would it be above rocket to hit a potshot while attempting escape?[break][break]

as everyone enters freefall, noah watches rescue others like with hoopa rings. beside him, his urshifu spreads its limbs for further resistance. clouds are torn into by paw and hand and as the region nears, pelted by terastal crystals, noah recalls his bear.[break][break]

he grips his pokeball tightly, limb shaking in the fast flowing gale of descent. from it, his HAUNTER emerges. it is quick to dive in beneath him with a snicker. [break][break]

the disorienting feeling of vertigo plunges down his body suddenly as the ghost-type metamorphoses into a laughing mount. its spectral form solidifies as the haunter zigzags eerily toward solid grassland.[break][break]

slipping off of his haunter with a gasp, he recalls it in exchange for his newly evolved machamp. its arms spread wide for anyone in need and to catch or pulverize debris.[break][break]

"we... we did it, right?!" noah says, the meteoroid nowhere in sight.


[attr="class","ooc"] sTcO|K6|[break][break]
TL;DR uses haunter to descend![break][break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-machamp"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-hariyama"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-medicham"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-chesnaught"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-haunter"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 7:00:21 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar
The whiplash of the circumstances rapidly unfolding had been something he’d struggled to keep up with, truthfully speaking. Between finding himself in exuberance at the sight of the Tera Blast he’d commanded landing, as well as feeling what he’d considered to be the only semblance of an exit plan he’d had begin to crumble beneath him, there had been a plethora of thoughts and emotions that rushed through his head in such a short span of time.

Add the sudden beast making its appearance, alongside the meteorite quite literally vanishing beneath him and everyone else, and it would’ve been safe to say that he was nothing short of panicked, which—in itself—had been a somewhat hard thing to push him to be.

The cherry on top had been his own Golurk taking the brunt of the Hidden Power sent their way, leaving him cursing instinctively and holding onto her shoulders all the more tighter upon impact. They careened back through the air swiftly, and after a hastened attempt to gather his bearings, he opted to recall the golem in favor of a familiar Aegislash. Though a rough catch, he collided against the creature’s shield, quickly becoming enveloped within its ribbon-like limbs as it fully caught him, and he, within its hold, had instinctively snapped his hand up towards a flying shard in an attempt to seize it.

Before he could so much as react or spot it, however, there had been what seemed to be a hand ripping through a portal above them.

Honestly speaking, he only had enough time to get a quick, ”The fuck—?!” out before both he and his Pokemon were seized by the mystery hand. Thanks, .



  • v quick and rushed last minute post again oop
  • andrasta (golurk, fainted) was recalled
  • neit (aegislash) is barely sent out, catching cain post-hit and as the meteor disappears
  • attempts to grab a mineral shard
  • oop yoinked by hoopa and spared impending death, thanks kim
  • x1 salac used (last one)


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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 7:19:20 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Luka watches with bated breath as a chunk of the meteor breaks off and turns to dust in the air. Though she's grateful for 's idea and all the help they'd gotten, she's worried it might not be enough. She can only pray that perhaps sea!Hoenn has their own measures in place for such a disaster.[break][break]

In fact...if their universe is all water, shouldn't that help mitigate damage from the meteor? Luka doesn't know much about science or physics but that sounds right to her. It's enough, at least, for the bubble of hope in her chest to grow a bit larger.[break][break]

"One minute until firing. Get out of there now!"

The bubble pops.[break][break]

It occurs to Luka only now that she should have brought a flying type. With their ship destroyed, there's no way for her to get back down to earth. As others quickly leap onto their mounts or find other ways to escape she stays put, rooted in place and far too fearful to jump on her own.[break][break]

As she hesitates, her Blaziken comes charging behind her. With one smooth motion he picks her up and hurls her off of the meteor like a ragdoll. She screams, tries to grab hold of the receding meteor to keep herself from plummeting to her doom, but it vanishes right before her eyes.[break][break]

So much happens after that. The primal points have fired. Rayquaza passes in a blur and the mineral vein explodes, but she hardly notices amidst the struggle of trying not to fall to her death. One of the broken shards whizzes by, it's sharp edge scratching the glass on the front of her helmet. Luka reaches out quickly to try and catch it, fingers closing around either dazzling stone, or empty air.[break][break]

Though in the grand scheme of things, a trinket like that is hardly important. Because shard or no, she's still falling. With some difficulty Luka manages to fumble for the pokeballs around her waist, recalling Helios and exchanging him for her Poipole. The little alien isn't large enough for her to fly on, but at least they'll be home amongst the stars and might know what to do.[break][break]

