i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 1:03:57 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
it wasn’t exactly the softest landing, but it was a landing nonetheless; and from the looks of it, everyone made it out with little to no injuries. a win-win.

being the last to leave the vessel he could clearly see how things have progressed outside, getting a full view of the battlefield and the chaos taking place- an ever closer growing hoenn the backdrop to this epic.

the view would be breathtaking if not for the fact this was a battlefield- also the whale.

one that was firing a hyper compressed beams of light at the mineral deposit- the mineral deposit surrounded by not only rocket but also league personnel.

fuck sake.” he murmurs before quickly taking stock of the league within the mineral’s vicinity; then the first rocket that catches his eye. “that one.” kim points to , finger circling above her head.

damn alright.” the hoopa chides before acquiescing, protective HYPERSPACE HOLEs forming over what league member’s heads he spotted near the mineral to absorb ’s ORIGIN PULSE’s in tandem with one forming over ’s, a meeting point for them all to rain down upon her.

after his command, kim takes a couple steps to embrace the atmosphere before booking it closer to the meeting point- the safer alternative to hooping in.

ღ last to exit, last to move
ღ hoopa takes stock of league near the objective then forms hyperspace holes over their heads to protect them against 's kyogre's origin pulse beams
ღ the beams that may have hit league instead enter the hole and coalesce over to hit her instead (is what is intended)
ღ after getting a feel for the atmosphere he moves towards the mineral and other league


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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
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TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 1:27:30 GMT

what's the point in the violence? [break][break]

they all live in the same land, and all live in the same place; why was rocket so hellbent? though she understands the value of materials on this meteor, she can't understand why they would risk sabotage to get it - or was it some degree of trust that rocket had? it'd only make sense; they wouldn't be doing this if they didn't think the league would be able to stop the impact altogether. otherwise, it just doesn't make sense to her, does it? [break][break]

whatever they scrounge up will be buried beneath their remains. [break][break]

the view is beautiful, and it's going to make the region perish. we can't have that. [break][break]

she's lucky enough to be safe on the surface, but there's not too much time to waste. she can see from where she stands that rockets are rushing towards the crater, mining what remnants could be found. the issue is that they're getting in the way of their mission, so they have to stop them, right? [break][break]

but she can't exactly go in, and she doesn't think a battle will be.. good, considering their time constraints. and so, she glances down to the vulpix, still huddled in her arms. "safeguard, love." she commands the little pokemon, who lets out a soft mewl as a soft blue glow emits from her body, catching , and and their pokemon in the safety of its effects. it doesn't seem to stretch out much further, though.



- a few scrapes, no injuries. thanks hoopa. [break]
- vulpix uses safeguard and catches , & in it[break]
- insert disappointed mom face here



99943 meteno

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
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luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 3:39:40 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Their landing is rocky, but it seems that everyone on their ship has made it out relatively unscathed, thanks in no small part to and his quick thinking. Luka breathes a sigh of relief as she stumbles onto the meteor, her Pokemon all safely recalled into their balls for the time being.[break][break]

For a moment she stares out at the vast expanse of earth and ocean below them. From this distance, Hoenn looks so small— an uncut emerald swimming in seas of sparkling blue. It's hard not to marvel, so tempting to get lost in stargazing, but their mission takes priority.[break][break]

"Are you okay?" she asks , giving the woman a cursory once over. But there's hardly time to fuss or fret, because the longer they take to recover from the landing, the more time Rocket has to carry out whatever nefarious deeds they have planned.[break][break]

This whole thing is ridiculous, really. To try and profit off of a disaster like this is the height of human greed and selfishness. The saddest thing in the world, she thinks, is that Rocket could have helped them. So many brilliant minds working together might have found a better solution to the meteor. Instead they're so singularly focused on their own goals that nothing helpful will ever get done.[break][break]

Luka stares down at the Rockets gathered around the mineral, lips pressed in a hard line. She'd rather not know she's here, but to sit around and do nothing is unacceptable. But she doesn't launch an immediate attack, not really. As always her methods are more defensive.[break][break]

Her Musharna is re-released, billowing clouds of dream mist around herself and those in the vicinity. Combined with 's safeguard, it makes for a rather decent cover. "Ume," Luka says quietly, her eyes still fixed on the mineral, "Frenzy plant again, please. Don't make it too easy for them."[break][break]

The ground beneath the mineral deposit begins to quake. From it, vines sprout around the base of the otherwordly stone, an overgrown tangle of foliage with sharp thorns and thick, woody stems. They wind up and around the mineral, forming a thick barrier between the gleaming stone and anyone who might try to harvest it, no matter what their affiliation. Some of the vines even reach out, snakelike, intending to entwine and ensnare anyone who's too close.[break][break]

A moment later, over the comms, she hears and discussing the appearance of an Unown. Unease rises in her stomach, a slow churn that has the hair on the back of her neck standing up. She'd like to share in 's optimism, but after everything she's seen, it's hard to believe that this could be a coincidence.[break][break]

"K-keep an eye on the Unown," she whispers to in her comms. "I think...I mean, those weird assassin guys tend to show up whenever they're around." Or it could be ...but he'd be fighting alongside the league, right? There's no reason for him to hide in the shadows. "So be careful! A-and watch out for those guys!"


- musharna uses frenzy plant on the mineral deposit[break]
- intends to enshroud it in vines making it difficult to mine[break]
- some vines trying to nab rockets right around the mineral. targeting and . is in the AOE though is camouflaged[break]
- talkin to and in the comms about unown[break]
- spacesuit[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 5:19:25 GMT



“ABORT,” he frantically shouts into the comm line. it’s a knee jerk reaction that belies just how dangerous he considers them. with no time to explain, only the strain in his voice can caution away from pursuing her target. for all it takes is one wrong move for them to vaporize her into nothingness.

that means the DRK TRIAD are here.” a quick relay while he scrambles out of his escape pod. “if they or team rocket compromise the meteor, hoenn is still doomed. eliminate all hostiles immedia—

taking to the skies gives them an innate advantage. a greater vantage point, ample room to maneuver, but it comes at a cost. from his position, at an incline comparatively, he cannot miss the soaring dragon. and when their EYES LOCK fernando throws caution to the wind.

his sentence is cut short as his body lurches forward. anything to push him away from the imminent attack and to create distance between them. whether it be a beam or pulse, there’s no way for him to escape the salamence’s attack by sprinting. so he goes for the closest thing he has: the escape pod.

he lands behind the buffer, clicking PROBOPASS’ pokeball to try and recall it.

from this distance, the pokeball can do little alone. but the pokemon has its own initiative to return. GREATLY INJURED, the PROBOPASS electrifies itself as it tries to return on its own accord. its VOLT SWITCH allows it to zip across the field like literal lightning, darting closer to the SALAMENCE as it tries to ram into it from behind on its way back into its pokeball.

unfortunately, fernando may not have the time to wait. he parries a pokeball into his palm, ready to engage with something else entirely.

- alerts not to pursue the UNOWN.
- claims the DRK TRIAD are here.
- catches sight of airborne while ordering the LEAGUE to eliminate hostile expeditiously.
- immediately throws himself behind his escape pod in anticipation of an attack.
- PROBOPASS uses VOLT SWITCH to return. tries to attack 's SALAMENCE from behind while en route.
- fernando readies a different pokeball.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 5:19:44 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle is oblivious to the subtle benefits of his suit regarding the environment. his head was clear and the short-term objective was apparent despite split-second decisions being warranted with each passing moment.

they landed in the most convenient location. he sees mutliple people rushing to his location; their target was obvious. turning around, it takes him one kick to realize time constraints, had 's message not emphasized it already.

one solution comes to mind.

"shadow force. ore." he orders his smeargle.

the rest of the league having his back brings up his confidence for the brave call. the need to defend arguably gets forgone for the offensive as he finds himself sticking close to the nearby for protection.

a wormhole leading to the distortion world appears underneath the ore vein. like an epicenter, he figures the dimension's strange gravity would be enough to take it all in and every other piece that may come loose.

he's not sure why rocket wants it, but if they think sootopolis was fair play, then they shouldn't complain if he does the same, right?

on hindsight though, was it good to give someone like control over something that a lot of people want? probably. if they want it, they have to go through her, and it was much better than taking the heat himself.