They don't.[break][break]

Jam screeches in concern and tries to lift her up, but their tiny body just isn't enough to keep the pair of them suspended. A protect is cast to try and keep her from pancaking, but at this distance it's likely not enough to save her. But the ultra beast refuses to give up, tugging on her arms, trying to keep their trainer suspended in the air as long as possible.[break][break]

Her joints start to swiftly ache, but Luka doesn't stop them. She can feel herself slowing though, at least a little— or perhaps it's all in her head. Regardless, with no other options Luka stares down at the rapidly rising Hoenn, and her eyes widen as the universe unravels right before them.[break][break]

The implications of such an event don't hit her yet. It's too cosmically vast for her to comprehend. Instead, Luka peers into the shifting kaleidoscope of universes, searching for anything familiar— a crescent shaped pond, or a shrine bathed in moonlight. She wants so desperately to find the place she'd gone to with , but how is she supposed to know which unfolding reality is the correct one? Could she even access it if she found it?[break][break]

Though her plea had gone unanswered before, Luka tries once again. This time there's a true desperation to her voice as she clings to the lunar wing and tries to reach out to the Cresselia she had met before, so agonizingly close as the fabric between their realities disintegrates.[break][break]

"Please help us," she begs at first. And then, in a moment of uncharacteristic selfishness, she asks: "Please, help me. If not now, a-at least tell me how to find you again!"[break][break]

She squeezes her eyes shut and freefalls towards the earth, her fate lying solely in the hands of one deity or another— whichever feels benevolent enough to save a nobody like her.


- attempts to grab a tera shard[break]
- poipole uses protect[break]
- making another plea to reburst!universe cresselia[break]
- if that doesn't work then hoopa can snatch her up!![break]
- spacesuit[break]
- used salac x4


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
part of
TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 7:56:28 GMT



ONE GOOD EYE TRACKS THE DEOXYS AS THE BALL LANDS. it’s a success but the situation devolves outside of his calculations. like all ANOMALIES, for the pokemon to revert to an object means his capture is useless. he can’t tell what it is, exactly, but the sudden contraction makes it harder to differentiate. watching his empty pokeball escape into the sky kills his attention outright.


that’s fine. at best, it’s his third priority. they have three minutes remaining until the PRIMAL POINTS activate. his only duty now is to make sure everything goes without a hitch.

return,” disappears his ZYGARDE 10% back into its pokeball. his hand glosses over his GALARIAN WHEEZING’s, anticipating more interference, but it never comes. for the opponent he must defeat must be removed from existence. there is nothing he can do to avoid the MINERAL VEIN’s reaction.

it’s a small oversight but one that proves costly beyond repair.

the results leaves him helpless as land disappears below him. the others manage to work around this—the rayquaza contingency triumphs at the cost of their footing—but he has no such escape path. the dismantling of his escape pod at ’s hands leaves him stranded. doomed.

he enters freefall as the spectacle of ’s transformation promises salvation. the HOOPA’s abilities, to some extent, seem capable enough to get him of a direct splat, should he trust the odd hoops and materializing limbs. he’s given little recourse as he scans what’s left.

the closest attraction ’s DOUBLADE and the approaching DEOXYS. a good mind thinks to inhibit to DEOXYS here and now but his hand switches to another pokemon. the one that was meant to stop their drilling in the first place.

before fernando can be whisked away, by HOOPA or other means, he tosses the pokeball forward. it launches his mimikyu forward and into the shower of scattered debris and TERASTAL CRYSTALS.

don’t let orange get that gem,” he shouts.

his pokemon, fazed by the sudden and precarious environment, takes a moment to process the command while wriggling underneath its DISGUISE. it debates obeying or a second before the constant descend pushes it into a fight-or-flight response. with no real answer to the freefall, the pokemon defaults to the easiest action: obedience.

as it roam closer, it discards its DISGUISE onto the pair, attempting to TRICK them by the sudden move to swap the DEOXYS CORE into its possession in exchange for its clothed DISGUISE or any nearby TERASTAL CRYSTALS.

- watches as METENO-DEOXY reverts to core.
- returns ZYGARDE 10% during count down.
- meteor gets zapped + RAYQUAZA appears.
- fernando is now falling. no escape pod or flying pkmn.
- must rely on ’s HOOPA.
- watches DEOXYS approach DOUBLADE.
- will swap with nearby TERASTAL CRYSTAL or DISGUISE if empty handed.


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