  • kyle sticks to eva for protection
  • smeargle uses shadow force
  • portal to distortion world opens underneath the ore vein
  • distortion world becomes a bag of holding
  • sygna suit increases strength



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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
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Cain Toman DOLLARS
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Cain Toman
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 5:26:31 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar
Fuck’s sake, man…

A waste of time, apparently— though he supposed it hadn’t been entirely as such. They’d never get the time nor effort spent on landing by the cave back, after all (and fuck him if time wasn’t of the absolute essence, but he digressed), but he guessed that doing otherwise might’ve ended up in a rockier situation for both and as he and his golem swept by to their aid.

A win was a win, so he’d settle for that much.

And so he took that win in stride, eyes igniting within a blazing fervor from beneath the tint of his helmet as two men seemed intent with running their way. In light of both Kepler’s and ’s remarks, he’d already been keeping as much of a focus upon the ever-brewing chaos before the lot of them, noting begin to stride forth atop his dual hued companion, alongside and…

…Whatever the fuck he was doing.

He hadn’t a clue, but honestly speaking, he hadn’t been entirely hard pressed to find out— and so as the lands fell to frost around his general vicinity, Cain clicked his tongue, quickly jumping from his Golurk’s back before pointing directly at the man amidst all the ice.

”Fuck up whatever that guy’s doin’, Ras…!” he shouted, promptly sending the Golurk soaring into the sky with eyes on the two League members before careening back down, smashing into the grounds ahead with the force of an Earthquake in hopes to quickly dispel and disperse whatever effects were forming.



  • still following alongside mint, kepler, and ruby
  • andrasta (golurk) soars toward lars and josh, using earthquake mainly in an attempt to whip up enough force to shatter the ice and make the terrain less difficult to traverse
  • my sleep deprived ass broke the code so many times but i finally fuckin made it work :peperelax:


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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 5:52:31 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




Let me take the skin

from your bones



Camouflaged feet shifted rocks as they met the ground before the mineral vein. Killian grinned beneath his helmet. Perfect landing, ten outta ten - too bad he couldn't say the same for the others. [break][break]

He glanced at and . Not precisely the closest, but at least they landed safely.[break][break]

Now, time to - [break][break]

Killian frowned, noticing and 's proximity to him. Loathsome cockroaches. And like roaches, they multiplied. Quickly turning a problem into a clusterfuck.[break][break]

Blue eyes darted to and her god. The ocean deity is a sight to behold, its presence enough to freeze the blood in your veins. Had they been at sea, Killian might have frozen and second-guessed his life and every choice that led him here. [break][break]

But they weren't. No. They stood amongst the stars, blanketed in a blackness that belonged to Killian. [break][break]

He pulled at Deoxys' mental tether, and the creature engulfed him from behind. Connected by psychic threads to Killian's skin, the alien's biomass spread over his spacesuit, transforming him. Where once they'd been two, now they were one. [break][break]

They acted quickly, propelling themselves upward, away from 's incoming FRENZY PLANT. In the same breath, they chucked a Pokeball westward (toward , , , , and ) - the Minior inside releasing only to EXPLODE violently.[break][break]






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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2022 6:59:34 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Of course, even loneliness had its advantages.

When no one paid attention to you, when you were overlooked or wrote-off you would have a profoundly easy time, going on about your own devices without interference.

He swapped pokémon in a hurry.
() ---> ()

Alakazam had a taken something of a hit but there was no time to let her RECOVER properly. All the radio crackling said there was no time to do anything but push on while he was still going unnoticed.

"Hanzo; DIG! Double-time!" Diligent and professional the human sized fire/ghost-type quickly burrowed down for the both of them.

HANZO used Dig!

There was a stray thought about the folly of using his emotional support pokémon in the same kind of incidents that gave him the post traumatic stress in the first place.

If it was a hit it was a hit he was going to take; for and the girls. For and her child.

He would transmute pain and vulnerability into safety and victory for those he loved, and those he wished to protect.

A flash of red light from a pokeball's release from above saw what could only be one of the Rocket avatars take to the sky and hurl something down at himself and the others "nearby".

( , , , )

In Crimsen's case the attack would be a non-issue.

● tags: @meteno

● notes:

Crimsen lands on the meteor!
right on the mineral vein; score!

Crimsen swapped (♀︎)Alakazam for H!Typlosion!

H!Typlosion used Dig
to take cover from the impending explosion
and begin excavating the mineral ore.

2 salacs used

() () () () () ()

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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 9:10:18 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]
99943 METENO



🎼 Decisive Battle! (Steven) | Pokémon Masters EX


AS SOON AS EVERYONE ALIGHTS ON THE METEOROID, the frantic heartbeat pumping against your chests becomes the insidious ticking of the clock.[break][break]

There is little time until the primal points are activated. Little time until the meteoroid makes impact—should all plans fail. Here in the outer reaches of the atmosphere, there is little to properly scaffold the passage of time, the distance from space rock to Hoenn mantle.[break][break]

Some ignore the triangular rock formation in favor of the mineral vein. A DRAGAPULT is summoned, its spectral tail curling behind its body. grabs onto its fins as it DRAGON RUSHES toward the mineral vein. Seeing this, leaps onto her GARCHOMP too in hot pursuit.[break][break]

As the Rockets dart toward the mineral vein, thrusts his hands onto the terrain. ICE SPRAWLS FROM HIS HANDS and creating a slippery layer in their path.[break][break]

However, and are determined and fast. There is no time for second layer of ICE. narrowly avoids the GARCHOMP with his MANECTRIC'S QUICK ATTACK. While manages to navigate the ICE, 's GARCHOMP slips after a ROCK SLIDE from 's METAGROSS strikes its rough skin...[break][break]

Before the League can capitalize on 's compromised position, 's ABOMASNOW delivers its BLIZZARD. It is empowered by a HAIL, ensuring that the snowy storm STRIKES and his Pokemon.[break][break]

Above, 's GOLURK causes the METEOROID to rumble. An EARTHQUAKE shatters 's ICE. The path forward is clear for both and ; however, for the League, the path is anything but. 's SHADOW NIDOQUEEN erupts the earth beneath , and in the ensuing distraction, though there is the slightest time to react.[break][break]

's HARIYAMA is able to shift 's MAGNEZONE back into its ball. But the HISUIAN TYPHLOSION that leaps out in place is able to send a spectral march of fireballs toward the gym leader's Pokemon, preventing him from slowing the Head Scientist's advance.


THOSE WHO MANAGE TO LAND CLOSEST TO THE MINERAL VEIN make their first attempts at extracting any sample of it.[break][break]

To ensure their success, a SALAMENCE is recalled for 's GALLADE. Her SYGNA SUIT activates in full. INFINITY ENERGY courses through her and between herself and her partner; her BOLDNESS fortifying themselves with INCREASED DEFENSES. A PROTECT is erected before her and .[break][break]

However, after 's SMEARGLE uses SHADOW FORCE, the Champion would find that the attack dissipates against the crystalline sheen. However, some of the meteoroid rock is cleared away, exposing more of the MINERAL VEIN. In fact, it seems like there is much more hiding beneath the rocky surface.[break][break]

's METAGROSS's METEOR MASH strikes against 's GALLADE'S PROTECT. It shatters the protective barrier; however, the metal fist slides all the way to the earth. Rocky crust is tossed into the air and the Rocket Head Scientist would find that the MINERAL VEIN EXTENDS HERE TOO. In fact, it can be deduced that a sizable chunk of the meteoroid is made up of this material...[break][break]

Everyone who interacts with the mineral vein will realize that it is seemingly impenetrable. Too tough to chip. Striking it causes it to shimmer wildly.

Around them, preventative measures are launched. 's LATIOS DEFOGS the area, LOWERING THE EVASION of , , and . An ominous blue glow lights the area too. From a slight distance, 's KYOGRE conjures an ORIGIN PULSE. Several tendrils of WATER-TYPE energy strike the area.[break][break]

Some, due to their sheer strength and coverage, threaten and ; however, a curious HOOPS form below the trajectory of these watery missiles. They slip through and disappear before manifesting through other hoops near . However, the Rocket Head Scientist would be the subject of further attack. DRACO METEORS dive toward her; however, the most of the attack is taken by 's AEGISLASH in valiant defense.[break][break]

Against all odds, 's SYLVEON attempts to protect her party. Thanks to 's DEFOG, a FRENZY PLANT from 's MUSHARNA wraps around , , their Pokemon and 's METAGROSS—but a LIGHT SCREEN manages to create several panels of protection. The ORIGIN PULSE shatters through a couple of panels before striking all three of the Rocket's Pokemon, leaving them CRITICALLY INJURED. If it weren't for and her SYLVEON, it is clear that another grisly fate would have befallen them.[break][break]

Before the League can attempt to capitalize on the advantage, @killian reveals himself with a bang. With DEOXYS monstrously taking over his suit—a horrid and powerful extension of their bodies—the Underboss leaps upward. Though the FRENZY PLANT slows him, a pokeball is loosed.[break][break]

A MINIOR emerges. Then promptly explodes.[break][break]

Though a VULPIX wraps a SAFEGUARD of protection around , , , and its trainer, , it is the sheer damage they must contend with. No burns. No blunt-force trauma. Just a detonating bomb. , who has landed some distance away from the mineral vein, is struck by the EXPLOSION too. His HISUIAN TYPHLOSION is unable to avoid all damage, for when it attempts to dig, it meets the expansive MINERAL VEIN. It is too hard to dig through...[break][break]

The ensuing explosion allows , , and to be freed from vines and any other interference. Everyone close to the mineral vein would notice that a crack begins to emerge, running from the initial exposed ore all the way to the north...


AN UNOWN-K IS SPOTTED, and is swift to notify the League. is quick to warn her from pursuing it, while utters concern for the possible presence of UNOWN ASSASSINS.[break][break]

swiftly takes cover behind his escape pod as 's SALAMENCE breathes an intense FLAMETHROWER toward him. The flames damage the ESCAPE POD beyond repair, while the councilman's PROBOPASS manages to VOLT SWITCH off the SALAMENCE. However, the dragon is able to shrug off much of the damage.[break][break]

When reaches the jutting rock the UNOWN-K is attached to, she'd see it WINK before TELEPORTING instantaneously. Behind her, a voice chimes:[break][break]


Should she look behind her, a white-haired lady, known to those who attended the Star Soiree, emerges from a spattering of black pixel-like squares. Her UNOWN-K is trained on her. A HIDDEN POWER begins to charge.[break][break]

"haven't you heard the phrase, 'curiosity kills the cat?'"[break][break]

However, before is executed by the UNOWN ASSASSIN, the whole meteoroid quakes. To the north, and , healed successfully by an UMBREON'S MOONLIGHT, witness the TRIANGULAR ROCK FORMATION crumbling apart. The fracture of rock close to the mineral vein travels past and , and , past the speeding and and past and ... to meet the formation.[break][break]

🎼 BATTLE! DEOXYS: Remastered | ZAME

A bright surge of ENERGY tears the ROCK APART. The MINERAL VEIN extends all the way toward the rocky formation too. Well, where it once stood that is. In its place, another DEOXYS makes itself known. Birthed from space stone, this DEOXYS glimmers across the entirety of its crystalline and dome-like body.[break][break]


Placing its flat, thick limbs together, it gathers the energies of space as it attempts to launch a sweeping METEOR BEAM.



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March 18
Heahea City
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 11:58:54 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Desolence's Earth Power did its job perfectly, providing a distraction to the League's would-be cavalry. Oscar was fully prepared to get closer and duke it out with the League proper--but then everything changed. Oscar's eyes were drawn to glowing vein like crystals arching toward the previously ignored rock formation. Oscar watched them, confused and curious about what was happening. When they reached the formation, it exploded to reveal...

A crystalline Deoxys.

Not too long ago, Oscar had sat down to have a discussion over dinner with . During this discussion, Mister Silph mentioned that a parasite-like pokemon might be able to cure his sickness by consuming it. At the time Oscar had paid that revelation little mind, as he knew this 'mysterious parasite' to be Deoxys which was currently too busy being attached to to be of any use.

This one though--was free.

Oscar let out a scream so loud and blood-curdling that it caused his voice distortion to auto-tune a ghastly melody. Even his nidoqueen, a killing machine without emotion, looked over at her master with concern. Oscar quieted himself abruptly, withdrawing Desolence and sending out the only pokemon that may be strong enough to bring this miracle within an inch of its life. Emerging before Oscar was a Bisharp clad in its own array of crystals, as black as the void of space. Upon its head sat a crystal crown, and around one of its arms the crystals formed a lance. It was King, the shadow lord of all Bisharp. 

Oscar pointed dramatically toward Deoxys as it began its Meteor Beam. "King! Rip it apart and bring it to me!" Oscar's auto-tuned voice shook with desperation, as far as he could tell this was the best chance he had to save his mortality. King obeyed its master, running forth with blinding speed to strike at its alien foe (Extreme Speed).

Meanwhile Oscar unknowingly took a page out of Fernando's. Hiding behind his crashed spaceship to avoid the Meteor Beam. He probably could not get it to take off again anyway.


--Oscar found his one way ticket to not dying from eldritch aids.
--Oscar sent out his Shadow Bisharp, who used Extreme Speed to reach and possibly strike the enemy Deoxys.
--Oscar tries to avoid the Meteor Beam by hiding behind his spaceship.
--Salac x1

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
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Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 14:22:49 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Luckily for the group of fleeing Rockets, an Aegislash guarded the rear, tanking Chomper’s Draco Meteor even at the cost of its own body. The sentient blade’s interference angered the three-headed dragon, who got all Worked Up, eager to eviscerate whatever enemy dared to show in front of him next.

While their Pokémon were ready to trade blows, Andrea made a mad dash towards that Aegislash’s trainer. Although it looked as if she was lunging at them with the intent of tackling them to the ground, in reality she’d just tripped over a tiny piece of space debris while running, allowing gravity to take care of the rest.

As she lay on top of the space suit-clad Rocket in a rather precarious position, the young PokéManiac was able to get a clear glimpse of their face through the helmet’s visor. They, in turn, would be able to see Andrea’s dumbfounded visage through her own visor.

“V-Violet?!” To her absolute shock, the person lying underneath her was none other than , whom she had met and befriended during the Tiered Tea Room challenges - even naming her treasured Toxapex after her.

In light of that eye-opening revelation, the girl found it in her to ask a poignant question that had been hanging at the tip of her tongue for a hot minute. “Why are we fighting? We should be working together…”

Her asking the real questions was interrupted by a violent earthquake (meteor-quake?), heralding the arrival of a crystalline creature that bore a striking resemblance to the one that had attacked the League’s fleet earlier. Awakened as a result of Team Rocket’s hubris, it attacked everyone and everything indiscriminately.

“This is bad! We need to hide!” Andrea cried out, quickly getting up and offering her hand to Violet, whom she no longer saw as a foe, despite her Rocket affiliation. Her primary concern was survival. ’s crashed ship nearby seemed like a perfect spot to take cover behind, so she gestured at Violet to run towards it.
//hydreigon uses WORK UP, raising his offensive stats
//andrea tackles to the ground, recognizing her after seeing her face (I talked about this with Lime beforehand)
//andrea offers her hand to and attempts to hide behind 's crashed ship in order to avoid the Meteor Beam


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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 16:11:50 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
Kepler is on fire. Kepler is made of light and sound and he has forgotten how to think. Is this what Rocket wants of him? Is this what they request? Where he becomes so singularly focused on their goals that his brain shuts off (something he long postulated as impossible?) Because it’s happening.

He can hear cursing him out but he pays her no mind. She’s a bodyguard, right? So her job is to guard his body and she can do that however she sees fit and in whatever mood or state so long as she does it. Like a gaseous constant: the identity does not matter, only the presence.

The temperature drops on his reticules (he can’t feel it, he’s in a pressurized space suit) and sends the meters spiraling as stalagmites thrust up from the meteor’s surface. Andraste either weaves around them or raises up to simply pass through them, the ephemeral wisp of her tail refracting the light of stars off the crystalline ice structures.

There’s a thunder of something falling in his audio caches and that must mean they’re close enough to the planet for wisps of atmosphere to catch and reverberate sound. Which is not a good thing.

Flashes of blue light up his thermo reticule again. A layer of frost crystallizes on his space-suit facemask before he wipes it away. A second later and the whole meteor shakes-- then the field of ice erupts and shatters into a million pieces, clearing the path ahead. “Good fucking job, whoever that was!” he calls, still clinging to Andraste’s head fins like she’s a hog motorcycle and he’s a retired 65 year old white man with a fumanchu.

Like a dirty window being wiped clean, some of the rock beneath the mineral vein dissipates, revealing much more of the substance beneath the surface of the meteor. Once they’re there, Andraste slows, and Kepler lets his feet fall to the stony surface (a slightly slowed descent due to the lack of gravity). He keeps one hand on her head fins, flattening the palm of his free hand towards the mineral to make sure he’s catching it all on camera.

His knees knock together and for a second he thinks it’s because he’s shaking-- but it’s just the ground, as something causes more of the meteor’s crust to fracture and split away (it’s ’s Metagross bouncing off of ’s protect) revealing more of the mineral deposit. “Is-- is the whole rock made of this stuff?” Kepler muses over the comms.

Scattered stray beams of origin pulse hit the ground around him as he draws ever closer to the original mineral deposit, though it seems the Hoopa’s interference has lessened the threat, however slightly. There’s so much going on, though, that he doesn’t really notice them.

A huge boom rocks his audiofeed, barking static and making him wince, as ’s Minior fucking detonates in the middle of the battle.

Kepler watches the crack, the fissure, split through the mineral, almost thinking it's his imagination, at first; but no, it’s definitely there, it’s growing.

The meteor shakes again and there’s a flurry of shocked communications over the lines, causing Kepler to turn to see what the fuck everyone is on about--

“Holy fucking shit.”

In regular illuminati type fashion the triangular shaped rock formation he had originally landed near splits open, birthing--

“Oh, my god, you have got to be fucking kidding me!” Kepler whines into his helmet. “I was just there!”

The glimmering alien takes flight. Kepler feels this is all very unfair. Hasn’t he done everything asked of him? Didn’t he make it through the spaceflight unscathed? Now he’s by this shitty fucking clump of useless gemstone while the amazing feat of-- of whatever the fuck this Deoxys is made of is over where he started.

’s scream spat warped static into his helmet and Kepler winced, eyes jerking to look for his hero the engineer, assuming he was injured. No, he was there, and he was fine--


The meteor beam is eye-achingly bright in the darkness of space. Kepler squeals rather embarrassingly as he scrambles to jump over the mineral deposit, hoping to hide in the carved space where the meteor rock had once been-- ideally banking on it being able to withstand the attack from the creature it birthed. Andraste slips around the gems to hide as well, flattening her fins to the meteor’s surface.

Nestled there, Kepler turtles, like the good parasite he is.


kepler arrives at the deposit. he somehow manages to not get hit by all the crossfire.
wonders if the whole rock is made of this stuff?
sees the crack forming
wonders if oscar is okay
when the deoxys uses meteor beam he jumps to the other side of the mineral to hide in its shadow (i think where kyle's hoopa tried to drop it into a pocket and removed the stone?)
using x1 salac to not get vaporized

dragapult hides with him

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November 10
Gym Challenger
Rocket Elite
Nicodemus Unken
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107 height
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TAG WITH @galaxy
Matt Vice
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 19:37:44 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar
Matt was thankful for Tekka's healing, feeling the wound start to ease in pain. With a grunt, he would stand fully and start scanning the area. Chaos was everywhere- did he spot in the distance? Good he can stay the fuck over there and out of his way.

However, his eyes lifted up and went wide at the sight of the tringle formation. Frozen there as he went to lock eyes with the crystalized beast. Blinking slowly, it was the first legendary creature he had ever came into contact with, and it was attacking them.

That's what snapped him out of it. The sight of meteors being thrown at them. Cursing, he grabbed a hold of Nico- hopefully tugging him close to his side. "Aura Sphere to create a shield!" He hollered at Dagger, the canine jumping forward as his paws began to blow bright blue. The Aura spreading fast and expanding in front of him, creating a straight line of energy to block any rocks being shot there way.

"Does Tekka have any status moves? We need to get that thing off our asses!" Matt hissed at Nico, his grip would remain tight on him if he stayed close, not daring letting Nico out of his sight.

PROTECC boyfriend
Using Aura Sphere as a energy shield
mostly to
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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
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TAG WITH @nicodemus
nicodemus unken
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 21:03:10 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar
Tekka's Moonlight had worked! At least, it worked as well as it could for the moment, as he could see needed less effort to move and stand after that bad crash onto the meteor. Nico's heart was hammering- astounding to think they both had really made it... Now that he was less panicked about Matt's condition, the amazement of being in space took hold.

For about two seconds. Then, the pyramid-shaped rock turned out to be a Deoxys. A crystalline, unusual looking legendary Pokemon, not too dissimilar to the one that wrecked Nico's rocket and firmly established an indescribable might.

Witnessing this encounter brought on an indescribable feeling. Nico gazed open-mouthed in pure amazed, frightened awe. Frozen in place as each movement the creature made felt as if history was being written before them.

Then, it did what should have been expected. A Legendary Pokemon did what came naturally to it, for reasons they may or may not be able to comprehend.

It attacked.

Trembles overcame his body as he grew to understand the sheer amount of power being thrown around. In the not-so-far distance, so many powerful moves were being thrown that he couldn't even keep up with all of it. Directly in front of them, they witnessed the summon of more power. More destructive forces coming to descend upon them- all of them. Rocket or League, Nico shook his head, his expression desperate and imploring as he could only stare at the indifferent creature in front of them.

"It's going to stop everyone... We need to stop this!" Nico shouted through his radio to Matthew, hearing his fiance frantically suggesting the use of status moves. "I can confuse it- Shiiit." Meteors charged with a special power were coming down upon them. Nico looked to his Umbreon, realizing in alarm that the absolutely crazy fox was readying to attack! Her rings were glowing brightly, her fur between her shoulder blades stood on end as she crouched, and he could even see a small fang pointing out of her displeased snout. "Tekka, NO! Help Dagger block the meteors!" He ordered sternly.

Nico could not believe his Umbreon was gearing up to attack a legendary... Instead, she begrudgingly turned and lifted her chin high, eyes glowing brightly as she watched the Lucario's Aura Sphere grow wider and stronger with the boost of Helping Hand.

Though while Nico lamented his Umbreon's foolish bravado... He was shocked to see a Nidqueen attacking the Deoxys! He would never have met before (nor did he see the man that opted to hide), yet the sight of his Nidoqueen's attack had brought out a realization.

"We... We might have to defeat it..." Nico whispered, a statement that would seem logical and an obvious course of action for any trainer encountering an aggressive Pokemon- yet, he was full of dread. "They might kill it."

Summary: Nico and are like. Right fucking next to a legendary. They failed the stealth check 100%.
used a Lucario's Aura Sphere to beat away the meteors,
Nico uses his Umbreon's Helping Hand to empower the Aura Sphere in order to protect themselves from Deoxys' attack.

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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2022 20:04:07 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

She got this. Huh. Certainly did not feel like she got this at all. Especially when she heard that voice somehow. Not that she needed to hear it to recognize. There was only one person who had a Kyogre, after all. She had been there when it had been tamed, so to speak. And, naturally, her Ex tried to kill her. Naturally.
Honestly, screw the League and everything it stood for. That origin blast was rough. While she had tried to set up Aegislash to actually fight the person that had attacked them unprovoked and callously, it shielded her once more and was injured for its trouble. She swiftly recalled it and replaced it with Mawile, once the blue light of the Origin Blast was gone. She got this, supposedly. Still definitely did not feel like it. But she turned away from the potential fight of the Avatars developing on the other side and instead decided to face the first attacker.
Who had apparently eschewed actual Pokebattling and was running straight at her. Vio found herself quite surprised by that, especially when that person just crashed into her like this. Yelping lightly, she did not react in time to stop being tackled herself. But at least she had trained enough to not completely crumble under the assault and was already in the business of trying to shake off the other when that person started talking.
Apparently, this was someone she knew. Yes, the weird girl from the Tea Room. Odd, but also oddly useful back then, that person was now her enemy – yet had the gall to actually ask questions that were kind of stupid in her eyes. “Why are we fighting? Because you threw meteors at me!” Somewhat irked, she did not really make a secret out of it. She was not quite sure which would be worse. That this girl had attacked her, or that apparently she had done so without really having a reason to do so in the first place. Ugh.
Fortunately for the orangehead, they soon had bigger issues to take care of. Which also saw the girl offering her to get up. “Forgive me if I don’t trust people right away that attack me unprovoked,” she grumbled as she got up on her own powers, whilst looking at the strange new Pokemon attacking them. Of course something like that was happening. This was Hoenn. There always was some kind of super-powered Pokemon flying around attacking people at semi random. And she really had it up till there with that. “Mawile, whatever that is, it is time to go Mega and Hyper-Beam it!” She just hoped that these Pokemon Space-suits really would be able to keep sealed during mega evolution. That kind of science almost seemed like magic to her, but she had been told it would work. Though she did follow the other regardless towards cover. Just in case. Mawile could be recalled momentarily, but she did not have that kind of luxury.

+ Swaps Aegislash for Mawile, briefly struggles with her assailant, mega evolves Mawile and orders a Hyperbeam, tries to find cover



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2x salac··
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing